Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
- Summary Information
- Biographical/Historical note
- Scope and Contents note
- Arrangement note
- Administrative Information
- Other Finding Aids note
- Collection Inventory
- Minutes
- Registers of Members
- Registers of Weekly offerings
- Accounts
- Other Financial Records
- Correspondence
- Reports, Programmes, Handbooks, etc.
- Miscellaneous
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Griffithstown Baptist Church.
- Title
- Griffithstown Baptist Church, records
- ID
- GB0218.D2584
- Date
- 1892-1983
- Extent
- 0.0060 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Griffithstown Baptist Church has its origins in a room rented by the church in Griffithstown Mechanics' Institute. Land was later purchased for a new church in Commercial Street; the church opened in 1878.
For a detailed history of Grifffithstown Baptist Church see A History of Griffithstown Baptist Church 1875-2000, by Tony Hopkins, and A History of Griffithstown Baptist 1876-1931, by Glyn Prosser.
Scope and Contents note
Minutes 1905-1946; registers of members 1892-1942; registers of weekly offerings 1892-1942; register of subscribers 1901-1902; accounts 1891-1981; other financial records 1892-1965; half-yearly report and financial statement of Pontypool District Hospital 1916; booklet entitled "Lawn Bowling," twentieth century.
Arrangement note
Minutes, registers of members, registers of Weekly Offerings, registers of subscribers, accounts, other financial records, correspondence, miscellaneous.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Usual copyright regulations apply.
Usual copyright regulations apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are possible.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Griffithstown Baptist Church
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Other Finding Aids note
Copies of finding aids are available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
Minutes |
D2584/1 Minutes of meeting of subscribers to the chapel Nov 1905 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584 Minutes of building committee Oct 1905-Apr 1906 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/3 Committee meeting minutes Jun-Dec 1924 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/4 Deacon's minute book Apr 1936-Oct 1963 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/5 Committee meeting of 1st Griffithstown Troop Boy Scouts May 1945- May 1946 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Registers of Members |
DPA2584/6 1892-1919 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/7 1920-1924 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/8 1925-1929 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/9 1926-1928 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/10 1930-1933 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/11 1938-1942 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Registers of Weekly offerings |
D2584/12 1892-1894 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/13 1899-1906 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/14 1907-1912 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/15 1913-1918 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/16 1919-1923 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/17 1921-1922 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/18 1924-1927 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/19 1928-1929 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/20 1930 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/21 1931 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/22 1932 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/23 1933 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/24 1934 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/25 1935 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/26 1945 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/27 1956 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/28 1957 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/29 1960 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/30 1961 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/31 1972-1975 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Accounts |
D2584/33 Acount book of Baptist Building Fund Feb 1891-Nov 1901 0.0010 item |
D2584/34 Treasurer's account book 1894-1911 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/35 Secretary's fund Account Book Apr 1902- May 1917 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/36 Account Book of Baptist Building Fund Apr - Dec 1903 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/37 Account Book of National Provincial Bank of England Sep - Dec 1905 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
DPA2584/38 Account Book of London City and Midland Bank Ltd. Sep 1906- Mar 1907 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/39 Account Book of London City and Midland Bank Ltd. Oct 1906-Mar 1907 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/40 Statement of Accounts 1908-1929 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/41 Account Book of Lloyds Bank Ltd. Mar 1911-Apr 1915 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/42 Treasurer's Account Book 1912-1938 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/43 Statement of Accounts 1937-1939 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/44 Statement of Accounts 1937-1939 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/45 Treasurer's Account Book 1939-1959 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/46 Statement of Accounts 1941 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/47 Statement of Accounts 1951-1959 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/48 Statement of Accounts with Lloyds Bank Ltd. 1952-1954 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/49 Women's League Accounts 1957-1979 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/50 Statement of Accounts 1961-1966 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/51 Women's League Accounts 1971-1981 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Other Financial Records |
