Gwent Archives

Bethany Baptist Church, Abergavenny, records
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Bethany Baptist Church, Abergavenny.
- Title
- Bethany Baptist Church, Abergavenny, Records
- ID
- GB0218.D3156
- Date
- 1853-1990
- Extent
- 0.09 Cubic Metres
- General Physical Description note
- (Information to be supplied)
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
The Bethany Baptist Church, Abergavenny, was formerly known as Lion Street Chapel.
Scope and Contents note
Records of Bethany Baptist Church, Abergavenny, 1853-1990, including minutes, 1856-1987; financial records, 1853-1987; correspondence, 1876-1959; miscellaneous, 1782-1990.
Arrangement note
Arranged into two groups: Group one consists of minutes, financial records, correspondence and miscellaneous papers; Group two consists of minutes, financial records and miscellaneous papers.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright regulations apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are possible
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Source not recorded
Appraisal note
All records deposited at Gwent Record Office have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Baptists--Wales--Abergavenny; Religious institutions--Wales--Abergavenny;
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy of the catalogue is available in Gwent Record Office.
Collection Inventory
D3156/1-16 Minutes Mid 19th century-Late 20th century |
D3156/1 Minutes of Church meetings (including narrative account of early history of the church 1828-1834, names of members and their baptism details c. 1820-1860) 1856-1882 |
D3156/2 Draft minutes of Church meetings, and of Building Committee (1882-83) 1882-1889 |
D3156/3 Minutes of Church meetings, and of Building Committee (1882-1883) 1882-1926 |
D3156/4 Minutes of Church meetings (including record of quarterly subscriptions 1906-1907, and other financial details) 1889-1890, 1926-1927 |
D3156/5 Minutes of Deacons meetings 1911-1923 |
D3156/6 Minutes of Deacons' meetings (including financial accounts for 1927). 1924-1929, 1945-1947 |
D3156/7 Minutes of Church meetings 1927-1945 |
D3156/8 Minutes of Deacons' meetings 1931-1935 |
D3156/9 Minutes of Church meetings (1947-1949) and Deacons' meetings (1948-49) 1947-1949 |
D3156/10 Minutes of Church meetings and Deacons' meetings 1947-1949 |
D3156/11 Minutes of Deacons' meetings 1956-1965 |
D3156/12 Minutes of Church meetings 1958-1966 |
D3156/13 Minutes of Church meetings 1966-1971 |
D3156/14 Minutes of Deacons' meetings 1966-1973 |
D3156/15 Minutes of Fabric Committee 1972-1973 |
D3156/16 Minutes of Deacons meetings 1980-1986 |
D3156/17-56 Financial Records Late 19th century-Late 20th century |
D3156/17-23 Account Books Late 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D3156/17 1853-1876 |
D3156/18 1926-1930 |
D3156/19 1926-1949 |
D3156/20 1930-1932 |
D3156/21 1934 |
D3156/22 1938-1944 |
D3156/23 1948-1949 |
D3156/24-29 Expenditure and Receipt Books Late 19th century-Late 20th century |
D3156/24 1892-1938 |
D3156/25 1911-1930 |
D3156/26 1912-1919 |
D3156/27 1920-1926 |
D3156/28 1950-1971 |
D3156/29 1955-1972 |
D3156/30-39 Bills and Receipts Late 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D3156/30 1876-1885 |
D3156/32 1912-1913 |
D3156/33 1914-1915 |
D3156/34 1916-1917 |
D3156/35 1918-1921 |
D3156/36 1922-1924 |
D3156/37 1926-1929 |
D3156/38 1930-1936 |
D3156/39 1945-1949 |
D3156/40-43 Balance Sheets Early 20th century-Mid 20th century |
D3156/40 Lantern Fund 1900-1902 |
D3156/41 1917 |
D3156/42 General Fund - Abergavenny District Council of Evangelical Churches 1931 |
D3156/43 Sewing Party 1956 |
D3156/44-56 Other Financial Records Late 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D3156/44 Collection Book 1876-1889 |
D3156/45 Collection Book 1882-1884 |
D3156/46 Booklets recording subscriptions paid towards building fund (14 items - 2 blank). 1882-1886 |
D3156/47 Bank books of National Provincial Bank Ltd.: organ fund account 1882-1889 deposit account 1925-1931 church account 1925-1946 renovations account 1930-1946 1882-1946 |
D3156/48 Booklet recording weekly offerings 1889-1891 |
D3156/49 Register of contributions 1909-1943 |
D3156/50 Post Office Savings Book 1916-1939 |
D3156/51 Insurance policy with Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co. Ltd. re. the church. 1921 |
D3156/52 Abergavenny Evangelical Free Church Festival account. 1926 |
D3156/53 Register of contributions 1926-1931 |
D3156/54 Cheque book stubs 1927,1928,1943-1946 |
D3156/55 Paying-in book stubs 1931-1948 |
D3156/56 Booklet recording subscriptions paid towards a presentation made to Mr. J. Hamer (former secretary of the church). 1948-1949 |
D3156/57-62 Correspondence Late 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D3156/57 1876-1898 |
D3156/58 1900-1909 |
D3156/59 1916-1939 |
D3156/60 1944-1947 |
D3156/61 1948-1949 |
D3156/62 1950-1959 |
D3156/63-80 Miscellaneous Papers Late 18th century-Late 20th century |
