Gwent Archives
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Arthurs, J., Mr
- Title
- Catalogue of papers deposited by Mr. J. Arthurs Caldicot
- ID
- GB0218.D1481
- Date
- 18th century-20th century
- Extent
- 0.022 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
- Language of Materials note
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Mr J. Arthurs lived in Caldicot, Gwent. The collection of papers reflects his varied interests.
Scope and Contents note
Documents re land at Caldicot, 1690 and 1693 (Yorke bridge); other miscellaneous records including papers relating to GWR Signalling course 1920s.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Custodial History note
Some records (5 postcards, D1481/10) were returned to the Depositor but were replaced by photocopies.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
D1481/11 G.W.R. Signalling Classes: Correspondence Course - weekly question paper, undated. G.W.R. Railway Operation and Signalling Instruction Exam - letter re: exam to Mr. Jones, Chepstow 1929. 1929 |
D1481/10 5 postcards: St. John's Vicarage and Children's Home, Risca Road. Trevethin Church Interior 1907 Monmouth - St. Mary's Church. Abergavenny Road, Usk Tintern - the church. 1904 Early 20th century |
D1481/9 Byelaws of Llantarnam Local Board as Urban Sanitary Authority 1887 1887 |
D1481/8 Byelaws, Tredegar Local Board as to meetings transaction of business, etc., 1875 1875 |
D1481/7 Broadsheet: explanation to electors of boroughs of Monmouth, Newport and Usk by B. Hall of his reasons for not standing for Parliament. Undated |
D1481/6 Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity Friendly Society Financial Report of Loyal Queen Victoria Lodge at Castle Inn Brynmawr 1858 1858 |
D1481/5 Notices of presentment at Court of Sewers (2 items) 1816 1816 |
D1481/4 Copy of Mr Butler's opinion on the abstract of title to the Llangattock estate 1811 1811 |
D1481/3 Notes of baptisms, marriages and burials of Edmunds and Phillips families, Trevethin and Llanhilleth 1750-1825 1750-1825 |
D1481/2 Ex parte Def' Bridges pro Quer p. B. Deposicions of wittnesses produced Sworne & examines taken the twentyeth day of January in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand Six hundred ninetythree Annoque D... Regni Regis et Regine Domini et Domin Willelmi et Maria dei gratia Anglie etc wuinto at the dwelling house of James Flower Inneholder comonly called or knowne by the name or signe of the upper George in Chepstow in the County of Monmouth by vertue of a Commission issued out of their Majesties high Court of Chancery to us Robert Poole and Theodore Dennis and also to John Cragg and Roger Kemys gen. directed for Examinacion of wittnesses in a Cause there depending between George Vaughan Complainant and Israell Parmiter Defendant on the parte and behalfe of the Defendant. Josias Mulgrove of Caldicott in the County of Monmouth yeoman aged thirty yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined deposeth as followeth, To the first Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he knowth the Complainent and hath knowne the Degenant for severall yeares last past To the second Interrogatory this Deponent saith the he knoweth and for the space of Thirty yeares last past hath knowne the Lands and Tenements which are now in the occupacion of the Defendant Israel Parmiter being the Lands in question and the Deponent saith that about six or seaven yeares since hee this Deponent and his father did Rent of the Defendant or his Wife being about the time of his imprisonment parte of the said premisses called Yorke Bridge being meadow and pasture ground at or about eight or nune pounds rent by the yeare and doth say that the meadow and pasture fround are in the same Plight and condicion asever he knew the same and not converted into arrable Land and that the meets and bounds thereof are the same and no wayes altered to any knowledge of this Deponant further sayeth that all the rest of the said Lande and Tenements are and doe continue in the same Plight and condicion as the same ever were during the time of this Deponants knowledge thereof as aforesaid without any alteracion or convercion of arrable into meadow or pasture ground or of any meadow or pasture ground into arrable and without removeing of the meetes and bounds thereof. To the third Interrogatory this Deponent saith that when he this Deponant and his father rented the said meadow and pasture grounds called Yorke bridge being in the time of the Imprisonment of the Defendant as aforesaid the Cattle belinging to this Deponent and his father were distrened upon the same meadow and pasture ground by one Wr. Richard Vaugham being a Ralacion and Agent of the Complainants for a Rent charge as he said of forty shillings or some such summe which he claymend for the Complainant and the saif Mr. Vaughan upon the non payment thereof then caused the said Cattle to bee driven off the said groundes and deteyned the same untill this Deponent had paid the summe of forty shillings for the redempcion being forsed soe to does without any voluntary Act of his owne. Jasper Mulgrove of Caldicott in the Conty of Monmouth Yeoman aged ninety yeares and upwards sworne and examined deposeth as followeth To the second Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he knoweth and hath for the space of fourscore yeares last past and upwards knowne the Lands and Tenements in question which are now in the occupacion of the Defendant and that the same doe