Monmouthshire Court of Quarter Sessions
Table of Contents
- Summary Information
- Biographical/Historical note
- Scope and Contents note
- Arrangement note
- Administrative Information
- Related Materials
- Controlled Access Headings
- Other Finding Aids note
- Collection Inventory
- Judicial Records
- General Rules and Standing Orders
- Administrative Records
- Enrollled, Deposited, Registered or Returned Records
- Plans and Books of Reference
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Title
- Monmouthshire Court of Quarter Sessions Records
- ID
- Q
- Date
- 1719-1956
- Extent
- 1.0 not recorded
- General Physical Description note
- (Information to be suppied)
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
The Court of Quarter Sessions in Monmouthshire sat four times a year, attended by the Justices of the Peace of the county. Quarter sessions courts began in Wales after the Acts of Union, 1536-1543. The Quarter Sessions played a major role in the local administration of Monmouthshire until the late nineteenth century, when many of its administrative functions were transferred to the County Council. However, the judicial role of the Courts continued until their abolition in 1971. The Court of Quarter Sessions heard a broad range of cases including burglary, assault, drunkenness, poaching, vagrancy, rioting, unlawful cutting of timber, and encroachment. Forms of punishment handed down by the justices were fines, flogging, imprisonment and transportation. The Court also heard disputes between individuals, such as non-payment of debts, and was responsible for the administration of the Poor Laws. There were numerous administrative matters overseen by the courts, including licensing alehouses, determining wage-levels, and controlling registration of charities and nonconformist meeting houses. In addition, the Court had responsibility for overseeing the upkeep of bridges, gaols and houses of correction.
Scope and Contents note
Records of the Monmouthshire Court of Quarter Sessions, 1719-1956, including minute books, 1769-1929; draft minute books, 1805-1814; record books, 1830-1942; draft record book, 1855-1866; records of proceedings, 1779-1780; printed minutes, 1836-1953; papers and reports to Quarter Sessions, 1789-1037; sessions order records, 1787-1830; petitions and memorials to Quarter Sessions, 1811-1922; special pleas, 1789-1790; Chairman's notebooks, 1862-1953; sessions files and bundles, 1937-1955; process records, 1719-1938; records of jury panels, 1809-1920; jury lists, 1824-1893; recognizances, 1790-1936; indictments and presentments, 1780-1949; depositions, 1818-1937; records of convictions, 1831-1872; calendars of prisoners, 1808-1936; estreat rolls, 1797-1874; records of appeals, 1784-1954; probation records, 1907-1936; records relating to insolvent debtors, 1796-1847; sessions rules and standing orders, 1857-1906; records of the Clerk of the Peace, 1796-1951; County Treasurer's records, 1789-1928; records relating to the maintenance of bridges, 1791-1889; records relating to county buildings, 1787-1886; constabulary records, 1802-1951; records relating to diseases of animals, 1865-1891; election records, 1832-1889; county gaol records, 1790-1923; records of the Justices of the Peace, 1795-1935; licensing records, 1810-1955; records relating to militia, 1795-1796; public general statutes, 1792-1827; government reports, 1811-1946; records relating to the appointment of officers, 1803-1952; bastardy returns, 1845-1859; records of charities, 1815-1863; Court of Sewers records, 1722-1894; records relating to parliamentary elections, 1767-1879; enclosure awards and maps, 1808-1870; fisheries records, 1865-1931; deputations to gamekeepers, 1796-1924; records relating to highways, 1787-1888; lunatic returns, 1829-1910; records of public undertakings, 1771-1956; sacrament certificates, 1795-1806; certificates of oaths, 1789-1863; oaths and declarations, 1763-1881; records of societies, 1794-1869; summary jurisdiction returns, 1780-1929; vagrancy and settlement records, 1789-1889; miscellaneous maps, 1824-1933; miscellaneous books, 1884-1928.
Arrangement note
Arranged into the following: Judicial records, including general, process records, juries, recognizances, presentments, depositions, convictions, calenders of prisoners, estreat rolls, appeals, probation, debtors, session rules and standing orders; Administrative records including general, Clerk of the Peace, County Treasurer, county bridges, county buildings, constabulary, diseases of animals, elections, county gaols, Justices of the Peace, licensing, militia and miscellaneous; Enrolled deposited, registered or returned records, including appointments of officers, bastardy, charities, court of sewers, parliamentary elections, enclosure awards and maps, fisheries, game preservation, highways, jurors, licensing, lunacy, public undertaking, religion, societies, summary jurisdiction returns, vagrancy and settlement and miscellaneous.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright regulations apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Source not recorded
Appraisal note
All records deposited at Gwent Record Office have been retained.
Related Materials
Related Archival Materials note
Further records of Monmouthshire Court of Quarter Sessions are National Library of Wales, Papists' returns, 17th century-18th century.
Controlled Access Headings
Corporate Name(s)
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy of the catalogue is available in Gwent Record Office.
Collection Inventory
Judicial Records |
General |
Draft Minute Books |
Q/DMB/1 Jan 1805-Jul 1806 |
Q/DMB/2 Aug 1806-Oct 1809 |
Q/DMB/3 Oct 1807-Jul 1814 |
Q/DMB/4 Jan 1810-Oct 1811 |
Q/MB/5 Oct 1811-Aug 1814 |
Minute Books |
Q/MB/1 Apr 1769-Jan 1781 |
Q/MB/2 Apr 1781-Jul 1785 |
Q/MB/3 Oct 1785-May 1789 |
Q/MB/4 Jan 1799-Jul 1807 |
Q/MB/5 Oct 1807-Jul 1814 |
Q/MB/6 Aug 1814-Jan 1819 |
Q/MB/7 Mar 1819-Jan 1824 |
Q/MB/8 Jan 1824-Oct 1827 |
Q/MB/9 Jan 1828-Jul 1830 |
Q/MB/10 Oct 1830-Mar 1836 |
Q/MB/11 Apr 1836-Jan 1842 |
Q/MB/12 Mar 1842-Jan 1847 |
Q/MB/13 Apr 1847-Jan 1855 |
Q/MB/14 Mar 1870-Oct 1884 |
Q/MB/15 Jan 1885-Oct 1912 |
Q/MB/16 Jan 1913-Jul 1929 |
Sessions Memorandums |
Q/SM/1 Apr 1802-Jul 1803 |
Record Books |
Q/RB/1 Volume 1 Apr 1830-Apr 1834 |
Q/RB/2 Volume 2 Jun 1834-Aug 1839 |
Q/RB/3 Volume 3 Sep 1839-Apr 1843 |
Q/RB/4 Volume 4 Jun 1843-Jan 1849 |
Q/RB/5 Volume 5 Mar 1849-Jan 1854 |
Q/RB/6 Volume 6 Mar 1854-Mar 1859 |
Q/RB/7 Volume 7 Jun 1859-Jan 1865 |
Q/RB/8 Volume 8 Mar 1865-Mar 1870 |
Q/RB/9 Volume 9 Jun 1870-Jun 1876 |
Q/RB/10 Volume 10 Oct 1876-Oct 1881 |
Q/RB/11 Volume 11 Jan 1882-Jun 1885 |
Q/RB/12 Volume 12 Jun 1885-Nov 188 |
Q/RB/13 Volume 13 Jan 1889-Oct 1903 |
Q/RB/14 Volume 14 Jan 1904-Jul 1919 |
Q/RB/15 Volume 15 Oct 1919-Jul 1931 |
Q/RB/16 Volume 16 Oct 1931-Aug 1942 |
Q/RB/17 Oct 1942-Dec 1947 |
Q/RB/18 Jan 1950-Jun 1954 |
Q/RB/19 Jun 1954-Jul 1958 |
Q/RB/20 Jul 1958-Sep 1961 |
Q/RB/21 Sep 1961-Sep 1964 |
Q/RB/22 Oct 1964-Jul 1967 |
Q/RB/23 Aug 1967-Dec 1969 |
Q/RB/24 Jan 1970-Dec 1971 |
Draft Record Book |
Q/DRB/1 Mar 1855-Mar 1866 |
Record of Proceedings |
Q/ROFP/1 For the theft of a handkerchief (Monmouth) with sententence July 1779 |
Q/ROFP/2 Stealing Five Cart Loads of Building Stone 1779 |
Q/ROFP/3 With Sentence 1780 |
Special Pleas |
Q/SPP/1 Insufficiency Easter 1789 |
Q/SPP/2 Insufficiency Jan 1790 |
Q/SPP/3 Undated Indictment Should be Found in the Quarter Sessions of the Borough of Mon 1790? 1789? |
Chairmans Notebooks |
Q/NB/1 Sep 1862-Oct 1863-Jan 1864 |
Q/NB/2 Oct 1864-Jan 1865 |
Q/NB/3 Mar 1864-Jun 1864 |
Q/NB/4 Jan 1863-Mar 1863-Jul 1863 |
Q/NB/5 Jun 1865 |
Q/NB/6 Oct 1865-Jan 1866 |
Q/NB/7 Mar 1866-Jul 1866 |
Q/NB/8 Oct 1866-Jan 1869-Oct 1892 |
Q/NB/9 Mar 1867 |
Q/NB/10 Jan 1876-Jun 1876-Oct 1876-Oct 1878 |
Q/NB/11 N.D. |
Q/NB/12 Mar 1837-Jan 1939 |
Q/NB/13 Nov 1940-Jan 1949 |
Q/NB/14 Nov 1947-May 1953 |
Q/NB/15 Apr 1949-Mar 1952 |
Q/NB/18 Oct 1940-c.1954 |
Q/NB/19 c.Sep 1952-c.Jan 1954 |
Deputy Chairmans Notebook |
Q/NB/16 To Apr 1950 |
Q/NB/17 1885-1948 |
Sessions Rolls |
Q/SR/1A Michaelmas 1937 Sep 1937 |
Q/SR/1B Epiphany 1938 Jan 1938 |
Q/SR/1C Easter 1938 1938 |
Q/SR/1D Michaelmas 1938 Sep 1938 |
Q/SR/1E Michaelmas 1938 Sep 1938 |
Q/SR/1F Epiphany 1939 Jan 1939 |
Q/SR/1G Easter 1939 1939 |
Q/SR/1I Michaelmas 1939 Sep 1939 |
Q/SR/1 Epiphany 1940 Jan 1940 |
Q/SR/2 Easter 1940 1940 |
Q/SR/3 Midsummer 1940 Jul 1940 |
Q/SR/4 Michaelmas 1940 Sep 1940 |
Q/SR/5 Epiphany 1941 Jan 1941 |
Q/SR/6 Easter 1941 1941 |
Q/SR/7 Midsummer 1941 Jul 1941 |
Q/SR/8 Michaelmas 1941 Sep 1941 |
Q/SR/9 Epiphany 1942 Jan 1942 |
Q/SR/10 Easter 1942 1942 |
Q/SR/11 Midsummer 1942 Jul 1942 |
Q/SR/12 Michaelmas 1942 Sep 1942 |
Q/SR/13 Epiphany 1943 Jan 1943 |
Q/SR/14 Easter 1943 1943 |
Q/SR/15 Midsummer Jul 1943 |
Q/SR/16 Michaelmas 1943 Sep 1943 |
Q/SR/17 Epiphany 1944 Jan 1944 |
Q/SR/18 Easter 1944 1944 |
Q/SR/19 Midsummer 1944 Jul 1944 |
Q/SR/20 Michaelmas 1944 Sep 1944 |
Q/SR/21 Epiphany 1945 Jan 1945 |
Q/SR/22 Easter 1945 1945 |
Q/SR/23 Midsummer 1945 Jul 1945 |
Q/SR/24 Michaelmas 1945 Sep 1945 |
Q/SR/25 Epiphany 1946 Jan 1946 |
Q/SR/26 Easter 1946 1946 |
Q/SR/27 Midsummer 1946 Jul 1946 |
Q/SR/28 Michaelmas 1946 Sep 1946 |
Q/SR/29 Epiphany 1947 Jan 1947 |
Q/SR/30 Easter 1947 1947 |
Q/SR/31 Midsummer 1947 Jul 1947 |
Q/SR/32 Michaelmas 1947 Sep 1947 |
Q/SR/33 Epiphany 1948 Jan 1948 |
Q/SR/34 Easter 1948 1948 |
Q/SR/35 Midsummer 1948 Jul 1948 |
Q/SR/36 Michaelmas 1948 Sep 1948 |
Q/SR/37 Epiphany 1949 Jan 1949 |
Q/SR/38 Easter 1949 1949 |
Q/SR/39 Midsummer 1949 Jul 1949 |
Q/SR/40 Michaelmas 1949 Sep 1949 |
Q/SR/41 Epiphany 1950 Jan 1950 |
Q/SR/42 Easter 1950 1950 |
Q/SR/43 Midsummer 1950 Jul 1950 |
Q/SR/44 Michaelmas 1950 Sep 1950 |
Q/SR/45 Epiphany 1951 Jan 1951 |
Q/SR/46 Easter 1951 1951 |
Q/SR/47 Midsummer 1951 Jul 1951 |
Q/SR/48 Midsummer 1951 Sep 1951 |
Q/SR/49 Epiphany 1952 Jan 1952 |
Q/SR/50 Easter 1952 1952 |
Q/SR/51 Midsummer 1952 Jul 1952 |
Q/SR/52 Michaelmas 1952 Sep 1952 |
Q/SR/53 Epiphany 1953 Jan 1953 |
Q/SR/54 Easter 1953 1953 |
Q/SR/55 Midsummer 1953 Jul 1953 |
Q/SR/56 Michaelmas 1953 Sep 1953 |
Q/SR/57 Epiphany 1954 Jan 1954 |
Q/SR/58 Easter 1954 1954 |
Q/SR/59 Midsummer 1954 Jul 1954 |
Q/SR/60 Michaelmas 1954 Sep 1954 |
Q/SR/61 Epiphany 1955 Jan 1955 |
Q/SR/62 Easter Sessions 1955 1955 |
Q/SR/63 Midsummer 1955 Jul 1955 |
Q/SR/64 Michaelmas 1955 Sep 1955 |
Q/SR/65 Epiphany 1956 Jan 1956 |
Q/SR/66 Easter 1956 1956 |
Q/SR/67 Midsummer 1956 Jul 1956 |
Q/SR/68 Michaelmas 1956 Sep 1956 |
Q/SR/69 Epiphany 1957 Jan 1957 |
Q/SR/70 Easter 1957 1957 |
Q/SR/71 Midsummer 1957 Jul 1957 |
Q/SR/72 Michaelmas 1957 Sep 1957 |
Q/SR/73 Epiphany 1958 Jan 1958 |
Q/SR/74 Easter 1958 1958 |
Q/SR/75 Midsummer 1958 Jul 1958 |
Q/SR/76 Michaelmas 1958 Sep 1958 |
Q/SR/77 Epiphany 1959 Jan 1959 |
Q/SR/78 Easter 1959 1959 |
Q/SR/79 Midsummer 1959 Jul 1959 |
Q/SR/80 Michaelmas 1959 Sep 1959 |
Q/SR/81 Epiphany 1960 Jan 1960 |
Q/SR/82 Easter 1960 1960 |
Q/SR/83 Midsummer 1960 Jul 1960 |
Q/SR/84 Michaelmas 1960 Sep 1960 |
Q/SR/85 Epiphany 1961 Jan 1961 |
Q/SR/86 Easter 1961 1961 |
Q/SR/87 Midsummer 1961 Jul 1961 |
Q/SR/88 Michaelmas 1961 Sep 1961 |
Q/SR/89 Epiphany 1962 Jan 1962 |
Q/SR/90 Easter 1962 1962 |
Q/SR/91 Midsummer 1962 Jul 1962 |
Q/SR/92 Adjourned Midsummer 1962 Sep 1962 |
Q/SR/93 Michaelmas 1962 Sep 1962 |
Q/SR/94 Adjourned Michaelmas 1962 Nov 1962 |
Q/SR/95 Adjourned Michaelmas 1962 Dec 1962 |
Q/SR/96 Epiphany 1963 Jan 1963 |
Q/SR/97 Adjourned Epiphany 1963 Feb 1963 |
Q/SR/98 Adjourned Epiphany 1963 Mar 1963 |
Q/SR/99 Easter 1963 Apr 1963 |
Q/SR/100 Adjourned Easter 1963 May 1963 |
Q/SR/101 Midsummer 1963 Jul 1963 |
Q/SR/102 Adjourned Midsummer 1963 Sep 1963 |
Q/SR/103 Michaelmas 1963 Oct 1963 |
Q/SR/104 Adjourned Michaelmas 1963 Dec 1963 |
Q/SR/105 Epiphany 1964 Jan 1964 |
Q/SR/106 Adjourned Epiphany 1964 Feb 1964 |
Q/SR/107 Easter 1964 Apr 1964 |
Q/SR/108 Adjourned Easter 1964 May 1964 |
Q/SR/109 Midsummer 1964 Jul 1964 |
Q/SR/110 Adjourned Midsummer 1964 Sep 1964 |
Q/SR/111 Michaelmas 1968 Oct 1964 |
Q/SR/112 Adjourned Michaelmas 1964 Dec 1964 |
Q/SR/113 Epiphany 1965 Jan 1965 |
Q/SR/114 Adjourned Epiphany 1965 Feb 1965 |
Q/SR/115 Easter 1965 Apr 1965 |
Q/SR/116 Adjourned Easter 1965 May 1965 |
Q/SR/117 Midsummer 1965 Jul 1965 |
Q/SR/118 Adjourned Midsummer 1965 Aug 1965 |
Q/SR/119 Michaelmas 1965 Oct 1965 |
Q/SR/120 Adjourned Michaelmas 1965 Nov 1965 |
Q/SR/121 Epiphany 1966 Jan 1966 |
Q/SR/122 Adjourned Epiphany 1966 Feb 1966 |
Q/SR/123 Easter 1966 Apr 1966 |
Q/SR/124 Adjourned Easter 1966 Jun 1966 |
Q/SR/125 Midsummer 1966 Jul 1966 |
Q/SR/126 Adjourned Midsummer 1966 Aug 1966 |
Q/SR/127 Michaelmas 1966 Oct 1966 |
Q/SR/128 Adjourned Michaelmas 1966 Dec 1966 |
Q/SR/129 Epiphany 1967 Jan 1967 |
Q/SR/130 Adjourned Epiphany 1967 Feb 1967 |
Q/SR/131 Easter 1967 Apr 1967 |
Q/SR/132 Adjourned Easter 1967 May 1967 |
Q/SR/133 Midsummer 1967 Jul 1967 |
Q/SR/134 Adjourned Midsummer 1967 Aug 1967 |
Q/SR/135 Michaelmas 1967 Oct 1967 |
Q/SR/136 Adjourned Michaelmas 1967 Dec 1967 |
Q/SR/137 Epiphany 1968 Jan 1968 |
Q/SR/138 Adjourned Epiphany 1968 1968 |
Q/SR/139 Easter 1968 1968 |
Q/SR/140 Adjourned Easter 1968 1968 |
Q/SR/141 Midsummer 1968 Jul 1968 |
Q/SR/142 Adjourned Midsummer 1968 Jul 1968 |
Q/SR/143 Michaelmas 1968 Sep 1968 |
Q/SR/144 Adjourned Michaelmas 1968 Sep 1968 |
Q/SR/145 Epiphany 1969 Jan 1969 |
Q/SR/146 Adjourned Epiphany 1969 Jan 1969 |
Q/SR/147 Easter 1969 1969 |
Q/SR/148 Adjourned Easter 1969 1969 |
Q/SR/149 Midsummer 1969 Jul 1969 |
Q/SR/150 Adjourned Midsummer 1969 1969 |
Q/SR/151 Michaelmas 1969 Sep 1969 |
Q/SR/152 Adjourned Michaelmas 1969 1969 |
Q/SR/153 Epiphany 1970 Jan 1970 |
Q/SR/154 Adjourned Epiphany 1970 1970 |
Q/SR/155 Easter 1970 1970 |
Q/SR/156 Adjourned Easter 1970 1970 |
Q/SR/157 Midsummer 1970 Jul 1970 |
Q/SR/158 Adjourned Midsummer 1970 1970 |
Q/SR/159 Michaelmas 1970 Sep 1970 |
Q/SR/160 Adjourned Michaelmas 1970 1970 |
Q/SR/161 Epiphany 1971 Jan 1971 |
Q/SR/162 Adjourned Epiphany 1971 1971 |
Q/SR/163 Easter 1971 1971 |
Q/SR/164 Adjourned Easter 1971 1971 |
Q/SR/165 Midsummer 1971 Jul 1971 |
Q/SR/166 Adjourned Midsummer 1971 1971 |
Q/SR/167 Michaelmas 1971 Sep 1971 |
Q/SR/168 Adjourned Michaelmas 1971 1971 |
MF/240 1576,1577 (Tredegar Collection 148,NLW) N.D. |
List of Minutes |
Q/LOFMIN 1804 |
Process Records |
Process Books |
Q/PB/1 Jan 1719-Oct 1776 |
Q/PB/2 Oaths & Declarations 1763-1810 |
Q/PB/3 Loose Leaves from Process Book Jul 1789-Apr 1790 |
Q/PB/4 Estreats of all Fines,Issues and Amercements 1812-1844 |
Quarter Sessions Processes |
Q/P/1 Easter 1786 1786 |
Q/P/2 Michaelmas 1801 1801 |
Q/P/3 Epiphany 1802 Jan 1802 |
Q/P/4 Easter 1802 1802 |
Q/P/5 Midsummer 1803 Jul 1803 |
Q/P/6 Oct 1803 |
Q/P/7 Epiphany 1804 Jan 1804 |
Q/P/8 Estate Sessions Receipts & Panels 1804 |
Q/P/9 Midsummer 1804 Jul 1804 |
Q/P/10 Michaelmas 1804 Not Complete Sep 1804 |
Q/P/11 Epiphany 1805 Jan 1805 |
Q/P/12 Easter 1805 1805 |
Q/P/13 Midsummer 1805 Jul 1805 |
Q/P/14 Michaelmas 1805 Sep 1805 |
Q/P/15 Easter 1806 1806 |
Q/P/16 Midsummer 1806 Jul 1806 |
Q/P/17 Epiphany 1807 Jan 1807 |
Q/P/18 Easter 1807 1807 |
Q/P/19 Midsummer 1807 Jul 1807 |
Q/P/20 Michaelmas 1807 Sep 1807 |
Q/P/21 Epiphany 1808 Jan 1808 |
Q/P/22 Easter 1808 1808 |
Q/P/23 Midsummer 1808 Jul 1808 |
Q/P/24 Michaelmas 1808 Sep 1808 |
Q/P/25 Epiphany 1809 Jan 1809 |
Q/P/26 Easter 1809 1809 |
Q/P/27 Easter 1810 1810 |
Q/P/28 Midsummer 1810 Jul 1810 |
Q/P/29 Michaelmas 1810 Sep 1810 |
Q/P/30 Epiphany 1811 Jan 1811 |
Q/P/31 Easter 1811 1811 |
Q/P/32 Midsummer 1811 Jul 1811 |
Q/P/33 Michaelmas 1811 Sep 1811 |
Q/P/34 Epiphany 1812 Jan 1812 |
Q/P/35 Easter 1812 1812 |
Q/P/36 Midsummer 1812 Jul 1812 |
Q/P/37 Michaelmas 1812 Sep 1812 |
Q/P/38 Epiphany 1813 Jan 1813 |
Q/P/39 Easter 1813 1813 |
Q/P/40 Midsummer 1813 Jul 1813 |
Q/P/41 Michaelmas 1813 Sep 1813 |
Q/P/42 Epiphany 1814 Jan 1814 |
Q/P/43 Easter 1814 1814 |
Q/P/44 Midsummer 1814 Jul 1814 |
Q/P/45 Michaelmas 1814 With the Panels Annexed Sep 1814 |
Q/P/46 Epiphany 1815 With Panels Annexed Jan 1815 |
Q/P/47 Easter 1815 1815 |
Q/P/48 Midsummer 1815 Jul 1815 |
Q/P/49 Michaelmas 1815 Sep 1815 |
Q/P/50 Epiphany 1816 Jan 1816 |
Q/P/51 Easter 1816. Sheriffs Returns Annexed 1816 |
Q/P/52 Midsummer 1816 (With Returns Annexed) Jul 1816 |
Q/P/53 Michaelmas 1816 Sep 1816 |
Q/P/54 Epiphany 1817 Jan 1817 |
Q/P/55 Easter 1817 1817 |
Q/P/56 Midsummer 1817 Jul 1817 |
Q/P/57 Michaelmas 1817 Sep 1817 |
Q/P/58 Epiphany 1818 Jan 1818 |
Q/P/59 Easter 1818 1818 |
Q/P/60 Midsummer 1818 Jul 1818 |
Q/P/61 Michaelmas 1818 Sep 1818 |
Q/P/62 Epiphany 1819 Jan 1819 |
Q/P/63 Easter 1819 1819 |
Q/P/64 Midsummer 1819 Jul 1819 |
Q/P/65 Michaelmas 1819 Sep 1819 |
Q/P/66 Epiphany 1820 Jan 1820 |
Q/P/67 Easter 1820 1820 |
Q/P/68 Midsummer 1820 Lists of Jury Jul 1820 |
Q/P/69 Michaelmas 1820 Sep 1820 |
Q/P/70 Epiphany 1821 Jan 1821 |
Q/P/71 Easter 1821 1821 |
Q/P/72 Midsummer 1821 Jul 1821 |
Q/P/73 Michaelmas 1821 Oct 1821 |
Q/P/74 Epiphany 1822 Jan 1822 |
Q/P/75 Easter 1822 1822 |
Q/P/76 Midsummer 1822 Jul 1822 |
Q/P/77 Michaelmas 1822 Oct 1822 |
Q/P/78 Epiphany 1823 Jan 1823 |
Q/P/79 Easter 1823 1823 |
Q/P/80 Midsummer 1823 Jul 1823 |
Q/P/81 Michaelmas 1823 Sep 1823 |
Q/P/82 Epiphany 1824 Jan 1824 |
Q/P/83 Midsummer 1809 Jul 1809 |
Q/P/84 Easter 1824 1824 |
Q/P/85 Midsummer 1824 Jul 1824 |
Q/P/86 Michaelmas 1824 Sep 1824 |
Q/P/87 Epiphany 1825 Jan 1825 |
Q/P/88 Easter 1825 1825 |
Q/P/89 Midsummer 1825 Jul 1825 |
Q/P/90 Michaelmas 1825 Sep 1825 |
Q/P/91 Epiphany 1826 Jan 1826 |
Q/P/92 Easter 1826 1826 |
Q/P/93 Midsummer 1826 Jul 1826 |
Q/P/94 Michaelmas 1826 Sep 1826 |
Q/P/95 Epiphany 1827 Jan 1827 |
Q/P/96 Easter 1827 1927 |
Q/P/97 Midsummer 1827 Jul 1827 |
Q/P/98 Michaelmas 1827 Sep 1827 |
Q/P/99 Epiphany 1828 Jan 1828 |
Q/P/100 Easter 1828 1828 |
Q/P/101 Midsummer 1828 Jul 1828 |
Q/P/102 Michaelmas 1828 Sep 1828 |
Q/P/103 Epiphany 1829 Jan 1829 |
Q/P/104 Easter 1829 1829 |
Q/P/105 Midsummer 1829 Jul 1829 |
Q/P/106 Michaelmas 1829 Sep 1829 |
Q/P/107 Epiphany 1830 Jan 1830 |
Q/P/108 Easter 1830 1830 |
Q/P/109 Midsummer 1830 Jul 1830 |
Q/P/110 Michaelmas 1830 Oct 1830 |
Q/P/111 Epiphany 1831 Jan 1831 |
Q/P/112 Easter 1831 1831 |
Q/P/113 Midsummer 1831 Jul 1831 |
Q/P/114 Michaelmas 1831 Oct 1831 |
Q/P/115 Epiphany 1832 Jan 1832 |
Q/P/116 Easter 1832 1832 |
Q/P/117 Midsummer 1832 Jul 1832 |
Q/P/118 Michaelmas 1832 Sep 1832 |
Q/P/119 Dec 1832 |
Q/P/120 Easter 1833 1833 |
Q/P/121 Midsummer 1833 Jul 1833 |
Q/P/122 Michaelmas 1833 Sep 1833 |
Q/P/123 Dec 1833 |
Q/P/124 Easter 1834 1834 |
Q/P/125 Midsummer 1834 Jul 1834 |
Q/P/126 Michaelmas 1834 Sep 1834 |
Q/P/127 Epiphany 1835 Jan 1835 |
Q/P/128 Easter 1835 1835 |
Q/P/129 Midsummer 1835 Jul 1835 |
Q/P/130 Michaelmas 1835 Sep 1835 |
Q/P/131 Epiphany 1836 Jan 1836 |
Q/P/132 Michaelmas 1836 Oct 1836 |
Q/P/133 Epiphany 1837 Jan 1837 |
Q/P/134 Easter 1837 1837 |
Q/P/135 Michaelmas 1837 (Incomplete) Sep 1837 |
Q/P/136 Epiphany 1838 Jan 1838 |
Q/P/137 Easter 1838 (Damaged)? 1838 |
Q/P/138 Midsummer 1838 Jul 1838 |
Q/P/139 Dec 1838 |
Q/P/140 Dec 1839 |
Q/P/141 Midsummer 1839 (Incomplete) Jul 1839 |
Q/P/142 Michaelmas 1839 Sep 1839 |
Q/P/143 Easter 1840 1840 |
Q/P/144 Midsummer 1840 Jul 1840 |
Q/P/145 Michaelmas 1840 Oct 1840 |
Q/P/146 Epiphany 1841 Jan 1841 |
Q/P/147 Easter 1841 (Part of Sessions) 1841 |
Q/P/148 Midsummer 1841 Jul 1841 |
Q/P/149 Michaelmas 1841 (Incomplete) Sep 1841 |
Q/P/150 Epiphany 1842 (Incomplete) Jan 1842 |
Q/P/151 Easter 1842 1842 |
Q/P/152 Midsummer 1842 Jul 1842 |
Q/P/153 Michaelmas 1842 Sep 1842 |
Q/P/154 Epiphany 1843 Jan 1843 |
Q/P/155 Easter 1843 1843 |
Q/P/156 Midsummer 1843 Jul 1843 |
Q/P/157 Michaelmas 1843 Sep 1843 |
Q/P/158 Epiphany 1844 Jan 1844 |
Q/P/159 Easter 1844 1844 |
Q/P/160 Midsummer 1844 Jul 1844 |
Q/P/161 Michaelmas 1844 Sep 1844 |
Q/P/162 Dec 1844 |
Q/P/163 Easter 1845 Mar 1845 |
Q/P/164 Midsummer 1845 (Returnable) Jun 1845 |
Q/P/165 Michaelmas 1845 ( Returnable) Oct 1845 |
Q/P/166 Epiphany 1846 (Returnable) Jan 1846 |
Q/P/167 (Epiphany) Precept Jury List etc Returnable April 1846 |
Q/P/168 Midsummer 1849 Jul 1849 |
Q/P/169 Michaelmas 1849 Process and Estreat Roll Returnable Sep 1849 |
Q/P/170 Estreat Roll Returnable Dec 1849 |
Q/P/171 Easter (Returnable) 1850 |
Q/P/172 Midsummer 1850 Jul 1850 |
Q/P/173 Michaelmas 1850 Sep 1850 |
Q/P/174 Estreat Roll Dec 1850 |
Q/P/175 Estreat Roll Mar 1851 |
Q/P/176 Midsummer 1851 Jul 1851 |
Q/P/177 Michaelmas 1851 Sep 1851 |
Q/P/178 Epiphany 1852 Jan 1852 |
Q/P/179 Feb 1852 |
Q/P/180 Easter 1852 1852 |
Q/P/181 May 1852 |
Q/P/182 Midsummer 1852 Jul 1852 |
Q/P/183 Michaelmas 1852 Sep 1852 |
Q/P/184 Returnable at Adjourned Sessions Nov 1852 |
Q/P/185 Epiphany 1853 Jan 1853 |
Q/P/186 Returnable Mar 1853 |
Q/P/187 Returnable at Adjourment Session May 1853 |
Q/P/188 Midsummer 1853 Jul 1853 |
Q/P/189 Michaelmas 1853 Sep 1853 |
Q/P/190 Nov 1853 |
Q/P/191 Epiphany 1854 Jan 1854 |
Q/P/192 Easter 1854 Mar 1854 |
Q/P/193 May 1854 |
Q/P/194 Midsummer Returnable Jul 1854 |
Q/P/195 Michaelmas 1854 Oct 1854 |
Q/P/196 Returnable at this Session Nov 1854 |
Q/P/197 Epiphany 1855 Returnable Jan 1855 |
Q/P/198 Easter Returnable Mar 1855 |
Q/P/199 Adjourned May 1855 May 1855 |
Q/P/200 Midsummer 1855 Jul 1855 |
Q/P/201 Michaelmas 1855 Returnable Oct 1855 |
Q/P/202 Adjourned Session Nov 1855 |
Q/P/203 Epiphany 1856 Returnable Jan 1856 |
Q/P/204 Mar 1856 |
Q/P/205 Midsummer 1856 Returnable Jul 1856 |
Q/P/206 Epiphany 1857 Returnable Jan 1857 |
Q/P/207 Easter 1857 Returnable Mar 1857 |
Q/P/208 Midsummer 1857 Returnable Jul 1857 |
Q/P/209 Michaelmas 1857 Returnable Sep 1857 |
Q/P/210 Epiphany 1858 Jan 1858 |
Q/P/211 Easter 1858 Returnable Mar 1858 |
Q/P/212 Michaelmas 1858 Returnable Oct 1858 |
Q/P/213 Epiphany 1859 Returnable Jan 1859 |
Q/P/214 Easter 1859 Mar 1859 |
Q/P/215 Midsummer 1859 Returnable Jul 1859 |
Q/P/216 Michaelmas 1859 Sep 1859 |
Q/P/217 Easter 1860 Mar 1860 |
Q/P/218 Midsummer 1860 Jul 1860 |
Q/P/219 Michaelmas 1860 Oct 1860 |
Q/P/220 Epiphany 1861 Returnable Jan 1861 |
Q/P/221 Easter 1861 Returnable 1861 |
Q/P/222 Midsummer 1861 Jul 1861 |
Q/P/223 Michaelmas 1861 Sep 1861 |
Q/P/224 Epiphany 1862 Returnable Jan 1862 |
Q/P/225 Easter 1862 Returnable Mar 1862 |
Q/P/226 Midsummer 1862 Returnable Jul 1862 |
Q/P/227 Michaelmas 1862 Returnable Sep 1862 |
Q/P/228 Epiphany 1863 Returnable Jan 1863 |
Q/P/229 Easter 1863 Returnable Mar 1863 |
Q/P/230 Midsummer 1863 Returnable Jul 1863 |
Q/P/231 Michaelmas 1863 Returnable Sep 1863 |
Q/P/232 Epiphany 1864 Returnable Jan 1864 |
Q/P/233 Easter 1864 Return made to Treasury Mar 1864 |
Q/P/234 Midsummer 1864 Returnable Jul 1864 |
Q/P/235 Michaelmas 1864 (Return made to the Treasury) Sep 1864 |
Q/P/236 Epiphany 1860 Returnable Jan 1860 |
Q/P/237 Epiphany 1865 Return made to the Treasury Feb 1865 |
Q/P/238 Easter 1865 Returnable 1865 |
Q/P/239 Midsummer 1865 Returnable Jul 1865 |
Q/P/240 Michaelmas 1865 Returnable Sep 1865 |
Q/P/241 Epiphany 1866 Returnable Jan 1866 |
Q/P/242 Easter 1866 Returnable Mar 1866 |
Q/P/243 Midsummer 1866 Returnable Jul 1866 |
Q/P/244 Michaelmas 1866 Returnable Sep 1866 |
Q/P/245 Epiphany 1867 Returnable Jan 1867 |
Q/P/246 Easter 1867 Returnable 1867 |
Q/P/247 Midsummer 1867 Returnable Jul 1867 |
Q/P/248 Michaelmas 1867 Returnable Sep 1867 |
Q/P/249 Epiphany 1868 Jan 1868 |
Q/P/250 Easter 1868 Returnable 1868 |
Q/P/251 Midsummer 1868 Returnable Jul 1868 |
Q/P/252 Michaelmas 1868 Returnable Sep 1868 |
Q/P/253 Epiphany 1869 Returnable Jan 1869 |
Q/P/254 Easter 1869 1869 |
Q/P/255 Midsummer 1869 Jul 1869 |
Q/P/256 Michaelmas 1869 Sep 1869 |
Q/P/257 Epiphany 1870 Jan 1870 |
Q/P/258 Easter 1870 1870 |
Q/P/259 Midsummer 1870 Jul 1870 |
Q/P/260 Michaelmas 1870 Sep 1870 |
Q/P/261 Epiphany 1871 Jan 1871 |
Q/P/262 Midsummer 1871 Jul 1871 |
Q/P/263 Midsummer 1871 Jul 1871 |
Q/P/264 Epiphany 1872 Jan 1872 |
Q/P/265 Easter 1872 1872 |
Q/P/266 Midsummer 1872 Jul 1872 |
Q/P/267 Michaelmas 1872 Sep 1872 |
Q/P/268 Epiphany 1873 Jan 1873 |
Q/P/269 Easter 1873 1873 |
Q/P/270 Midsummer 1873 Jul 1873 |
Q/P/271 Epiphany 1874 Jan 1874 |
Q/P/272 Midsummer 1874 Jul 1874 |
Q/P/273 Michaelmas 1874 Sep 1874 |
Q/P/274 Epiphany 1875 Jan 1875 |
Q/P/275 Easter 1875 1875 |
Q/P/276 Midsummer 1875 Jul 1875 |
Q/P/277 Michaelmas 1875 Sep 1875 |
Q/P/278 Epiphany 1876 Jan 1876 |
Q/P/279 Easter 1876 1876 |
Q/P/280 Midsummer 1876 Jul 1876 |
Q/P/281 Michaelmas 1876 Sep 1876 |
Q/P/282 Epiphany 1877 Jan 1877 |
Q/P/283 Easter 1877 (The return of the fines has been made to the treasury) 1877 |
Q/P/284 Midsummer 1877 Jul 1877 |
Q/P/285 Michaelmas 1877 Sep 1877 |
Q/P/286 Epiphany 1878 Jan 1878 |
Q/P/287 Easter 1878 1878 |
Q/P/288 Midsummer 1878 (No estreat rolls made there having been no fines penalties etc either in or out) Jul 1878 |
Q/P/289 Michaelmas 1878 Sep 1878 |
Q/P/290 Epiphany 1879 Jan 1879 |
Q/P/291 Easter 1879 (No Estreat Roll made out there being no fines etc at Epiphany Sessions 1879) 1879 |
Q/P/292 Midsummer 1879 Jul 1879 |
Q/P/293 Michaelmas 1879 Sep 1879 |
Q/P/294 Epiphany 1880 Jan 1880 |
Q/P/295 Easter 1880 1880 |
Q/P/296 Midsummer 1880 Jul 1880 |
Q/P/297 Michaelmas 1880 Sep 1880 |
Q/P/298 Epiphany 1881 Jan 1881 |
Q/P/299 Easter 1881 1881 |
Q/P/300 Midsummer 1881 Jul 1881 |
Q/P/301 Michaelmas 1881 (Return sent to Mr Linger January 1882) Sep 1881 |
Q/P/302 Epiphany 1882 Jan 1882 |
Q/P/303 Easter 1882 1882 |
Q/P/304 Midsummer 1882 Jul 1882 |
Q/P/305 Michaelmas 1882 Sep 1882 |
Q/P/306 Epiphany 1883 Jan 1883 |
Q/P/307 Easter 1883 1883 |
Q/P/308 Midsummer 1883 Jul 1883 |
Q/P/309 Michaelmas 1883 Sep 1883 |
Q/P/310 Epiphany 1884 Jan 1884 |
Q/P/311 Easter 1884 1884 |
Q/P/312 Midsummer 1884 Jul 1884 |
Q/P/313 Michaelmas 1884 Sep 1884 |
Q/P/314 Epiphany 1885 Jan 1885 |
Q/P/315 Easter 1885 1885 |
Q/P/316 Midsummer 1885 ( Returned to Mr Linger January 1886) Jul 1885 |
Q/P/317 Michaelmas 1885 Sep 1885 |
Q/P/318 Epiphany 1886 Jan 1886 |
Q/P/319 Easter 1886 1886 |
Q/P/320 Midsummer 1886 Jul 1886 |
Q/P/321 Michaelmas 1886 Sep 1886 |
Q/P/322 Epiphany 1887 Jan 1887 |
Q/P/323 Easter 1887 1887 |
Q/P/324 Midsummer 1887 Jul 1887 |
Q/P/325 Michaelmas 1887 Oct 1887 |
Q/P/326 Epiphany 1888 Jan 1888 |
Q/P/327 Feb 1888 |
Q/P/328 Easter 1888 1888 |
Q/P/329 Midsummer 1888 Jul 1888 |
Q/P/330 Michaelmas 1888 Sep 1888 |
Q/P/331 Epiphany 1889 Jan 1889 |
Q/P/332 Feb Adjourned General Sessions Process Feb 1889 |
Q/P/333 Easter 1889 1889 |
Q/P/334 Midsummer 1889 Jul 1889 |
Q/P/335 Michaelmas 1889 Sep 1889 |
Q/P/336 Epiphany 1890 Jan 1890 |
Q/P/337 Easter 1890 1890 |
Q/P/338 Midsummer 1890 Jul 1890 |
Q/P/339 Michaelmas 1890 Sep 1890 |
Q/P/340 Epiphany 1891 Jan 1891 |
Q/P/341 Easter 1891 1891 |
Q/P/342 Midsummer 1891 Jul 1891 |
Q/P/343 Michaelmas 1891 Sep 1891 |
Q/P/344 Epiphany 1892 Jan 1892 |
Q/P/345 Easter 1892 1892 |
Q/P/346 Midsummer 1892 Jul 1892 |
Q/P/347 Michaelmas 1892 Sep 1892 |
Q/P/348 Epiphany 1893 Jan 1893 |
Q/P/349 Easter 1893 1893 |
Q/P/350 Midsummer 1893 Jul 1893 |
Q/P/351 Michaelmas 1893 Sep 1893 |
Q/P/352 Epiphany 1894 Jan 1894 |
Q/P/353 Easter 1894 1894 |
Q/P/354 Midsummer 1894 Jul 1894 |
Q/P/355 Michaelmas 1894 Sep 1894 |
Q/P/356 Epiphany 1895 Jan 1895 |
Q/P/357 Easter 1895 1895 |
Q/P/358 Midsummer 1895 Jul 1895 |
Q/P/359 Michaelmas 1895 Sep 1895 |
Q/P/360 Epiphany 1896 Jan 1896 |
Q/P/361 Easter 1896 1896 |
Q/P/362 Midsummer 1896 Jul 1896 |
Q/P/363 Michaelmas 1896 Sep 1896 |
Q/P/364 Epiphany 1897 Jan 1897 |
Q/P/365 Easter 1897 1897 |
Q/P/366 Midsummer 1897 Jul 1897 |
Q/P/367 Michaelmas 1897 Sep 1897 |
Q/P/368 Epiphany 1898 Jan 1898 |
Q/P/369 Easter 1898 1898 |
Q/P/370 Midsummer 1898 Jul 1898 |
Q/P/371 Michaelmas 1898 Sep 1898 |
Q/P/372 Epiphany 1899 Jan 1899 |
Q/P/373 Easter 1899 1899 |
Q/P/374 Midsummer 1899 Jul 1899 |
Q/P/375 Michaelmas 1899 Sep 1899 |
Q/P/376 Epiphany 1900 Jan 1900 |
Q/P/377 Easter 1900 1900 |
Q/P/378 Midsummer 1900 Jul 1900 |
Q/P/379 Michaelmas 1900 Sep 1900 |
Q/P/380 Epiphany 1901 Jan 1901 |
Q/P/381 Easter 1901 1901 |
Q/P/382 Midsummer 1901 Jul 1901 |
Q/P/383 Michaelmas 1901 Sep 1901 |
Q/P/384 Epiphany 1902 Jan 1902 |
Q/P/385 Easter 1902 1902 |
Q/P/386 Midsummer 1902 Jul 1902 |
Q/P/387 Michaelmas 1902 Sep 1902 |
Q/P/388 Easter 1903 1903 |
Q/P/389 Midsummer 1903 Jul 1903 |
Q/P/390 Michaelmas 1903 Sep 1903 |
Q/P/391 Epiphany 1904 Jan 1904 |
Q/P/392 Easter 1904 1904 |
Q/P/393 Midsummer 1904 Jul 1904 |
Q/P/394 Michaelmas 1904 Sep 1904 |
Q/P/395 Epiphany 1905 Jan 1905 |
Q/P/396 Easter 1905 1905 |
Q/P/397 Midsummer 1905 Jul 1905 |
Q/P/398 Michaelmas 1905 Sep 1905 |
