Gwent Archives

Records relating to the Caldicot and Wentlooge Commissioners of Sewers and later the Caldicot and Wentlooge Drainage Boards
Table of Contents
- Summary Information
- Biographical/Historical note
- Scope and Contents note
- Arrangement note
- Administrative Information
- Related Materials
- Controlled Access Headings
- Other Finding Aids note
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
- Collection Inventory
- Administrative and Legal Papers relating to the establishment of the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884
- Minutes of committees of Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board
- Financial Records
- Valuation Records
- Commutation Records
- Plans
- Miscellaneous
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Caldicot and Wentlooge Commissioners of Sewers. Caldicot and Wentlooge Drainage Board.
- Title
- Records relating to the Caldicot and Wentlooge Commissioners of Sewers and later the Caldicot and Wentlooge Drainage Board
- ID
- GB0218.D5843
- Date
- 1880-2006
- Extent
- 0.9 Cubic Metres (9 x 300 boxes) (35 items)
- Language
- English
- Language of Materials note
- English
Biographical/Historical note
The Commissions of Sewers was founded upon "The Statute of Sewers of 1531 (23 Henry VIII C.5.) It prescribed the form of such Commissions and remained in use and operation until superseded by the Land Drainage Act 1930. The failure of Landowners to carry out their personal liabilities to maintain sea walls and other works forced the creation of the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884, which formed a body known as the Monmouthshire Commissioners of Sewers. The heading of the Act reads:
"An Act to provide for the commutation of the liability of Landowners in the Levels of the hundreds of Caldicot and Wentlooge in the County of Monmouth to maintain sea walls and other works to provide for the making and maintaining of roads in the said Levels and for other purposes. 14th July, 1884." The Act made the Commissioners of Sewers directly responsible for the maintenance of the sea walls and drainage of the Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge and at that time they were the only authority to control this area. The Monmouthshire Commissioners of Sewers ceased to function as from 15th November, 1942. An order under the Statutory Revisions of the Land Drainage Act 1930, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries ordered the formation of a Drainage Board named the Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board.
By the Order, it was agreed that it should consist of 18 Members and the first 18 Members were named in the said Order. Members hold office for a period of three years and elections are held tri-annually. Only owners and occupiers of land on which Drainage Rates are levied are qualified to nominate and vote in the election of the new Board.
Scope and Contents note
The collection contains: Administraive Records: These detail the proposal to submit a Bill to Parliament for the creation of the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884; Revised Bills and Acts; Petitions againsts the Act; Papers detailing land ownership and responsibilities. The series also contains letters that relate to the Levels, the Bill and subsequent Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884, 1880-1884.
Minutes: The collection contains minutes of the Finance Committee, 1948-2008; Ratings Sub-Committee and Works and General Purposes Committee, 1991-2009; Works and General Purposes Committee, 1990-2007; Remuneration and Expenses Sub-Committee, 2006; Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Board, 2005; Finance Committee and Board Meeting, 1969-1973; Board Minutes, 1937-1963.
Financial Records: The collection contains, Account Books, 20th century; Ledgers; Wage Account Books; Treasurer's Accounts, 20th century.
Valuation Records: The collection contains Land Valuation Books, c.1861; Drainage Rate Books, 1930-1961, 1993.
Commutation Records, 20th century.
Plans: The collection contains Parish Plans (20th century); Plans relating to the Levels (19th century-20th century).
Miscellaneous Records: This series includes a Survey of sea walls, 1924; Newspaper articles detailing the Bill, 1883-1884; Board Meeting Attendance Books, 20th century.
Arrangement note
Arranged in to the following series: Administrative and Legal Papers relating to the establishment of the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884; Minutes of Committees of Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board, Financial Records, Valuation Records, Commutation Records, Plans, Miscellaneous.
The catalogue was arranged in this way as it was not possible to discern an original order. It was therefore decided that records should be arranged in an administrative order.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives April 2013
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Custodial History note
The records were collected from the offices Caldicot and Wentlooge Internal Drainage Board and it is considered that the records have remained within the custody of their creating body.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Deposited by the Caldicot and Wentlooge Internal Drainage Board, March 2013.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Related Materials
Related Archival Materials note
Records of the Monmouthshire Court of Sewers D695, D1365, D2282.
Controlled Access Headings
- Drainage Boards-Monmouthshire-Wales
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements note
Not applicable.