continue with the same or the like meets and boundes as ever they had without any alteracion or removeall and this Deponent sayeth that during all the time of his knowledge of the said premisses he never knew or heard that ever any rent charge was payable out of the same untill about six or seven yeares last past when this Deponent and his sonne Josias Mulgrove rented parte thereof being certaine groundes called Yorke bridge of the defendant or his Wife whilst he was under confinement in Monmouth Gaole and then one Mr. Richard Vaghan on the behalfe of the Complainant did make a distresse of the Cattle belinging to this Deponant and his said sonne on the said groundes and drove them off thence and deteuned them untill this Deponant and his sonne betweene them were compelld to pay about forty shillings for their redempcion to the said Mr. Vaughan who claimed the same as a rent charge due to the Complainant out of the premisses but this Deponent did not voluntarily pay the same. Maudlin Smyth of Caldicott widdow aged sixty yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined deposeth as followeth; To the second and third Iterrogatories this Deponent saith that that this Deponants late husband Edward Smith and one John Crosse both deceased did rent of the Trustees of Mr. George Lewis for about nince or tenn yeares parte of the Lands and Tenements in question now in the holding of the Defendant (viz the Mill Lease the Marshes and Six Acres and she sayeth that she doth now know or ever heard that any Rent charge was ever paid to the Complainant or his Ancestors for or in respect of the premisses otherwise then that her husbandes Cattle were impunded by one of the Vaughans or their Agets and were afterwardes replevyed by the Bayliffs of the hundred but Deponant knows not of any mony paid for their discharge and she firther sayeth that their Cattle were never distreyned during the Terme her husband rented the same as aforesaif saving that time onely. John Parmiter of Caldicott in the County of Monmouth gentl. aged twenty yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined deposeth as followeth To the fifth and dixth Interrogatories this Deponant sayeth that about seaven years since the Defendant this Deponants father was in Prison in the Goale at Monmouth and was there confind for the space of three or four yeares in the time of which Confinement a distresse was made upon some of his father's Ten(a)nts(?) to witt one Jasper Mulgrove for a pretended Rent claymed by the Complainant & the Cattle were impounded and afterwarde discharged upon the payment of some small summe of money by the said Mulgrove before hee could gett his Cattle againe being forc't soe to doe as hee the said Mulgrove told this Deponent and this Deponent further sayeth that sometime after his said fathers discharge from imprisonment aforesaid his this Deponents father discharge from his imprisonment aforesaid his this Deponents fathers Cattle were distreyend and impounded upon the pretence aforesaid but were afterwards replevyed and proceedings were thereupon in the County Court held for the County of Monmouth where the Complainant not putting in any avowry or defence for such taking the said Cattle Costs were awarded against him and processe issued out accordingly for the keeping thereof. Leonard Jenkins of Itton in the County of Monmouth Gentl ages fifty yeares sworne and examine deposeth as followeth To the sixth Interrogatory this Deponent sayeth that hee doth not know of any proceedings in the County Court held for the County of Monmouth in relacion to the matter in question but hath heard there was an Execucion granted in a Repleving at the suite of the now Defendant Parmiter for costs awarded against him for not putting in his Avowry of plea for taking the said Parmiters Cattle which Costs not being levyed this Deponant was afterwardes employed as an Officer to gett the now Complainant arrested on a Warrant grounded on their Majesties Writt from Westminster and belieives it might be on the said Judgement for a recovery of the costs soe awarded against the Complainant. Robert Valiant of Caldicott in the County of Monmouth yeoman aged forty yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined deposeth as followeth. To the sixth Interrogatory this Deponent saith that he this Deponent hath made severall distresses on the Defendants Lands being the Land in question by the order of Mr Hopkin Vaughan father of the Complainant and also of the Complainant for a pretended Rent charge of four pounds per Annum claymed out of the said Defendants Landes and the Cattle were impounded and were as often replevyed and this Deponent never heard that the said Mr. Hopkin Vaughan or the Complainant ever putt in any avowry or made any defence for such distresses. Ex....tur Ro: Poole Theodore Dennis Interrogatories to be administered to wittnesses to bee examined on the parte and behalfe of Israeli Parmiter Defendant at the suit of George Vaughan Complainant as followeth. Imprimis doe you know the parties(?) Complainant and Defendant or either & which of them sett forth 2. Item doe you know all the Landes and Tenements whereof or wherein the Defendant is or for severall yeares last past hath beene seized or possessed or any and what parte thereof & how long have you knowne the same did you at any time and times & when and how long occupy or Rent the same or any and what parte thereof doe the same continue in the same plight and condicion as they were ever since you know the same or is any and what parte thereof of the arrable land converted into meado or pasture or is any of the meadow of pasture ground converted in Arrable Land or are any of the meets and boundes beloning to the premisses or any parte thereof altered or removed how when and upon what occasion where the same altered or removed sett forth. 