Q/P/399 Epiphany 1906 Jan 1906 |
Q/P/400 Easter 1906 1906 |
Q/P/401 Midsummer 1906 Jul 1906 |
Q/P/402 Michaelmas 1906 Sep 1906 |
Q/P/403 Epiphany 1907 Jan 1907 |
Q/P/404 Easter 1907 1907 |
Q/P/405 Midsummer 1907 Jul 1907 |
Q/P/406 Michaelmas 1907 Sep 1907 |
Q/P/407 Epiphany 1908 Jan 1908 |
Q/P/408 Easter 1908 1908 |
Q/P/409 Midsummer 1908 Jul 1908 |
Q/P/410 Michaelmas 1908 Sep 1908 |
Q/P/411 Epiphany 1909 Jan 1909 |
Q/P/412 Easter 1909 1909 |
Q/P/413 Midsummer 1909 Jul 1909 |
Q/P/414 Michaelmas 1909 Sep 1909 |
Q/P/415 Midsummer 1910 Jul 1910 |
Q/P/416 Michaelmas 1910 Sep 1910 |
Q/P/417 Epiphany 1911 Jan 1911 |
Q/P/418 Easter 1911 1911 |
Q/P/419 Midsummer 1911 Jul 1911 |
Q/P/420 Michaelmas 1911 Sep 1911 |
Q/P/421 Epiphany 1912 Jan 1912 |
Q/P/422 Easter 1912 1912 |
Q/P/423 Midsummer 1912 Jul 1912 |
Q/P/424 Michaelmas 1912 Sep 1912 |
Q/P/425 Epiphany 1903 Jan 1903 |
Q/P/426 Epiphany 1913 Jan 1913 |
Q/P/427 Easter 1913 1913 |
Q/P/428 Midsummer 1913 Jul 1913 |
Q/P/429 Michaelmas 1913 Sep 1913 |
Q/P/430 Epiphany 1914 Jan 1914 |
Q/P/431 Easter 1914 1914 |
Q/P/432 Midsummer 1914 Jul 1914 |
Q/P/433 Epiphany 1915 Jan 1915 |
Q/P/434 Easter 1915 1915 |
Q/P/435 Midsummer 1915 Jul 1915 |
Q/P/436 Michaelmas 1915 Sep 1915 |
Q/P/437 Epiphany 1916 Jan 1916 |
Q/P/438 Easter 1916 1916 |
Q/P/439 Midsummer 1916 Jul 1916 |
Q/P/440 Michaelmas 1916 Sep 1916 |
Q/P/441 Epiphany 1917 Jan 1917 |
Q/P/442 Easter 1917 1917 |
Q/P/443 Midsummer 1917 Jul 1917 |
Q/P/444 Michaelmas 1917 Sep 1917 |
Q/P/445 Epiphany 1918 Jan 1918 |
Q/P/446 Easter 1918 1918 |
Q/P/447 Midsummer 1918 Jul 1918 |
Q/P/448 Michaelmas 1918 Sep 1918 |
Q/P/448 Michaelmas 1918 Sep 1918 |
Q/P/449 Michaelmas 1920 Sep 1920 |
Q/P/450 Epiphany 1921 Jan 1921 |
Q/P/451 Easter 1921 1921 |
Q/P/452 Midsummer 1921 Jul 1921 |
Q/P/453 Michaelmas 1921 Sep 1921 |
Q/P/454 Epiphany 1922 With Correspondence. Duplicate Jury panel Jan 1922 |
Q/P/455 Easter 1922 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel 1922 |
Q/P/456 Midsummer 1922 Jury Precept Only Jul 1922 |
Q/P/457 Midsummer 1922 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jul 1922 |
Q/P/458 Epiphany 1923 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1923 |
Q/P/459 Easter 1923 With Duplicate Jury Panel 1923 |
Q/P/460 Midsummer 1924 Jury Precept Only Jul 1924 |
Q/P/461 Michaelmas 1923 With Duplicate Jury Panel Sep 1923 |
Q/P/462 Epiphany 1924 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1924 |
Q/P/463 Easter 1924 1924 |
Q/P/464 Midsummer 1924 With Correspondence,Duplicate Jury Precept Jul 1924 |
Q/P/465 Michaelmas 1924 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Sep 1924 |
Q/P/466 Epiphany 1925 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1925 |
Q/P/467 Easter 1925 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel 1925 |
Q/P/468 Midsummer 1925 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jul 1925 |
Q/P/469 Michaelmas 1925 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Sep 1925 |
Q/P/470 Epiphany 1926 With Duplicate Jury Panel 1926 |
Q/P/471 Easter 1926 With Duplicate Jury Panel 1926 |
Q/P/472 Midsummer 1926 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jul 1926 |
Q/P/473 Adjourned August 1926 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel 1926 |
Q/P/474 Michaelmas 1926 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Sep 1926 |
Q/P/475 Adjourned December 1926 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Dec 1926 |
Q/P/476 Epiphany 1927 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1927 |
Q/P/477 Adjourned February 1927 With Correspondece etc Feb 1927 |
Q/P/478 Easter 1927 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel 1927 |
Q/P/479 Adjourned May 1927 May 1927 |
Q/P/480 Midsummer 1927 Jul 1927 |
Q/P/481 Adjourned August 1927 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Aug 1927 |
Q/P/482 Michaelmas 1927 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Sep 1927 |
Q/P/483 Adjourned November 1927 Nov 1927 |
Q/P/484 Epiphany 1928 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1928 |
Q/P/485 Adjourned February 1928 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Feb 1928 |
Q/P/486 Easter 1928 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel 1928 |
Q/P/487 Adjourned May 1928 With Corresponce and Duplicates Jury Panel May 1928 |
Q/P/488 Adjourned August 1928 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Aug 1928 |
Q/P/489 Michaelmas 1928 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Sep 1928 |
Q/P/490 Adjourned November 1928 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Nov 1928 |
Q/P/491 Epiphany 1929 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1929 |
Q/P/492 Easter 1929 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel 1929 |
Q/P/493 Midsummer 1929 With Correspondence and Duplicate Jury Panel Jul 1929 |
Q/P/494 Michaelmas 1929 With Duplicate Panel Sep 1929 |
Q/P/495 Epiphany 1930 With Correspondence Jan 1930 |
Q/P/496 Easter 1930 With Duplicate Jury Panel 1930 |
Q/P/497 Midsummer 1930 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jul 1930 |
Q/P/498 Michaelmas 1930 With Correspondence and Duplicate Panel Sep 1930 |
Q/P/499 Epiphany 1931 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1931 |
Q/P/500 Easter 1931 With Duplicate Jury Panel 1931 |
Q/P/501 Midsummer 1931 Jul 1931 |
Q/P/502 Michaelmas 1931 With Duplicate Jury panel Sep 1931 |
Q/P/503 Epiphany 1932 With Duplicate Jury Panel Jan 1932 |
Q/P/504 Easter 1932 With Duplicate Jury Panel 1932 |
Q/P/505 Midsummer 1932 Jul 1932 |
Q/P/506 Michaelmas 1932 With Duplcate Jury Panel Sep 1932 |
Q/P/507 Epiphany 1933 Jan 1933 |
Q/P/508 Easter 1933 1933 |
Q/P/509 Midsummer 1933 Jul 1933 |
Q/P/510 Michaelmas 1933 Sep 1933 |
Q/P/511 Epiphany 1934 Jan 1934 |
Q/P/512 Easter 1934 1934 |
Q/P/513 Midsummer 1934 Jul 1934 |
Q/P/514 Michaelmas 1934 Sep 1934 |
Q/P/515 Epiphany 1935 Jan 1935 |
Q/P/516 Easter 1935 1935 |
Q/P/517 Midsummer 1935 Jul 1935 |
Q/P/518 Adjourned August 1935 Aug 1935 |
Q/P/519 Michaelmas 1935 Sep 1935 |
Q/P/520 Epiphany 1936 Jan 1936 |
Q/P/521 Easter 1936 1936 |
Q/P/522 Midsummer 1936 Jul 1936 |
Q/P/523 Michaelmas 1936 Sep 1936 |
Q/P/524 Epiphany 1937 Jan 1937 |
Q/P/525 Easter 1937 1937 |
Q/P/526 Midsummer 1937 Jul 1937 |
Q/P/527 Michaelmas 1937 Sep 1937 |
Q/P/528 Epiphany 1938 Jan 1938 |
Q/P/529 Easter 1841 1841 |
Q/P/530 Easter 1842 1842 |
Q/P/531 Epiphany 1847 Jan 1847 |
Q/P/532 Midsummer 1848 Jul 1848 |
Q/P/533 1938-1939 |
Q/P/534 1940-1941 |
Q/P/535 1942-1943 |
Q/P/536 1944-1945 |
Q/P/537 1946-1947 |
Q/P/538 1948-1949 |
Q/P/539 1950-1951 |
Q/P/540 1952-1953 |
Q/P/541 1954-1955 |
Q/P/542 1956-1957 |
Q/P/543 1958-1959 |
Q/P/544 1960-1961 |
Q/P/545 1962 |
Q/P/546 1963 |
Q/P/547 1964 |
Q/P/548 1965 |
Q/P/549 1966 |
Q/P/550 1967 |
Q/P/551 1968 |
Q/P/552 1969 |
Q/P/553 1970 |
Q/P/554 1971 |
Juries |
Jury Panels |
Q/JP/1 1808-1816 |
Q/JP/2 March 1823-Epiphany? 1826 Mar 1823-Jan? 1826 |
Q/JP/3 Misc 1837-1854 |
Q/JP/4 Easter 1920 1920 |
Q/JP/5 1896 List of Petty Jurors 1898 Lists of Grand and Petty Jurors 1896-1898 |
Recognizances |
Recognizances |
Q/R/1 Misc 1790-1833 |
Q/R/2 1796-1797 |
Q/R/3 1797-1798 |
Q/R/4 1798 |
Q/R/5 Misc 1799 |
Q/R/6 Orders of Removal 1799-1800 |
Q/R/7 1800 |
Q/R/8 Epiphany 1805 Jan 1805 |
Q/R/9 Easter Orders of Removal Misc 1805 |
Q/R/10 Midsummer 1805 Jul 1805 |
Q/R/11 Michaelmas 1805 Notices of Appeal (Misc) Sep 1805 |
Q/R/12 Epiphany 1806 Jan 1806 |
Q/R/13 Easter 1806 1806 |
Q/R/14 Easter 1806 (2) 1806 |
Q/R/15 Epiphany 1807 Jan 1807 |
Q/R/16 Easter 1807 1807 |
Q/R/17 Midsummer 1807 Jul 1807 |
Q/R/18 Michaelmas 1807 Sep 1807 |
Q/R/19 Epiphany 1808 Jan 1808 |
Q/R/20 Easter 1808 1808 |
Q/R/21 Midsummer 1808 Jul 1808 |
Q/R/22 Michaelmas 1808 Sep 1808 |
Q/R/23 Epiphany 1809 Jan 1809 |
Q/R/24 Easter 1809 1809 |
Q/R/25 Midsummer 1809 Jul 1809 |
Q/R/26 Michaelmas 1809 Sep 1809 |
Q/R/27 Midsummer 1810 Jul 1810 |
Q/R/28 Easter 1811 1811 |
Q/R/29 Midsummer 1811 Jul 1811 |
Q/R/30 Michaelmas 1811 Sep 1811 |
Q/R/32 Epiphany 1812 Chief Constables Returns Sacrament Certs Jan 1812 |
Q/R/33 Michaelmas 1812 Sacrament Certs Chief Constables Lists Sep 1812 |
Q/R/34 Epiphany 1813 Chiefs Returns Jan 1813 |
Q/R/35 Easter 1813 1813 |
Q/R/36 1813 Becket Convictions Sacrament Certs 1813 |
Q/R/37 Michaelmas 1813 Sep 1813 |
Q/R/38 Epiphany 1815 Jan 1815 |
Q/R/39 1815 Becket 1815 |
Q/R/40 Michaelmas 1815 Sep 1815 |
Q/R/41 Epiphany 1816 Jan 1816 |
Q/R/42 Easter 1816 1816 |
Q/R/43 1816 Becket 1816 |
Q/R/44 Michaelmas 1816 Sep 1816 |
Q/R/45 Epiphany, Easter 1817 Convictions Sacrament Certs 1817 |
Q/R/46 Epiphany 1818 Convictions,Sacrament Certs Jan 1818 |
Q/R/47 Easter 1818 Convictions Sacrament Certs 1818 |
Q/R/48 Midsummer 1818 Jul 1818 |
Q/R/49 Epiphany 1819 Jan 1819 |
Q/R/50 Easter 1819 1819 |
Q/R/51 Trinity 1819 1819 |
Q/R/52 Michaelmas 1819 Convictions Sep 1819 |
Q/R/53 Epiphany 1820 Jan 1820 |
Q/R/54 Trinity 1820 1820 |
Q/R/55 Easter 1821 1821 |
Q/R/56 1821 Becket Sessions 1821 |
Q/R/57 Epiphany 1822 Jan 1822 |
Q/R/58 Easter 1822 1822 |
Q/R/59 Trinity 1822 1822 |
Q/R/60 Michaelmas 1822 Sep 1822 |
Q/R/61 Michaelmas 1822 Sep 1822 |
Q/R/62 Michaelmas 1822 Sep 1822 |
Q/R/63 Epiphany 1823 Jan 1823 |
Q/R/64 Easter 1823 1823 |
Q/R/65 Midsummer 1823 Jul 1823 |
Q/R/66 Michaelmas 1823 Sep 1823 |
Q/R/67 Epiphany 1824 Jan 1824 |
Q/R/68 Epiphany 1824 Convictions Jan 1824 |
Q/R/69 Easter 1824 1824 |
Q/R/70 Trinity 1824 1824 |
Q/R/71 Michaelmas 1824 Sep 1824 |
Q/R/72 Epiphany 1825 Jan 1825 |
Q/R/73 Easter 1825 1825 |
Q/R/74 Becket 1825 1825 |
Q/R/75 Michaelmas 1825 Sep 1825 |
Q/R/76 Epiphany 1826 Jan 1826 |
Q/R/77 Easter 1826 1826 |
Q/R/78 Midsummer 1826 Jul 1826 |
Q/R/79 Michaelmas 1826 Sep 1826 |
Q/R/80 Michaelmas 1826 Sep 1826 |
Q/R/81 Epiphany 1827 Jan 1827 |
Q/R/82 Epiphany 1827 Jan 1827 |
Q/R/83 Epiphany 1827 Jan 1827 |
Q/R/84 Easter 1827 1827 |
Q/R/85 Trinity 1827 1827 |
Q/R/86 Trinity 1827 1827 |
Q/R/87 Midsummer 1827 Jul 1827 |
Q/R/88 Epiphany 1828 Jan 1828 |
Q/R/89 Epiphany 1828 (Limited Period) Jan 1828 |
Q/R/90 Easter 1828 (Limited Period) 1828 |
Q/R/91 Easter 1828 1828 |
Q/R/92 Trinity 1828 1828 |
Q/R/93 Michaelmas 1828 Sep 1828 |
Q/R/94 Epiphany 1829 Jan 1829 |
Q/R/95 Epiphany 1829 Jan 1829 |
Q/R/96 Easter 1829 1829 |
Q/R/97 Easter 1829 1829 |
Q/R/98 Midsummer 1829 Jul 1829 |
Q/R/99 Michaelmas 1829 Sep 1829 |
Q/R/100 Michaelmas 1829 Sep 1829 |
Q/R/101 Michaelmas 1829 Sep 1829 |
Q/R/102 Epiphany 1830 Jan 1830 |
Q/R/103 Epiphany 1830 (Limited Period) Jan 1830 |
Q/R/104 Easter 1830 (Limited Period) 1830 |
Q/R/105 Michaelmas 1830 Sep 1830 |
Q/R/106 Epiphany 1831 Jan 1831 |
Q/R/107 Easter 1831 1831 |
Q/R/108 Midsummer 1831 Jul 1831 |
Q/R/109 Michaelmas 1831 Sep 1831 |
Q/R/110 Epiphany 1832 Jan 1832 |
Q/R/111 Easter 1832 1832 |
Q/R/112 Midsummer 1832 Jul 1832 |
Q/R/113 Midsummer 1832 (Limited Period) Jul 1832 |
Q/R/114 Michaelmas 1832 Sep 1832 |
Q/R/115 Epiphany 1833 Jan 1833 |
Q/R/116 Easter 1833 |
Q/R/117 Midsummer 1833 Jul 1833 |
Q/R/118 Michaelmas 1833 Sep 1833 |
Q/R/119 Dec 1833 |
Q/R/120 Misc 1833-67 1833-67 |
Q/R/121 Epiphany 1834 Jan 1834 |
Q/R/122 Epiphany 1834 Jan 1834 |
Q/R/123 Easter 1834 1834 |
Q/R/124 Midsummer 1834 Jul 1834 |
Q/R/125 Midsummer 1834 Jul 1834 |
Q/R/126 Epiphany 1835 Jan 1835 |
Q/R/127 Easter 1835 1835 |
Q/R/128 Trinity 1835 1835 |
Q/R/129 Michaelmas 1835 Sep 1835 |
Q/R/130 Michaelmas 1835 Sep 1835 |
Q/R/131 Dec 1835 |
Q/R/132 Epiphany 1836 Jan 1836 |
Q/R/133 Easter 1836 1836 |
Q/R/134 Midsummer 1836 Jul 1836 |
Q/R/135 Midsummer 1836 Jul 1836 |
Q/R/136 Trinity 1836 1836 |
Q/R/137 Michaelmas 1836 Sep 1836 |
Q/R/138 Epiphany 1837 Jan 1837 |
Q/R/139 Easter 1837 1837 |
Q/R/140 Midsummer 1837 Jul 1837 |
Q/R/141 Michaelmas 1837 Sep 1837 |
Q/R/142 Epiphany 1838 Jan 1838 |
Q/R/143 Easter 1838 1838 |
Q/R/144 Midsummer 1838 Jul 1838 |
Q/R/145 Michaelmas 1838 Sep 1838 |
Q/R/146 Easter 1839 1839 |
Q/R/147 Midsummer 1839 Jul 1839 |
Q/R/148 Michaelmas 1839 Sep 1839 |
Q/R/149 Epiphany 1840 Jan 1840 |
Q/R/150 Easter 1840 1840 |
Q/R/151 Michaelmas 1840 Sep 1840 |
Q/R/152 Epiphany 1841 Jan 1841 |
Q/R/153 Easter 1841 1841 |
Q/R/154 Midsummer 1841 Jul 1841 |
Q/R/155 Michaelmas 1841 Sep 1841 |
Q/R/156 Epiphany 1842 Jan 1842 |
Q/R/157 Easter 1842 1842 |
Q/R/158 Midsummer 1842 Jul 1842 |
Q/R/159 Michaelmas 1842 Sep 1842 |
Q/R/160 Epiphany 1843 Jan 1843 |
Q/R/161 Easter 1843 1843 |
Q/R/162 Midsummer 1843 Jul 1843 |
Q/R/163 Michaelmas 1843 Sep 1843 |
Q/R/164 Michaelmas 1843 Sep 1843 |
Q/R/165 Epiphany 1844 Jan 1844 |
Q/R/166 Easter 1844 1844 |
Q/R/167 Midsummer 1844 Jul 1844 |
Q/R/168 Michaelmas 1844 Sep 1844 |
Q/R/169 Epiphany 1844-45 Jan 1845 |
Q/R/170 Easter 1845 1845 |
Q/R/171 Midsummer 1845 Jul 1845 |
Q/R/172 Michaelmas 1845 Sep 1845 |
Q/R/173 Epiphany 1846 Jan 1846 |
Q/R/174 Easter 1846 1846 |
Q/R/175 Midsummer 1846 Jul 1846 |
Q/R/176 Midsummer 1846 Jul 1846 |
Q/R/177 Epiphany 1847 Jan 1847 |
Q/R/178 Midsummer 1847 Jul 1847 |
Q/R/179 Michaelmas 1847 Sep 1847 |
Q/R/180 Michaelmas 1847 Sep 1847 |
Q/R/181 Epiphany 1848 Jan 1848 |
Q/R/182 Easter 1848 1848 |
Q/R/183 Midsummer 1848 Jul 1848 |
Q/R/184 Michaelmas 1848 In Petty Sessions District Sep 1848 |
Q/R/185 Epiphany 1849 In Petty Sessions District Jan 1849 |
Q/R/186 Easter 1849 In Petty Sessiond Division 1849 |
Q/R/187 Midsummer 1849 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1849 |
Q/R/188 Michaelmas 1849 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1849 |
Q/R/189 Epiphany 1850 In petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1850 |
Q/R/190 Easter 1850 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1850 |
Q/R/191 Midsummer 1850 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1850 |
Q/R/192 Michaelmas 1850 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1850 |
Q/R/193 Michaelmas 1850-Epiphany 1888 Misc Sep 1850-Jan 1888 |
Q/R/194 Epiphany 1851 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1851 |
Q/R/195 Easter 1851 In Petty Sessions Divisios 1851 |
Q/R/196 Midsummer 1851 In Petty Session Divisions Jul 1851 |
Q/R/197 Michaelmas 1851 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1851 |
Q/R/198 Epiphany 1852 In Petty Sessions Division Jan 1852 |
Q/R/199 Feb 1852 In Petty Sessions Division Feb 1852 |
Q/R/200 Easter 1852 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1852 |
Q/R/201 Adjourned In Petty Sessions Divisions May 1852 |
Q/R/202 Midsummer 1852 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1852 |
Q/R/203 Michaelmas 1852 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1852 |
Q/R/204 Adjourned Nov In Petty Sessions Divisions 1852 Nov 1852 |
Q/R/205 Epiphany 1853 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1853 |
Q/R/206 Easter 1853 In Petty Session 1853 |
Q/R/207 Adjourned May 1853 In Petty Sessions Divisions May 1853 |
Q/R/208 Midsummer 1853 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1853 |
Q/R/209 Michaelmas 1853 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1853 |
Q/R/210 Adjourned Nov 1853 In Petty Sessions Division Nov 1853 |
Q/R/211 Epiphany 1854 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1854 |
Q/R/212 Easter 1854 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1854 |
Q/R/213 Adjourned May 1854 In Petty Sessions Divisions May 1854 |
Q/R/214 Midsummer 1854 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1854 |
Q/R/215 Michaelmas 1854 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1854 |
Q/R/216 Adjourned Nov 1854 In Petty Sessions Division Nov 1854 |
Q/R/217 Epiphany 1855 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1855 |
Q/R/218 Easter 1855 In Petty Sessions Division 1855 |
Q/R/219 Adjourned May 1855 In Petty Sessions Division May 1855 |
Q/R/220 Midsummer 1855 In Petty Sessions Division Jul 1855 |
Q/R/221 Michaelmas 1855 In Petty Sessions Division Sep 1855 |
Q/R/222 Adjourned Nov 1855 In Petty Sessions Divisions Nov 1855 |
Q/R/223 Epiphany 1856 In Petty Sessions Division Jan 1856 |
Q/R/224 Easter 1856 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1856 |
Q/R/225 Midsummer 1856 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1856 |
Q/R/226 Michaelmas 1856 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1856 |
Q/R/227 Epiphany 1857 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1857 |
Q/R/228 Easter 1857 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1857 |
Q/R/229 Midsummer 1857 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1857 |
Q/R/230 Michaelmas 1857 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1857 |
Q/R/231 Epiphany 1858 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1858 |
Q/R/232 Easter 1858 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1858 |
Q/R/233 Midsummer 1858 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1858 |
Q/R/234 Michaelmas 1858 In Petty Sessions Divisions Sep 1858 |
Q/R/235 Epiphany 1859 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jan 1859 |
Q/R/236 Easter 1859 In Petty Sessions Divisions 1859 |
Q/R/237 Easter 1859 Bedwellty Division Only 1859 |
Q/R/238 Midsummer 1859 In Petty Sessions Divisions Jul 1859 |
Q/R/239 Michaelmas 1859 In Petty Sessions Division Sep 1859 |
Q/R/240 Epiphany 1860 In Petty Sessions Division Jan 1860 |
Q/R/241 In Petty Sessions Division March 1860 |
Q/R/242 Midsummer 1860 In Petty Sessions Division Jul 1860 |
Q/R/243 Michaelmas 1860 In Petty Sessions Division Sep 1860 |
Q/R/244 Epiphany 1861 In Petty Sessions Division Jan 1861 |
Q/R/245 Easter 1861 In Petty Sessions Division 1861 |
Q/R/246 Midsummer 1861 In Petty Sessions Division Jul 1861 |
Q/R/247 Michaelmas 1861 Abergavenny In Petty Sessions Division Sep 1861 |
Q/R/248 Epiphany 1862 In Petty Sessions Division Jan 1862 |
Q/R/249 Easter 1862 In Petty Sessions Division 1862 |
Q/R/250 Midsummer 1862 In Petty Sessions Division Jul 1862 |
Q/R/251 Michaelmas 1862 In Petty Sessions Division Sep 1862 |
Q/R/252 Epiphany 1863 In Petty Sessions Division Jan 1863 |
Q/R/253 Easter 1863 In Petty Sessions Division 1863 |
Q/R/254 Midsummer 1863 In Petty Sessions Division Jul 1863 |
Q/R/255 Michaelmas 1863 In Petty Sessions Division Sep 1863 |
Q/R/256 Epiphany 1864 In Petty Session District Jan 1864 |
Q/R/257 Easter 1864 In Petty Session District 1864 |
Q/R/258 Midsummer 1864 In Petty Session District Jul 1864 |
Q/R/259 Michaelmas 1864 In Petty Session District Sep 1864 |
Q/R/260 Epiphany 1865 In Petty Session District Jan 1865 |
Q/R/261 Easter 1865 In Petty Session District 1865 |
Q/R/262 Midsummer 1865 In Petty Session District Jul 1865 |
Q/R/263 Michaelmas 1865 In Petty Session District Sep 1865 |
Q/R/264 Epiphany 1866 In Petty Session District Jan 1866 |
Q/R/265 Easter 1866 In Petty Session District 1866 |
Q/R/266 Midsummer 1866 In Petty Session District Jul 1866 |
Q/R/267 Midsummer 1866 In Petty Session District Jul 1866 |
Q/R/268 Michaelmas 1866 In Petty Session District Sep 1866 |
Q/R/269 Epiphany 1867 In Petty Session District Jan 1867 |
Q/R/270 Easter 1867 In Petty Session District 1867 |
Q/R/271 Michaelmas 1867 In Petty Session Division Sep 1867 |
Q/R/272 Epiphany 1868 In Petty Session Division Jan 1868 |
Q/R/273 Easter 1868 In Petty Session Division 1868 |
Q/R/274 Midsummer 1868 In Petty Session Division Jul 1868 |
Q/R/275 Michaelmas 1868 In Petty Session Division Sep 1868 |
Q/R/276 Epiphany 1869 In Petty Session Division Jan 1869 |
Q/R/277 Easter 1869 In Petty Session Division 1869 |
Q/R/278 Midsummer 1869 In Petty Session Division Jul 1869 |
Q/R/279 Michaelmas 1869 In Petty Session Division Sep 1869 |
Q/R/280 Epiphany 1870 In Petty Session Division Jan 1870 |
Q/R/281 Easter 1870 In Petty Session Division 1870 |
Q/R/282 Midsummer 1870 In Petty Session Division Jul 1870 |
Q/R/283 Michaelmas 1870 In Petty Session Division Sep 1870 |
Q/R/284 Epiphany 1871 In Petty Session Division Jan 1871 |
Q/R/285 Easter 1871 In Petty Session Division 1871 |
Q/R/286 Midsummer 1871 In Petty Session Division Jul 1871 |
Q/R/287 Michaelmas 1871 In Petty Session Division Sep 1871 |
Q/R/288 Epiphany 1872 In Petty Session Division Jan 1872 |
Q/R/289 Easter 1872 In Petty Session Division 1872 |
Q/R/290 Midsummer 1872 In Petty Session Division Jul 1872 |
Q/R/291 Michaelmas 1872 In Petty Session Division Sep 1872 |
Q/R/292 Epiphany 1873 In Petty Session Division Jan 1873 |
Q/R/293 Easter 1873 In Petty Session Division 1873 |
Q/R/294 Midsummer 1873 In Petty Session Division Jul 1873 |
Q/R/295 Michaelmas 1873 In Petty Session Division Sep 1873 |
Q/R/296 Epiphany 1874 In Petty Session Division Jan 1874 |
Q/R/297 Easter 1874 In Petty Session Division 1874 |
Q/R/298 Midsummer 1874 In Petty Session Division Jul 1874 |
Q/R/299 Michaelmas 1874 (I) Sep 1874 |
Q/R/300 Michaelmas 1874 (2) Sep 1874 |
Q/R/301 Epiphany 1874 Pontypool Division Only Jan 1874 |
Q/R/302 Easter 1874 Usk Division Only 1874 |
Q/R/303 Midsummer 1874 Usk Division Jul 1874 |
Q/R/304 Epiphany 1875 In Petty Session Division Jan 1875 |
Q/R/305 Easter 1875 In Petty Session Division 1875 |
Q/R/306 Midsummer 1875 Jul 1875 |
Q/R/307 Michaelmas 1875 In Petty Session Division Sep 1875 |
Q/R/308 Epiphany 1876 In Petty Session Division Jan 1876 |
Q/R/309 Easter 1876 In Petty Session Division 1876 |
Q/R/310 Midsummer 1876 In Petty Session Division Jul 1876 |
Q/R/311 Michaelmas 1876 Newport Division Only Sep 1876 |
Q/R/312 Michaelmas 1876 Pontypool Division Only Sep 1876 |
Q/R/313 Michaelmas 1876 Tredegar Division Only Sep 1876 |
Q/R/314 Epiphany 1877 In Petty Session Division Jan 1877 |
Q/R/315 Midsummer 1877 In Petty Session Division Jul 1877 |
Q/R/316 Michaelmas 1877 In Petty Session Division Sep 1877 |
Q/R/317 Epiphany 1878 Jan 1878 |
Q/R/318 Easter 1878 1878 |
Q/R/319 Midsummer 1878 Jul 1878 |
Q/R/320 Michaelmas 1878 Sep 1878 |
Q/R/321 Epiphany 1879 Jan 1879 |
Q/R/322 Easter 1879 1879 |
Q/R/323 Midsummer 1879 Jul 1879 |
Q/R/324 Michaelmas 1879 Sep 1879 |
Q/R/325 Epiphany 1880 Jan 1880 |
Q/R/326 Easter 1880 1880 |
Q/R/327 Midsummer 1880 Jul 1880 |
Q/R/328 Michaelmas 1880 Sep 1880 |
Q/R/329 Epiphany 1881 Jan 1881 |
Q/R/330 Easter 1887 1887 |
Q/R/331 Midsummer 1881 Jul 1881 |
Q/R/332 Michaelmas 1881 Sep 1881 |
Q/R/333 Epiphany 1882 Jan 1882 |
Q/R/334 Easter 1882 1882 |
Q/R/335 Midsummer 1882 Jul 1882 |
Q/R/336 Michaelmas 1882 Sep 1882 |
Q/R/337 Epiphany 1883 Jan 1883 |
Q/R/338 Easter 1883 1883 |
Q/R/339 Midsummer 1883 Jul 1883 |
Q/R/340 Michaelmas 1883 Sep 1883 |
Q/R/341 Epiphany 1884 Jan 1884 |
Q/R/342 Easter 1884 1884 |
Q/R/343 Midsummer 1884 Jul 1884 |
Q/R/344 Michaelmas 1884 Sep 1884 |
Q/R/345 Epiphany 1885 Jan 1885 |
Q/R/346 Easter 1885 1885 |
Q/R/347 Midsummer 1885 Jul 1885 |
Q/R/348 Michaelmas 1885 Sep 1885 |
Q/R/349 Epiphany 1886 Jan 1886 |
Q/R/350 Easter 1886 1886 |
Q/R/351 Midsummer 1886 Jul 1886 |
Q/R/352 Michaelmas 1886 Sep 1886 |
Q/R/353 Epiphany 1887 Jan 1887 |
Q/R/354 Easter 1887 1887 |
Q/R/355 Midsummer 1887 Jul 1887 |
Q/R/356 Michaelmas 1887 Sep 1887 |
Q/R/357 Epiphany 1888 Jan 1888 |
Q/R/358 Adjourned General Session Feb 1888 |
Q/R/359 Easter 1888 1888 |
Q/R/360 Midsummer 1888 Jul 1888 |
Q/R/361 Michaelmas 1888 Sep 1888 |
Q/R/362 Epiphany 1889 Jan 1889 |
Q/R/363 Adjourned Feb 1889 |
Q/R/364 Easter 1889 1889 |
Q/R/365 Midsummer 1889 Jul 1889 |
Q/R/366 Epiphany 1890 Jan 1890 |
Q/R/367 Midsummer 1890 Jul 1890 |
Q/R/368 Michaelmas 1890 Sep 1890 |
Q/R/369 Epiphany 1891 Jan 1891 |
Q/R/370 Easter 1891 1891 |
Q/R/371 Midsummer 1891 Jul 1891 |
Q/R/372 Michaelmas 1891 Sep 1891 |
Q/R/373 Epiphany 1892 Jan 1892 |
Q/R/374 Easter 1892 1892 |
Q/R/375 Midsummer 1892 Jul 1892 |
Q/R/376 Michaelmas 1892 Sep 1892 |
Q/R/377 Midsummer 1893 Jul 1893 |
Q/R/378 Michaelmas 1895 Sep 1895 |
Q/R/379 Epiphany 1894 Jan 1894 |
Q/R/380 Easter 1894 1894 |
Q/R/381 Midsummer 1894 Jul 1894 |
Q/R/382 Michaelmas 1894 Sep 1894 |
Q/R/383 Epiphany 1895 Jan 1895 |
Q/R/384 Easter 1895 1895 |
Q/R/385 Michaelmas 1895 Sep 1895 |
Q/R/386 Epiphany 1896 Jan 1896 |
Q/R/387 Easter 1896 1896 |
Q/R/388 Michaelmas 1896 Sep 1896 |
Q/R/389 Epiphany 1897 Jan 1897 |
Q/R/390 Easter 1897 1897 |
Q/R/391 Midsummer 1897 Jul 1897 |
Q/R/392 Michaelmas 1897 Sep 1897 |
Q/R/393 Epiphany 1898 Jan 1898 |
Q/R/394 Easter 1898 1898 |
Q/R/395 Midsummer 1898 Jul 1898 |
Q/R/396 Midsummer 1898 Jul 1898 |
Q/R/397 Easter 1899 1899 |
Q/R/398 Midsummer 1899 Jul 1899 |
Q/R/399 Michaelmas 1899 Sep 1899 |
Q/R/400 Epiphany 1900 Jan 1900 |
Q/R/401 Easter 1900 1900 |
Q/R/402 Midsummer 1900 Jul 1900 |
Q/R/403 Michaelmas 1900 Sep 1900 |
Q/R/404 Epiphany 1901 (1) Jan 1901 |
Q/R/405 Epiphany 1901 (2) Jan 1901 |
Q/R/406 Easter 1901 1901 |
Q/R/407 Midsummer 1901 Jul 1901 |
Q/R/408 Michaelmas 1901 Sep 1901 |
Q/R/409 Easter 1902 1902 |
Q/R/410 Midsummer 1902 Jul 1902 |
Q/R/411 Michaelmas 1902 Sep 1902 |
Q/R/412 Epiphany 1903 Jan 1903 |
Q/R/413 Easter 1903 1903 |
Q/R/414 Midsummer 1903 Jul 1903 |
Q/R/415 Michaelmas 1903 Sep 1903 |
Q/R/416 Epiphany 1904 Jan 1904 |
Q/R/417 Easter 1904 1904 |
Q/R/418 Midsummer 1904 Jul 1904 |
Q/R/419 Michaelmas 1904 Sep 1904 |
Q/R/420 Epiphany 1905 Jan 1905 |
Q/R/421 Easter 1905 1905 |
Q/R/422 Midsummer 1905 Jul 1905 |
Q/R/423 Michaelmas 1905 Sep 1905 |
Q/R/424 Epiphany 1906 Jan 1906 |
Q/R/425 Easter 1906 1906 |
Q/R/426 Midsummer 1906 Jul 1906 |
Q/R/427 Michaelmas 1906 Sep 1906 |
Q/R/428 Epiphany 1907 Jan 1907 |
Q/R/429 Easter 1907 1907 |
Q/R/430 Midsummer 1907 Jul 1907 |
Q/R/431 Michaelmas 1907 Sep 1907 |
Q/R/432 Epiphany 1908 Jan 1908 |
Q/R/433 Easter 1908 1908 |
Q/R/434 Midsummer 1908 Jul 1908 |
Q/R/435 Michaelmas 1908 Sep 1908 |
Q/R/436 Epiphany 1909 Jan 1909 |
Q/R/437 Easter 1909 1909 |
Q/R/438 Midsummer 1909 Jul 1909 |
Q/R/439 Michaelmas 1909 Sep 1909 |
Q/R/440 Epiphany 1910 Jan 1910 |
Q/R/441 Midsummer 1910 Jul 1910 |
Q/R/442 Michaelmas 1910 Sep 1910 |
Q/R/443 Epiphany 1911 Jan 1911 |
Q/R/444 Easter 1911 1911 |
Q/R/445 Midsummer 1911 Jul 1911 |
Q/R/446 Michaelmas 1911 Sep 1911 |
Q/R/447 Epiphany 1912 Jan 1912 |
Q/R/448 Easter 1912 1912 |
Q/R/449 Midsummer 1912 Jul 1912 |
Q/R/450 Michaelmas 1912 Sep 1912 |
Q/R/451 Epiphany 1913 Jan 1913 |
Q/R/452 Easter 1913 1913 |
Q/R/453 Midsummer 1913 Jul 1913 |
Q/R/454 Michaelmas 1913 Sep 1913 |
Q/R/455 Epiphany 1914 (1) Jan 1914 |
Q/R/456 Epiphany 1914 (2) Jan 1914 |
Q/R/457 Easter 1914 1914 |
Q/R/458 Midsummer 1914 Jul 1914 |
Q/R/459 Michaelmas 1914 Sep 1914 |
Q/R/460 Midsummer 1915 Jul 1915 |
Q/R/461 Michaelmas 1915 Sep 1915 |
Q/R/462 Epiphany 1916 Jan 1916 |
Q/R/463 Easter 1916 1916 |
Q/R/464 Midsummer 1916 Jul 1916 |
Q/R/465 Michaelmas 1916 Sep 1916 |
Q/R/466 Midsummer 1917 Jul 1917 |
Q/R/467 Michaelmas 1917 Sep 1917 |
Q/R/468 Epiphany 1918 Jan 1918 |
Q/R/469 Easter 1918 1918 |
Q/R/470 Midsummer 1918 Jul 1918 |
Q/R/471 Michaelmas 1918 Sep 1918 |
Q/R/472 Easter 1919 1919 |
Q/R/473 Midsummer 1919 Jul 1919 |
Q/R/474 Michaelmas 1919 Sep 1919 |
Q/R/475 Epiphany 1920 Jan 1920 |
Q/R/476 Easter 1920 1920 |
Q/R/477 Midsummer 1920 Jul 1920 |
Q/R/478 Michaelmas 1920 Sep 1920 |
Q/R/479 Epiphany 1921 Jan 1921 |
Q/R/480 Easter 1921 1921 |
Q/R/481 Midsummer 1921 Jul 1921 |
Q/R/482 Michaelmas 1921 Sep 1921 |
Q/R/483 Epiphany 1922 Jan 1922 |
Q/R/484 Easter 1922 1922 |
Q/R/485 Michaelmas 1922 Sep 1922 |
Q/R/486 Epiphany 1923 Jan 1923 |
Q/R/487 Easter 1923 1923 |
Q/R/488 Michaelmas 1923 Sep 1923 |
Q/R/489 Epiphany 1924 Jan 1924 |
Q/R/490 Easter 1924 1924 |
Q/R/491 Midsummer 1924 Jul 1924 |
Q/R/492 Michaelmas 1924 Sep 1924 |
Q/R/493 Epiphany 1925 Jan 1925 |
Q/R/494 Easter 1925 1925 |
Q/R/495 Midsummer 1925 Jul 1925 |
Q/R/496 Michaelmas 1925 Sep 1925 |
Q/R/497 Epiphany 1926 Jan 1926 |
Q/R/498 Easter 1926 1926 |
Q/R/499 Midsummer 1926 Jul 1926 |
Q/R/500 Adjourned Midsummer Aug 1926 |
Q/R/501 Michaelmas 1926 Sep 1926 |
Q/R/502 Adjourned Michaelmas Dec 1926 |
Q/R/503 Epiphany 1927 Jan 1927 |
Q/R/504 Adjourned Epiphany Feb 1927 |
Q/R/505 Easter 1927 1927 |
Q/R/506 Adjourned Easter May 1927 |
Q/R/507 Midsummer 1927 Jul 1927 |
Q/R/508 Adjourned Midsummer Jul 1927 |
Q/R/509 Adjourned Midsummer Aug 1927 |
Q/R/510 Michaelmas 1927 Sep 1927 |
Q/R/511 Adjourned Michaelmas 1927 Nov 1927 |
Q/R/512 Epiphany 1928 Jan 1928 |
Q/R/513 Adjourned Epiphany 1928 Feb 1928 |
Q/R/514 Easter 1928 1928 |
Q/R/515 Adjourned Easter 1928 May |
Q/R/516 Adjourned Midsummer 1928 Aug 1928 |
Q/R/517 Michaelmas 1928 Sep 1928 |
Q/R/518 Adjourned Michaelmas Nov 1928 |
Q/R/519 Epiphany 1929 Jan 1929 |
Q/R/520 Adjourned Epiphany 1929 Feb 1929 |
Q/R/521 Easter 1929 1929 |
Q/R/522 Michaelmas 1929 Sep 1929 |
Q/R/523 Midsummer 1930 Jul 1930 |
Q/R/524 Michaelmas 1930 Sep 1930 |
Q/R/525 Epiphany 1931 Jan 1931 |
Q/R/526 Easter 1931 1931 |
Q/R/527 Michaelmas 1931 Sep 1931 |
Q/R/528 Epiphany 1932 Jan 1932 |
Q/R/529 Easter 1932 1932 |
Q/R/530 Midsummer 1932 Jul 1932 |
