Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Parish of Cwmyoy.
- Title
- Documents Relating to Trewyn in the Parish of Cwmyoy
- ID
- GB0218.D591/81
- Date
- 1605-1896
- Extent
- 0.18 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Tre-wyn, Monmouthshire, was originally owned by the Wynston family. In 1606, Thomas Wynston of Tre-wyn sold the manor and estate to John ap William Parry of Wern-y-cwm in Llanvetherine. In July 1609, he conveyed the manor of Tre-wyn (also known as Wynston) to John Delahay of Allt-yr-ynys for the sum of £950. The last member of the Delahay family, Thomas Delahay, died in 1738 without issue. He left the estate to Mary Clerk, wife of Josias Clerk, of Herefordshire, mercer, with remainder to their second son, Josias, and in default to their eldest son, John, on the condition that the inheritor took the name of Delahay. In 1745 the estates were purchased by William Kynaston, who sold off parts of it. In 1748 the manor of Tre-wyn was sold off after the death of Kynaston to James Shaw. On James's death in 1767 the estate was left to his great-nephew, William Shaw. William Shaw died in 1772 and Jeremiah Rosher, who married the widow of William Shaw, purchased the estate. In 1895, Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher sold the manor and estate to Philip Bartholomew Barneby.
Scope and Contents note
Deeds, 1595-1913, of the Trewyn estate, Monmouthshire, 1605-1896; estate papers, 1726-1898, including leases and tenancies, 1759-1845, maps, 1726, 1880-1882, legal miscellanea, 1753-1807, land tax papers, 1779-1815, poor rates, 1779-1838, sale of estates, 1886-1898, estate improvements and repairs, 1762-1817; papers relating to railways in Monmouthshire, 1814-1871; papers relating to highways in Monmouthshire, 1792-1870; and papers relating to Penbiddle school, Abergavenny, 1758-1783; Rosher family papers, 1794-1884, and manorial records referring to the correspondence on custom of the manor etc., of Tre-wyn, 1514, 1758-1849.
Arrangement note
Arranged into the following: deeds; manorial records; estate papers; family papers.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
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Usual conditions apply
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Usual copyright regulations apply.
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Accruals are not expected
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Deposit. It is Gwent Record Office's policy to withold information about donors or depositors in view of possible misuse.
Appraisal note
All records deposited at Gwent Record Office have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Documents-Trewyn-Cwmyoy
Other Finding Aids note
Hard copies of the catalogue are available at Gwent Record Office and the National Register of Archives.
Collection Inventory
Muniments of Title |
Trewyn Estate |
D591/81/48 Grant and Confirmation (1) Thomas Winston of Trewine, Co Hereford gent., and Margaret his wife (2) john Williams Parrie of Llanvertherine co Mon., gent. 4 parcels of land of which one called Coedcay lie in parish Comeyoy co. Hereford between the royal way towards the mansion house of Thomas Winston called Trewyn, the curtilage and other lands of Winston called Maes maure issa. Consideration £29.11.0 28 Sep 1605 |
D951/81/49 Grant and Confirmation (1) Thomas Winston and Margaret his wife (2) John William Parrie of the manor of Trewyn lying in co. Hereford and all messuages, house barns, buildings, gardens, orchards, lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, woods and underwoods, mills, rents, reversions, possessinos, suits and services, ponds, watercourses, fisheries, courts, liberties, franchises, profits, knight's fees, wards, reliefs, heriots, commodities, emoluments, fines, amerciaments and other hereditaments with all and singular thier rights, members and appurtenances, all of which were late of Walter Winston deceased father of Thomas. Consideration £1100 24 Mar 1606 |
D591/81/50 Articles of Agreement (1) John William Parry of Gwenecombe co. Mon. gent (2) John Delahay of Alterenes co. Heref. gent Delahay to pay Parry £420 upon feast of St. John the Baptist following, at the porch door of parish church of Llanvyhangell Killcorney. Parry to convey to Delahay the manor of Winston otherwise Trewyn co. Hereford with its appurtenances together with messuages and lands in parish Comyoy which Parry purchased from Winston. Manor to be freed from all encumbrances except of one lease from Parry to Winston for 7 years at a yearly rental of £50 and of which lease there are 4 years unexpired. Delahay to pay a further £400 in 1610. Delahay also to enter into a Statute Merchant of the sum of £200 to Parry for the true payment to Parry of £100 in 1611. 17 Feb 1608 |
D591/81/51 Bargain and Sale (1) John William Parrie (2) John Delahay £420 and £500 more. The manor of Winston otherwise Trewyn co. Hereford and other lands in parish of Comyoye and Walterston co. Hereford together with all deeds, evidence, letters, patent, exemplifications, court rolls, rentals, terriers etc. (exception made for a lease from Parry to Winston) Sealed and delivered with livery and seisin executed in the manor house of Trewine 12 Jul 1609 |
D591/81/53 Articles of Agreement (1) John Delahay (2) Thomas Winston of Trewyn, gent. Winston to hold the manor of Trewyn and all lands etc. and now in tenure of Winston and all the lands etc which were conveyed by Winston to John William Parry, until the feast of the Annunciation following. Delahay, after feast of Annunciation to pay Winston £25 annually until such time as he has paid Winston £250. To secure the annual payment Delahay to convey to Winston and his wife (in recompense for her dower in the premises) an annuity of £25 issuing out of the manor. Delahay also to pay to Thomas Winston of Blakemare co. Hereford, gent. an annuity of £40 issuing of the presmises. On payment of the annuity Winston to relinguish possession of the lands etc 25 May 1610 |
D591/81/52 Memorandum That Thomas Hughes, cousin of John William Parry of Gwernecombe co. Mon. gent. and John Harry John Eghan, brother-in-law to Parry have received of John Delahay by the hand of Morgan Delahay, gent. £400 by virtue of a letter of attorney from Parry to them 24 Jun 1610 |
D591/81/54 Feoffment (1) John William Parrie (2) John Delahay In consideration of $400 and certain covenants in an indenture of 12 Jul 1609. Manor of Winston otherwise Trewyn co. Hereford and all appurtenances and all other lands in pars. Comyoy and Walterstoen co. Hereford which Parry purchased from Thomas Winston of Trewyn. 24 Jun 1610 |
D591/81/55 Grant (1) John Delahay (2) Thomas Wynston and Margaret his wife In performance of an agreement made between them on 25 May 1610. An annuity of £25 issuing out of the manor of Trewyn and out of all lands thereto belonging and out of all the lands and tenements of the said Delahay in Trewyn which at anytime were the inheritance of Thomas Wynston 13 Aug 1611 |
D591/81/58 Marriage Settlement (1) John Delahay (2) Sir John Bridgman of Nimsfild co. glos. Knight, Chief Justice of Chester, Sergeant at Law, Gabrial Parvis of Ruckholts co. Essex, esq. and Robert Parry of Dules co. Hereford esq. Marriage already solemnized between John Delahay and Helena his wife. Manor of Winstone otherwise Trewin in parish Comyoy, also mess. etc of John Delahay and Helena lying in parish of Preston upon Wye, Bidford, Tiberton, Blackmare, Maddley and Bridge Sollers co. Hereford 20 May 1627 |
D591/81/59 Release and Quitclaim (1) William Winston of Lanvihangell Crucorney co. Mon. gent. (2) Cecil Delahay, s and h of John Delahay of Alterenis, esq. £13.6.8d. Manor of Winston or Trewyn and its appurtenances. Also an annuity of £25 granted to Thomas Winston and Margaret his wife, both deceased. 14 Mar 1322-14 Mar 1323 |
D591/81/61 Copy Will of John Delahay of Alterenis co. Hereford, gent. bequeathing £860 to his four younger children, Cicill, Hellen, Ann and Sarah - To Cecill £60, Hellen £300, Ann and Sarah £250 apiece with sums for maintenance until they shall be of age or marry. If his eldest son Thomas Delahay shall pay all these bequests then John bequeathes him all his lands etc. Probate granted Canterbury 15 December 1675 6 Aug 1672 |
D591/221/62 Lease/Marriage Settlement (1) Thomas Delahay of Alterynys esq. (2) Jane Horton, daughter of Thomas Horton of Elkston co. Glos. esq, (3) Thomas Horton, Robert Horton of Elkston, gent. John Horton of Prinknash co. glos. gent. James Morgan of Landilow co. Munmoth esq. Thomas Stephens of Overlippiatt co. Glos. esq. and John Parry of Dulesse co. Heref. esq. Marriage intended between Thomas Delahay and Jane Horton and £1200. Manor etc of Trewyn in parish Comyoy co. Heref. and all mess. etc. belonging to Thomas Delahay in parish ect. of Preston Upon)Wye, Byford, Tiberton,, and Blackmare. Manor etc of Newton, otherwise Foxbrooke inpars of Clifford otherwise Lanveyry Brin co. Hereford and all other lands etc of Thomas Delahay lying in Clifford, Castleton, Midlewood, Newton and foxebrook co. Hereford. 5 closes of land called Gwerne Vawre ygha and Gwerne vawre Isha (50a) par. Walterston, co. Hereford. 4 closes of land called Piggins land (60a) in tenure of William Watkins and situate in Walterston, 4 parcels of land called the Moate (7a) in parish Walterston Capital mess. etc. called Huntlowe in parish Preston Upon Wye, Blackmare and Byford. Mess. etc. in par. Comyoy called Upper Trewyn 24 January 1676 - 25 January 1677 |
D591/81/41-42 Final Concord (1) Thomas Horton Esq. Robert Horton, gent. Thomas Stephens, esq. John parry, esq. quarant (2) Thomas Delahay, esq. Deforciant Manor of Winston alias Trewyn and of Newton alias Foxbrooke 12 messuages, a cottage, a water grist, a dovecot, 47 acres land, 17 meadow, 63 pasture 5 acres wood with rights of common grazing with appurtenances in parish Comyoy, Clifford alias Lanveyry in the Manors of Newton alias Forxbrooke, Waterstone, Preston on Wye Blackmore and Pyford. £440 Easter 1677 |
D591/81/63-64 Lease for a Year/ Marriage Settlement (1) Thomas Delahay the elder of Trewyn and Jane his wife and Thomas Delahay the younger s and h (2) Mary Beale of par. Enfield co Middx widow (3) Edward Jennings of Inner Temple, London esq. John Roberts of Bergavenny co. Mon. esq. and Walter Roberts of Bergavenny, doctor of physick. (4) Thomas Horton of Combend co. Glos. esq. and Thomas Clement of Inner Temple, London, esq. (5) Thomas Addis of Netherton co. Hereford gent. and John Warner of Harefield co. Mddx. clerk. Marriage intended between Thomas Delahay the younger and Mary Beale and £1500 and £500. Premises as in Settlement of 24 January 1676/7 12 Mar 1707-13 Mar 1708 |
D591/81/65 Final Concord (1) Edward Jennings esq. John Roberts esq. and Walter Roberts, querents (2) Thomas Delahay the elder esq. and Jane his wife and Thomas Delahay the younger son esq. deforct. Manors of Wynston otherwise Trewyn and Newton otherwise Foxbrooke with appurtenances and 20 mess. 20 cottages, 20 barns, 2 water grist mills, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 500a. land 200a. meadow, 300a. pasture, 100a wood, 1500a furze, and heath, and common of pasture of all animals in Comyoy, Preston upon Wye, Byford, Tyberton, Blackmere, Clifford, otherwise lanvey Brin, Castleton, Middlewood, Newton, Foxbrooke, Walterstone, Huntlew, Lulham, Magebrooke, Plovell and Trewyn. £860. Easter 1708 |
D591/81/66-67 Will (and copy) of Thomas Delahay of Trewyn co. Hereford, esq. bequeathing his manors etc. to Mary Clerk, wife of Josias Clerk of Hereford, mercer, for her natural life, after her decease to Josias Clerk for the term of his natural life, after his decease to Josias Clerk, his second son, and to his heirs male. If for want of issue then to John Clerk, first son and his heirs male, if for want of such issue then to the heirs of Mary Clerk, provided the sons take the surname of Delahay. Personal estate to John Rodd of city of Hereford, clerk, intrust for the sole use of Mary Clerk 9 Jan 1738 |
D591/81/37/4 Lease/Release (1) Josias Clerk of Trewin and Mary his wife Devisees named in the last will Thomas Delahay late of Trewin but of Thomas Delahay of Trewin by Jane his wife John Warner of Witley Surry clerk John Edwards of Bristol haberdasher of Small Wards cousins and heirs at law of Thomas Delahay (2) William Kinaston of Ryton, Salop, one of masters in Ordinary in Chancery £6,400 Cites various business in Chancery 1741-45 to wind up Delahay Estate so as to satisfy its creditors, Kinaston among them. Master Holford reported debts on estate amounting to £11,408.16s 7 3/4d. The estate is now released to Kinaston. All the Manor of Winston alias Trewin with appurts. par. Comyoy with all tenements with lands reversions etc. accepted as part thereof and all properties of Thos. Delahay lying in par. hamlets and fields Preston upon Wye Byford Tylverton Blackmore, and Manors Newton (Foxbrook) in par. Clifford and Lanveyry Brin with properties alnds and rights. Lands tenements and hereditaments in Clifford alias Lanvy Brin, Castle, Middelwood Newton and Foxbrook co. Hereford and also properties in these parishes hamlets and fields late in tenure or posessions of Francis Miles, William Morgan, Richard Edwards James Jenkins Joan Jenkins and John Howell or some of them and all those 5 closes or parcells arable pasture and meadow called Gwern Vawre and Gwern Vawre Isha 50a in tenure of William Watkins par. Walterstone - or parcels called the Moate of 7a 4 closes called Piggs 60a also in Watkins tenure in Walterstone 4 closes of land and pasture called the Moate 7a occupation of John Bevan in Walterstone co. Hereford 29 May 1745-30 May 1745 |
D591/81/10 Assignment of 200 year term (1) William Kinaston esq of Lincoln's Inn (2) John Warner of Witley, Surrey clerk son and heir and administrator of late John Warner of Harefield, Middx, clerk, deceased (3) Benjamin Price of Southampton Buildings par. Saint Andrew Holborn, Kinaston's trustee Term in mortgage of 1707 12/13 March Lease/Release granting all the manor to Edward Jennings and John Roberts and Walter Roberts to effect a settlement between Thomas Delahay the younger and Mary Beale his intended wife. The premises became vested in John Warner the elder by survivorship and son, this, interest now decends to the son. Cites judgement of 1741 on behalf of Kinaston and Delahay's creditors Warner's interest accordingly is assigned to Kinaston. 15 Nov 1745 |
D591/81/12 Assignment of Mortgage (1) William Kinaston (2) Robert Edwards of Hopton Wafer, Salop, clerk, executor of William Edwards late of Cleobury Mortimer, Salop deceased, executor of late Sir Locon William Kinlett (3) Richard Wright, Staple Inn, London, his trustee Cites mortgage 1st Nov. 18 CH.II in £106 Property concerned was devised by John Delahay to Cecill. It then descended to Cecill's elder brother Thomas Delahay and lastly his son Thomas, who died childless. Kinaston has purchased estate, as result of judgement 1741 Oct 19 in Chancery, on behalf of himself and the other creditors of Thomas Delahay the father and morgage of 18 Ch. II is now assigned to his trustee. 18 Nov 1745 |
D591/81/218-219 Final Concord (1) William Kinaston Esquire, querent (2) Josias Clerk gent. and Mary, his wife. £1200 Manor of Winston alias Trewin and Newton alias Foxbrooke with 20 mess, 20 cottages, 20 barns, 20 stables, 2 water corn mills, 6 dove houses, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 500 acres land, 200 acreas meadow, 300 acres pasture, 100 acres wood, 1500 acres furze, common pasture, view frankpledge in Comyoy, Preston Upon Wye, Byford Tyberton Blackmore, Clifford otherwise Lanvey-brin Castleton, Middlewood Newton Foxbrooke, Walterston, Huntlow, Lulham, Magelbrooke Plovel and Trewin 1744-1745 |
D591/81/14, 220 Final Concord 19 GII (1) William Kinaston plaintiff (2) Josias Clerk gent. def. Mary his wife. £1200 Manors of Winston alias Trewin and Newton, otherwise Foxbrooke with appurts and 20 messuages, 20 cottages, 20 barns, 20 stables, 2 water corn mills, 6 dovehouses, 20 gardens, 500 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 300 acres pasture, 100 acres wood, 1500 acres of furze and heath comon of pasture, view of frankpledge with appurts in Comyoy, Preston Upon Wye, Byford, Tyberton Blackmore Clifford, otherwise Lanvey Brin, Castleton, Middlewood Newton, Foxbrook, Walterston, Huntlow, Lulham, Magebrooke Plovell and Trewyn, with all appurts. in Huntlow. Also all orchards gardens stables barns woods commons warrens furze heaths ponds stanks and fishponds and heriditaments parish Preston Upon Wye Blackmore Byford in tenure of William Oilcocks, Thomas Hyde Richard Konkam, William Burfield, David Price. Also all that messuage barn curtilage garden orchard lands etc. in Conyoy in possesssion Walter Parry and called Upper Trewyn. And all the various properties tenements rights etc. of the Delahays. 1745-1746 |
D591/81/136, 5 Lease/Release to create Trusts (1) Josias Clerke the younger alias Delahay of Mark Lane, London, apothecary, John Clerke of London, wine-cooper (2) Mary Andrews par. Preston upon Wye Co. Hereford widow. (3) James Terre par. All Saints Hereford soapboiler and tobacconist. (4) David Smith par. Clifford co. Hereford, gent. (5) Charles Bolas of Shrewsbury Salop, gent. Fraunces Hincke, of same town, gent, and John Roberts, Castle Yard, Holborn, devisees of William Kinaston. (6) John Lane of Castleyard, their trustee. Cites Delahay Settlement, Chancery Judgement concerning Delahay's debts. Also a number of sales made by Kinaston of their estates together with an account of the fate of such parcels (either sold to or inherited by the parties 2-4 since the sale). Trusts are to confirm titles as follows Mary Andrews to capital messuages called Huntlow with several cottages lands and hereditaments etc. recited in release of 1745 Feb 20th situated par. Preston Upon Wye and Blackmere. James Terry to messuage called Lulham with premises lands etc. there-to belonging in release 1746 February II par. Madley and Bridge Sollars. David Smith the toft whereon a messuage formerly stood wherein Francis Miles deceased formerl dwelt commonly called Westbrooke in release February 3rd 1846 par. Cliffford co. Hereford. To Charles Bolan Frauncis Hinckes and John Roberts the residue of the estate purchased by Kinaston from Shaw to perform the trusts recited in Kinaston's Will. 7 Jun 1757-8 Jun 1757 |
D591/81/527 Final Concord (extract) (1) John Lane querent (2) Josias Clerke the younger otherwise Delahay and John Clerke, deforciants. The Manors of Winston otherwise Trewyn and Newton otherwise Foxbrooke with appurts. and 20 messuages, 20 cottages, 20 barns, 20 stables, 2 water corn mills, 6 dovehouses, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 500a. land, 200a. meadow, 300a. pasture, 100a. wood, 1500a. furze and heath, common of pasture and view of frankpledge with appurts. in Comyoy, Preston, Upton upon Wye, Byford, Tiverton, Madley Bridge, Solears, Blakemere, Clifford, otherwise Lanvey'y Brin, Castleton, Middlewood, Newston, Foxbrooke, Westbrooke, Walterstone Huntlow, lulham, Magebrooke Polvell and Trewyn. Examined at the King's Silver Office 1774 July 21st. 21 Jul 1757 |
D591/81/128, 216 Ascension 1757 31 G II Final Concord (1) John Adams gent. querent (2) James Shaw, esq. and Ann his wife, deforciants. £620. Manor of Winston, alias Trewyn, with 6 messuages, 6 barns, 6 cottages, 6 stables, 2 water mills, 3 dove-houses, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 200a. land, 120a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 30a. wood, 200a. furze and heath, common of pasture view of frankpledge with appurts. in Comyoy, Walterston and Trewyn. 1757 |
D592/81/134-135 Lease/Release (1) Charles Bolas of Shrewsbury, gent. Francis Hinckes of same place gent, John Roberts of Castle Yard, executors and devisees in will William Kinaston Esq. (2) Edward Blackeway of Shrewsbury draper, Mary Lee of Eroxiter, spinster executors in will Thomas Lee of Wroxiter gent, (3) James Shaw of Grey's Inn Lane, Middlesex. £3360 Cites Kinaston's will of 1746 arranging for estate in Salop Hereford and Essex to be sold to pay debts, the proceeds then to be divided amongst his daughters Jane then wife of Thomas Corbett Esq., Elizabeth Kinaston, Dorothy Kinaston and Margaret Kinaston. Chancery judgement 1750 March 14 stating will to be valid. Debt to Thomas of £500 still outstanding. Shaw purchases Manor of Winaston alias Trewyn, Upper Trewyn occupied by James Evesham 5 close Gwern vawr ygha Gwern vawr ysha tenure William Watkins, 4 closes Piggins land in Watkin's tenure; 4 closes, the moat occupied by John Bevan and all other property in Walterstone recently purchased by Kinaston of Thomas Delahay the father and occupied by James Evesham, Lewis Watkins, John Watkins, Thomas Morgan the elder, Thomas Morgan the younger, David Williams and Matthew Harris. 14 Jul 1758-15 Jul 1758 |
D591/81/131 Declaration of Uses (1) James Shaw of Gray's Inn Lane, Middx and Ann his wife. (2) John Adams of Castleyard, St Andrew Holborn. Cites Lease/Release of 1758 July 14/15 Uses of fine levied in present Michaelmas at Westminster to use of James Shaw and Ann his wife. 24 Nov 1758 |
D591/81/199-200 1759 St. Martin 33 G II Final Concord (1) John Adams gent, querent. (2) James Shaw and Ann his wife. £500 Manor of Winston otherwise Trewyn and 6 messuages, 6 cottages, 6 barns, 6 stables, 2 water corn mills, 3 dove-houses, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 200a. land, 120a. meadow, 80a. pasture, 30a. wood, 200a. furze and heath, common of pasture for all manner of cattle and view of frankpledge in Comyoy, Walterston and Trewyn. 1759 |
D591/81/117 Probate of Will of 1766 Sept 1st of James Shaw of Penbiddle to wife Ann Shaw an annuity of £60 to be paid quarterly at Mich. Xmas., Ann., Baptist., in lieu of Dower. To wife, Penbiddle where now lives and goods therein, then to grand-nephew William Shaw. To wife, £50 to be paid within lunar month of his decease. To wife her gold watch, rings, earrings and jewells. To John Dishley his house in Grey's Inn and use of goods and furniture therein at decease; then to grand-nephew William Shaw. To Ann Hendrew of Maiden Lane Covent Garden an annuity of £10. To Frances and Ann d. of said Ann Hendrew £200. To Mary (wife of John Lever) and Alice Shaw daughters of the late nephew Issac Shaw £100 each. To Mary Ann and Elizabeth daughters of late nephew WIlliam Shaw £500 each. To three children late William Henshaw £200 apiece to be paid them at 21, the interest being used up before then for their upkeep to Rev. William Watkins, minister of gospel of Llanvihangel £10. All freehold menors tenements and hereditaments in Mon. and Hereford to grand-nephew, William Shaw. To any maid-servant under his roof for a year at decease £10. 15 Jul 1767 |
D591/81/138-139 Lease/Release to effect settlement (1) John Shaw of Trewyn and Elizabeth his wife. (2) Richard Benett of Leominster, apothecary, and John Roberts of Castle Yard par. Saint Andrew Holborn, London, gent. their trustees. Conveyance of Shaw Estates. To use of William Shaw and wife, then to longest liver, then to children, allowing them to apportion their estate by will or settlement among children as they or longest liver think fit. In default of children, they or longest liver may have free disposal of estate. Copies Nos. 137 and 141. 9 Aug 1768-10 Aug 1768 |
D591/81/231 Copy of Bill in Chancery Petition of John Curzon par. Oldcastle yeoman concerning Bond 1772 March 27 in penal sum of £1200 for sum of £600 to be repaid 27 Sept next entered into by William Shaw then seized of vast estates. 1772 Aug 7 Shaw's will leaving estate to three sisters Mary Ann and Elizabeth. Complains that widow and sisters have conspired cheat the orator of his debts by claiming that the property had mostly been devised long before the will by jointure and settlement. Wishes the Shaws to be put on their oaths in the matter of the will and settlements. 1772 |
D591/81/129-130 Lease/Release to effect Mortgage (1) Elizabeth Shaw of Trewyn par. Comyoy widow. (2) Edmund Davies of Pontypool gent. £250 at 4 1/2% On Trewyn Manor etc. Money to be repaid on 1773 September 29 28 Sep 1772-29 Sep 1772 |