3. Item doe you know or have hear that the Complainant or any of his Ancestors and who by name have at any time ot imes and when received any and what summe of summes of money of the Defendant or any other person or persons owners or occupiers of the Defendants estate in Caldicott as a rent issueing out of the same if soe when where by whome and to whome was the same paid was the person paid voluntarily and freely or was the same distreyned for or did the person or persons who received the same threaten to distreyne or what other expressions were by him or them used to that or the like effect sett forth. 4. Item doe you know beleive or have heard that the Complainant or any of his Ancestors and who by name did ever promise to retorne any money that hee or they or either of them received towardes the rent in question in case the said Rent was not made appeare to bee due was any and what money soe received ever turned when by whome to whome and for what reason sett forth. 5.Item was the Defendant at any time or times and when under Confinement in the Goale at Monmouth or in any other and what prison how long did hee there continue and with what accusation(?) or Accusations(?) was he there charged and when was discharged set forth. 6.Item doe you know beleive or have heard that any distresse or distresses have or hath bin made for the Rent in question & when and by whome where the same made have any suite or suites thereupon happened in the County Court held for the County of Monmouth if soe how were the same suites ended or determined were any and what Costs recovered or obteyned and by whome were the soe recovered and were the Costs soe recovered ever paid of Execucion sued out for the same as you know or beleive sett forth. 7. Item. Do you know beleive or have heard that George Lewis or his Trustees or either of them and who by name did at any time and when pay the rent in question or any and what parte thereof to the Complainant or any of his Ancestors and who by name if soe why and upon what occasion and what did induce him to pay the same as you know or beleive was the same paid by the privity or direccion of the said George Lewis or withouth his Consent or Knowlege sett forth Ro. Poole Theodore Dennis Undated |
D1481/1 Bridges pro Querent. The Severall Plea and Answere of Israell Parmiter Gent One of the Defendants to the Bill of Complaint of George Vaughn Gentl. Complainant This defendant by protestacion not confessing or acknowledging all or any of the matters or things of or in the said Bill to be true in such manner and forme therein is sett forth Sayes for Plea to such part or soe much thereof as herein after is not fully Answered unto That whereas the Bill charges that One Henry Lewish in or about the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand six hundred and forty Granted one Roger Watkins an yearly Rent of forty pounds to be issuing out of a certaine Messuage Garden and Three twenty Acres of Arrable Lands Meadow and pasture some time the Lands of One William Warner and of and in One Messuage or Tenement and Three Acres of land some time the lands of One William Morgan of Lanternam Esq and John Morse and of Three Acres and an halfe of Meadow and four Acres of Arrable land some time the Land of One Edward Morgan and of One halfe of A Messuage and Backside some time of Henry Herberts gentle. and of a parcell of Meadow ground then late of Joyse Griffith and of One Acre of Meadow ground called house Poole Acre then or lately before the Lands of One Phillip Hopkins and John Moore abutting to the Common Sea and att A Close called Yoke Bridge Close and of Two halfe Acres of Arrable land lying in a place called Mill field abutting on the land there of One Francis Alderton and the lands of the said Phillip Hopkins and of divers other Messuages lands Tenements and hereditaments in the Parish of Caldicott in the County of Monmouth He this Defendant if any wise hath or att or since the comenceing this Suite had any of the said Messuages houses lands Tenements or hereditaments or any part therop (anything of which he doth noe wise admitt) he about fourteene yeares now since and long before the Comencement of this Suite bonafide Purchased the same of George Lewis also in the said Bill mencioned without notice as herein after declared for an in consideration of about Six hundred pounds of lawfull money of England (being the full value thereof) to him by this Defendent well and truly payd To have and to hold to and to for the sole and only use of this Defendant and his heires and Assignes And that furthermore (as this Defendant is credibly informend and questions not in the least but to prove) A certaine Messuage or Tenement now commonly called and knowne by the name of Caerwents Bridge in the Seizin or occupacion of One James Davies with severall peices of Arrable and pasture land thereto belonging in the said Parish of Caldicott As also divers other Messuages houses lands Tenements and hereditaments pretended as aforesaid to be charged in or to which or any part whereof yet this Defendant and the other Defendant George Lewis or either of them have or hath not att or since