Q/R/531 Michaelmas 1932 Sep 1932 |
Q/R/532 Epiphany 1933 Jan 1933 |
Q/R/533 Easter 1933 1933 |
Q/R/534 Michaelmas 1933 Sep 1933 |
Q/R/535 Epiphany 1934 Jan 1934 |
Q/R/536 Easter 1934 1934 |
Q/R/537 Midsummer 1934 Jul 1934 |
Q/R/538 Michaelmas 1934 Sep 1934 |
Q/R/540 Epiphany 1935 Jan 1935 |
Q/R/541 Epiphany 1936 Jan 1936 |
Q/R/542 Midsummer 1867 (1) Various Divisions Jul 1867 |
Q/R/543 Midsummer 1867 (2) Various Divisions (Newport, Pontypool & Abergavenny) Jul 1867 |
Q/R/544 Michaelmas 1889 Sep 1889 |
Q/R/545 Epiphany 1893 Jan 1893 |
Q/R/546 Easter 1893 1893 |
Q/R/547 Midsummer 1896 (Found in Sessions Process 1896) Jul 1896 |
Q/R/548 Epiphany 1904 Jan 1904 |
Q/R/549 Approx 3 Items 1856-1890 |
Quarter Sessions Lists of Recognizances |
Q/LR/1 With Sessions Estreat Process Oct 1840-Oct 1847. Jun 1837-Epiphany 1844 Oct 1840-Oct 1847. Jun 1837-Jan 1844 |
Q/IP/432 MidsummerS 1881 |
Q/LR/2 Midsummer 1848-Dec 1850 Jul 1848-Dec 1850 |
Q/LR/3 Misc 1848-1874 |
Q/LR/4 Adjourned November 1851-1853 |
Q/LR/5 Epiphany 1854-November Adjourned Session 1854 Jan 1854-Nov 1854 |
Q/LR/6 Adjourned Epiphany November 1855 Nov 1855 |
Q/LR/7 Epiphany to Michaelmas 1856 Jan - Sep 1856 |
Q/LR/8 Epiphany 1857-Midsummer 1859 (Incomplete) Jan 1857-Jul 1859 |
Q/LR/9 Epiphany 1858-Michaelmas 1858 (2 Items) Jan 1858-Sep 1858 |
Q/LR/10 Epiphany 1860-Michaelmas 1860 Jan 1860-Sep 1860 |
Q/LR/11 Epiphany 1861-Michaelmas 1861 Jan 1861-Sep 1861 |
Q/LR/12 Epiphany 1862-Michaelmas 1862 Jan 1862-Sep 1862 |
Q/LR/13 Epiphany 1863-Michaelmas 1863 Jan 1863-Sep 1863 |
Q/LR/15 Epiphany 1865-Michaelmas 1865 Jan 1865-Sep 1865 |
Q/LR/14 Epiphany 1864-Michaelmas 1864 Jan 1864-Sep 1864 |
Q/LR/16 Epiphany 1866-Michaelmas 1866 Jan 1866-Sep 1866 |
Q/LR/17 Epiphany 1867-Michaelmas 1867 Jan 1867-Sep 1867 |
Q/LR/18 Epiphany to Midsummer 1868 Jan -Jul 1868 |
Presentments |
Indictments and Presentments |
Q/IP/1 Epiphany 1780 |
Q/IP/2 Midsummer 1780 |
Q/IP/3 Miscellaneous 1780-1789 |
Q/IP/4 Epiphany 1781 |
Q/IP/5 Easter 1781 |
Q/IP/6 Midsummer 1781 |
Q/IP/7 Miscellaneous 1781-1789 |
Q/IP/8 Epiphany 1782 |
Q/IP/9 Epiphany 1782 |
Q/IP/10 Easter 1782 |
Q/IP/11 Midsummer 1782 |
Q/IP/12 Midsummer 1783 |
Q/IP/13 Midsummer 1783 |
Q/IP/14 Miscellaneous 1783-1789 |
Q/IP/15 Epiphany 1784 |
Q/IP/16 Easter 1784 |
Q/IP/17 Miscellaneous 1784-1799 |
Q/IP/18 Epiphany 1785 |
Q/IP/19 Easter 1785 |
Q/IP/20 Midsummer 1785 |
Q/IP/21 Midsummer 1785 |
Q/IP/22 Easter 1786 |
Q/IP/23 Midsummer 1786 |
Q/IP/24 Midsummer 1786 |
Q/IP/25 Midsummer 1787 |
Q/IP/26 Epiphany 1788 |
Q/IP/27 Easter 1788 |
Q/IP/28 Midsummer 1788 |
Q/IP/29 Midsummer 1788 |
Q/IP/30 Epiphany 1789 |
Q/IP/31 Midsummer 1789 |
Q/IP/32 1789 |
Q/IP/33 Midsummer 1789 |
Q/IP/34 Easter 1790 |
Q/IP/35 Midsummer 1790 |
Q/IP/36 Midsummer 1790 |
Q/IP/37 Miscellaneous 1790-1796 |
Q/IP/38 Miscellaneous 1790-1797 |
Q/IP/39 Miscellaneous 1790-1802 |
Q/IP/40 Epiphany 1791 |
Q/IP/41 Easter 1791 |
Q/IP/42 Midsummer 1791 |
Q/IP/43 Midsummer 1791 |
Q/IP/44 Midsummer 1791 |
Q/IP/45 Epiphany 1792 |
Q/IP/46 Easter 1792 |
Q/IP/47 Midsummer 1792 |
Q/IP/48 Midsummer 1792 |
Q/IP/49 Epiphany 1793 |
Q/IP/50 Epiphany 1794 |
Q/IP/51 Midsummer 1794 |
Q/IP/52 Midsummer 1794 |
Q/IP/53 Epiphany 1795 |
Q/IP/54 Easter 1795 |
Q/IP/55 Midsummer 1795 |
Q/IP/56 Midsummer 1795 |
Q/IP/57 Epiphany 1796 |
Q/IP/58 Easter 1796 |
Q/IP/59 Midsummer 1796 |
Q/IP/60 Midsummer 1796 |
Q/IP/61 Midsummer 1797 |
Q/IP/62 Midsummer 1797 |
Q/IP/63 Easter 1798 |
Q/IP/64 Easter 1798 |
Q/IP/65 Midsummer 1798 |
Q/IP/66 Midsummer 1798 |
Q/IP/67 Easter 1799 |
Q/IP/68 Epiphany 1802 |
Q/IP/69 Easter 1802 |
Q/IP/70 Midsummer 1802 |
Q/IP/71 Midsummer 1802 |
Q/IP/72 Midsummer 1802 |
Q/IP/73 Epiphany 1803 |
Q/IP/74 Easter 1803 |
Q/IP/75 Midsummer 1803 |
Q/IP/76 Midsummer 1803 |
Q/IP/77 Midsummer 1803 |
Q/IP/78 Epiphany 1804 |
Q/IP/79 Easter 1804 |
Q/IP/80 Midsummer 1804 |
Q/IP/81 Midsummer 1804 |
Q/IP/82 Miscellaneous 1804-1837 |
Q/IP/83 Epiphany 1806 |
Q/IP/84 Midsummer 1806 |
Q/IP/85 Epiphany 1807 |
Q/IP/86 Epiphany 1807 |
Q/IP/87 Easter 1807 |
Q/IP/88 Midsummer 1807 |
Q/IP/89 Midsummer 1807 |
Q/IP/90 Midsummer 1807 |
Q/IP/91 Epiphany 1808 |
Q/IP/92 Epiphany 1808 |
Q/IP/93 Easter 1808 |
Q/IP/94 Easter 1808 |
Q/IP/95 Midsummer 1808 |
Q/IP/96 Midsummer 1808 |
Q/IP/97 Midsummer 1808 |
Q/IP/98 Epiphany 1809 |
Q/IP/99 Epiphany 1809 |
Q/IP/100 Easter 1809 |
Q/IP/101 Midsummer 1809 |
Q/IP/102 Midsummer 1809 |
Q/IP/103 Epiphany 1810 |
Q/IP/104 Epiphany 1810 |
Q/IP/105 Easter 1810 |
Q/IP/106 Easter 1810 |
Q/IP/107 Midsummer 1810 |
Q/IP/108 Midsummer 1810 |
Q/IP/109 Easter 1811 |
Q/IP/110 Midsummer 1811 |
Q/IP/111 Midsummer 1811 |
Q/IP/112 Midsummer 1811 |
Q/IP/113 Epiphany 1812 |
Q/IP/114 Easter 1812 |
Q/IP/115 Midsummer 1812 |
Q/IP/116 Midsummer 1812 |
Q/IP/117 Epiphany 1813 |
Q/IP/118 Midsummer 1813 |
Q/IP/119 Midsummer 1813 |
Q/IP/120 Epiphany 1814 |
Q/IP/121 Epiphany 1814 |
Q/IP/122 Easter 1814 |
Q/IP/123 Easter 1814 |
Q/IP/124 Midsummer 1814 |
Q/IP/125 Midsummer 1814 |
Q/IP/126 Midsummer 1814 |
Q/IP/127 Midsummer 1814 |
Q/IP/128 Epiphany 1815 |
Q/IP/129 Easter 1815 |
Q/IP/130 Easter 1815 |
Q/IP/131 Midsummer 1815 |
Q/IP/132 Midsummer 1815 |
Q/IP/133 Epiphany 1816 |
Q/IP/134 Easter 1816 |
Q/IP/135 Midsummer 1816 |
Q/IP/136 Midsummer 1816 |
Q/IP/137 Epiphany 1817 |
Q/IP/138 Epiphany 1817 |
Q/IP/139 Epiphany 1817 |
Q/IP/140 Easter 1817 |
Q/IP/141 Midsummer 1817 |
Q/IP/142 Midsummer 1817 |
Q/IP/143 Midsummer 1817 |
Q/IP/144 Midsummer 1817 |
Q/IP/145 Epiphany 1818 |
Q/IP/146 Easter 1818 |
Q/IP/147 Midsummer 1818 |
Q/IP/148 Midsummer 1818 |
Q/IP/149 Midsummer 1818 |
Q/IP/150 Epiphany 1819 |
Q/IP/151 Easter 1819 |
Q/IP/152 Midsummer 1819 |
Q/IP/153 Midsummer 1819 |
Q/IP/154 Epiphany 1820 |
Q/IP/155 Easter 1820 |
Q/IP/156 Midsummer 1820 |
Q/IP/157 Midsummer 1820 |
Q/IP/158 Midsummer 1820 |
Q/IP/159 Epiphany 1821 |
Q/IP/160 Epiphany 1821 |
Q/IP/161 Midsummer 1821 |
Q/IP/162 Easter 1822 |
Q/IP/163 Midsummer 1822 |
Q/IP/164 Midsummer 1822 |
Q/IP/165 Midsummer 1820 |
Q/IP/166 Midsummer 1822 |
Q/IP/167 Epiphany 1823 |
Q/IP/168 Easter 1823 |
Q/IP/169 Midsummer 1823 |
Q/IP/170 Midsummer 1823 |
Q/IP/171 Midsummer 1823 |
Q/IP/172 Midsummer 1823 |
Q/IP/173 Easter 1823 |
Q/IP/174 Epiphany 1824 |
Q/IP/175 Easter 1824 |
Q/IP/176 Easter 1824 |
Q/IP/177 Midsummer 1824 |
Q/IP/178 Midsummer 1824 |
Q/IP/179 Midsummer 1824 |
Q/IP/180 Epiphany 1825 |
Q/IP/181 Easter 1825 |
Q/IP/182 Easter 1825 |
Q/IP/183 Midsummer 1825 |
Q/IP/184 Midsummer 1825 |
Q/IP/185 Easter 1820 |
Q/IP/186 Epiphany 1826 |
Q/IP/187 Epiphany 1826 |
Q/IP/188 Easter 1826 |
Q/IP/189 Easter 1826 |
Q/IP/190 Midsummer 1826 |
Q/IP/191 Midsummer 1826 |
Q/IP/192 Midsummer 1826 |
Q/IP/193 Michaelmas 1826 |
Q/IP/194 Epiphany 1827 |
Q/IP/195 Easter 1827 |
Q/IP/196 Easter 1827 |
Q/IP/197 Midsummer 1827 |
Q/IP/198 Michaelmas 1827 |
Q/IP/199 Michaelmas 1827 |
Q/IP/200 Epiphany 1828 |
Q/IP/201 Epiphany 1828 |
Q/IP/202 Easter 1828 |
Q/IP/203 Easter 1828 |
Q/IP/204 Midsummer 1828 |
Q/IP/205 Michaelmas 1828 |
Q/IP/206 Michaelmas 1828 |
Q/IP/207 Easter 1818 |
Q/IP/208 Epiphany 1829 |
Q/IP/209 Epiphany 1829 |
Q/IP/210 Epiphany 1829 |
Q/IP/211 Easter 1829 |
Q/IP/212 Easter 1829 |
Q/IP/213 Easter 1829 |
Q/IP/214 Midsummer 1829 |
Q/IP/215 Michaelmas 1829 |
Q/IP/216 Michaelmas 1829 |
Q/IP/217 Epiphany 1830 |
Q/IP/218 Easter 1830 |
Q/IP/219 Midsummer 1830 |
Q/IP/220 Michaelmas 1830 |
Q/IP/221 Epiphany 1831 |
Q/IP/222 Easter 1831 |
Q/IP/223 Midsummer 1831 |
Q/IP/224 Michaelmas 1831 |
Q/IP/225 Epiphany 1832 |
Q/IP/226 Easter 1832 |
Q/IP/227 Midsummer 1832 |
Q/IP/228 Midsummer 1832 |
Q/IP/229 Michaelmas 1832 |
Q/IP/230 Epiphany 1832-1833 |
Q/IP/231 Easter 1833 |
Q/IP/232 Midsummer 1833 |
Q/IP/233 Michaelmas 1833 |
Q/IP/234 Dec 1833 |
Q/IP/235 Epiphany 1834 |
Q/IP/236 Midsummer 1834 |
Q/IP/237 Michaelmas 1834 |
Q/IP/238 Epiphany 1835 |
Q/IP/239 Easter 1835 |
Q/IP/240 Midsummer 1835 |
Q/IP/241 Michaelmas 1835 |
Q/IP/242 Epiphany 1836 |
Q/IP/243 Epiphany 1836 |
Q/IP/244 Midsummer 1836 |
Q/IP/245 Michaelmas 1836 |
Q/IP/246 Epiphany 1837 |
Q/IP/247 Easter 1837 |
Q/IP/248 Midsummer 1837 |
Q/IP/249 Michaelmas 1837 |
Q/IP/250 Epiphany 1838 |
Q/IP/251 Easter 1838 |
Q/IP/252 Midsummer 1838 |
Q/IP/253 Michaelmas 1838 |
Q/IP/254 Michaelmas 1838 |
Q/IP/255 Dec 1838 |
Q/IP/256 Easter 1839 |
Q/IP/257 Midsummer 1839 |
Q/IP/258 Michaelmas 1839 |
Q/IP/259 Epiphany 1840 |
Q/IP/260 Easter 1840 |
Q/IP/261 Midsummer 1840 |
Q/IP/262 Michaelmas 1840 |
Q/IP/263 Epiphany 1841 |
Q/IP/264 Easter 1841 |
Q/IP/265 Midsummer 1841 |
Q/IP/266 Michaelmas 1841 |
Q/IP/267 Epiphany 1842 |
Q/IP/268 Easter 1842 |
Q/IP/269 Midsummer 1842 |
Q/IP/270 Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/IP/271 Epiphany 1843 |
Q/IP/272 Midsummer 1843 |
Q/IP/273 Michaelmas 1843 |
Q/IP/274 Epiphany 1844 |
Q/IP/275 Easter 1844 |
Q/IP/276 Midsummer 1844 |
Q/IP/277 Michaelmas 1844 |
Q/IP/278 Epiphany 1845 |
Q/IP/279 Easter 1845 |
Q/IP/280 Midsummer 1845 |
Q/IP/281 Michaelmas 1845 |
Q/IP/282 Epiphany 1846 |
Q/IP/283 Easter 1846 |
Q/IP/284 Midsummer 1846 |
Q/IP/285 Indictments 1846 |
Q/IP/286 Epiphany 1847 |
Q/IP/0287 Easter 1847 |
Q/IP/288 Midsummer 1847 |
Q/IP/289 Midsummer 1847 |
Q/IP/290 Epiphany 1847 |
Q/IP/291 Easter 1848 |
Q/IP/292 Midsummer 1848 |
Q/IP/293 Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/IP/291 Epiphany 1849 |
Q/IP/295 Easter 1849 |
Q/IP/296 Midsummer 1849 |
Q/IP/297 Michaelmas 1849 |
Q/IP/298 Epiphany |
Q/IP/299 Easter 1850 |
Q/IP/300 Midsummer 1850 |
Q/IP/301 Michaelmas 1850 |
Q/IP/302 Dec 1850-Jan1851 |
Q/IP/303 Easter 1851 |
Q/IP/304 Easter 1851-Easter 1890 |
Q/IP/305 Midsummer 1851 |
Q/IP/306 Michaelmas 1851 |
Q/IP/307 Dec 1851-Jan 1852 |
Adjourned 24 Feb 1852 |
Q/IP/309 Easter 1852 |
Q/IP/310 Adjourned 1852 |
Q/IP/311 Midsummer 1852 |
Q/IP/312 Michaelmas 1852 |
Q/IP/313 Adjourned 1852 |
Q/IP/1853 Epiphany |
Q/IP/315 Easter 1853 |
Q/IP/316 Adjourned 1853 |
Q/IP/317 Midsummer 1853 |
Q/IP/318 Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/IP/319 Adjourned 19 Nov 1853 |
Q/IP/320 Epiphany 1854 |
Q/IP/321 Easter 1854 |
Q/IP/322 Adjourned 9 May 1854 |
Q/IP/323 Midsummer 1854 |
Q/IP/324 Michaelmas 1854 |
Q/IP/325 Adjourned 28 Nov 1854 |
Q/IP/326 Epiphany 1855 |
Q/IP/327 Easter 1855 |
Q/IP/328 Adjourned May 1855 |
Q/IP/329 Midsummer 1855 |
Q/IP/330 Michaelmas 1855 |
Q/IP/331 Adjourned Nov 1855 |
Q/IP/332 Epiphany 1856 |
Q/IP/333 Easter 1856 |
Q/IP/334 Midsummer 1856 |
Q/IP/335 Michaelmas 1856 |
Q/IP/336 Epiphany 1857 |
Q/IP/337 Easter 1857 |
Q/IP/338 Midsummer 1857 |
Q/IP/339 Michaelmas 1857 |
Q/IP/340 Epiphany 1858 |
Q/IP/341 Easter 1858 |
Q/IP/342 Midsummer 1858 |
Q/IP/1858 Michaelmas 1858 |
Q/IP/344 Epiphany 1859 |
Q/IP/345 Easter 1859 |
Q/IP/346 Midsummer 1859 |
Q/IP/347 Michaelmas 1859 |
Q/IP/348 Epiphany 1860 |
Q/IP/349 Easter 1860 |
Q/IP/350 Midsummer 1860 |
Q/IP/351 Michaelmas 1860 |
Q/IP/352 Epiphany 1861 |
Q/IP/353 Easter 1861 |
Q/IP/354 Midsummer 1861 |
Q/IP/355 Michaelmas 1861 |
Q/IP/356 Epiphany 1862 |
Q/IP/357 Easter 1862 |
Q/IP/358 Midsummer 1862 |
Q/IP/359 Michaelmas 1862 |
Q/IP/360 Epiphany 1863 |
Q/IP/361 Easter 1863 |
Q/IP/362 Midsummer 1863 |
Q/IP/363 Michaelmas 1863 |
Q/IP/364 Epiphany 1864 |
Q/IP/365 Easter 1864 |
Q/IP/366 Midsummer 1864 |
Q/IP/367 Michaelmas 1864 |
Q/IP/368 Epiphany 1865 |
Q/IP/369 Easter 1865 |
Q/IP/370 Midsummer 1865 |
Q/IP/371 Michaelmas 1865 |
Q/IP/372 Epiphany 1866 |
Q/IP/373 Easter 1866 |
Q/IP/374 Midsummer 1866 |
Q/IP/375 Michaelmas 1866 |
Q/IP/376 Epiphany 1867 |
Q/IP/377 Easter 1867 |
Q/IP/378 Midsummer 1867 |
Q/IP/379 Michaelmas 1867 |
Q/IP/380 Epiphany 1868 |
Q/IP/381 Easter 1868 |
Q/IP/382 Midsummer 1868 |
Q/IP/383 Michaelmas 1868 |
Q/IP/384 Epiphany 1869 |
Q/IP/385 Easter 1869 |
Q/IP/386 Midsummer 1869 |
Q/IP/387 Michaelmas 1869 |
Q/IP/388 Epiphany 1870 |
Q/IP/389 Easter 1870 |
Q/IP/390 Midsummer 1870 |
Q/IP/391 Michaelmas 1870 |
Q/IP/392 Epiphany 1871 |
Q/IP/393 Easter 1871 |
Q/IP/394 Midsummer 1871 |
Q/IP/395 Michaelmas 1871 |
Q/IP/396 Epiphany 1872 |
Q/IP/397 Easter 1872 |
Q/IP/398 Midsummer 1872 |
Q/IP/399 Michaelmas 1872 |
Q/IP/400 Epiphany 1873 |
Q/IP/401 Easter 1873 |
Q/IP/402 Midsummer 1873 |
Q/IP/403 Michaelmas 1873 |
Q/IP/404 Epiphany 1874 |
Q/IP/405 Easter 1874 |
Q/IP/406 Midsummer 1874 |
Q/IP/407 Michaelmas 1874 |
Q/IP/408 Epiphany 1875 |
Q/IP/409 Easter 1875 |
Q/IP/410 Midsummer 1875 |
Q/IP/411 Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/IP/412 Epiphany 1876 |
Easter 1876 |
Q/IP/414 Midsummer 1876 |
Q/IP/415 Michaelmas 1876 |
Q/IP/416 Epiphany 1877 |
Q/IP/417 Easter 1877 |
Q/IP/418 Midsummer 1877 |
Q/IP/419 Michaelmas 1877 |
Q/IP/420 Epiphany 1878 |
Q/IP/421 Easter 1878 |
Q/IP/422 Midsummer 1878 |
Q/IP/423 Michaelmas 1878 |
424 Epiphany 1879 |
425 Easter 1879 |
Q/IP/426 Midsummer 1879 |
Q/IP/427 Michaelmas 1879 |
Q/IP/428 Epiphany 1880 |
Q/IP/429 Easter 1880 |
Q/IP/430 Midsummer 1880 |
Q/IP/431 Michaelmas 1880 |
Q/IP/432 Midsummer 1881 |
Q/IP/433 Michaelmas 1881 |
Q/IP/434 Epiphany 1882 |
Q/IP/435 Easter 1882 |
Q/IP/436 Midsummer 1882 |
Q/IP/437 Michaelmas 1882 |
Q/IP/438 Epiphany 1883 |
Q/IP/439 Easter 1883 |
Q/IP/440 Midsummer 1883 |
Q/IP/441 Michaelmas 1883 |
Q/IP/442 Epiphany 1884 |
Q/IP/443 Easter 1884 |
Q/IP/444 Midsummer 1884 |
Q/IP/445 Michaelmas 1884 |
Q/IP/446 Epiphany 1885 |
Q/IP/447 Easter 1885 |
Q/IP/448 Midsummer 1885 |
Q/IP/449 Michaelmas 1885 |
Q/IP/450 Epiphany 1886 |
Q/IP/451 Easter 1886 |
Q/IP/452 Midsummer 1886 |
Q/IP/453 Michaelmas 1886 |
Q/IP/454 Epiphany 1887 |
Q/IP/455 Easter 1887 |
Q/IP/456 Midsummer 1887 |
Q/IP/457 Michaelmas 1887 |
Q/IP/458 Epiphany 1888 |
459 General Sessions 22 Feb 1888 |
Q/IP/460 Easter 1888 |
Q/IP/461 Midsummer 1888 |
Q/IP/463 Epiphany 1889 |
Q/IP/464 Adjourned 26 Feb 1889 |
Q/IP/465 Easter 1889 |
Q/IP/466 Midsummer 1889 |
Q/IP/467 Michaelmas 1889 |
Q/IP/468 Epiphany 1890 |
Q/IP/469 Midsummer 1890 |
Q/IP/470 Michaelmas 1890 |
Q/IP/471 Epiphany 1891 |
Q/IP/472 Easter 1891 |
Q/IP/473 Midsummer 1891 |
Q/IP/474 Michaelmas 1891 |
Q/IP/475 Epiphany 1892 |
Q/IP/476 Easter 1892 |
Q/IP/477 Midsummer 1892 |
Q/IP/478 Michaelmas 1892 |
Q/IP/479 Epiphany 1893 |
Q/IP/480 Easter 1893 |
Q/IP/481 Midsummer 1893 |
Q/IP/482 Michaelmas 1894 |
Q/IP/483 Epiphany 1894 |
Q/IP/484 Easter 1894 |
Q/IP/485 Midsummer 1894 |
Q/IP/480 Michaelmas 1894 |
Q/IP/487 Epiphany 1895 |
Q/IP/488 Easter 1895 |
Q/IP/489 Michaelmas 1895 |
Q/IP/490 Epiphany 1896 |
Q/IP/491 Easter 1896 |
Q/IP/492 Midsummer 1896 |
Q/IP/493 Michaelmas 1896 |
Q/IP/494 Epiphany 1897 |
Q/IP/495 Easter 1897 |
Q/IP/496 Midsummer 1897 |
Q/IP/497 Michaelmas 1897 |
Q/IP/498 Epiphany 1898 |
Q/IP/499 Easter 1898 |
Q/IP/500 Midsummer 1898 |
Q/IP/501 Michaelmas 1898 |
Q/IP/502 Easter 1899 |
Q/IP/503 Midsummer 1899 |
Q/IP/504 Michaelmas 1899 |
Q/IP/505 Epiphany 1900 |
Q/IP/506 Easter 1900 |
Q/IP/507 Midsummer 1900 |
Q/IP/508 Michaelmas 1900 |
Q/IP/509 Epiphany 1901 |
Q/IP/510 Easter 1901 |
Q/IP/511 Midsummer 1901 |
Q/IP/512 Michaelmas 1901 |
Q/IP/513 Epiphany 1902 |
Q/IP/514 Easter 1902 |
Q/IP/515 Midsummer 1902 |
Q/IP/516 Michaelmas 1902 |
Q/IP/517 Epiphany 1903 |
Q/IP/518 Easter 1903 |
Q/IP/519 Midsummer 1903 |
Q/IP/520 Michaelmas 1903 |
Q/IP/521 Epiphany 1904 |
Q/IP/522 Easter 1904 |
Q/IP/523 Midsummer 1904 |
Q/IP/524 Michaelmas 1904 |
Q/IP/525 Epiphany 1905 |
Q/IP/526 Easter 1905 |
Q/IP/527 Midsummer 1905 |
Q/IP/528 Michaelmas 1905 |
Q/IP/529 Epiphany 1906 |
Q/IP/530 Easter 1906 |
Q/IP/531 Midsummer 1906 |
Q/IP/532 Michaelmas 1906 |
Q/IP/533 Epiphany 1907 |
Q/IP/534 Easter 1907 |
Q/IP/535 Midsummer 1907 |
Q/IP/536 Michaelmas 1907 |
Q/IP/537 Epiphany 1908 |
Q/IP/538 Easter 1908 |
Q/IP/539 Midsummer 1908 |
Q/IP/540 Michaelmas 1908 |
Q/IP/541 Epiphany 1909 |
Q/IP/542 Easter 1909 |
Q/IP/543 Midsummer 1909 |
Q/IP/544 Michaelmas 1909 |
Q/IP/545 Epiphany 1910 |
Q/IP/546 Midsummer 1910 |
Q/IP/547 Michaelmas 1910 |
Q/IP/548 Epiphany 1911 |
Q/IP/549 Easter 1911 |
Q/IP/550 Midsummer 1911 |
Q/IP/551 Michaelmas 1911 |
Q/IP/552 Epiphany 1912 |
Q/IP/553 Easter 1912 |
Q/IP/554 Midsummer 1912 |
Q/IP/555 Michaelmas 1912 |
Q/IP/556 Epiphany 1913 |
Q/IP/557 Easter 1913 |
Q/IP/558 Midsummer 1913 |
Q/IP/559 Michaelmas 1913 |
Q/IP/560 Epiphany 1914 |
Q/IP/561 Easter 1914 |
Q/IP/562 Midsummer 1914 |
Q/IP/563 Michaelmas 1914 |
Q/IP/564 Epiphany 1915 |
Q/IP/565 Midsummer 1915 |
Q/IP/566 Michaelmas 1915 |
Q/IP/569 Midsummer 1916 |
Q/IP/568 Easter 1916 |
Q/IP/567 Epiphany 1916 |
Q/IP/570 Michaelmas 1916 |
Q/IP/571 Midsummer 1917 |
Q/IP/572 Michaelmas 1917 |
Q/IP/573 Epiphany 1918 |
Q/IP/574 Easter 1918 |
Q/IP/575 Midsummer 1918 |
Q/IP/576 Michaelmas 1918 |
Q/IP/577 Easter 1919 |
Q/IP/578 Midsummer 1919 |
Q/IP/579 Michaelmas 1919 |
Q/IP/580 Epiphany 1920 |
Q/IP/581 Easter 1920 |
Q/IP/583 Midsummer 1920 |
Q/IP/583 Michaelmas 1920 |
Q/IP/584 Epiphany 1921 |
Q/IP/585 Easter 1921 |
Q/IP/586 Midsummer 1921 |
Q/IP/587 Michaelmas 1921 |
Q/IP/588 Epiphany 1922 |
Q/IP/589 Easter 1922 |
Q/IP/590 Michaelmas 1922 |
Q/IP/591 Epiphany 1923 |
Q/IP/592 Easter 1923 |
Q/IP/593 Michaelmas 1923 |
Q/IP/594 Epiphany 1924 |
Q/IP/595 Easter 1924 |
Q/IP/596 Midsummer 1924 |
Q/IP/597 Michaelmas 1924 |
Q/IP/598 Epiphany 1925 |
Q/IP/599 Easter 1925 |
Q/IP/600 Midsummer 1925 |
Q/IP/601 Michaelmas 1925 |
Q/IP/602 Epiphany 1926 |
Q/IP/603 Easter 1926 |
Q/IP/604 Midsummer 1926 |
605 Adjourned 11 Aug 1926 |
Q/IP/606 Michaelmas 1926 |
Q/IP/607 Adjourned Michaelmas 1 Dec 1926 |
Q/IP/608 Epiphany 1927 |
Adjourned Epiphany Feb 1927 |
Q/IP/610 Easter 1927 |
Q/IP/611 Adjourned Easter 18 May 1927 |
Q/IP/612 Midsummer 1927 |
Q/IP/613 Michaelmas 1927 |
Q/IP/614 Adjourned Michaelmas 23 Nov 1927 |
Adjourned MS 3 Aug 1927 |
Q/IP/1928 Epiphany 1928 |
Q/IP/617 Adjourned Epiphany 23 Feb 1928 |
Q/IP/618 Easter 1928 |
Q/IP/619 Adjourned Easter 23 May 1928 |
Q/IP/620 Adjourned Midsummer 1 Aug 1928 |
Q/IP/621 Michaelmas 1928 |
Q/IP/622 Adjourned Michaelmas 21 Nov 1928 |
Q/IP/623 Epiphany 1929 |
Q/IP/624 Adjourned Epiphany 6 Feb 1929 |
Q/IP/625 Easter 1929 |
Q/IP/626 Midsummer 1929 |
Q/IP/627 Michaelmas 1929 |
Q/IP/628 Epiphany Easter Sessions 1806 |
Q/IP/629 Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1930 |
Q/IP/630 Epiphany Easter & Michaelmas 1931 |
Q/IP/631 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1932 |
Q/IP/632 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1933 |
Q/IP/633 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1934 |
Q/IP/634 Epiphany Easter Midsummer, Adjourned MS & Michaelmas 1935 |
Q/IP/635 Epiphany Easter Michaelmas 1936 |
Q/IP/637 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1938 |
Q/IP/638 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1939 |
Q/IP/640 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1941 |
Q/IP/641 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1942 |
Q/IP/642 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1943 |
Q/IP/643 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1944 |
Q/IP/644 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas |
Q/IP/645 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1946 |
Q/IP/646 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1947 |
Q/IP/647 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1948 |
Q/IP/648 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1949 |
Q/IP/649 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1950 |
Q/IP/650 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1951 |
Q/IP/651 Epiphany Ester Midsummer & Michaelmas 1952 |
Q/IP/652 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1953 |
Q/IP/653 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1954 |
Q/IP/654 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1955 |
Q/IP/655 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1956 |
Q/IP/656 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1957 |
Q/IP/657 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1958 |
Q/IP/1959 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1959 |
Q/IP/659 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1960 |
Q/IP/660 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas 1961 |
Q/IP/661 Epiphany Easter Midsummer & Michaelmas & Adjourned MM Sessions (2) |
Q/IP/662 1963 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/663 1964 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/664 1965 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/665 1966 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/666 1967 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/667 1968 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/668 1969 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/669 1970 (by sessions) |
Q/IP/670 1971 (by sessions) |
Grand Jury Presentments |
Q/GJP/1 1802-1829 |
Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables |
Q/PLF/1 List of Freeholders 1801-1806 |
Q/PLF/2 Petty Constables Presentment, nothing presentable 1801-1809 |
Presentments Chielf and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1803 MS |
Q/PLF/4 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, Lists of Freeholders (nothing presentable) |
Q/PLF/5 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables (nothing presentable) 1804 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/6 Chief and Petty Constables etc, nothing presentable 1804 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/7 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1804 Easter |
Q/PLF/8 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1804 Midsummer |
Q/PLF/9 Presentments of Petty and Chief Constables, Grand Jury, nothing presentable 1804 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/10 List of Freeholders 1804 |
Q/PLF/11 Petty Constables Presentments, nothing presentable. List of Freeholders (Misc) 1804-1817 |
Q/PLF/12 Presentments Chief and Petty Constables etc, nothing presentable 1804 (mid) - 1822 Easter |
Q/PLF/13 Presentments Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1805 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/14 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1805 Easter |
Q/PLF/15 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1805 Midsummer |
Q/PLF/16 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, Grand Jury, List of Freeholders. Usk Lower Division. 1805 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/17 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1806 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/18 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1806 Easter |
Q/PLF/19 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1806 Midsummer |
V20 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1806 MM |
Q/PLF/21 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1806 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/22 Lists of Freeholders 1806 |
Q/PLF/23 Chief and Petty Constables Presentments, nothing presentable 1807 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/24 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1807 Easter |
Q/PLF/25 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1807 Midsummer |
Q/PLF/26 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1807 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/27 Lists of Freeholders 1807 |
Q/PLF/28 Petty and Chief Constable Presentments, nothing presentable 1808 April |
Q/PLF/29 Presentment of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1808 Midsummer |
Q/PLF/30 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1808 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/31 Presentments (nothing presentable) and Freeholders Lists of Various Hundreds (Taken from Bundle Land Tax Assessments) 1808-1824 |
Q/PLF/32 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1829 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/33 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1809 Easter |
Q/PLF/34 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1809 Midsummer |
Q/PLF/35 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1809 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/36 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1810 Easter Sessions |
Q/PLF/37 Chief and Petty Constable Presentments, nothing presentable 1810 Easter Sessions |
Q/PLF/38 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, Grand Jury, nothing presentable 1810 Midsummer |
39 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1810 MM |
Q/PLF/40 List of Freeholders 1810 |
Q/PLF/41 Petty Constables Presentments, nothing presentable 1810-1825 |
Q/PLF/42 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1813 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/43 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1813 Easter |
Q/PLF/44 Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1814 Easter |
Q/PLF/45 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1814 Michaelmas |
Q/PLF/46 Chief and Petty Constables Presentments, nothing presentable 1815 Easter |
Q/PLF/47 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1816 Epiphany |
Q/PLF/48 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1817 Easter |
Q/PLF/49 Presentments of Chief and Petty Constables, nothing presentable 1817 Trinity, Midsummer Sessions |
List of Freeholders by Parish |
Depositions |
Quarter Sessions DepositionsBiographical/Historical noteThe depositions for the period 1842 to 1921, with the exception of a few stray documents, were destroyed in 1941 on the instructions of the Home Office and Public Record Office Schedule 832.538/11. This class also includes Examinations and Informations which are also found in the following main classes:- Indictments and Presentments, Recognizances and Orders of Removal. |
Q/D/1 Miscellaneous Despositions and Examinations 1818-1836 |
Q/D/2 Depositions and Appeals 1829 |
Q/D/3 1830 |
Q/D/4 1831 January |
Q/D/5 1831 Midsummer |
Q/D/6 1831 Michaelmas |
Q/D/7 1831& Epiphany Sessions 1832 |
Q/D/8 1832 Midsummer |
Q/D/9 1832 Michaelmas |
Q/D/10 1832 |
Q/D/11 1833 Michaelmas |
Q/D/12 1833 |
Q/D/13 1834 |
Q/D/14 1835 |
Q/D/15 1835-1836 |
Q/D/16 1835-1875 |
Q/D/17 1836 Epiphany |
Q/D/18 1836 Midsummer |
1836 |
Q/D/20 1836 Michaelmas |
Q/D/21 1836-1837 |
Q/D/22 1837 Easter |
Q/D/23 1837 Midsummer |
Q/D/24 1837 Michaelmas |
Q/D/25 1838 April Session |
Q/D/26 1838 Midsummer |
Q/D/27 1838 Michaelmas |
Q/D/28 1838-1839 |
Q/D/29 1839 Midsummer |
Q/D/30 1839 Michaelmas |
Q/D/31 1840 Epiphany |
Q/D/32 1840 Easter |
Q/D/33 1840 Midsummer |
Q/D/34 1840 Michaelmas |
Q/D/35 1841 Epiphany |
Q/D/36 1841 Easter |
Q/D/37 1841 Midsummer |
Q/D/38 1841 Michaelmas |
Q/D/39 1842 Epiphany |
Q/D/40 1842 Midsummer |
Q/D/41 1842 Michaelmas |
Q/D/42 1843 Epiphany |
Q/D/43 1843 Midsummer |
Q/D/44 1843 Michaelmas |
Q/D/45 1844 Epiphany |
Q/D/46 1844 Easter |
Q/D/47 1844 Midsummer |
Q/D/48 1844 Michaelmas |
Q/D/49 1844 December Sessions |
Q/D/50 1845 Easter |
Q/D/51 1845 Midsummer |
Q/D/52 1845 Michaelmas |
Q/D/53 1846 Epiphany |
Q/D/54 1846 Easter |
Q/D/55 1846 Midsummer |
Q/D/56 1846 Michaelmas |
Q/D/57 1847 Epiphany |
Q/D/58 1847 Easter |
Q/D/59 1847 Midsummer |
Q/D/60 1847 Michaelmas |
Q/D/61 1848 Epiphany |
Q/D/62 1848 Easter |
Q/D/63 1848 Midsummer |
Q/D/64 1848 Michaelmas |
Q/D/65 1848 Epiphany |
Q/D/65 1849 Epiphany |
Q/D/66 1849 Easter |
Q/D/67 1849 Midsummer |
Q/D/68 1849 Michaelmas |
Q/D/69 1850 Epiphany |
Q/D/70 1850 Easter |
Q/D/71 1850 Midsummer |
Q/D/72 1850 Michaelmas |
Q/D/73 1851 Epiphany |
Q/D/74 1851 Easter |
Q/D/75 1851 Midsummer |
Q/D/76 1851 Michaelmas |
Q/D/77 1852 Epiphany |
Q/D/78 24 Feb 1852 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/79 1852 Easter |
Q/D/80 25 May 1852 Adjourned Session |
Q/D/81 1852 Midsummer |
Q/D/82 1852 Michaelmas |
Q/D/83 30 Nov 1852 Adjourned Session |
Q/D/84 1853 Epiphany |
Q/D/85 1853 Easter |
17 May 1853 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/87 1853 Midsummer |
Q/D/88 1853 Michaelmas |
Q/D/89 29 Nov 1853 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/90 1854 Epiphany |
Q/D/91 1854 Easter |
Q/D/92 9 May 1854 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/93 1854 Midsummer |
Q/D/94 1854 Michaelmas |
Q/D/95 28 Nov 1854 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/96 1855 Epiphany |
Q/D/97 1855 Easter |
Q/D/98 15 May 1855 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/99 1855 Midsummer |
Q/D/100 1855 Michaelmas |
Q/D/101 Nov 1855 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/102 1856 Epiphany |
Q/D/103 1856 Easter |
Q/D/104 1856 Midsummer |
Q/D/105 1856 Michaelmas |
Q/D/106 1857 Epiphany |
Q/D/107 1857 Easter |
Q/D/108 1857 Midsummer |
Q/D/109 1857 Michaelmas |
Q/D/110 1858 Epiphany |