Collection Inventory
D5843/1 Administrative and Legal Papers relating to the establishment of the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884 |
D5843/1/1 Papers relating to the formation of the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Act 1884 |
D5843/1/1/1 Statement of intention for application to Parliament for leave to bring a Bill for the compulsory commutation of liability to make and maintain sea defences and other works (details intended content of the proposed Bill) 1884 |
D5843/1/1/2 Notice of the proposal of the Commissioners of Sewers to apply for Parliamentary sanction in the ensuing Session to enable them to theselves undertake the repair and maintenance of the several Sea Walls, Reens, and other works within their jurisdiction. 20 Sep 1883 |
D5843/1/1/3 Declaration of those appointed to execute the office of Commissioners of Sewers for the Levels of the Hundreds of Caldicot and Wentlooge in the county of Monmouth and the purposes of said Commission. 16 Mar 1874 |
D5843/1/1/4 Draft notice of intended application to Parliament 1884 |
D5843/1/1/5 Circular to landowners inviting them to a special court to consider commutation scheme 20 Sep 1883 |
D5843/1/2 A bundle of proofs and revised Bills and ammended Acts relating to the Commutation of the Liability of Landowners in the Hundreds of Caldicot and Wentlooge to maintain Sea Walls and other Works and to provide for the making and maintaining of roads in the said Hundreds. 1884 |
D5843/1/2/1 A proof Bill 20 Nov 1883 |
D5843/1/2/2 A proof Bill 20 Nov 1883 |
D5843/1/2/3 Bill with Lord Redesdale's observations 1884 |
D5843/1/2/4 Revised Bill 30 Nov 1883 |
D5843/1/2/5 Revised Bill 30 Nov 1883 |
D5843/1/2/6 Ammended Act 1884 |
D5843/1/2/7 Ammended Act 1884 |
D5843/1/2/8 Ammended Act 1884 |
D5843/1/2/9 Ammended Act 1884 |
D5843/1/2/10 Ammended Act with Lord Redesdale's observations 1884 |
D5843/1/2/11 Amended Act 1884 |
D5843/1/2/12 An Act to amend the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Laws relating to Sewers". 21 Jun 1841 |
D5843/1/2/13 Statement of Proofs for the Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge Bill. 1884 |
D5843/1/3 Papers relating to 1884 Bill |
D5843/1/3/1 Report of the Local Government Board in the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Bill 1884 |
D5843/1/3/2 Notice of a General Court and Session of Sewers for the Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge to be held at the Kings Head Hotel in Newport on 10th December 1883. 28 Nov 1883 |
D5843/1/3/3 Brief for Promoters - Case 1884 |
D5843/1/3/4 Brief for Promoters - Case 1884 |
D5843/1/3/5 The Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Bill - Proposed Clause for the protection of the Alexandra Docks Company [1884] |
D5843/1/3/6 Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Bill - The Third Schedule 24 Jun 1884 |
D5843/1/3/7 Draft Amended Sections - Levels of Caldicot and Wentllooge 1884 |
D5843/1/3/8 Statement of accounts for Court of Sewers Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
D5843/1/3/9 Notes on 1884 Bill 1884 |
D5843/1/3/10 Parliament Session 1884 - Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge - ammended sections 1884 |
D5843/1/3/11 Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Bill. 17 Mar 1884 |
D5843/1/3/12 Printed notice detailing the Bill that the Commissioners of Sewers for the Levels of the Hundreds of Caldicot and Wentlooge intend to submit to the next Parliament Session for consideration. [1884] |
D5843/1/4 Papers detailing proof of land ownership and responsibilities |
D5843/1/4/1 Proof of Edwin Richards Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/2 Proof of Lord Tredegar 1884 |
D5843/1/4/3 Proof of Tom Llewellyn Brewer Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/4 Proof of Joseph Parfitt 1884 |
D5843/1/4/5 Proof of Henry Humphreys Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/6 Proof of C.E. Lewis Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/7 Proof of Tom Llewellyn Brewer Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/8 Proof of John Lawrence Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/9 Proof of William George Rees Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/10 Proof of Henry Humphreys Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/11 Proof of Jogarmah Rees Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/12 Bundle of proofs 1884 |
