Gwent Archives

Parish of Tregare, Overseers of the Poor, records
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Title
- Parish records for the parishes of Tregare, Llangovan, Llangattock Lingoed, Penyclawdd
- ID
- GB0218.D1059
- Date
- 1758-1911
- Extent
- 0.015 Cubic Metres
- General Physical Description note
- Information to be supplied
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Parish of Tregare, Overseers of the Poor
Scope and Contents note
Parish of Tregare, Overseers of the Poor records, 1758-1911; records relating to the Churchwardens, 1816-1864; records relating to the parish meetings, 1812-1937; tithe records, 1843-1922; records relating to Tregare Charity, 1865-1891; miscellaneous, 17th century; Parish of Llangovan, Overseers of the Poor records, 1817-1836; Churchwardens records, 1838-1887; and tithe, 1841; tithe map and apportionment for the parish of Penyclawdd, 1841; tithe apportionment for the parish of Llangattock Lingoed, 1843; parish of Llangovan records, 1817-1887.
Arrangement note
Arranged into the following: Overseers of the Poor; Churchwardens; Parish Meeting; Tithe; Tregare Charity; and miscellaneous.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright regulations apply
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
No source recorded
Appraisal note
All records have been retained
Controlled Access Headings
- Parish records-Wales-Monmouthshire
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy of the catalogue is available at Gwent Record Office.
Collection Inventory
D1059 Parish of Tregare [17th century]-Mid 20th century |
D1059 Overseers of the Poor Mid 18th century-Early 20th century |
D1059/1 Poor Rate Assessment and Account Book (Book commences: "the value of the parish of Tregare taken out of the Parish Book in the year 1758" containing : list of those to serve office of overseer and churchwardens. 1758 - 1801 List of those who have served offices of overseer and churchwarden. 1757 -1799 list of those to serve office of surveyors of the highway,1756 -1801 list of those who have served offices of sreveyors of highway. 1757-1782 list of those who are to serve offices of constable.1758 -1807 list of those who have served office of constable. 1758-1784 (pp. 73-93 missing) 1758-1815 |
D1059/2 Account Book 1817-1836 |
D1059/3 Receipts and Payments Book 1848-1867 |
D1059/4 2 orders to the overseers of the parish of Tregare to make payments to Phillip Jones, treasurer to Board of Guardians, Monmouth Union, from the parish rate. 2 Jan 1845, 27 Sep 1846 |
D1059/5 Receipt for £9 6d from the overseers of Tregare parish, payment for the distribution of notices of a special sessions to hear appeals against the poor rate. 6 Apr 1846 |
D1059/6 Statement of account of Board of Guardians of Monmouth Union, half -year ending 31 March 1911 1911 |
D1059 Churchwardens Early 19th century-Mid 19th century |
D1059/2 Account Book 1816-1864 |
D1059/7 Letter, Osmond Wyatt, Duke of Beufort's steward,to the churchwardens of Tregare, stating that the Duke has no objection to the proposed rate to defray the cost of the churchyard wall 29 Jun 1843 |
D1059/8 2 vouchers for repairs to Tregare Church 1844 |
D1059 Parish Meeting Early 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D1059/9 Minute Book of Vestry meeting, containing appointments of surveyors of the Highway and overseers of the poor, record of statute labour for turnpike and parish roads for 1815 and overseers accounts, 1820 and 1849 1812-1849 |
D1059/10 Minute Book 1849-1892 |
D1059/11 Minute Book 1893-1943 |
D1059/12 Order of Quarter Sessions to stop up the part of a public footpath, leading from Raglan to Tregare, which runs through the garden of Tregare vicarage 20 Oct 1909 |
D1059/13 Copy of resolution passed at a meeting of Tregare parish, held 13 Mar 1937. in favour of making an application for the dissolution of the group parish of Mitchel Troy United No Date |
D1059/14 Letter, Vernon Lawrence, Clerk to Mon. C.C. , to the Chairman of Tregare Parish Meeting informing him that insufficient time has lapsed since the formation of the group parish of Mitchel Troy, to allow its dissolution. 26 Apr 1937 |
D1050/15 2 declarations of acceptance of the office of parish councillor. 15 Mar 1937 |
D1059/16 Pamphlet containing extracts from Parish Councillors Election Rules, 1934, for the guidance of Chairman of Parish Meetings in the Election of Parish COUNCILLORS, No Date |
D1059/17 Rough agenda of Tregare parish meeting No Date |
D. 1059/2227 Certificate of Redemption of Tithe Rent Charge, parish of Tregare. 27 Apr 1922 |
D1059 Tithe Mid 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D1059/18 Tithe map and apportionment for the parish of Tregare 1843 |
D. 1059/19 Account of Tithe rent charge for the parish of Tregare 1889 |
D1059/20 Certificate of Redemption of Tithe Rent Charge, parish of Tregare 19 Nov 1920 |
D1059/21 Certificate of Redemption of Tithe Rent Charge, parish of Tregare 20 Mar 1922 |
D1059/22 Certificate of Redemption of Tithe Rent Charge, parish of Tregare 27 Apr 1922 |
D1059 Tregare Charity Late 19th century-Mid 20th century |
D1059/10 Account Book 1865-1891 |
D1059/23 Letter, S.R.C. Bosanquet, chairman of Mitchel Troy Parish Council, informing the recipient that he has been appointed to act in the matter of Tregare Charity. 14 Nov 1943 |
D1059/24 List of persons to whom bread is to be given at Christmas No Date |
D1059 Miscellaneous [17th century] |
D1059/25 Rough notes, containing list of weights and measures (incomplete); details of preparation for sheep-marking; remedy for cholera: "Aromatica Confectio, 1 scruple and 1/2, Tincture of Rhubarb, 10 grains and if the pain be violent a few drops of laudanum". No Date |
D1059/26 Welsh Rhyming couplets on the deposition and execution of Charles 1, with translation. County Records Office,County Hall, Newport, Mon.13th January, 1973. [17th century] |
D1059 Parish of Llangovan Early 19th century-Late 19th century |
D1059 Overseers of the Poor Early 19th century |
D1059/27 Poor Rate Assessment and Account Book, containing charity accounts, 1820-1823 1817-1836 |
D1059 Churchwardens Early 19th century-Late 19th century |
D1059/27 Account Book 1838-1887 |
D1059 Tithe Mid 19th century |
D1059/28 Tithe map and Apportionment for the parish of Llangoven 1841 |
D1059 Parish of Llangattock Lingoed Mid 19th century |
D1059 Tithe Mid 19th century |
D1059/29 Tithe Apportionment for the parish of Llangattock Lingoed 1843 |
D1059 Parish of Penyclawdd Mid 19th century |
D1059 Tithe Mid 19th century |
D1059/30 Tithe Map and Apportionment for the parish of Penyclawdd. 1841 |