Q/D/111 1858 Easter |
Q/D/112 1858 Midsummer |
Q/D/113 1858 Michaelmas |
Q/D/114 1859 Epiphany |
Q/D/115 1859 Easter |
Q/D/116 1859 Midsummer |
Q/D/117 1859 Michaelmas |
Q/D/118 1860 Epiphany |
Q/D/119 1860 Easter |
Q/D/120 1860 Midsummer |
121 1860 MM |
Q/D/122 1861 Epiphany |
Q/D/123 1861 Easter |
Q/D/124 1861 Midsummer |
Q/D/125 1861 Michaelmas |
Q/D/126 1862 Epiphany |
Q/D/127 1862 Easter |
Q/D/128 1862 Midsummer |
Q/D/129 1862 Michaelmas |
Q/D/130 1863 Epiphany |
Q/D/131 1863 Easter |
Q/D/132 1863 Midsummer |
Q/D/133 1863 Michaelmas |
Q/D/134 1864 Epiphany |
Q/D/135 1864 Easter |
Q/D/136 1864 Midsummer |
Q/D/137 1864 Michaelmas |
Q/D/138 1865 Epiphany |
Q/D/139 1865 Easter |
Q/D/140 1865 Midsummer |
Q/D/141 1865 Michaelmas |
Q/D/142 1866 Epiphany |
Q/D/143 1866 Easter |
Q/D/144 1866 Midsummer |
Q/D/145 1866 Michaelmas |
Q/D/146 1867 Epiphany |
Q/D/147 1867 Easter |
Q/D/148 1867 Midsummer |
Q/D/149 1867 Michaelmas |
Q/D/150 1868 Epiphany |
Q/D/151 1868 Easter |
Q/D/152 1868 Midsummer |
Q/D/153 1868 Michaelmas |
Q/D/154 1869 Epiphany |
Q/D/155 1869 Epiphany |
Q/D/156 1869 Easter |
Q/D/157 1869 Midsummer |
Q/D/158 1869 Michaelmas |
Q/D/159 1870 Epiphany |
Q/D/160 1870 Easter |
Q/D/161 1870 Midsummer |
Q/D/162 1870 Michaelmas |
Q/D/163 1871 Epiphany |
Q/D/164 1871 Easter |
Q/D/165 1871 Midsummer |
Q/D/166 1871 Michaelmas |
Q/D/167 1872 Epiphany |
Q/D/168 1872 Easter |
Q/D/169 1872 Midsummer |
Q/D/170 1872 Michaelmas |
Q/D/171 1873 Epiphany |
Q/D/172 1873 Easter |
Q/D/173 1873 Midsummer |
Q/D/174 1873 Michaelmas |
Q/D/175 1874 Epiphany |
Q/D/177 1874 Easter |
Q/D/178 1874 Midsummer |
Q/D/179 1874 Michaelmas |
Q/D/180 1875 Epiphany |
Q/D/181 1875 Easter |
Q/D/182 1875 Midsummer |
Q/D/183 1875 Michaelmas |
Q/D/184 1876 Epiphany |
Q/D/185 1876 Easter |
Q/D/186 1876 Midsummer |
Q/D/187 1876 Michaelmas |
Q/D/188 1877 Epiphany |
Q/D/189 1877 Easter |
Q/D/190 1877 Midsummer |
Q/D/191 1877 Michaelmas |
Q/D/192 1878 epiphany |
Q/D/193 0878 Easter |
Q/D/194 1878 Midsummer |
Q/D/195 1878 Michaelmas |
Q/D/196 1879 Epiphany |
Q/D/197 1879 Easter |
Q/D/198 1879 Midsummer |
Q/D/199 1879 Michaelmas |
Q/D/200 1880 Epiphany |
Q/D/201 1880 Easter |
Q/D/202 1880 Midsummer |
Q/D/203 1880 Michaelmas |
Q/D/204 1881 Epiphany |
Q/D/205 1881 Easter |
Q/D/206 1881 Midsummer |
Q/D/207 1881 Michaelmas |
Q/D/208 1882 Epiphany |
Q/D/209 1882 Easter |
Q/D/210 1882 Midsummer |
Q/D/211 1882 Michaelmas |
Q/D/212 1883 Epiphany |
Q/D/213 1883 Easter |
Q/D/214 1883 Midsummer |
Q/D/215 1883 Michaelmas |
Q/D/216 1884 Epiphany |
Q/D/217 1884 Easter |
Q/D/218 1884 Midsummer |
Q/D/219 1884 Michaelmas Sessions |
Q/D/220 1885 Epiphany |
Q/D/221 1885 Easter |
Q/D/222 1885 Michaelmas |
Q/D/223 1885 Midsummer |
Q/D/224 1886 Epiphany |
Q/D/225 1886 Easter |
Q/D/226 1886 Midsummer |
Q/D/227 1886 Michaelmas |
Q/D/228 1887 Epiphany |
Q/D/229 1887 Easter |
Q/D/230 1887 Midsummer |
Q/D/231 1887 Michaelmas |
Q/D/232 1888 Epiphany |
233 22 Feb 1888 Adjourned Sessions |
234 1888 Easter |
Q/D/235 1888 Midsummer |
Q/D/236 1888 Michaelmas |
Q/D/237 1889 Epiphany |
Q/D/238 25 Feb 1889 Adjourned Sessions |
Q/D/239 1889 Easter |
Q/D/240 1889 Midsummer |
Q/D/241 1889 Michaelmas |
Q/D/242 1890 Epiphany |
Q/D/243 1880 Easter |
Q/D/244 1890 Midsummer |
Q/D/245 1890 Michaelmas |
Q/D/246 1891 Epiphany |
Q/D/247 1891 Easter |
Q/D/248 1891 Midsummer |
Q/D/249 1891 Michaelmas |
Q/D/250 1892 Epiphany |
Q/D/251 1892 Easter |
Q/D/252 1892 Midsummer |
Q/D/253 1892 Michaelmas |
Q/D/254 1893 Epiphany |
Q/D/255 1893 Easter |
Q/D/256 1893 Midsummer |
Q/D/257 1893 Michaelmas |
Q/D/258 1894 Epiphany |
Q/D/259 1894 Easter |
Q/D/260 1894 Midsummer |
Q/D/261 1894 Michaelmas |
Q/D/263 1895 Easter |
Q/D/264 1895 Midsummer |
Q/D/265 1895 Michaelmas |
Q/D/266 1896 Epiphany |
Q/D/267 1896 Easter |
Q/D/268 1896 Midsummer |
Q/D/268 1896 Michaelmas |
Q/D/270 1897 Epiphany |
Q/D/271 1897 Easter |
Q/D/272 1897 Midsummer |
Q/D/273 1897 Michaelmas |
Q/D/274 1898 Epiphany |
Q/D/275 1898 Easter |
Q/D/276 1898 Midsummer |
Q/D/277 1898 Michaelmas |
Q/D/278 1899 Epiphany - no sessions |
Q/D/279 1899 Easter |
Q/D/280 1899 Midsummer |
Q/D/281 1899 Michaelmas |
Q/D/282 1900 Epiphany |
Q/D/283 1900 Easter |
Q/D/284 1900 Midsummer |
Q/D/285 1900 Michaelmas |
Q/D/286 1901 Epiphany |
Q/D/287 1901 Easter |
Q/D/288 1901 Midsummer |
Q/D/289 1901 Michaelmas |
Q/D/290 1902 Epiphany |
Q/D/291 1902 Easter |
Q/D/292 1902 Midsummer |
Q/D/293 1902 Michaelmas |
Q/D/294 1903 Epiphany |
Q/D/295 1903 Easter |
Q/D/296 1903 Midsummer |
Q/D/297 1903 Michaelmas |
Q/D/298 1904 Epiphany |
Q/D/299 1904 Easter |
Q/D/300 1904 Midsummer |
Q/D/301 1904 Michaelmas |
Q/D/302 1905 Epiphany |
Q/D/303 1905 Easter |
Q/D/304 1905 Midsummer |
Q/D/305 1905 Michaelmas |
Q/D/306 1906 Epiphany |
Q/D/307 1906 Easter |
Q/D/308 1906 Midsummer |
Q/D/309 1906 Michaelmas |
Q/D/310 1907 Epiphany |
Q/D/311 1907 Easter |
Q/D/312 1907 Midsummer |
Q/D/313 1907 Michaelmas |
Q/D/314 1908 Epiphany |
Q/D/315 1908 Easter |
Q/D/316 1908 Midsummer |
Q/D/317 1908 Michaelmas |
Q/D/318 1909 Epiphany |
Q/D/319 1909 Easter |
Q/D/320 1909 Midsummer |
Q/D/321 1909 Michaelmas |
Q/D/322 1910 Epiphany |
Q/D/323 1910 Easter |
Q/D/324 1910 Midsummer |
Q/D/325 1910 Michaelmas |
Q/D/326 1911 Epiphany |
Q/D/327 1911 Easter |
Q/D/328 1911 Midsummer |
Q/D/329 1911 Michaelmas |
Q/D/330 1912 Epiphany |
Q/D/331 1912 Easter |
Q/D/332 1912 Midsummer |
Q/D/333 1912 Michaelmas |
Q/D/334 1913 Epiphany |
Q/D/335 1913 Easter |
Q/D/336 1913 Midsummer |
Q/D/337 1914 Michaelmas |
Q/D/338 1914 Epiphany |
Q/D/339 1914 Epiphany Sessions (2) |
Q/D/340 1914 Easter |
Q/D/341 1914 Midsummer |
Q/D/342 1914 Michaelmas |
Q/D/343 1915 Epiphany |
Q/D/344 1915 Easter |
Q/D/345 1915 Midsummer |
Q/D/346 1915 Michaelmas |
Q/D/347 1916 Epiphany |
Q/D/348 1916 Easter |
Q/D/349 1916 Midsummer |
Q/D/350 1916 Michaelmas Sessions (1) |
Q/D/351 1916 Michaelmas Sessions (2) |
Q/D/352 1917 Epiphany |
Q/D/353 1917 Easter |
Q/D/354 1917 Midsummer |
Q/D/355 1917 Michaelmas |
Q/D/356 1918 Epiphany |
Q/D/357 1918 Easter |
Q/D/358 1918 Midsummer |
Q/D/359 1918 Michaelmas |
Q/D/360 1919 Epiphany |
Q/D/361 1919 Easter |
Q/D/362 1919 Midsummer |
Q/D/363 1919 Michaelmas |
Q/D/364 1920 Epiphany |
Q/D/365 1920 Easter |
Q/D/366 1920 Midsummer |
Q/D/367 1920 Michaelmas |
Q/D/368 1921 Epiphany |
Q/D/369 1921 Easter |
Q/D/370 1921 Midsummer |
Q/D/371 1921 Michaelmas |
Q/D/372 1922 Epiphany |
Q/D/373 1922 Easter |
Q/D/374 1922 Midsummer |
Q/D/375 1922 Michaelmas |
Q/D/376 1923 Epiphany |
Q/D/377 1923 Easter |
Q/D/378 1923 Midsummer |
Q/D/379 1923 Michaelmas |
Q/D/380 1924 Epiphany |
Q/D/381 1924 Easter |
Q/D/382 1924 Midsummer |
Q/D/383 1924 Michaelmas |
Q/D/384 1925 Epiphany |
Q/D/385 1925 Easter |
Q/D/386 1925 Midsummer |
Q/D/387 1925 Michaelmas |
Q/D/388 1926 Epiphany |
Q/D/389 1926 Easter |
Q/D/390 1926 Midsummer |
Q/D/391 1926 11 Aug Adjourned Session |
Q/D/392 1926 Michaelmas |
Q/D/393 1926 1 Dec Adjourned Session |
Q/D/394 1927 Epiphany |
Q/D/395 1927 Adjourned Epiphany Sessions |
Q/D/396 1927 Easter |
Q/D/397 Spare Number |
Q/D/398 1927 Adjourned Easter Sessions |
Q/D/398 1927 Midsummer |
Q/D/400 1927 Adjourned Midsummer Sessions |
Q/D/401 1927 Michaelmas Sessions |
Q/D/402 1927 Adjourned Michaelmas Sessions |
Q/D/403 1928 Epiphany |
Q/D/404 1928 Adjourned Epiphany Sessions |
Q/D/405 1928 Easter |
Q/D/406 1928 Adjourned Easter Sessions |
Q/D/407 1928 Midsummer |
Q/D/408 1928 Adjourned Midsummer Sessions |
Q/D/409 1928 Michaelmas |
Q/D/410 1928 Adjourned Michaelmas Sessions |
Q/D/411 1929 Epiphany |
Q/D/412 1929 Adjourned Epiphany Sessions |
Q/D/413 1929 Easter |
Q/D/414 1929 Midsummer |
Q/D/415 1929 Michaelmas |
Q/D/416 1930 Epiphany |
Q/D/417 1930 Easter |
Q/D/418 1930 Midsummer |
Q/D/419 1930 Michaelmas |
Q/D/420 1931 Epiphany |
Q/D/421 1931 Easter |
Q/D/422 1931 Midsummer |
Q/D/423 1931 Michaelmas |
Q/D/424 1932 Epiphany |
Q/D/425 1932 Easter |
Q/D/426 1932 Midsummer |
Q/D/427 1932 Michaelmas |
Q/D/428 1933 Epiphany |
Q/D/429 1933 Easter |
Q/D/430 1933 Midsummer |
Q/D/431 1933 Michaelmas (1) |
Q/D/432 1933 Michaelmas (2) |
Q/D/432 1934 Epiphany |
Q/D/434 1934 Easter |
Q/D/435 1934 Midsummer |
Q/D/436 1934 Michaelmas |
Q/D/437 1935 Epiphany |
Q/D/438 1935 Easter |
Q/D/439 1935 Midsummer |
Q/D/440 1935 Adjourned Midsummer Sessions |
Q/D/441 1935 Michaelmas |
Q/D/442 1936 Epiphany |
Q/D/443 1936 Easter |
Q/D/444 1936 Midsummer |
Q/D/445 1936 Michaelmas |
Q/D/446 1937 Epiphany |
Q/D/447 1937 Easter |
Q/D/448 1918 Epiphany Sessions, Deposition |
Q/D/449 1903 Michaelmas Sessions, Deposition |
Q/D/450 1856 Easter Sessions, 1858 Midsummer , Depositions |
Q/D/451 1913 and 1958 Misc Depositions |
Q/D/452 1866 (1 item) |
Convictions |
Records of Convictions at Quarter Sessions |
Q/ROFC/1 Records of Convictions Etc & Cases 1831-1837 |
Q/ROFC/2 Records of Acquittal (Excise) 1851 |
Q/ROFC/3 Records of Conviction (Excise) 5 Feb 1872 |
Calenders of Prisoners |
Calenders of Prisoners |
Q/CALOFP/1 For Trial at Usk 1808 |
Q/CALOFP/2 Monmouth Assizes 1839-1860 |
Q/CALOFP/3 1828-1839 |
Q/CALOFP/4 1840-1844 |
Q/CALOFP/5 1845-1849 |
Q/CALOFP/6 1850-1851 |
Q/CALOFP/7 1852-1853 |
Q/CALOFP/8 1854-1855 |
Q/CALOFP/9 1856-1858 |
Q/CALOFP/10 1859-1860 |
Q/CALOFP/11 1861-1866 |
Q/CALOFP/12 1862-1872 |
Q/CALOFP/13 1873-1880 |
Q/CALOFP/14 1892-1929 |
Q/CALOFP/15 1930-1949 |
Q/CALOFP/16 1950-1958 |
Q/CALOFP/17 1959-1962 |
Q/CALOFP/18 1963-1965 |
Q/CALOFP/19 1966-1968 |
Q/CALOFP/20 Michaelmas 1971 |
Estreat Rolls |
Estreat Rolls |
Q/ER/1 1797-1802 |
Q/ER/3 1831 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/4 1832 Epiphany |
Q/ER/5 132 Easter |
Q/ER/6 1382 Midsummer |
Q/ER/7 1832 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/8 1832 December |
Q/ER/9 1832-1857 |
Q/ER/10 1833 Easter |
Q/ER/11 1833 Midsummer |
Q/ER/12 1833 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/13 1833 December |
Q/ER/14 1833 December (2) |
Q/ER/15 1834 Epiphany |
Q/ER/16 1834 Easter |
Q/ER/17 1834 June Sessions |
Q/ER/18 1834 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/19 1835 Midsummer |
Q/ER/20 1836 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/21 1837 Epiphany |
Q/ER/22 1837 Easter |
Q/ER/23 1837 Midsummer |
Q/ER/24 1837 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/25 1838 Epiphany |
Q/ER/26 1838 Easter |
Q/ER/27 1838 Midsummer |
Q/ER/28 1838 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/29 1839 Epiphany |
Q/ER/30 1839 Easter |
Q/ER/31 1839 Midsummer |
Q/ER/32 1839 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/33 1839 December |
Q/ER/34 1840 Easter |
Q/ER/35 1840 Midsummer |
Q/ER/36 1840 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/37 1841 Epiphany |
Q/ER/38 1841 Easter |
Q/ER/39 1841 Midsummer |
Q/ER/40 1841 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/41 1842 Epiphany |
Q/ER/42 1842 Easter |
Q/ER/43 1842 Midsummer |
Q/ER/44 1842 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/45 1843 Epiphany |
Q/ER/46 1843 Easter |
Q/ER/47 1843 Midsummer |
Q/ER/48 1843 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/49 1844 Epiphany |
Q/ER/50 1844 Easter |
Q/ER/51 1844 Midsummer |
Q/ER/52 1844 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/53 1844 December Sessions |
Q/ER/54 1844 December 30th |
Q/ER/55 1845 Easter |
Q/ER/56 1845 June 30th |
Q/ER/57 1845 October 13th |
Q/ER/58 1846 Easter |
Q/ER/59 1846 Midsummer |
Q/ER/60 1846 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/61 1846 Michaelmas |
V62 1847 Epiphany |
Q/ER/63 1847 Easter |
Q/ER/64 1847 Midsummer |
Q/ER/65 1847 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/66 1848 Epiphany |
Q/ER/67 1848 Easter |
Q/ER/68 1848 Midsummer |
Q/ER/69 1848 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/70 1849 Epiphany |
Q/ER/71 1849 Easter |
Q/ER/72 1856 Michaelmas |
Q/ER/73 1871 Easter |
Q/ER/74 1872 Midsummer |
Q/ER/75 1874 Easter |
Q/ER/76 1890-1899 (incomplete) |
Q/ER/80 Apr 1937-Jan 1954 |
Q/ER/81 Jan 1954-Jan 1958 |
Q/ER/82 Jan 1958-Dec 1960 |
Q/ER/83 Jan 1961 -Oct 1962 |
Q/ER/84 Oct 1962-Dec 1964 |
Q/ER/85 Jan 1965-Nov 1966 |
Q/ER/77 1900-1909 (incomplete) |
Q/ER/78 1910-1919 (incomplete) |
Q/ER/79 1929-1950 (incomplete) |
Appeals |
Minutes of Appeal Committee |
Q/MINAPPC/1 1935-1937 |
Appeals to Quarter Sessions |
Q/APP/1 Misc Appeal Papers, mainly orders of Removal 1784-1844 |
Q/APP/2 Appeal Papers (Schedules) 1828-1838 |
Q/APP/3 Orders of Removal, Taxes etc 1835-1854 |
Q/APP/3 Orders of Removal, Taxes etc 1835-1854 |
Q/APP/4 Orders of Removal and Rates 1840-1843 |
Q/APP/5 Mainly Orders of Removal, Excise, Rates 1840-1850 |
Q/APP/6 Bills of Costs. Removals, Rates etc. 1840-1857 |
Q/APP/7 Orders of Removal 1842 |
Q/APP/8 Record of leaving of Appeal to Order of Removal. 1842 Midsummer |
Q/APP/9 Appeal Papers and Orders of Removal. Taken from Land Tax Assessments 1843 |
Q/APP/10 Orders of Removal (Appeal Papers) (2) 1843 |
Q/APP/11 Appeal Papers and Cases 1843-1844 |
Q/APP/12 Orders of Removal 1844 |
Q/APP/13 Mainly Orders of Removal 1846-1847 |
Q/APP/14 Bills of Cost (as taxed), Orders of Removal etc 1847-1861 |
Q/APP/15 Removals, Rates, Convictions 1851-1856 |
Q/APP/16 Mainly Orders of Removal, Notices of Abandonment 1851-1867 |
Q/APP/17 Orders of Removal 1856-1859 |
Q/APP/18 Jun 1857-Dec 1861 |
Q/APP/19 Appeal Papers etc 1859 Midsummer |
Q/APP/20 Orders of Removal, Conviction, Bastarding, Rates etc 1861-1867 |
Q/APP/21 Sessions Appeals Papers, Removals, Lunatic, Rate, Excise, Bastarding etc. 1867-1871 |
Q/APP/22 Appeal and other Papers 1871-1872 |
Q/APP/23 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 1879 Easter |
Q/APP/24 1879-1883 |
Q/APP/25 Miscellaneous 1879 - 1885 |
Q/APP/26 1882 Epiphany |
Q/APP/27 1882 Easter |
Q/APP/28 1884 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/29 1882 Midsummer |
Q/APP/30 On forfeitsure Regognizance 1882-1885 |
Q/APP/31 Rating 1889-1890 |
Q/APP/32 1890 Easter |
Q/APP/33 1890 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/34 1891 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/35 1891 Michaelmas (2) |
Q/APP/36 Appeal against refusal to transfer license 1891 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/ 1891-1893 |
Q/APP/ 1893 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/39 1895 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/40 1896 Midsummer |
Q/APP/41 1896-1898 |
Q/APP/42 1899 Epiphany |
Q/APP/43 Brief for Respondent Appeal against licensing conviction 1899 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/44 Excise Appeal 1897 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/45 1900 Easter |
Q/APP/46 Poor Rate 1900 - 1901 |
Q/APP/47 Easter 1901 |
Q/APP/48 Rating Appeal 1901 Midsummer |
Q/APP/ 1901 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/50 Brief to appeal licensing conviction 1901 Michaelmas (2) |
Q/APP/51 1901-1905 |
Q/APP/52 1901-1906 |
Q/APP/53 1902-1907 |
Q/APP/54 Appeal against Licensing Conviction 1904 Easter |
Q/APP/55 Licensing Appeals 1904 Easter - 1906 Easter |
Q/APP/56 1904 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/57 1904 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/58 1904 Michaelmas (3) |
Q/APP/59 1904 |
60 1906 Epiphany |
Q/APP/61 1906 Midsummer |
Q/APP/ 1906 Midsummer (2) |
Q/APP/63 1909 Epiphany |
Q/APP/64 1909 Epiphany (2) |
Q/APP/65 1910 Epiphany |
Q/APP/66 1911 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/67 1911 Michaelmas (2) |
Q/APP/68 1913 Epiphany |
Q/APP/69 Rating Appeal 1913 Epiphany (2) |
Q/APP/70 1913-1914 |
Q/APP/71 1913-1914 |
Q/APP/71 1913-1920 |
Q/APP/73 1914 Easter |
Q/APP/74 1914 |
Q/APP/75 Poor Rate Appeals (GWR) 1914 Midsummer |
Q/APP/77 1915 Easter |
Q/APP/78 1915 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/79 1916 Midsummer |
Q/APP/80 1917 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/81 1918Easter |
Q/APP/82 1918 Easter |
Q/APP/83 1917 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/84 Correspondence 1918 - 1920 |
Q/APP/85 1919 Midsummer |
Q/APP/ Rating Appeals 1920 Epiphany |
Q/APP/87 Rating Appeal 1920 Easter |
Q/APP/88 Rating Appeals 1920 Easter (2) |
Q/APP/89 1920-1928 |
Q/APP/90 Licensing Conviction Appeal 1928 Midsummer |
Q/APP/91 Bastarding Appeal 1921 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/92 Bastarding Appeal 1921 Michaelmas (2) |
Q/APP/93 1921-1922 |
Q/APP/94 Appeal against order for lopping trees 1922 Easter (2) |
Q/APP/95 Rating Appeal 1922 Epiphany |
Q/APP/96 Easter 1922 |
Q/APP/97 Bastarding Appeal 1922 Midsummer |
Q/APP/98 Rating Appeal 1922 Midsummer (2) |
Q/APP/99 Appeal against Conviction Aggravated Assault 1922 Midsummer (3) |
Q/APP/100 Rating Appeal 1922 Midsummer (4) |
Q/APP/101 Rating Appeal 1922 Midsummer (2) |
Q/APP/102 Assessment Appeal 1922 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/103 Bastarding Appeal 1923 Epiphany |
Q/APP/104 Appeal against Conviction for Assault 1923 Epiphany (2) |
Q/APP/105 1923 Midsummer |
Q/APP/106 Poor Rate 1923 Midsummer (2) |
Q/APP/107 1923-1928 |
Q/APP/108 1924 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/109 Poor Rate 1924 Michaelmas (2) |
Q/APP/110 1925 Epiphany |
Q/APP/111 1926 Easter |
Q/APP/112 1926 Midsummer |
Q/APP/113 1926 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/114 1927 Epiphany, Adjourned |
Q/APP/115 Bedwellty Assessment Appeals 1927 |
Q/APP/116 1928 Midsummer |
Q/APP/117 Rating Appeal by Revenue Officer 1929 - 1930 |
Q/APP/118 1930-1933 |
Q/APP/119 Settlement Appeal 1932 Easter |
Q/APP/120 Order of Removal 1932 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/121 Bastarding Appeal 1934 Epiphany |
Q/APP/122 1918 Easter |
Q/APP/123 Transcript of Shorthand Notes, Newport Borough Policies Court 26 June 1926 |
Q/APP/124 F W Pero v NSPCC 1937 |
Q/APP/125 36 Arthur James v D J Vaughan & M K Vaughen 37 J J Panes v D J Vaughen & M K Vaughen 38 W H Jones v D J Vaughen & M K Vaughen 39 Levi Harris v D J Vaughen & M K Vaughen 1938 |
Q/APP/126 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 51 G E Price v P M Morris 52 P H Jones v A Briggs 53 J Woods v E E Long 54. 55. J Prytherch v r Faulkner 56 E A Jones v J Wood 1940 |
Q/APP/127 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 57 T J Evans v C M Harris 58, 59 M O'Sullivan v C M Harris 60 T J Plenty v C M Harris 61 E A Langford v J Lewis 62 H Wilson v W G H Parsons 63 J C Webley v E Casey 64 C B Kyle Fletcher v C M Harris 65 Messrs H Thomas & Sons v S M T Burpit 66 F Ralph v J Lewis Wm Hancock & Co Ltd v Licensing Justices Borough of Newport 1941 |
Q/APP/128 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 68 W McCarthy v G A Hughes 69 R Cliffordm S Plumes, A E Head, G Thirkell v CC Newport 73 F H Thirkell, G Vacara 74 L Ram v J Lewis 1942 |
Q/APP/129 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 75 Messrs Jones (Newport) Garage Ltd v CC Newport 76 G A Davies v M E Hicks 77 B E Davies v J Cullen 78 W S John v M V Wood 79, 80 W A Belcher v Board of Trade A Russell 81 G Watkins v J F Jones 82 L Phillips v M Woods 83 J Burston v A Cotterell 84 W Hill v C M Harris 1943 |
Q/APP/130 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 85 to 87 T F Rees v J Lewis 88 P Pritchard v E Casey 1944 |
Q/APP/131 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 89 W J D Holloway v A Cotterell 90 to 92 R Angelli, A J Clack, J Strinati v L Spendlove 93 J M Miles v J Williams 1945 |
Q/APP/132 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 94 V S Plenty v A Briggs 95 H J Eldridge v A Price 96 W Beddis v A Sims 1946 |
Q/APP/133 Quarter Sessions Appeals 97 R G T White v A Briggs 98 A W Kent v A Briggs 99 K Phillips v C Plumley 100 P J Brute v C M Harris 101 J B Stephens v Risca UDC 102 G Stephens v Risca UDC 1947 |
Q/APP/135 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 107 W H Smith v C M Harris 108 W Lovell v I Taylor 109 C A Rowsell v A Briggs R W H Davies (not entered) 110 C A Webb v A Briggs 111 R C H Barrett v C M Harris 112 A H Davies v T F Howells Ltd 113-114 S Mordin v A Briggs 1949 |
Q/APP/136 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 1792-1879 |
Q/APP/137 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 1950 |
Q/APP/138 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 123 C M Williams v R Jenkins 124 T G Morgan v L Moore 125 W Bishop v M Morgan 126 J E Akerley v I Rogers 127 J A T Powell v F G Meek 128 W C Williams v E Casey 129 J Thompson v E P Bolter 130 J Thompson " 1951 |
Q/APP/139 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 131 B C Hetherington v R Powell 132 S Tyer v R Powell 133 E J Bevan v E P Bolter 134 O Butler v E P Bolter 135 N Templeman v W J Voyle 136 T C Ryder v FT Hunt, E A W Hunt 137 " " " 138 G H Cook v E Casey 139 G B Higgins v F H Smeed 140 T Owen v J Haines 141 E D Bader v F H Smeed 142 H Bader " 143 J Grace " 144 A Ll Owen v J Haines 145 J Sutcliffe v RLY Exec 146 W J Snelgrove v R Powell 147 P G Jones v R Powell 1952 |
Q/APP/133 Appeals to the Quarter Sessions 148 W G Field v R Powell 149 F J Pinkham v M Morgan 150 J Woollam v A Bowkett 151 J Ewers v J Haines 152 J W J Smith v J Haines 153 T C Ryder v E A W Hunt 154 C Gore v R Powell 155 L Watkins v E M Aubrey 156 J Durbin v R Mathias 157 J E Foley v F N Smeed 158 T D J Corcoran " " 159 H Jones v R Alderson 160 D Jones " " 161 W Bradley v Walter Haines 162 D J Willetts v A Bowkett 163 W Morgan v M E Catlin 164 H E Knight v J Haines 165 D A Bryant v vW R Newton 166 M E Parker v G A Garrigan 167 F Zoljie v M O Desmond 168 P Walsh v J G Iles 169 W L Roberts v r Powell 170 H Hodges v A Bowkett 1953 |
Q/APP/141 Appeal to Quarter Sessions 171 F J Perkins v F H Smeed 172 S A Carpenter v J Evans 173 J J D Nowell v P H Smeed 174 S J MacQueen v J Haines 175 Ll O Williams v A Bowkett 176 H T Gameson v M Morgan 177 E T Gameson v K O Battern 178 F W Brown v N Dawe 179 " " 180 J D Bateman v R Atkins 181 Newport Corporation v I H Fletcher & Others 182 R E Vaughan v J Haines 183 C B Adams v A Bowkett 184 J Rosa v F H Smeed 1954 |
Q/APP/142 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 185 B C Hetherington v M Morgan 186 Iles v E Godley 187 Storage Co (Penarth) Ltd v W F Newton 188 T Holmes v R Atkins 189 W H Sage v A Bowkett 190 J G Watkins v E P Bolter 191 A G Rees v R Atkins 192 W C Jones v M Morgan 193 B Andrews v W F Newton 194 A Davies v R Atkins 1955 |
Q/APP/143 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 195 G H Fish v F H Smeed 196 T Beynon v A Bowkett 197 W H Hill v R Atkins 198 G H Powell v R Powell & C Langford 199 " " " 200 H V Crofts v A Bowkett 201 W F Martin v Reginald Powel 202 Newport Corporation v Newport (Mon) Motor Co Ltd 203 R W Martin v Reginald Powell 204 M A Axiak v L James 205 P G Long v R Atkins 206 K Trew v J Haines 207 G A J Baker & A Baker v R Atkins 208 E G Hopkins v R Atkins 209 G R Barnett v W R Newton 210 J D Hughes v s Matthews 211 E Allen v F H Smeed 212 I Watson v A Bowkett 213 R Watson v A Bowkett 214 F W H A M Runge v A Bowkett 215 R A Hodgson v Leonard James 216 E Thomas v K Jenkins 217 B G Howells v A Bowkett 218 G H Rooke v A Bowkett 1956 |
Q/APP/144 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 219 J R Watson v A Bowkett 220 A D Connery v R Atkins 221 H W Bodenham v L James 222 P D Morgan v R Atkins 223 L Dury v L James 224 W R Pitt v W R Newton 225 T Fox v A Bowkett 226 J M A Gray v F Butterworth 227 F E Gray v F Butterworth 228 D D Cudmore v J Haines 229 H Nicholls v W F Newton 230 R L Reilly v R Atkins 231 S G Price v R Powell 232 J D G Pudney v L Swift 1957 |
Q/APP/145 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 233 K Trew v J Haines 234 H A Brock v L Swift 235 W T Meek v A Bowkett 236 I R Watson v A Bowkett 237 L Jones v L Evans 238 J J Heirene v F H Smeed 239 J G W Charnard v L Evans 240 D Powell v J Haines & F Wood 241 C Matthews v F H Smeed 242 A B Adams v F H Smeed 243 G M Powell v F H Smeed 244 H Hughes v W H F Barklam 245 C Duncan v L Evans 246 D Hoskins v A Bowkett 1958 |
Q/APP/146 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 247 D R Roake v B J Tew 248 W L Hunt v L Swift 249 J G Williams v L Swift 250 R G Summers v F Butterworth 251 V Underwood v W A Haigh W H D Underwood " 252 W J Hancock v L Evans 253 R Reed v L Evans 254 H E Waite " 255 I Abdie v F H Smeed 256 W T Meek v R L Wilson 257 H I Smith v F H Smeed 258 B J Hendy v L Evans 259 R Peters v R Scott 1959 |
Q/APP/147 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 260 W W Collins v H M Brewer 261 D Evans v L Evans 262 H Thomas v R Scott 263 D Williams v R Scott 264 R J Leyshon v L Evans 265 N A Russell v F Butterworth 266 I G Wilshire v E Bolter 267 E Escourt v R Scott 268 H W Roberts v Scott 269 R Jones v L Evans 270 B A Harrington v J Haines 271 A E C Thorne v F Wood 272 J Jones v L James 273 A J Francis v L James 274 W G L Knight v H Brewer 275 D James v H J Bailey 276 G J Williams v J Williams v J Haines 277 A H Owen v L Evans 278 C J Smith v L Evans 279 A J Lacey v W Evans 280 W W Collins v L Evans 281 N J Evans v J Haines 282 A G Atkins v H Brewer 283 A Greaves v E Bolter 284 W Davies v L Evans 1960 |
Q/APP/148 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 285 S K Reese v F Wood 286 M Grifftihs v E Bolter (withdrawn) 287 L Nagy v H Brewer (withdrawn) 288 W Dundas v H Brewer 289 W H Aston v F Wood 290 E Allen v F H Smeed 291 L Mc E Grocott v F Wood 292 G I Williams v L A Swift 293 M A Hughes v K J Stanley 294 I Jones v L James 295 R Jones v H Moore 296 G T Day v F Wood (withdrawn) 297 D A Taylor v B Thomas (abandoned) Richard Thomas & Baldwin Ltd v Caldicot & Wentloog Levels Drainage Board 1961 |
Q/APP/149 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 298 W J Harris v J Haines 299 H D Weeson v F H Smeed 300 G Vincent v F Wood 301 G F French v H Brewer 302 P Hargreaves v I M Morgan 303 W E Morgan v E Williams 304 T C Fynn v F Wood 305 R G Parfitt v F Wood 306 T B White v J Haines 307 B L Stafford v J Haines 308 A Fawcett v G D M Wilkins 309 R E Slade v R Griffiths 310 R S Owens v F H Smeed 311 R T W Lewis v H Moore, E P Bolter 312 S C Ruane v F H Smeed 313 L J W Ralph v F H Smeed 314 A M Fox v H Brewer 315 B D Price v W Jones 316 W T Evans v L Jones 317 K Williams " 318 " 319 T S Glover v L Evaans 320 G N Price v J Haines 321 F E Gray v L Evans 322 E J Rogers v H Brewer 323 T E J Flannagan v W Jones 324 J Edwards v L Evans 325 J Avery v J Wiliams 326 C W Rose v J Haines 327 J Upsott v H Moore 1962 |
Q/APP/150 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 328 G R Barnett v L Evans 329 A H Miles v W Jones 330 R Collett v R Scott 331 P R Rundle v J Haines 332 V D Bell v R Griffiths 333 C H Morgan v L A Swift 334 A W Charitos v N Phelps 335 G Weston v L Evans 336 P Fletcher v T Howells 337 W W Collins v L Evans 338 G W James v W Jones 339 A H Gray v F H Smeed 340 C W Spierling v C Price 341 R W Williams v L Evans 342 T Smith v R Griffiths 343 I E R Rees v A France 344 M E Hinkin v R Griffiths 345 J Gray Snr v W Jones 346 F L Johnson v R Griffiths 347 L R Rogers v J Haines 348 F W J Watts v R F Dobson 349 H Thomas v L James 350 J J Butterjee v H Brewer 351 G Davies v F H Smeed 352 R J G Barnham v L Evans 353 R Lawrence v L James 354 B Davies " " 355 R H Parfitt v J L Haines 356 P C Hayward v L A Swift 357 I H Waye v E Bolter (abandoned) 19. D Pugh (racing) Ltd v Betting Licensing Committee for the PSD of Caerleon 1963 |
Q/APP/151 Appeals to the Quarter Sessions 358 A I Jones v L Evans 359 R G Burrows v H Brewer 360 E G Ackerman v L Evans 361 B Pitt v E Bolter 362 P A Gorvett v L Evans 363 B W Slaughter v E Bolter 364 M G Dorrington v R Scott 365 E B Smith v R Scott 366 W B Isaac v E Bolter 367 A B Davies v L Evans (abandoned) 368 T E Booth v W Evans 369 B W Watkins v R Scott 370 D J Masser v H Pickernell 371 R E Enos v L Evans 372 TJ Liles v K Larcombe (abandoned) 373 A Strange v W Holder 374 R G P Lloyd v E Williams 375 G J Pask " " 376 I T Reed v L James 377 P Thomas v H Pickernell 378 B Brooks v L James 379 H B Brustad v L Evans 380 G W Jones v C Hinley 381 A Greaves v H Pickernell 382 G A J Roberts v E Bolter 383 R Graham v F H Smeed 384 W F M G Ryan v F H Smeed 1964 |
Q/APP/152 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 385 P A Williams 386 J R Roberts 387 G Jenkins 1964 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/153 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 388 W G Courtney 389 S Perry 390 B Hill 391 S D Jones v T Seabrook 392 A Higinson 393 I J Windsor 394 S P Fynn 395 J Pearce v D Jones 396 H Bishop 397 J M A Gray 398 E B Barnett v C E Windsor 399 P H Sheryn 1964 Adjourned Michaelmas Sessions |
