Gwent Archives

Stow Park estate, Newport (James and John Rennie, contractors), Deeds
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Messrs Preston, Lane-Claypon and O'Kelly, Solicitors, London.
- Title
- Stow Park estate, Newport (James and John Rennie, contractors), Deeds
- ID
- GB0218.D1101
- Date
- 1801-1873
- Extent
- 0.022 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
The documents show the development of the Stow Park estate in Newport by James Rennie, contractor (for railway and other works), in partnership with John Logan, contractor, and Herbert Matthews of Hereford, civil engineer. Part of the land was in the area of the South Wales Railway Tunnel and involved railway works. James died on 29th October 1864; his brother John Rennie (described as being "of Lewisham" in 1867 and by 1872 "now of Glasgow") appears to have taken over the works started by his brother.
Note from original catalogue, 1973:
"The box from which this bundle of deeds came contained documents mostly relating to partners in firms absorbed by Preston Lane-Claypon and O'Kelly; this may suggest the possibility that the Stow Park estate later passed into the ownership of a partner in one of these firms. The larger group of partners' papers, relating to one Edward Futvoye, were sent to the GLRO [Greater London Record Office]. A smaller group re a trust of Christina Field (a railway contractor's widow) were sent to the Birmingham City Library." "The John and James Rennie of these documents were brothers (see 1873 Conveyances). John Rennie is described in the 1872 Conveyance as formerly of Lewisham, now of Glasgow. Possibly these Rennies are relatives (nephews?) of the celebrated John Rennie. (John Rennie's youngest son was named James, but he was a lawyer and Sir John Rennie who was his brother is obviously not the John of these documents.) For family genealogies which might reveal the relationship, if any, of our James and John Rennie see the list of Authorities and References in C.T.G. Boucher 'John Rennie 1761-1821' (Manchester University Press, 1963). All or nearly all the papers described in Boucher as being at the family home at Frensham Vale, Surrey, including correspondence and memorabilia of Rennie's descendants, are now in the National Library of Scotland. However, the ms. family tree in 6 volumes may still be with the family."
Scope and Contents note
Deeds and documents relating to the development of the Stow Park estate in Newport by James and John Rennie, contractors, 1843-1873, and earlier title deeds for the properties.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
There are no restrictions on acccess.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Custodial History note
The depositors of the records, Messrs Preston Lane-Claypon and O'Kelly, were a firm of Solicitors active in London from at least the 1930s to the 1970s. The firm may later have been taken over by Edgley and Co of 6 New Square, Lincoln's Inn London WC2. See Biographical/Historical Note for further information.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Other Finding Aids note
Copies of finding aids are available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
D1101/12 Release and Assignment of Mortgage (Abstract) 1. James Vaughan of Cardiff and Frances his wife. 2. John Vaughan of par. Whitchurch, Co. Glam., gent. 3. Charles Cotton of Tintern, maltster. 4. John Brewer the younger of Newport, surgeon. 5. William Brewer of Newport, surgeon. 6. Alexander Jones of Usk, gent. Reciting (a) intended marriage settlement of 1796 November 7/8 between James Vaughan and Francis Jones, widow of William Seys Jones of Newport (b) mortgage of 1799 May 8 between Howell Price, James Vaughan and Frances his wife and Charles Cotton. £720. £900. Land called Tyr Nant Melin (5a.) par. St. Woollos in occupation of Edward Jones; also parcel of land called Caer Graig (3a.), par. St Woolos; also messuage, garden and dog kennel in town of Newport; also newly erected messuage and site of a messuage in town of Newport. Abstract made post 1839 24 Nov 1801-25 Nov 1801 |
D1101/13 Assignment of Mortgage (Abstract) 1. John Brewer 2. John Jenkins of Caerleon, esq., and William Jenkins of Llanvrechfa, gent. Reciting indenture of 24/25 November 1801. £1200. closes of land called Tyr Nant Melin (5a.) land known as Caer Graig (3a.) both in par. St Woollos, messuages in town of Newport in occupation of William Jones, coal merchant. Abstract made post 1839 12 Jan 1826-13 Jan 1826 |
