Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- The Chepstow Society.
- Title
- The Chepstow Society
- ID
- GB0218.D396
- Date
- 1711-1960
- Extent
- 0.54 not recorded
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
The Chepstow Society was formed in 1948 in order to chart and promote the history of the town and stimulate interest in the town.
Scope and Contents note
Miscellaneous items relating to Chepstow and its environs collected by the Chepstow Society and deposited in the County Record Office when the museum of the Society closed. The records date rate spans 1711-1963.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Local Societies-Wales-Monmouthshire
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
Chepstow Parish Records |
Parish Registers |
D396/1 Registers of Banns of Marriage 1823-1837 |
D396/2 Registers of Banns of Marriage 1876-1884 |
D396/3 Registers of Banns of Marriage 1884-1893 |
D396/4 Registers of Banns of Marriage 1893-1911 |
D396/5 Certificate of Baptism Counterfoils 1815-1880 |
D396/6-7 Certificate of Marriage Counterfoils (2 books) 1832-1908 |
D396/8-9 Certificate of Publication of Marriage (2) 1910, 1924 |
Registration Miscellaneous |
D396/10 Circular letter to clergy from Secretary of State's Office requesting information from Parish Registers helpful to the enquiry into the rate of mortality among the laborious classes of society. Nov 1836 |
D396/11 Circular letter to Churchwardens from Secretary of State's Office re: the above enquiry 12 Jan 1837 |
D396/12 Circular letter from General Register Office re: new methods of making our Marriage Register Returns. 15 Mar 1832 |
D396/13 Communications Registration and Marriage Acts 1836-1856, and the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1874. 1862, 1875 |
D396/14 General Register Office communication to The Rev. D.F. Morgan, Vicar of Chepstow re: error in Register. 17 Jan 1867 |
D396/15 Uncompleted Parish Register return [19th century] |
Churchwardens |
D396/16-18 Receipts and Vouchers (3 bundles) 1822-1881 |
D396/19 Receipt Book counterfoils (3 books) Church Wardens (for bell ringing, church maintenance fund, Church Poor Fund etc.), together with books of counterfoils, purpose not specified. (1884-1885) 1879-1881, 1884-1885 |
D396/20 Uncompleted Parish Rate Returns 1837 |
Vestry Meeting |
D396/21 Minute re: building of work house 29 Dec 1796 |
D396/22 Notice of meeting of Ratepayers 4 Apr 1844 |
D396/23 List of persons unable through poverty to pay poor rates. Drawn up at meeting of ratepayers. 6 Jan 1848 |
D396 Parish Clerk |
D396/24 Receipts 1836, 1837 |
Church Records |
D396/25 Oaths re: absence of impediments to marriage (2) 14 Sep 1822 |
D396/26 Stipendiary Curate Licences 1849-1868 |
D396/27-30 4 Bundles of Special Marriage Licences 1856-1914 |
D396/31 Collections Entry Book 1857-1872 |
D396/32 Permission to bury in church yard 1858-1876 |
D396/33-34 Strange Preacher's Book and Church of England Register 1888-1894, 1901-1906 |
D396/35-36 Register of Services 1905-1910, 1910-1915 |
D396/37 Visitors Book 1906-1909 |
Church Miscellaneous |
D396/38 Copy of letter from James Evans to the Secretary of State re: right of burial in churchyard. 26 May 1863 |
D396/39 Copy citation leading to grant of faculty for putting stained glass in the South side of the nave of Chepstow Parish Church in memory of Ann Morris. 11 May 1877 |
