Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Title
- Oxford House Educational Settlement, Risca
- ID
- GB0218.D2357
- Date
- 1930-1972
- Extent
- 1.0 not recorded
- Language
- English
Oxford House Educational Settlement , Risca
During the 1920s the Lord Mayor of London made an appeal to help people impoverished by industrial strife, particularly during and after the general strike of 1926. The worst affected areas were the coalfields and it was in response to this appeal that the Mayor of Oxford's Mining Distress Committee was formed to organize and dispatch assistance to those areas in greatest need.
Oxford's connection with Risca dates from the visit of Mr. R. R. Jordan of the Morris Motor Company, on a private mission of help at Christmas, 1928. The news which he brought back led the Mayor of Oxford's M.D.C. to decide to concentrate its efforts on Risca. Some public utility works at Risca were subsidised, relief in other forms was contributed and for over two years Mr Vyvyan Richards lived there as Oxford's representative and brought help of various kinds to the district, notably by his efforts on behalf of allotment holidays and by the work among unemployed boys carried on at Oxford House.
Just when in the summer of 1931 the Oxford Committee was seriously considering whether it would have to give up its work, an offer of a yearly grant was made by the Educational Settlement in Risca. The Oxford Committee was reorganised and in September 1931 Mr. and Mrs. David Wills took up their posts as joint wardens of the Educational Settlement at Oxford House, Risca. The Wills's were both graduates of Oxford University who settled in Risca at a place called Hillside. This was a rented bungalow-type house with an additional building which had been used by Vyvyan Richards as a club for unemployed boys. This remained the site of Oxford House until 1937, the wardens establishing unemployed men's clubs , boys' and girls' clubs and a ladies' sewing group.
In September 1935 Mr. and Mrs. J. V.Alexander became wardens and found, like their predecessors, that Hillside was too small for an increasing membership. In 1936 a large house belonging to a local doctor came on the market. The Alexanders saw it as ideal for the new Oxford House and in 1937 "The Grove" was purchased.
For history see D2357/66
Much of this collection consists of bundles of correspondence. These have been left as found and it should be noted that there is a degree of overlap in the date and content of some.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Collection Inventory
Oxford House Minutes |
D2357/1 Minutes of meeting of Oxford House Committee 1932-1934 |
D2357/2 Student Committee minute book 1935-1948 |
D2357/3 Student Management Committee minute book 1948-1953 |
D2357/4 Oxford House Settlement council minutes 1947-1965 |
D2357/5 Settlement Members' Committee minutes 1965-1975 |
Minutes of Corresponding Organisations |
D2357/6 Minutes and reports of the joint committee for the promotion of educational facilities in the South Wales and Monmouthshire coalfields 1930-1934 |
D2357/7 Correspondence with and reports of meetings of the Educational Settlement Association 1944-1952 |
D2357/8 Educational Centres Association minutes of meetings and accounts 1952-1956 |
D2357/9 Workers' Educational Association, South Wales District, minutes and reports 1965-1971 |
Financial Records |
D2357/10 Accounts and other financial papers submitted to the committee of the M. of O. M.D.F. re: running costs of Risca Educational Settlement. 1934-1947 |
D2357/11 Lists of subscriptions and audited accounts 1935-1942 |
D2357/12 Stock book 1937-1945 |
D2357/13 Correspondence and statements re: income and expenditure estimates 1944-1958 |
D2357/14 Oxford House trading accounts detailing stocktaking, income, imprest and salaries 1945-1948 |
D2357/15 Staff monthly salary schedules including war bonuses 1935-1948 |
D2357/16 Correspondence mainly financial including salary schedules and grants with inventory and valuation of contents of settlement 1937. 1937-1948 |
D2357/17 Imprest account book 1943-1945 |
D2357/18 Drawing account no. 1 (volume) 1946-1947 |
D2357/19 Drawing account no. 1 (volume) 1947-1949 |
D2357/20 Income account book 1946-1948 |
D2357/21 Petty cash book 1945-1962 |
D2357/22 Cash book for handicrafts account 1945-1966 |
D2357/23 Wages book 1948-1953 |
D2357/24 Wages book 1954-1961 |
D2357/25 Income account book 1949-1956 |
D2357/26 Income account book 1950-1963 |
D2357/27 Expenditure account book 1950-1957 |
D2357/28 Expenditure account book 1951-1956 |
D2357/29 Expenditure account book 1956-1962 |
Correspondence and Reports |
D2357/30 Correspondence between David Wills, warden and A. Barrett, Ruskin College, Oxford regarding preparation of first annual report. 1931-1932 |
D2357/31 Correspondence generated by starting up of Oxford House including fund raising, committee meetings, competitions and purchase of equipment and materials for classes; also bulletins of the British Institute of Adult Education re: unemployment. 1931-1932 |
D2357/32 Correspondence between David Wills and the principal of Ruskin College, (member of the executive committee of the Mayor of Oxford's Mining Distress Fund) mainly re: Ruskin scholarships and committee matters. 1931-1934 |
