Gwent Archives

Charles Street Baptist Church, Newport
Administrative Records
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Charles Street Baptist Church, Newport.
- Title
- Charles Street Baptist Church, Newport, Records
- ID
- GB0218.D6263
- Date
- 1898-1993
- Extent
- 0.007 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Charles Street Baptist Church was built in 1817. In 1993, the fellowship joined in joint worship with Ebbw Bridge Baptist Church, Newport, and the Charles Street church closed. It was demolished in 1997. In the 1980s and 1990s, plans for the future of the church included a proposal to sell the old burial ground and the church to the Baptist Housing Association in order for flats to be built on the site, but Newport Borough Council's plans for the redevelopment of the area eventually resulted in the demolition of the church and the retention of the old burial ground as a park (known as Chapel Park).
Scope and Contents note
The records consist of administrative records and deeds of the Trusts relating to the church, 1898-1984; correspondence and papers relating to alterations to some of the church buildings, 1992; correspondence with Baptist Housing Association Ltd., plans and papers relating to the proposed sale of the graveyard and chapel, redevelopment of the area and alterations to the access road and schoolroom, 1983-1993.
Arrangement note
The records were originally in 3 folders (Deeds and Trustees; Charles Street Alterations 1992; The Baptist Housing Association Ltd.). This arrangement has been retained, but the contents have been listed as separate items where appropriate.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Please refer to our policy document on closure periods, available at
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Custodial History note
These records were sent by the church to the South Wales Baptist Association, Cardiff, and in 2017 the Association deposited the records at Gwent Archives.
Appraisal note
Records have been appraised along the lines of the Gwent Archives Collection and Appraisal Policies. A few minor duplicate records have been destroyed.
Related Materials
Related Archival Materials note
Records of the church are at Gwent Archives (D3518: Minute Books, Register, Church Record Book and Membership records, etc.); also 2 marriage registers 1965-1976 (D2774/11/1 and 2).
Other Finding Aids note
Copies of finding aids are available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
D6263/1/1-18 Deeds and Trustees 1898-1984 |
D6263/1/1 Counterpart Lease of Charles Street Baptist Chapel (in consideration of the surrender by the Lessees of the prior terms of years in the same premises, granted by Indentures of Lease dated 1 Jan 1822 and 1 Mar 1830). Parties: (1) Rt. Hon. Godfrey Charles Lord Tredegar Baron Tredegar of Tredegar in co. Monmouth (the Lessor), (2) Revd. Daniel Davies of Newport, Minister, David Morgan of Newport, Clerk, and George Jones of Newport, coach-builder, Trustees of Charles Street Baptist Chapel (the Lessees). Land and burial ground situate at the rear of several houses and being on the south side of Charles Street, Newport co. Monmouth, together with the roadway extending to Charles Street, and together with the Chapel and buildings erected thereon and known as Charles Street Baptist Chapel. Term of 60 years from 25 March 1896. £12 p.a. Plan. (Endorsed: 'Renewals. Tredegar Wharf Estate.') 28 Apr 1898 1.0 item |
D6263/1/2 Typed copy (with manuscript corrections) of Trust Deed of Charles Street Baptist Church, 1 Sep 1898. [undated copy] 1.0 item |
D6263/1/3-6 Appointments of New Trustees of the Charles Street Particular or Calvinistic Baptist ChapelGeneral noteInclude names of existing Trustees |
D6263/1/3 31 Aug 1898 1.0 item |
D6263/1/4 18 Aug 1908 1.0 item |
D6263/1/5 25 May 1938 1.0 item |
D6263/1/6 Photocopy of Memorandum of Choice and Appointment of New Trustees (Schoolroom) 4 Oct 1981 1.0 item |
D6263/1/7 Extract from Minutes of a Church Meeting requesting Trustees to execute a Declaration of Trust of the piece of land recently purchased and the Schoolroom, etc. 29 Apr 1914 1.0 item |
D6263/1/8 Baptist Model Trust for Chapels and Halls. Pamphlet. c.1951 1.0 item |
D6263/1/9 Baptist Model Trust for Chapels and Halls. Pamphlet. c.1962 1.0 item |
D6263/1/10 Baptist Trust Corporations: Information and Procedure. Pamphlet. 1964 1.0 item |
D6263/1/11 Correspondence (Charles Street Baptist Church and Monmouthshire Baptist Association) re withdrawal of church deeds and documents. Receipt with list of deeds. Feb 1949 3.0 items |
D6263/1/12 Correspondence (Charles Street Baptist Church, Tredegar Estate, and Alwyn John, Solicitor) re renewal of church lease, or purchase of freehold. Apr-Nov 1949 8.0 items |
D6263/1/13 Receipt for documents. Digby Turner Miles & Co., Newport. 4 Nov 1955 |