D396/40 Letter from Ecclesiastical Commissioners to The Rev. Wm. Arnold, vicar of Chepstow re: grant of stipend to Chepstow. Together with copy of London Gazette (12 April 1878) 17 Apr 1878 |
D396/41 Reopening of the Bells Order of Service 6 Dec 1890 |
D396/42 Appeal re: the restoration of St Mary's Sep 1889 |
D396/43 Appeal for fund for restoration 1889 |
D396/44 Order of Special Service in aid of restoration 'The Messiah' 10 Dec 1890 |
D396/45 Appeal for funds for restoration [c.1890-1900] |
D396/46 Appeal for funds for restoration [c.1890-1900] |
D396/47 Orders of Service: Death of Ald. Ellis, 60th Anniversary of Accession of Queen Victoria. Visit of Glos. Hussars Imperial Yeomanry, New Passion Play. 1895-1907 |
D396/48 Folder containing: Orders of Service Amistice Day, Consecretion of New Cemetry in Bulwark (1857) etc. with list of subscriptions to Chepstow Chancel Fund, (1897) 1897-1957 |
D396/49 Folder containing 2 normal Orders of Service and a Form of Prayer for Admission of Members to the Girls Friendly Society. 1900 |
D396/50 Plans re: construction of Parish Church together with Reports of Committee of Honorary Consulting Architects (1904) 1901 |
D396/51 Order of Service in Parish Church on Coronation Day of King George V and Queen Mary 1911 |
D396/52 The Rev. A.W. Meggison, curate, St Mary's, Chepstow 1890-1897, died, Astley, Shrewsbury, 1949. Correspondence: Including letter from A.W. Meggison to C. Gordon Jolliffe (1947); Correspondence between Jolliffe, Septima s. Meggison, James French (Churchwarden of St. Augustine's, Tonge Moor, Bolton) and others re: the memorial to A.W. Meggison at St. Augustines. 1947-1959 |
D396/53 Form and Order of Service Institution and Induction of The Rev. Ernest Peter Evans as vicar of Chepstow. 17 Sep 1952 |
D396 Overseers of the Poor |
D396/54 Certificate of Legal Settlement from par. of Horton, Glos. to parish of Chepstow. 26 May 1743 |
D396/55 Orders of Removal 1784-1819 |
D396/56 Receipts and Vouchers 1796-1878 |
D396/57 Examinations in Bastardy and Settlement Information re: maintenance of bastards. 1798-1820 |
D396/58 Bond to indemnify the parish of Chesptow in maintenance of bastard. 22 Feb 1808 |
D396/59 Poor Weekly Pay Account Book 1810-1812 |
D396/60 Folder containing: Order of Relief, 1776-1819 Correspondence, 1797-1826 and undated Solicitors' Accounts, 1810, 1829 Certificate of Legal Settlement, undated Account of money paid by James Matthews of Walford's Parish to Elizabeth Lewis pauper of Chepstow, 1812 Notice of Appeal Overseers and order concerning the removal of a family to Chepstow, 4 Apr 1816 Subpoena in case of Overseers of Chepstow v Overseer of Itton, 14th April 1817 Globe Insurance Co. Policies, receipts, 1819-1838 Richard Thomas's estimate for braking up old drain and making a new one at the poor house, 1829 Letter from Edwin Chadwick at Poor Law Commision Office to the Clerk to the Gaurdians, Chepstow Union, re: sale of workhouse and premises, 20 Jan 1846 1776-1846 |
D396/61 Letter from John Davies, once watchmaker asking for employment which will not tax his left wrist. 1813 |
D396/62 Letter from Oliver Chapman of London giving information concerning a James Thomas whose family is being supported by Oliver Chapman's parish. 14 Nov 1817 |
D396/63 Summons to Overseers of Chepstow to appear before the Justice of Bath re: illegal removal and notice of legal proceedings from Taylor, Solicitors of Bath. 21 Dec 1848, 20 Feb 1849 |
D396/64 2 uncompleted formal receipts for travelling expenses from soldiers' families. [Mid 19th century] |
