Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Title
- Deeds, Copy Deeds and Associated Papers of Property at The Narth, Monmouth
- ID
- GB0218.D4094
- Date
- 1906-1998
- Extent
- 0.015 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
No information supplied.
Biographical/Historical note
The Narth is a small village in Monmouthshire, around six miles south of Monmouth. The development of the village was in line with the development of paper mills in Whitebrook during the nineteenth century. In the early twentieth century the owner of the land, the Marquis of Worcester offered some of it for sale and the development of the village continuued until the late twentieth century.
Scope and Contents note
Deeds, copy deeds and associated documents.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Deeds--Wales--Monmouthshire;
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
D4094/1 Copy abstract of title of Bertram Morgan, to a dwelling house, “Wayside Cottage” and several pieces of land at The Narth, Trellech, Monmouthshire, reciting deeds and other documents, 3 March 1906 - 13 March 1948, examined at offices of Searle and Burge, Skinner Street, Newport. 1 May 1970 |
D4094/2 Copy declaration of Charles Edwin Morris of “Molinos”, Dursley Road, Cambridge, Morris family to messuage, pieces of meadow and woodland at The Narth near Monmouth, marked 409, 410 and 411 on 1921 edition of Ordnance Survey map, 26 February 1948, examined at offices of Searle and Burge, Skinner Street, Newport. 1 May 1970 |
D4094/3 Conveyance for £750 from; Bertram Morgan of “Oxmoor Cottage”, The Narth near Monmouth, labourer to Clarence Burleigh Twiss of 3, Carisbroke Road, Newport, Monmouth of; a messuage with garden etc. called Wayside Cottage and several parcels of land numbered 405, 410, 411, 414 and 419 on the Ordnance Survey map 1921 edition, marked red on attached plan and all other property except land numbered 409 on the Ordnance Survey map and two pieces of land numbered 20 and 21 on the said map, recites conveyances from Charles Edwin Morris to Bertram Morgan, 13 March 1948; Majorie Herbert to Bertram Morgan, 4 March 1953. Schedule of deeds of title, etc., 21 March 1885 - 4 March 1953. 21 February 1956. Examined by Searle and Burge, Skinner Street, Newport. 1 May 1970 |
D4094/4 Deed of grant from; George Henry Davies of “Wayside”, The Narth, Monmouth and Patricia his wife to Clarence Burleigh Twiss of “Homeleigh”, The Narth, Monmouth of; entering land to cleanse, repair and inspect a pipe, right to enjoy water from the pipe. Grantee make usual covenants. Grantee covenants to pay grantors £1 for every piece of land conveyed in the land marked in blue on the attached plan. Recites; conveyance between above parties of 25 May 1967, that grantee holds land marked in blue on plan in fee simple, that the grantee with consent of the grantors laid a water pipe under the pink land for their benefit and that they have agreed to execute this deed, examined at offices of Searle and Burge, Skinner Street Newport, 1 May 1970. 24 Jul 1967 |
D4094/5 Copy conveyance from; Clarence Burleigh Twiss to Lawrence Godden Harvey of, a piece of land having a frontage of 120 feet to the main road in the easternmost part of ordnance number 410 on the Ordnance Survey map, 1921 edition, in the parish of Trellech, Monmouthshire, with the benefit of D4094/4. Purchaser covenants to construct fence. Plan attached. Examined at the offices of Searle and Burge, Skinner Street, Newport, 1 May 1970. 2 Jan 1968 |
D4094/6 Town and Country General Development Order to C. B. Twiss of “Wayside”, The Narth, Monmouth, to erect a detached bungalow, part of parcel no. 410, The Narth. 17 Jun 1966 |
D4094/7 Enquiries of local authority, plan and copy of Development Order attached, re: D4094/6. 21 Oct 1969 |