D2357/33 Correspondence mainly re: Summer schools and lectures. Includes syllabuses for classes and Summer schools. 1931-1932 |
D2357/34 Correspondence and notes re: meetings and activities including syllabuses 1932-1933; E.S.A. conference programme 1933; proposed constitution and minutes of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Council of Social Services Education Committee and posters advertising dances, plays, weekend schools and concerts (including visit of Mrs. John Buchan). 1931-1934 |
D2357/35 Correspondence with Mrs Bailey and her daughter, of Oxford (executive committee member of O.M.D.F.?) 1931-1934 |
D2357/36 Correspondence mainly with Will Noble, warden of Maes yr Haf Educational Settlement, Trealaw, Rhondda re: talks, camps and settlement activities. 1931-1934 |
D2357/37 Correspondence with Bowen and Son, solicitors, Pontypool, re: occupation of Pugh's shop St. Mary Street, Risca, by unemployed men's club. 1931-1934 |
D2357/38 Correspondence between David Wills and William Hazelton, secretary of the Educational Settlements Association mainly re programmes and courses. Including E.S.A. minutes. 1931-1934 |
D2357/39 Correspondence re: classes and projects at Oxford House including university extra-mural depts., E.S.A. and secretary of Mayor of Oxford's Mining Distress Fund re: meetings and purchase of furniture for David Wills. 1931 |
D2357/40 Correspondence re: classes and projects at Oxford House including warden's report to secretary of Oxford City Education Committee and report of E.S.A. Committee. 1932 |
D2357/41 Correspondence re classes at Oxford House including boys' club premises, E.S.A., O.M.M.D.F., Oxford Education Committee. 1933 |
D2357/42 Correspondence re: courses including camp application form, and social fund. 1933-1934 |
D2357/43 Correspondence re: classes at Oxford House including estimates re: Oxford House camps with names of campers; income and expenditure 1934. 1934 |
D2357/44 Oxford House warden's reports to the committee of the Mayor of Oxford's Mining Distress fund. 1934-1941 |
D2357/45 Correspondence re: Summer camp includes details of food and equipment. 1935 |
D2357/46 Correspondence, plans and specifications re: additions and alterations to Grove House and warden's new house. Including abstract of lease 1845 and drawings and specifications by T. Alwyn Lloyd, architect, Cardiff 1937 1936-1939 |
D2357/47 Notes and statistics on unemployment in Monmouthshire, mainly the Risca area including sketch maps of industrial area; also expenditure estimates and circulars re: Summer camps and membership figures of first men's inter-club conference held at Oxford House. 1937-1940 |
D2357/48 Oxford House annual reports nos. 5-8, 11-12,14, with syllabuses 1937-1939, 1945-1946, 1956-1960. 1937-1960 |
D2357/49 Warden's reports to Oxford Committee including war-time material such as statistics of citizens, advice bureaux in Risca and Newbridge 1942-1943 1938-1947 |
D2357/50 Schedules of officers and members of women's groups with details of courses and activities including questionaire re: post-war homes and minutes of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Council of Social Services make do and mend advisory committee 1943-1944. 1939-1953 |
D2357/51 Miscellaneous papers mainly warden's correspondence re: lectures, courses and camps including food accounts, expenditure estimates and notes re: preparations for Oxford House camps; finance committee papers; list of books suggested for library and letters from Susan Buchan mainly re: visits to Risca. c.1930-c.1940 |
D2357/52 Correspondence with the Workers, Educational Association, South Wales District including W.E.A.minutes. 1945-1952 |
D2357/53 Correspondence mainly with M. of O.S.F. secretary re: accounts. 1945-1950 |
D2357/54 Settlement Council papers re: classes, meetings and membership committee. Mainly Warden's correspondence including account of the work of the Settlement. 1947-1959 |
D2357/55 Correspondence with the Wales and Monmouthshire Association of Women's Social Service clubs including minutes and constitution. 1948-1950 |
D2357/56 Oxford House warden's reports to Settlement Council. 1951-1965 |
D2357/57 Correspondence and papers re: repairs and improvements to premises. 1955-1960 |
D2357/58 Notices, newspaper cuttings and correspondence re: "at home" open days at Oxford House. 1959-1969 |
D2357/59 Notices of forthcoming classes and events at Oxford House. 1966-1972 |
Newspaper Cuttings |
D2357/60 Newspaper cuttings 1931-1933 |
D2357/61 Newspaper cuttings 1936-1959 |
Miscellaneous |
D2357/62 The 1938 "daily dozen" for girls and women (central council of recreative physical training London, 1938) [presumably for class use]. 1938 |
D2357/63 Dorothy Clark, "Simple skipping steps for recreational classes" (ca.1938) [presumably for class use]. 1938 |
D2357/64 Articles for "The Centre", Settlement magazine 1947-1948 |
D2357/65 Oxford House News, the newsletter of Risca Educational Settlement. 1953-1956 |
D2357/66 G Owens, "The History of Oxford House Adult Education Settlement, Risca 1931-1941" [unpublished. B.Ed. dissertation, 1981] 1931-1941, [1981] |