396 Poor Rate |
D396/65 Poor Rate Books 21 Aug 1868 |
D396/66 Poor Rate Books (Poor condition) 21 Jan 1871 |
D396/67 Poor Rate Books 14 Jan 1882 |
D396/68 Poor Rate Books 16 Nov 1885 |
D396/69 Poor Rate Books 22 Nov 1886 |
D396/70 Poor Rate Books (Poor condition) 10 May 1887 |
D396/71 Poor Rate Books 24 Apr 1888 |
D396/72 Poor Rate Books 20 Nov 1888 |
D396/73 Poor Rate Books 1 Nov 1803 |
D396/74 Summons to several persons who refused to pay Poor Rate. 5 Nov 1803 |
D396/75 Uncompleted Poor Relief Return (by Order of House of Commons) 2 Jul 1821 |
D396 Charities |
D396/76 Charity Receipts 1847, 1848 |
D396 Surveyors of Highways |
D396/77 Receipts and Vouchers 1829-1949 |
C396 Parish Constable |
D396/78 Order of Petty Constables of Chepstow and Mathern to assemble a Vestry Meeting to consider the most speedy means of raising men for service in the Army 8 Dec 1796 |
D396/79 Receipts and Vouchers to A/C.,together with Search Warrant (21 Jan 1820) 1796-1837 |
D396/80 Warrant for arrest of William Lewis on a filiation charge 18 Apr 1811 |
D396/81 Warrant to commit Sarah Wallis, mother of a bastard child, to the House of Correction. 1817 |
D396/82 Warrant for arrest of felon 21 Jan 1820 |
D396 Parish Apprentices |
D39683 Indentures: Eliz. Morgan to John Clements. Ben Davies to John Harris (with dup.) James Dee to ?Geo. Tomlinson. Thos. Williams to Rev. James Jane. c1818-1819 |
D396/84 Declaration that Mary Jones is a fit person to receive a Parish apprentice. 10 Oct 1821 |
D396 Parliamentary Legislation |
D396/85 Bill for Regulation of Parish Vestries 13 Mar 1818 |
D396/86 Act for amending Laws respecting the solemnization of marriages in England 18 Jul 1823 |
D396/87 Act for marriages in England (with Abstract) 17 Aug 1836 |
D396/88 Act to alter the mode of giving notices for holding of Vestries of making proclamations in cases of outlawry and of giving notices on Sundays with respect to various matters. (12 Jul 1837) Together with Act to explain and amend 2 Acts passed on the last session of Parliament for marriages and for registering births, deaths and marriages in England. (30 Jun 1837) 30 Jun 1837, 12 Jul 1837 |
D396/89/1-2 Act to abridge the holding of benefices in plurality and to make better provision for the residence of the clergy. 14 Aug 1838 |
D396 Miscellaneous |
D396/90 Miscellaneous receipts and vouchers (printing, rent etc.) Together with various recipes for cold with hoarseness in the stomach, liquide for polishing shoes. 1796-1878 |
Charities |
D396/91 Receipts for stock 1868-1879 |
D396/92 Order of Commissioners appointing trustee, Clerk's Land. 1871 |
D396/93 Correspondence re: Carmichael and Burr Charities in copy of will of Mrs Carmichael. 1875-1904 |
D396/94 John, Anne and Hester Morgan Charity and Hugh Watkins Charity, Communications from Charity Commission and Statement of Accounts 1877, 1878 |
D396/95 Order of Commissioners appointing Trustees Hugh Watkins and Morgan Charities. 1877 |
D396/96 Carmichaels Charity Blanket Ticket 1917 |
Parish of Mathern |
D396/97 Notification of increase of stipend to Vicar of Mathern, Rev. Watkin Davies. 26 May 1911 |
D396 Parish of Llandegveth |
D396/98 Warrant of sumons to Constable of Landegveth to summon Overseers of Landegveth why they failed to give relief to Margaret Barker. 26 Apr 1816 |
D396 Caerwent Parish Council |
D396/99 Permit to cut wood 31 Mar 1958 |
Tithes |