D591/81/132-133 Lease/Release to effect Mortgage (1) Elizabeth Shaw of Longon, widow. (2) Issac Elton of Bristol. £4000 at 5% p.a. to be repaid by April 20th next under penal bond bearing even date herewith for £8,000. The Mortgage is on all Shaw estate. 19 Oct 1773-20 Oct 1773 |
D591/81/15 Probate of Will of 1754 February 9 of James Evesham to Wife who is also made Executrix all his estate and effects. 31 May 1774 |
D591/81/230 "Sketch" of Mr. Shaw's Title to Trewyn Jul 1744 |
D591/81/123-124 Lease/Release (1) Edmund Davies Pontypool co. Mon. (2) Elizabeth Shaw widow of William Shaw. Reconveyance of Manor of Winston alias Trewyn on payment of loan of £250 (with interest) advanced by Davies to Mrs Shaw. 28 Jun 1774-29 Jun 1774 |
D591/81/125-126 Lease/Release to effect Mortgage (500 years) (1) Elizabeth Shaw, Trewyn parish Comyoy co. Hereford, widow of William Shaw late of same place Esq, deceased. (2) Mary Shaw of Manchester, spinster, Ann Shaw of same place, spinster, Joseph Lowed of same place and (Elizabeth, his wife) coheirs and devisees of late William Shaw. (3) John Buller one of commissioners for executing office of Lord High Admira. £4,000 Mortgage of Shaw properties in Herefordshire and Monmouth by Elizabeth Shaw heir to most of them by her marriage settlement who has purchased the remainder of them for £12,000. These had been devised by Shaw to his sisters and made subject to his debts which they less than met. Buller has advance the £12,000 and a further £2,800 to meet the remainder of Shaw's debts. The property is free from incumbrances execept for a mortgage of 1704 of 200 years (to which Buller is the heir) and a term of 50 years vested in Robert Wright of Symonds Inn, co. Middlesex, knt and devised by indentures of even date to Buller. Repayment of loan and interest to be spread over 3 years. £100 at half yearly intervals Jan 1st 1775 - Jan 1st 1777 = £500 then June 1st 1777 £4,100 1783 July 8 endorsed with memorandum of receipt of £1,000 by Buller from Jeremiah Rosher of Rotherhithe Kent, timber- merchant. 30 Jun-1 Jul 1774 |
D591/81/140 Release to effect Mortgage As D591/81/125 Endorsed with Receipt of £1,200 by Mary Shaw, Ann Shaw, Joseph Low and Elizabeth Low Endorsed with Receipt of £2,800 by Elizabeth Shaw 1 Jul 1774 |
D591/81/36 Assignment for redemption of Mortgage (for 1,000 years) (1) Elizabeth Shaw of London, widow of James Shaw late of Trewyn co. Hereford. (2) Issac Elton of Clifton co. Glos. (3) Henry Howorth of Lincoln's Inn, co. Middx, Elizabeth's trustee. Cites mortgage 1771 October 26 (12 above) assignment 1774 January 5 transferring Frampton's interest in above to Elton Elizabeth who has equity and fee simple title to the premises redeems the mortgage on them. £434,16s, 6d 5 Jul 1774 |
D591/82/115 Assignment term of 100 years to attend inheritance (1) Christiana Evesham, Trewin par. Comyoy, sole executrix named in last will of late James Evesham (2) Mary Shaw, Ann Shaw, Joseph and Elizabeth Low (3) Elizabeth Shaw of Trewyn, widow. (4) Henry Howarth of Lincoln's Inn Co. Middlesex her trustee £1,200 Cites mortgage of 1680 for 500 years on land par. Lanvihangel Crucorney alias Stuart Michael Kilcornay (details given) subject to proviso for redemption and one of 1700 for 1000 years on land par. Grosmont. There became vested to James Evesham in trust to attend inheritance. Freehold and inheritance now vested in Mary Shaw, Ann Shaw, Joseph Low and Elizabeth his wife by virtue of Evesham's will. Now agreed premises conveyed to Elizabeth Shaw's trustee. 2 Aug 1774 |
D591/81/120 Release (1) Christiana Evesham of Trewyn (2) Elizabeth Shaw, her daughter All right she may have in the Manor of Trewyn 6 Aug 1774 |
D591/81/68 Abstract of Title of Mrs Elizabeth Shaw, widow of late William Shaw, deceased, to the manor of Winstone, otherwise Trewyn late the estate of Thomas Delahay deceased. Deeds abstract 1666-1772 with 13 August 1774 Opinion of Samuel Phipps of Lincoln's Inn regarding Mrs Shaws title 1666-1774 |
D591/81/113-114 Lease for 21 years (1) Elizabeth Shaw (2) John Buller (3) Henry Probert Howarth of Maeslough co. Breacknock, clerk, their trustee. Howarth is to collect the rents on the estates mentioned in release of mortgage for £4,000 of July 1st applying them in the first place to pay off Buller's interest then after paying own expenses for which account must be rendered, the residue to Shaw. 31 Aug 1774 |
D591/81/116 Assignment to attend the fee (1) Richard Francis par. Bitton co. Glouc. (2) Elizabeth Shaw (3) Henry Howorth of Lincoln's Inn £672.18s Cites 1772 mortgage for £600 entered into by late James Shaw with Francis property now conveyed on cancellation of mortgage to Howarth in trust for Mrs Shaw. 5 Oct 1774 |
D591/81/213 List of Deeds in Iron Chest Deeds mostly of 1775 1775 |
D591/81/107-108, 143 Mortgage (1) Elizabeth Shaw of Trewyn (2) Warwick Roades of India House, London £2,000 On property in Buller's mortgage of 1774 to pay off Shaw debts to repay with 4% interest before 3 March next. Endorsed shown to William Rosher and William Henry King in Headen v Rosher on behalf of defendant. Further endorsed 17 June 1861 Memorandum of agreement (Marriage Settlement) (1) Jeremiah Burch Rosher (2) Lucia Anne Maria Morgan (3) The Rev.Theophilus Morgan (4) Jeremiah Liburn Rosher and Edward Rosher (5) George Rosher and Alfred Rosher That Trewyn Estate made subject to payment of £1000 to L.A. Morgan in 12 months Rosher's death also £500 life anuity Further endorsement 28 March 1822 (1) William Pitkin of Watford Herts smith heir at law Warwick Roades (2) Samuel Headen of Highgate Hoxton Middx, Insurance Broker (3) Jeremiah Rosher of Chatham Place, London £1,102.4s Pitkin heir to a moiety of mortgage Rosher husband of within-named Elizabeth Shaw deceased 1814. Jeremiah Rosher in the younger his heir had in November 1814 purchased Headen's moiety. He now buys Pikins Endorsed on inner membran 12 December 1799 Acknowledgement of debt Jeremiah Rosher and Elizabeth his wife Announce indebtedness to estate of Warwich Roades to extent of £3,482.13s (inc. £2,000 and £1,176.13s interest at 5%) 1 Mar 1777-3 Mar 1777 |
D591/81/521 Final Concord Trinity 1784 24 George III (1) James Rice Williams gent, plaintiff. (2) Jeremiah Rosher deforciants. Elizabeth his wife. £1,900 Of Manor of Trewyn with appurts, of 20 messuages, 20 cottages, 20 barns, 20 stables, 2 watermills, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 1500 acres land, 1500 of pasture, 500 of wood, common of pasture for cattle with appurts. par. Llan. Cruc. Mon. 1784 |
D591/81/104, 122 Lease/Release to effect settlement (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Rotherhithe, Surry, Timber Merchant Elizabeth his wife, late Elizabeth Shaw (2) James Rice WIlliams of New Bridge Street London, gent. trustee. (3) Michael Tayleure of All Hallows Barking wine merchant Thomas Dennis of Westham, Essex. trustees. Trewin Estate to J. Rosher and assigns, but subject after his decease to annuity of £200 per year payable to Elizabeth Rosher. Folio 6 has question with answer in different bond. "Should be glad to know whether Mr Roshers son has a Right to Sell any of the Estate during my life - they being my only securtiy - for my Annuity" "He can sell but the Estate will remain lyable" The release is an attested copy. 16 Jul 1784-17 Jul 1784 |
D591/81/413 Schedule of Deeds of Jeremiah Rosher in "2 ancient rolls of H.VIII" mortgages on Trewin estate 1774 - 1781 1785 |
D591/81/105-106 Lease/Assignment to effect a settlement (1) Elizabeth Caroine Buller Windsor co. Berks., widow, devisee and sole executrix of John Puller (2) William Buller, Bryannstone Street, par. St. Mary le bowe, Middx esq. (3) Right Hon. Frederick Thomas, Earl of Stafford (4) Thomas Bates Rous of Moor Park par. Rickmansworth Herts, Esq. their trustees Cites release July 1st 1774 records Buller's death July 1786 with £3,000 (and not interest) due. Mortgage now assigned to trustees who are to use the profits from it for the use of Elizabeth Caroline Buller during her life-time and in 6 months of her decease to transfer it to her daughter Caroline's recently acquired husband William Buller (Settlement 1791 May 17 cited with full details) 4 Jun 1791 |
D591/81/111-112 Lease/Release Assignment of Mortgage (1) Rt Hon. Elizabeth Countess of Stafford widow and one of executors of Frederick Thomas late Earl of Stafford and The Rev. Robert Frederick Gould of Luckham, Somerset, other executor. (2) George Byng St. James' Square, Middlesex esq. Rt Hon William Viscount Howe and Francis his wife. Rt. Hon. Caroline Countess Dowager of Buckinghamshire, William Staples of Antrim (an infant) Richard William Howard Vyse of Boughton, Northants. Henry Vernon of Stretton co. Stafford Esq. (Stafford hiers). (3) William Buller now of Maidwell Hall, co. Northants. (4) Susanna Catherine Buller of Ashburton, Levon, spinster, John Lane Kitson of Torquay, esq. ad Georgiana his wife formerly Georgiana Buller. These two women only surviving executors of late Ann Buller who was only surviving executor of The Rev. William Buller some-time Bishop of Exeter. (5) Jeremiah Rosher the younger of Northflest, Kent. (6) Edmund Howard of Inner Temple, his trustee. £3,000 Cites mortgages and agreements of 1774 August Marriage Settlement of 1791 Rous's predeceasing Stafford, both dying in 1799. Transfer of mortgage to Rosher on payment of principal by him to Buller. (Endorsed: Memorandum of Settlement 1861 June 17th) 14 Oct 1807 |
D591/81/119 Probate of Will of 1813 August 15 of Jeremiah Rosher Cites indenture of Release 1784 July 17. Desires that his son and daughter perform this: also that his wife shall have all the money or debts owing to him at time of death for timber, bark or anything else disposed of by him in last 3 years together with all household furniture, linen, books, plate, china wares, coals and other provisions and enjoy Trewin for rest of her life also koykee meadow and free of all taxes which ar to be bourne by children. To wife also all livestock. To servants £10 for mourning apiece. Real estates of Trewin and Penbiddle to son Jeremiah and daughter Sophie together with remainder of personal estate. Executrix: Elizabeth Rosher. 16 Apr 1814 |
D591/81/127 Assignment of Release and Stock (1) Samuel Headen of Highgate, Middx., Insurance Broker and Sarah his wife (2) Jeremiah Rosher of Chatham Place, London. £1,260 (£630 each to Samuel and Sarah Headon) Cites various Roades and Headen wills and settlements. To Rosher is assigned a moiety of Roades mortgage together with £915. 10s 9 1/2d. 31/6 reduced Bank annuities. Endorsed Headen B - "In the Exchequer Headen against Rosher. This deed was produced to James Digby Howell and by him deposed to at the time of his examination in the above cause on behalf of the Defendant." 5 Nov 1814 |
D591/81/207 Account Jeremiah Rosher with Edward Hasard On transfer of Buller's mortgage acc from 1806 Dec 3rd May 1808 |
D591/81/178 Copy Marriage Settlement of June 17 1861 On marriage Jeremiah Burch Rosher to MIss Lucia Ann Maria Morgan (see Rosher family quarrell for full account) [1861] |
D591/81/178 Abstract of Title of Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher to Manor of Trewyn and other properties co. Hereford and Monmouth prior to settlement 1861 June 17 on marriage of Jeremiah Burch Rosher and Lucia Anne Maria Morgan 1886 |
D591/81/173 Declaration of Allan William James identifying portion of Trewyn Estate comprised in settlement 1861 June 17 executed on Marriage of Jeremiah Burch Rosher and Lucia Ann Maria Morgan. James 40 years of age has resided at Treveddu farm 37 years. The Farm adjoins certain parts of Trewyn estate which he and his father Edward Hames have rented for 60 years and upwards Detailed Account of lands concerned together with map 10 Aug 1886 |
D591/81/8 Abstract of Title J.L. Rosher to Manor of Trewyn and other lands and properties co. Hereford and Mon. 1886 |
D591/81/30 Another rough draft Conveyance of D591/81/8 1886 |
D591/81/32 Assignment of Annuities (1) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher (2) William Theordore Barneby Assignment of 2 annuities of £250 each during life of Mrs Lucia Anne Maria Rosher 10 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/33 Covenant (1) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher of Chalet Lilburn Territet Switzerland (2) Lucia Anne Maria Rosher of Glanhonddu Pandy near Abergavenny Monmouthshire (3) William Theodore Barneby Saltmarsh Castle Hereford Esq. Acknowledges right of Barnebu to production of and copies from marriage settlement of 1861 June 17th. 10 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/27 Schedule of Deeds Handed over on completion by Rosher to Barneby Dec 1896 |
D591/81/29 Draft Contract (1) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher (2) William Theodore Barneby of Saltmarsh Castle Co. Hereford £19,500 Manor of Trewyn and the Trewyn Estate within the said Manor with Pentyn Farm. The draft contains many marginalls and alterations. 10 Jun 1896 |
D591/81/171 Receipt (in envelope) for £1,000 payable under settlement of 1861 June 17. Receipt from Lucia M. Rosher, Glanhonddu 26 Nov 1896 |
D591/81/16 Lease Drafts etc 17 items J.L. Rosher and Major General Gillespie. Trewyn House and Ty Derlwyn 1887 |
D591/81/31 Copy Draft Conveyance 10 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/171 Receipt (in envelope) for £1,000 payable under settlement of 1861 June 17 Receipt from Lucia M. Rosher, Glanhonddu 26 Nov 1896 |
Gwen Vawr |
D591/81/47 Bond (1) Thomas Winston of Trewin co. Hereford, gent. and John Probert of par. Cwmyoye co. Hereford (2) Richard John Watkin £40. Thomas Winston and Margaret his wife, upon reasonable request, to pass the legal estate to Richard John Watkin in a close of arable and wood land called Gwerne vawer ygha (12a) situate in par. Walterston co. Hereford between land now or late in tenure of Watkins called Gwerne vawer issa and lands of Jevan Richard, Henris Griffith and Watkin Thomas ap John. 15 Feb 1594-15 Feb 1595 |
D591/81/39-40 Final Concord (1) John William Parry gent. querent. (2) Thomas Winston gent, deforciant of Trevin alias Winston 2 messuages, 2 mills, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 40a of land,30a meadow, 163a pasture, 24a wood and £4 rent with appurtenances in Comyoye and Walterston. £160 1606 |
D591/81/56 Bargain and Sale (1) Richard John Watkins of Walterston co. Hereford Yeoman (2) John Delahay of Alterenes esq. £70 A close of arable and pasture land called Gwerne vawre yasa (24a) now in occupation of Richard lying in par. of Walterston, and a close of arable and wood land called Gwerne vawre ygha (12a) in par. Walterston now in occupation of Richard, all of which premises Richard purchased from Thomas Winston of Trewyn. 24 Apr 1612 |
D591/81/57 Lease (1) John Delahay of Altereenes co. Hereford esq. (2) Richard John Watkins of Walterston, yeoman, and Thomas Prichard of Walterston yeoman, his son. Closes of arable, pasture and wood land called Gwerne vawre issa (24a), gwerne vawre igha (12a) in par. Walterstone late in occupation of said Richard and all lands etc. in Walterston which Delahay purchased of Richard and which he purchased from Thomas Winston of Trewyn . 100 years rent 1d p.a. 16 Feb 1612-16 Feb 1613 |
D591/81/210 Final Concord (1) John Parry, gent. Henry Delahay, gent querents. (2) John Delahay, gent. and Katherine his wife deforciants 9 messuages, 9 stables, 3 outhouses, 2 cidermills, 9 gardens, 9 orchards, 300a land, 100a meadow, 100a pasture, 10a wood, 30a furze and heath with appurts in Comyoy, Walterston, Preston upon Wye, Blackmore and Tiverton 1654 |
D591/81/60, 222 Mortgage (1) John Delahay of Alterenis, esq. (2) Sible Price of Lanveynoe co. Hereford widow £100 Mess. etc. and lands called Tiere John Ighan (50a) sit. par. Walterstone co. Hereford, between the commonway leading from the city of Hereford, towards Abergavenny, lands heretofore of Watkin Winston gent, deceased called the Werne Vawre, lands late of Evan David ap Beaven called Tiere Bede Baugh and the lands heretofore of William Cecill esq. deceased and now of John Delahay, which Helena Delahay widow, deceased, mother of John purchased from John ap Beaven and now in occupation of Evan Watkin John. Also messuages wherein James Parlor now or lately lived together with all houses etc lands etc. (28a) situate in pars. Preston upon Wye, Bellimar and Blakemere, whereof one parcel of arable land (1a) called the sand pit acre lies in a field called the Pit field. One other parcel of arable land lies in Westfield between Lullams Way and Madleys Way, two other parcels of arable land lie in Brownlis field (both 1a), 18a of arable land and pasture, 1a meadow ground in a common meadow at Blakemere and 1 parcel of pasture (3a) lies between the way leading from Plowfield towards Blakemere on one side and lands late of John Mapp, clerke. Endorsed with an Assignment to Sir Lacon William child of Kinlett co. Salop 26 October 1678 1 Nov 1666 |
D591/81/215 Final Concord 1 William and Mary (1) Richard John, Nicholas Lewis, John Watkin, Thomas Powell and John Hopkins, querent (2) John James, Anna his wife, Daniel David and June his wife, Thomas Harry and Thomas Bennett and Elianor his wife, deforciants £170 3 messuages, a cottage, 2 barns, 4 gardens, 30a land, 7a meadow, 12a of furze and heath with appurts. in Abergavenny alias Bergavenny lanfoist and Dixton. 1690 |
D591/81/6 Letters of Administration Granted to John Roberts of Lincolns Inn re: will of Sir Lacon William Childe of Kinlett Salop of 1714 October 28th (attached). Cites mortgage 1st Nov 1 Ch II John Delahay Alterinis to Sible Price messuage and 50a called Tiere John Ighan with other building lands and appurts. c28a in Preston upon Wye, Bellimar and Blakemere. Term of 500 years which was conveyed by deed poll 1678, October 26th by Sible Price to Childs. Roberts now appointed administrator of the mortgage. 18 Feb 1745-18 Feb 1746 |
D591/81/44 Assignment of Interest in Lease (1) Robert Wright of the Public Office in Symonds Inn, co. Middx. gent, brother and surviving executor Richard Wright last of Staple Inn, London, gent. (2) Elizabeth Shaw of Trewyn par. Comyoy (3) John Buller esq. one of Lords Commissioners for Admiralty (4) William Buller, Prebendary of Winchester, clerk. A lease for 500 years, 1st November, 18, ch II (1666) Wright had transferrred it to Shaw who now (by lease/release of above date) transfers it to John Buller as security for debt of £4,000. Robert Wright's interest to William Buller in trust for John. 5s 1 Jul 1774 |
Penbiddle Estate |
Ynys Groes Vaen (Purchased 1757) Llanvihangel Crucorney |
D591/81/223-224 Lease/Release (1) William Herbert of Llangattocks Mon. esq. Elizabeth his wife and John Parry par. Llanvihangel Crucorney (2) John Floyer of the White House, par. Llantillio Partholey £594.13s.4d 3 parcels, Crowyith, par. St. Michael Crucorney; 5 parcels ynys gross vaen, Penbidil; 3 parcels, Nant Goy, Maes Addur yeha and Maes Addur yssa, par. St Michael Crucorney fromerly occupied by James Morgan. Endorsed "For Mr. De La Hay of Trewdn. Mr Floyer purchased Deed of Lands in Lanvihangel" 25 Oct 1682-26 Oct 1682 |
D591/81/18/217 Final Concord 1757 Easter 30 G II (1) James Shaw querent (2) Josias Clerk the elder John Clerk, Josias Clerk the younger, deforciants 20a land, 5a meadow, 5a pasture, par. Llan Cruc £60 Easter 1757 |
D591/81/288/45 Lease/Release (1) Charles Floyer of Bergavenny gent, Blanch his wife late of Blanch Butcher one of daughters and coheirs of James Butcher late of Cwmdu co. Brecon esq. deceased by Eliz his wife (2) Richard Hughes of Brecon and John Williams of St. Michael Cwmdu, Brecon (3) Thomas Delahay of Trewin co. Hereford £17 Cites Marriage Settlement drawn up by parties of 1st and 2nd parts (1732 October 25th) allowing Charles and Blanch to sell property not adjoining Charles in order puchase property adjoining it and equal value Sale to Delahay for this. 5 closes of land pasture arable with appurtenances known as Ynis Grodo Vaen in hamlet of penbidell par. Lanvihangel Crucorney. co. Mon. in occupation of Arnold Price with appurtenances of various sorts. (details given) Attached Memorandum 8th April (year missing ends 5) H.N. Haylig declining to act as trustee to certain articles of agreement made upon the marriage of his nephew Charles Floyer and Blanch 1 Feb 1734-2 Feb 1735 |
D591/81/7/43 Lease/Release (1) Josias Clerk the elder of Hereford, mercer, Josias Clerk of Mark Lane, London apothecary sons of Josias Clerk by Mary his deceased wife and John Clerk of Token House Yard, London, Wine-Merchant (2) James Shaw of par. St. Andrew Holborn, Middx (chant, son) £200 5 closes called Ynis Groswaen 25a in hamlet Penbiddel par. Llanvihangel Crucorney with watercouse etc. Fine to be executed on the property. 8 Feb 1757-19 Feb 1757 |
Fenbiddle Llanvihangel Crucorney 1766 |
D591/81/233 Probate of Will of 1676/1677 January 23rd of Margrett Harry par. Aberystruth, Diocese Landaphe. To son Reynold William £10; to Elenor Morgan one thrum one blankee one shed, one pann and one chest; to Katherell Morgan one chest and one pann; to William Raynold one chest to Mary Reynold one hayffere of yeare one and one brassen pott; to Morgan Rosser, nephew, 10s and one shedd; to Margaret Lewis Rosser one pecke of wheat; to Mary Mills one pecke of oattmel; to Lucray Saunder on pecke of oattmell; to Thomas Edwards one pecke of Corne; the residue of her estate to Reynold William and Morgan William her two sons. Executors Reynold and Morgan William Endorsed Out of Morgan William's monetary bequest £3 will be divided among his three sons; of his bequest of animals two cows will go to his daughters 1677 April 28th Inventory Margrett Harry. money £21; apparel £1.6.8d bed and bedding £2; 7 cows £8.19s; one year-linge hayffere 10s; 1 brassen pott; 3 couldrons; 3 pans, 4 pewtew platters £1.1s.4d; 5 small chests, one vate stondery payles and all the rest of the uden vessells £1.2.0d; oatmeal and wheat £2; live sacks and three baggs Total £38.7s Note of execution 1677 May 20th 2 Mar 1676-2 Mar 1677 |
D591/81/371 Bond (1) Arnold Davies par. Llanvihangel Crucorney and Jane Gwillim par. Grissmont. (2) Abigail Griffiths £80 To keep indentures of above date between parties as above. 6 Mar 1717-6 Mar 1718 |
D591/81/365 Release to Mortgage (Copy) (1) Elizabeth Bateman par. St. George's Hannoveer Square Middx. Spinster. (2) Robert Davies par. Llanvihangel Crucorney alias St. Michael Kilcorney, gent. (3) Thomas Price of Gloucester, goldsmith £798.1s paid by Price to Bateman in cancellation of mortgage of £720 with interest £51.19s to Davies 2 messuages called Penbiddell and Pully Wern with appurts par. Llanvihangel Crucorney hitherto occupied by James Davies, Robert's grandfather and Margaret Delahay, widow, their undertenants etc. with fields appurtaining (detailed list given). 7 Mar 1749-7 Mar 1750 |
D591/81/209 Memorandum of Agreement (1) Josias Clark (2) James Evesham £200 Before 12th Feb at Clark's expense sufficient title according to Evesham's Council shall be given to Evesham in 18a. arable, 4a. meadow adjoining Trewyn and in Penbiddel late in occupation John Arnold and now of Thomas Edwards. Evesham to have possession before Christmas next. 2 Dec 1756 |
D591/81/383 Schedule of Deeds re: Mr Davies Estate at Penbiddle and Pullywern in mortgage to James Shaw esq. Copied in by Mr. Price's nephews 1758 Dec 1st. 1 Dec 1758 |
D591/81/378 A particular as given by Ber'd Davis of Penbiddle Estate items such as land tax and Chief Rent "Direct to be left at Mr Thomas Davis' Attorney in Chepstow" Jul 1760 |
D591/81/232 Abstract of title of Mr Robert Davies to a Mess. and lands par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, co. Mon, called yr Worlod, worth y Tys and Cay Doughs Saurs Tyst [c.1760] |
D591/81/379 Copy Agreement (1) Mr James Shaw (2) Mr Bernard Davies To give Davies £150 for quitting all right to estates mortgaged by his father par. Llanfihangel Crucorney. Shaw to indemnify Davies for recognizances for £500 entered by father in chancery 23 Oct 1766 |
D591/81/375 Writ of Kings Bench 6 G III that Barnard Davies gent and Catherine his wife justly perform to James Shaw re: 3 messuages, 3 cottages, 6 barns, 6 stables, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 250a. land, 50a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 30a. wood, 100a. furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle with appurts par. Llanvihangel Crucorney. On attached schedule shows the execution of the writ. 17 Oct 1766 |