D3156/63 Will (extracted from registry of Consistory Court of Llandaff) of Eunice Bonner of town of Abergavenny, spinster To her sister Catherine Bonner, undivided fifth part of all that barn, beasthouse and 4 parcels of meadow, pasture of arable land called Upper Pen Pounds; and also of all that messuage together with garden, orchard and piece of meadow ground called Lower Penpound; and also of her fifth undivided part of that building called Tug Gurthhill, together with stable, gardens and piece of pasture ground called Piscodleein situated in town of Abergavenny; and also of that piece of meadow or pature land situated in par. Llanwenarth Citra. To her nephew Fowler Walker of Lincolns Inn, London, all her messuage or dwellinghouse with brewhouse, yards, garden and appurtenances situated in town of Abergavenny; and also all her household goods and furniture, together with residue of her personal estate. Various monetary bequests Witnesses: William Lewis of Abergavenny, cabinet maker; John Valentine of the same, shoemaker, and H. Williams, attorney. 30 Sep 1782 |
D3156/64 Will (copy) of Richard Bowcott of par. Abergavenny, miller To his wife, all his personal estate and effects To his friends John Rollings of Abergavenny, gent., John Harris of par. Llantilio Pertholey, farmer, and John Cadogan of Abergavveny, timer merchant, the sum of £400 upon trust. Various other monetary bequests. Witnesses: William Roberts of Abergavenny, and Ralph Hansby, solicitor of Abergavenny. 1 Nov 1844 |
D3156/65 Certificate completed by Minister of Bethany Baptist Church stating that the church was used as a piece if worship before 30 June 1852 and will continue to be used as a place of worship. 1858 |
D3156/66 Certificate issued by Superintendent Registrar of Abergavenny District stating that Bethany Church has been registered for the solemnization of marriages (2 copies). 1858 |
D3156/67 List of members (1 vol.) 1862-1921 |
D3156/68 Certificate completed by minister of Bethany Church stating that the church will be used as a place of worship. 1883 |
D3156/69 Certificate issued by Superintendent Registrar of Abergavenny District stating that Bethany Church has been registered for the solemnization of marriages 1883 |
D3156/70 Communicants register of attendance 1890-1895, and Sunday School register of attendance 1903-1906 1890-1906 |
D3156/71 Order of service for funeral of Sidney Rogers Young, pastor of Bethany Church for 52 years 1913 |
D3156/72 Transfer forms mainly commending individuals to the fellowship of Bethany Church 1919-1957 |
D3156/73 List of rules issued by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland concerning ministerial recognition. c.1943 |
D3156/74 'Monmouthshire English Baptist Association: The Circular Letter from the annual meetings held at Griffithstown Baptist Church on 13/14 June 1945, including presidential address, reports, statistics etc. (2 copies) 1945 |
D3156/75 Information leaflets concerning: social security with a note on its application to Baptist churches; Baptist Union Corporation Ltd. as trustee; Baptist Commonwealth Society; and nationalization of drink trade. 1948-1959 |
D3156/76 Newspaper cutting (from the 'Abergavenny Chronicle and Monmouthshire Advertiser) concerning the organ of Bethany Church 1958 |
D3156/77 Newspaper cutting (origin unknown) concerning Rev. Micah Thomas of Abergavenny who founded the South Wales Baptist College in 1807 1958 |
D3156/78 Order of service for inauguration together with induction and recognition of team pastorate at Bethany Church (2 copies) 1990 |
D3156/79 Standing Orders of the council of Abergavenny borough for meetings and proceedings No Date |
D3156/80 Revival Hymns presented free by the Christian Herald (4 copies) No Date |
D3156/81 Minutes Late 20th century |
D3156/81 Minutes of Annual General Meetings 1984-87 (including statements of accounts 1985-86) 1985-1986 |
D3156/82-87 Financial Records Mid 20th century-Late 20th century |
D3156/82 Accounts: Receipts and payments 1961-1963 |
D3156/83 Church general accounts and deposit account statements 1964-1969 |
D3156/84 Deposit account statement 1982 |
D3156/85 Income and expenditure accounts and other financial records 1978, 1980-1984, 1986-1987 |
D3156/86 Report on condition of building fabric with estimated cost of renovation work No Date |
D3156/87 The Baptist Building Fund 160th Report (with statement of accounts) |
D3156/88-94 Miscellaneous Papers [Late 19th century-Late 20th century] |
D3156/88 Photocopy of extract reprinted from the Christian Fellowship for the Disabled Magazine entitled "The purpose of affliction" No Date |
D3156/89 Baptist Missionary Society leaflet with donation envelope attached 1987 |
D3156/90 Baptist Missionary Society 'Medical Missions' information/subscription forms(2) No Date |
D3156/91 Bethany Baptist Church constitution and rule book No Date |
D3156/92 Information schedule for Baptist handbook (not completed) No Date |
D3156/93 Collection of envelopes (no enclosures) Geo. VI. 2 1/2d stamps attached 1945, 1948 |
D3156/94 Lion Street Baptist Church building fund account book 1878-1882 |