D396/100 Sealed Copy Agreement for commutation of tithes (confirmed 4 April 1839) with Apportionment (confirmed 30 June 1841) for parish of Wolvesnewton. Copy certified 28 Mar 1882 7 May 1838 |
D396/101 Copy Provisional Agreement for commutation of tithes (confirmed 10 Sep 1840) with Apportionment (confirmed 5 Sep 1845) for parish of Llanishen. Copy certified 3 May 1845 4 May 1839 |
D396/102 Copy Award (confirmed 18 Feb 1841) with Apportionment (confirmed 28 Feb 1843) of Rent Charge in lieu of titles for parish of Shirenewton. Copy certified 10 Feb 1844 3 Feb 1841 |
D396/103-104 Sealed Copy Award (confirmed 16 May 1843) with Apportionment (confirmed 14 Mar 1845) of Rent Charge in lieu of tithes for parish of Itton. Copy certified 16 April 1845, together with Copy Award certified 16 April 1845. 6 May 1843 |
D396/105 Copy Award (confirmed 5 Oct 1845) with Apportionment (confirmed 30 Sept 1846) of Rent Charge in lieu of tithes for parish of Cilgwrrwg or Kilgwrrwg. Copy cerified 22 Mar 1850 4 Apr 1843 |
D396/106 Award with Apportionment of Rent Charge in lieu of tithes for parish of St Arvans. Confirmed 20 Nov 1845 11 Jun 1845 |
D396/107 Copy Agreement for commutation of tithes (confirmed 26 June 1846) with Apportionment (confirmed 30 Sept 1847) for parish of Kemeys Inferior. Copy certified 22 Dec 1847 22 Oct 1845 |
D396/108-109 Sealed copy Award (confirmed 20 April 1850) with Apportionment (confirmed 30 Jan 1851) of Rent Charge in lieu of tithes for par Howick. Copy certified 4 Feb 1851, together with Copy Award certified 24 June 1852 21 Mar 1850 |
D396/110 Incomplete Schedule of lands in parish of Itton, Howick and Rogerstone Grange for purpose of Tithe Apportionment. [c. Mid 19th century] |
Quarter Sessions |
D396/111 Oath sworn by John Williams on enlistment in 61st Regiment before Francis Davies J.P. 3 Dec 1796 |
D396/112 Information in case of assault 13 Oct 1819 |
D396/113 Information re: weights and measures 1821 |
D396/114 Precepts to Bailiff 1823, 1825 |
D396/115 Calendar of Prisoners for Trial at Usk 17 Mar 1862 |
D396/116 Uncompleted return from Constable as to number of men eligible for militia and those claiming exemption. c.1810 |
County Bridges |
D396/117 Report on state of Chepstow Bridge by John Rennie 4 Jan 1812 |
D396/118 Specification of repairs to Chepstow Bridge 1813 |
D396/119 Description of Brockweir Bridge 1909 |
County Council |
D396 Transferred Records |
D396 New Passage Turnpike Trust |
D396/120 Minute Books 22 May 1758-8 Jun 1789 |
D396/1221 Minute Books 6 Dec 1790-12 Apr 1836 |
D396/122 Minute Books 22 Mar 1837-30 Oct 1852 |
D396/123 Register of Deeds drawn up on credit of tolls 1759-1851 |
D396/124-125 A/C Books 1780-1793, 1795-1813 |
D396/126-127 Receipts and Vouchers for painting, paving, advertising of tolls to let, property tax etc. 1806-1807, 8 Aug 1815-18 May 1816 |
D396/128 General Statements of A/C 1824-1828, 1829-1832, 1835-1838, 1839, 1841, 1842 |
D396/129 Plan of old and new road through Wentwood [19th century] |
Letter from Arthur Wyatt re: the possibility of a road from St. Arvans under Windcliffe to Tintern to communicate with the road already made to the latter place. [19th century] |
Chepstow School |
D396/131 Log Book Girls, Boys and Infants 1873-1874 Girls and Boys 1874-1875 Boys 1875-1922 21 Apr 1873-31 Mar 1922 |
D396/132 Admission Register (mixed) 21 Apr 1873-19 Jul 1875 |
D396/133 Admission Register (boys) 29 Sep 1884-31 May 1920 |
D306/134 Stock and Stores A/C 29 Sep 1894-31 Mar 1907 |
D396/135 Cottage Gardening Attendance Register 1900 |