D591/81/366 Letters of Attorney (1) James Shaw (2) James Evesham In all dealings with Burnard Davies and wife and approves past work on his behalf 13 Feb 1767 |
D591/81/142 Counterpart Mortgage (1) William Shaw of Penbiddle (grand nephew and Devisee of James Shaw). (2) Richard Francis of Bitton co. Glos. £600 at 5% p.a. Penbiddle and Pully wern in occupation James Davies gent and Margaret Delahay, widow with various parcels of land in par. Lanvihangell Crucorney alias St. Michael Kilcorney. To be repaid by October 2 next. Penal bond £1,200. 1 May 1772 |
D591/81/211-212 Final Concord (1) Elizabeth Shaw querent (2) Mary Shaw Ann Shaw Joseph Lowe and Elizabeth his wife. 4 messuages, 2 cottages, 5 barns, 4 stables, 5 cowhouses, 4 gardens, 4 orchards, 200a. land, 50a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 80a. wood, 100a. furze and heath common of pasture for all manner of cattle and common of turbary with appurts. in Penbiddle alias Penbiddel and Grosmount, alias Grismonde and par. Llanvihangel Crucorney alias St. Michael Kilcorney, alias Llanvihangel Kilcrornel alias Llanvihangel Cracorney and Grosmont otherwise Grismond £360 1774 |
D591/81/367 Abstract of Title to Penbiddle and Gwencouncell and other presmises now in possession of James Phellips, tenant. Abstract concerning Penbiddle is of interest since it shows how this estate was originally in the possession of Earls of Salisbury and was disentailed by Act of Parliament (no dates given) [18th century] |
D591/81/202 Schedule of Deeds Mr. Shaw to an Estate called Penbiddle January 1775 |
D591/81/229, 370, 372, 380 Particulars and Conditions of Sale 29 Nov 1775 |
D591/81/373 "A particular of Penbiddle Estate" Amounts to 351 and 54 1/2 acres and over 6 Note Gwernwunsell to be added. This is another Estate not in this particular nor subject to this mortgage. [c.18th century] |
Gwerngounsel Grosmont 1766 |
D591/81/382 Draft Conveyance (1) Davies and wife (2) Shaw £630 (£488 costs and principal yet to be paid £142) Gwerngouncel and lands (detailed in description in Grosmont, enjoyed first by James Davies the elder, then by Thomas Davies gent. and Joyce his wife, and Mary Davies widow of James Davies the elder, since by James Davies the younger and Robert Davies, gent. father of Bernard Davies and now or late in tenure of Thomas Price) Marginal note from Davies "The number of acres 120 but as to the names I am a stranger therefore can only engage Mr Price holds them" All those other messes cottages etc. lands of Barnard Davies and Catherine Grosmont elicites comment "What do they mean by this I have other lands." The property is further on described as abutting lands formerly of Earl of Salisbury after of Thomas Davies since Robert Davies and now of James Shaw, lands formerly of Rowland Pritchard esq. than Jane Pritchard widow, since of John Pritchard Esq. and now of , lands formerly James Springett Esq., afterwards Thomas Springett gent. now or late William Springett, esq. to lands heretofore of Henry Gabb gent. now Thomas Gabb, gent and land Thomas Morgan and now or late of [c.1766] |
D591/81/205 Final Concord 6 G III (1) William Shaw querent (2) Barnard Davies, Catherine his wife, defocriant £220 One messuage, one cottage, two barns, two stables, two orchards, 100a. land, 50a. meadow, 50a. pasture, 20a. wood, 50a. furze and common of pasture etc. par. Grosmont. 1766 |
D591/81/433 Attornment (1) Thomas Price (2) William Shaw of Trewyn On Gwern Gouncels purchased by William Shaw for £630 with hereditaments in parish of Grosmont. Attornment from last 24 June at yearly rent £23 at 23 Dec, 24 June 29 Sep 1766 |
D591/81/432 Particulars of Gwerngounsel Estate A stone built farm house with dairy, granary and other convenience, 2 gardens, 1 1/2 acre fold yard, a barn with 2 bays threshing floor a beast house under one of the above bays, carthouse with stable at one end and beasthouse at other with hay loft above. A piece of old building divided into sheep and Calf's cott. 2 pigs Cottes, A Cyder Trough and Runner Full details of fields given incl 3 meadows, 10 day's Mat; 8 closes pasture, total 30 acres; 7 tillage, total 55 acres; 3 coppice wood total 16 acres Grand total 120 acres Endorsed 1766 July 8th send copy to Mr Bernard Davies: Roberts and Adams. [1766] |
D591/81/377 Abstract of Title of Robert Davies to Gwern Counsel in parish of Grosmont Lists. 10 items endorsed sent in by Bernard Davies. [c.1766] |
D591/81/38 Counterpart Mortgage (1) William Shaw of Trewyn (2) Richard Frampton of Bristol, leather dresser £400 The tenement where James Davies the elder did heretofore dwell, namely Gwengounsell, Grosmont, with following arable parcel. Cae Rewen or Yew Tree Field 16a. Cae Rewen Bach 2a. adjoinging it. Cae Twmpyn 8a. Cae Skibboror Barn, piece 8a. Cae Runnow 12a., Cae Grunnor Bach 5a. and Cae Gwrnog 4a. Also following meadow closes. The Orchard Meadow beneath the Houes 4 days Math, Cae Gwrnog Meadow near House 3 days Math, and Pendshaplwyth little Meadow 3 days Math adjoining Cae Twmpyn. And the following pastures - LowerCae Tvmpyn 5a. Upper cae tumpyn 5a. Cae Skibbor Bach Pasture (adjoining fold) 5a. Cow pasture on upper side of fold 11a. also ox pasture there 10a. The little Common Pasture 1 1/2a. Cae Gwrnog Orchard 1/2a. Cae Gwrnog pasture 4a. 3 wood coppices - Cae Ever or the Great Coppice Wood 8a. Cae Skibbor Coppice Wood 61. cae Tumpyn Bach Coppice Wood, 2a. all in Grosmont and enjoyed by James Davies. (Details of Davies' successors and purchase of the property from them by James Shaw) All with appurts Conditional on repayment of Bond in £400 + interest made on date with these payments. Endorsed with schedule of deeds handed over by Shaw to Frampton. 26 Oct 1771 |
Glandwr Llanvihangel Crucorney 1854 |
D591/81/69-70 Lease for a Year/Mortgage (1) Arnold Price of par. Oldcastle co. Mon. yeoman and Catherine his wife (2) William Gwillim of the Bulch in par. Cumyoy co. Heref. gent. £50 Mess. late in tenure of Watlkin Probert barn etc. and 4 closes of land called Catch y dre ycha, Catch y dre isha and Ynis y gored (21a) situate in hamlet of Penbidill and par. Lanvihangell Crucorney co. Mon. adjoining lands of Thomas Delahay, gent. land of Robert Davies, gent, land of John Pritchard esq., the river Honthey, lands of Hon. Edward Harley esq. and the highway from Lanvihangel Crucorney Church towards Penbidill village and also to a place called pen ysha yr plywth. 19 Apr 1731-20 Apr 1731 |
D591/81/71-72 Lease for a Year/Assignment of a Mortgage (1) Thomas Gwillim of Hunchouse in par. Clodock co. Heref. gent. and Mary Gwillim of the Bulch in par. Cumyoy, spinster. (2) Arnold Price and Catherine his wife. (3) Thomas Bagehott of Abergavenny, gent. £65 £5 premises in Penbidill as in Mortgage of 20 April 1731. Endorsed with Memorandum of further loan of £20 Arnold Price from William Bagehott administrator of the unadministered goods and chattels of Thomas Bagehott his late father deceased. 17 January 1748 8 Jun 1741-9 Jun 1741 |
D591/81/73-74 Lease for a Year/ Assignment of Mortgage (1) William Bagehott of town of Abergavenny, gent. administrator of goods of his late father Thomas Bagehott deceased and of the goods of his late mother Anne Bagehott deceased Thomas Bagehott of town of Langport co. Som. gent. s and h of Thomas Bagehott deceased (2) Arnold Price and Catherine his wife (3) Thomas Dobson of par. Cluddock co. Heref. gent. £90 Premises in Penbidle par. Lanvihangel Crucorney as in Mortgage of 20 April 1731 19 Aug 1751-20 Aug 1751 |
D591/81/75-76 Lease for a Year/Release (1) Thomas Dobson (2) Catherine Price par. Lanvihangel Crucorney, widow. (3) Aaron Price par. Lantillio Cressenny co. Mon. yeoman, nephew and heir of Arnold Price, and Elizabeth his wife (4) William Thomas par. Lanvihangel Crucorney, yeoman, and Eleanor his wife £99 £40 Premises in Penbidle par. Lanvihangel Crucorney as in Mortgage of 20 April 1731 1 Feb 1759-2 Feb 1759 |
D591/81/77 Mortgage (1) William Thomas and Eleanor his wife. (2) John Roberts of Tregars co. Mon. yeoman. £30 Premises of Penbidle par. Lanvihangel Crucorney as in Mortgage dated 20 April 1731 4 Feb 1762 |
D591/81/78 Assignment (1) John Roberts (2) William Thomas and Eleanor his wife (3) William Springett of Alderly co. Glos. esq. (4) John Roberts of Abergavenny, esq. £30 Premises in Penbidle par. Lanvihangel Crucorney as in Mortgage dated 20 April 1731 15 Jan 1763 |
D591/81/79-80 Lease for a Year/Conveyance (1) William Thomas and Eleanor his wife (2) William Springett £100 (plus £30 already used to pay off the Mortgage). Premises in Penbidle in par. Lanvihangel Crucorney as in Mortgage dated 20 April 1731. 18 Jan 1763-19 Jan 1763 |
D591/81/81-82 Lease for a Year/Release (1) William Springett (2) William Thomas and Eleanor his wife (3) James Watkins of Monmouth, gent. £70 Premises in Penbidle in par. Lanvihangel Crucorney as in Mortgage dated 20 April 1731 8 Jul 1767-9 Jul 1767 |
D591/81/83 Articles of Agreement (1) William Thomas of hamlet of Penbiddle in par. Lanvihangel Crucorney, yeoman (2) George Jones of par. Lantillio Perholey, cooper. To convey the premises in Penbiddle as in Mortgage dated 20 April 1731 for the sum of £200 13 Apr 1784 |
D591/81/85 Release of legacy (1) Eleanor Price par. Trevethin Mon. labourer Mary his wife. (2) Thomas Jones of Llantillio Pertholey wheelwright John Jones of Llantillio Pertholey now residing in America James Jones of Llantillio Pertholey Issac Jones of Nanty Glo Ironworks Mason Ann his wife Hannah Jones of Llantillio Pertholey George Jones late of longtown., par. Glodock co. Hereford yeoman, by will of 1822 October 4 bequeathed all personal estate to wife Mary. After death all freehold lands and tenements in Pendbiddle to brother William and then children. But subject to payment within year of death of Mary his wife of £100 to Mary his neice. Mary now dead, William Jones pays out to her children £16.13s.4d. a piece i.i. Eleazer and Mary £13.13.4d and the same to Thomas John James Issac and Hannah. Endorsed to effect that John Jones has received his share and given a receipt though not signing this documents. Attached a letter from John Jones Monroe Michigan, North America July 1st 1847 concerning monies owed to him. 19 May 1840 |
D591/81/86 Declaration of Cecilia Wheeler as to trustworthiness of attached documents as to baptism of her brothers and sisters. as to conviction that parcel of land dwelling house etc. conveyed to Jeremiah Burch Rosher by Release of April 20 1854 are included in property conveyed by George Jones in Lease/Release of 23/24 June 1784 (parties given). Excepting parcel with 2/4d rent charge payable to Duchy Lancaster respecting Manor of Grosmont. Attached Pedigree shows children of William Jones brother of George Jones mentioned in indenture April 20 1859 (Marked B) 1854 March 30th certificate of Baptism on Jan 9, 1814 in Ch of Llantillio Perholey of Cecilia d William and Hannah Jones (marked C) N.D. Certificate of Baptism of George son of William Jones on October 11 1807 in Ch of Llangattock Lingoid (D) 1854 March 20th cert. of Bap. of Catherine d of W. Jones Oct 31st 1824 at Llantillio Pertholey (E) 1854 March 27 cert. of Bap. of Mary d of W. Jones Dec. 27 1809 at Cwmyoy (F) 1854 March 31 Marriage cert. 1832 June 8 of Philip Price and Hannah Jones at Ewyas Harold (G) 1854, March 30 Mar. Cert. 1841 June 24 Peter Wheeler and Cecilia Jones par. Llangattock Lingoed (H) 1854 29 March Burial Cert. 1845 October 6 John Jones par. Cwmyoy aged 41 (I) 1854 March 27 Burial Cert. 1825 April 24 Catherine Jones aged 1 1837, Eliz Jones aged 28, Mary Jones aged 34, William Jones 9. par. Cwmyoy (J) 1854 March 31st Burial Cert. Peter Wheeler Dec. 29 1849 aged 42 par. Welsh Newton Heref. (K) 1854 March 20. Bri Cert. William son of Will Jones 1799 Dec. 13 par. Llantillio Pertholey (L) 1854 April 8 Bur. Cert Mary Jones 1834 Sept 19 aged 83 par. Clodock. 20 Apr 1854 |
D591/81/88 Memorandum of Agreement (1) Philip Price of Abergavenny, farmer and Hannah his wife George Jones of Llanvihangel Crucorney farmer Cecilia Wheeler of Llandwr in said co, widow. (2) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewyn House, Hamlet of Bwlch Trewyn. £600 All that tenement formerly in tenure of Watkin Probert with 1 barn and the buildings thereunto belonging: 1 yard 1 garden 1 orchard and 4 closes conveyed to George Jones by indenture of 1784 June 24th and known as Llandwr in par. Llanvihangel Crucorney the document gives detailed arrangements for the Conveyance of the property, the paying of the purcase price and assurance of title. 9 Mar 1854 |
D591/81/89 Conveyance (1) George Jones of Llanvihangel Crucorney, farmer (2) Cecilia Wheeler of same place widow (3) Philip Price of Abergavenny Hannah his wife (4) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewyn House, Bwlch Trewyn (5) Cornelius Lloyd of Abergavenny his trustee. Cites 1822 Will (details of probate given) of George Jones (d. April 1823), d Mary Jones 1824 and William Jones May 7th 1853 and Rosher's contract to purchase the property for £600. Property 6a. 1r. 24p. and containing plots 109, 110, 111, 112 on Tythe Map of Llanvihangel Crucorney; 1259 on that for Cwmyoy and 7a. 31p. nos. 103, 104, 105 and part of 70 on Tythe Commutation Map for Llanvihangel Crucorney. All these properties together make up Llandwr. An inset map on the first membrane shows the property, surrounding lands and buildings and the places where Newport Abergavenny and Hereford Railway and a tramroad traversed the property. 20 Apr 1854 |
D591/81/87 Duchy of Lancaster Letters patent Sealed and Enrolled Grant of Rent to Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewyn House, Hamlet Bwlch Trewyn Rent 2/4d P/A on premises in Grosmont late payable by George Jones and formerly by Arnold Price £2,6.8d. 15 Jun 1854 |
Cottage and Garden Llanvihangel Crucorney 1859 |
D591/81/170 Lease for a Year/release (1) John James of hamlet Penbiddle, par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, labourer (2) The Rev. William Morgan, clerk. (3) Mary Jones, par. Grosmont, widow. £63.10.0 Messuage, gardens and appurts. in hamlet Penbiddle, adjoining a road leading from Penbiddle to Campstone Hill, to lands of Jeremiah Birch Rosher esq. and to lands late of Thomas Evans esq. afterwards of The Rev. John Williams. 2 May 1820-3 May 1820 |
D591/81/167 Mortgage (1) Thomas Prosser of Penbiddel, yeoman (2) Abel Parrett of Coed y Kerrig, par. Cwmyoy, yeoman. Messuage, parcels of ground, garden and hereditaments with appurts. in the hamlet of Penbiddle, adjoining the road leading from Penbiddel towards Campston Hill to lands of Jeremiah Birch Rosher esq. to lands late of Thomas Evans esq. afterwards of Rev. John Williams on all or most parts or sides thereof and now and for many years past in the occupatino of Thomas Prosse. Endorsed 1851 July 1 Abel Parrett has received the principal money secured to him by mortgage £40.10.0 26 March 1850 |
D591/81/168 Release (1) Thomas Williams, par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, timber dealer, e.s. and h. John Williams. (2) Mary Williams of same par., widow. (3) Thomas Prosser, of same par., hallier. £60 Messuage, parcels of land, garden and appurs. in hamlet of Penbiddle, adjoining a road leading from Penbiddle to Campstone Hill, to lands of Jeremiah Birch Rosher esq. and to lands late of Thomas Evans esq. afterwards of Rev. John Williams and now in the occupation of Thomas Prosser. 22 Jan 1850 |
D591/81/166 Mortgage (1) Thomas Prosser of Penbiddel, par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, yeoman. (2) James Price of Abergavenny, co. Mon., ironmonger £45 at 5% p.a. Messuage, pieces of land, garden and appurts. In Penbiddel, adjoining the road leading from Penbiddel to Campston HIll to lands of Jeremiah Birch Rosher esq. and to lands late of Thomas Evans esq. afterwards of the Rev. John Williams and now in the occup. of Thomas Prosser. Property to be insured in the name of James Price, as long as any money remains owing to him or his heirs, in the Royal Farmers Insurance Fire Office. 1 Jul 1851 |
D591/81/165 Mortgage (1) Thomas Prosser of Penbiddel, Llanvihangel Crucorney, yeoman. (2) James Price of Abergavenny, ironmonger (3) Elizabeth Jones of Longtown, co. Hereford, spinster. £55 at 5%p.a. Messuage, parcels of land, garden, hereditaments with appurts. in Penbiddle, adjoinging the road leading from Penbiddle towards Campstone Hill to lands of Jeremiah Burch Rosher esq. and to lands late of Thomas Evans esq. afterwards The Rev. John Williams and for many years past in the occupation of Thomas Prosser and are now in the occup. Elizabeth Jones may sell the property if at the expiry of three months notice the principal and interest remain unpaid. Endorsed 1859 March 29 Receipts (1) of £45 by James Price from Elizabeth Jones and (2) of £10 by Thomas Prosser from Elizabeth Jones (3) of £7 by Thomas Prosser from Elizabeth Jones 29 March 1859 |
D591/81/164 (1) George Evans of the Old Mill, par. Longtown, co. Hereford, Farmer and Elizabeth, his wife. (2) Jeremiah Burch Rosher, of hamlet Bwlch Trewyn, co. Hereford £70 Messuage, garden, land and hereditaments mentioned in indenture of mortgage of 1859 conveyed by George Evans exercising his rights over the property of his wife Elizabeth (nee Jones) to Rosher since after the expiry of three months notice the principal still remains unpaid. Endorsed - 1862, March 24 acknowledgement by Elizabeth Evans that deed was executed with her voluntary consent. 25 Mar 1862 |
New House Farm Llanvihangel Crucorney 1872 |
D591/81/534/183 Lease/Release (1) Arnold Arnold par. Langottock Lingoed co. Mon. and Sybil this wife. (2) James Watkins par. Lanvertherine gent. (3) David Jones par. Lanvehangel Crucorney, mason. (4) David Thomas of Cwmyoy, yeoman, his trustee. £95 Cites A term of a thousand years on the property assigned by Arnold to Joshia Morgan trustee to John Davies by Lease/Release by way of mortgage for £200 of 1773 Aug 7/8 and as yet unredeemed. Watkins had, Dec 1776, taken over the mortgage and added to the sums advanced by Davies. Total owed Watkins, £550 actual posession of property to Jonas: Watkins transfers deeds concerning it to Thomas. All that messuage or tenement farm and lands commonly called by the name of Tay Newid or Skibbor Newid with barn buildings and hereditaments with appurts as fully as Philip George now occupies the same as tenant par. Llanvihangel Crucorney. 1 Mar 1778-2 Mar 1778 |
D591/81/172 Will of David Jonas par. Llan Cruc. To 3 daughters of David Thomas £5 to each when of proper age. To sister Jane Parry £1 To sister Mary Price £1 Neice ann d. of David George £1, when of proper age To sister Joan Jonas all personal estate i.e. New House par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, hamlet Penbiddle interest on £40 in hands of James Watkins household stuffs. After debts and other bequests have been met and after her decease that personal estate be divided amongst daughters of his brothers - David George David Thomas and Philip Price. Bequeaths to nephew William Parry son of William Parry one shilling to wife of Richard Jones £1 executor Joan Jonas Probate granted 1802 January 27 5 Jan 1793 |
D591/81/193 Release (Lease attached) (1) William Lewis of Llanvihangel Crucorney, Mon. labourer, Ann his wife, only d. of David George late of Langattock Lingoed who was one of Bros-in-law of David Jonas late of Llanvihangel Crucorney the hereinafter named testator (2) Charles Gwatkin of Llanvihangel Crucorney, labourer, Ann his wife, William Price of Cwmyoy, Mon. labourer and Margaret his wife (Ann and Margaret are d. of David Thomas late Cwmyoy deceased, mason, another of Bro-in-laws of said Testator.) (3) Ann Price of Gwerycae par. Clodock, Herefor, spinster, Benjamin Williams of Mamhilad minister of Gospel and Mary his wife, John Sayce of Whitfield co. Hereford, labourer, and Elizabeth his wife. John Cattrell of Dinedor Cross, Hereford, yeoman and Jane, his wife. (Ann, Mary Elizabeth and Jane are the only 4 d. of Philip Price late of Parish of Clodock, labourer deceased only other brother -in-law of same testator (4) Hannah Price of Hamlet Bwlch Trewyn, widow, William Lewis and Ann his wife. Charles Gwatkin and Ann his wife, William Parry of Llanvihangel Crucorney lawyer. (5) The Rev. Theophilus Morgan, late of Abergavenny now of Penbiddle clerk, Morris's agent is concluding contract to purchase. (6) Morris Jenkins of Penbiddle (7) James Gilbert Price of Llancillors hall, Hereford, gent. (8) Charles Gwatkin and Ann his wife (sole executrix of will David Thomas) (9) Philip Price of Abergavenny £180 Parties of first 4 parts convey the property to Jenkins. The term of a thousand years on the property in posession of parties of eight part as executors of Jonas' trustee William Thomas is now assigned to Philip Price in trust for Jenkins. New House, otherwise known as Tuy Newid or SKibbor Newidd now in occupatin of Thomas Thomas his undertenants or assigns and all houses out-houses etc. - to such trusts as Jenkins may devise and as in a full a manner as Philip George once occupied the same. The Lease is marked A and the Release B and both have marginilia to effect they are subject of acknowledgement. 17 Oct 1636-18 Oct 1636 |
D591/81/182 Acknowledgement of Deeds by Married Women Ann wife of William Lewis Ann wife of Charles Gwatkin Mary wife of Benjamin Williams Elizabeth wife of John Sayce Jane wife of John Cottrell Acknowledge consent in 2 indentures 17/18 Oct 1836, the former marked A the latter B 18 Oct 1836 |
D591/81/192 Bond (1) Richard Baker, par. Llanvihangel Crucorney labourer, William Dilworth late of Preston, Lancs, since of Llandewy Skirrid Mon. but now of Abergavenny, yeoman. (2) Morris Jenkins par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, yeoman. £50 For the delivery of sure and indemnified title to 1/9 share in Tyr Newdd or Skibbor Newidd being that of Richard Baker, husband to Margaret only d. of William Price par. Cwmyoy. Bond resorted to with Dilsowrth's Agreement because it is cheaper than conveyance. 2 Jun 1840 |
D591/81/191 Office Copy Probate of Will of Morris Jenkins to son David of Llanvihangel Crucorney and William Forster Batt all real and personal estate subject to debts funeral and testamentary expenses. for following trusts, To allow wife Margaret to enjoy annual and other rents profits and dividends from the estate. And after her death, all to son with trust that he will invest £400 at 5% p.a. in public stocks, the money to be divided amongst 4 children of his late son Henry Jenkins, Aaron, Morris, Elizabeth and Emily, or the heirs or survivors of them; Aaron not to inherit until he reach 25, and the others until the youngest of them reach 21 (though the executor may at his discretion pay the elder two of the three his or her marriage or reaching 21). The income from trust to be used where necessary towards the maintenance or education of the infants. Trustees are to appoint their successors. Probate granted 1863 December 18. 15 Feb 1859 |
D591/81/176 Abstract of Title of Mr David Jenkins to Tuy Newdd or Skibbor Newd cites documents concerning the property. Gives Morris Jenkins death as on 1863 October 13th. 1871 |
D591/81/90 Conveyance (1) David Jenkins of Llanvihangel Crucorney, timber merchant, William Forster Batt Abergavenny gent. Trustees of late Morris Jenkins (2) Margaret Jenkins of Llanvihangel Crucorney widow. (3) David Jenkins (4) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewyn House £900 Purchase by Rosher with consent of parties of 2nd and 3rd parts. Tuy Newidd or Skibbor Newidd together with site of Old Tramroad running through the same and bounding Rosher's estate, Pwllywern, land of John Paske and land of Mr .Williams of Penbiddle, together wiht all orchards rights appurtenances etc. 21 May 1872 |
D591/81/189 Indemnity (1) David Jenkins and William Forster Batt (2) Jeremiah Burch Rosher Indemnifying property Tuy Newidd or Skibbor Newidd against being charged for £400, bequeathed by Morris Jenkins to form the basis of a trust. 21 May 1872 |
D591/81/184 Account of Succession in Real Property of Jeremiah Burch Rosher New House Farm and 4 cottages in respective occupation The Rev. W. Wennan Thomas Parry, W. Pritchard and Thomas Minckley £58 12 Feb 1877 |
