Gwent Archives

Papers relating to the dispute between Monmouthshire County Council and Gloucestershire and Hereford's County Councils concerning William Jones' Charity, Monmouth
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- William, Jones, Mr
- Title
- Papers relating to the dispute between Monmouthshire County Council and Gloucestershire and Hereford's County Councils concerning William Jones' Charity, Monmouth
- ID
- GB0218.D262
- Date
- 18th century-20th century
- Extent
- 0.015 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Information to be supplied.
Scope and Contents note
Records relating to William Jones' Charity, Monmouth Boys and Girls Schools, and dispute re. Charity between Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire County Councils, including W.M. Warlow's "History of the Charities of William Jones".
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Deposit 1960.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Charities-Wales-Monmouthshire
- Schools-Wales-Monmouthshire
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
D262/1 Printed book - "History of the Charities of Williams Jones at Monmouth and Newland", William Meyler Warlow, M.A. 1899 |
D262/2 Typescript copy Report of Charity Commissioners relating to Charities of William Jones. Vol.10 P.200 City of London 1823 |
D262/3 Copy Typescript of Brief for the Attorney General at the relation of the town of Monmouth and the poor of the hospital there, Charles Herbert, Clerke, lecturery, Tho. Bassett, Schoolmaster and William Matthews, Usher, there....plts., against the Haberdashers Company, John Whitson, William Prees and Edward Griffith, Churchwardens of the par. of Newland, Co. Glos., and the overseers and several others of that parish..defts. Relating to William Jones, Charity. 1704 |
D262/4 Copy Typescript Brief for the Attorney General at the relation of the inhabitants of Newland, Co. Glos., and the poor thereof and the poor of the almshouses there...plts. against The Haberdashers Company, Charles Herbert, Thomas Bassett, William Mathews, Thomas Stephens, James Mercer, Mathew Stephens, John Philpot, John Betham, Adam Adams, George Morgan, Charles Gwynn, inhabitants of Monmouth...defts. William Jones' Charity. 1704 |
D262/5 Copy Typescript Brief for the Attorney General at the relation of the town of Monmouth and the poor of the hospital there. Charles Herbert Clarke, Lecturer, Thomas Bassett, Schoolmaster, William Mathews, Usher,...plts. against The Haberdashers Company, the Principal Inhabitants, Lecturer, Churchwardens and Overseers of par. of Newland, Co. Glos.,...defts. And A.G., Inhabitants of Newland and the poor thereof and the poor of the Almshouses and Humphrey Jorden, Lecturer...plts. againt Haberdashers Company, Thomas Edwards and other Inhabitants of the town of Monmouth....defts. 1707 |
D262/6 Printed Summary prepared by the Clerk of the Gloucestershiure County Council of a report by a Committee of that Council appointed to enquire into the subject of Jones' Newland and Monmouth Charities. 3 Jan 1899 |
D262/7 Representations to the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, and to the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers of the City of London, with reference to the William Jones' Charities, by the County Councils of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire and by various other (Gloucestershire) Local Authorities. 1899 |
D262/8 Printed Report of Committee of Gloucestershire County Council appointed to confer (in co-operation with Herefordshire County Council and local authorities interested) with the Charity Commissioners and Haberdashers Company on the subject of William Jones' Newland and Monmouth Charities. 16 Oct 1899 |
D262/9 Printed copy correspondence between the Clerk to the Gloucestershire County Council. the Clerk of the Monmouthshire County Governing Body under the Welsh Intermediate Education Act, 1889, and the Clerk and Solicitor of the Haberdashers Company, relating to William Jones' Charity. 1900 |
D262/10 Printed Report of the Committee of the Gloucestershire County Council appointed to deal with the matter of the William Jones' Charity. 24 Oct 1908 |
D262/11 Draft of a Bill promoted by Gloucestershire County Council to alter and amend the existing schemes regulating the Charity or Foundation called Jones' Almshouse and Grammar School Foundation; to make new provisions with respect to the disposal of the property and revenues of the said charity or foundation; and for other purposes. "The Jones's Almshouse and Grammar School Foundation Act, 1909". (Bill eventually withdrawn) Session 1909 |
D262/12 "The Jones's Almshouse and Grammar School Foundation Bill" - Grounds for promotion of the Bill. [1908-1909] |
D262/13 Notes of Gloucestershire County Council as to inaction with regard to opposition to the 1891 and 1894 schemes of the Charity Commissioners relating to Jones's Charity. Feb 1909 |
D262/14 Printed Minutes of a Deputation from Gloucestershire and Herefordshire County Councils to the Rt. Hon. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Education relating to Wm. Jones' Charity. 18 Feb 1909 |
D262/15 Offprint of newspaper report on Delegation to the Charity Commissioners and the Haberdashers Company concerning Wm. Jones' Charity. [1899] |
D262/16 Printed Final Report of the Committee appointed by Gloucestershire County Council to deal with the matter of the promotion of the Bill in Parliament re. Jones' Charity. 5 Jul 1909 |
D262/17 Memorandum of Gloucestershire County Council relating to the Jones' Charity and Monmouth Schools. No Date |
D262/18 Statement of number of boys attending Monmouth Grammar School from Monmouth Borough, Monmouthshire, "Outside three counties" (i.e. Mon., Glos. and Heref.) with professions of parents of scholars. 1868-1895 |
D262/19 Statement of Admissions to Monmouth Grammar School from Monmouth Town, Monmouthshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and "Outside" boys., with occupations of parents of students from Monmouth town and county. 1823-1868 |
D262/20 MSS copies of accounts of Haberdashers Company relating to William Jones' Charity. 1866, 1867, 1892-1894, 1898-1911, 1922 |
D262/21 List of "Old Monmothians" serving with H.M. Army and Navy (1915), Circular letter re. proposed memorial to Old Monmothians who fell during the War (1914-1918) with particulars. Oct 1915, 1919 |
D262/22 Prospectuses, newspaper reports etc. relating to Monmouth School. No Date |
D262/23 Minutes of School Managers and Committees of Monmouth School 1910-1923 |
D262/24 School magazines, reports etc., Monmouth Grammar School (boys) and Monmouth High School (girls). 1911-1928 |