D396 Chepstow School Miscellaneous |
D396/136 Printed copies of some of the Government Reports and testimonials obtained by Mrs Philip Morgan, Schoolmistress, including one from Chepstow School Board (1879) 1866-1899 |
D396/137 2 Programmes-Chepstow Board School entertainment by pupils and teachers. 28 Nov 1877-17 Dec 1877 |
D396/138 Annual Returns (showing income, expenditure, numbers, attendance, depositors in School Savings Bank etc.) H.M. Inspectors' Reports, proficiency schedules, examination schedule, examination results and reports of examiners of Dept. of Science and Art of the Committee of the Council on Education, notices of examination of pupil teachers and candidtates, revised regulations as to Certificate of Age, Proficiency and Attendance, Circular for object teaching and list of publications of Education Dept. 1891-1903 |
D306/139 Chepstow Boys Council School Programme of Concert 25 Apr 1934 |
D396 County Council Miscellaneous |
D396/140 Chepstow Maternity and Child Welfare Committee Minute Book (semi official body) 29 Oct 1946-13 Dec 1949 |
Manorial |
D396/141 Inventory of Manorial Documents deposited at County Hall, Newport and Sessions House, Usk, from Messrs. Evans and Evill. [19th century] |
D396/142 Copy Court Roll Manor of Llangwm Ussa Surrender (1) William Jones of Llangwm uss amd Margaret his wife. (2) James David of Ponteddul, gent. and Samuel Price of Gwernesney, clerk. Messuage etc., with 2 acres of land called Gwirlod Gattwg and Ynys Gattwg, 9d. and 5/- in place of the heriot. 1 Mar 1712 |
D396/143 Copy Court Roll Court Leet of Manor of Caldicot and Newton Surrender and Admittance (1) John Nash, only son and customary heir of Samuel Nash, late of Magor, Co. Mon., gent. dec'd. (2) Thomas Edwards of Runston, Co. Mon., yeoman. One frandel of lands in Sheare Field in Caldicot adjoining part of Rodge Farm on the East, lands of Edmund Rumsey Bradbury, gent. on the North and a wood of Mr James Davies on the South. 1/- 19 Oct 1772 |
Legal Papers |
Accounts |
D396/144 Account Book of interest due to Morgan Lewis and others 1769-1786 |
D396/145 Account Book of John Evans, Chepstow Undersheriff 1810-1831 |
D396/146 Accounts of Messrs. Evans and Sons 1818 |
D396/147 Miscellaneous Vouchers 1802, 1828, 1831 |
Court Proceedings |
D396/148 Writs Monmouth Assizes and Quarter Sessions: Temperance Howell v William Wilcox, 7 Jul 1802, Plea of Trespass Thomas Phillips v Henry Waters, 12 Feb 1805, Plea of Trespass Chepstow v St. Woollos, 8 Jan 1816, Appeal St. Pierre v Bryngwyn, 9 Jan 1816, Appeal George Hoskin v John Hoskin v John Taylor, 21 Jun 1820, Plea of Trespass Evan Davies, Selwyn James, Sarah Buckle, George Buckle, David Scott, John Evans, William Waters v Frances Edwards, 12 Feb 1821, Plea of Trespass and Ejectment. John Cadle v Isaac Roberts, 12 Feb 1823, Plea of Trespass. Laugharne Co. Carmarthen v Itton, 31 Jan 1830, Appeal William Hart Harrison v Thomas Earle, 31 Jan 1833, Plea of Trespass Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire Banking Co. v George Skipp for recovery of £35.6.4., 4 Jan 1850 1802-1850 |
D396/149 Writ: James Watkins v John Palmer, Trespass on the case 7 Jul 1813 |
D396/150 Case for opinion of Mr Campbell re: removal of paupers from Newport to Chepstow with Mr Campbell's opinion. 1815 |
D396/151 Removal of pauper from St. Woollos to Chepstow, Brief in Appeal 1816 |