D591/81/185 In Account of Succession in Real Property of Jeremiah Burch Rosher as alience by purchase of David Jenkins of New House Farm. (The document has many alterations made to it and is perhaps a rough draft) 21 Feb 1877 |
D591/81/186 L. Sayce to V.A. Julius Encloses succession account with commissioners receipt for duty of late Mr. Rosher as alienee by purchase of David Jenkins upon d. Margaret Jenkins. 18 Apr 1877 |
D591/81/175 Mortgage (1) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher of Trewyn esquire. (2) Mary Davies of Blaina Ironworks, widow. £500 at 4 1/2% All that messuage or tenement farm and lands formerly called Tuy Newidd or Skibbor Newidd with barn and several new dwelling houses outhouses etc. together with site of old tramroad running through it : hamlet Penbiddle par. Llanvihangel Crucorney bounded by farm, Pwlllywern, Rosher Property, by land belonging to John Paske and land formerly belonging to Mr. Williams of Penbiddle, but now belonging to Rosher. To repay 1st September next 10 Apr 1877 |
D591/81/177 Mortgage (1) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher, Trewyn, Hereford, esq. (2) Mary Davies of Blaina Iron Works, widow. £300 at 3 1/2% p.a. Cites previous mortgages of 1876 and 1877 concluded between parties as above. This mortgage is on the properties in these documents i.e. Llwygy Farm 132a. 2 rods and 30 perches and Twy Newidd Skibbor Newydd. 9 May 1878 |
D591/81/435 List of Documents Handed to Mr. Walford relating to Llwygy and Ty Newydd 18 Jan 1886 |
D591/81/180 Schedule of Deeds relating to Llwygy and New House Farms par. Cwmyoy and Llanvihangel Crucorney. The passages relating to Llwgy (par. Cwmyoy) have been deleted: as too has phrase "in Mortgage to Col. Jas. Seager Whceley and Mr. Richard Baker Gabb" These passages are still legible. A marginal note explains the deletions. "The Llwgy has been sold to Mr. Barneby and the deeds solely relating to it handed over". 1886 |
D591/81/174 (1) Mary Davies formerly of Blaina Iron Works but now of Newport, Mon, widow (2) James Seager Wheeley of the Pentre near Abergavenny Col. retired (3) Richard Baker Gabb of Abergavenny, gent. Cites indenture of mortgage 1876 August 31st between Jeremiah Lilburne Rosher and Mary Davies, £1000 on Llwgy Farm, Par. Cwmyoy 130 acres 2 rods and 32 perches 1877 April 10th 1878 May 9th The mortgages amounting to £1800 The properties concerned (Llgwy and New House Farm) now conveyed to Wheeley and Gabb subject to the Redemption Clauses in the Mortgages 25 Aug 1886 |
D591/81/159-161 Charges re: Lands Improvement Company. Loan of £1739, £722, £1,520.15.7d. and £600.0.06d. on lands as detailed on attached schedules 1877-1886 |
Lower Penbiddle Llanvihangel Crucorney 1873 |
D591/81/157 Lease for a Year (Release Missing) (1) Sir Harford Jones Brydges of Boultibrook, co. Radnor and Hambrook Grove, Somerset bar. Edward Bolton Clive of Whitfield Lodge, Hereford, Peter Rickards Myners of Evenjob, Radnor and John Lucy Scudamore of Kentchurch Park, Hereford. (2) Thomas Lewis of the Holm par. Llanvihangel Crucornery, farmer. All that messuage known as Lower Penbiddle Farm in Hamlet of Penbiddle par. Llanvihangel Crucornery 43a. 1r. 18p. in occupation Job Williams, then of James Thomas, since of John Mapp and now of John Williams. 2 Oct 1826 |
D591/81/158 Mortgage by Appointment for 500 years (1) John Williams, Penbiddle, Llanvihangel Crucorney farmer, and Mary his wife. (2) John Jones par. Oldcastle £300 Cites Lease/Release of October 2nd/3rd 1826 on Farm known as Penbiddle (sic). Endorsed 1836 April 6th Memorandum that John Jones Endorsed and executor of thewithin named John Jones has received £600 with interest. 23 Oct 1826 |
D591/81/156 Assignment of lease for 500 years to create a trust (1) Mary Ann Philips late of Longworth co. Hereford now of Southborough Kent. (2) Sir Harford Jones Bridges of Boultibrook, Radnor, Hambrook Grove, Somerset, Bar. Edward Bolton Clive, Peter Richard Mynors (3) John Luch Scudamore (4) John Williams and Mary his wife. (5) Thomas Davis of Abergavenny a trustee. Cites demise of 1774 October 26 between Ann Pritchard widow and Mary Evans subjecting certain properties among them Lower Penbiddle farm to a lease for 500 years for purposes expressed therein and since fully performed. Mary Ann Philips however has inherited Mary Evans' interest. Cites Lease/Release 1826 October 2/3 transferring the property upon certain trusts to Thomas Lewis. Mary Ann Philips interest now to Thomas Davis to the use of John Williams and Mary his wife and the whole property is vested in him in trust for the Williams'. 26 Oct 1826 |
D591/81/155 Conveyance setting up trust (1) Mary Williams widow of John Williams. (2) Thomas Williams, George Williams, Eliza Williams, Christiannah Williams and Sabrinah Williams their children (3) Thomas Hughes of Abergavenny, gent. Edward Lloyd Powell of Abergavenny gent. trustees. Cites lease/release October 2/3 1826 d. John Williams 1849 May 19 - Will 26 Dec. 1848 bequeather wife Lower Penbiddel for life then proceeds from sale of it to be divided among children. The will is doubtful. This indenture therefore empowers trustees to sell the property upon Mary Williams' death or if her consent has been obtained to the sale upon her re-marriage. 14 Mar 1850 |
D591/81/153 Attested Copy of Disclaimer Disclaimer 1869 February 11th of The Rev. Thomas Harris of Mon. Codicil of will of Edward Lloyd Powell of Abergavenny (will 1856 Jan. 19: Codicil 1856 October 9) appointed Thomas Harris, Thomas Hughes of Chapel House Mon. and Cornelius Lloyd of Abergavenny now of Bath executors. Now Thomas Harris renounces the office of trustee. 11 Feb 1869 |
D591/81/152 File of Papers referred to in declaration of Thomas Thomas. 1873 March 19 Certificate M. of John Williams and Mary Jones 1819 My 11 par. Llanvihangel Crucorney (marked A) 1873 April 2nd Certificate d. John Williams 1849 May 19 aged 67 (B) 1872 November 26 Certificate d. Mary Williams 1871 October 2 aged 80 (C) 1873 March 26 Certificate Bap. John son of John and Mary Williams Dec. 22 1819 par. Grosmont (D) 1873 April 3 Certificate Burial of John Williams d June 12th 1848 aged 28 years at Zoar Baptist Chapel at Llanvihangel Crucorney (E) 1873 February 15 Certificate death of Thomas Williams, d June 17 1855 aged 33 (G) 1872 November 26 Certificate of death Eliza Williams, d 27 February 1870n aged 44 (H) 1859 May 28 Certificate of death of Christiannah Williams d. 26 May 1859 agd 32 (J) 1873 Mar. 30th Certificate of Burial Par. Llanvihangel Crucorney Caroline Williams buried May 2 1835 aged 4 Christiana Williams June 1 1859 32 (K) 1873 March 24 Baptisms in par. Llanvihangel Crucorney. 1822 September 23 Thomas Williams 1824 April 24 Eliza Williams 1826 February 16 Christiana 1828 April 23 George 1832 April 29 Caroline 1838 March 31 Sabina (F) Mar 1873-Apr 1873 |
D591/81/154 List of Deeds (1) George Williams (2) J.B. Rosher, esq. relating to Lowed Penbiddel Farm handed over to Rosher on completing conveyance 1873 April 12. [Apr 1873] |
D591/81/149 Conveyance in share of Lower Penbiddle Farm £800 (1) Cornelius Lloyd of Bath gent. (2) Sibina Williams of Lower Penbiddle, spinster. (3) George Williams of Lower Penbiddle, farmer. Cites indenture setting up trust, 1850 March 14, Harris's disclaimer 1869 February 11. Deaths in Williams family. Sibina now conveys to George her share in the proceeds from sale of Lower Penbiddle Farm, described by former estimation as 43a. 1r. 18p. but now measured as 42a. 22p. 10 Apr 1873 |
D591/81/151 Declaration of Thomas Thomas of Mardy in par. Llantilio Pertholey, labourer aged 77 and resident in that par. 1818 until last year, a friend and employee of Williams, he verified that Williams and his wife bought Lower Penbiddle Farm in 1826 after living at Grosmont Wood and then in a cottage near Lower Penbiddle. He testifies as to the validity of certain certificates. 12 April 1873 |
D591/81/148 Conveyance (1) George Williams of Lower Penbiddle, par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, farmer. (2) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewin. £1,600 All that messuage or farm house with parcels thereto belonging (29a. 3r. 9p. in Penbiddel. A map shows the property and lands concerned together with tithe map numbers. 12 Apr 1873 |
D591/81/146 Convenant (copy) (1) Jeremiah Burch Rosher (2) The Rev. Theophilus Morgan Rosher purchaser of the Bulk of Lower Penbiddle Farm undertakes to produce the deeds concerning the premises, whereever required by Morgan, purchaser of the residue of it. 12 Apr 1873 |
D591/81/147 Deed of Indemnity (1) George Williams of Lower Penbiddle par. Llanvihangel Crucorney farmer and Sabina Williams of the same place, spinster. (2) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewin. (3) Reverend Theophilus Morgan of Glanhonddu Cites conveyance of above date to Rosher and one of the same date to Morgan of 2 parcels together 11a. 1r. 13p. residue of Lower Penbiddel farm. The Williams are to indemnify Rosher and Morgan against action arising from fact that Release of Oct 3 1826 is missing 12 Apr 1873 |
D591/81/150 Succession Duty Account delivered by George Williams, farmer; Sibina Williams, spinster Property, described as two fourth shares of Lower Penbiddle farm is valued at £500. 15 May 1873 |
D591/81/181 Conveyance (1) Thomas Samuel Gastler Williams of Llangattock Lingoed co. Mon., gent. (2) Henry Locke of 17 Clarence Street, Cheltenham. (3) Eliza Partridge of 12, Mitre Street, Bath Road, Cheltenham, widow. (4) George Leftwich of 2, Bloomfield Villas Tufnell Park, West Middlesex, gent. Lucia Anne Maria Rosher of Glanhonddu Mon, widow and Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher. (5) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher £459.16a.9d. This indenture is the result of an order in Chancery of March 5 1875 in the case Rosher V. Williams, that an agreement of November 16th 1868 be performed and a proper conveyance executed. Parcel meadow Llanvihangel Crucorney, tithe map no. 146 (2a. 3r. 32p.) Thomas Samuel Gastler to produce deeds of 23 and 24 June 1812 and 17 November 1868 listed on a schedule and recited in the document. The money is paid to Leftwich. 10 May 1876 |
Little Penbiddle Llanvihangel Crucorney 1885 |
D591/81/92 Release (Lease missing) (1) James George of Redcastle par. Lantillio Gresseny Mon., gent. (2) Thomas Christopher of Penbiddle par. Lanvihangel Crucorney, Mon. yeoman. (Only heir of Thomas Christopher of same place who died intestate). (3) John Curson par. Oldcastle Mon. Nathaniel Curson of Birch Morton Worcestershire yeoman (4) William Jones of Lantony, par. Cwmyoy Trustees to John Curson £313.10a. i.e. £246.6a. to George James. £67.4a. to James Christopher. All that messuage in Penbiddle where James Christopher lived and after his Thomas Christopher together with the following closes: Caenewith (3a.); meadow ground Gworlod bach (2a.), Caebach dan yf hewl (2a.), Maesycha (3a.) the Tonn (4a.), Bondie quarrell (2a.) adjoining lands late John Pritchard now lands John Scudamore, and lands Thomas Evans esq. and lands late Thomas Davies, now of Jeremiah Rosher. Also Gworlod ycha; Caebach (3a.), 3 closes called Caye dywynith (10a.), also Cae dan y lan and Ramroth (together 10a.) abutting lands Catherine Lay widow, Thomas Evans, esq. John Pritchard (now Scudamore) and lands called Terreybeen formerly in occupation Thos. Davies or assigns formerly in tenure of James Christopher, then of Thomas Christopher the elder now of T.C. the younger. The property is heavily mortgage (details given begining with lease for 500 years of 1709) on payment of various debts with interest owed buy James Christopher together with a lump sum, John Curzon (through his trustees) to come in full possession of the property. 29 Apr 1783 |
D591/81/91 Will of Nathaniel Curzon of Walterstone Hereford widower. Bequests To d. Eliza Curzon freehold estate called Little Penbidel, hamlet Penbidel par. Lanvihangel Crucorney, Mon. goods and chattels towards sums bequeather to others as follows to love daughter Christiana Higgs £2 p.a. to be paid from freehold by Executors then Eliza when she come of age. To sisters' Ann Hole and Sarah Gilbert 3 bushels of wheat to be divided between them 3 times yearly 1/2 bushel each on February 2nd half a bushel in June: 1/2 bushel in August. Rents and profits to be used by Executors for Eliza's benefit until she come into full possession of them at age of 25. Executors: James Williams of Cwmyoy Mon., farmer and James Jones of Walterstone, Hereford, farmer. Probate granted 1838 May 15 17 Jun 1819 |
D591/81/96 Transfer of annuity (1) John Paske of Tavalan par. Dingestow Mon. (2) Miss Christiana Higgs of Portman Square, Middx, spinster £30 Annuity of £2 bequeathed to Miss Higgs (now aged 30) in the will of Nathanial Curzon. 6 May 1840 |
D591/81/93 Lease (1) John Paske the younger of Llantrothy, Dingestow, par. Lantillio Perholey, yeoman, by Eliza his late wife, formerly Elisa Curaon spinster). (2) Thomas Parr of Greenmoor par. Llanthey Skirrid yeoman and James Sayce of Abergavenny gent. All that tenement (38a.) of arable meadow and pasture called Penbidil par. Llanvihangel Crucorney Mon. bounded by turnpike from Abergavenny to Hereford, lands of Jeremiah Burch Rosher esq. lands Reverend Williams formerly in occupation of tenant William Pheasant, then William Evans and now John Farr tenant to John Paske the father. 400 years to commence at death of John Paske the father upon trust that those of 2nd part will by mortgage, sale of timber or out of rents and profits raise £600 for portion following children of John Paske elder - Anne and Williams (now 21) Margaret, Thomas, Amos when they are 21 and Jane Miriam and Ellen (when they reach 21 or wed). Sums to be used if necessary to provide children with suitable education after father's death. Additional and complicated clause govern the appointment of monies under the trust. 31 May 1870 |
D591/81/97 Mortgage (1) Thomas Farr of the Green Moors par. Lanthewy Skirrid, Mon. farmer. (2) John Paske Arkestone Court par. Kingston Hereford Farmer (3) Lewis Williams Upper Pant par. Llantillio Pertholey Mon, farmer. (4) Richard Baker Gabb of Abergavenny gent. £600 cites Nathaniel Curson's will noting Miggs as mistake for Higgs, Higg's giving up annuity, death of Eliza Paske and family settlement. Farr is the surviving trustee and all the beneficiairies have reached 21. Mortgage Little Penbiddle Farm (38a.) to Lewis Williams. John Paske may redeem mortgage by March 21 next with interest of 4 1/2%. Mortgage for 400 years from death of John Paske the elder. 25 Sep 1882 |
D591/81/95 Succession Duty Assessment John Paske of Arkstone Court Par. Kingston, co. Hereford upon death of John Paske 9 November 1881 (document originally had "on death of Eliza Paske on the 7 March 1865") Cites Nathaniel Curzon's will, death of Eliza (who had 12 children by John Paske) and Christiana Higgs John Paske's death at Rock Farm Llandenny near Usk, purchase of annuity from Higgs (see settlement of 1810 above) Gives Gross Annual Value on £40 and adds "The buildings are in bad condition and cost more than £4 p.a. to repair." Duty assessed at £1.8.3d. 25 Sep 1882 |
D591/81/94 Succession Duty Assessment Anne Paske, William Paske, Burr Loal and Margaret nee Margaret Paske his wife, Amos Paske, Ellen Paske, on death of John Paske the elder. Cites deed of settlement and shows that since death of John Paske, the elder, the £60 has acquired £22 interest. Duty £18.13a.2d. 6 Oct 1882 |
D591/81/110 Schedule of Deeds and Documents Title to Penbiddle Farm Feb 1885 |
D591/81/98 Valuation of Timber Charles Lewis of Green Farm Ailens More Hereford, farmer, valuer appointed by John Paske the vendor. Lewis Parry of Pandy carpenter for Jeremiah Lilburne Rosher purchaser. Little Penbiddle Farm Pandy near Abergavenny. Valuation £124.14s.10d. 1 Feb 1885 |
D591/81/90 Conveyance (1) Lewis Williams of the Upper Pant Par. Llantillio Perholey (2) Richard Baker Gabb of Abergavenny. (3) John Paske of Arkstone Court Par. Kingston Hereford. (4) Jeremiah Lilburne Rosher of Lausanne in the Canton of Vaud. Cites N. Curzon's will and probate 1838, marriage of Eliza Curzon with John Paske, Higgs indenture, Mortgage for 400 years to Farr and Sayce of 1870 death of John Paske 1881. Lewis now owner of lease. Property hereto given as 38a. and known as Little Penbiddle or Pnebiddle Farm now called Little Penbiddle or Penbidwal, measuring 30a. 0r. 6p. shown on an inset plan with 14 fields with (Tythe Map?) Nos, state of Cultivation and quantity. £600 to Lewis to cancel mortgage £1,122.14s.10d. to Paske. Endorsement Memorandum that September 5 1913 Jeremiah Lilburne Rosher conveyed to Lucia Ann Maria Rosher all the parcel part of field 109 on map within and 3a. 1r. 10p. Jeremiah undertakes safe custody and production within indenture. 17 Feb 1885 |
D591/81/102 Declaration of Thomas Farr, Green Morrs Llanthewy Skirrid, Mon. aged 69 as to title of John Paske to Little Penbiddle Farm. Farr testifies as to the trustworthiness of certain attached documents. Attached are 1882 September 13 Extract of Dingestow Baptism Register December 8 1839 (marked B) birth John Pask the younger. 1882 September 12 Certificate of death of John Paske the elder on 1881 November 111 (marked D). 1882 September 9 Certificate death Elisa Paske March 7 1865 (marked C). 1892 September 9 Certificate death Eliza Paske March 7 1865 (marked C). 1892 September 6 Extract Dingestow par. register 1834 March 29 marriage of John Paske and Eliza Curzon (marked A). 17 Feb 1885 |
D591/81/101 Mortgage (1) Jeremiah Lilburne Rosher of Lausaune Canton Vaud, Switzerland. (2) Richard Baker Gabb of Abergavenny gent. £1,741 on two properties Little Penbiddle (36a.) The Trewin Manor House and Estate. 17 Feb 1885 |
D591/81/103 Transfer of Mortgage (1) Richard Baker Gabb of Abergavenny (2) Col. James Seager Wheeley of the Pentre nr. Abergavenny. Richard Baker Gabb £176.13a.9d. Mortgage of £1741 unpaid through Gabb is in receipt of all interest. 25 Aug 1886 |
D591/81/100 Notice (of Gabb and Walford to the directors Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co.) that yearly annuity of £250 payable half yearly and secured to Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher in life of Lucia Anne Maria Rosher (annuity August 25 1886 no. 21696) is to beheld with J.L. Rosher's agreement towards redemption of above mortgage. 11 Nov 1886 |
D591/81/109 Memorandum of Agreement J.L. Rosher to discharge all tithe rent payable on Field 109 on Plan to Conveyance 185 February 16. Lucia Anne Maria Rosher to pay 3/5 of tithe paid by hi after October 1 1913 1st such due October 1 1914 until tithe apportioned between portion so sold and remainder of field. 5 Sep 1913 |
Abergavenny |
D591/81/13 Mortgage (1) Elizabeth Jones of Abergavenny widow. (2) William Hood, Ford Lane, White Lane, Pendleton Salford, Lancs. silk-dyer and Charles Lings of Glasgow cashier. £250 at 5% p.a. Cites above and will 1852 November 25th of Daniel Jones (probate January 1st 1853) bequeathing Estate to wife. She now mortgages Grosfield to Hood and Salford, who may, if they so desire it sell the property and after deducting from the purchase price Jones' debts and their costs give her the residue. Meanwhile she is to keep premises insured and pay Gabb ground rent. 1 May 1858 |
D591/81/11 Lease fo 99 years (1) Baker Gabb, Town of Abergavenny gent. (2) Daniel Jones of same place, carpenter Piece of ground 1210 square yards shown on marginal plan and known as The Lower Grossfield par. Abergavenny to hold land together with rights and buildings erected there now or in the future. Jones promises to have built 4 dwelling houses in front of the new line of road leading from Frogmore Street to Tudor Street and to spend at least £180 on these messuages and get them properly insured with a fire insurance organisation. Monies received from such insurance after a fire to be used towards the cost of rebuilding. Gabb to have access to inspect and where needed, demand repair. No further dwelling to be built without Gabb's permission. Rent free and clear of land tax etc. Rent £7.11. at 24 June; 25 Dec 1 Jan 1833 |
D591/81/84 Assignment (1) William Woodhead Secretan of Abergavenny, gent. (2) The Rev. James Ashe Gabb of Usk, clerk, and Baker Gabb of Abergavenny, gent. (3) Daniel Jones of Abergavenny, carpenter. £400 Parcel of groun, 1210 sq yards, part of a close of meadow land called Groffield par. Abergavenny 3 Jan 1837 |
Llanfoist |
D591/81/520 Quitclaim (1) William John Powell of Llanwenarth yeoman Jane his wife and Alice Williams of Llanwenarth (2) The Rev. John Watkins, rector of Llanfoist Messuage with other buildings and five closes of land which John Watkins lately had situated in Llanfoist in a certain place there called Blaen von between lands of Walter Rumsey esq. lately of Mathew Prichard, the Lords waste, the river there called Avon, the way called hewl Rhide yr have and the waste of the Chief Lord called Waine gron, Monyth baugh, and Monyth Coity. 13 Sep 1621 |
D591/81/203, 518 Final Concord 20 James I (1) The Rev. John Watkins (2) William John Powell and Jane his wife £41 A messuage barn 12a. meadow, 24 pasture, 2a. heath and furze in Lanfoist. MM 1622 |
D591/81/519 Bond (1) Robert Watkins of Lanweanarth gent. and Richard Watkins of same place (2) Reginald William Watkin of Aberystruth £200 To keep indentures of above dated between Robert Watkins and Jane his wife, and Reginald William Watkin and Cathringe, his wife. 15 Jul 1673 |
D591/81/208 Final Concord Hilary 25 Charles II (1) Reginald William Watkin, Katherine his wfe querent. (2) Robert Watkins, Jane his wife defociants. A messuage, barn, beast-house, curtillage, garden, 20a. land, 13a. meadow, 10a. pasture, 20a. furze and heath in Lanfoist. 1674 |
D591/81/206 Lease for 5 years (1) Reynold William par. Aberystruth, yeoman, Catherine his wife (2) Lewis Richard and Rosser John par. Lanwenarth Messuage barn with all lands belonging par. Lanfoist co. Mon. between lands David William, lands William John David, lands Thomas Edward, the lords waste ground called Coytie and the Lord's waste ground called y Mynydd. £5 p.a. on May 1st and 29 September (rent first year £4.5a.) 2 Feb 1674-1675 |
D591/81/531 Bond (1) Lewis Richard of par. Lenwenarth, husbandman, and Rosser John. (2) Riginald William of Aberystruth £20 to keep indentures of above date between them 2 Feb 1674-1675 |
Llanover |
D591/81/522 Receipt (1) Mary Watkin formerly widow of Rosser Edwards of Lenover Moses Watkin her present husband. (2) John Lewis of Trevethin That Lewis has paid all rent of £3 per aunnum payable at Midsummer and Christmas and all other dues to Mary both as a widow and since her re-marriage and especially for the year 1710 on one messuage one barn and several parcels, par. Lanover Mon. 21 Dec 1714 |
Llanvertherine and Llanvapley |
D591/81/214 Final Concord Hilary Term 3 James I (1) Richard Walters Williams Howell John David Price querents. (2) John Howell Price, Margaret his wfe Robert Price deforciants. £60 A messuage, barn, 40a. land, 13. meadow, 10a. pasture, 2a. wood in Lanvertherine and Lanvapley 1606 |
Llanvihangel Crucorney Llangattock Vibon Avel and St. Waughans |
D591/81/381 Final Concord Michaelmas 11 George II (1) Thomas Evans, querent. (2) Charles Floyer gent, Blanch his wife, Richard Oswald, gent, Richard Oswald ye younger gent, John Hughes and Beatrix his wife Peregrine Hughes and Susanah his wife deforciants. 1 Barn, 1 stable, 1 beasthouse, 1 kiln, 1 curtilage, 2 gardens, 1 orchard, 120a. land, 20a. meadow, 20a. pasture with appurts. par. Lanvihangel Curcorney, langattock Vibon Avel and St. Moughams. MM 1738 |
Manorial Records |
Correspondence on custom of the manor, etc. |
D591/81/328 Statement of Manorial Custom Heriots certain. Statement of rights on sale of freehold. Lord may take fine of twice chief rent. Tenant has rights of grazing on 1000 acre demeance Lord has right to take strays, and tenants must perfrom suit of court. [18th century] |
D591/81/121 Copy of Courts Leet and Baron 1758-1759 |
D591/81/226 Receivers Account Translation of Court Roll Manors Ewyas Lacy and Ewyas Harold (spellt Gwyas) of a moiety of Lordship. Mich 5 H VIII (1513) to Mich 6 Henry VIII (1514) Endorsed Rosher 1513-1514 |