D5843/1/4/13 Proof of Henry Stafford Gustard asserting the responsibility of landowners for upkeep and repairs (2 items). 1884 |
D5843/1/4/14 Proof of Jogarmah Rees Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/15 Proof of Edward J. Phillips Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/16 Proof of John Lawrence Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/17 Proof of C.E. Lewis Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/18 Proof of Edwin Richards Esq. 1884 |
D5843/1/4/19 Proof of Lord Tredegar 1884 |
D5843/1/4/20 Proof of W.G. Rees 1884 |
D5843/1/4/21 Papers relating to the length of walls in various parishes and details of the liability for each owner (2 items). 1884 |
D5843/1/4/22 Papers relating to the management of the land c.1884 |
D5843/1/5 Letters |
D5843/1/5/1 Bundle of letters referring to the Levels 1881-1884 |
D5843/1/5/2 Bundle of letters relating to the Caldicot and Wentlooge Drainage Board 1883-1884 |
D5843/1/5/3 Bundle of letters relating to the Caldicot and Wentlooge Level Bill 1883-1884 |
D5843/1/6 Petitions |
D5843/1/6/1 Petitions against 1884 Caldicot and Wentlooge Bill 1884 |
D5843/1/7 Minutes |
D5843/1/7/1 Minutes of Meetings of Commissioners 11 Feb 1884 |
D5843/2 Minutes of committees of Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board |
D5843/2/1 Finance Committee |
D5843/2/1/1 1948-1954 |
D5843/2/1/2 May 1954-Nov 1957 |
D5843/2/1/3 Jan 1958-Nov 1959 |
D5843/2/1/4 Dec 1959-Dec 1962 |
D5843/2/1/5 Feb 1964-Mar 1968 |
D5843/2/1/6 Apr 1968-Mar 1971 |
D5843/2/1/7 Apr 1971-Feb 1974 |
D5843/2/1/8 Mar 1974-Feb 1977 |
D5843/2/1/9 Mar 1977-Aug 1980 |
D5843/2/1/10 Sep 1980-Sep 1983 |
D5843/2/1/11 Oct 1983-Apr 1988 |
D5843/2/1/12 Sep 1998-Jun 2004 |
D5843/2/1/13 Jul 2004-Dec 2008 |
D5843/2/2 Ratings Sub-Committee and the Works and General Purposes Committee |
D5843/2/2/1 28 Jan 1991-26 Jan 2009 |
D5843/2/3 Works and General Purposes Committee |
D5843/2/3/1 29 Oct 1990-26 Nov 2007 |
D5843/2/4 Remuneration and Expenses Sub-Committee |
D5843/2/4/1 22 May 2006 |
D5843/2/5 Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Board |
D5843/2/5/1 3 Oct 2005 |
D5843/2/6 Finance Committee and Board Meeting |
D5843/2/6/1 Minutes including engineers' reports Dec 1969-Oct 1973 |
Board Minutes |
D5843/2/7/1 Minute Book 1937-1946 |
D5843/2/7/2 Minute Book 1951-1955 |
D5843/2/7/3 Minute Book 1955-1960 |
D5843/2/7/4 Minute Book 1960-1963 |
D5843/3 Financial Records |
D5843/3/1 General |
D5843/3/1/1 Wage Account Book 1 Apr 1955-25 Mar 1996 |
D5843/3/1/2 Account Book 1 Apr 1955-24 Mar 1986 |
D5843/3/1/3 Account Book 1969-1996 |
D5843/3/1/4 Clients' Ledger 1946-1955 |
D5843/3/1/5 Treasurer's Account 1986-2000 |
D5843/3/1/6 Ledger 1918-1920 |
D5843/3/1/7 Ledger Mar 1955-Mar 1969 |
D5843/3/1/8 Collection Book 1966-2001 |
D5843/4 Valuation Records |
D5843/4/1 Land Valuation |
D5843/4/1/1 Valuation of lands and hereditaments within the Level of Caldicot subject to the repair and maintenance of sea walls, banks, reens and other works under the management and direction of the Commissioners of Sewers. [1861] |
D5843/4/1/2 Valuation of lands and hereditaments within the Level of Caldicot subject to the repair and maintenance of sea walls, banks, reens and other works under the management and direction of the Commissioners of Sewers. [1861] |
D5843/4/2 Level Record for Drainage Rate |
D5843/4/2/1 Land Drainage Act 1930 Caldicot Level - Record of Annual Values Post 1930 |
D5843/4/2/2 Land Drainage Acts 1930-1961 Caldicot Level - Record of Annual Values Post 1961 |
D5843/4/2/3 Land Drainage Acts 1930-1961 Caldicot Level - Record of Annual Values (Part 2) Post 1961 |
D5843/4/2/4 Land Drainage Act 1930 Wentlooge Level - Record of Annual Values Post 1930 |
D5843/4/2/5 Land Drainage Acts 1930-1961 Wentlooge Level - Record of Annual Values Post 1961 |
D5843/4/2/6 Wentlooge Level 1993 |
D5843/4/2/7 Caldicot Level (A-J) 1993 |
D5843/4/2/8 Caldicot Level (K-Z) 1993 |
D5843/5 Commutation Records |
D5843/5/1 Caldicot Level Sea Defences - Registration of Certificates of Exoneration [20th century] |
D5843/5/2 Caldicot Level Sea Defences - Registration of Certificates of Exoneration [20th century] |
D5843/5/3 Wentlooge Level Sea Defences - Registration of Certificates of Exoneration [20th century] |
D5843/5/4 Wentlooge Level Sea Defences - Registration of Certificates of Exoneration [20th century] |
D5843/6 Plans |
D5843/6/1 Parish Plans |