D4094/8 Planning map. Scale 1:2500, showing potential residential development sites “A” to “E”, at The Narth, Monmouth. [c.1960s] |
D4094/9 Monmouthshire County Council, requisition for search and official certificate of search, receipt attached, re: land at The Narth. 22 Oct 1969 |
D4094/10 Monmouth Rural District Council, requisition for search and official certificate of search, enquiry form attached, re. land at The Narth. 22 Oct 1969 |
D4094/11-12 Approved plans, Monmouthshire County Council, showing parcel 410 marked in red. [c.1960s] |
D4094/13 Letter from County Planning Officer, Monmouthshire County Council to C. B. Twiss, with attached plan, indicating a favourable recommendation to Committee, for the construction of two detached dwellings. Examined at offices of Searle and Burge, Skinner Street, Newport, 1 May 1970. 16 Dec 1969 |
D4094/14 Town and Country Planning, General Development Order for the construction of two detached dwellings, part of 410 The Narth. 20 Jan 1970 |
D4094/15 Application for an official search re. The Narth, Trellech, Monmouthshire by Ernest Alexander Morris, George Swain, Amelia Hughes, Charles Edwin Morris, Bertram Morgan and Clarence Burleigh Twiss. 16 Apr 1970 |
D4094/16 Plan of The Narth, scale 1:2500, no. 410 shown marked in red. [c.1960s] |
D4094/17 Requisitions on title, Twiss to Carter, re: land at The Narth. 20 Apr 1970 |
D4094/18 Conveyance for £750, from; Clarence Burleigh Twiss of “Homeleigh”, The Narth, Trelech, Monmouthshire, to Robert Harvey Carter of 16 Edgecumbe Road, in the City and County of the City of Bristol of; land 120 feet frontage to the main road, part of ordnance number 410 on the Ordnance Survey map, 1921 edition for Trelech, marked red on the enclosed plan. 1 May 1970 |
D4094/19 Memorandum of endorsement of D4094/18 by the above parties. 7 May 1970 |
D4094/20 Location plan of The Narth, scale 1:2500 from O. S. Mon XXX.12, site to the rear of 410 marked in red. [c.1960-1970] |
D4094/21 Receipt for copy of map of land at The Narth, by R. H. Carter. 22 Jun 1984 |
D4094/22-23 Letter from Mr. R. H. Carter, Esher, Surrey to Messrs. Vizard and Company, solicitors, complaining about encroachments onto his undeveloped part of plot 410 at the Narth, by Mr. Whitchell, a neighbour, with plan showing two parts of plot 410 marked in red attached. 31 Oct 1984 |
D4094/24 Copy of plan referenced D4094/23 |
D4094/25 Outline planning permission and application, with maps referenced M/01189 attached per. Mr. R. H. Carter, by Monmouthshire County Council, 13 December 1996. 4 Aug 1997 |
D4094/26 Monmouthshire County Council, register of local land charges, requisition to search and official certificate of search, enquiries, etc., with plans per Charles Blacklock & Co. DX44151 re. building plot at The Narth, Monmouth. 5 Dec 1997 |
D4094/27 Transfer for £86,000 from R. H. Carter of 18 Telegraph Lane, Claygate, Esher, Surrey to Leslie Ian Hudson and Gillian Jenkins of Roof Apartment, The Malt House, Beach, Bitton, Bristol of, the land conveyed to the vendor in D4094/18. 23 Mar 1998 |
D4094/28 Map re. D4094/27, plot marked in red, scale 1:1250 23 Feb 1998 |
D4094/29 Schedule of deeds and documents, re: the building plot, The Narth, Monmouth [1998] |
D4094/30-31 Letter from Charles Blacklock and Co., solicitors, Monmouth to L. I. Hudson and Gillian Jenkins, Roof Apartment, The Malt House, Beach, Bitton, Bristol, sending legal documents and pre registration deeds, with receipt. 11 May 1998, 13 May 1998 |
D4094/32 Letter from Clifford and Wendy Hill of “Brecklands” School Lane, The Narth to Leslie Hudson and Gillian Jenkins of “Llanglands”, School Lane, The Narth, re. legal arrangements and details. 10 Jul 1998 |
D4094/33 Planning map scale 1:2500, site of “Brecklands” and adjoining properties marked in brown. [Late 20th century] |
D4094/34 Blank Inland Revenue form [Late 20th century] |