D591/81/319 Letter (copy) W. Marsh to (either Powell or Rosher). Considers that a heriot is not due on Bulch Trewin at death of late Haukins simply because there are no cattle on the land and this "in all the Manors of Ewyas Lady" means that it is barren 21 Mar 1790 |
D591/81/326 Letter (copy) Concerning tresspass of sheep on Rosher's Manor and sent from Trewyn to Mr. Daniel Williams, The Rev. Morgan and Mr. Peter Williams. The note states copies of Peter Williams' letter also delivered to Richard Williams Pontraspowel, John Christopher, Upper Trewyn, James Morgan, James Davies, Mrs. Farr Old Court, Mrs Elizabeth Huntley 5 Jul 1810 |
D591/81/488 Davies to Jones Will call upon him for Bond and Agreement: glad James' Williams's name on latter. Has given me no direction as to herdot. Is Jones interested in 164a., 7 of coppice 3 miles from Usk on lower road to Monmouth? Early 19th century |
D591/81/485 Davies to Jones Suggests Rosher call on Cotton at Christs's Hospital 24 Sep 1823 |
D591/81/315-317 Batch of 3 letters folded together but not tied, G. Goldruig and D. Davies These concern whether a fine should have been paid upon death of Hugh Powell for Llangattock Court House. The 316 endorsed with a note from Captain Powell re Greenwich ferry. Dec 1828-Jan 1829 |
D591/81/327 Mather Cotton Abergavenny to Thomas Jones, Abergavenny. The sender, agent to Rosher since 1814, desires that Jones will waive desire to be shown heriot was paid in times past on his land. Difficulty arises because no-one has died in possession over last fifty years. However, the sender shows that hariot has been manorial custom since reign of Henry VIII. 12 Aug 1823 |
D591/81/318 Counsel's opinion J. Humphreys, Lincoln's Inn to Wm. Rosher, 15 Furnivals Inn On whether a heriot can be demanded of a tenant without producing evidence (now lost) that such was paid by the last tenant and whether a Court should be held (though one had not been held for nearly 70 years) in order to seize one beast. Council advises a court be held, regarding Customary of H VIII enought to ensure Lord's title to a heriot under normal circumstances; but still thinks beast may not be due, if the tenant died (as stated in case) not in occupation but with the land leased out bey him, no heriot is due. 20 Feb 1830 |
D591/81/169 Will of Thomas Prossed of Penbiddle par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, haullier bequeathing his estate to illegitimate daughter, Elizabeth Prosser. 8 Dec 1849 |
Estate |
Leases |
Upper Trewyn |
D591/81/353 Cover Mr Turberville's agreement for Lower and Upper Trewyn 1795 |
D591/81/363 Lease (1) James Shaw of St. Andrews, Holborn, Middlesex. (2) Nicholas Jones late of Bettus, par. Llantillio Bertholey Trewyn Ycha or Upper Trewyn with all lands etc. appurtaining with two parcels in Trewyn Estate called Mase Mawr and Mase bach and excepting water courses supplying other parts of Estate and especially lower Trewyn. Excepting timber mineral rights and walls. James Shaw to have etc, for timber and to use way across land to Lower Trewyn to look after everything in husbandlike manner and forfeit £5 or fraction thereof for every sore or fraction thereof converted to tillage and to observe fallows in proper manner, fertilize the land with lime and plant plenty of clover. Term 7 years. Rent £28 for 1st year, £29 for 2nd year, £30 for rest of lease. Endorsed cancelled 1759 |
D591/81/351 Articles of Agreement. (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) William Tubervile of Bwlch Trewin Upper Trewyn with lands and rights, excepting timber, stone and minerals for which Rosher will have full rights ingress and egress Turbervile not to damage the trees in any way and shall spread all dung compost and manure arising from the land on the land. Will keep in year of leaving no more than usual no. of stock on premises. Will have use of dyder mill. Will spread lime and pay £20 for every acre of pasture or portion thereof he breaks up and to keep hedges fences and ditches in good repair. Rosher to provide rent rebate for lime, Turberville to pay more rent if he neglect this matter. Turbervile to pay all national and parochial taxes rent £40 p.a. payable December and Mid-June 1795 |
D591/81/360 Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) John Christopher of Upper Trewyn, farmer To Lease Upper Trewyn of 74a. 21p. with appurts excepting water courses supplying Lower Trewyn and all timber stone mines and paving. Christopher to pay taxes, Rosher to be able to enter as thinks fit. Christopher to prune fruit trees and guard them against animals and not out them except for fence repair. Will spread compost in husbandmanlike manner will give proper fallow and not overstock meadows will ferilize with lime. Land to be sown with clover and fertilized with lime for new tenant when Christopher leaves. Will pay £50 or portion thereof for every acre or portion he converts from pasture to tillage. Lease of one year and then from year to year. £63 1810 |
Lower Trewyn |
D591/81/358 Draft Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) C.D. (pencilled into a document otherwise in ink) of Lower Trewyn with attached lands (schedule) C.D. to pay all taxes and assessments and pay £20 for every acre of tillage coverted to pasture, look after hedges ditches and wood (but may cut down coppice to repair fences). Is to be allowed use of cyder mill at Upper Trewyn and may go through meadows with coach if road impassable C.D. to keep land in husbandmanlike manner and not cart away hay or straw. Shaw's workmen to be allowed across when they want it to cut down timber. £200 21 years late 18th century |
D591/81/349 Draft of Lease/Counterpart (1) Jeremiah Rosher par. St. Mary Rotherhithe co. Surrey, esq. (2) Richard Price par. Kentchurch, co. Hereford, farmer. Lower Trewyn (130a.) in occupation of Edward Teague usual conditions on husbandry and timber £25 to be allowed Price for 1st two years towards hedging and drainage. Reserves to Rosher and servant tenure of Mansion, garden adjoining and best stable, the court in and before it and the necessary house in the garden. The building opposite mansion to be made tenantable for Price. (Counterpart mentions Thomas Jones as a former tenant). Term 14 years. £180 24 June 25 December 13 Aug 1783 |
D591/81/559 Draft Copy Articles of Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Trewyn Hereford (2) William Bowers of Langaren Hereford, yeoman Lease for a year subject to annual renewal of Lower Trewyn. Rosher to be allowed to let his men enter and remove woods etc. but to make reasonable satisfaction for damages sustained as a result, Rosher's carts to be allowed to use certain meadows but Rosher to look after gates and locks to these. Rosher to keep his ducks and geese out of Power's garden and ponds where they might destroy carp and other spawn under penalty 51 per bird. Tenant to provide lime with abatement of rent. £220 27 Oct 1798 |
D591/81/348, 354 Lease one year and draft (1) Jeremiah Bwlch Rosher (2) William Bowers par. Langaren co. Hereford Lower Trewyn with outbuildings and meadows. Usual conditions i.e. husbandry and timber and fine for straying geese or duck. Bowers may make use of Rosher's cyder mill 3 Dec 1798 |
D591/81/361 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) William Price par. Walterstone Part of Lower Trewyn Farm as let to Benjamin Meredith part of dwelling house garden Barn Beasthouse, stable, pig-sty, beasthouse and stable with - Chappel Mead, Hovel Meadow, Lower and Upper Kavaun, Lower Old Clover, Upper wood, Chapel Orchard and lower wood Upper coach orchard, Two orchards and ruffel. Price to look after apple trees and to replace ones past bearing fruit with ones supplied by Rosher. Rosher to repair ring fences to allow money for lime. Price then to be responsible for fences and to be allowed timber from rough for repairs. Price may plough up 2 orchards and Ruffels and sow it with peas oats or turnips. Will be allowed rent for any drainage needed. He is also to keep moles down. £234 26 Feb 1812 |
D591/81/355 Draft Articles of Agreement (1) Tom Gabb of Abergavenny as agent for Jeremiah Rosher. (2) James Trumper and Thomas Hughes for Grosmont, gent. Lower Trewyn Farm House lately held by George Golding esq. in Little Pandee Meadow occupied by Benjamin Watkins. Usual conditions re timber and husbandry. To pay all taxes and discharge tithe rent charge and be entitled to any rent paid by Benjamin Watkins. Attached 4 sheets a schedule of the acreage. Mar 1845 |
Miscellaneous |
D591/81/252 Draft Lease for One year and then from year to year (1) Jeremiah Rosher Northfleet, Kent, esq (2) William Jenkins par. Llanvihangell Crucorney Lower Trewyn. Normal conditions of timber and husbandry. £160 payable Feb. 1st , Aug. 1st 1847 |
D591/81/356 Lease for 21 years (1) James Shaw of St. Andrews Holborn (2) John Watkins now or late Goytrey par. Grosmont, yeoman. All his barn and beasthouse late in occupation of Thomas Morgan or his assigns par. Walterstone co. Hereford with all rights except to timber and trees and all that meadow ground in occupation John Watkins leading from the Pandy Smith's Forge towards Altymis mill in Cwmyoy, Hamlet Bwlch Trewyn. Usual conditions re timber, spreading of lime and husbandry. In addition, Watkins promises to have cleared of roots and rubbish and converted to pasture Pentoyne Wood (not to tillage). Pentoyne Wood (not to tillage) For par. Walterstone £14 p.a. at 24 June, 25 Dec. 2 fat pullets at Christmas, for meadow 1759 £9, 1760 £8, 1761 £10; thenafter £10 p.a. 25 May 1759 |
D591/81/346 Articles of Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher of trewyn, hamlet Bwlch Trewyn (2) William Turbervile of Wooten par. Wellington, co. Hereford 122 acres with messuage and buildings (messuage unspecified). Normal conditions on payment £20 for conversion of pasture to arable on leaving all fences etc. in state of repair, assignment Roshers rights of ingress and egress re. woodstone, and all other materials in Turbervile's not being allowed to cut down woods on spreading on dung and manure and use of cyder mill. Rosher to be allowed across through Chappel Meadow, the Hovell Meadow, Lower Kavuan and Unnis Lluid with coach chaise or horses and to look after gates and dispose of hay ricks now in the meadows. Turbervile to pay 5a. for every goose straying into Rosher's garden and fishpond. 6 Nov 1794 |
D591/81/350 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) Benjamin Whistance Miller of Michael Church Trewyn Mill together with all out buildings. Reserving to Rosher timber and fruit and minerals and rights of ingress and egress to obtain there. To hold water (corn or) Flour Mill. Usual conditions of husbandmanlike care of land ditches etc. To pay per acre £50 or fraction of it additional annual rent in case of conversion to tillage. Term - 1 year, thence year to year. Rent £60 24 Dec 1799 |
D591/81/357 Agreement to Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) William Price of Walterston, farmer Turnpike Meadow, Little Pandy, Great Pandy and Unnis Loyd. Price to be allowed 7/6d p.a. for road through Unnis for getting stone for river. Rosher to be allowed through Unnis with a carriage for Church but will provide gates where necessary, himself. £99 p.a. Term 3 years. 15 Oct 1811 |
D591/81/362 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) James Davies Meadow called Unnis Lloyd. Davies to keep property tenantable, not to haul away hay and to pay all taxes except property tax. £3 per acre Term 7 years 13 Jan 1813 |
D591/81/2 Draft Lease (1) J.L. Rosher. (2) Major General W.A. Gillespie. On Trewyn House Term 21 years 25 May 1887 |
Penbiddle and Clerk's Land |
D591/81/486 Memorandum of Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Trewyn (2) Thos. Powell of Leominster, Hereford Messuage etc. par. Trewyn called Penbiddle and Clerk's land (201a.) in par. Llanvihangel Crucorney with appurts. Excepted are woods quarries mines and walls. Concerning these full rights of ingress and egress for Rosher and his carts. Powell to prune fruit trees and prevent animals damaging them. Trees only to be touched for repairs and refencing. To keep no more animals than previously kept on premises. Keep land fertilised pay £20 or portion thereof for every acre he ploughs etc. Powell made allowance for lime. £120 p.a. Christmas June 24. 23 Sep 1795 |
D591/81/46 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Trewyn par. Cwmyoy, esq. (2) James Pritchard of same, farmer. All those 2 messuages commonly called Pembiddle Farm. Also several parcels of Meadow called Clarks land with barns stables beasthouses orchards folds gardens and 26 closes land (150a.) par. Llanvihangel, (reserving to Rosher timber and mining rights) details of the repair in which the buildings are to be kept, howe the land is to be fertlised. No animals to grazw in Coppice Wood. Pritchard to be allowed to use timber where necessary for repairs and improvements and some rent in return for fertilizer and drainage (details given) or in return for tramroad across territory by act of parliament. Rebate in retunr for provision accomodation for servant in farmhouse. To May 1st, after expiry Pritchard's cattle to enjoy property. When 1st 2 whole years instalments are due Pritchard only obliged to pay 1/2 year's rent then. Term 21 years. Rent £250 by 2 half yearly payments 24 June and 25 December. 26 Dec 1811 |
Gwerngounsel |
D591/81/145 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Prescott Street White Chappel Middlesex (2) James Farr par. Clodock co. Hereford, yeoman Werngouncel with appurts par. Grosmont tenure John Williams now Jeremiah Rosher. Keep land fertilised (details given) and the property in good repair, seeding no animals destroy coppice. Will et to no sub-tenant without Rosher's permission Rosher to make property tenantable, allow £3 for 1st 5 years tenancy for lime and to allow Farr sufficient room to in barn his wheat. Term 21 years. Rent £35 p.a. 18 Nov 1788 |
D591/81/345 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Trewyn (2) James Farr of Grismond Werngounsell (34a.) and Polestrewaun (37a.) farms. Usual conditions on timber and minerals and husbandry etc. But Rosher will pay £26 to Farr should be carry out certain stipulations re spreading of lime. Term 1 year Rent £82 p.a. 1799 |
D591/81/429 Memorandum of Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) Thomas Williams of Dulan, co. Hereford Werngounsell (Grosmont) and Pollywern (Penbiddle 113a. 15p,) except, timber, minerals and coppice for which Rosher has full right of entry yet allowance to be made to Williams for inconvenience caused by this. Covenants for good husbandry. Rent £125 p.a. 20 Aug 1811 |
D591/81/144 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) Thomas Williams par. Dulas co. Hereford. Messuage called Werngounsell etc. and 17 closes: (77a.) par. Grosmont as simply as by William Addis. Farm called Pollywern with outbuildings etc. (37a.) par. Llanvihangel Crucornery (reserving to Rosher timber quarrying and mining rights). Details of repair in which buildings to be kept, how land to be fertilised. No animals to graze in coppice wood. Rosher's ploughs to be allowed on land and 6 acres to be planted with cloves before its reverting to him. Also to allow Rosher stable room for team of horses room for servant. Rent rebate allowed in return for ferillisation and drainage expenses. Also timber for repair. Term 21 years. £125 p.a. by 2 half yearly payments. 20 April 1812 |
D591/81/344 Lease (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Northfleet, Kent, esq. (2) Walter Probert of the township of Longtown, Hereford, Farmer. Worngounsel and all other lands lately in occupation of James Jones usual conditions re woods and minerals and husbandry. Term - yearly rent £50. 1841 |
General |
D591/81/493 Inventory A piece of paper attached by pin says "an inventory of pinn bedle furniture" List limited to kitchen etc. [Early 18th century] |
D591/81 Rough Estimate of Value with 2 copies of conditions of sale [18th century] |
D591/81/434 Particulars of Sale Mansion House and Desmesne with Estates of Trewyn , Penbiddle, Wangounsel, Pentowyn, Poletrewaun, the Castle, the Mill and Appurtenances. Plan of whole at Mr. Clarkes' old South Sea House in Old Broad Street. 29 Nov 1775 |
D591/81/436 Particulars and Conditions of Sale Sale by Auction at Crown and Anchor in Strand 29 Nov 1775 |
D591/81/437 Trewyn Estate Rough estimate of the value of estate, taking Rent Roll as guide and with no reliable information as to acreage and without making a careful inspection of the property. [Late 19th century] |
D591/81/428 Description of Acreage of Rosher Estate includes a messuage or tenement called Trewyn Mill with a grist Mill and 14a. 2r. 23p. in occupation of Thomas Robinson. 1790 |
D591/81/490 File Miscellaneous notes (4 items varying in size) Penbiddle Farm and Clarge Land: also Pwllywern farm, Letter from Baker Gabb to Thomas Jones of Frogmore? Street encloses a cheque for £80 [c.1818] |
D591/81/430 Rental of Trewyn Estate 1874 |
D591/81/32 Rental (part of) [Late 19th century] |
591/81/1 Trewyn rental [Late 19th century] |
D591/81/439 Rough Valuation of Trewyn Estate £42,209.5.0d. [c.1885] |
Maps |
D591/81/534 Estate Map A survey of Upper and Lower Trewin by E. Moore. 1726 |
D591/81/533 Ordnance Survey First Edition 25 inch = 1 mile Mon. IV 9. Skenrith Shows Penbidwal and Werngounsel. Field crops pencilled in. On left hand side of may Bwlch Trewin, but only fraction Trewin Estate shown. 1880-1882 |
D591/81/431 Plan of Trewyn Estate and land let therewith in Hamlet Bwlch Trewyn. On translucent paper, probably tracing. [Late 19th century] |
D591/81/332 Plan of fields on Trewin Estate [18th century-19th century] |
D591/81/530 Sketch Map Shows Rosher Property. Riveer Monnow: Honthy River and lands belonging to Mr. James Gilbert 1 point on the map is marked A; another B. [18th century-19th century] |
Legal Miscellaneous |
D591/81/403 Powell and Gabele to Rosher The Court has given Rosher judgement for £2. 5. which means costs also. Will arrange for a commissioner to be present at Abergavenny where they want Rosher to come and swear concerning his expenses at Monmouth 10 Mar 1807 |
D591/81/426 Receipt Theo Morgan John Lewis for £3 owed to Morgan as Lewis's share of fine levyed by Soloman Jones the younger and others to Daniel Price in trust for Lewis. 21 Aug 1753 |
D591/81/418 Henry Howorth, temple to James Coulthard, Lincoln's Inn. After father's death has not had anything to do with Mrs. Shaw. She now lives at either 19 or 20 Cloak Lane, Chepeside, her attorney being Mr. Clark of Southsea House. Will not object to any course Coulthard might propose. 24 Jan 1776 |
D591/81/384 Account Elizabeth Shaw with Walter Watkins. Aug 1781 |
D591/81/420 Bill Jeremiah Rosher in Acc. with Clark and Williams £82.9s.4d. Enclosed: a receipt for this amount. 1784 |
D591/81/406 Bill expenses incurred by Mr. Gabell in exchequer case Jeremiah Rosher esq., against Henry Price and John Price. 1805 |
D591/81/407 Copy Draft of Letter (sender and destination unknown) Concerns an assignment Jeremiah Rosher the younger had agreed to make. Oct 1806 |
Railway |
D591/81/489 Thos. Jones to Rosher Quotes Lane's valuation as £65.5a. Has had interviews with Mr. Hodgkinson the Company Engineer re: branch line over Honddy to hamlet of Trewyn. Regards line from Penbiddle over Honddy to your blacksmiths shop a necessity. Save Hill under Trevedon and that below Inn at Llanvihangel. As bridge almost down, road thence to inn sandy and carried away in rain, route normally through Penbiddle hamlet Pandee ford into Trewyn. Suggest, wharf should be in corner of turnpike meadow. Co. will but barn for building sheds. Co. will need a cottage. Suggests wheelwrights shop be built to repair carts and wagons using wharf. Mary Williams must be allowed £40 p.a. by Daniel Morgan overseer for her maintenance and rate charged accordingly. Fact may have scared John Jones away. Man from Lanigon near Hay interested. Rent discussed. Desires to know which proposal for weir, Rosher will accept Sketch plan. 2 Jan 1823 |
D591/81/188 Receipt given by Cornelius Lloyd to Morris Jenkins in respect of £16.16a., received for "piece of land part of the Old tram Road opposite my land." 8 Sep 1857 |
D591/81/162 Duplicate Conveyance (1) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewyn House, hamlet of Bwlch Trewyn. (2) Great Western Railway £459.8s. Cites Newport, Abergavenny Railway authorised to purchase lands by Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Act, 1846. Notice to Rosher 1851 June 28 and aribtration award of above, purchase money to Rosher (details of proceedings given and a variety of Co. dissolution and amalgamation acts,) eventually making Great Western Railway the heir of Newport Abergavenny and Hereford Railway. Land in Penbiddle par. Llanvihangel Crucorney measuring 1a. 2r. 5p. 1r. 20p: 1a. 1r. 20p: 1a. 3r. 32p: 28p. distinguished as part nos. 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, on the appropriate plan deposited with Quarter Sesssions. Land in Bwlch Trewyn par. Cwmyoy (2p.) par no. 4 in appropriate deposited plan. Company promises to supply watercourses to drain 22 and 24 on south side of River Monnow. Rosher to produce as requested deeds in an annexed schedule. 31 Sep 1867 |
D591/81/187 Indemnity (for 6 years) (1) Mr. David Jenkins. (2) J.B. Rosher, esq. against action particularly from Great Western Railway or successors concerning title re part of Old Tram Road. 21 May 1871 |
D591/81/163 Conveyance (1) Great Western Railway. (2) J.B. Rosher. (3) James Sayce, Abergavenny, his Trustee. £278.1s.8d. Cites the Newport Abergavenny and Hereford Railways contract to sell land to Rosher which the G.W.R. as its heirs now fulfils. Land par. of Llanvihangel Crucorney being part of site of Old Grosmont Tramorad (2r. 36p.) with 2 cottages thereon now or late in occupation of William Lewis, labourer and Joseph Edwards, labourer bounded by Pultywern Farm and field of John Pask's on one side and on the other by White House Farm (the farm belonging to Rosher). Also piece (1r. 10p.) bounded by lands of Pask and on the opposite side by lands of Rosher. A Also land with cottage occupied now or late Ann Williams, widow bounded by Penbiddle Farm. All these lands are also bounded on two opposite sides by continuation of the Old Grosmont Tramroad of which they once were part. Marginal Plan (Ordnance Survey Map of 1880-82 shows exact relationship of railway to the 2 halves of Rosher's esate). 26 Feb 1868 |
Land Tax |
D591/81/399 Receipt (1) John Mapp the younger, collector (2) John Mapp. 12/6d. for last half year's Land Tax. 7 Apr 1779 |
D591/81/401 Receipt (1) John Mapp, Collector (2) Edward Teague £2.4s. for last half year's land tax. 3 May 1779 |
D591/81/398 Receipt (1) James Hughes Collector (2) James Watkins £1.3a.11/2d. land tax due Mich. last. 25 Nov 1779 |
D591/81/517 Receipts (4 items) of the Shaws and of John Millet. Land Tax for Penbiddle. 1779-1780 |
D591/81/414 Certificate of Contract for Land Tax Redemption (1) Thomas Coleman of Leominster, Hereford, esq Thomas Evans of city Hereford clerk. On Lower Trewyn in occupation of William Hewer assessed at £4.8s; on Upper Trewyn occupied by Walter Vaughan, £1.5a. and Pentoyn par. Walterstone occupied by John Rogers 15s.6d. Redemption £235.11s.8d. 15 December 1798 |
D591/81/410 Redemption of Land Tax (1) William Harrison, William Morgan (2) Jeremiah Rosher On Werngouncel assessed at £2.9a.1d; Penbiddle Farm Clerks land and Arnold's Land £5.6s.8d; the tenement called Polltrewaune or Pwllywern 13a.4d. Redemption £309.19a.8d. 5 Mar 1799 |
D591/81/397 Land Tax Account W. Williams, Collector. £5.10a. received from John Griffiths; 3.11s.8d. received from Mrs Rosher; 1.13s. received from John Griffiths for Mrs. Farr; 1.13s. received from John Griffiths for Edward Farr Endorsed with obscure account. Also note signed by Thomas Jones "I do not apprehend Mr. Rosher is to pay propriety tax for the Estate given Mrs. Rosher - but I can't find Copy of Mr Rosher's will." 29 Feb 1815 |
Trewyn |
Buller's Mortgage |
D591/81/422 Bill Jeremiah Rosher in acc. with Messrs Forster Cooke and Frederick on transfer to Rosher of William Buller's Mortgage £94.16s.5d. Oct 1806 |