D2584/52 Book recording income from subscriptions, pew rents, etc. Jan 1892-Dec 1900 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/53 Receipt Book for the Baptist Union 20th Century Fund Jan 1901-Apr 1902 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/54 Secretary's Cash Receipt Book Jan 1901-Dec 1902 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/55 Reports and Balance Sheet 1902-1907 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/56 Collection Book for the Baptist Building Fund Apr 1902-Dec 1905 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/57 Book recording contributions to a fund for Mr and Mrs A Edwards who are to retire as caretakers 1906 0.0010 Cubic Metres Scope and Contents noteThis comprises 2 items. |
D2584/58 Receipts recording payments made towards a loan granted by the Baptist Building Fund, payments to be made to the Baptist Missionary Society and payments of interest on a mortgage 1906-1952 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/59 Invoices and Receipts 1924-1925 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/60 Cash Book of Griffithstown Baptist Young Mens' Club Jan 1925-Apr 1939 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/61 Invoices and Receipts 1926-1927 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/62 Book recording payment of a loan granted under the Small Dwellings Acquistion Act Jul 1927-Jan 1947 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/63 Invoices and Receipts 1928-1929 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/64 Book recording contributions made by members 1928-1938 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/65 Invoices and Receipts 1931-1932 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/66 Book recording repayment of a loan granted under the Small Dwellings Acquistion Act Sep 1932-Mar 1942 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/67 Book recording contributions made towards a fund for Mr Glyn Prosser who is to leave for missionary work in India 1952 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/68 Invoices, Receipts and Papers re income tax 1952-1955 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Correspondence |
D2584/69 Correspondence re general affairs of the chapel: letters accepting invitations to preach at the chapel, letters requesting use of the chapel's facilities etc. Jan 1894-Dec 1962 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/70 Correspondence re financial matters 1898-1954 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/71 Letter from the chapel inviting friends to attend a ceremony for the laying of memorial stones Oct 1905 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/72 Correspondence with various building, painting and decorating companies re renovation work and electric heating; also correspondence re cleaning, re-construction and tuning of the organ Nov 1905-1955 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/73 Correspondence re Baptist Building Fund for Wales and the Sunday School Union 1906-1952 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/74 Corrrespondence re insurance (including policies) 1906-1922 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/75 Circular letters from Monmouthshire English Baptist Association 1908-1922 0.0010 Cubic Metres Scope and Contents noteThis comprises 8 items. |
D2584/76 Letter from the chapel re abolishment of pew rents 1913 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/77 Correspondence with various electrical companies re installation of electric lights and organ blowing aparatus Oct 1922-Oct 1933 0.0010 Cubic Metres Scope and Contents noteIncludes estimates and specifications. |
D2584/78 Correspondence re Griffithstown Baptist Boy Scouts Group Dec 1936-Aug 1939 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/79 Correspondence re trusteeship and charity commissioners Apr 1941-Dec 1950 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/80 Letter from the chapel requesting donations twentieth century 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Reports, Programmes, Handbooks, etc. |
D2584/81 Resolutions of the assembly of Baptist Union of G.B. and Ireland re 20th Century Fund Apr 1899 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/82 Newspaper cuttings, mainly from the Pontypool Free Press re the chapel 1903-1910 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/83 Handbook of Pontrhydyrun Baptist Chapel May 1905-Dec 1906 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/84 Handbook of Pontrhydyrun Baptist Chapel 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/85 Letters of Transfer 1908-1922 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/86 Address on "The Need for a Baptist Sustentation Fund." Apr 1911 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/87 Handbook of the Autumn Assembly of the Baptist Union of GB and Ireland, and a member's ticket for the Assembly Sep-Oct 1912 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/88 Annual Report of the Committee of South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff May 1914 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/89 Programme for the Spring Assembly of the Baptist Union of GB and Ireland 1915 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/90 Annual Report of the Committee of South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff May 1918 0.0010 Cubic feet |
D2584/90 Annual Report of the Committee of South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff May 1918 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/91 Church Notice Book 1931 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/92 Book of forms requesting letters of transfer 1931-1950 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/93 Programme of meetings to be held in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Church (1876-1936) Mar-Apr 1936 0.0 Cubic Metres |
D2584/94 Programme for the service on Easter Sunday Apr 1941 0.0 Cubic Metres |
D2584/95 Programme for the ordination and valediction of Glyn P.R. Prosser Sep 1952 0.0010 Cubic Metres Scope and Contents note2 copies |
D2584/96 Service Booklet for Trinity Sunday - the Sunday preceding Elizabeth II's coronation May 1953 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/97 Church Notice Book 1965 0.0010 item |
D2584/98 Hymn Book and hymn sheets twentieth century 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/99 Song Book and song sheets twentieth century 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
Miscellaneous |
D2584/100 Half-yearly Report and Financial Statement of Pontypool District Hospital Jun 1916 0.0010 Cubic Metres |
D2584/101 Booklet entitled "Lawn Bowling" by Charles S. Rettie twentieth century 0.0010 Cubic Metres |