Q/APP/154 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 400 C D Pocock 401 A M Jones 1965 Epiphany |
Q/APP/155 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 402 A J Manfield 403 T Anderson 404 J Howe v Mon CC 405 V C Jenkins (abandoned) 406 L D Evans 407 E W Bather 1965 Epiphany Adjourned Sessions |
Q/APP/156 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 408 M A Niblett v M Rogers 409 A D Hunt 410 E W P White 411 M H Knott (abandoned) 412 P R Watkins 413 G S Hann 1965 Easter |
Q/APP/157 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 414 W J Gabb 415 A D Hawkins 416 E Bapp v A Sutton 417 A Tarrant 418 K J Tiley 419 D R Ashton 1965 Easter Adjourned Sessions |
Q/APP/158 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 420 C Goodman 421 M E V Tooms (abandoned) 422 W F Stapleton 423 C Spiteri 1965 Midsummer |
Q/APP/159 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 424 D Coombes 425 L D Evans 426 I J Roch (abandoned) 1965 Midsummer Adjourned |
Q/APP/160 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 427 G Bridge (abandoned) 428 C Seer 429 T K Rappell v G D Webster 430 L G Lloyd 431 E J Jackson 1965 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/161 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 432 E Thomas 433 G H Baynham) 434 R G Evans) 435 M Taylor 436 K Baker 437 A N Protheroe 438 S J W P Dewars 439 A J Mullins 44 T Thomas 441 L E Burris 1965 Michaelmas Adjourned |
Q/APP/162 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 442 T E Williams v Swift 443 J H J Gibbons v British Rlys Board Richard Thomas & Baldwin Ltd, v Caldicot & Wentloog Levels Drainage Board 1966 Epiphany |
Q/APP/163 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 444 Palethorpe Ltd v Bullen 445 G M C Bailey v Harris 446 F Webb v Powell 447 D Walsh v Bolter 448 D M Rowlands v Jones 449 J Williams v Rollings 450 I G Giles v Smeed 451 G Powell v Bolter 452 B R Donnelly v Holder 453 R J Andrews v Brewer 454 M L Setherley " " 455 P S Hales " " 456 R Podmore " " 457 G J H Gibbons v Brewer 458 B Small v Harris 459 J J Watkins v Hinley 460 D R Soper v Harris 461 W H Aston v Jones 462 R G Evans v Jones 463 T J Bailey v Smeed 464 T J Jenner v Brewer 1966 Epiphany Adjourned Sessions |
Q/APP/164 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 465 D T Harris v Bolter 466 R N Jones v Rollings 467 W K Wood v Haines 468 S H Ashenden v Smeed (withdrawn) 469 A Greaves v Brewer 470 D G Morgan v Jame 471 P Owens v James (withdrawn) 472 K M Davies v Smeed 1966 Easter |
Q/APP/165 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 473 Auto Engineering Electrical &Coach Building Co Ltd v Iles 474 D J Fry v Bolter 475 E H Bale v Smeed (abandoned) 476 F A Batten v Bolter 477 T Collins v Jones 478 D G Gough v Harris 479 D T Evans v Brewer (abandoned) 480 G Greedy v Brewer 1966 Easter Adjourned Sessions |
Q/APP/166 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 481 R A Hodgson v James 482 T John v Williams 483 M W Anthony v Scott 484 E James v Evans (withdrawn) 485 S J Callow v Smeed 486 J M A Gray v Harris 487 J P Coleman v Evans 488 D J Lloyd v Bolter 489 J Thomas v Williams 490 R G Evans v Rymer 491 J R Foster v Williams 1966 Midsummer |
Q/APP/167 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 492 P R Suarez v Harris 493 M Bowyer v Jones 494 B Brookes v Rollings 495 A Waheed v Harris (abandoned) 496 D B Baber v Haines 497 F R C Pink v Harris 498 R J A John v Smeed 499 M Johnson " 500 G W Batchelor v Harris 501 W G Channing v Harris 502 L P Johnston v Davies 1966 Midsummer Adjourned |
Q/APP/168 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 503 C C W R Murison v Jones 504 R Marks v Jones 505 R Marks v Jones 506 G Marks v Jones 507 R Evans v Tamplin 508 T B Edward v Bolter 509 T Williams " " 510 D A Brown v Bolter 511 B Bajic v Bolter 512 M J Baber v Haines 1966 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/169 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 513 R G Roberts v CC Cardiff 514 L G Philpotts v Jenkins 515 R E Howells v Jenkins 516 F A Lowe v Baber 517 C A Hanbury v Harris 1966 Michaelmas Adjourned |
Q/APP/170 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 518 M O'Sullivan v Bolter 519 D Goddard " " 520 G R Barnett v Harris (abandoned) 521 A J Elliott v Dennis 522 M S Moshin v Smeed 523 F L Rose v Brewer 1967 Epiphany |
Q/APP/171 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 524 W A Major v Harris 525 K J Harding v Harris 526 T D Kendall v Harris 527 C Williamson v Jenkins 528 E J Hurley v Jenkins 1967 Epiphany Adjourned |
Q/APP/172 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 529 R J Souchotte v Rogers 530 A L Howells v Harris 531 F R D Rowlands v Haines 532 R W Hicks v Jones 533 R A Small v Jones 534 B Tovey " " 535 A J Davies v Jenkins 536 C Jones v Jenkins 537 T H Adams v Jenkins 538 R T Hibbert v Jenkins 1967 Easter |
Q/APP/173 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 539 A T G Brown v Pinney 540 R J Scott v Harris 541 E J Gillard v Evans 542 A M Williams v Harris 543 H Owen v Harris 544 H Phillips v Evans 545 J Morris v Bolter 546 J W Baber v Haines 547 K G Baber " " 548 J M Baber " " 549 S Roberts v Hinley 550 B Jacob v Jenkins 551 R Jones v Haines 1967 Easter Adjourned |
Q/APP/174 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 552 G Mansfield v Brewer 553 M Greaves v Bolter 554 P M Wilkinson v Shields 555 J B Fletcher v Harris 556 J St C Walton v Jenkins 557 S P Ganderton v Harris 558 M B Bird v Gullis (abandoned) 559 W R Twyford v Baber 1967 Midsummer |
Q/APP/175 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 560 G R Richards v Hayward 561 P T Naylon " " 562 L D Murison v Harris 563 K O Davies v Evans 564 G E Naylon v Milner 565 D A Williams v Baber 566 S J Greenaway v Jenkins 567 C W Jones v Scott 568 W J Regan v Jones 1967 Midsummer Adjourned |
Q/APP/176 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 569 C Godetz v Hinley 570 E Price v Cook 1967 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/177 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 571 A E Wall v E Bolter 572 J G Davies v W Evans 573 K Pattemore " " 574 R Penny v E P Bolter 575 B J H Webber v E Bolter 576 G A Aldoescu v G A Power 577 C R Williams v A Harris 578 A Cooper v T Howells 579 D Blake v Newport Borough 580 E Gray v R G Haines# 581 L H McKenzie v A Harris 582 F H Bailey v A Harris 1967 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/178 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 583 F H James v A Harris 584 C E Lyes v F Y Deacon 585 J Nash v C Hinley 586 M R Davies v K T Wood 587 M J Leatherland v R G Haines 588 C S Saunders v R G Haines 589 J L S Mond v F Williams 590 R G Harris v E P Bolter 1967 Michaelmas Adjourned |
Q/APP/179 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 591 J D Collingbourne v V A Harris 592 J C Palfrey v R G Haines 593 P N Palfrey " " 594 J N B Gardner v A Harris 1968 Epiphany |
Q/APP/180 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 595 D Price v S A Brooks 596 A L Hultberg v A Harris 597 A T Oakey v E P Bolter 598 A J Wiggett v A Harris 599 W A Evans v A Harris 600 L L Jones v E Williams 601 D T Callaghan v K Jenkins 602 M T C Haggerty v E WIlliams 603 M Jones v A Harris 604 S C White v N Kedhane 605D Ingegno v A Harris 1968 Epiphany Adjourned |
Q/APP/181 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 606 K J Hayes v W Jones 607 P Bracey v R T Evans 608 T J Thomas v E Bolter 609 S H Ashenden v A Hayward 610 T J McCann v W Jones 611 E Forrest v A Hayward 612 W D Davies v A Harris 613 R T Davies v A Harris 614 J B Fletcher v J L Fletcher 615 L J M McDonald v A Harris 1968 Easter |
Q/APP/182 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 616 D G Vrettos v A Harris 617 D R Lawrence v R Scott 618 A S Nest v J Teague 619 R Bell v R T Evans 620 C A Williams v R T Evans 621 D J Horseman v R T Evans 622 R W Stokes v A Harris 623 D Morgan v R T Evans 624 H E Reynolds v A Harris 625 G C Bond v E Bolter 1968 Easter Adjourned |
Q/APP/183 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 626 Hudsons of Dudley Ltd v S J Camfield 627 D May v A Harris 628 P J Walker v K Jenkins 629 M T Henderson v A Harris 630 J J O'Rourke v F Williams 631 R Watkins v R T Evans 632 V J Painter v W E Evans 633 B George v F Hood 634 P Harris v E Bolter 635 D L Cook v A Harris 636 R H Rogers v F Hood 1968 Midsummer |
Q/APP/184 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 637 M Vaughan v A Harris 638 C Carpenter v E Bolter 639 W W Collins v A Harris 640 T Thomas v A Harris 641 D Hassell c P C Villiers 642 A T Davies v E Bolter 643 P O'Hara v E Bolter 1968 Michaelmas Adjourned |
Q/APP/185 Appeals to Quarter to Sessions 644 A D Bradbury v W Evans 645 P A E Kear v U Branciamore 646 N Coughlin v E Bolter 647 M G Williams v E Bolter 648 M T Pothecary v E Bolter 1968 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/186 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 649 C J Lewis v C Hinley 650 G Clements v J M Jones 651 P J Nance v E Bolter 652 K Devney v R G Gibbs 653 D K Evans v E Bolter 654 P M Meacham v R T Evans 655 P J Hollis v A Harris 656 J Pattersons v A Harris 657 W W Collins v A Harris 658 E J Seymour v A Harris 659 W E Davies v E Bolter 1968 Michaelmas Adjourned |
Q/APP/187 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 660 R A Booth v V R Scott 662 K V Evans v A Harris 663 W E Britton v R T Evans 664 R W Belshaw v F Williams 729 A Jackson v W Nash 1969 Epiphany |
Q/APP/188 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 661 A H Jones v J M Duck 665 W F A Avery v C Hinley 666 I Lloyd v K Jenkins 668 B Pumford v A Harris 669 A L Bevan v F Williams 670 K P Connolly v Charles Hinley 671 T J Howells v K Jenkins 672 G Phillips v K Jenkins 673 J Griffiths v K Jenkins 674 G P Tipper v A Harris 675 S J Kilby v K Jenkins 676 D M Morris v K Jenkins 745 D McCarthy v S Davies 1969 Epiphany Adjourned |
Q/APP/189 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 661 D T Warner v K Jenkins 678 R W Williams v V Charles Hinley 677 R S Hexter v K Jenkins 679 M J Davies v A Harris 680 B W James v A Harris 681 I J Windsor v A Harris 682 W A Hand v R Scott 683 M Thomas v A Harris 685 A J Richard v W Evans 686 D M Clarke v W Evans 687 F I Smith v A Hayward 1969 Easter |
Q/APP/190 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 684 W E Howell v R L Smith 688 W Black v A Harris 689 S K Jones v V R Haines 690 S P Fynn v W Evans 691 W J Boddy v A Harris 693 P J Barton v A Harris 694 E Bowen Blandford v R T Evans 695 P A Thompson v L Baber 696 S S Cocks v A Harris 697 J Matthews v E Hough 698 M M Thomas v F Wiliams 1969 Easter Adjoured |
Q/APP/191 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 692 A I Emmanuel v G Gorman 699 D R Powell v A Hayward 701 T H Smith v A Harris 702 L Morgan v R T Evans 703 A J Johnson v R T Evans 704 S R Gsanerle v A Harris 705 G R Thomas v A Harris 707 S L P White v A Harris 708 D J Lewis v S J Williams 710 R G Emmett v R T Evans 711 D James v J B Tucker 712 Hazells (Haulage) Ltd v South Wales Traffic Authority 7123 F A Batten v R T Evans 1969 Midsummer |
192 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 698 W R Martin v A Hayward 706 T Pike v D Treasure 709 S Byfield v F Williams 714 J D Shaw v A Bollingham 715 R Chappel v E E Chappell 716 P N M Barry v F Williams 717 A E Capel & H C Capel v K Jenkins 718 " " " " 719 P Brady v A Harris 720 D A J Hughes v W Evans 721 J A Summers v A Harris 722 R J Lewis v R T Evans 723 H R A Rees v L Baber 1969 MS Adjourned |
Q/APP/193 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 724 D C A McIsaac v F Williams 725 G Saunders v F Williams 726 A Brooks v R T Evans 727 A A Price v P McCarthy 728 D Smith v W Farley 730 C Benzani v A Hayward 731 M T Askew v G Powell 732 S B Davies v A Harris 733 M A Watkins v A Harris 734 R J Oates v G Powell 735 L F Wingern v W Evans 736 H A R Phillips v G Powll 737 W J F Hood v W Evans 1969 Michaelmas |
Q/APP/194 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 738 I J Windsor v L Baber 739 B Roberts v W Evans 740 H Jones v W Evans 741 M R Green v W Evans 742 W W Wallace v G Nelmes 743 W F Tutton v A Harris 744 B Thomas v R T Evans 746 A C J Callaghan v F Hood 747 R U H Witcombe v G Powell 748 E J Hiscox v G Hinley 749 P F Watson v F Williams 1969 Michaelmas Adjourned |
Q/APP/195 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 750 R A G Davies 751 K A F Magor 752 J D Wells 753 D J P Collins 754 G E Turner 755 R Perrett 756a W A Gane 756b A Brooks 757 B Cairns 758 D K Beck 759 A Sanderson (Great Broughton Ltd) 760 D M Spence 761 J P Cousins 762 R C Gibson 763 R D Nowell 764 J L Dimond 765 T L Preece 766 E Gray 767 D W R Crandon 768 I L Williams 770 Hazells Haulage Limited 771 M G Jones 772 W E Hart 773 W A Nelson 774 G Osztreicher 775 A McCarthry 776 J M B Nicholson 777 S W G Tovey 1970 Epiphany Adjourned |
Q/APP/196 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 778 W P Evans v R T Evans 779 H W Thompson v G Powell 780 J A Gibbs v G Nelmes 1970 Easter |
Q/APP/197 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 781 R J Turner v C Hinley 782 J Thomas v R T Evans 1970 Easter Adjourned |
Q/APP/198 Appeal to Quarter Sessions 783 P J Williams v G Powell 784 T L Preece v G Nelmes 785 L Baker v F Hood 786 C Seer v G Nelmes 787 R C Suurhoff v C Hinley 788 J Binnall v G Nelmes 789 Brackmead (Ltd) 790 J Parish v G Nelmes 791 D H T Prior v G Nelmes 792 K J Ralph 793 K W Smith v F Hood 794 J Richards v F Wyer 795 I G Giles v G Nelmes 796 N O Russell v F Wyer 797 L W Nuth v R T Evans 799 A B Beckett v G Powell 1970 Midsummer |
Q/APP/199 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 800 M G Tunnicliffe v G Nelmes 801 E J Hughes v Manship 802 L G Nightingale v T Seabrook 803 I L J Fry v A W Davies GPO 804 A J Ewers v F Williams 805 W W Collins v G Nelmes 806 C Watkins v F Wyer 807 G J A Gibbons v A Harris 808 T R Jones v Caerleon Licensing Justices 809 A R Wells v F Hood 810 A D Powell v F Hood 811 D A Millard v Chepstow RDC 812 B G H Drew v F Hood 813 G E Williams v Pontypridd UDC 814 H J Schofield v G Nelmes 815 J Lewis v G Nelmes 1970 Midsummer Adjourned |
Q/APP/200 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 816 R F Sladden v R T Evans 817 D H T Prior v G Nelmes 818 R M Hughes v G Nelmes 819 G Collins v G Nelmes 820 B W Bowen v G Powell 821 B Pitt v R T Evans 822 J Hill v G Nelmes 823 M G Williams v G Nelmes 824 W T Arthur v G Nelmes 825 S M Jarman v F Hood 826 G Y Galloway v F Hood 827 K M J Wilson v F Hood 828 M Legge v F Hood 829 N H Brown v G Powell 830 L W James v G Powell 1970 Michaelmas Adjuorned |
Q/APP/201 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 798 C E Ackerman v Licensing Justices for Petty Sessions Divisions of Caerleon Peter Melville Thomas and Robert William Chicken v Licensing Justices for County Borough of Newport 1970 Midsummer |
Q/APP/202 Appeals of Quarter Sessions Kenneth Phillips v Charles Hinley 1971 Epiphany |
Q/APP/202 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 831 R G Masters v G Nelmes 832 S Thomas v K Jenkins 833 T A Bayliss v R T Evans 834 R H Carter v C Hinley 835 B Watkins v F Wyer 836 R W Belshaw v F Williams 1971 Epiphany |
Q/APP/202 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 837 P O Wallace v R T Evans 838 A P Lathwell v F Wyer 839 J H Window v G Nelmes 840 D G Tucker v J Fitzpatrick 841 T C Tranter v G Nelmes 842 J V Fox v F Williams 1971 Epiphany Adjourned |
V203 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 851 W G Collins v G Nelmes 852 M N P Barry v F Williams F E Page v Chief Constable & Licensing Justices for County Borough of Newport 1971 Easter |
Q/APP/203 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 842 B L Nurden v G Powell 844 R A G Davies v F Wyer 845 D B Parry v F Wyer 846 B Brooks v R T Evans 847 G D Phelps v S L Hooper 848 K Evans v G Nelmes 849 W H Davies v W Farley 850B Dunn v F Heden 1971 Easter |
Q/APP/204 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 853 J Saniford v F Williams 854 P A Keating v W Farley 855 G J H Durring v F Hood 856 G J Meszaras v G Nelmes 857 C C A Turner v H B Hughes 859 L Elsworth v G Nelmes 1971 Easter Adjourned |
Q/APP/205 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 860 A G Davies v F Wyer 861 R C Bennett v G Nelmes 862 M Veriens v C A Howells 863 K L White v G Nelmes 864 J A Riverr v A Hayward 865 D R James v F Wyer 866 H E J Reynolds v G Nelmes 867 F W Westacott v F Hood 868 R M Painter v G Powell 869 D F Llewellyn v R T Evans 870 N B Rafferty v T Seabrook 871M J Somerfield v W Farley 1971 Midsummer |
Q/APP/206 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 872 A P Gudeon v R T Evans 873 D A Bradbury v G Powell 874 J T Grace v F Hood 875 E W Prowse v G Nelmes 876 W J Wallace v G Nelmes 877 W L G Shirley v G Powell 878 N F Watkins v R T Evans 879 G Healey v R T Evans G J Williams v Gaming, Licensing Committee for Bedwellty 1971 Midsummer |
Q/APP/207 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 880 S Kerrigan v F Hood 881 R A Price v R T Evans 882 P D Jones v C Hinley 883 I H Hewlett v W Farley 884 M V Waite v F Hood 885 N R Kelly v F Hood 1971 Midsummer Adjourned |
Q/APP/208 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 886 J E Cassidy v W Farley 887 J Dyer v W Farley 888 G H J Davies v D Wyer 889 E R Gwilliams v W Farley 890 P N Evans v W Farley 891 J P Cougham v F Hood 892 F Beale v M Coughlin 893 J Rennie v W Farley 894 B F Gibbons v Chief Constable 895 A Jolly v T O'Connell 896 T F Embrey v F Hood 897 D SMith v F T Heden 898 J Bennett v F Williams 899 C A Garside v F Wyer 1971 Michaelmas |
V209 Appeals of Quarter Sessions 900 H G Thomas v A E Hurd 901 E Meadows v W Farley 902 D E Rodgers v G Powell 903 D Phillips v T O'Connell 904 R J Turner v K Keshane 905 S H Jordan v M Ledhame 906 S D Clayden v F Hood 908 H C Symons v F Williams 35 A V Penny v Betting Licensing Committee for Petty Sessions Division of Caerleon and Derek Pugh (Racing) Ltd. 1971 MM Adjourned |
Q/APP/136 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 1792 - 1879 |
Q/APP/137 Appeals to Quarter Sessions 115 W Ewers v A Briggs 116 J T Griffiths v E Casey 117 A G Cooke v L Moore 118 J M Watkins v A Briggs 119 W J Jennings v A Bowkett 120 J Simmonds v A Briiggs 121 M Goldblatt v Mon CC 122 C Nichols " " 1950 |
Appeals to Court of Criminal Appeal |
Q/APPCCA/P1 Particulars of Trial (Criminal Appeal Act 1907) 1910-1960 |
Q/APPCCA/P/2 Particulars of Trial (Criminal Appeal Act 1907) 1961-1971 |
Appeals to King's Bench |
Q/AKB/1 Copy of rule of court and pleadings in case King's bench 1798 |
Q/AKB/2 Certiaori King's Bench from the quarter sessions (jury) 1830-1831 |
Q/AKB/3 Special case Queen's Bench Regina. v Bedwellty (Merthyr Tydfil) 1847 |
Q/AKB/4 Papers on certiaori Queen's Bench on appeal to order of removal Martley, Worcestershire v Bedwellty 1866 |
Q/AKB/5 Case from quarter sessions to court for Crown (?) 1881 |
Q/AKB/6 Special case Queen's Bench on quashing rate of Abergavenny Development Commissioners rates 1885-1887 |
Q/AKB/7 Appeal King's Bench from quarter sessions 1891-1893 |
Q/AKB/8 Appeal from Quarter Sessions to Queen's Bench Nov 1898 |
Q/AKB/9 Rating appeal to King's Bench 1904-1908 |
Q/AKB/10 Appeal on rating Quarter Sessions to King's Bench 1909 |
Q/AKB/11 Appeal Quarter Sessions to King's Bench 1923-1924 |
Q/AKB/12 Case King's Bench from Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1924 |
Q/AKB/13 Appeal from Quarter Sessions to King's Bench 1924-1926 |
Minutes of Rating Appeal |
Q/MINRATC/1 1929-1935 |
Rating Appeal |
Q/RAPP/1 No. 7,8, 9, 10 Jul 1929 |
Q/RAPP/2 No. 11 Jul 1929 |
Q/RAPP/3 No.13 Jul 1929 |
Q/RAPP/4 No.59 Dec 1929 |
Q/RAPP/5 No.65 Dec 1929 |
Q/RAPP/6 No. 67 Dec 1929 |
Q/RAPP/7 Withdrawn appeals 1929 |
Q/RAPP/8 Papers relating to Appeals Committee 1929-1934 |
Q/RAPP/9 No. 71, 72, 73 Mar 1930 |
Q/RAPP/10 No. 75 |
Q/RAPP/11 No. 79 Apr 1930 |
Q/RAPP/12 No. 82 May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/13 No. 86 Apr 1930 |
Q/RAPP/14 No. 90 May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/15 No. 91 Jul 1930 |
Q/RAPP/16 No. 97 May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/98 No. 98 May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/18 No. 99 May 1929 |
Q/RAPP/19 No. 100 May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/20 No. 101 May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/21 No. 102 Oct 1930 |
Q/RAPP/22 Withdrawn appeals 1930 |
Q/RAPP/23 Correspondence of Rating Appeals Committee 1930-1935 |
Q/RAPP/24 Papers re appeal Midland Bank Newport May 1930 |
Q/RAPP/25 No. 95 Jun 1931 |
Q/RAPP/26 No. 107 Apr 1931 |
Q/RAPP/27 Adjourned Quarter Sessions Jan 1931 |
Q/RAPP/28 Withdrawn appeals 1931 |
Q/RAPP/29 No. 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 Jan 1932 |
Q/RAPP/30 No. 122 Apr 1932 |
Q/RAPP/31 No. 123 Jun 1932 |
Q/RAPP/32 No. 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 1923 |
Q/RAPP/33 Withdrawn appeals No. 129, 131 1933 |
Q/RAPP/34 No. 130 Mar 1933 |
Q/RAPP/35 Monmouthshire County Valuation Committee v South Monmouth Assessment Committee 1933 |
Q/RAPP/36 Monmouthshire County Valuation Committee v South Monmouth Assessment Committee 1933 |
Q/RAPP/37 Newport 1933 |
Q/RAPP/38 Withdrawn appeals No. 132, 134 1934 |
Q/RAPP/39 No. 133 Oct 1934 |
Q/RAPP/40 Plans re appeal Chepstow Co. Bakery No. 133 1934 |
Q/RAPP/41 No. 145 Feb 1935 |
Q/RAPP/42 Withdrawn appeal No. 147 1935 |
Q/RAPP/43 Withdrawn appeals, No. 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 1935 |
Q/RAPP/44 Withdrawn appeals, No. 144, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151 1935 |
Q/RAPP/45 Withdrawn, No. 152 1936 |
Q/RAPP/46 Withdrawn, No. 153 Feb 1936 |
Q/RAPP/47 Withdrawn, No. 154 Feb 1936 |
Q/RAPP/48 Withdrawn, No. 155 Feb 1936 |
Q/RAPP/49 Withdrawn appeals, No. 156, 157, 158 Mar 1936 |
Q/RAPP/50 No. 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 Oct 1936 |
Q/RAPP/51 No. 166 May 1936 |
Q/RAPP/52 Withdrawn appeals, No. 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179 May 1938 |
Q/RAPP/53 Withdrawn, No. 180 Mar 1936 |
Q/RAPP/54 Withdrawn, No. 181 Nov 1936 |
Q/RAPP/182 Withdrawn, No. 182 Jul 1937 |
Q/RAPP/56 Withdrawn, No. 183 Sept 1937 |
Q/RAPP/57 Withdrawn, No. 184 Dec 1937 |
Q/RAPP/58 No. 185 Mar 1938 |
Q/RAPP/59 No. 186 Mar 1938 |
Q/RAPP/60 No. 187 Mar 1939 |
Q/RAPP/61 No. 188 Oct 1938 |
Q/RAPP/62 Withdrawn, No. 189 Mar 1939 |
Q/RAPP/63 Papers relating to appeals of the parishes of Abersychan, Pontypool, Griffithstown, Llanfihangel, Pontymoile, Panteg Michaelmas 1915 |
Q/RAPP/64 Papers relating to appeals of the parishes of Pontypool, Abersychan, and several parishes in the Urban District of Panteg 1915 |
Q/RAPP/65 Appeals and papers 19th century-20th century |
Q/RAPP/66 Newport Playgoer's v Newport Corporation 1957 |
Proceedings Under the Criminal Justice Act 1948 and Magistrates Court Act 1952 |
Q/PCJA/24 470. Elwyn Thomas 471. Melville Brown 472. Ralph Fairclough 473. Stanley Ceirog Jones 474. David John Arnold 475. David John Masser Mar 1963 |
Q/PCJA/25 476. Arthur Charles Williams, 477. Rudolf Stanley Williams, 478. Arthur Robinson, 479. Melvin George Horton, 480. John Scammell, 481. John Thomas Causton, 482. Kenneth John Ralph, 483. Terence Joseph Johnson, 484. Ann Knight, 485. Sarah Enid James, 486. Brian Charles Fry, 487. Albert Rumford, 488. Lajos Szutor, 489. Stephen Michael Sawyer Apr 1963 |
Q/PCJA/26 490. Royston Burgoyne, 491. Brian Thomas, 492. Patrick John Hurley, 493. Clifford Ivor Phillips, 494. Charles Henry Symonds, 495. Edward James Doherty, 496. Mansel Michael Thomas, 497. William Stanley Olwen Davies, 498. Brian Valentine Cox, 499. Edmund Patrick Kelly May 1963 |
Q/PCJA/27 500. Frederick Moses, 501. Edward Douglas Smith, 502. George Stokes, 503. Royston George Thompson, 504. Maurice Murison, 505. William Henry Sweeting, 506. Jeffrey Michael Davey, 507. Arthur James Williams, 508. Brian Alfred Rogers, 509. Ernest Jakeways, 510. Norman Smith, 511. Lyndon Thomas Williams Jul 1963 |
Q/PCJA/28 512. Leslie Barnaby Michaelmas 1963 |
Q/PCJA/29 513. Gareth Thomas Parfitt, 514. Terrence Francis Ewers, 515. Lawrence Graham Philpotts, 516. Thomas Ivor Edwards, 517. Robert Williamson, 518. Dennis Williams, 519. David Hopkins, 520. Ernest John Richards Michaelmas 1963 |
Q/PCJA/30 521. Desmond John Marsh, 522. Albert Edward Henderson, 523. Ernest George Birschel, 524. Michael Bryne, 525. John Ronan, 526. Gordon Illsley, 527. Dennis Roger Owen Michaelmas 1963 |
Q/PCJA/31 528. Trevor Thomas Meadows, 529. Joseph John Parfitt, 530. Ronald George Burrows, 531. Alan Neil Davies, 532. Ralph John Rogers Epiphany 1964 |
Q/PCJA/32 533. Leslie Ralph McDonald, 534. Terrence Francis Ewers, 535. Malcolm John Seabourne, 536. Anthony McCarthy, 537. Michael John Lamprey, 538. Michael Spiteri, 539. Terence John Pooley Epiphany 1964 |
Q/PCJA/33 540. David John Chany, 541. James William Jones, 542. Carlton Mabe, 543. David William Davies, 544. Leslie James Broderick, 545. Clive Roger Daly, 546. Michael Gordon Dorrington, 547. Terence Roderick Mullins, 548. Ivor Ronald Beacham, 549. Ronald Evans, 550. Ivor James Windsor, 551. Leslie David Appleby, 552. Gerald William Upton, 553. Carlton Mabe, 554. Brinley John Powell, 555. Peter John Maggs, 556. Hubert Reginald Hughes, 557. Ronald Fieldhouse, 558. Brian Collins, 559. Robert Jones, 560. Reginald Thomas Roderick, 561. Keith Malcolm Davies, 562. Derek Lyndon Gibbs, 563. Henry Ford, 564. Emanuel Bishop, 565. Archibald David Macmillan, 566. Hadyn Cornthwaite, 567. Francis Allen Batten, 568. Clive Charles Williams Easter 1964 |
Q/PCJA/34 569. Ian John Harris, 570. Brinley Frank Badham, 571. David John Rees, 572. John Barry, 573. Clifford John Lapping, 574. Donald William Ernest Brown, 575. Hadyn Bevan, 576. David Webley, 577. Roger de la Mare, 578. Anthony James Mullins, 579. Michael Williams, 580. Terence Johnson, 581. Keith James Easter 1964 |
Q/PCJA/35 582. Roger James Athay, 583. John Trevor Griffiths, 584. Anthony Sinclair, 585. Reginald Clifford Hodder, 586. Douglas Christian, 587. Elwyn Howell Nott Michaelmas 1964 |
Q/PCJA/36 588. Arnold Greaves, 589. David Greaves, 590. Kenneth John Wallace, 591. Mervyn Butcher, 592. Jack Woods, 593. Thomas John Callaghan, 594. Raymond Upshall, 595. Raymond Newell, 596. Barry James Samuel, 597. Vincent David Derrick, 598. Ivor Henry David Lewis, 599. Barry James Samuel, 600. Terence England, 601. John William Hull, 603. Mervyn Parfitt, 604. Thomas Malcolm Edwards Michaelmas 1964 |
Q/PCJA/37 602. Anthony James Wills, 605. Isaac John Bennett Michaelmas 1964 |
Q/PCJA/38 606. Patrick Sheals, 607. Harold Dennis Bell, 608. Harry Bishop, 609. Donald Job, 610. John Causton, 611. Jeffrey James Dixon, 612. Peter John Maggs, 613. William John Buckley, 614. Augustus Gibson, 615. Glyn Ball, 616. Raymond Charles Gibson Michaelmas 1964 |
Q/PCJA/39 617. Alan Trevor Price, 618. Edward Avon Knight, 619. John Phillip Hathway Epiphany 1965 |
Q/PCJA/40 620. Stuart Arthur Webb, 621. Peter Thomas, 622. Clifford John Price, 623. John Harold Williams, 624. Alan Edward Cogdell, 625. Kenneth John Ralph, 626. Harold Edmund Young, 627. Robert Percival Charles Williams, 628. Phillip Podmore, 629. William Henry Nash Epiphany 1965 |
Q/PCJA/41 630. Russell Jones, 631. Mervyn Howells, 632. David Malcolm Isitt, 633. Leonard Evans, 634. Michael Frederick Everson, 635. David Cemaes Bishop, 636. David John Arnold, 637. William Thompson, 638. William Verson James Hall Easter 1965 |
Q/PCJA/42 639. Thomas Henry Watkins, 640. Albert James Kerr, 641. Matry Cecilie Williams, 642. John Richard Stokes Easter 1965 |
Q/PCJA/43 643. John Lyndon Ryan, 644. Joseph Henry Mew, 645. Kenneth Lester Stephens, 646. Paul Page, 647. Arnold Kelvin Downham, 648. Annette Joan Wainfur, 649. Kenneth David Robins, 650. Gerald Beacham, 651. Melvin Llewellyn, 652. Paul Henry Llewellyn, 653. Thomas Miles Michaelmas 1965 |
Q/PCJA/44 654. Bryan Roberts, 655. William John Buckley, 656. Ernest Edward Rich, 657. William Henry Sweeting, 658. Michael Gordon Dorrington, 659. Malcolm George Williams Michaelmas 1965 |
Q/PCJA/45 660. Gwyn Jenkins, 661. Ronald Edward Tovey, 662. John Garry Bynt alias Bryant, 663. Thomas Mortimer Jones, 664. Thomas John Stevens Michaelmas 1965 |