D591/81/412 Note (signature illegible) The deeds of Rozier's estate mortgaged as £300 p.a. Property of late Mrs John Buller it was assigned to William Buller on marriage to Mrs. J. Buller's daughter, Caroline, as security for £3,000. Interest reserved to Mrs J. Buller for life on her death to Wm. Buller. His marriage settlement of £20,000 was wholly vested in funds. [19th century] |
Enclosure |
D591/81/331 Cwmyoy and Llanthony Inclosure Notice of meeting to set out boundaries par. Cwmyoy and Chapelry of Llanthony: i.e. a perambulation beginning at 11 a.m. on September 2nd commencing at Llanvihangel Bridge, par. Cwmyoy. 10 Aug 1813 |
D591/81/329 Notice from Enclosure Commissioners Henry Price and David Davies To Lords and Ladies of Ewyas Lacy, Llanigon, otherwise Glynbrook Craftswell, Stanton and Redcastle, Trewin, Old castle, Edward Thomas Esquire contracted to purchase Ewyas Lacy, and Lord of Dynas. Notice of meeting to set out boundaries par. Cwmyoy and Chapelry of Llanthony at Greyhound Inn Abergavenny on Wednesday 12th October at 8 p.m. 1 Sep 1814 |
Poor Rates |
D591/81/388 Receipt (1) John Morgan overseer of the poor par. Walterstone. (2) John Watkins £6. legacy left by Cyssil Delay from Pentoyn farm for poor, par. Walterstone 29 Dec 1779 |
D591/81/389 (1) John Gilber overseer of the poor par. Walterstone (2) John Watkins £6 legacy by Cucill Delay 24 Dec 1780 |
D591/81/390 John Rogers Overseer poor, Walterstone par. to Jeremiah Rosher Trewin. Suggests alteratio in relief. David Watkins and William Trowster are poor. William Pugh's sons now have trades, however work for him and do as well as any in parish. 21 Dec 1803 |
D591/81/392 Poor Rate Assessment (Copy) By Benjamin Whistance, Overseer of Poor of Township of Bulch Rate at shilling in pound upon inhabitants thereof. 18 Jan 1822 |
D591/81/263 Consent to new rates for hamlet of Bulch Trewin with full account of them, conformable with act. WIV. 5 Jan 1838 |
Highways |
D591/81/335 Counsel's Opinion George Nathaniel Best, 2, Essex Court, the Temple, London concerns the powers of trustees under Monmouthshire Turnpike Act to collect tolls. Best states it his opinion that they may do so. 16 Nov 1792 |
D591/81/336 Solemn Declaration with other evidence In matter of whether a way though Trewin Estate is for carriages, or a mere bridle way. David Williams now 76 and an occupant of Trewin Mill for first 40 years of life states there were gates in present position as long as he can remember. J. James Prosser for 5 years a servant of Delahay's and that 70 years ago confirms this. Lewis Williams remembers up to 40 years ago and agrees, noting how Peter Daniels was only allowed through the estate with his cart on sufferance. John Watkins of Cwmyoy in 1771, John Price of Petty Crewn, aged 30, Evan Williams, 50 years ago, and Philip Thomas 45 and 30 years ago all clads to have driven though without opposition. Rosher states way merely for horses sheep or those on foot; the Parish Surveyors making of the complaint came from Cwmyoy a Monmouthshire Parish; his estates are in Herefordshire; allowance of the complaint would mean his animals running loose on Black Mountains; Furthermore he can prove gates were in existence for at least 75 years. 21 Sep 1796 |
D591/81/334 Powell to Rosher Advice about indicting a parish before a grand jury concerning defective road. Has sent Mr. Arnold, surveyor of roads in the district to ascertain exact extenet of defect. If defect found in more than one parish then more than one should be indicted, but only Momouthshire parishes can be indicted before Monmouthshire Grand Session. Suggests a competent judge of woods together with one acquainted with the woods before teh trespass view Farr's damage to ascertain amt. of it. Advises Rosher to expect remuneration from last Summer's wheat crop; selling the tythe of wheat to Farr does not mean a forfeiture of this right. 7 Jan 1802 |
D591/81/343 Thomas Meredith, Lanthony, to Jeremiah Rosher Desires Rosher to give up plan to indict parishioners of Trevedon. Col. Wood who has empowered Meredith to collect rate for road repair, is very anxious for road repair and wants Rosher to drop plan. On Wood most of expense of action would fall. Meredith will be governed by Rosher's instructions as to road repair. 10 Jan 1802 |
D591/81/333 Memorandum in Rosher's hand. Rosher to be allowed old road by parish meeting of Trewyn since he was allowed so little compensation by the agreement made by James Lewis and Isaac Roberts Surveyor for fact new road ran across his land. If landowners and inhabitants don't accept this, then old road must be widened and greater expense annually be incurred in its repair. If they do, he will pay for new hedge in Unnis meadow himself in addition to his share of cost of new road. [Early 19th century] |
D591/81/338 Map By Charles Smith of par. Cwmyoy. Showing roads 1813 |
D591/81/340 Map By Charles Smith of Trewin estate Shows extent of damage done by defendant's to timber on Rosher's land on Caent y wern, Gworlod y Cwm and Maes Mawr and Ynis Y Felin 1813 |
D591/81/342 Declaration and Evidence Copy of documents of 1796 1813 |
D591/81/337 Map by Charles Smith of par. Cwmyoy Shows disputed road running in part through Rosher's estate and its relation to road from Abergavenny from Longtown, Hereford, and road to the Black Mountain Cwms. Left hand margin has inset drawing of Trewin House. 1813 |
Rents |
D591/81/408 Account (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) John Parry Rent due to Rosher for Pentewn Farm. Balance to last Midsummer £32.15.31/2. last 1/2 years rent of £37.10.0 27 Dec 1810 |
D591/81/402 Account (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) James Davies 1/2 years rent due June 24 for Unnis Loyd. £16 24 Jun 1813 |
D591/81/528 Examination of Account Sent to him by Mr Thomas made by Jeremiah Rosher, esq. Details concern Chief Rent for 3 1/2 years. One item sale of timber to William Powell carpenter. 6 May 1828 |
D591/81/532 Receipt (1) Jeremiah Burch Rosher (2) Mr David Jenkins Lancastar Arms. For 1 years use of footway over his land to House Farm. Jenkins has paid 2s. 29 Sep 1870 |
Sale of Estate |
D591/81/20 Papers re: annuity 10 items concerning annuity Mrs Rosher 1886 |
d591/81/3 Correspondence on file 18 items, to Gabb and Walford with copies of outletters sent by them. The letters concern the sale of the Trewy Estate and are mostly written from J.L. Rosher, Chalet Lilburne, Territet, Suisse. Many deal with proposition that General Gillespie should be purchaser. 1891-1894 |
D591/81/28 Letters on file (64 items) concerning sale of Trewin from Barneby's Solicitors 38 Foregate Street, Worcester 10 Feb 1896-11 Jan 1897 |
D591/81/26 Notice of repayment of mortgage of August 26 1896 (1) J. Lilburn Rosher (2) Col. James Seager Wheeley, Richard Baker Gabb repay mortgage of 1886 August 26 10 Jun 1896 |
D591/81/25 Reconveyance on cancellation of mortgage (copy) (1) Col. James Seager Wheeley and Richard Baker Gabb (2) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher Esq. Mortgage of 1886 August 26 9 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/19 Statement of Account re: Trewyn Estate on completion of sale: J.L. Rosher with W.T. Barnaby 10 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/24 Statement of Account On Completion of sale J.L.Rosher to W.T. Barneby 10 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/23 T.J. Edwards to Gabb and Walford. £2.4.6d. his fee for perusal of sale contract, Rosher to Barnaby. 12 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/21 Observations on Conveyance T.J. Edwards 1896 |
D591/81/22 Account with letter as receipt Messrs Gabb and Walford (for Mr. Yonge solicitor for Mr. Barnaby) A/c with Sayce and Baker. 12 Dec 1896 |
D591/81/17 Requisitions as to Title Rosher v Barnaby - questions from John H. George, Foregate. Answered by Gabb adn Walford, vendor's solicitors, Abergavenny. August 28th attached correspondence and notes also with answers. 20 Aug 1898 |
Tenancies |
D591/81/417 Wm. Powell, Abergavenny to Jeremiah Rosher, Rotherhithe. Teague is threatening to bring action of trespass against the bearer Thomas Rumming to a head despte removal of beasts from Penbiddle. Rowlands must be got to testify to this and the prior agreement and Teague's giving Rumming permission to enter orchard. Details of Teague's obstinacy in not quitting. Mr. Williams and Powell have decided in view of the payments made, the trifling amount taken out of John MIllett's poverty not to bring matter of trees Millet cut down to trial. Desires to know whether Rosher will hold Court Leets at Easter and Mich. according to curtom. Doubts whether David Wyndhams litigious brother will pay heriot, or living outside Lordship can be expected to do so. Hopes here went down well. 14 Feb 1784 |
D591/81/421 Counsel's Opinion in Rosher v Powell of C. Abbott, Inner Temple Powell's wife's admission can't be used but evidence of number of trees and fruit trees before and after tenancy should be sufficient. On fences too Rosher will get verdict. Removal of dung more difficult to rectify at law - the agreement would have to be stamped at exhorbitant expense suggest matter be introduced in "declaration of other causes". If Powell as ingoing tenant had some of outgoing tenant's wheat he is now only entitled to an amount which would bring it up to what is normal custom as outgoing tenant. However, notice to quit does not affect Powell's right to the profits of his tenancy. 15 Jun 1795 |
D591/81/423 Counsel's Opinion in Rosher v Frost of Thomas Peake the younger of Symonds Inn. Whether Frost leading by indenture of 17 89 from Rosher could return fences other than ring fences in ill-repair disclaiming liability because, (a) The lease spoke of care of "fences in, upon or surrounding" the property rather than "in upon and surrounding the property." (b) Rosher had already given Frost a receipt in full of rent and all other demands. Peake regards Frost's claim on count (a) invalid but not on (b) unless Rosher has strong evidence he did not know of Frost's neglect of fences. 18 Apr 1796 |
D591/81/405 Copy of Notice to Quit (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) Benjamin Whitstance Trewyn Mill before December 25th next Certified as served the date above written by Thomas Williams. 20 Jun 1810 |
D591/81/400 Thomas Jones, Abergavenny to Jeremiah Rosher, Esq., 13 Chatham Place, Blackfriers London Soon after 6th had sent on Mrs Rosher's letters re: Trewyn. Disputes her claims which are only seemingly to enhance difficulties of letting the property. She wants it let to David Morgan had conversed with William Jones but had not told him all and temporised with Griffiths of Altyrynis who had applied for Lower Trewyn for a brother. These now observed Mrs Rosher's claim to most of buildings and hamlets great indebtedness to par. Cloddock towrads of Mrs Williams at Dr. Exton's. Wants Rosher's opinion of letting it in present state for one year at £80. Mrs Williams won't be sent to Trewyn until par. officer has roused sufficient for Extons charges. Wm. James of Hereford agent for Guys hospital for the Altyrynis Estate with pay for the 4 oak trees of yours which he felled - provided you can show that they are yours and not as he thought those of owner of hedge James will write. In meantime, Jones has found weight of local opinion against Rosher. James refuses to reduce his estimate yet dispute as to those three pieces is really very trifling. 18 Dec 1822 |
Timber |
D591/81/204 [Account Trewin Estate] An account of timber [19th century] |
D591/81/424 Schedule The pasturage of the Coppice woods yearly [c.18th century] |
D591/81/387 Richard Blakemore Monmouth Forges for harford. Partridge Co. and self to Rosher, asks Rosher to treat concerning his coppice woods which seem with the continued advertisement of them to be still unsold. Promises fair price. 17 Dec 1801 |
D591/81/404 Charles Herbert, Abergavenny to Jeremiah Rosher. Thanks Rosher for letting him have certain stones and denies that he had passed them on to one Morgan 9 Oct 1803 |
D591/81/386 Account of timber May 30th Upper Trewyn Estate surveyed by Thos. Williams. June 14th Lower Trewyn Estate. June 15th Poltrewern par. Lanvihangel May 1810-Jun 1810 |
D591/81/385 Copy Memorandum of Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Trewyn (2) George Munklay of Hay co. Brecon. 50 oak timber bark and offells at 35 feet each tree. 50 oak timber bark and offells at 30 feet each tree. 50 oak timber bark and offells at 20 feet each tree. (and as many more of last as Munkley wants). on land James Prichard or Thomas Williams or other in Rosher's possession at £8.2s. per ton of 50 feet. 55 fir trees in Upper and Lower Trewyn with offals at £5 per ton of 50 feet. 53 ash. 7 lime and chestnut at £3.3. per ton of 50 feet. As many other firs fully developed or decaying as Munkley desires on land James Prichard or Thomas Williams or other in Rosher's possession. Arrangements for payment. Munchkeley to provide from wood from estate and workman to repair Trewin Manor. Fair price to be paid by Rosher and to be assessed by two competent observers. 4 Apr 1812 |
Tithes |
D591/81/201/249 Description of Tithes purchased for the Honourable Edward Harley in 1725, with the sum of £400 for augmenting the curacy of Llancilloe etc. as above. Endorsed copy from Mr Price's Tythes for Trewin Estates paid 1798 [18th century] |
D591/81/236 Account for Upper and Lower Trewyn headed modus endorsed with and C18 accounts re: Trewyn and Pentowen, Clarke's land, also Werngouncel and Penbiddle (the last combined with pencil note of Poltrewaun) [18th century] |
D591/81/247 Receipt R. Davies of Mr. Shaw by Wm. Clark one years modus due at Michaelmas for Lower Trewyn. 30 Jan 1781 |
D591/81/240 Copy of Modus par. Rowlstone and Lancelloe [18th century] |
D591/81/262 Receipt Wm. Morgan to Mrs Shaw for £1.17.6d. a year's modus for Lower Trewin due to him last Mich. 1 Jan 1779 |
D591/81/244 Notice to quit tythes (to Rosher) The Rev. Philip Price of par. Rollstone and Llancillor gives notice to terminate late terms and composition for tithes for premises Rosher occupies in par. Cwmyoy and Walterstone. In an attached letter (copy) Rosher signifies his acceptance of the notice. 17 Mar 1781 |
D591/81/245 William Morgan Lanvihangel to Rosher. Declines to sign receipt for modus on lower Trewyn as written, because it does not mention Lower Trewyn lands. As for Upper Trewyn neither Mr Shaw nor Mr Evesham disputed it. Will delay receiving that part of tythe to avoid disputes until Rosher's coming into country. Insists that Rosher pay on Lower Trewin when Rosher's agent Mr Williams returns. 1 May 1784 |
D591/81/248 Receipt William Morgan, Minister of Cwmyoy, for year's modus due on both Lower and Upper Trewin 18 Dec 1789 |
D591/81/242 Copies of Reciept for tythes 18 Dec 1789 |
D591/81/246 Account of tythes of Walterstone and (many people listed with amounts) 1798 |
D591/81/251 Powell to Rosher Tythes are bad but vicar entitled to more than predecessors suggested Mr. Ewer paid modus as soon as due. "Customs very easy" in this parish; suggests any attempt to resist the tythes should be resisted. 25 May 1803 |
D591/81/243 Receipt John Morris to Mr Meredith for Trewin Farm, Great Tithes endorsed 1813 November 17 note of arrival of sheep at Trewin. 1811 |
D591/81/427 J. George - Thos. Jones Frogmore Street, Abergavenny. George is pleased with Jones' offer of the tithe of hay, but confesses he is not entitled to it, but merely 2d. par day's "mawth"; he would be greatful for payment of this, of which so far, he has received "not sixpence". 10 Aug 1814 |
D591/81/266 From J. Morris, Rollstone Encloses receipt for 30s., 6 years composition due to his since last Michaelmas for lambs wool. 19 Nov 1819 |
D591/81/265 From J. Morris, Rollstone sending a second time on Rosher business because really wants money. Mrs Rosher has this year 17 sheep and five fine lambs. He thinks her tithe well worth 10s./6d. but taking 15 years upon average willing to compound at 6s. p.a. This would make £4.10. tithe due to him which he wants remitted by bearer, Mr Thomas Price. 20 Oct 1817 |
D591/81/267 Accounts in Morris' handwriting, pressing for tythes [19th century] |
D591/81/268 Description of Tithes purchased of Hon. Edward Harley in 1725 with sum of £400 for augmenting curacy of Llancilloe co. Hereford and Diocese of Saint Davids. Extracted from purchase deeds. Endorsed: Tithes descrption of Trewyn. [19th century] |
D591/81/269 Letter expressing Mrs Rosher's gratitude for preferential treatment would be grateful for 12 or 18 bushels of malt since she will begin brewing soon Mrs. Rosher has not found Mr Jones' letter but will forward it when she does. Record of sheep 1814-1816, 8 sheep were to be sent to Abergavenny but John Andrews wished to try luck with Charles Russell and therefore these were separated from the rest. 1817 |
D591/81/237 Account of tythe for Upper and Lower Trewin for 13 years prior to Mr Morgan'ts death in 1827 [c.1827] |
D591/81/409 Letters of Attorney (1) Jeremiah Rosher of Crete Hall, Northfleet, Kent (2) George Golding of Trewyn House, Herefordshire In collection of rents and profits from Rosher's Monmouthshire and Herefordshire estates. 5 Dec 1828 |
D591/81/260 Receipt for 13 years modus Lower Trewyn and 13 years Tithe on Upper Trewin due to Rev. William Morgan, minister of Cwmyoy. From 1813/14 9 Aug 1830 |
D591/81/250 Rosher 13, George Place, to George Goldring at Trewyn Has settled the Fields business at the bank Doctor Field was there with Mr. Wright to ensure all was properly effected. Miss Winn's property left to Mr. Field becomes Edward Field's property - to annoyance of Doctor. Suppose like people here you are grumbling for want of rain. Torty in town, asks to be remembered to Mrs. Goldring. 6 Jul 1837 |
D591/81/257 Receipt Philip Price as agent The Rev. John Morris of Rawlston for one year's composition of tythes, £7 (minus 4.2 9.2 and 7s.4d. for poor rate) received from George Goldring 8 Jan 1839 |
D591/81/258 Goldring to Lewis (copy) Notice of appeal against rent charge on your Estate in lieu of tythes par. Cwmyoy 7 Aug 1843 |
D591/81/241 G. Davies agent to Hon. William P. Rodney to Jeremiah Rosher. Notice of Appeal against rent charge apportioned in lieu of tythes. 7 Aug 1843 |
D591/81/259 Rosher Northfleet to Goldring Trewyn Has upheld meeting respecting tythes. Requests information as to whether objection to modus was only on that to Upper Trewyn difficult by its nature to trace a modus but it has been in his family for 80 years or more. 8 Sep 1843 |
D591/81/9 Apportionment of Rent Charge (copy) An agreement for the Commutation of Tithes in the hamlet of Bwlch Trewin par. Cwmyoy confimed bu the Tithe Commissioners 1839 December 4th. 1844 |
D591/81/252 Counsel's Opinion William Eagle Middle Temple in matter of Trewyn tythe Mr Lewis has found predecessor had only received small tythes. No terriers had been found in records of diocesse of Saint Davids. Rosher coming to ownership in 1827 found himself except from small Tythe but paying a "modus" instead. Lewis at first refused all tythe until Lord Tenterdon's Act which he thought precluded him from taking a larger sum consented Rosher persisted in offering modus of £1.7s.6d. Counsel was of opinion that Rosher has misinterpreted modus and by offering what was ten shillings less than custom had forfeited claim to it. Lewis is receommended not to accept Rosher's preferred ten shillings as correct tythe of Upper Trewyn and indeed to insist on independent adjudication. He regards statements by William Jones aged 70 about collection of 2/6d at Lower Trewyn as inconsistent with a modus. 8 Apr 1844 |
D591/81/253 Memorandum of Terms laid down by The Rev. Peter Jones Lewis that day re: Trewin tythes. Admits of modus on Lower Trewyn but claims tithe on mill and lands occupied by James Jones, of house and lands on lowerside of Mill Pond and between that and River occupied by Benjamin Watkins: also land on other side of river in Bulch Hamlet occupied by John Jones. 31 May 1844 |
D591/81/256 Copy of letter, Lewis and Goldring to Pyn. Account of acreage Lower Trewyn, Upper Trewyn the Mill land and land part of Clarks, together with a pencilled account with slightly different acreages Jun 1844 |
D591/81/264 Lewis and Goldring to Tithe Commutation Commission The incumbent of Cwmyoy together with G. Goldring Jer. Rosher's agent agree that modus on Lower Trewin should be recognised but tithes due on Upper Trewyn Mill lands and the Island, part Clarkes should be left to decision appropriate tithe commissioner. 19 Jun 1844 |
D591/81/225 Particulars of rents and tithes re: 6 farms in Duchy of Lancaster viz. Campstone Farms, Blanetrothy Farm, Grosmont Wood, Wilcock's lands, little Campstone Farm, Home Farm [19th century] |
D591/81/255 Charles Pyn, Tithe Commission Office, London to Goldring, Trewin. Desires to know quantities of Lower Trewyn, Upper Trewyn, the Mill Land, Land part of Clarks. 22 Jun 1844 |
D591/81/261 Copy letter from Trewin to Charles Pym (fragmant). Points out inaccuracies (many clerical) in the awards, complain of James Duke apportionment when compared to his own and states "general objection to Mr. Nicholas Price's Bill". 4 Sep 1844 |
D591/81/238 Goldring to Pym (copy) Asks for a fairer division of expenses than that envisaged by Mr R. Gabb. The tithe holders appear to be a good deal better off than the land holders. There are 5 freeholders in the hamlet to whom the matter is of little consequence and 6 to whom a shilling is of importance. Has been informed tithe due on Giles Duke's lands belonging to Rosher £4.7s.7d. From when it is payable. Robert Gabb said from October last. 28 Sep 1844 |
D591/81/239 Rough draft of 238 concerning fairer division of expenses [19th century] |
D591/81/255 Copy of Tithe Apportionment of 30 September 1844 for Hamlet of Bwlch Trewyn. [1844] |
D591/81/234 Tracing of Map (probably tythe map) Section par. Cwmyoy concerning Bwlch Trewin [19th century] |
Improvements and Repairs |
D591/81/393 Receipt (1) Philip Jones (2) James Jones 6s. for work repairing windows 1779 |
D591/81/395 Receipts (2 items) October 2nd (1) Cecill Powell (2) John Price for 250 titles 4/6d. October (1) James Roberts, tyler (2) Mrs Shaw for work done and materials supplied (details given) 19s.9d. Oct 1779 |
D591/81/411 John Hughes, Nervington, Surrey to Jeremiah Rosher Informs of delay in the arrival at Roshers of the seeds and as paragus he had sent to him. Gives details of packing and desire to know if length of storage has caused deterioration in quality. Desires to be remembered to his (Hughes') father who is poorly and gives news of his brother, also ill. 20 Dec 1802 |
D591/81/324 Memorandum Diagram with description of Weir. Mr B. James undertakes to do all the work necessary in erecting it for £75. [c.1810] |
D591/81/321 Account "Of lime burnt on the Hill for the "were" and other uses" carried down by Christopher 1st time 112 barrels, next 70 barrells. Also amounts (totalling 89 barrels) carried to Lower Yard in little stable, Mr. Seaborne Borrowed, and also in stable. Barrels are also expressed in terms of loads. A note of September 3rd 1810 records Seaborne's promise that "were" will stand for 40 years. 1810 |
D591/81/323 Memorandum Concerns bringing black poles, wallings and stone brought to the place. Mr Seaborne will prepare stone for the floodgates and finish the cut before we get on with the stank. He will make the cut two feet wider at top. [c.1810] |
D591/81/394 Bill from Walter Price and Edward Farr for fencing done at Trewyn 24 Feb 1810 |
D591/81/322 Memorandum of Verbal Agreement (1) Jeremiah Rosher (2) Matthew Seaborne Seaborne to make a new cut from Old Mill Pound to within 50 yards of the Bridge in Little Pandy Meadow and put a team-bridge nine foot long over the cut. The cut is to be six foot wide at the top, 4 at the bottom to carry enough water for the mill. Rosher to provide materials for bridge and pay Seaborne £30. Endorsed papers for the year 1811. 18 Apr 1810 |
D591/81/339 Voucher Walter Price and Edward Farr Account for using stone in Old Chappel at Trewyn £6.5a.3d. 24 Apr 1810 |
D591/81/230 Estates Seaborne haulage and repairs (details obscure but given) £18.7s.0d. 21 May 1810 |
D591/81/330 Bill for 25 tumps (half a barrel) of lime hauled from weir to Mr Seaborne's Orchard by C.W. (no price given). Christopher bill for hauling 112 barrels of lime from hill to river. £3.17s. paid Mr. Jones Tryle for 7 dozen of coal. £10.10s. 28 Jun 1810 |