comencing this Suite had any right or title whatsoever but some other person or persons have or hath all the right and Estate of in and to the same who for ought this Defendant knowes have or hath gott some discharge or Release of the said pretended Rent or the Arreares thereof may some how or other be lyeable wholly to the payment thereof or however ought thereof to beare apporcionable share if anything were or shall be due or payable All which this Defendent averrs and is ready to prove as this Honourable Court shall Award And therefore as aforesaid Pleases the saiff Purchases and other matters in Barr of and to such part and soe much of the said Bill as herein after is not fully and sufficiently Answered unto And humbly abides in the Judgment of this Honourable Court whether be being such Purchaser as aforesaid and there however being alsoe a great Estate charged with the said Rent as by the Bill pretended which some other person or persons have or hath the only title in or to yet not made any Defendant or Defendants in or to the same Bill shall be compelled in this Honourable Court to discover or sett forth whether all or any of the Messuages houses lands Tenements or hereditaments Purchased as aforesaid by this Defendant be all or any part of the Messuages houses lands Tenements or hereditaments charges as pretended by the said Bill with the said Rent or any parte thereof to enable the Complainant to charge Defendant therewith or further of otherwise in anything Answer the complainant then as herein after he does And this Defendant for Answe to such part and soe much of the Bill as here above is not Pleaded unto Aayes that he the said George Lewis atte and before the Purchase aforesaid of and from him by this Defendant made all along and constantly till and after all this Defendants said Purchase money where payd told and professed to him this Defendant And this Defendant also then did and yet doth beleive that he the same George Lewis now his father in the Bill mencioned ever payd any Cheife Rent or Rent charge or Annuity to any bosy And that although itt might be true some such thing as some Rent Charge or Annuity had beene demanded yet noe such thing was due or ever payd to any body excepting only that some little was payd by his the said George Lewis his Guardian (Morgan Thomas during the minority of the same George upon some private understanding betweene some of the Vaughans and the same Morgan without his the said George Lewis his consent or privity) neither did he this Defendant ever pay any such thing anto any of the said Vaughans only this Defendant ever pay any such thing unto any of the said Vaughans only this Defnedant being in Prison Eight or None yeares together was forced that while by Richard Vaughan in the Bill mencioned to pay the pretended Rent aforesaif to him upon his making distresses this Defendant not being att liberty but poor and soe unable to make defence and especially upon his then from time to time and att all times faithfully promising this Defendant that he would certainly repay this Defendant should be not make itt appeare to be his or his Cousin George the now Complainants due which he never yet did otherwise then by his said Bill And that he this Defendant had two severall Tryalls with him the said George since he came of Age or to his Estate att Monmouth in the yeare of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Eighty and Eight for the pretended Rent aforesaid wherein this Defendant had Judgement against him the said now Complainant upon two Replevyns and hath not yet reveived his Execucion moneys And this defendant also denyes that any such Annuity or Rent is mencioned in or by any of the Purchase Deeds or Conveyances made to him this Defendant as in the Bill falsely is suggested Nor had this Defendant on payments of his Purchase money any further or other notice of the said pretended Rent or Annuity than what is hereafore confessed Nor had this Defendant a cheaper Bargaine or any allowance for or by reason of the saif pretended Annuity or Rent nor doth or ever did he by any of the said Conveyances Covenant or Agree to pay the same or any part thereof to the Complainant or any body else And this Defendant also denyes all practice Confederacy and Combinacion charged in the said Bill to or with the other Defendants their or any other person or persons whatsoever without that also that any other matter or thing in the said Bill to or without that also that nay other matter or thing in the said Bill contained materiall or effectuall for this Defendant to make Answer unto and not herein and herby well and sufficiently Answered or Pleaded to is tru which matters and things this Defendant is ready to averre and prove when to be hence Dismissed with his reasonable Costs in this behalfe most wrongfully sustained And he shall ever pray etc Ph. Owen Israell Parmiter Capt' fuit hec Respons' apud Monmouth in Com'. Monmouth vicesimo sexto die Maij et Anno R(egni) R(egi)s et R(egi)ne Will(elm) i et Marie nunc Anglie etc secundo super sacr(amentu)m prefati Israelli Parmiter coram nobis. Wa. Fortune Wm. Morgan Vpon persuall (of) the Bill Plea and Answere I conceav(e) the Plea (hole in parchment) e informall & insufficient and that its adviseable for the Pit (Plaintiff) to bring it on to bee argued. J....... 7th (?)T Vernon. 1691 Mr. Vaughan att Mr Stanleys in East Lane Greenwich ....... tenn' Leave ......... purchaser notice. Dorothy James of Calldicott widdow Mary Kameys of Calldicott. Undated |