Q/PCJA/46 665. Harry Parkinson, 666. Dennis Williams, 667. Kenneth Neville Morris, 668. Neville Elvin Gooderham, 669. Caryle John France, 670. Nicholas John Smith, 671. James Buckley, 672. Anthony Lindsay Price Michaelmas 1965 |
Q/PCJA/47 673. D.J. Kirk, 674. K.D. Greenaway, 675. J.T.Fisher, 676. A.J. Southwood, 677. T.E.Williams Epiphany 1965 |
Q/PCJA/1966 678. D.J. Sheffield, 679. T. Harris, 680. I.J. Chick, 681. I.R. Beacham, 682. D.C. Bishop, 683. G. Bishop, 684. P. O'Kane, 685. J.H. Mew, 686. I.E. Morgan, 687. C.G. Clarke, 688. C.A. Shaw, 689. R.G. Evans, 690. G.L. Llewellyn, 691. M.G. Summers, 692. G. L. Llewellyn Epiphany 1966 |
A/PCJA/49 693. K.J. Ralph, 694. K. Harding, 695. R.E. Howells, 696. W.G. Hodges, 697. R. Wright, 698. R.G. Drummond, 699. J.M.B. Nicholson, 700. N. Wilson, 701. J.R. Stokes, 702. J. Draffen, 703. J. Walsh, 704. J.H. Mitchell, 705. J.P. Messham, 706. B. Dunstan, 707. G. Griffiths, 708. E.T. Arkle, 709. E. Thomas Easter 1966 |
Q/PCJA/50 710. J. Davies, 711. J.H. Hooper, 712. R.D. Williams, 713. R.D. Williams, 714. C. Berriman, 715. D.M. Matthews, 716. J.A. Phillips Easter 1966 |
Q/PCJA/51 717. T.P.J. Mullins, 718. D.G. Nurden, 719. P.H. Davies, 720. G.J.Baber, 721. S.H. Ashenden Michaelmas 1966 |
Q/PCJA/52 722. K.D. Greenaway, 723. L. Gifford, 724. K.D. Greenaway, 725. D. Jones, 726. C.J.W.P Dewar, 727. V.G. Lynn, 728. A. James, 729. J.C. Poole, 730. M.W. Bloomer Michaelmas 1966 |
Q/PCJA/53 731. J.H. Vernall, 732. S.M. Shawyer, 733. R. Baker, 734. E. Bishop, 735. W.J. Franklyn, 736. A.G. Gardner, 737. G.S. Russell Michaelmas 1966 |
Q/PCJA/54 738. R.G. Roberts, 739. D.H. Turner, 740. A.H. Dyer, 741. G. Griffin, 742. E.J. Hultberg, 743. R.E. Howells, 744. W.E. Watkins, 745. V.A. Lockley, 746. P. West, 747. J. Joseph, 748. M.J. Crowe, 749. J. Jones, 750. L.R.J. Owens, 751. S.C. Lewis, 752. G. Jenkins, 753. R.A.G. Davies, 754. R.J. Wakeham, 755. R.J. Athay, 756. R.V. Nowelll, 757. P.J. Travenen, 758. D.R. Bowen, 759. T.A. Burt, 760. C.J. Lapping, 761. R.C. Gibson Michaelmas 1966 |
Q/PCJA/55 762. Alan Protheroe, 763. Terence Patrick O' Brien, 764. William Edward Smith, 765. Alan Neil Davies, 766. Edward Bennett Barnes Epiphany 1967 |
Q/PCJA/56 767. Desmond Matthew Henderson, 768. Michael Thomas Mohammed, 769. Henry Ford, 770. Alan Jones, 771. Gerald Davies, 772. Gordon John Turner, 773. Leonard Watkins, 774. Alfred James Jones, 775. Paul Henry Davies, 776. Edward Gray, 777. Edward John Hurley, 778. Glanwyn Stuart Brookes, 779. Phillip Anthony Williams, 780. James Harries Davies, 781. Trevor Jones, 782. David Hackett Epiphany 1967 |
Q/PCJA/57 783. Nicholas Coles, 784. Byron Anthony Davies, 785. Anthony Henry Goodchild, 786. Michael John Haines, 787. Ian John Harries, 788. Phillip John Travenen Easter 1967 |
Q/PCJA/58 789. Stephen Charles Williams, 790. Brian Jacob, 791. Michael Greaves, 792. Francis Allan Batten, 793. Karen Powell, 794. Lyndon John Britton, 795. Keith Malcom Davies, 796. Thomas John Baker Easter 1967 |
Q/PCJA/59 797. Alfred James Jones, 798. Keith Edwin Powell, 799. Graydon James Price, 800. William F.G. Ryan, 801. Collin G.W. James, 802. Michael John Jones, 803. Phillip Charles Collins, 804. John Robert Stuart, 805. Gareth John Lane, 806. Gerald E.J. Edwards, 807. Victor Frederick Boulter, 808. Kenneth Marshall King, 809. David Melville King, 810. Anthony Vincent Gabica, 811. William John Williams, 812. Graham Pascoe, 813. Keith Watts, 814. Idris Jeffrey Morgan Michaelmas 1967 |
Q/PCJA/60 815. Kenneth David Jones, 816. William L.G. Shirley, 817. Mervyn Gravend, 818. Peter James Mahoney Michaelmas 1967 |
Q/PCJA/61 819. Kenneth Evans, 820. Michael Joseph Green, 821. Leon John Thomas, 822. Alan Smith, 823. John Gordon Davies, 824. Kenneth Pattemore, 825. Roger Michael Birch, 826. Malcom Lesley Newberry, 827. Ivor Edwin Morgan, 828. Vincent David Derrick, 829. Andrew Thomas Wall, 830. James Francis Martin, 831. Edward Gray Michaelmas 1967 |
Q/PCJA/62 832. Ivor John Price, 833. Brian Weetch, 834. Gerald Jones, 835 Richard Jeffries Turner, 836. Brian Frederick Cuer, 837. Marius Paul Jones, 838. Terence John McCarthy, 839. Mariius Paul Jones, 840. John Norman, 841. Desmond Matthew Henderson, 842. Albert Rogers, 843. Jeffrey William Fisher, 844. Christopher Michael Crocker, 845. David Terence Garrett, 846. Marius Paul Jones Michaelmas 1967 |
Q/PCJA/63 847. Adrain Wilfred Howells, 848. James Murphy, 849. Kenneth John Richardson Epiphany 1968 |
Q/PCJA/64 850. Mervyn Garfield Jenkins, 851. Warwick Edward Watkins, 852. William Alfred Evans, 853. Elaine Bartlett, 854. Dennis William Bartlett, 855. Michael Hennessy, 856. Raymond Coutney Suurhoff, 857. Stephen Charles White, 858. Frederick Wagstaff, 859. Paul Henry Davies, 860. Kenneth Griffin, 861. David Thomas Davies, 862. John Phillip Cousins, 863. David John Price, 864. Anthony George Arnold Epiphany 1968 |
Q/PCJA/65 865. Graydon James Price, 866. Jackie Ronald Price, 867. Emmanuel Bishop, 868. William Henry Bullock, 869. David John Lewis, 870. Thomas Edward Jones, 871. David Paul Thomas, 872. Phillip John Travenen, 873. Lyn Probert, 874. David William Alexander, 875. Calwyn Evans, 876. Robert William Smith, 877. Clive Lionel Williams, 878. David Gwyn Evans Easter 1968 |
Q/PCJA/66 879. Grahm Thomas Rogers, 880. Roland Arthur Collins, 881. Donald John Horseman, 882. Michael John Pimble, 883. Leon John Thomas, 884. Michael Barrie Stephens, 885. Raymond Lewis Jones, 886. Michael John Pimble, 887. Michael Barrie Stephens, 888. Wayne Sullivan Easter 1968 |
Q/PCJA/67 889. Samuel Knight, 890. Charles Walker Potter Dewars, 891. Danile O'Leary, 892. Dennis Brian Baber, 893. David Charles Evans, 894. Robert Paul Williams, 895. Dennis William Bartlett, 896. Clive Seabourne, 897. Haydn Cornthwaite, 898. Ena Lavinia Willingham, 899. Thomas John Higgins, 900. Sidney John Cankett, 901. Stephen Ettridge Michaelmas 1968 |
Q/PCJA/68 902. Thomas Joseph Parry, 903. Raymond James Robert Clay, 904. Godfrey Charles Mansfield, 905. Phillip James Randall Michaelmas 1968 |
Q/PCJA/69 906. Michael James Cannon, 907. Anthony Charles Fynn Michaelmas 1968 |
Q/PCJA/70 908. Ralph Wall, 909. Phillip John Wiles, 910. Raymond Lewis Jones, 911. James Jones, 912. Ieuan Jones, 913. David John Arnold, 914. Donald Walter Matthews, 915. John Clifford Cross, 916. William John Franklyn, 917. Malcom Hoskins, 918. John Harold Vernall, 919. David Eric Boon, 920. Paul David Morgan Michaelmas 1968 |
Q/PCJA/71 921. John Webber, 922. Clive Jones, 923. Clive Jones, 924. Peter Bell Crandon, 925. Vernon Butts Epiphany 1969 |
Q/PCJA/72 926. Edward Richard Evans, 927. John William Evans, 928. William John Franklyn, 929. David William Meaker, 930. Michael Dudbridge, 931. William Charles Norman, 932. Daniel O' Leary, 933. Edwin Francis Diamond, 934.David Thomas, 935. Terence John Wagstaff, 936. Paul Frederick Watson, 937. Paul Frederick Barry, 938. Trevor Noel Barry Epiphany 1969 |
Q/PCJA/73 939. David John Cheney, 940. Nigel John Rogers, 942. Paul Joseph Knychala, 943. Peter Ryan, 944. Brynley John Allen, 945. James Scott Robertson, 946. Alan Jones, 947. James Lloyd Pidgeon, 948. Terence Clark, 949. Dennis Hall, 950. Phillip James Randall, 951. Terence John McCarthy, 952. Norman Smith, 953. Wilfred Charles Harry Stapleton, 954. John Henry Hooper, 955. Bertie Edwards, 956. Stuart Mervyn Lapping, 957. Adrian Howells, 958. David Allen Jones, 959. Michael John Smith, 960. Dennis George Squires, 961. William Samuel Reeves Easter 1969 |
Q/PCJA/74 962. James Jones, 963. Barry Titford, 964. Ronald Stredwick, 965. Charles Henry Hines, 966. William Henry Wheeler, 967. Terence Patrick Cliggett, 968. Donald James Roberts, 969. Scott William George Harris, 970. Thomas John Baker, 971. Robert James Morgan, 972. John Murphy Easter 1969 |
Q/PCJA/75 973. James Dennis Shaw, 974. Daniel Lynch, 975. John William Murphy, 976. Stephen Rosser Wilson, 977. Dennis James, 978. John Henry Rees, 979. Gwyn Jenkins, 980. David Edward Webley, 981. David George Jenkins, 982. William John Murphy, 983. Richard Joseph O' Brien, 984. Dennis Sebastian Symonds, 985. Howard Roch, 986. Dolores Angela Blood, 987. Dennis Edward Cooksey Michaelmas 1969 |
Q/PCJA/76 988. John Harold Williams, 989. John Causton, 990. Michael William Brewster, 991. Barri Hull, 992. Keith Aston, 993. Malcolm Hosking, 994. Michael Verdun Jenkins, 995. Richard Stanley Spokes Michaelmas 1969 |
Q/PCJA/77 996. Roy Penny, 997. Peter frederick Calbby, 998. Raymond John Goodwin, 999. Bernard William James, 1000. Ernest Harold Griffiths, 1001. Paul Henry Davies, 1002. Merlyn Edward Yandle, 1003. Micahel John Joseph Brown, 1004. David George James, 1005. Donald George Maddox, 1006. Rogel Allan Tyler, 1007. Pail Cooper, 1008. Micahel Evans, 1009. Frederick Thomas, 1010. Grahm Leonard Roberts Michaelmas 1969 |
Q/PCJA/78 1011. Terence William Buller, 1012. David Harold Taylor, 1013. Ian Rowley Darby, 1014. John Harold Vernall, 1015. Laurence Coulter, 1016. David Southwick, 1017. Terence William Buller, 1018. Paul Frederick Watson, 1019. James William Kelso, 1020. Janet Mary Lewis, 1021. Peter Arthur Mabley Michaelmas 1969 |
Q/PCJA/79 1022. Lyndon Morgan, 1023. Michael Stephen David, 1024. David Hackett, 1025. Maurice Steel, 1026. David Jonathan Philpotts Epiphany 1970 |
Q/PCJA/80 1027. Leon John Thomas, 1028. Alan Michael Hart, 1029. Charles William Luxton, 1030. Patrick Charles Howells, 1031. Paul William Helmich, 1032. John Davies Epiphany 1970 |
Q/PCJA/81 1033. Colin Kieron Price, 1034. Arthur Roger Tipping, 1035. James Stephen Hill, 1036. Gordon John Turner, 1037. Vincent David Derrick, 1038. Ivor Edwin Morgan, 1039. Ivor George Thomas Powell, 1040. Ronald Venus Hill, 1041. Royston David Williams, 1042. Brian Gabica, 1043. Jack Woods, 1044. James Fisher, 1045. Godfrey Charles Mansfield, 1046. Mary Cecelia Williams, 1047. Wayne Sullivan, 1048. Lyndon Gifford, 1049. Howard John Edwards, 1050. Stephen Dunn Easter 1970 |
Q/PCJA/82 1051. John Phillip Hathway, 1052. malcolm Gordon Samule Lewis, 1053. Richard Jeffries Turner, 1054. Graham Paul Watts, 1055. Colin John Watts, 1056. Gerald Jones, 1057. Theodore Jones, 1058. Kenneth Thomas Davies, 1059. Robert James McCloy, 1060. James Owen Coslett, 1061. Donald John Horseman, 1062. George Alfred Williams, 1063. Robert James Morgan Easter 1970 |
Q/PCJA/83 1064. Thomas John Baker, 1065. Terence John McCarthy, 1066. Royston Jones, 1067. Clive Jones, 1068. Frederick George Watkins, 1069. Anthony Clifford John Crimmins, 1070. Anthony John Ewers, 1071. Terrence Edward Ewers, 1072. David Glyn Colwell, 1073. Peter John Anthony, 1074. Royston Nunn Michaelmas 1970 |
Q/PCJA/84 1075. Violet May Woodland, 1076. Brian Gabica, 1077. Jack Woods, 1078. Ernest Harold Griffiths, 1079. Brian Ronald Woodland, 1080. Gerald Davies, 1081. Tomas John Higgins, 1082. Alwyn Thomas, 1083. Phillip Anthony Williams, 1084. Phillip Charles Collins, 1085. Ivor Edwin Morgan, 1086. John Douglas Tagoe Michaelmas 1970 |
Q/PCJA/85 1087. Michael Thomas Dennis Hagerty, 1088. Earnest George Williams, 1089. Brian Phillip Davies, 1090. John Willie Pope, 1091. Richard Joseph O' Brien, 1092. Richard Graham Redman, 1093. Thomas William Taylor, 1094. John Causton, 1095. Jeffrey Davies, 1096. Noel Morton Puckett, 1097. Phillip Charles Collins, 1098. Martin George Baber, 1099. Richard Hugh Jones, 1100. Robert Clive Jones, 1101. Clifford Alan Osborne, 1102. Paul Steer, 1103. Royston Evans Michaelmas 1940 |
Q/PCJA/86 1104. Alan Edward Gravenor, 1105. Bernard Pitt, 1106. Dennis William James Cobner, 1107. Robert John Parton, 1108. Stanley James Challenger, 1109. Tyrone Morgan, 1110. David John Peploe, 1111. Stephen David Carter, 1112. John William Murphy, 1113. Paul Gordon, 1114. David Brian Bailey, 1115. Alan George Foster, 1116. David James Peebles, 1117. Jack Ronald Sellars, 1118. Charles William Luxton, 1119. Anthony Paul Luxton, 1120. John Thomas Goode, 1121. Glynne Richard Davies, 1122. Russell Wall, 1123. Ralph Wall, 1124. Christopher Paul Hardacre Michaelmas 1970 |
Q/PCJA/87 1125. Merrys Leslie Chapell, 1126. Dennis John Williams, 1127. Terence Quinney, 1128. David John Edwards, 1129. James Dennis Shaw, 1130. Carl Benjamin Johnson, 1131. Merrys Leslie Chappell, 1132. Arthur Alfred William Callis, 1133. Radley Clifford Jeffries Epiphany 1971 |
Q/PCJA/88 1134. Paul Henry Davies, 1135. Trevor R. Hendricks, 1136. Godwin Peter Carruana, 1137. Trevor Raschad Hendricks, 1138. Godwin Peter Carruana, 1139. Glyn Joseph Harris, 1140. Robert Green, 1141. James Owen Coslett, 1142. David Godfrey Tucker Epiphany 1971 |
Q/PCJA/89 1143. Kenneth Llewellyn Hughes, 1144. Aubrey John Williams, 1145. Barry Eric Bowyer, 1146. Terrence John Wagstaff, 1147. Bernard John Gordon, 1148. Brian William John Harding, 1149. William James Bradley, 1151. Rosemarie Bale, 1152. Margaret Ann Meszaros, 1153. Caol Ann Waters, 1154. Ian Gordon Waters Easter 1971 |
Q/PCJA/90 1155. Alan Lyndon Cooper, 1156. Alan George Foster, 1157. Michael John Haggett, 1158. Johnnie Mayers, 1159. Owen William Stanley Davies, 1160. Derek Pugh, 1161. Michael Thomas Aplin, 1162. Jeffrey William Hopkins, 1163. Christopher Paul Hardacre, 1164. David Haigherty, 1165. Johnny Mayes, 1166. William Phillip Williams, 1167. Trevor Andrew Beirne, 1150. Clifford John Lapping Easter 1971 |
Q/PCJA/91 1168. Gordon James Woodford, 1169. Grapham C. Watkins, 1170. Kevin Kidman, 1171. W.J.E. Ward, 1172. David John Dyas, 1173. Phillip Royden Horley, 1174. W.J.E. Ward, 1175. Derek Paul Swift, 1176. Stuart E. Way, 1177. J.A. Edwards, 1178. Stuart Richard Czamerle, 1179. Anthony Clark, 1180. Marcus M.G. Jones, 1181. Phillip M. Littlejohn Michaelmas 1971 |
Q/PCJA/92 1182. Graham Paul Kent, 1183. Dennis R. Morgan, 1184. John Wilcox, 1185. Christopher M. Williamson, 1186. Ralph Wall, 1187. Derek Morgan, 1188. John W. Murphy, 1189. Merryn L. Chappell, 1190. Phillip John Little Michaelmas 1971 |
Q/PCJA/93 1191. Derek Alan Taylor, 1192. Keith Thomas, 1193. David Brian Parry, 1194. Stephen D. Carter, 1195. Merryn Leslie Chappell, 1196. Andrew D. Crocker, 1197. Allan Lawrence, 1198. Lyndon Morgan, 1199. Kenneth Mortimore Michaelmas 1971 |
Q/PCJA/94 1200. Alan David Cottrell, 1201. Violett E. Healey, 1202. David Brian Parry, 1203. Peter C. Wray, 1204. Brian John Bunce Michaelmas 1971 |
Probation |
Minutes of Probation Committee |
Transferred to Monmouthshire County Council |
Miscellaeous papers relating to Probation of Offenders Act 1907 |
Q/POA/1 Correspondence and circulars Probation Officers rotation of offences Nov 1907-Oct 1928 |
Q/POA/2 Correspondence of reports with some licensing committee correspondence 1929-1935 |
Q/POA/3 Correspondence of reports 23 Nov 1934-4 Dec 1936 |
Debtors |
Papers relating to Insolvent Debtors |
Q/ISP/1 Insolvent debtors papers, miscellaneous papers 1796-1845 |
Q/ISP/2 Insolvent debtors, copies of wills 1797-1842 |
Q/ISP/3 Papers re: Insolvent debtors 1806 |
Q/ISP/4 Schedules re: relief of insolvent debtors 1806 |
Q/ISP/5 Papers, petitions and schedules etc insolvent debtors 1806-1817 |
Q/ISP/6 Agreements, settlements, awards 1809-1843 |
Q/ISP/7 Schedules, court for relief of insolvent debtors 1813-1816 |
Q/ISP/8 Papers re: Insolvent debtors 1817-1818 |
Q/ISP/9 Deeds of assignment, insolvent debtors 1819-1843 |
Q/ISP/10 Bundle of insolvents' papers (including post insolvency) 1820-1823 |
Q/ISP/11 Schedule, petition, insolvent debtors 1823 |
Q/ISP/12 Insolvent debtors papers, leases etc 1825-1841 |
Q/ISP/13 Miscellaneous insolvent debtors papers 1826-1844 |
Q/ISP/14 Insolvent debtors papers, mortgages etc Dec 1828-22 Oct 1842 |
Q/ISP/15 Bills of sale re: insolvent debtors papers 1831-1843 |
Q/ISP/16 Insolvent debtors papers, excise licences etc 1832-1840 |
Q/ISP/17 Book, insolvent debtors court 1832-1847 |
Q/ISP/18 Mortgage, valuation and affidavit (insolvent debtors?) 1844 |
Q/ISP/19 Insolvent debtors papers, re: mortgages, assignments and loans 1841-1845 |
Case files |
Q/IDP/20/1-3 Robert P Armstrong No. 67687, tea dealer of Newport Invoices, reciepts (bundle), day books (2 vols), received 2 Nov. 1846. J.H. Owen, attorney 1844-1846 |
Q/IDP/21/1-2 Job Ashfield No. 57565, (butcher) Account book (1 vol.), 1 item recieved 23 Oct 1841, J.H. Owen, Attorney 1840-1841 |
Q/IDP/22 David Baker of Magor from Thomas Pride. Case No. 57671, Copy will (1822) received 23 Oct. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1830-1870 |
Q/IDP/23 Thomas Bevan No. 11263, Day book (1 vol.), M. Ives, Attorney 1831 |
Q/IDP/24/1-2 James Henry Ball (carpenter) Account books (2 vols) with loose papers 1817-1828 |
Q/IDP/25/1-4 Joseph Barnet No. 50473 (shopkeeper) Account books (3 vols), misc. papers (bundle), recieved 10 Feb. 1839. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1835-1836 |
Q/IDP/26/1-4 Walter Benson No. 59340, grocer of Tredegar Ledger (1 vol.), accounts (1 vol.), indexed, stock book (1 vol.), invoices (1 bundle) received 19 April 1842, J.H. Owen, Attorney 1840 |
Q/IDP/27 Joseph Birks of Tredegar Ironworks Account book of wages (1 vol.) 1821 |
Q/IDP/28/1-2 David Blackwood No. 63263 "White Lion" Hotel, Pontypool Account book (1 vol.), misc papers (1 bundle), J.H. Owen, Attorney 1841-1843 |
Q/IDP/29 William Bowes No. 65905 (horsedealer) Account book (1 vol.) received 2 Jul. 1844, J. Phillpotts, Attorney 1838-1842 |
Q/IDP/30 John Brace No. 60078 (chemist), Ledgers (2 vols), 1 missing, received 18 Jun. 1842 1835-1840 |
Q/IDP/31 Miss M.L Briggs Account book (1 vol.) 1829 |
Q/IDP/32/1-4 Thomas Brookman of Varteg Account books (2 vols), lots of good for auction (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 2 Jul 1836, Ives, Attorney 1832-1836 |
Q/IDP/33/1-3 Henry Brooks No. 50458 (brewer) Usk, Account book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.), day book (1 vol.) received 10 Feb. 1839. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1817-1838 |
Q/IDP/34 Jonathan Brough, Pontypoll, Day book (1 vol.) received 12 Jun. 1837 1836-1837 |
Q/IDP/35 John Bunker No. 59197 (inkeeper) Garnderris Ironworks, Llanwern Sundry receipts, agreement and invetory, bills of costs (1 bundle) received 5 Mar. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1841-1842 |
Q/IDP/36 Joseph Burks (horsedealer) Account book (1 vol.) received 23 Jun. 1831 1827-1831 |
Q/IDP/37 Joseph Carr, Sedgely, 11448 Day books (2 vols) received 3 Feb. 1830 Ives, Attorney 1807-1829 |
Q/IDP/38 George Carver 9623, Abergavenny Account book (1 vol.) received 21 Jun. 1830 1814-1819 |
Q/IDP/39 Charles Cecis 9573, Pontypool Day book (2 missing) received 21 Jan. 1830 N.B. This book appears to have first been used as an Inspector's (weights and measures?) notebook for the Nuneaton area c.1780 and the middle part was later used as a Day Book as above. c.1809-c.1832 |
Q/IDP/40 James Chamberlain 46311 Copy of inventory bill (missing account book) J.G. Phillpotts, junior, Attorney 1837 |
Q/IDP/41/1-4 James Charles/John Charles Account books (2 vols), cash book (1 vol.), day book (1 vol.) received 10 Jun. 1837 1832-1836 |
Q/IDP/42 John Collard, Abergavenny (cobbler) Misc. papers (1 bundle) received 2 Jul. 1836, Ives, Attorney 1823-1835 |
Q/IDP/43 Thomas Coslett, Ledger (1 vol.), Ives, Attorney 1826 |
Q/IDP/44 William Cowling No. 14794 (grocer) of Monmouth Account book (1 vol.) 1827-1832 |
Q/IDP/45 James Cox of Tregare Inventory for sale (1 vol.) received 10 Feb. 1831 1830 |
Q/IDP/46/1-4 Daniel Crates No. 16250, of Monmouth Day books (4 vols), ledger (1 vol.) (missing), received 25 Feb. 1836 T.J. Philpotts, junior, Attorney 1830-1870 |
Q/IDP/47/1-12 William Crates No. 61632, grocer of Monmouth Day books (11 vols) (1 missing), receipts (1 bundle), invoices and lists of debts with dates of contract (1 bundle) received 3 Dec. 1842, J.H. Owen, Attorney 1839-1842 |
Q/IDP/48/1-7 John Craven No. 63769 of "The Harp", Blaina Day book (1 vol.), account books (4 vols), sundry receipts (1 bundle), sundry invoices (1 bundle) received 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1835-1842 |
Q/IDP/49/1-3 Thomas Crook (butcher) Day books (3 vols) received Jul. 2 1836 1819-1836 |
Q/IDP/50 John Daniel No. 46408, grocer. Account book (1 vol.) J.G. Phillpotts, junior 1834 |
Q/IDP/51/1-2 John Daniell No. 58737 of Abercan. Day books (2 vols) received 19 Feb. 1842 J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1841 |
Q/IDP/52/1-3 William Davies. Account books (2 vols), shop book (1 vol.) received 10 Feb. 1831. 1828-1829 |
Q/IDP/53 George French Davis No. 48464 ("Druid Inn", Newport). Ledger (1 vol.) Percy Galindo, Attorney. 1800-1899 |
Q/IDP/54 G.F. Davis No. 65546. Account book (1 vol.) received 1 Jun. 1844 J. Phillpotts, Attorney. 1841 |
Q/IDP/55/1-3 William Davis, Abergavenny. Account books (2 vols), misc papers (1 vol.). 1825-1828 |
Q/IDP/56/1-5 Thomas Deakins No. 65735, Ironmonger, Pontypool. Ledger (1 vol.) (1 missing), day book (1 vol.)(3 missing), journal (1 vol.)(2 missing), travellers ledger (1 vol), auctioneers accounts (1 bundle) received 4 Jun. 1844 and 26 Oct. 1844. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1843-1844 |
Q/IDP/57 Edmund Yapp Downes No. 66812. Day book (1 vol) received 27 Jun. 1845 J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1837-1840 |
Q/IDP/58 James Easton. Misc papers (1 bundle). 1840-1843 |
Q/IDP/59 George Edwards. Account book (1 vol.) received Jun. 30 1830. 1828-1830 |
Q/IDP/60 T. Edwards of Abersychan. Ledger (1 vol.) 1839-1840 |
Q/IDP/61 William Edwards No. 64827 of the "Ship Inn", Caerleon. Misc. papers (1 bundle) including receipts and auctioneer account of sale received 10 Feb. 1844 J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1843-1844 |
Q/IDP/62 Evan Esaias No. 12347 (tailor) Day book (1 vol.) received Nov. 1832. Ives, Attorney 1830-1832 |
Q/IDP/63 Charles Evans No. 62639 of Nantyglo Ironworks. Invoices, auctioneers accounts and bill of sales, received 8 May 1843. 1842-1843 |
Q/IDP/64 James Evans, shopkeeper No. 20331 Day book (1 vol.), account book (1 vol.) received 25 Jan 1828. Powles, Attorney 1826-1828 |
Q/IDP/65/1-3 John Evans of Bassaleg Account books (2 vols) (1 missing), misc. papers (1 bundle) received 27 Feb. 1836 Ives, Attorney 1831-1835 |
Q/IDP/66 John Evans Account book (1 vol.) received 13 Jul. 1844 J. Phillpotts, Attorney 1839 |
Q/IDP/67/1-2 Thomas Evans No. 16353 Bill books (2 vols) received 25 Feb. 1836 J. Phillpotts, junior, Attorney 1830-1834 |
Q/IDP/68/1-2 James Farn Account books (2 vols) received Jun. 10 1837 1821-1837 |
Q/IDP/69/1-2 Charles Florida of Newport Day book (1 vol), invoice receipts, notice to quite (1 bundle) received 22 Jun. 1845. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1839 |
Q/IDP/70 Micahel Foley No. 24078 (blocklayer) Misc papers (1 bundle) 1829 |
Q/IDP/71 Robert Gabb Ledger (1 vol.) received 29 Oct. 1836. Percy Galindo, Attorney 1824-1831 |
Q/IDP/72 William Garratt of Chepstow Misc. papers (1 bundle) 1835 |
Q/IDP/73 Henry George Account book (1 vol.) received 6 Mar. 1841 1838 |
Q/IDP/74 Thomas George No. 47379 1 vol. missing (label only) J. Phillpotts, Attorney 1800-1899 |
Q/IDP/75 Phillip Gill No. 45773 Account book (1 vol.)(5 missing) 1 copy lease- missing and office copy warrant- missing. J. Phillpotts, Attorney 1829-1832 |
Q/IDP/77/1-3 Thomas Graham Ledger (1 vol.), day books (2 vols) received Jun. 10 1837 1832-1835 |
Q/IDP/78/1-2 George Gulley Account books (2 vols) received Jun. 10 1841 1835-1841 |
Q/IDP/79/1-2 Joseph Gullyard No. 15962 (cobbler) Ledger (1 vol.), day book (1 vol.) Percy Galinder, Attorney 1832-1835 |
Q/IDP/80 David Gwynne (horsedealer), Abergavenny Day book (1 vol.) received Jun. 9 1834. William Griffiths, Attorney 1830-1832 |
Q/IDP/81/1-11 Thomas Gwyther No. 66679 of Monmouth Day book (1 vol.), account book (1 vol.), wages account (1 vol), account papers (1 bundle), out books (2 vols), invoices (1 bundle), sale account (1 vol.), writs (1 bundle), bill book (1 vol.), invoice book (1 vol.) received 1 May 1845. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1836-1844 |
Q/IDP/76 William Gordon No. 59360 Day book (1 vol) received 18 Jun. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1839-1841 |
Q/IDP/82 Catherine Halliday No. 20728. Ledger (1 vol.), received 29 Dec. 1839. J.H. Owen, Attorney 1834-1836 |
Q/IDP/83/1-3 Francis Hambleton No. 63264, "Homeward Bound", Pilgwenlly. Daybooks (10 vols) (1 missing), account of payments (1 vol.), invoices (1 bundle), receipts (1 bundle), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 29 Jun. 1843. J.G.H Owen, Attorney. 1842 |
Q/IDP/84/1-2 Thomas Hands No. 66931. Day book (1 vol.), agreement and account of sale (1 bundle), received 25 Oct. 1845 and 27 Oct. 1845. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1836-1839 |
Q/IDP/85/1-8 William Harper No. 63247 (grocer). Day books (6 vols), invoices of goods (2 vols), received 29 Jun. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1835-1842 |
Q/IDP/86 John Harris. Day book (1 vol), received 23 Jun. 1831. 1836-1839 |
Q/IDP/87 Thomas Haris, Chepstow. Loose paper (1 item). 1832 |
Q/IDP/88 William Hemus No. 63695. Sundry receipts (1 bundle), received 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1843 |
Q/IDP/89/1-3 James Henderson No. 60023. Day book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.), account book (1 vol.), received 18 Jun. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1833-1842 |
Q/IDP/90/1-7 Thomas Herry (landlord). Account books (5 vols), day book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 29 Feb. 1836. 1827-1839 |
Q/IDP/91 John Hill No. 46242 of Monmouth. Account book (1 vol.). J.G. Philpotts, junior, Attorney. 1831-1833 |
Q/IDP/92/1-3 William Rick Harper. Day books (2 vols), ledger (1 vol.), received 14 Feb. 1832. M. Ives, Attorney. 1828-1830 |
Q/IDP/93/1-3 Matthew Howell (shopkeeper). Day books (2 vols), banking book (1 vol.), received 26 Dec. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1832-1838 |
Q/IDP/94 Humphrey Hughes No. 21069 (tradesman). Account book (1 vol.), received 15 Jul. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1839 |
Q/IDP/95 John Hullett. Account book (1 vol.). 1828 |
Q/IDP/96 William Hullett No. 13306 (farmer). Account book (1 vol.) with additional account book. Ives, Attorney. 1825-1829 |
Q/IDP/97 William Humphrey. Day book (1 vol.), received 3 Feb. c.1829 |
Q/IDP/98 David Ingram No. 60077. Day book (1 vol.), received 18 Jun. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1841 |
Q/IDP/99 James James (brewer). Cellar book. 1730-1793 |
Q/IDP/100 John James (mason). Bill (1 item). 1843 |
Q/IDP/101/1-5 Thomas James (shopkeeper), Lantarnam. Account books (5 vols). 1822-1837 |
Q/IDP/102/1-2 William James (baker), Chepstow. Account books (2 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 27 Feb. 1836. Ives, Attorney. 1834 |
Q/IDP/103/1-11 William Jarrett No. 16383 (innkeeper), Chepstow. Day books (4 vols), account books (4 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 25 Feb. 1836. Percy Galindi, Attorney. Also No. 55049. Day books (2 vols), received 26 Dec. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1829-1832 |
Q/IDP/104 James Jenkins No. 20619 (innkeeper). Ledger (1 vol.), received 28 Oct. 1839. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839 |
Q/IDP/105/1-2 Thomas Jenkins, Tredegar. Receipts (2 items). 1840 |
Q/IDP/106 Richard Jenkins, "Punch House", Tredegar. Bill (1 item). 1840-1842 |
Q/IDP/107 Phillip John, No. 50239. Account book (1 vol.), received 15 Jul. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1833 |
Q/IDP/108/1-5 Sibyl Johns No. 62706, Newport. Account books (3 vols), sundry papers (1 bundle), invoices (1 bundle), received 29 Jun. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1836-1842 |
Q/IDP/109/1-3 William Jon No. 62925 (tailor), Pontypool. Day books (2 vols), invoices and auctioneers account (1 bundle), received 29 Jun. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1831-1842 |
Q/IDP/110 Daniel Jones, Chepstow. Misc. papers (1 bundle). c.1830 |
Q/IDP/111 George Jones No. 12707. Account book (1 vol.)(1 missing). Griffiths, Attorney. c.1832 |
Q/IDP/112/1-2 Henry Jones No. 65738 (grocer and mason), Monmouth. Day book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 4 Jun. 1844. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1824-1842 |
Q/IDP/113/1-2 Hezekiah Jones (cobbler). Account books (2 vols), received 13 Apr. 1836. 1830-1836 |
Q/IDP/114 Isaac Jones No. 55691 (innkeeper). Day book (1 vol.), received 13 Feb. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1840 |