D591/81/396 Bill for work at Pentown Plastering walling paving pitching tiling and coping and carpenter's work. Grand total £21.16.10d. 29 Jun 1810 |
Penbiddle |
Abergavenny School |
D591/81/376 Draft Bond (1) Robert Davies of Llanvihangel Crucorney alias Kilcorney. (2) James Shaw of St. Andrew Holborn, Middlesex. in £2120. to repay £1,060 on 28 February next with 4 1/2% interest in performance of Release of above date between. (1) Thomas Price of Gloucester (2) Robert Davies and Judith his wife, and Joseph Davies of Usk gent. and Anne his wife (3) James Shaw (4) John Brown late of Clements inn and now of Bream's Buildings Chancery Lane gent. (5) James Evesham of Trewin, Co. Hereford in £80. to repay £40 with interest at 4 1/2% per annum on 28 February next in discharge of condition in assignment to be made soon. between (1) Robert Davies (2) John Williams par. Ewias Harold, Hereford Corvisor (3) James Shaw. 30 Aug 1758 |
D591/81/464 John Roberts, Castle Yard to James Evesham Concerning a recognizance of £500 charged on an Estate 15 Jul 1760 |
D591/81/465 John Roberts castle Yard James Evesham Trewyn Recommends retention out of purchase money sum for copy of Act of Parliament on which title is based empowering Earl of Salisbury to sell lands. 26 Jul 1760 |
D591/81/462 Barnard Davies, Chepstow to [Evesham] Complains of extravagant charges to lessees. 3 Aug 1760 |
D591/81/459 Robert to [] (Probably copy of circular letter). Shaw esq. against Davies. Encloses order in Chancery to appear to Shaw's bill April 8. Details of posting Royal Exchange, Sats London Gazett, announcement by clerk pariah church Llanvihangel Crucorney. 26 Feb 1761 |
D591/81/441 In Robert's handwriting. Encloses a petition in Chancery to be served on Barnard Davies, as heir at law to Robert Davies and Charles Powell of Greyhound Inn, clerk to trustees appt. by Parliament for charities of Abergavenny Grammar School. If he is not their clerk a petition should be served on a meeting of the trustees. [18th century] |
D591/81/456 Copy Letter sent to Roberts. Letter of 1762 Davies to Evesham. Was unable to see Evesham when he called last Saturday becuase of inflammed eyes. Has heard of proposal to pay trustees full £500 to force him to full terms. Won't yield and threaten action in equity courts. [1762] |
D591/81/443 List of 5 documents in Barnard Davies (1) Abstract of Robert Davies title (2) Bond (3) Roberts' letter 1762 Feb. 2nd relating to ejectment on Barnard Davies (4) Mr Evesham's agreement with Barnard Davies (5) Davis' assignment as enrolled in Chancery |
D591/81/442 [Shaw] to Roberts Attorney in Castle Yard, Holbourn, London. Has told Uncle of news of damage done by Davies in the House. Had made inspection and found a room partition and some casements removed and many trees felled. (Endorsed copy of letter sent to Evesham). 1 Jan 1762 |
D591/81/460 Roberts to Shaw Has Shaw's letter to Uncle. Shaw must calculate Price's rent from Quarter day preceding his being attorned tenant to Uncle to Candlomas at £60 p.a. If he refuse get someone from Hereford to serve distresss. Get other tenants to sign enclosed attornment under threat of ejection. Ignore Davies threats. He, his wife and John Perkins have sworn affidavits, probably false, which they've not used. 2 Feb 1762 |
D591/81/461 Roberts to William Shaw at Trewyn All the Davies are joining bound in £500 but money to be received against them all cannot exceed £500. They are bound jointly so that if claim fail against one two more may yet have to account for it. Uncle glad of your interest. If Mr Davies not in to receive Declaration of ejectments it may be nailed on his doors. Advises discretion in making distress on goods of David Price Attached 1762 March 19 [Shaw] to Mr Roberts. The declaration given John Jenkins son-in-law to Davies who claimed to have nothing to do with it. Asks for any necessary instructions re: Price. 6 Mar 1762 |
D591/81/455 Roberts to William Shaw (James crossed but) Advises guile in serving Declaration of ejection on Davies: might throw it through a window near which he is sitting. Glad to see Price affair finished. 25 Mar 1762 |
D591/81/514 Receipt (1) John Roberts (2) James Shaw, Esq. For Bill of £27.6.5. legal expenses (details given) 4 Nov 1762 |
D591/81/454 Bill and Receipt John Adams (for Roberts and himself) Mr Shaw. Bill is for total of £37.4.8d. legal expenses from Michas 1765. 14 Aug 1766 |
D591/81/449 Account and receipt Legal expenses for July and October 1766 £1.5.6d. received of James Evesham by Theo' Morgan. 7 Oct 1766 |
D591/81/472 Roberts to Evesham Encloses materials for Mr Barnard Davies' fine, urge its speedy return with proper affidavit. Never heard of such power for trustee before, but thinks it sufficient. Will examine record with act on roll of Parliament. 29 Nov 1766 |
D591/81/452 Roberts to ? Desires proper answers to Davis, his wife, and John Perkins' affidavits through they haven't used them. Wants to know when Price left you notice to quit at Candlemas and whether he was attorned verbally or in writing and what money was paid. [18th century] |
D591/81/465 Acc. Headed Mr. Shaw .... Shaw and Davies concerns loand of 1758 Aug 31st. Mr. Davies very keen to submit matter to Mr M. 1767 |
D591/81/465 Roberts to Evesham Had prepared numerous documents for Davies perusla concerning recognanzes about three weeks previously but had received no reply. He and wife spent Christmas bedridden. 17 Jan 1767 |
D591/81/457 Power of Attorney (copy) (1) William Shaw (2) James Evesham Cites 1766 October 23rd when James Evesham as Shaw's trustees agreed to give up all demand on Barnard Davies of Abergavenny on his quitting estates mortgaged by father Arnold in £500. Shaw consents to this and whatever else Evesham may do, appoints his attorney in dealings with Davies, and making agreement in dealing with Davies, and making agreement to support Abergavenny School or the poor of the town. Feb 1767 |
D591/81/471 Roberts to Evesham Concerns Jenkins and Adderley's delivery of Davies' reply Davies questions Shaw's affidavit and indeed accuses him of fraud; of taking advantage of Robert Davies' absence in Bristol to foreclose the estate of greater value than interests and costs due on mortgage and £500 charged by recognances. Davies insolent. Advised to ride on medical advice, he wants horse. 14 Mar 1767 |
D591/81/470 Copy Letter Abel Jenkins to Barney Davis concerns costs and Roberts' delays. Sorrow at Davis' illness. Copy Letter Richard Clarke to barny Davis. Conveys Mr Howarth assurance re: Trewin and Penbiddle estates that money due to him will be discharged at time of sale. 16 Mar 1767 |
D591/81/469 Roberts to Evesham Wants to know outcome at Hereford Assizes. Wants accounts of Mr Robert Davies passed to Chancery so that the reconizance may be assigned. Has written to Mr Morgan re: deeds and hopes for letter. 30 Apr 1767 |
D591/81/466 Bill and Receipt (1) Roberts and Adams (2) James Evesham executor of James Shaw, deceased. for legal costs since Mich term 1766. £40.8.2d. 25 Jul 1767 |
D591/81/467 Roberts to Eveshams Thanks for horse and mare. Horse tired and saddle sore. A little weak for my might? Advises petition to chancery to force heirs of Robert Davies to produce account. 16 May 1767 |
D591/81/369 [Copy] Petition in Chancery John Bradbury, Thomas Price and Philip George, tenants of lands, formerly of late Robert Davies; James Evesham and William Shaw, Executors Will of late James Shaw. Master of Rolls Cites appointment of Robert Davies of Llanvihangel Crucorney as Receiver of Tithes for Abergavenny School following the death of John Floyer; Davies' subsequent entry with Thomas and James Davies into recognances for £500 binding them to Sir Joseph Jekyll Ent. then Master of Rolls and Robert Holford then a Master in Chancery for the efficient performance of trust. Cites Act 33 G. II (1760) vesting of the Rectory and Tythes of Bedgeworth in the corporation to support the school and for the poor of thw town. This tells how Davies instead of expending the full sum he had received, about £53 per year, had only paid the Usher's £15 annual salary. It enacted that all manner of tythes of rectories of churches, St. Michael de Killcorney Landewy Rothergh, Llanellen, Llanthewy Skiredd and Birngwin and portion tythes of rectory of Llaneworth be vested rom Jun 24th 1760 in trustees; namely, Capel Hanbury of Pontypool, George Hanbury of Lanfoist, John Chambre the elder and John Chambre the younger and others. Cites 1758 Aug 29/30 lease and Release subject to redemptoin of Bons £1,060 and £40 for 500 years. That in Hilary 1751 having found property worth less than the total sum of the above mortgages and the recognizance Shaw entered a Bill to find Davies had absconded. Thomas Bennett Master in Chancery assessed principal interest and costs due to Shaw as totalling £1301.19s.4d. cites order July 15th 1762 debarring Davies in default of payment of equity of redemption death of Davies and d of Shaw (will 1766 Sept. 1st). death of Jeykill and Holford and trustees have with consent of Sarah Holford, widow, sued for writ of scife facias to discover why £500 on Robt. James and Thomas Davies should not be levied on April 20th 8 G III the writ was issued and duly served by the Sheriff of Monmouth on Roberts heir Barnard DAvies and the tenants of lands owned by Robert. Petition that writ against tenants of scire facias may be stayed and that Evesham and Shaw having paid the £500 may stay instead of Mrs. Holford in having benefit recognizances. 1768 June 28th Order that parties attend Thomas Sewell the next day of petitions. 1768 |
D591/81/468 Copy of Order in Chancery of 1768 April 20th. Desires that recognizances into on 13 George I (1727) May 5 by Robert, Thomas and James Davies, for £500 to be honoured. 1768 |
D591/81/368 Petition in Chancery John Chambre the elder Esq. John Roberts Esq, William Lloyd Esq. William Jenkins Esq. Evan Eustance Clerk, William Powell Clerk, Francis Lewis, Clerk, Thomas Williams, Thomas Price John Williams, Phillip Williams, James Gunter, John Gamage, William Morgan, John Parry, John Jones and James Lewis gent. surviving trustees by act Parl. 33. George II (1760) To Charles, Lord Camden, Baron of Camden Place Kent, Lord Chancellor. Cites the items mentioned in petition above and further adds that it was granted. Adds that trustees bill of costs was met by Evesham and Shaw and petitions that the £500 may be paid to trustees of Abergavenny School. 1768 |
D591/81/516 Receipt John Roberts Messrs Evesham and Shaw in matter of legal expenses £69.19a.5d. 10 Aug 1768 |
D591/81/451 Bill of Costs with receipt from Easter 1768 Mrs Holford bill of costs of £7.12 for legal expenses probably concerning collection of £500 order in Chancery 2 Mar 1769 |
D591/81/450 Account with Receipt "James Shaw Esq. on account of the Foreclosure of an Estate at Penbiddle in the County of Monmouth late the Estate of Mr. Robert Davies dec'd" since the Costs taxed by Master Bennett Report Account since 1761 Nov. 5th of £98.12.8d. fully received by John Roberts of Shaw and James Evesham 23 Mar 1769 |
D591/81/425 Bill and Receipt (1) John Roberts (2) James Evesham and William Shaw For account of £35.19.8d. from Trinity vacation 1768 to Hilary 1769 legal expenses. 1769 |
D591/81/227 Petition in Chancery from John Chambre the elder esq. William Lloyd esq. William Jenkins esq., Evan Eustance Llewellin, William Powell, Llewellen Francis, Lewis Llewellin, Thomas Williams, Thomas Price, John Williams, Phillip Williams, James Gunter, John Gamage, William Morgan, John Parry, John Jones and William Lewis gent. No. 20th 1769 let all parties attend the Camden C 1769 |
D591/81/374 List of documents These seem to have connection with Barnard Davies case. 1770 |
D591/81/391 Copy [Roberts] to Trustees Abergavenny [School] The trustees of Abergavenny School had been greatly imposed on in matter of scire facias and Davies' Recognizance defends serving writ on tenants and later appearance on their behalf despite its delaying nature. Proceedings to guard against eveil machinations cannot reasonably be reproached. 1770 |
D591/81/448 [Draft] Copy of Articles of Agreement of 1774 March 29 (1) Henry Probart Howarth of Hay, Brecon., agent for Elizabeth Shaw of Trewynne, co. Hereford, late wife of Wm. Shaw esq. (2) Henry Richards of Llandilo Pertoley To lease for 9 years Penbedle and clerks alnds now in tenure of Mrs Anne Shaw. To farm in a husbandlike manner and to pay £5 for every acre or portion of it converted to tillage. For building one wain house granary and pigsty, Richards is to be allowed £21 of rent and also 2 1/2d for every perch of hedging and ditching repaired. For repairs he will also be allowed hedge boot, plough boot and fire boot. May use fodder on premises to fertilise 30 acres for "growing of crop". 2 half yearly instalments. £97 at Christmas and Misummer. 25 Mar 1774 |
D591/81/446 Davies to Clarke Having received no news since intimation that parties would satisfy his demands concerning that Estate Davies desires to know when he will get his money. 24 Aug 1775 |
D591/81/447 Copies of Letters Nov 11 Clark to Davis, Attorney at law, Abergavenny. Desires to know Davis' demands on the estate and what exactly are the surreptitions practises of which Davis accuses him. Mrs Shaw has friends to aid her in sale. Nov 14 Davies to Clark Justifies his threats on grounds that Clark had failed to answer a letter. Boasts of the fact that one whom Mrs. Shaw called a friend was Abel Jenkins. Desires Clark to discuss his claims on estate now with Jenkins. Nov 1775 |
D591/81/444 [Draft] Copy of Letter of Sep 14th 1782 Jeremiah Rosher at Rotherhithe to Barney Davis. Thanks for information concerning tenants conduct. Had heard nothing about Davis' demands on the estate and is surprised that if such a debt existed annual interest had not been claimed on it. Has sent Davis' letter on to Alderman Clark, Mrs Rosher's late attorney, asking for his comments. A just debt will be met. [18th century] |
D591/81/440 Davies to J. Rosher Sorry to have missed Rosher especially since knows Mr Williams his clerk has told Rosher he had burnt Note which Mr Evesham had given his conditionally for £150. Unfortunately Evesham was thwarted, firstly by a Mr Williams; secondly by his own death. Claims to have saved Mrs Rosher more than the amount of his demand by his diligent work on the Estate and his copy of the note from Evesham 5 Nov 1782 |
D591/81/445 Copy of Letter of 1782 Aug 29 Davies to Rosher. Having transacted at request of Mr Clerk (Mrs Shaw late agent) some business for her before she married you feels must inform of havoc committed on her estate, that John James has abused trust and permitted James Watkins and William Jones to leave having disposed of effects and leaving estates a common. Had Davies been authorised, would have prevented it. A postscript asks for £150 promised by your later father in law for relingusihing interest in Penbiddle Estate, and assured by Alderman Clark. Note original letter is with Alderman Clark. [18th century] |
D591/81/458 Copy Letter [Rosher] to Barney Davies Returns Davies two letters and states that the full £500 had been paid by Evesham to the trust, once the trust had realised its error in promising Davis £150 of it. He has the receipt and adds he would gladly have met any just debt of Mrs Roshers. 25 Apr 1783 |
Parochial Taxes |
D591/81/475 Receipts Penbiddle Farm inc. one receipt for poor tax. 1779 |
D591/81/474 Receipt Thomas Christopher Mrs Shaw for £1.2.6d. Constable's tax 1779 |
Railway |
D591/81/483 Jones to Lane Apologies for failure to meet Lane as planned. Was prevented by rain. Queries discrepancy between Lanes and Davies' calculation. Beomans impossibility of discovering basis of work of Mr Davies, Surveyor General of the line. Reiterates need to compensate for felled trees. 8 Oct 1822 |
D591/81/479 Deposition of William Powell Clerk agent to the Rosher Estates. Concerns conduct of the Grosmont rail road in cutting down oak trees in Penbiddle and Pwllywern estates some of Powell's information came from James Watkins, fomer manager of the estate Complains that many of the trees were young and thriving and not cut down for use of Rosher's at advice of Powell. Mar 1814-Jul 1814 |
D591/81/341 [Barett] to Hodgkinson Accompanies account of what Grosmont Railway is to pay Rosher. 12 May 1818 |
D591/81/482 Sketch Plan Grosmont Railway branch extending to riverside wharf 30 by 30. A note on plan states line will be 460 yards long. Whole of land required no more than 3/4 of an acre. [19th century] |
D591/81/480 Memorandum of Agreement (1) Thomas Jones of Avergavenny, agent for Thos. Rosher. (2) Baker Gabb the younger of Abergavenny, secretary of Grosmont Railway Co. So that the work of building the railway across Rosher's estates may contain despite quarrel between Rosher and Co. over compensation £100 will be paid by the co. to Jones to await decision of Commissioners under the act. If £100 proves excessive Jones promises to repay appropriate sum. Endorsed list of damages at Penbiddle 5 young (broke no. 29) oaks, 2 larger (no.30) cut down at Pwlly wern 1 oak, 19 young ash (both in no.1) Also receipt 1823 Jan. 13th by Coy. of £30 from Thomas Jones. 10 Mar 1818 |
D591/81/473 James Lane to Thomas Jones, Abergavenny Estimates land taken at 1a. 2r. 24p. which at 1817 values the thinks worth £57.19s.2d. Was unable to clarify facts as to timber suggests this be done and the sum altered accordingly. A schedule (in a different hand) headed "Grosmont Railway" lists land owend by Rosher and occupied by James Watkins to totalling 1a. 3r. 17p. (Pencil calculations work out differeneces of 33p. between this and Lane's conclusion.) 2 Oct 1822 |
D591/81/481 David Davis to Thomas Jones Encloses schedule of Thomas calculations of 1a. 3r. 17p. of land taken from Rosher from Grosmont railway. An addition in Lane's handwriting adds £7.4.10d. for 33 perches to his original calculations and makes total worth of land £65.4a. Lane advises a carpenter should assess worth of timber. 5 Oct 1822 |
Tenancies |
D591/81/476 William Powell, Abergavenny to Jeremiah Rosher, Esq., Prescott Street, Goodman's Fields London. Has taken care when letting Werngouncel to retain for Rosher rights to timber and access to get it. One who was named as possibly giving £110 or £115 for Penbiddle Pwll y Wern and Clerks land stuck at 100gns. and then took another farm. Another offer of 100 gns. has come: its acceptance advised; people surprised at discrepancy between what is asked and rent person on spot advocate, through 100 gns. to include all outgoings inc. £6 or £7 land tax, several good judges doubt whether property worth more, and if this offer not accepted, property will deteriorate one year without prospect of better offer. Person wants lease for 21 years liable if Rosher desires it to termination at 7 yearly intervals. Wants fold for cattle at Penbiddle and sheepcto, but will do necessary haulage himself. Will improve bad drainage for small sum. 22 Jan 1789 |
D591/81/438 Copy letter of 1801 February 4 Rosher to Farr Threats unless Farr puts his heges into tenantable condition [4 Feb 1801] |
D591/81/513 Thomas Jones to Jeremiah Rosher Advises against letting tenant and Pwllywern graze in coppices. Assured on advice of very good farmer danger of allowing animals in coppices. 19 Jan 1801 |
D591/81/496 Copy of letter Rosher - The Rev. Richard Davis, Court Caller Desires to know whether its by Davis consent or order that William Powell, tenant to Davis and occupying land adjoinging Penbiddle farm, broke down the boundary hedge and took an ash tree from the farm. Doubts Powell's protests that Davis will protect thim and threatens prosecution. 23 Mar 1801 |
D591/81/497 Powell Rosher Concerns needs for a clear case should the matter of James Farr's depreciation of wood and neglect of buildings while in occupation of the farm whiles in his occupation: case as regards rent arrears and arrears of land tax easily made out. 1 Dec 1801 |
D591/81/416 Copy letter J Rosher to William Powell Has sent man to show Arnold the road he has indicted as Mr Richard Williams unable to judge wood damage, he desires a proper Surveyor to do so. Will not make any claims of Farr for damages as he failed to mention matter to Farr when he left farm. Would like the Tythe of wheat which Williams should have paid on leaving. 9 Jan 1802 |
D591/81/458 Powell to Rosher Desires 2 compentent judge of coppice and underwoods to accompany him to view damage at Werngouncel Farm to decide on depreciations. Richard Williams Rosher late agent will be there. Wants also William Thomas, Jame Watkins, Jane Powell and anyone competent to judge extent of James Farr's damage. 2 Mar 1802 |
D591/81/499 Powell to Rosher Will do everything to prevent Farr and his attorney further delaying trial of the cause. Would be grateful for copy of Memorandum Rosher referred to yesterday at Werngouncel, listing woods found out. 6 Mar 1802 |
D591/81/500 Wm. Powell Abergavenny to Rosher Trewyn From James Watkin's information advises examination of John Christopher George Jones and Thomas Hughes, coopers concerning depredations by Farr on Rosher's woods. The two latter very propably made Hoops for him. Endorsed: His landlord Parson Morgan will prevail on Christopher to come to Abergavenny. 1 Aug 1802 |
D591/81/501 Wm. Powell, Abergavenny to Jeremiah Rosher. Advises from information from John Christopher that George Jones and Thomas Hughes can shed light on Farr's depredations on his woods. Officers of court are out of town on Assize work. Therefore wants enclosed subpoenas delivered by Rosher's gardener or suitable servant so that Jones and Thomas may be examined in matter. 6 Aug 1802 |
D591/81/415 Bill Jeremiah Rosher in account with William Powell. £52.14s.2d., the balance of losts owed in case Jeremiah Rosher against James Farr. 1803 |
D591/81/495 Account John Rosher to Thomas Williams for attendance when distress was made on 19 May when sale was appointed, for outlay to Watkins for 100 hand Bills and for delivering them. 1811 |
D591/81/503 File James Prichard in A/c. Jeremiah Rosher, receipts of July 1812 - March 1814 (4 items) for rents. Accounts of rents paid (2 items) 1814 May 7th receipt for monies paid by Mrs Prichard. Account of sale of Penbiddle, undated Bill for hailing Property Tax Feb. 2nd 1812-26 Jan. 1816. 1814 |
D591/81/507 Thos. Jones - will James, auctioneer Grosmont. W. James "required not to sell any other than James Prichard's unless he fall short to pay demand as of margin." 5 Apr 1814 |
D591/81/504 File Concerning distress of James Prichard April 28th Acc. Thomas Jones with Thomas Fisher. April 30th William James to Thomas Jones announcing that he is appraised of Prichards goods. April 21st Thomas Jones to James Prichard. Announces seizure of goods and chattels in payment of debt of £359.15a.10d. due to Jeremiah Rosher. Apr 1814 |
D591/81/505 Consent of James Prichard par. Llanvihangel Crucorney to sale of his goods to pay his debt to Rosher. 25 Apr 1814 |
D591/81/506 Inventory of chattels of Thomas Prichard made on behalf of Jeremiah Rosher esq. executor of J. Rosher dec'd April 21st. [Apr 1814] |
D591/81/491 Inventory of effects of Mr James Prichard of Llanvihangel Crucorney sold this day. (This list only includes items found in the other list in section "on the farm"). 5 May 1814 |
D591/81/511 Inventory of effects of James Prichard of Llanvihangel Crucorney sold this day. 5 May 1814 |
D591/81/492 Estimate of ploughing seed, harrowing made by John Rogers of work done since Christmas last by James Prichard of Penbidel Farm. 23 May 1814 |
D591/81/494 Watkins to Rosher. Jeremiah Rosher esq., Black Friars, London. Explains backwardnesss in paying rent occasioned by unexpected expense of road, barrenness of land causing exessive outlay on lime and manure, excessive harshness of the times. Asks for relief. A copy of Rosher's reply grudgingly promising to consider the matter, appears on 2nd folio. 13 Feb 1821 |
Timber |
D591/81/515 William Morgan Rosher Mr Crofts cannot look at Rosher's woods at the moment Crofts to sell Great House Wood, Grismond at Monmouth Saturday 15th of next month. You may wish yours to go then. No need to be part if don't like price. Endorsed "about Cops Wood". 29 Oct 1800 |