D5843/6/1/1 Parish of Chepstow (No.2) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/2 Parish of Mathern (No.3) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/3 Parish of Portskewett (No.4) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/4 Parish of Caldicot (No.5) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/5 Parish of Roggiet (No.6) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/6 Parish of Magor (No.7) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/7 Parish of Redwich (No.8) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/8 Parish of Goldcliff (No.9) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/9 Parish of Goldcliff (No.10) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/10 Parish of Goldcliff (No.11) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/11 Parish of Nash (No.12) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/12 Parish of Nash (No.13) [20th century] |
D5843/6/1/13 Parish of Christchurch (No.14) [20th century] |
D5843/6/2 Plans relating to the Levels |
D5843/6/2/1 Great Western Railway - Plans and Sections So far as it relates to H.M. Commissioners of Sewers for the Levels of Caldicot and Wentloog in the County of Monmouth. Nov 1911 |
D5843/6/2/2 Maps of Caldicot and Wentloog Levels Caldicot and Wentlooge Local Drainage Board Reens shown blue, and River Division shown red. (3 plans) [Mid 20th century] |
D5843/6/2/3 List of plans deposited at the Private Bill Office for Session 1884 1884 |
D5843/6/2/4 Schedules and Plans referred to in the foregoing Presentment - Caldicot Level A survey of all the Pills, Banks, Reens, Watercourses and Sewers within the Level of Caldicot and which are presentable within the jurisdiction of the Court of Sewers in the said levels, with Particulars and Plans of the lands liable to be charged with the costs of cleansing, repairing and maintaining the Levels. 1868 |
D5843/6/2/5 Book of plans showing sea walls and reens on Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels 1882 |
D5843/6/2/6 Book of plans showing sea walls and reens on Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels 1883 |
D5843/6/2/7 Book of plans showing sea walls and reens in the Level in the Hundred of Wentlooge 1885 |
D5843/6/2/8 Book of plans showing sea walls and reens in the Level in the Hundred of Wentlooge 1887 |
D5843/6/2/9 Book of maps - Caldicot Level 1830 |
D5843/6/2/10 Book of maps - Wentlooge Level 1831 |
D5843/6/2/11 6 inch O.S. map (Sheet 38) South Western Division - with superimposed details showing the Levels Post 1901 |
D5843/6/2/12 Bundle of plans [20th century] |
D5843/6/2/13 Bundle of plans [20th century] |
D5843/6/2/14 Bundle of plans [20th century] |
D5843/6/2/15 Bundle of plans [20th century] |
D5843/6/2/16 Bundle of plans [20th century] |
D5843/6/2/17 Bundle of plans [20th century] |
D5843/7 Miscellaneous |
D5843/7/1 Survey of sea walls and banks showing ordinance survey (1901) numbers of lands liable to maintain the said walls and banks on the level from Rhymney Bridge to [Ebboth] Common Lane, Bassaleg. [1924] |
D5843/7/2 Oath of Qualification of Commissioners 28 Jan 1896-13 Oct 1925 |
D5843/7/3 Letter Book 12 Jan 1888-6 Feb 1893 |
D5843/7/4 Bundle of newspapers The Evening Star of Gwent and South Wales Times, Nov 17 1883; detailing planned application to Parliament by the Commissioners of Sewers for the Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge to bring a Bill (provides details of what intended to be in the Bill). The Evening Star of Gwent and South Wales Times, 24 Nov 1883; detailing planned application to Parliament by the Commissioners of Sewers for the Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge to bring a Bill (provides details of what intended to be in the Bill). The Evening Star of Gwent and South Wales Times, 26 Nov 1883; detailing planned application to Parliament by the Commissioners of Sewers for the Levels of Caldicot and Wentlooge to bring a Bill (provides details of what intended to be in the Bill) 17 Nov 1883, 24 Nov 1883, 26 Nov 1883 |
D5843/7/5 The Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board - Board Meeting Attendance Book 7 Feb 1955-2 Apr 1979 |
D5843/7/6 The Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board - Board Meeting Attendance Book 1980-2002 |
D5843/7/7 The Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Drainage Board - Board Meeting Attendance Book Jun 2002-Oct 2006 |
D5843/7/8 Register of documents sealed by the board 1943 |