Q/IDP/115 James Jones No. 11451. Day book (1 vol.)(5 missing), received Feb. 1832. Ives, Attorney. 1829-1831 |
Q/IDP/116/1-3 John Jones No. 64460 (1), No. 65279 (2), No. 65368 (3) (builder), Pontnewydd. (1) Day book (1 vol.). J.H. Owen, Attorney. (2) Papers (missing). Percy Galindo, Attorney. (3) Ledger (1 vol.). Phillpotts, Attorney. 1830-1841 |
Q/IDP/117/1-4 Jervis Jones No. 59905, Croesyceiliog. Day books (2 vols), invoices (1 bundle), 5 promissory notes (1 bundle), received 18 jun. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840-1842 |
Q/IDP/118/1-8 William Jones (stonecutter), Gellygroes. Day books (5 vols), ledger (1 vol.), account book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 29 Oct. 1836. Ives, Attorney. 1820-1835 |
Q/IDP/119 Henry Kear, Newport. Account book (1 vol.) with loose papers, received 2 Jul. 1836. 1834-1835 |
Q/IDP/120 James Keyse No. 28542. Accoutn book (1 vol.) with loose papers, received 23 Jun. 1831. 1828-1830 |
Q/IDP/121/1-3 George Kingston (sailmaker), Newport. Day books (2 vols)(1 missing), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 29 Jun. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1841-1842 |
Q/IDP/122 Job Knighton. Misc. papers (1 bundle). 1836 |
Q/IDP/123/1-3 James Lambert No. 62756. Day book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.), invoice book (1 vol.), received 6 Jun. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840-1841 |
Q/IDP/124/1-4 Thomas Larne No. 63995, Bristol. Day books (2 vols), ledger (1 missing), sundry receipts (1 bundle), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1829-1839 |
Q/IDP/125 Edward Lashford No. 59362. Day book (1 vol.), received 18 Jun. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1840 |
Q/IDP/126/1-2 Charles Lawrence No. 57295. Day books (2 vols), received 14 Aug. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1840 |
Q/IDP/127/1-2 James Leonard. Sundry invoices (1 bundle), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 19 Nov. 1846. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1845-1846 |
Q/IDP/128/1-2 William Leonard. Day book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.), received 29 Feb. 1836. 1823-1836 |
Q/IDP/129 Jane Lewis No. 59508. Day book (1 vol.). J.H. Owen, attorney. 1839 |
Q/IDP/130/1-4 John Lewis, Abergavenny. Ledgers (4 vols), received 23 Jun. 1832. Ives, Attorney. 1814-1826 |
Q/IDP/131/1-3 Thomas Lewis (limeburner), Chepstow. Account books (3 vols), received 7 Jan. 1835. 1832-1834 |
Q/IDP/132/1-3 Thomas Lewis, Caerleon. Account books (3 vols), received 29 Oct. 1836. P. Galindo, Attorney. 1827-1835 |
Q/IDP/133/1-3 Thomas Lewis. Account books (3 vols), received 27 Jun. 1839. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1829-1839 |
Q/IDP/134/1-3 William Lewis No. 47587. Account books (3 vols). J. Phillpotts, Junior Attorney. 1831-1837 |
Q/IDP/135/1-3 Samuel Lewton received 30 Jun. 1837. 1829-1837 |
Q/IDP/136/1 William Howse (saddler?) of Monmouth. Inventory of goods at his dwelling house in Monmouth and at his shop in Monnow Street, Monmouth. Endorsed, 10 Jun. 1837. (wrongly catalogued previously with account books of Edmund Lloyd). Dec. 10 1836 |
Q/IDP/136/1-3 Edmund Lloyd No. 56804, Blackwood. Day books (2 vols), misc. paper (1 item)- actually William Howse, received 19 Jun. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1834-1837 |
Q/IDP/137 John Martin. Account book (1 vol.), received 29 Oct. 1836. 1836 |
Q/IDP/138 James Matthias, Goldclift. Account book (1 booklet), received 12 Feb. 1833. 1831-1832 |
Q/IDP/139/1-2 Thomas Materman No. 44320, Pillgwenlly. Day book (1 vol.), bankers book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.)(missing), award (1 item)(missing), bills (8 items)(missing). J. Phillpotts, Attorney. 1834-1837 |
Q/IDP/140/1-3 Richard Matthews No. 63996, Elber Mill. Day books (2 vols), sundry bills (1 bundle), receievd 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1837-1842 |
Q/IDP/141 William Meredith No. 65739. Receipts, auctioneers accounts (1 bundle), received 4 Jun. 1844. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840-1842 |
Q/IDP/142 Joseph Miers No. 24019. Day book (1 vol.). Galindo, Attorney. 1820-1829 |
Q/IDP/143 James Miles No. 20628. Ledger (1 vol.), received 28 Oct. 1839. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1824-1837 |
Q/IDP/144 Richard Mills. Bill (1 item) 19th century |
Q/IDP/145 Lawrence Millward No. 15576. Account book (2 vol.), received 13 Jun. 1835. Percy Galindo, Attorney. 1834-1835 |
Q/IDP/146/1-4 T. Mitchell. Ledger (3 vols), misc. paper (1item), received 13 Jul. 1831 and 1837. 1831-1837 |
Q/IDP/147/1-2 William Moon No. 67224. Day books (2 vols), received 24 Feb. 1846. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1845-1846 |
Q/IDP/148/1-2 Daniel Morgan No. 629693. Receipts (1 bundle), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 6 Jun. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1842 |
Q/IDP/149 David Morgan "Crosskeys", Usk. Misc. papers (1 bundle). 1842 |
Q/IDP/150 John Morgan No. 49673. Day book (1 vol.). J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1837-1838 |
Q/IDP/151/1-30 Morgan Morgan No. 9504, Newport. Account books (10 vols), day books (20 vols), received 21 Jun. 1830. 1824-1828 |
Q/IDP/152 Thomas Morgan. Misc. papers (1 bundle). J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1842 |
Q/IDP/153 William Morgan (farmer), Penrose. Account book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 9 Jun. 1834. W. Griffiths, Attorney. 1830-1832 |
Q/IDP/154/1-6 Ann Morris No. 61764. Day book (1 vol.), stock book (1 vol.), receipts book (1 vol.), house book (1 vol.)(1 missing), auctioneers sales accounts (1 bundle), valuation papers (1 bundle), received 16 Jan. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1834-1842 |
Q/IDP/155/1-4 Evan Morris No. 64033, Penrose, Herefordshire. Day books (2 vols), invoices (1 bundle), account (1 item), received 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1841 |
Q/IDP/156/1-4 John Morris. Day book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.), misc. papers (2 items), received 29 Feb. 1836. 1833-1835 |
Q/IDP/157/1-4 Morris Morris No. 61830, Newport. Day books (4 vols), receievd 4 Feb. 1843. John Phillpotts, Attorney. 1838-1842 |
Q/IDP/158/1-2 Samuel Morris. Day books (2 vols). 1824-1835 |
Q/IDP/159/1-7 Evan Morton No. 62280 (coal merchant). Day books (2 vols), ledger (1 vol.), memorandum books (4 vols), recieved 2 Mar. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1842 |
Q/IDP/160/1-7 John Moses (coal merchant). Account books (6 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 2 Jul. 1836. Ives, Attorney. 1832-1833 |
Q/IDP/161/1-2 John Moses No. 65703, Newport. Account book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 item), received 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1841 |
Q/IDP/162/1-4 George Maxley No. 14793, Chepstow. Ledgers (3 vols), memorandum books (1 vol.), day book (1 missing). 1821-1833 |
Q/IDP/163/1-2 Mr Nicholas (stationer), Newport. Account book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle). 1824 |
Q/IDP/164/1-2 John Nicholls No. 20282. Account books (2 vols), received 6 Feb. 1828. Powles, Attorney. 1825-1827 |
Q/IDP/165 John Nuell (hatter), Monmouth. Day book (1 vol.). 1821-1822 |
Q/IDP/166 James O' Hare. Account book (1 vol.), received 26 Oct. 1825. 1824 |
Q/IDP/167/1-2 George Owen No. 11015. Account books (2 vols). Ives, Attorney. 1823-1826 |
Q/IDP/168/1-2 William Parker No. 58342. Day books (2 vols)(1 missing), received 19 Feb. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840 |
Q/IDP/169/1-4 David Parry No. 67289. Day books (3 vols)(1 missing), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 24 Feb. 1846. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1843 |
Q/IDP/170 Howell Parry. Account book (1 vol.). 1821-1831 |
Q/IDP/171 James Parry No. 22000. Bill (1 item), received 24 Jun. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1829-1837 |
Q/IDP/172 William Michael Parry (horse dealer). Day book (1 vol.), received 24 Oct. 1840. 1838-1839 |
Q/IDP/173/1-2 Thomas Parrley No. 65763 "Plume and Feather", Newport. Invoices, receipts and auctioneers account (1 bundle), day book (1 vol.), received 4 Jun. 1844. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1841-1843 |
Q/IDP/174 John Phillips No. 49441. Day book (1 vol.), received 22 Oct. 1838. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1835-1836 |
Q/IDP/175/1-3 John Phillpot, (attorney). Cash book (1 vol.), loose papers (2 items), received 10 Feb. 1831. 1828-1831 |
Q/IDP/176/1-5 George Plummer No. 67290, "Beaufort Arms", Abergavenny. Day books (3 vols), receipts (1 bundle), invoice (1 bundle), sale notice (missing), received 24 Feb. 1846. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1838-1841 |
Q/IDP/177/1-2 William Gibson Pollock (innkeeper), Newport. Day book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 2 Jul. 1836. 1833-1834 |
Q/IDP/178/1-3 Henry Powell No. 38210. Account books (3 vols). Percy Galindo, Attorney. 1824-1831 |
Q/IDP/179 James Powell, the younger, No. 55700. Day book (1 vol.), received 18 Feb. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1840 |
Q/IDP/180 William Powell, St Woolos, commercial (wharf). Day book (1 vol.), received 23 Jun. 1832. Ives, Attorney. 1830-1832 |
Q/IDP/181 Stephen Powles. Ledger (1 vol.), received 28 Oct. 1826. 1818-1823 |
Q/IDP/182/1-4 Thomas Price No. 51138. Ledgers (3 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 28 Oct. 1839. J.H. Oweb, Attorney. 1827-1839 |
Q/IDP/183/1-5 William Price jun. No. 58996 (solicitor), Tredegar. Day books (2 vols), call books (2 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 19 Feb. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1832-1841 |
Q/IDP/184/1-2 Thomas Prickett No. 15963. Account books (2 vols). Percy Galindo, Attorney. 19th century |
Q/IDP/185 Pritchard. Day book (1 vol.), received 19 Jun. 1841. 1840-1841 |
Q/IDP/186/1-2 Slavelyn Pugh (cord wainer), Tredegar. Account books (2 vols). 1824-1827 |
Q/IDP/187/1-6 John Rees No. 62952, "New Crown", Blaenavon. Misc. papers (1 bundle), day books (4 vols)(1 missing), receipts (1 bundle), received 29 Jun. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1841-1842 |
Q/IDP/188/1-3 Thomas Reynolds No. 65863, Abergavenny. Day books (2 vols), misc. papers (1 item), received 14 Jun. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1840 |
Q/IDP/189/1-5 James Richard No. 48332. Ledgers (4 vols), misc. papers (1 item). P. Galindo, Attorney. 1837 |
Q/IDP/190/1-2 Llewellyn Richards, "Rock Inn", Bedwellty. Ledgers (2 vols), received 7 Feb. 1842. 1828 |
Q/IDP/191 Thomas Richards. Ledger (1 vol.). Oct. 9 1832. 1839-1840 |
Q/IDP/192/1-4 William Roberts No. 59040. Day books (3 vols), misc. papers (1 item). 19 Feb. 1842. J.H. Owen. 1839-1842 |
Q/IDP/193 Samuel Robins, Newport. Bill of cost (1 item). 1839 |
Q/IDP/194/1-2 Joseph Robson No. 13304. Account books (1 vol., 1 booklet). Ives, Attorney. 1830-1832 |
Q/IDP/195 John Rowe, Monmouth. Misc. papers (1 bundle). 1842 |
Q/IDP/196/1-2 Thomas Rogers No. 56472, Llantrissent. Memorandum (1 vol.), sale assount (1 vol.), received 19 Jun. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1834-1835 |
Q/IDP/197/1-5 William Rogers No. 63689, Newport. Day books (3 vols), sundry invoices (1 bundle), promissory notes (1 bundle), received 7 Sept. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1841-1842 |
Q/IDP/198/1-3 Anne Rosser No. 62326 and David Rosser No. 14712, Newport. Account books (2 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 2 Mar. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1824-1832 |
Q/IDP/199/1-5 John Scannell No. 64013, Newport. Day book (1 vol.), sundry receipts (1 bundle), securities (1 bundle), misc. papers (2 bundles), received 10 Oct. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1842-1843 |
Q/IDP/200/1-2 Jane Stephens, Pillgwenlly. Account books (2 vols). 1828-1830 |
Q/IDP/201 Peter Stone, Monmouth. Account book (1 vol.). 1824-1828 |
Q/IDP/202/1-3 J.S. Smith, Monmouth (Monnow Street). Account books (2 vols), with loose papers (1 bundle). 1833 |
Q/IDP/203 Smithers (& Company). Vouchers (1 bundle), received 19 Jan. 1813. 1811-1812 |
Q/IDP/204/1-2 Stancome and others, Neath, Glamorganshire. Bill of costs (2 items). 1842 |
Q/IDP/205 Susanna Stephens. Account book (1 vol.), received 24 Oct. 1840. 1838-1840 |
Q/IDP/206 George Smith No. 12630, "Griffin Inn", Brynmawr. Account book (1 vol), received 27 Feb. 1833. Griffiths, Attorney. 1830-1831 |
Q/IDP/207 John Taylor No. 45319, Monmouth. Ledger (1 vol.), receievd 14 Jun. 1837. J. Phillpotts, Attorney. 1834-1836 |
Q/IDP/208 William Taylor. Account book (1 vol.). 1830-1840 |
Q/IDP/209 James Tesdale No. 17370, Monmouth. Day book (1 vol.). Galindo, Attorney. 19th century |
Q/IDP/210 Benjamin Thomas. Account book (1 vol.). 1836 |
Q/IDP/211/1-4 George Thomas, Monmouth. Day books (4 vols), received 14 Jun. 1834. Ives, Attorney. 1827-1834 |
Q/IDP/212/1-2 James Thomas. Day book (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle). 1828-1830 |
Q/IDP/213 Lewis Thomas. Ledger (1 vol.). 1829-1830 |
Q/IDP/214 Rees Thomas No. 17461. (2 books missing), misc. papers (1 item), received 3 Mar. 1837, J. Phillpotts, Attorney. 1836 |
Q/IDP/215/1-11 William Thomas, of Newport and of Bedwas. Day books (9 vols), papers (1 bundle), account (1 bundle), received Jun./Jul. 1836. early 19th century |
Q/IDP/216/1-4 Amelia Tippins No. 57364. Day books (3 vols), account books (1 vol.), received 16 Sept. 1841. J. Owen, Attorney. 1834-1840 |
Q/IDP/218 John Tobin. Book cover, received 2 Jul. 1836. Ives, Attorney. early 19th century |
Q/IDP/219 Richard Trew. Account book (1 vol), received 11 Oct. 1819. 1829-1830 |
Q/IDP/220/1-5 Edward Tudor No. 48207. day book (1 vol.), account book (1 vol.). Galindo, Attorney. Also Edward Tudor No. 39816. Cash books (3 vols), received 18 jun. 1835. Ives, Attorney. 1832-1837 |
Q/IDP/221/1-5 Isaac Ven No. 9503, St Woolos. Account books (5 vols)(1 missing), received 21 Jun. 1830. 1826-1829 |
Q/IDP/222/1-4 William Ven No. 62208 (baker), Pillgwenny. Day books (2 vols), vouchers (1 bundle), auctioneers sales assount (1 bundle), receievd 2 Mar. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1842 |
Q/IDP/224 Benjamin Watkins. Cah book (1 vol.). 1819-1832 |
Q/IDP/225/1-3 Henry Watkins. Cash books (2 vols) with loose papers (1 bundle), received 11 Mar 1834. 1834 |
Q/IDP/226/1-2 John Watkins. Account books (2 vols), received 20 Oct. 1836. Galindo, Attorney. 1834-1836 |
Q/IDP/227/1-2 William Watkins, Tredegar. Cah books (2 vols). 1833-1834 |
Q/IDP/228/1-3 Thomas Watts, Gellygroes. Ledger (1 vol.), day books (1 vol.), bill of cost (1 item), received 3 Aug. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. early 19th century |
Q/IDP/229 William Henry Watts. Cash book (1 vol.). 1829-1835 |
Q/IDP/230/1-8 Phillip Wayne. Day books (8 vols), received 27 Feb. 1833. Ives, Attorney. 1808-1832 |
Q/IDP/231/1-2 James Wells No. 67628, Pontypool. Day book (1 vol.), invoices, receipts (1 bundle), received 26 May 1846. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840-1843 |
Q/IDP/232/1-3 Thomas Richard Wells. Cash books (3 vols)(1 missing) with loose papers, received 5 Jun. 1828. 1824-1828 |
Q/IDP/233/1-3 C.J. Wessen. Cash books (3 vols), received 2 Jul. 1836. 1827-1834 |
Q/IDP/234 Benjamin Whislance No. 66813. Day book (1 vol.), received 3 May 1845. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1843 |
Q/IDP/235 David Whittaker No. 59361, Pillgwenny. Account book (1 vol.), receievd 18 Jun. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840 |
Q/IDP/236 Samuel Widdowsin. Account book (1 vol.). 1825 |
Q/IDP/237 George Wiks (cobbler). Day books (1 vol.)(copy mortgage missing), received 25 Oct. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1842 |
Q/IDP/238/1-6 Mark Wilkins. Account books (3 vols), ledgers (3 vols), received 24 Oct. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1824-1838 |
Q/IDP/239 D. Williams, Llangwm. Account (1 item). 1841 |
Q/IDP/240 George Williams, Magor. Poor rates (1 item). 1846 |
Q/IDP/241 Miss Williams, "Crown Inn", Blaenavon. Account books (1 vol.). 1841 |
Q/IDP/242 Isaac Williams No. 58962. Day books (1 vol.) with loose papers, received 19 Feb. 1842. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1836-1840 |
Q/IDP/243/1-4 James Williams. Account books (3 vols), papers (bundle), received 10 Mar. 1839. 1827-1839 |
Q/IDP/244/1-4 John Williams. Ledgers (3 vols), 1 bundle, receievd 24 Oct. 1840. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1836-1840 |
Q/IDP/245/1-3 John Williams No. 67523, Magor. Bills (1 bundle), receipts (1 bundle), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 18 Jun. 1846. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1827-1846 |
Q/IDP/246 John Prosser Williams No. 17466. Book (missing, label only). Galindo, Attorney. 19th century |
Q/IDP/247/1-2 John Williams No. 11265. Account books (2 vols)(1 missing). 1826-1830 |
Q/IDP/248/1-3 Walter Williams No. 62227, Pontypool. Day books (1 vol.), receipts (1 bundle), invoices, auctioneers account (1 bundle), received 2 Mar 1843. 1841-1842 |
Q/IDP/249 Ann Williams No. 45292, Tredegar Ironworks. Account book (1 vol.). Phillpotts, Attorney. 1836-1837 |
Q/IDP/250 William Williams. Account book (1 vol.). Galindo, Attorney. 1834-1835 |
Q/IDP/251/1-3 William Williams. Cash books (3 vols), received 2 Jul. 1836. 1832-1836 |
Q/IDP/252/1-3 William Williams No. 57831. Day books (3 vols)(1 missing), receieved 23 Oct. 1841. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1840-1841 |
Q/IDP/253/1-3 William Williams No. 62044, Prioress Mill. Day books (2 vols), receipts (1 bundle), received 2 Mar. 1843. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1832-1842 |
Q/IDP/223/1-5 William Walters, Hereford. Account books (4 vols), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 27 Feb. 1836. Ives, Attorney. 1833-1836 |
Q/IDP/254/1-2 Samuel Wilson No. 67042. Account book (1 vol.), receipts (1 bundle), received 23 Oct. 1845. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1844-1845 |
Q/IDP/255 V. Wilson. 22 Feb. 1828. early 19th century |
Q/IDP/256 John Wood (chemist), Monmouth. Day book (1 vol.), ledger (1 vol.), misc. papers (1 bundle), received 22 Oct. 1842. 1840-1842 |
Q/IDP/257 Mary Woodlife No. 64827. day book (1 vol.), accounts (1 bundle), received 22 Feb. 1844. J.H. Owen, Attorney. 1839-1842 |
General Rules and Standing Orders |
Q/SRSO/1 1857 |
Q/SRSO/2 1857 |
Q/SRSO/3 1869 |
Q/SRSO/4 1877 |
Q/SRSO/5 1883 |
Q/SRSO/6 1885 |
Q/SRSO/7 1886 |
Q/SRSO/8 1887 |
Q/SRSO/9 1888 |
Q/SRSO/10 1889 |
Q/SRSO/11 1889 |
Q/SRSO/12 1889 |
Q/SRSO/13 1896 |
Q/SRSO/15 1898 |
Q/SRSO/16 1898 |
Q/SRSO/14 1906 |
Q/SRSO/17 1867 |
Q/SRSO/18 1966 |
Q/SRSO/19 1906 |
Administrative Records |
General |
Printed Minutes |
Q/MINETC/1 Jun 1836-Dec 1850 |
Q/MINETC/2 Mar 1851-Oct 1875 |
Q/MINETC/3 Jan 1876-Oct 1900 |
Q/MINETC/4 Jan 1901-Oct 1925 |
Q/MINETC/5 Jan 1926-Jan 1930 |
Q/MINETC/6 Jan 1935-Apr 1950 |
Q/MINETC/7 1951 |
Q/MINETC/8 Jun 1838-OCT 1875 |
Q/MINETC/9 Jan 1876-Oct 1900 |
Q/MINETC/10 Jan 1901-Oct 1925 |
Q/MINETC/10 Jan 1901-Apr 1901 |
Q/MINETC/11 Jan 1926-Jan 1930 |
Q/MINETC/12 Apr 1935-Oct 1952 |
Q/MINETC/13 1866-1888 |
Q/MINETC/14 Mar 1930-Oct 1936 |
Q/MINETC/15 Jan 1937-Oct 1942 |
Q/MINETC/16 Jan 1943-Oct 1948 |
Q/MINETC/17 Jan 1949-Dec 1953 |
Q/MINETC/18 Jan 1954-Dec 1956 |
Q/MINETC/19 Oct 1956-Dec 1962 |
Q/MINETC/20 Jan 1963-Dec 1971 |
Q/MINETC/21 1844-1889 |
Q/MINETC/22 1878-1889 |
Q/MINETC/23 1878-1889 |
Q/MINETC/24 1894-1929 |
Q/MINETC/25 1894-1929 |
Papers and Reports to Quarter SessionsBiographical/Historical noteThis class contains the reports to Quarter Sessions of various standing and special committees and of the county officers. It includes reports of the Finance, Buildings, Police, County Rate Basis, Contagious Diseases of Animals, Asylum and other Committees. The reports and estimates of the Treasurer, Lists of Bills, Visiting Justices reports, reports of the County Surveyor, the Governors, Chaplains and Surgeons of the prisons, Governors' Certificates, Chief Constables' reports, reports on Weights and Measures, explosives. Other reports will be found in the following main classes:- County Bridges, Buildings, Gaols, Clerk of Peaces's Correspondence and County Orders. The Sessions papers include Returns to, and Correspondence with, Government Departments, Returns made to Quarter Sessions, Oaths, Declarations and Qualifications, Petitions and Memorials, County Orders, Lieutenancy Ppaers and Notices of Motion, etc. |
Q/SPR/1 Misc. papers relating to Quarter Sessions 1789-1799 |
Q/SPR/2 Returns regarding Monmouth gaol 1792 |
Q/SPR/3 Misc. papers relating to Quarter Sessions 1800-1803 |
Q/SPR/4 Misc. papers of Quarter Sessions 1802-1804 |
Q/SPR/5 Misc. papers relating to Quarter Sessions 1813-1818 |
Q/SPR/6 Draft minutes of Quarter Sessions and Resolutions 1823 |
Q/SPR/7 Surveyors reports and papers 1823-1832 |
Q/SPR/8 Misc. papers relating to Quarter Sessions 1824-1830 |
Q/SPR/9 Reports to orders of Quarter Sessions 1825-1876 |
Q/SPR/10 Surveyors reports Dec 1832-Oct 1853 |
Q/SPR/11 Surveyors reports Apr 1834-Jul 1836 |
Q/SPR/12 Returns, reports, sessions order, case and weights and measures 1834-1879 |
Q/SPR/13 Surveyors reports Oct 1836-Jul 1839 |
Q/SPR/14 Bundle of papers relating to proposal of making Chepstow and Pontypool polling stations 1837-1838 |
Q/SPR/15 Quarter Sessions papers 1838-1848 |
Q/SPR/16 Surveyors reports with Quarter Sessions orders Oct 1839-Jun 1847 |
Q/SPR/17 Bundle of Monmouth gaol and House of Correction reports Sept 1839-Jun 1849 |
Q/SPR/18 Reports to Quarter Sessions (mainly Finance Committee) 1839-1852 |
Q/SPR/19 Bundle of notices of sessions and drafts on appointments as Poor Law Commissioners Days Lunatic Asylum. 1839-1857 |
Q/SPR/20 Bundle of papers relating to memorial 1840 Michaelmas |
Q/SPR/21 Reports and minutes on new building 1840-1844 |
Q/SPR/23 Misc. papers relating to Quarter Sessions on roads, friendly societies, Newport and Pillgwenlly water works act. 1840-1855 |
Q/SPR/23 Reports to Quarter Sessions 1842-1854 |
Q/SPR/24 Reports on House of Correction, Usk 1843-1846 |
Q/SPR/25 Reports from gaol, Monmouth gaol 8 Apr 1844-19 Oct 1846 |
Q/SPR/26 Reports and orders for Quarter Sessions 1844-1864 |
Q/SPR/28 Reports to Quarter Sessions (mainly finance) 1846-1856 |
Q/SPR/27 Surveyors reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1847-Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/SPR/29 Reports and papers to Quarter Sessions 1847-1869 |
Q/SPR/29 Misc. reports and papers relating to Quarter Sessions 1847-1869 |
Q/SPR/30 Misc. papers relating to Quarter Sessions 1848-1875 |
Q/SPR/31 Misc. Quarter Sessions papers 1848-1878 |
Q/SPR/32 Notices and correspondence regarding railway construction and county property and rights 1852-1854 |
Q/SPR/33 Reports on bridges (county surveyor) 1854-1855 |
Q/SPR/34 Bundle of surveyors reports Oct 1853-Jan 1856-Oct 1857 |
Q/SPR/35 Correspondence and draft lease, performatory 1856-1857 |
Q/SPR/36 Bundle of reports ro Quarter Sessions 1856-1858 |
Q/SPR/37 Reports of finance and Treasurer's estimates to Quarter Sessions 1857-1860 |
Q/SPR/38 Bundle of reports to Quarter Sessions. Finance, gaol and House of Correction (mainly) 1857-1861 |
Q/SPR/39 Bundle of surveyors reports 1857-1865 |
Q/SPR/40 Bundle of reports to Quarter Sessions (Mainly finance reports) 1865-1868 |
Q/SPR/41 Bundle of reports to Quarter Sessions (misc. papers and very incomplete) 1857-1871 |
Q/SPR/42 Original orders and papers for Quarter Sessions 1859-1871 |
Q/SPR/43 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1859-Easter 1880 |
Q/SPR/44 Correspondence on alterations- Petty Sessional Divisions 1860 |
Q/SPR/45 Testimonials on appointment as County Surveyor (P. James) 1861 |
Q/SPR/46 Returns relating to highways 1861-1862 |
Q/SPR/47 Regarding highway districts, 1864 and Board of Guardians elections, 1863 1863-1864 |
Q/SPR/48 Returns from unions as to guardians appointed (Board of Guardians) 1864 |
Q/SPR/49 Bundle on new basis for county rate 1864-1867 |
Q/SPR/50 Annual reports and calls, four counties lunatic asylums 1865-1870 |
Q/SPR/51 Bundle of Highway Board applications and relative papers to Quarter Sessions 1866-1867 |
Q/SPR/52 Finance Committee and Reports to Quarter Sessions 1866-1871 |
Q/SPR/53 Reports of surveyors Jan 1866-Jan 1871 |
Q/SPR/54 Draft ammendment of general rates for regualtinmg practice of Quarter Sessions 1867 |
Q/SPR/55 Bundle of reports of Inspection of Weights and Measures 1867-1871 |
Q/SPR/56 Prison and other reports 1868-1871 |
Q/SPR/57 Bundle of papers on county rate basis 1868-1878 |
Q/SPR/58 Rateable statements, returns 1868-1879 |
Q/SPR/59 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1869 |
Q/SPR/60 Union and appeal riots, misc. correspondence. 1869-1871 |
Q/SPR/61 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1870 |
Q/SPR/62 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1871 |
Q/SPR/63 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1871 |
Q/SPR/64 Bundle of papers on proposed loan of £15712-10-0 for proposed four Counties Lunatic Asylum, for counties of Monmouth, Brecon and Radnorshire. 1871 |
Q/SPR/65 Returns to and by Quarter Sessions 1871-1876 |
Q/SPR/66 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1872 |
Q/SPR/67 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1872 |
Q/SPR/68 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1872 |
Q/SPR/69 Papers relating to Quarter Sessions Easter 1872 |
Q/SPR/70 Reports and papers for Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1872 |
Q/SPR/71 Returns to general Quarter Sessions 1872-1879 |
Q/SPR/72 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1875 |
Q/SPR/73 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1873 |
Q/SPR/74 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1873 |
Q/SPR/75 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1873 |
Q/SPR/76 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1874 |
Q/SPR/77 Reports to Quarter Sessions 1874 |
Q/SPR/78 Reports and papers to Quarter Sessions Easter 1874 |
Q/SPR/79 Reports and papers to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1874 |
Q/SPR/80 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1874 |
Q/SPR/81 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1874 |
Q/SPR/82 Correspondence on county loans 1874-1876 |
Q/SPR/83 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1875 |
Q/SPR/84 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1875 |
Q/SPR/85 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1875 |
Q/SPR/86 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/SPR/87 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1876 |
Q/SPR/88 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1876 |
Q/SPR/89 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1876 |
Q/SPR/90 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1876 |
Q/SPR/91 Bundle of papers on inspection of weights and measures 1876 |
Q/SPR/92 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1877 |
Q/SPR/93 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1877 |
Q/SPR/94 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1877 |
Q/SPR/95 Papers for Michaelmas Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1877 |
Q/SPR/96 Reports to Quarter Sessions 1877 |
Q/SPR/97 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1878 |
Q/SPR/98 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1878 |
Q/SPR/99 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1878 |
Q/SPR/100 Reports to Midsummer and Michaelmas Quarter Sessions 1878 |
Q/SPR/101 Reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1879 |
Q/SPR/102 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1879 |
Q/SPR/103 Reports to Quarter Sessions Easter 1879 |
Q/SPR/104 Reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1879 |
Q/SPR/105 Reports and assessments for county rate basis 1855-1877 |
Q/SPR/106 Order of state governing allowances and prosecutors and witnesses in criminal proceedings 1857 |
Q/SPR/107 Papers on alterations, petty sessional division 1861-1893 |
Q/SPR/108 Papers on alterations, petty sessional division 1862-1890 |
Q/SPR/109 Correspondence on testimonial portrait Mr S.R. Bosanquet Aug 1875-Dec 1875 |
Q/SPR/110 Byelaws Highway Locomotive (Ammendment Act 1878) 1879 |