D591/81/502 C. Barneby Lancillows Forge to Jeremiah Rosher Obliged for offer of woods, will look at them as soon as possible. 14 Nov 1802 |
D591/81/478 L. Barneby to J. Rosher Requests to call on Rosher tomorrow to discuss his woods. 28 Nov 1802 |
Improvements and Repairs |
D591/81/512 Accounts Penbiddle Estate 1762 - 1766 disbursements mostly for work done (with details). Receipts of rent from sale of land etc. 1766 |
D591/81/477 Account Contains two principal headings - money advanced for Penbiddle Farm and Do. N. Williams much for tradesman and work done. 1783-1789 |
D591/81/487 Memorandum Mr Addis to supply me with 1 load of straw from Penbiddle, 1 Poltrewern and 1 Werngounsell, to receive like quantity of hay of market price. Will pay £5 for every beast of mine in your woods. [18th century] |
D591/81/484 Miscellaneous Accounts re: windows and repairs. 1817 April 21st File (3 items) concerning distress on property of William Hughes. [Late 18th century] |
D591/81/508 Copy letter from attorney Thomas Jones to William Hughes tells him of seizure of his goods, listed in inventory, in order to pay £8 rent due to Jeremiah Rosher for a messuage, blacksmith shop, and other premises hamlet of Bwlch, Hereford. 21 Apr 1817 |
D591/81/509 Account of sums owed Hughes by Rosher for work done. Jan 1816 |
D591/81/510 Lesley Morgan to Jones Offers on behalf of pariah £4 for Hugh's goods listed in inventory. 25 Apr 1817 |
Family |
Rosher |
Settlement of 1861 |
D591/81/198 Copy of Marriage Settlement (1) Jeremiah Burch Rosher of Trewyn House hamlet Bulch trewyn par. Cwmyoy co. Monmouth and Hereford. (2) Lucis Anne Maria Morgan of Glanhondee par. Llanvihangel Crucorney spinster. (4) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher, Trewyn House, Esq., Edward Rosher, 23, Upper Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood Middx. esq. (5) George Rosher of Alfred Rosher, 11 Beford Square, Middx, gent. In consideration of the marriage of Jeremiah Burch Rosher to Lucia Morgan. Should he leave her a widow his heir's will within 12 months of his death pay her rent charge of £1,000 and an annuity of £500 p.a For which purpose the Trewyn Estate and Pentwyn hereby conveyed to The Rev. Theophilus Morgan for the use of Jeremiah Burch Rosher and his heirs for the better payment of the money and annuity to Lucia Ann. If rent charge unpaid or annuity payments 40 days behind Lucia Ann Morgan may enter premises and take possession without wilful impeachment of waste. The trust is hedged in with complicated limitations. One passage picked out from the rest, probably because of its bearing on the future legal dispute allows J.L. Rosher or Morgan to lease all or any part of the estate for a period not exceeing 21 years. Attached: a schedule of Rosher properties together with value of annual rental. 17 Jun 1861 |
D591/81/195 Will of Jeremiah Burch Rosher Confirms Settlement 1861 June 17th. Bequeaths to wife all chattels listed in a memorandum signed by him. Fireproof safe by Milner and Co., His harp and music stand, her books, The portraits she had painted in oils and her jewellry. to daughter-in-law Ellen Rosss Hamilton Rosher in case I should survive son annuity £200 p.a. payable quarterly from 3 months after decease. Desires to be curied either at Oldcastle Mon., Cheltenham Glouc, of Northfleet, Kent. To son Trewyn Manor. Provided son doesn't wish to sell i. Then to wife for £3,000 (or preparation thereof): or let Trewyn Manor for longer than 3 years, then to wife at £25 p.a: or let Lower Trewyn for longer than 7 years, then to wife at £35 p.a. Wife may remain in Trewyn House for 6 months after death or longer. The House prepared for her reception is not ready. This is Ty Derlyn lately erected by Rosher near Railway Station par. Llanvihangel Crucorney for which she shall pay Jeremiah Lilburne Rosher £40 p.a. by two half yearly instalments. She may add to the property as she thinks fit but no alterations may be made to property or its garden (she may have 4 acres) without his consent. Should J.L. Rosher die in his fathers lifetime or otherwise without heirs J.B. Rosher desires his first wife's nephews Selby and James Lilburn be considered amongst next of kin. Probate granted 1875 January 21. 26 Nov 1872 |
D591/81/194 Succession Duty Account of Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher (son of Jeremiah Burch Rosher) born 1841 June 12th. Duty amounted to £52.4s.9d. 12 Jun 1877 |
D591/81/196 Chancery for Opinion of the Court Rosher v Rosher Special Case to be heard before Mr. Justice Pearson. Contains outline of Family Settlement of 1861 and of the Will of Jeremiah Burch Rosher and a whole variety of facts not in dispute. If then puts certain questions for Courts Opinion. (1) Can the Defendany mortgage or sell the said estate without previoulsy offering them to plaintiff at price mentioned in said will or a proportionate price (according to quantity dealt with). (2) The precise nature of Defendants powers to fell trees on the Estate. (3) Whether the Defendant is entitled to let Trewyn House for period longer than 3 years or Lower Trewun for 7 without previously offering them to Plaintiff at rents fixed in will. (4) What are the rights of the parties in these matters. (5) How costs should be raised. [19th century] |
D591/81/197 Order in Chancery Mr Justice Pearson in Lucia Anne Maria Rosher widow v Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher. That the defendant may dispose of the property of his late father Jeremiah Burch Rosher without first offering the plaintiff certain options: (see above) the father's will in this respect is considered void. 28 May 1884 |
Finance, General |
D591/81/419 Promissary Note (1) Edward Hoel, John Hoel. (2) Jeremiah Rosher. £1204.4s. to repay on 1795 Dec. 25. 1 Sep 1794 |
D591/81/254 Thomas Fowler to Rosher and Goldring. Encloses cheque for Dividend due from Llanvihangel Tram Roaad. Endorsed with copy of P.J. Lewis propositions of May 31st 1844. 2 Apr 1844 |
D591/81/325 Shares and Interest 1862-1868 |
D591/81/179 Probate of Will Jeremiah Burch Rosher Extracted for Executors, endorsed with registration by following companies 1875 Feb. 9 Great Western Railway Co. Feb. 13 Great Eastern Railway Co. Feb. 15 London Brighton and South Coast Railway Co. Mar. 17 National Provincial Bank, Abergavenny. 21 Jan 1875 |
Will of Mary Selby, Holy Island |
D591/81/302, 314 Copy of will Mary Selby of Holy Island, Co. Durham. To sister Phillis Lilburn, widow, all parcel in Holy Island with John Simmons as tenant also messuage, stable, two gardens with appruts in own occupation in Holy Island and all other Estate to use of sister Phillis Lilburn and assigns leases of 7 years in possession (not reversion) may be granted on property. After her death, parcel to nephew Selby Lilburn, messsuage to nephew James Robert Roddam Lilburn. Both chargeable with payment of her debts and funeral expenses, 2/3 to be paid by Selby, 1/3 by James. To Selby, large mirror with gilt frame, a mahogany desk with drawers, a mahogany dining table, a mahogany tea table, silver tankard and a china punch bowl. To James a feather bed and bedding and silver pint. To neice Sarah Lilburn remainder of personal estate and effects. Executors: Selby James and Sarah Lilburn. Copy sent from Alnwick to Jeremiah Rosher. 24 Nov 1824 |
D591/81/287 Gabb to Rosher Encloses letter from Selby Gabb keeps bill 27 Aug 1848 |
D591/81/274 Note of probate of Will of Mrs Phillis Lilburn [19th century] |
D591/81/307 A/C. Lieut. Lilburn R.N. [19th century] |
D591/81/411 Criticism of Account (in James Lilburn's hand) Claims many of Selby's charges for unnecessary services or otherwise dubiously made. [19th century] |
D591/81/301 Rough Accounts Names Rosher and Lilburn occur thereon. [19th century] |
D591/81/291 Lilburn and Roshers Account Account for sale Miss Johnson's principal, Interest etc. [19th century] |
D591/81/271 James Lilburn, Newton, to Rosher at Northfleet Remembers late George Lilburn with gratitude. Wants advice on whether to write to George's father. Had asked Captain watson about Selby's home-coming. Told that it was unlikely to be soon, that Hunter had not been going on too well. Lilburn fears will affect Hunter's and Selby's promotion. Wishes to attend to division of property and will send Rosher's stuff on to him. 30 Mar 1847 |
D591/81/276 Margaret Johnson, Alnwick to Captain Lilburn. Threatens to sell property immediately, unless interest on mortgage be paid. 22 Jun 1847 |
D591/81/272 James Lilburn, Newton to Rosher Very unwell and fearing excitement. Has been attacked first by billiousness then by slow pulse. Taking mercury and sarspacella twice daily. Has sold Bringham's crop towards debt. Bringham might have been indicted for fraud had this not rendered prospect of payment even less likely, and the please of Mr Donaldson, schoolmaster, promising Selby would make amends and pay up. Mrs. Johnson unco-operative and what money was paid by Lilburn to Selby (in part for interest) was appropriated by Selby. Solely in payment of his own account. Letting Patterson barn and field for £20 1st year (its condition left very dirty by Selby) then after for £22 (a good deal more than value). Not the slightest objection to property's being sold. D. Selby hasn't sold farm nor is likely at present asking price. Stock therefore not quite sold. 23 Jun 1847 |
D591/81/229 Selby to Lieut. J.R. R. Lilburn R.N. Royal Charlotte, Yarmouth. Mr. Bowmaker has been about the failure to pay interest to Miss Johnson. If not paid immediately will serve notice on tenants to pay rent to Miss Johnson and proceedings will be taken under power of sale in mortgage (marginal note of no such power). Advices such a course be avoided. 30 Jul 1847 |
D591/81/304 Selby to Lieut. Lilburn to R.N. commanding H.M.S. the Royal Charlotte, Yarmouth. It is absolutely necessary to sell the property on Hold Island. Advises Lilburn to write to obtain Rosher's consent beforehand. 20 Aug 1847 |
D591/81/275 James Lilburn, Yarmouth to Rosher. Doesn't read crosses on letters for has enough crosses to bear already. So hopes Rosher's lady will find additional sheet of paper. Fixed at Yarmouth for 5 years at least: town agreeable to Mrs. Lilburn House at Southmay not far from Tenant jetty and race course. Selby not with us yet. Encloses letter from Gerard Selby which he has answered. Letter has come from Weddell that Brigham has been summoned at Berwick on 27th for £18.15a. 5 Sep 1847 |
D591/81/286 Selby to Rosher. Will be very glad to act for Rosher at sale of Leiut. Lilburn's property but doesn't think proceeds will be very great. Endorsed No. 4. 24 Sep 1847 |
D591/81/298 Selby to Rosher The property in Holy Island had been devised to James Lilburn and his sister Sarah as tenants in Common immediately on Selby Lilburn's obtaining a naval lieutenancy. Property mortgage £402 by Mrs Lilburn with arrears of interest last May of £27.2s.9d. The property was also made (in her will) subject to her debts but these have probably been paid off. Reckons property worth about £600. The mortgage is creating a fuss. Recommends immediate sale to cancel debt. There follows a copy of Lilburn's reply, consenting to sale, doubting whether the proceeds will be very great and asking Selby. Endorsed No. 3. 15 Sep 1847 |
D591/81/277 Lilburn to Rosher Returned from a fortnight's cruise: had been capsized in a boat. wants to leave for Guersney but stayed by winds. Brigham in Gaol for debt of £18. Costs likely to reach same sum. Believes property left by mother to us, once brother promoted or otherwise provided for. Rosher he hopes may be right, and able to settle the lot on this dear boy. Rollo died a month before writer left Newton, Charles in custody of Selby. Selby expected but sends no letter when. Hasn't forwarded box, for wants transfport to Bristol or port near Rosher. 7 Oct 1847 |
D591/81/294 James Lilburn, South may to Rosher Trewyn. Has convicted his men to hard labour for 6 months. Expects £300 from my share. Doubts whether property will sell for £400, as Uncle Richard only paid that sum for it. Has told Selby best to sell by public auction. Brigham has been in gaol, but now released on promise by his wife to pay £20 by instalments Selby hasn't let him know date of sale. 28 Oct 1847 |
D591/81/296 Selby to Rosher Land fetched £425, cottages £75 but Mortgage was for £402 and interest now due £51.5a.4d. also small bill plus expenses of sale due to him. 15 Nov 1847 |
D591/81/297 Selby to Rosher For purpose of conveyance wants Rosher's full name, when and where married to Miss Lilburne, when died and where buried and name of son with his age at present will not make Lieuts. Lilburn parties to deed. On getting Rosher's reply will send him drafts. 26 Nov 1847 |
D591/81/310 Account owed by Lieutenant J.R.R. Lilburn R.N. to Gerard Selby, Account begins 1845 Sept. 8th. Dec 1847 |
D591/81/310 Copy Letter [Arthur] to > Queries charge of £5.10 for contract and efforts made to persuade Miss Johnson to pay interest. [19th century] |
D591/81/293 Copy Rosher to [Selby]. Gives information required for conveyance of property in Holy Island. Jeremiah Burch Rosher married Sarah Lilburn 1840 Aug. 5th in Hold Island. She died at Brighton Jul 9 1841. Buried at Northfleet Kent July 18th. The writer's son Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher, aged 6 last June 12th. Cannot understand failure to include Lieuts. Lilburn in agreement because property mortgaged by their mother: such an objection would apply to all parties concerned. Desires explanation of seeming inaccuracy in the compilation of interest rates. Hope that if costs exceed purchase price, the costs of conveyance will be borne by purchaser. 2 Dec 1847 |
D591/81/295 Selby to Rosher Gives account as it stood before his recent visit to London. Everything must be properly done: doubts whether proceeds would cover all expenses. Purchasers, of course, at expense of own conveyance. 8 Dec 1847 |
D591/81/283 Lilburn to Jeremiah Rosher Apologies or failure to reply. Had been too distraught since 7th Nov. when ship's company all but mutinied. On Dec. 2nd the Comptroller General had ordered a court of enquiry. The recommendations, exhonerating Lilburn, were that 3 ring leaders named by Lilburn be discharged without pay; the other discharged. His brother Selby now with him is well and Lilburn denies knowledge of anything between him "and one of the fair islanders". Has been unable to wind up business of property as desired by George Selby because of his worries. Under impression that mother's property left to Selby prior to his promotion then to himself and sister, Sarah, Mrs. Lilburn at Yarmouth and well. Compliments of Season. 22 Dec 1847 |
D591/81/282 Lilburn to Rosher Has just got back from cruise and starts again tomorrow at 8. Has had sore throat for 3 weeks. A barrister friend thinks that something is wrong with Gerald Selby's Account. Selby's as deed as "D - L". Lilburn did not think property would have fetcched as mush as it did. Has been navigating without pilot or any aid since they had removed old mate. Selby Lilburn is with him. 11 Feb 1848 |
D591/81/270 Lilburn, Southmay to Rosher, Trewyn. Mr Ellis of opinion papers deserve investigating will refer matter to his brother. Believes Selby has been keeping them all in dark as to way property left. Questions 5a. charged for correspondence. His brother is with him, and he starts for Grimsby tomorrow. 17 Feb 1848 |
D591/81/275 A Ellis, George Steet, to John Ellis. Advises on where will was proved and that copy should be obtained not from Diocesan authorities, but from the executor which is cheaper. Probably Sarah Lilburn will have copy, a circumstance which will reveal relationship with brother. He regards certain charges he cites as correct inc. 6/8d. for preparation of abstract by seller for purchaser. 22 Feb 1848 |
D591/81/290 Copies of Letters Marked A. 1848 February 27 James Lilburn to Selby? Lilburn just returned from a cruise states he cannot properly consider deeds sent him without copy of will. Would also like abstract fo which he has been charged £5.10s. Marked B 1848 March 1 Selby to Lieut. Lilburn R.N. Sends copy of will - the abstract not yours: but something which the vendor is required to furnish the purchaser. Miss Johnson complaind bitterly of delay. My bill as moderate as can be. Marked C 1848 Feb. 4th Gerard Selby (Alnwick) to Lieut. Lilburn. Sends account. Land was knocked down to Anthony Lambert and acquired by himsel since it lies adjacent to property of his late grandfather. Feb 1848-Mar 1848 |
D591/81/309 S. Lilburn, South May to Rosher. Writing on behalf of brother who had gone to sea. From will, 1/2 field and all the cottages left to sister, Sarah. Brother's only desire to protect Rosher's son's interest. Gerard Selby had got Miss Johnson to press for her interest - under £27 - to embarass professional in matter. Chancery frowns on solicitors who purchase property in cases where there client is concerned. Ellis wants to know what, after receipt of the deeds Rosher write to Mr. Gerard Selby. Advises Rosher not to write to this man without further advice. 28 Mar 1848 |
D591/81/303 Copy of letters from Selby to Lieut. Lilburn Letters of 1847 July 30th. 1848 March 1st [1847-1848] |
D591/81/313 Lilburn to Rosher, Northfleet Gravesend Kent. He and Selby Lilburn had wondered whether to visit Rosher, but decided against it. John Ellis advises that the deeds were correctly drawn up by Selby according to the mother's will, but urges that return of them should be delayed. With it. Copy Selby to Lilburn of letter of 1848 April 5th. Has had further letter re. Holy Island from Alex Wilson urges speedy execution of deeds. Delay harms all parties. 7 Apr 1848 |
D591/81/292 James Lilburn, South May, Yarmouth to J.B. Rosher, Trewyn. Has sent copy of mothers will, underlined in places. Property a source of constant trouble to the write. Mr Gerard Selby had constantly pestered over Miss Johnson's interest, though he knew Mr Bingham was being sued and that in addition, £185 maintenance was due from Bingham. Selby has got her to consent to £402 being charged exclusively on field instead of entire property. The rule is that property should be worth at least double the mortgage - which would make field infinitely more than Selby paid for it. Selby has been using his intimate friend, Lambert as go-between - as doubtful a practice as acting for himself in matter. He asked writer for copy of will, which he could just have easily made himnself, merely to swell own charges. He divided proceeds between writer and Rosher equally when knew Rosher entitled to value of whole of property cottages and half of field (i.e. 2/3) Selby has contradicted himself over whether power of sale existed. Regards Selby's advice not to make the Lieutenants Lilburne parties to deed, the result of stupidness or sinister intentions. Had writer the money to do so and interest in the property, she would bring pressure to bear on Selby her Cutter is in the harbour to have fitted a new lower mast over the next week or so. Desires to meet Rosher in town to discuss business. 30 Apr 1848 |
D591/81/305 Selby to Rosher Has not received conveyance despite several letters to Mr. Lilburn and brother. Mr Wilson, desirous to complete the business threatens proceedings. 8 May 1848 |
D591/81/312 Rosher to Selby (copy) Has conversed with the Lilburns recently in Northfleet. Advises certain alterations in the deed now in his possession, stressing the fact that he is acting merely as his son's trustee. Has Mrs Lilburn's will and wonders why proceed, after account paid was not divided as devised. In one letter Selby has stated power of sale not in previous mortgage deed; in another was. Wants explanations to discover how Selby's had been looking after his interest. Then is the time to talk of proceedings to compel settlement of contract. 15 May 1848 |
D591/81/306 Gerard Selby to Rosher In reply to Rosher's of 15th inst. Cannot agree to alterations in conveyance. Since the document was originally drawn up with the advice of a foremost northern conveyancer, Mr Walters of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. He was not aware of his contradictory statements concerning power of sale in the mortgage. They can however be easily explained for though the mortgage contained no such power the covenants made by the Lilburns did. Would otherwise threaten expensive proceedings by foreclosure, sale was James Lilburn's "most anxious wish." Though acting for all parties the afffair has done best of rJames Lilburn's and Selby's interest. Nothing has been done about sharing the proceeds; therefore any error resulting from the statement sent to Rosher for his examination can be rectified with ease. 17 May 1848 |
D591/81/285 Lilburn, Southmay, to Rosher Is trying to get certain papers from Selby 27 May 1848 |
D591/81/281 Lilburn, Royal Charlotte at sea to Rosher. apologies for failure to answer last two letters. G. Selby had been threatening Selby Lilburn with proceedings in chancery. Advises Rosher to hang on to deeds of cottages. There's a good deal of arrears of rent and this may be only way of getting them. We have hold on him on account of his transacting on own behalf. His liver is sorry but he cannot pick up anything until he has got rid of the Comptroller General expected in a few days. His brother and he parted with a quarrel, about which reticent. 29 May 1848 |
D591/81/280 Gabb to [Rosher] Assures him no harm will come from entering into conveyance on son's behalf. If son dies under age, he himself under new law of property will be his son's heir. 2 Jun 1848 |
D591/81/278 Gabb to [Rosher] Disagrees that field and cottages are equally liable to mortgage and agrees with Selby that first the field is subject, and the cottages then to remainder. 13 Jun 1848 |
D591/81/308 James Hall, Holy Island to Lieut. S. Lilburn, Trewyn. Asking as requested had been told by Henry Alison and William Walker that they had paid last May 12 1/2 years rent to Alexander Wilson. Selby and Lambert called on 9th June and Hall gave them £17 cash rates etc. Will give remainder when they call again. 17 June 1848 |
D591/81/284 James Lilburn, Royal Charlotte at Sea, to Rosher Trewyn. Apologises for delay in answering last, has only slept ashore once in past month and that at one o'clock. Has brought letter with him to answer, will sign deeds and send them to that "double faced fellow" whenever Rosher ready. Agrees with Rosher the man is bad; resents not loss of proper value of property so much as manner of his behaviour. Hopes Rosher has good hay harvest, sees brother appointed to Pembroke Coast Guard. Hopes it will cure brother of alcoholism. 2 Jul 1848 |
D591/81/279 Lilburn, Southmay to Rosher Will forward deeds after seeing solicitor (who's away at moment about receipt for £23, for he does not understand it. Has replied to Selby's latest saying he will forward deeds, though he has not doubt of result were Selby to press matter at law. In doctor's hands; sadly behind in writing. Has had to deal with documents concerning the present refitting of the cutter. Hopes in a fortnight to sail to Berwick. Yarmouth Regatta is on but health will prevent attendance as Mayors Navy frolic. Crops good hereabouts Promise if as thought, he will soon be at Sheeness to look up Rosher's brother and Hannah. 26 Jul 1848 |
D591/81/288 - 289 Selby to Gabb Had sent a clerk yesterday to Holy Island to receive money for cottages Mr James Lilburn, there 2 or 3 days left before clerk's arrival. Encloses bill on Glyn and Co for £80.7s. with an account (at top of letter) of how this sum was assessed. Folder together with letter. 2 accounts, basically simliar but the amounts concerned differing by a few shilllings of Lieut. J.R.R. Lilburn and J.B. Rosher esq. 24 Aug 1848 |
Rotherhithe Property |
D591/81/523.524.525.526 Correspondence (4 items) from Edward, [William], Henry, and George Rosher to Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher assuring him of their affection and their belief that their father meant to leave Jeremiah all his property at Queen's Wharf, Rotherhithe. Kent property 9 Jun 1871-12 Jun 1871 |
D591/81/529 Rental Rent Account from 1869 March 18th to 1869 Sep 29 headed W.H. Burch Rosher in a/c. current with Jeremiah Burch Rosher, Esq. 29 Sep 1869 |