D1101/14 1. John Brewer of Caira, esq. 2. John Jenkins of Caerleon, esq., and William Jenkins of Llanvrechva, esq. Reciting (a) indenture of 1801 November 24/25 (b) 1826 January 12/13 (c) agreement for exchange of land between John Brewer and Sir Charles Morgan Bart. and Charles Morgan, Robinson Morgan (d) indenture of 1833 February 1/2 between Morgans and Brewer. Parcel of meadow land (3a.2r.16p.) par. St Woolos now in occupation ofJohn Brewer. Also parcel of garden and orchard in borough of Newport in occupation of Joseph Corsbie adjoining Stow Hill. 3 Feb 1833-4 Feb 1833 |
D1101/17 Abstract of Title To a piece of ground sitiuate (1r.37p. in occupation of Joseph Corslie adjoining Stow Hill) in the borough of Newport. Deeds abstracted - 1814 January 13; Hil. Term 54 Geo. III; 1814 June 28; 1832 February 1/2. [1841] |
D1101/15 Abstract of Title of Mrs Elizabeth Brewer to a piece of garden ground in the borough of Newport. Deeds abstracted 1832 February 1/2; 1833 May 31/ June 1; 1840 April 16/17; 1841 February 3. 1841 |
D1101/1 Conveyance 1. Vere Herbert Smith of Abergavenny, gent. 2. Thomas Prothero of Malpas Court, esq. 3. John Gard of Newport, butcher. 4. Elizabeth Brewer of Coal Brook Vale, widow. 5. William Townsend of Newport, merchant. 6. George Pope of Grays Inn, Co. Mddx., gent. Reciting (a) release of 1/2 February 1832 between Charles Morgan and Thomas Prothero, (b) release by way of mortgage of 1 June 1833 between John Brewer and Elizabeth his wife to Vere Herbert Smith for the sum of £1500 (c) mortgage of 17 April 1840 between John Brewer and Thomas Prothero for £540 (d) death of John Brewer on 3 January 1841 (e) mortgage of 3 February 1841 between Elizabeth Brewer and Thomas Prothero for a further sum of £2800 and £1000 (f) public auction of properties involved, 1841 in lots (g) William Townsend purchaser of lot no. 5. £530. Parcel of land in Borough of Newport now in occupation of William Sherward Cartwright cont. 2269 sq. yards bounded on NE by land of Sir Charles Morgan, on the NW by Stow Hill Road, on SW by land formerly of William Brewer but now of William Williams, and on SE by land of Sir Charles Morgan now in lease to William Townsend, as per marginal plan. 21 Aug 1841 |
D1101/10 Covenant 1. Thomas Powell of the Gaer par. St Woollos, esq. 2. James Rennie of Newport, gent. Reciting (a) indentures of 1832 February 1/2 between Sir Charles Morgan and John Brewer (b) indenture of 1842 January 1 between Elizabeth Brewer to Thomas Powell (c) indenture of 1841 August 21 between Vere Herbert Smith to William Townsend (d) indenture 1842 August 27 between William Townsend to James Rennie. All relating to land in par. St Woollos. For production of title deeds of 1832 February 1/2. 27 Jan 1843 |
D1101/11 Lease 1. James Rennie of Newport, contractor. 2. Epaphroditus Young of Newport, doctor of medicine. Dwellinghouse with the court yard and garden ground, coach house and stable, being No.7 on the south side of Victoria Place in the town of Newport, now in the tenure of Epaphroditus Young. 14 years rent £60 p.a. 13 Sep 1845 |
D1101/18 Release and Conveyance 1. Charles Lewis of Exeter, esq., (West of England Fire and Life Assuarnce Co.) 2. Frederick Grange of Exeter, doctor of medicine, Thomas Champion of Duryard near Exeter, esq. and Edward White par. St Thomas, co. Devon, three directors of Assurance Co. 3. George Leeke Baker of Lincolns Inn Fields, esq. 4. Maj. Gen. Sir Robert John Harvey of Monshold near Norwich, George Percy Elliot of Stretham, co. Surrey, esq., and Thomas Godfrey Sambrook of Eaton Place, co. Mddx., esq. Three trustees of the General Reversionary and Investments Co. 5. William Dacres Adams of Sydenham, co. Kent, esq., and John Spurgin of Guildford Street, Russell Square, co. Mddx., esq. 6. Andrew Crosse of Broomfield, co. Somerset, esq., and Charles Baker of Lincolns Inn Fields, esq. 7. James Rennie of Newport, railway contractor. 8. Charles Burton Fox of Newport, gent. Reciting indentures of (a) 1835 August 1 re. Mayndee House and Estate, (b) 1847 March 4; 1847 March 9; 1850 July 1/2; 1850 July 1/2; 1850 November 29. £440.16.8.: £3,967 17.4 Several closes of garden, meadow or pasture land, farm house buildings in pars. St Woollos and Christchurch as per a schedule (Fir Tree Fields on Stow Hill (4a.2r.9p.), other parts of Fir Tree Fields (7a.1r.2p.) and Great Somerton Farm (48a.1r.24p.) Plans. Schedule of title deeds not transferred. Endorsed with memorandum of conveyance of part (40a.36p.) of Great Somerton Farm to John Logan on 1858 October 13. 19 Dec 1851 |