D396/153 Pleas: George Hopkin v John Hopkins v Jn. Hopkins v John Taylor in regard to a debt of £60-made at Westminster. Respited for trial at Monmouth Assizes. 1820 |
D396/154 Envelope containing: Notices of Action Exchequer of Pleas 25 Oct 1841 Thomas James Thomas v Chas. Keedwell and Chas. Mayor, Debt. 20 Nov 1841 Thomas Jones v John Stalker Follet, Debt 4 Dec 1841 Thomas Perkins v Chas. Keedwell, Debt 22 Mar 1842 James Davis v Henry Duncan, Debt 24 Mar 1842 John Gardiner v Thomas Morris, Debt 8 Jul 1842 Joseph Davies, John Baker, John Gardiner, William Davies v Richard Withers, Debt 11 Nov 1842 John Capel Smith, Theophilus Stephens, John Pattern v James Birt and Jn. Birt, Debt Queen's Bench 12 Jun 1846 Elizabeth Wade v John Wade, Debt 9 Jun 1849 Duke of Beaufort v Llewllin Gilbert Shellard, Debt 2 Nov 1849 Joseph Davies, Wm. Davies, Theophilus Stephens, John Capel Smirth, George Waters v Rd. Archard Writs 18 Jun 1823 Jn. Elsmore v Jn. Campbell Watson, Theft and non appearance in court 4 Feb 1833 Henry Paul, Robert Clark Paul, Edward Browne Paul v Thomas Williams, On Promise 23 Jun 1849 Duke of Beaufort v Llewellin Gilbert Shellard for recovery of £400 15 Jan 1849 Joseph Davies, Wm. Davies, Theophilus Stephens, John Capel Smith and Geo. Waters v Richard Archard for recovery of £60. Miscellaneous 31 Jan 1842 Order to stay proceedings, Frazer (Co. Mon. and Co. Glam. Banking Co.) v Wintle Trinity Term 1842 Court Order, Frazer (Co. Mon. and Co. Glam. Banking Co.) v Ashley 1823-1849 |
D396/155 W. Harrison v Earle, Action for Slander Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire Bank v John Winkle, Exchequer of Pleas 1833, 1841, 1842 |
D396/156 Notice of Action - 27 Oct 1841 Complaint - 27 Oct 1841 Plea - 12 Nov 1841 Replication - 14 Jan 1842 Writ to summon jury with jury list - 27 Jan 1842 (Hilary Term, 1842) Writ for Distraint of the Jurors - 28 Jan 1842 (with jury list) 1841, 1842 |
D396/157 Notice of Action Exchequer of Pleas J. Davies, J. Baker, J. Gardiner, Wm. Davies v Edward Evans, Debt 17 Jan 1842 |
D396/158 Declaration, plea, replication and verdict John Doe v O'Hare and O'Hare, Queens Bench 4 Apr 1846 |
D396/159 Notice of Action before Queen's Bench in case of Joseph Davies, Wm. Davies, Theophilus Stephens, Jn. Capel Smith and George Waters v Henry Hopkins Debt, with writ (5 Jun 1849) for recovery of £40 31 Mar 1846 |
D396/160 White v Watkins Bill of complaint Breach of Contract 1869 |
Correspondence |
D396/161-164 4 envelopes containing legal correspondence- Evans and Son 1815-1820 |
D396/165 Letter to R. Evans, Chepstow, Undersheriff re: debt in case of Early exors. v Matthews claiming that the sum stated to be owing is incredible. 17 Dec 1817 |
D396/166 Correspondence concerning distraint on the goods of William Matthews at suit of John Early. Together with Notice of Distraint (22 Dec 1817). Notice from Sheriff to landlord of payment of rent. Inventory of goods and chattels of Wm. Matthews (23 Dec 1817). 23 Dec 1817 |
D396/167 2 letters from J. Smith to Arthur Pitcher (Clerk to County Court) re: fees due to latter. 12 Oct 1819, 30 Nov 1819 |
Miscellaneous |
D396/168 Messrs. Evans, Solicitors. List of debts, Monmouthshire and Gloucestershire County Courts 1815-1816 |
D396/169 Letter from James Griffiths (jun.) Caerwent, to A. Pitcher, Chepstow (County Court Clerk) asking for information on the causes at that time prosecuting and defending in the County Court. 12 Jan 1820 |
D396/170 Printed list of Solicitor's Charges [c. early 19th century-mid 19th century] |