Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Newport Temperance Society.
- Title
- Newport Temperance Society (Newport and District Total Abstinence Society & Band of Hope Union)
- ID
- GB0218.D657
- Date
- 1885-1963
- Extent
- 0.18 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Information to be supplied.
Scope and Contents note
Minute Books, 1885-1963; Ledgers, 1891-1894, 1903-1907; Cash Books, 1890-1901, 1903-1908, 1938-1942; Miscellaneous administrative and financial records, 1889-1961; Annual Reports, 1906-1957; Miscellaneous papers re: High Court Action, 1946-1961.
Arrangement note
Arranged into the following series: Minute Books; Financial Records; Miscellaneous Books; Miscellaneous Papers.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Deposit 1967.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Temperance-Wales-Newport
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
Minute Books 1885-1963 |
D657 Newport Temperance Society including minutes of the Annual Subscribers Meeting, and the following Commitees or Sub-Committes:- General, Special, Executive, Excursions, Conversazione, Electoral Agents, Public Meetings, Finance, Musical, Sunday Meetings and Newspapers 1885-1893 |
D657 Newport and County Total Abstinence Society and Gospel Temperence Union including minutes of the Annual Subscribers Meeting and the following committies or Sub Committies:- Executive, Finance, Newspaper, Public meetings, Electoral, Outing, Publication, Public Action, Special and Choir. 1893-1900 |
D657 Monmouthshire Band of Hope Union including Council, Executive and Finance Committee, and Newport and Monmouthshire Total abstinence Society and Band of Hope Union 1901-1904 (The volume consists mainly of minutes of the Executive Commitee and Annual Meeting but other Committees include:- Band of Hope, Finance, Public Meetings, Agents and Choir) 1895-1904 |
D657 Monmouthshire Band of Hope Union Sub Committee minute book, commenced 1895 but first 20 pages have been partially obscured by newspaper cuttings pasted onto them and Newport and Monmouthshire Total Abstinence Society and Band of Hope Union, 1901-1903 including Minutes of the following Committees:- Agents, Band of Hope, Finance, Public Meetings, Choir, Missions, and catering 1895-1903 |
D657 Newport and Monmouthshire Total Abstinence Society and Band of Hope Union, Executive Committee 1905-1922 Annual Business Meeting 1927-1943 Annual Business Meeting 1943-1963 1905-1963 |
D657 (Phillip's Memorial) Hall Managment Committee Minute Book, 1908-1933 (This book was originally the minute book of Newport Property Owners and contains the minutes of that Association, 1902 -1903 inauguration to closure). 1908-1933 |
D657 Financial Records 1891-1964 |
D657 Monmouthshire Band of Hope Union Ledger, 1891-1894 Newport and Monmouthshire Total abstsnence Society and Band of hope Union Ledger, 1903-1907 1891-1907 |
D657 Newport and County Temperance Society Cash Book, Dec 1890-Jan 1901 Monmouthshire Band of Hope Union Organising Secretary's Cash Account, Apr 1893-Mar 1901 Newport and Monmouthshire Total Abstinence Society and Dand of Hope Union, Cash Book , Jan 1901-Dec 1901 Newport and Mon T.A.S. and B.O.H Union Cash Book Jan 1903-1908 Newport and Mon T.A.S. and B.O.H. Union Cash Book Jan 1938-Dec 1942 Also contains Statement of Receipts and Payments Summerhill Church Docas (sic.) Society for year ended 10 Dec 1957 1890-1957 |
D657 Newport Temperance Society Advertisment (received) Ledger, 1893-1895 (in conection with Temperance publications) also contains:- Subscriptions (recieved) Account, 1895-1896 List of Children and Schools attended, [1895] Reciepts from Sociables, 1895-1896 A note of 41 ''Districts'' in Newport ? Agent ? Secretary's Log Book, May 1956-1958 List of Distributors of ''Bells'' (i.e. ''Christian Temperence Bells''-this was the Society's publication) [c. 1895] 1893-1958 |
D657 Advertisement Revenue Account 1895 with agent's expenditure, Oct 1953 to Apr 1958 1895-1958 |
D657 Newport and Mon T.A.S.and B.O.H. Union Agents/Secretary's expenses/petty cash account Mar 1952-Apr 1955 Subscription Account, 1952-1954 Agent/Secretary's expenses/petty cash account May 1955-Apr 1958 and Feb 1960- Apr 1961 This volume was originally an Account Book showing transactions with affiliated Societies by way of affiliation fees and magazine purchases, 1914 List of Subscriptions 1955-1956 to 1961-1962 1952-1962 |
D657 Newport Temperance Society Account Book of: Sarurday Concerts, 1908-1909 Eiseddfod Account, 1908-1909 General Accounts, Oct 1908-Jun 1909 1908-1909 |
Miscellaneous Books 1889-1967 |
D657 Book of consents to the proceeds of the sale of the old Temperance Hall, Llanarth Street, Newport, being applied towards the cost of the erection of the (new) Phillips Memorial Temperance Hall, with lists of subscribers etc. 1889 |
D657 Newport B.O.H Union-Band of Speakers and Plans season 1919-1910 (Plans not complete) 1909-1910 |
D657 B.H.O.Union Register of affiliated Societies etc. 1912-1914 |
D657 Newport and Mon T.A.S. and B.O.H. Union Commitee attendance register 1918 Festival Record Book 1923-1939 (recording of names of competitors and winners in the various competitions) Programme, May Festival 1916 Programme 33rd Annuel competative Festival, 1924 Secretary/Agent's Log Book, 20 Mar 1933-2 Jun 1933 Secretary/Agent's Log Book Apr 1953 Secretary/Agent's log book 30 Aug 1942-Aug 1944 1918-1944 |
D657 Register of ? members of the Society n.d. and 1934-c. 1942 [1934-c.1942] |
D657 Annual Reports 1906,1908,1910,1911,1912,1913,1933,1936,1944,19451946,1949,1950-1957,1964-1966,1967 1906-1961 |
D657 Printed Booklet ''The Temperance Movement in Newport Mon'' 1837-1837 by Rev. D. J. Thomas. 1937-1937 |
D657 Printed Booklet ''The History of the Newport Hostel'', 1939-1946 1939-1946 |
Miscellaneous Papers |
D647 Relating to High Court action to determine the rights of the Newport and Monmouthshire T.A.S. and B.O.H.Union to the income etc. from the Phillips Memorial Hall. Including :- Correspondence, 1946-1961 (32 items) Case for Opinion of Counsel, n.d. Opinion of Counsel, 1958 Further Opinion of Counsel, 1959 Note on Further Opinion Copy of Original Summons, 1958 Copy of Affidavit of Daniel John Thomas Breif Affidavit of F.J.Notley, 1957 Notes of D.J.T.on Mr. Notley's affidavit Miscellaneous notes of D.J.T. relating to the Society including extracts from Minute Book etc. 1946-1961 |
D657 Draft Reports (of D.J.T.) to Annual Meetings [1959-1960] |
D657 Draft Suggested Duties for the Secretary of the Society [c.1960] |
D657 Additional information as to history of Newport Temperance Society by D.J.Thomas [Mid 20th century] |
D657 Deed of Appiontment of New Trustees (Phillips Memorial Hall) (copy) 1934 |