D1101/3 Agreement 1. James Rennie of Newport, contractor. 2. John Logan of Newport, contractor. 3. Robert Matthews of Hereford, civil engineer. For partnership as contractors for railways and other works. Rennie and Logan providing (at the commencement) all the plant, machinery, horses, wagons etc. Profits on basis of 2/5ths, 2/5th and 1/5th. Matthews to receive £500 p.a. in addition to his 3/5th share while he undertakes and has personal supervision, conduct and management of the contracts. 10 Jul 1860 |
D1101/2 Agreement 1. James Rennie of Maindee Park, esq. 2. John Logan of Maindee House, esq. Rennie and Logan associated in partnership as contractors for public and other works, apprehend great inconvenience if either partner died before completion of contracts, continuation of partnership by executors until completion of contracts. Exclusion of contracts taken in the name of Rennie alone or in joint names of Rennie, Christopher M. Read and James Hemingway; or by Logan separately. Schedule of contracts are all of railway construction. 4 Apr 1864 |
D1101/5 Order In the matter of Agnes Read, wife of Christopher Mackay Read, Frances Agnes, Emma Annie, Ellen Nora, Edith Charlotte, Mary Ornell and James Christopher, infants, Emma the wife of Thomas Sorrell Pritchard and Janet, wife of John Edwin Brewer and in the matter of certain freehold lands called "The Fir Tree Fields", par. St Woollos (12a.) and Penylan Farm par. Christchurch (85a.). Christopher Mackay Read appointed guardian of the infants for the purpose of making application under the provision of the Act 19 and 20 Vict. "to facilitate leases and same of settled estates". 12 Jun 1867 |
D1101/6 Lease 1. Great Western Railway Co. 2. John Rennie of Lewisham, Co. Kent., esq., and James Hemingway of Macclesfield, Co. Chester, esq. Surface of parcels of land par. St. Woollos cont. 3r.13p. as per marginal plan (lying over Newport Tunnel). 99 years. £10 p.a. plus 3d. per cubic yard opf building stone found on removal of soil. 27 Jun 1867 |
D1101/4 Conveyance 1. Great Western Railway Railway Co. 2. John Rennie formerly of Lewisham, Co. Kent, but now of Glasgow, esq., and James Hemmingway of Macclesfield, Co. Chester, esq. Reciting demise of 1867 June 27 for a term of 99 years at a rent of £10 p.a. £260. Surface of parcels of land situate in par. St Woollos cont. 3r.16p. (as per a plan), together with the surface of parcels of land par. St Woollos cont. 1r.2p. Company retains right of entry for purposes connected with the "Newport Tunnel" underneath the land. 1 May 1872 |
D1101/7 Conveyance 1. John Rennie of Glasgow, gent., and James Hemmingway of Macclesfield, contractor. 2. William Gwyer Lovell of Newport, timber merchant. Reciting (a) conveyance of 1851 December 19 between Charles Lewis and James Rennie (b) will, codicil and death of James Rennie 1864 October 29 (c) conveyance of 1872 May 1 between G.W.R. and John Rennie and James Hemingway. £455. Parcel of land, at Stow Park, par. St Woollos cont. 1a.1r.5p. as per a plan, also the surface of a parcel of land, par. St Woollos cont 1r.32p. 13yds. 24 Jun 1873 |
D1101/8 Conveyance 1. John Rennie of city of Glasgow and James Hemingway of Macclesfield, co. Chester (Trustees of Will of James Rennie, dec'd). 2. John Moses of Newport, ship broker. Recites (a) indenture of 1851 December 19 between Charles Lewis and James Rennie (b) will, codicil and death of James Rennie (c) indenture of 1872 May 1 between G.W.R. and John Rennie. £600. Parcel of land part of Stow Park Estate, par. St Woollos, cont. 1a.1r.1p. bounded on N. by turnpike road leading from Newport to Bassaleg and Risca, on E. by Newport Union, on S. by property of George Barkley Gething and on W. by a new road there laid out. Also the surface of a parcel of land cont. 39p.27 yds. forming the line of the Siuth Wales Railway Tunnel, all as per a marginal plan. 24 Jun 1874 |
D1101/9 Conveyance 1. John Rennie of Glasgow and James Hemingway of Macclesfield. 2. Alfred Robert of Newport, draper. Recites (a) indenture of 1851 December 19 between Charles Lewis and James Rennie (b) will, codicil and death of Rennie (c) indenture of 1872 May 1 between G.W.R. and John Rennie and James Hemingway. £400. Parcel of ground part of Stow Park par. St Woollos cont. 3a., also surface of parcel of land adjoining the previous parcel cont. 1p. 20yds. as per a plan. 24 Jun 1873 |