D6263/1/14 Schedules of deeds and documents, Charles Street Baptist Church and Schoolroom 1920, 1970, 1973, 1982 5.0 items |
D6263/1/15 Letter from Jacklyn Dawson & Meyrick Williams with Dolmans, Newport, re deeds of the Schoolroom, with copy of signed schedule of deeds. 5 Jan 1984 |
D6263/1/16 Correspondence between Charles Street Baptist Church and The Baptist Union Corporation Limited re location of the deeds of the church and schoolroom, and details of trustees. Oct 1983-Jan 1984 |
D6263/1/17 Copy of Ordnance Survey map (ST 3187 NW, scale 1:1250) showing Charles Street Baptist Church and Sunday School 1956 |
D6263/1/18 'Good News', the Newsletter of Charles Street Baptist Church (1 page) Summer 1983 |
D6263/2/1-13 Charles Street Alterations 1992 1992 |
D6263/2/1 Typescript - 'Charles Street Baptist Church, Newport, Gwent. An examination of the possibilities for the future of the church.' Signed by Philip Bundy. 3 Apr 1992 |
D6263/2/2 List of 'Work needing to be done to exercise Option 4 as decided by Special Church Meeting 6/5/92'. 12 May 1992 |
D6263/2/3 'Protectahome' (wood preserving and damp-proofing) Inspection Report on the church's buildings, and notes on work required, with standard conditions and information leaflets. 22 Jun 1992 |
D6263/2/4 Specification of work for which an estimate is requested at Charles Street Baptist Church (typed, with handwritten original). [undated] |
D6263/2/5 Schedule of work in general refurbishment of Charles Street Baptist Church, Anthony Wood (with covering correspondence from C.A. Chainey & Associates) Aug-Sep 1992 |
D6263/2/6 Schedule of works for proposed repairs and improvements to Charles Street Baptist Church, M.S.A. Builders (with covering letter) Sep 1992 |
D6263/2/7 Specification for external notice board, with details of wording required [undated] |
D6263/2/8 Balance sheet Sep 1992 |
D6263/2/9 Agenda for Deacons' meeting 2 Oct 1992 |
D6263/2/10 Letter from South Wales Baptist College re request for a student to lead the worship at Charles Street Baptist Church 9 Nov 1992 |
D6263/2/11 Gwent English Baptist Asociation's request for annual return (including a note of the entry in the Association's Annual Report for the previous year) Nov 1992 |
D6263/2/12 News cutting: 'Ancient Pathways to Visual Delights', South Wales Argus 17 Feb 1992 |
D6263/2/13 Booklet: 'Discovered Paths of Stow Hill' (contextual study of the St. Woolos, Park Square and Stow Hill areas, sponsored by Newport Borough Council and the Welsh Development Agency). Jan 1992 |
D6263/3/1-12 The Baptist Housing Association Ltd. 1983-1993 |
D6263/3/1 Correspondence (Charles St. Baptist Church, and the Baptist Housing Association Ltd.) re proposed sale of disused graveyard for housing purposes. Oct 1983-Jan 1984 |
D6263/3/2 Typescript notes on 'The possible redevelopment of the Charles Street premises' by Philip Bundy 31 Mar 1984 |
D6263/3/3 'The Future of Newport Town Centre. Description of the Draft Local Plan by topic and area.' Newport Borough Council. 1 Jun 1984 |
D6263/3/4 Letter from Burgess & Partners, Cardiff, to Secretary of Charles St. Baptist Church, re Baptist Housing Association and land at Charles Street. Attached: copy of outline planning consent for demolition of existing chapel, and development of the land by erection of flats for the elderly; also location plan. 22 Apr 1985 |
D6263/3/5 Correspondence (Charles St. Baptist Church, and the Baptist Union Corporation Ltd.) re lease of land at Charles Street Baptist Church to the Baptist Housing Association. Aug-Sep 1986 |
D6263/3/6 Letter from Baptist Union Corporation Ltd. to Charles St. Baptist Church enclosing copy of letter dated 9 Feb 1987 from the Union's Solicitors (Ellis & Fairbairn) re the proposed sale of the chapel and the position regarding the two Trusts. Also handwritten reply (copy or draft?) - undated. 2 Mar 1987 |
D6263/3/7 Correspondence (Gwent County Council and Charles St. Baptist Church) re Agreement for access to land in the church's ownership for the purpose of access and working space for alterations to the adjoining premises; with copy of Agreement dated 8 Oct 1991 between the Trustees of Charles Street Baptist Chapel and Gwent County Council; also plan (with copy) dated Nov 1990. Nov 1990-Jan 1993 |
D6263/3/8 Letter from Gwent County Council to Charles Street Baptist Church re Licence regarding access for 16 Charles Street, enclosing details of reinstated entrance gates and railings. 16 Mar 1993 |
D6263/3/9 Location plan of Charles Street and Stow Hill area, showing Gwent College of Higher Education, Baptist Church, and car park [undated] |
D6263/3/10 Elevation: Baptist Church Lane East (3 copies) [undated] |
D6263/3/11 Elevation: Sunday School (2 copies) [undated] |
D6263/3/12 Elevation: Remodelled entrance hall to new Sanctuary [undated] |