Q/SPR/111 Orders in council altering ... and circuits 1880-1884 |
Q/SPR/112 Reports and papers for Quarter Sessions 1881-1889 |
Q/SPR/113 Correspondence, assessments and minutes, county rate basis 1882 |
Q/SPR/114 Caerleon bridge- Application by Newport Water Company (taken out) 1882 |
Q/SPR/115 Alterations (Llanarth and Clytha) from Raglan, Trelleck and Abergavenny Highway District, correspondence, memorials and orders. 1882-1883 |
Q/SPR/116 On dispute Caerleon Local Board's County Authority Highway Accounts (taken out) 1880-1883 |
Q/SPR/117 Highways and main roads correspondence 1884-1886 |
Q/SPR/118 Papers on promulgation of the statutes 1885-1925 |
Q/SPR/119 Reports to Quarter Sessions Michaelmas 1889 |
Q/SPR/120 Correspondence accounts for fees of .... Quarter Sessions 1890-1895 |
Q/SPR/121 Papers on proposed transfer of Llanhilleth from Pontypool and Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division 1890-1895 |
Q/SPR/122 Lists of prisoners tried Midsummer 1892-Easter 1895 |
Q/SPR/123 Papers on alterations to petty sessional division 1893 |
Q/SPR/124 Papers on proposal to form separate petty sessional division Abercarn-with petitions thereon 1895 |
Q/SPR/125 Proposed transfer of Llanhilleth from Pontypool Petty Sessional Division and Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division 1895-1902 |
Q/SPR/126 Correspondence other counties for Bailiff of Grand Jury 1896 |
Q/SPR/127 Papers on the alteration Petty Sessional Division Abergavenny Skenfrith 1898 |
Q/SPR/128 Case remitted from King's Bench and county court, malicious damage 1902 |
Q/SPR/129 Papers on proposed transfer of Llanhilleth from Pontypool and Bedwellty Petty Sessional Divisions, and Abertillery from Bedwellty and Pontypool 1909 |
Q/SPR/130 Correspondence complaint and order of Quarter Sessions Appointment of commissioners Monmouthsire Canal Act 1792 Easter 1909 |
Q/SPR/131 Application by Monmouthshire County Council for diversions of highways in the parish of Lower Machen Michaelmas 1909 |
Q/SPR/132 Returns by counties of fees payable and counsel and solicitors in criminal prosecution at the county Quarter Sessions 1918 |
Q/SPR/133 Papers relating to Quarter Sessions Easter 1900 |
Q/SPR/134 General Quarter Sessions correspondence 1921-1926 |
Q/SPR/135 Papers relating to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1921 |
Q/SPR/136 Monmouthshire Discharged Prisoners Aid Society, circulars and lists of subscriptions 1923 |
Q/SPR/137 Discharged Prisoners Aid Society, correspondence and circulars 1923-1924 |
Q/SPR/138 Rating and Valuation Act 1925- misc. papers for the Rating Appeals Committee 1927-1935 |
Q/SPR/139 Rating and Valuation Act 1925- notice of Clerk of the Peace on approval of draft list 1933-1934 |
Q/SPR/140 Quarter Sessions correspondence on installment payment of cash 1937 |
Q/SPR/141 Misc. Quarter Session papers including Home Office interventions, Quarter Session orders, previous convictions, young offenders, calender of correspondence 1906-1934 |
Q/SPR/142 Abstract of title "Goldcroft Schools", Caerleon county schools 1865 |
Q/SPR/143 Correspondence relating to ordinance survey boundaries 1871 |
Q/SPR/144 Reports to Quarter Sessions- Visiting justices House of Correction, Usk Easter 1852-Epiphany 1853 |
Q/SPR/145 Depositions copy of brief for prisoners (taken out) Epiphany 1866 |
Q/SPR/146 Correspondence and returns on promulgation of the statutes 1882-1884 |
Q/SPR/147 Papers on case reserved Queen v Roger Morgan Harris Quarter Session 1893 29 Apr 1893 |
Q/SPR/149 Papers on chair Abergavenny Improvement Commissioners, repayment, maintenance and works. 1886 |
Q/SPR/150 Draft minutes Michaelmas 1901 |
Q/SPR/151 Brief for prosecution Rex. v Murphy Midsummer 1914 |
Q/SPR/152 Railway notices- special trains for Quarter Sessions 1890-1928 |
Q/SPR/153 Brief for prosecution Rex. v Ernest William Lonnett Michaelmas 1932 |
Q/SPR/154 Misc. Quarter Session papers including notes, processes, convictions and calenders 1911-1930 |
Q/SPR/155 Brief for prosecution Rex. v Booker (felony) Midsummer 1900 |
Q/SPR/148 Report of committee on Governor motson of House of Correction, Usk 1845 |
Printed Reports to Quarter Sessions |
Q/PRE/1 Printed reports to Quarter Sessions Midsummer 1845-Michaelmas 1877 |
Q/PRE/2 Printed reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1878-Michaelmas 1885 |
Q/PRE/3 Printed reports to Quarter Sessions Epiphany 1886-Epiphany 1889 |
Q/PRE/4 Printed orders, dedications, regulations and bye laws 1810-1883 |
Q/PRE/5 Printed lists of demands Easter 1870-Epiphany 1889 |
Q/PRE/6 Misc. printed papers 1808-1883 |
Q/PRE/7 Quarter Sessions printed reports and printed orders 1 Aug 1855-15 Oct 1866 |
Q/PRE/8 Quarter Sessions printed reports and misc. papers Michaelmas 1834-1873 |
Q/PRE/9 Reports to Quarter Sessions (bound volume; mainly printed but some manuscript items) 1871-1889 |
Q/PRE/10 Printed reports to Quarter Sessions (bound volume) 1872-1889 |
Miscellaneous Books |
Q/MISCB/10 Promulgation of the Statutes, Clerk of the Peace's Record Book 1884-1903 |
Q/MISCB/11 Promulgation of the Statutes, Clerk of the Peace's Record Book 1904-1923 |
Q/MISCB/12 Quarter Sessions Attendance Book 15 Oct 1922-3 Jul 1930 |
Q/MISCB/18 Poor Prisoners Defence Act 1903, list of solicitors 29 Jun 1904-14 Oct 1931 |
Q/MISCB/19 Poor Prisoners Defence Act 1903, list of solicitors 29 Jun 1904-17 Oct 1928 |
Q/MISCB/24 Return of the expenditure by the varuiuos Boards on the main roads from March to March 1881-1889 |
Q/MISCB/25 Register of applications for stopping up etc., of Highways and Footpaths unde the Highway Act 1835 abd 1959 1889-1971 |
Sessions Order Books |
Q/OB/1 16 Aug 1814-13 Jul 1818 |
Q/OB/2 8 Jan 1821-1830 |
Sessions OrdersBiographical/Historical noteThese Orders relate entirely to the administrative business of Quarter Sessions. Whilst teh bundles of Quarter Sessions Orders commence with the year 1787 the period to 1827 is covered by what are probably chance survivals. It is not until late in the year 1827 that there commences a continuous series. There is a gap from 1845 to 1850 and the last ten years are covered only briefly. The Minute and Record Books record all Orders made by the Court. |
Q/SO/1 Copies of orders of Quarter Sessions on Monmouth Gaol and Newport and Caerleon Bridges for the Clerk of the Peace. 1787-1799 |
Q/SO/2 Bundle of county orders Michaelmas 1827-30 Jun 1834 |
Q/SO/3 Orders of Quarter Sessions on assessment collection of county rate Epiphany 1831 |
Q/SO/4 Bundle of county orders 13 Oct 1834-8 Jul 1839 |
Q/SO/5 Bundle of draft county orders 14 Oct 1839-30 Jun 1845 |
Q/SO/6 Bundle of original orders of court, report, correspondence and certificates 1850-1865 |
Q/SO/7 Orders of the court of Quarter Sessions 1848-1871 |
Petitions and Memorials to Quarter SessionsBiographical/Historical noteAlso to be found in the following main classes:- Papers and Reports, Clerk of Peace's Correspondence, Lieutenancy Papers, Papers on County Bridges and Buildings. |
Q/P&M Petition of town of Usk against conversion of House of Correction to lunatic asylum 1811 |
Q/P&M/2 Memorials from Harbour Commissioners re: Newport Bridge 1 Jul 1844 |
Q/P&M/3 Memorials from unions and parishes againts the erection of a county lunatic asylum (under 8-9 visit cap 100 & 126) 1846 |
Q/P&M/1859 Bundle of petitions from parishes againts widening of Newport Bridge 1859 |
Q/P&M/5 Petitions from parishes re: Highway Act 1864 |
Q/P&M/6 5 Bundles of petitions from the various parishes against confirmation of provisional order to adopt the Highways Act 1864 |
Q/P&M/7 Bundle of petitions from parishes against confirmation of provisional order to adopt new Highway act in the county of Monmouth. 1864 |
Q/P&M/8 Memorials to Quarter Sessions, re: new sessions house 1872 |
Q/P&M/9 Memorials re: proposed removal of Quarter Sessions to Newport 1874 |
Q/P&M/10 Memorial against granting spirit licence 1877 |
Q/P&M/11 Memorial Hangson? re: Petty Sessional Division, Monmouth, Trelleck and Raglan late 19th century |
Q/P&M/12 Petition of Rural Sanitary Authority of the Bedwellty Union, to become Highway Board within that district (under Highways Act 1878-(1887)and action thereon with previous minutes. 1878-1887 |
Q/P&M/13 Petition and memorial to Quarter Sessions re: Petty Sessional Court at Ebbw Vale 1885 |
Q/P&M/14 Memorial of Raglan and Trelleck Highway Board for certain roads to be decalred union roads and order of Quarter Sessions. 1885-1886 |
Q/P&M/15 Request to provisional county council for selection of places to hold meetings? 1888-1889 |
Q/P&M/16 Memorial of inhabitants of Raglan, abolition of petty sessional division 1890 |
Q/P&M/17 Petition from inhabitants of Llanhilleth against from Pontypool Petty Sessional Division and Bedwellty 1902 |
Q/P&M/18 Memorial from inhabitants of Ebbw Vale, Victoria, Newtown, Waunlwyd and Cwm, in favour of Petty Sessional Court at Ebbw Vale. 4105 names 124 late 19th century |
Q/P&M/19 Memorial from the inhabitants of Usk against removing the Court of Quarter Sessions from Usk 1872 |
Q/P&M/20 Memorial to make Ebbw Vale an additional polling place 1872 |
Q/P&M/21 Memorial to make Rhymney an additional polling place 28 Dec 1872 |
Q/P&M/22 Petition of Ratepayers Parish of Monmouth against proposal to erect a court house and county gaol at Newport. 20 Oct 1874 |
Q/P&M/23 Memorial of Grand Jury against curtailment of number of places at which assizes are to be held. 18 Oct 1922 |
Q/P&M/24 Petition of Abergavenny Improvement Commissioners to have certain roads declared main roads. Aug 1885 |
Q/P&M/25 Petitions and memorials to Quarter Sessions 1852-1881 |
Quarter Sessions, Miscellaneous Papers |
Q/MISCP/1 Misc. papers 1755-1840 |
Q/MISCP/2 Papers on plea on tithes parish of Cistercian Abbey of Llantarnam in Consistory Court of Llandaff 1799-1781 |
Q/MISCP/3 Book of accounts of W. William Kerrys 1787-1790 |
Q/MISCP/4 Papers re: loan and mortage of interest in Kerrys estate (Mr Edward Bernard Davies) 1794-1797 |
Q/MISCP/5 Certificate by Clerk of Trustees of Abergavenny Turnpike Trust and Order of Trustees re: Hills 11 Apr 1803 |
Q/MISCP/6 4 single Acts of Parliament 44 Geo. III 1804 |
Q/MISCP/7 Grand Jury Charge to Proclamation 1808 |
Q/MISCP/8 Newspapers, London Gazette, to official notices 1817-1896 |
Q/MISCP/9 Lease of premises (adjoining the Priory) Chepstow 20 Jan 1821 |
Q/MISCP/10 Presentments and findings of jury on repairs of walls in Level of Hundred of Caldicot 1826 |
Q/MISCP/11 Lists of precedents and reports 1826-1830 |
Q/MISCP/12 Two books- Monmouthshire County Rate 1827-1831 |
Q/MISCP/13 Two papers on the electoral divisions of the county of Monmouth as required by the Reform Act 1852 1832 |
Q/MISCP/14 Publican's licences 1835-1841 |
Q/MISCP/15 Bundle of proposed adoption of Constabulary Act- 2 & 3 Vict: cap 93 1839 |
Q/MISCP/16 Bundle of papers relating to claim by Duke of Beaufort for an increased rental for the use of the Town Hall, Usk. (with extracts dating 1771-1840) 1840 |
Q/MISCP/17 Misc. papers 1840-1881 |
Q/MISCP/18 List of schedules of tries returned 1841-1848 |
Q/MISCP/19 Lists of parishes in the various Poor Law Unions 1844 |
Q/MISCP/20 Small Debts Courts (Mr Bethane) 31 Dec 1846 |
Q/MISCP/21 Bundle of papers on practice in other counties in payment of Presentation Allowances 1849 |
Q/MISCP/22 Papers relating to private practice of Clerks of Peace 1854-1880 |
Q/MISCP/23 Draft conveyance and Abstract of Title of land adjoining the gaol near Monmouth 1855-1856 |
Q/MISCP/24 Coroners averages of fees 1856-1877 |
Q/MISCP/25 This appears to a bundle of papers Chancery Proceedings- relating to the private practice of Messrs Protheroe & Fox of Newport 1861-1863 |
Q/MISCP/26 Alterations of Petty Sessional Divisions- schemes, orders and memorials 1861-1864 |
Q/MISCP/27 Conveyance of Garden Ground (in the parish of Abergavenny) of Brecon Toll House by Abergavenny Turnpike Commissioners and the Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway Company. 17 Jul 1863 |
Q/MISCP/28 Complaints and appointment of commissioners by Quarter Sessions under Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Act 1792. Epiphany 1864 |
Q/MISCP/29 Attested copy conveyance of Cwmtillery Branch Railway to the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company (with Act of 1861). 1864 |
Q/MISCP/30 This appears to be a bundle of papers relating to the private practice of Messrs Protheroe & Fox, Newport. (Chancery Proceedings) 1864-1865 |
Q/MISCP/31 Deed of Transfer- The Company of Proprietors of the Brecon and Abergavenny Navigation to the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company. 1 Nov 1866 |
Q/MISCP/32 Restitutions of congratulations on recovery on Prince of Wales from illness 15 Feb 1872 |
Q/MISCP/33 Misc. papers 1875-1933 |
Q/MISCP/34 Wye Valley Railway-re: Certificate on Works at Chepstow 1879 |
Q/MISCP/35 Valuation of special properties of the various unions 1885-1889 |
Q/MISCP/36 Bills of costs (returning officers charges) County Council elections Jan 1889 |
Q/MISCP/37 Bills of costs (returning officers charges) County Council elections Jan 1889 |
Q/MISCP/38 Bundle of papers re: Undersherriffs charges for first County Council election 1889 1889 |
Q/MISCP/39 Misc. papers relating to the removal of the Court of Quarter Sessions from Usk and Newport 1893 |
Q/MISCP/40 Misc. fragmentary documents (undated) late 19th century |
Q/MISCP/41 London Gazette (fragmentary) 1806-1883 |
Q/MISCP/42 Misc. forms (blank) 1807-1879 |
Q/MISCP/43 Notice of L.G.B. Inquiry, sanction to borrow for sewerage and sweage disposal. 1890 |
Q/MISCP/44 Circulars on districts for the purposes if the Act for the recovery of small debts 1846 |
Q/MISCP/45 Proclamation of Coronation of King Edward VII 26 Jun 1901 |
Q/MISCP/46 A bill (as ammended in the committee) for the promotion and encouragment of industry amongst the labouring classes of the community, and for the relief and regualtion of the necessities of the criminal poor. 1807 |
Q/MISCP/47 Returns relative to the highways in the County of Monmouth 1861-1862 |
Q/MISCP/48 County of Monmouth Law Library, extract from Deed of Settlemt 1884 |
Q/MISCP/49 Papers relating to the custody of county records 1800-1878 |
Q/MISCP/50 Bundle of applications for appointment of County Surveyor 1883 |
Q/MISCP/51 Misc. papers 1919-1922 |
Q/MISCP/52 Misc. papers on pensions of prison wardens, Usk Prison 1879-1902 |
Q/MISCP/53 Misc. papers on maintenance of main roads of local authorities 1885-1886 |
Q/MISCP/54 Misc. papers on locomotive licences (Highways and Locomotives (Ammendment) Act 1878) 1884-1889 |
Q/MISCP/55 Briefs for the prosecution (Food and Drugs Act 1875), Pontypool Police Court 23 Apr 1898 |
Q/MISCP/56 Papers re: Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1875 1878-1889 |
Q/MISCP/57 Misc. papers in the case of the Attorney General v Parry (under the Locomotives Act 1898) 1903 |
Q/MISCP/58 Correspondence and other papers re: Militia House Monmouth 1859-1871 |
Q/MISCP/59 Papers and correspondence re: deposit of plans and books of reference 1887-1891 |
Q/MISCP/60 Misc. papers re: Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1875, County Analysts' Reports Michaelmas 1879-Epipahny 1889 |
Q/MISCP/61 Misc. papers concerning Newport Harbour Commissioners (A.L) Act 1890 |
Q/MISCP/62 Misc. papers concerning a Bill for amalgamating the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company with the Great Western Railway Company 1880 |
Q/MISCP/63 Misc. papers c.1879-c.1888 |
Q/MISCP/64 Misc. papers Charge to Grand Jury, Monmouth Assizes (retention of County Assizes) 1929, war zone courts (1941), seniority of Justice in Divisions (1931), renumeration of solicitors in respect of proceedings in Courts of Justice (1931-1936), uniformity of penalties for minor offences (1943), appointment of assistant solicitors (1949), R v Jarrett (1936), R v Page (probation)(1949), R v Hutton (1942), address on Criminal Justice Act 1948 by Clerk of the Peace (1948), schedule of deeds and documents relating to the County of Monmouth (pre 1888), list of books at law library, Usk, R. v T.H. Tretton (1952), M.C. Huthon v Casey (appeal)(1952), Summary Jurisdiction (appeal) Act 1933 1929-1952 |
Miscellaneous MapsBiographical/Historical noteRelating to boundaries- petty sessional, parish, rural sanitary authorities, highways and ordanance survey. |
Q/MISCMAPS/1 1824-1825 |
Q/MISCMAPS/2 Plan and notices Tredegar Ironworks |
Q/MISCMAPS/3 Part of Bedwellty and Pontypool Petty Sessionsal Division 1902 |
Q/MISCMAPS/4 Plan parish of Bedwellty Rural Sanitary District. Bedwellty Union |
Q/MISCMAPS/5 Map Petty Sessional Division 28 Jun 1933 |
Q/MISCMAPS/6 Pontypool Osborne Road, George Street, Commercial Street |
Q/MISCMAPS/7 Plan of Osborne Road, Pontypool (road taken on as main road) |
Q/MISCMAPS/8 Parishes in the County of Monmouth |
Q/MISCMAPS/9 Plan ... main roads Blaenavon Local Board District |
Q/MISCMAPS/10 Ordanance Survey: Brynmawr and Nantyglo (seven), plans show reservoirs 1880 |
Q/MISCMAPS/11 Plan, bridge (a viaduct) on Road, near the Gwrnod Bridge (Newport and Pontypool Railway) |
Q/MISCMAPS/12 Tredegar Local Board Plan (Bedwellty Highways) |
Part of parish Ordanance Surveys 1819-1881 |
Q/MISCMAPS/14 Ordanance Survey: parts of parishes of Old Castle, Cwmyoy, 4 maps 1881-1883 |
Q/MISCMAPS/15 6 Ordanance Survey maps: parishes of Trevethin, Llanover, Llanfoist 6 maps 1879-1882 |
Q/MISCMAPS/16 Plan of parishes in the County of Monmouthshire 1884 |
Q/MISCMAPS/17 Plan of County Borough of Newport |
Q/MISCMAPS/18 Map of County of Monmouth, Town Urban, with words indicationg from Abergavenny Railways also shown on this map "printed 1876" 1830-1833 |
Q/MISCMAPS/19 Ordanance Survey map of Monmouthshire Published Tower of London 1830 |
Q/MISCMAPS/20 Map of Monmouthshire from...Survey 1823 |
Q/MISCMAPS/21 Map of Monmouthshire showing parishes, Urban districts and Poor Law boundaries (including parishes of adjoining counties added for Poor Law Administration), by William Tanner, F.S.I., County Surveyor. Jan 1899 |
Q/MISCMAPS/22 Map of Monmouthshire showing parishes, Urban Districts and Poor Law boundaries (including parishes of adjoining counties added for Poor Law administration), Petty Sessional Division, by William Tanner F.S.I., County Surveyor. Jan 1899 |
Q/MISCMAPS/23 Map of Monmouthshire showing parishes and Urban Districts (including parishes of adjoining counties for Poor Law administration) (with ... and Pontypool Police Division specially marked), by William Tanner, F.S.I., County Surveyor Jan 1899 |
Q/MISCMAPS/24 Plan of Monmouthshire showing main roads, boundaries of union, parishes, Local Board Districts and electoral divisions, by William Tanner, F.S.I., County Surveyor Sept 1890 |
Q/MISCMAPS/25 The.. of Monmouth with the 1610 |
Q/MISCMAPS/26 Map of Eastern Monmouthsire and West Gloucestershire sheet 35, published at the Tower 1 May 1830 |
Q/MISCMAPS/27 A plan of part of the mountain situated in the parishes of Cadoxton, Neath and Ystradgynlais in the counties of Glamorgan and Brecon. 1833 |
Q/MISCMAPS/28 Plan of part of brim mountains in parishes of Cadoxton juxta Neath and Ystradgynlais in the countie sof Glamorgan and Brecon, surveyed by Henry J. Clayton. 1834 |
Q/MISCMAPS/29 A map of the Iron Works and collieries and their means of communication by railroad, tram and canal with the parts of Newport and Cardiff By John P..., Newport 1843 |
Clerk of the Peace |
CorrespondenceBiographical/Historical noteRelating to Acts of Parliament, appeals, appointments, bridges, commission of the peace, committees, constabulary, county buildings, elections, fines and fees, fisheries, footpaths, friendly societies, gaols, highways, house of correction, legal matters, licensing, lunacy, militia, county rate etc. Other correspondence will be found in the following main classes:- Papers and Reports, County Orders, Lord Lieutenancy Correspondence. |
Q/COFPC/1 1797-1798 |
Q/COFPC/2 1800-1803 |
Q/COFPC/3 1816 |
Q/COFPC/4 Aug 1839-Dec 1839 |
Q/COFPC/5 Jan 1840-Dec 1840 |
Q/COFTP/6 1841 |
Q/COFTP/7 1842 |
Q/COFTP/8 Clerk of Lieutenancy 1843-1844 |
Q/COFTP/9 Jan 1845-Dec 1846 |
Q/COFTP/10 Misc. correspondence 1845-1864 |
Q/COFTP/11 Correspondence to Clerk of the Peace after appointment on duties etc. (H. Waddington to Prothero) 1848-1850 |
Q/COFTP/12 Dec 1848-Dec 1849 |
Q/COFTP/13 1849-1850 |
Q/COFTP/14 1849-1882 |
Q/COFTP/15 1850 |
Q/COFTP/16 Bundle of letters on routine matters to Clerk of the Peace 1851 |
Q/COFTP/17 1852-1853 |
Q/COFPC/18 Reports of visiting parties, Keepers, Chaplains of Mon. County Gaol, House of Correction, Usk 1852-1856 |
Q/COFPC/19 Correspondence of Clerk of the Peace and Clerk of the Lieutenancy 1857-1865 |
Q/COFPC/20 Correspondence of Clerk of the Peace and office on excusal of Mr Powell the gaol as Sheriff 1859 |
Q/COFPC/21 Correspondence with Clerk of the Peace and Lieutenancy 1861-1865 |
Q/COFPC/22 Misc. papers (including building of Pontypool Police Station) 1862-1870 |
Q/COFPC/23 Correspondence of Clerk of the Peace and Lieutenancy from Lord Lieutenant, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Sessions. 1865-1870 |
Q/COFPC/24 Misc. correspondence 1802-1936 |
Q/COFPC/25 Mr. A.D. Benneton, Deputy Chairman of Chairman, Quarter Session 21 Sep 1881-10 Mar 1890 |
Q/COFPC/26 Lady Llanover, Llanellen road and bridge 1886-1887 |
Q/COFPC/27 19 Dec 1889-3 Mar 1890 |
Q/COFPC/28 1 Apr 1890-30 Jun 1890 |
Q/COFPC/29 1 Jul 1890-30 Sep 1890 |
Q/COFPC/30 1 Oct 1890-31 Dec 1890 |
Q/COFPC/31 1 Jan 1891-31 Mar 1891 |
Q/COFPC/32 1 Apr 1891-30 Jun 1891 |
Q/COFPC/33 19 Jul 1891-30 Sep 1891 |
Q/COFPC/34 1 Oct 1891-31 Dec 1891 |
Q/COFPC/35 1 Jan 1892-31 Mar 1892 |
Q/COFPC/36 1 Apr 1892-30 Jun 1892 |
Q/COFPC/37 1 Jul 1892-29 Sep 1892 |
Q/COFPC/38 1 Oct 1892-31 Dec 1892 |
Q/COFPC/39 1 Jan 1893-30 Mar 1893 |
Q/COFPC/40 1 Apr 1893-30 Jun 1893 |
Q/COFPC/41 1 Jul 1893-30 Sep 1893 |
Q/COFPC/42 2 Oct 1893-29 Dec 1893 |
Q/COFPC/43 Misc. papers 1850-1937 |
Q/COFPC/44 Misc. papers 1914-1938 |
Q/COFPC/45 1848-1857 |
Q/COFPC/46 Correspondence re: lease of Castle House, Monmouth 1853-1855 |
Q/COFPC/47 25 May 1885-13 Sep 1899 |
Q/COFPC/48 1929-1944 |
Q/COFPC/49 1945-1957 |
Q/COFPC/50 1957-1959 |
Q/COFPC/51 1959-1961 |
Q/COFPC/52 1961-1962 |
Q/COFPC/53 1965-1968 |
Q/COFPC/54 1969-1970 |
Q/COFPC/55 Home Office Circulars 1901-1937 |
Q/COFPC/56 Home Office Circulars 1936-1962 |
Q/COFPC/57 Home Office Circulars 1963-1968 |
Q/COFPC/58 Returns of Appeals determined or abandoned and of dates of trial sessions to the U. Sec. State 1933-1972 |
Q/COFPC/59 Regualtions etc. Jurors allowances 1949-1966 |
Q/COFPC/60 Various statutory rules, orders and regulations 1920-1962 |
Q/COFPC/61 Interdepartmental Committee on the Business of the Criminal Courts (Streatfield Committee) 1961-1963 |
Q/COFPC/62 "Shorthand writers" 1908-1963 |
Q/COFPC/63 "New Assize Court at Newport" 1939 |
Q/COFPC/64 Use of the Law Courts at Civic Centre, Newport 1954-1969 |
Q/COFPC/65 Jan 1970-Mar 1970 |
Q/COFPC/66 Apr 1970-Jun 1970 |
Q/COFPC/67 Jul 1970-Sep 1970 |
Q/COFPC/68 Oct 1970-Dec 1970 |
Q/COFPC/69 Mr. Panall's notes at Quarter Sessions Jan 1971 |
Q/COFPC/70 Jan 1971-Mar 1971 |
Q/COFPC/71 Apr 1971-Jun 1971 |
Q/COFPC/72 Mr. Wilson's notes at Quarter Sessions Jul 1971 |
Q/COFPC/73 Jul 1971-Sep 1971 |
Q/COFPC/74 Oct 1971-Dec 1971 |
Q/COFPC/75 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Court, Pontypool (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1953-1954 |
Q/COFPC/76 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Court, pontypool (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1955-1956 |
Q/COFPC/77 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Court, Pontypoll (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1957 |
Q/COFPC/78 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Court, Pontpool (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1958 |
Q/COFPC/79 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Court, Pontypool (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1959 |
Q/COFPC/80 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Courts, Pontypool (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1960 |
Q/COFPC/81 New Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates Courts, Pontypool (including Probation Offices and Magistrates' Clerk's Offices) 1961-1962 |
Q/COFPC/82 Divisonal Police Headquarters, Pintypool. cost of roads 1957-1966 |
Q/COFPC/83 Cost of prosecution 1 Jan 1971 |
Q/COFPC/84 Remuneration of Chairman, Deputy Chairman of Quarter Sessions, records and correspondence 14 Nov 1962-11 Jan 1972 |
Q/COFPC/85 Cwmbran Magistrates Court: Official opening 14 Feb 1969 (by His Honour Judge Sir Owen Temple-Morris Q.C.) 1969 |
Q/COFPC/86 Opening of Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates' Court, Pontypool, Tuesday 21 Aug 1962- 3p.m. 1962 |
Q/COFPC/87 Caretaker and cleaning staff, Divisional Police Headquarters, Pontypool 1962 |
Q/COFPC/88 Official opening of Sub-Divisional Police Headquarters and Magistrates' Court, Tredegar, 24 Feb 1964 1964 |
Q/COFPC/89 Caretaker and cleaning staff, Sub-Divisional Police Headquarters, Tredegar 1963 |
Q/COFPC/90 New Police Headquarters and Magistrates Court, Pontypool, certificates of value and work carried out 12 Feb 1960-8 Dec 1964 |
Q/COFPC/91 Appointment of Caretaker at Cwmbran Sub-Divisional Police Headquarters 26 Jul 1967-18 Feb 1969 |
Q/COFPC/92 Appointment of Caretaker, Divisonal Police Headquarters, Blackwood 12 Oct 1967-29 Dec 1967 |
Q/COFPC/93 Opening of new Divisonal Police Headquarters, Blackwood 26 Feb 1968-18 Apr 1968 |
Q/COFPC/94 Appointment of cleaner at Blackwood Magistrates Court 18 May 1969-3 Jun 1969 |
Q/COFPC/95 Magistrates Courts- Justices affected by Local Government reorganisation. Reorganisation of Petty Sessional Divisions Review of Newport area and Petty Sessional Divisions 1972-1973 |
Q/COFPC/96 Justices affected by Local Government reorganisation 1973-Jan 1974 |
Q/COFPC/97 Petty Sessional Divisions 11 Oct 1972-12 Mar 1973 |
Q/COFPC/98 Reorganisation of P.S.D's. 9 Nov 1968-5 Oct 1973 |
Q/COFPC/99 Application for Court Ushers at Bedwellty 5 Jul 1965-2 Sep 1965 |
Q/COFPC/100 Application for Court Ushers at Cwmbran 15 Apr 1970-11 May 1970 |
Q/COFPC/101 Application for Court Ushers at Usk 9 Jul 1965-17 Sep 1965 |
Q/COFPC/102 Appointment of Caretaker at Session House, Usk 17 Apr 1961-10 Jul 1961 |
Q/COFPC/103 Sessions House Usk 10 Nov 1944-6 Mar 1946 |
Q/COFPC/104 Appointment of Chairman and Deputy Chairman, Quarter Sessions 1956-1972 |
Q/COFPC/105 Fines (Section 47(5)(a) Criminal Justice Act 1967) 12 Jan 1968-13 Dec 1971 |
Q/COFPC/106 Fines 11 Nov 1966-17 Oct 1971 |
Q/COFPC/107 Outstanding fines 31 Dec 1965-11 Dec 1967 |
Q/COFPC/108 Royal Commission on Assizes and Quarter Sessions, and Courts Act 1971 22 Dec 1966-19 Sep 1972 |
Q/COFPC/109 Dinner in honour of Mr. R. Gordon Burge 22 Nov 1971-2 Feb 1972 |
Q/COFPC/110 Legal aid, list of Solicitors and Counsel 21 Mar 1960-29 Jun 1970 |
Q/COFPC/111 Application for the removal of driving disqualifications Ivor Edwin Morgan 22 Nov 1971-17 Dec 1971 |
Q/COFPC/112 Lord Raglan's retirement fund 24 May 1960-30 Jun 1960 |
Q/COFPC/113 Royal Commission on Justices of the Peace 1946-1947 |
Q/COFPC/114 Training scheme for J.P.'s under Justice of the Peace Act 1949 (Section 17) 23 Aug 1962-27 Sep 1962 |
Q/COFPC/115 Training scheme for J.P.'s under Justice of the Peace Act 1949 (Section 17) 3 Nov 1964-24 Nov 1964 |
Q/COFPC/116 Compensation Authority: Plans Globe Inn, Beaufort Lamb Inn, Blaina Full Moon Inn, Dukestown 1956 |
Letter Books (Out) |
Q/LB/1 1880-1881 |
Q/LB/2 1881-1882 |
Q/LB/3 1882-1883 |
Q/LB/4 1883-1884 |
Q/LB/5 1884 |
Q/LB/6 1884-1885 |
Q/LB/7 1885 |
Q/LB/8 1885-1886 |
Q/LB/9 1886-1887 |
Q/LB/10 1887-1888 |
Q/LB/11 1888-1889 |
Q/LB/12 1889-1890 |
Q/LB/13 1890-1893 |
Q/LB/14 1883-1886 |
Q/LB/15 1886-1891 |
Q/LB/16 1905-1920 |
Q/LB/17 1920-1930 |
Q/LB/18 1930-1943 |
Q/LB/19 1904-1907 |
Q/LB/20 1907-1909 |
Q/LB/21 1909-1911 |
Q/LB/22 1911-1913 |
Q/LB/23 1913-1915 |
Q/LB/24 1915-1918 |
Q/LB/25 1918-1920 |
Q/LB/26 1920-1926 |
Q/LB/27 1922-1924 |
Q/LB/28 1924-1926 |
Q/LB/29 1926-1928 |
Q/LB/30 1928-1929 |
Q/LB/31 1930-1931 |
Q/LB/32 1931-1933 |
Q/LB/33 1933-1935 |
Q/LB/34 1935-1937 |
Q/LB/35 1937-1938 |
Q/LB/36 1938-1941 |
Q/LB/37 1941-1943 |
Q/LB/38 1943 |
Miscellaneous Correspondence with Government Departments |
Q/MISCCORGD/1 Mainly Poor Law Commissioners 1841-1849 |
Q/MISCCORGD/2 1841-1872 |
Q/MISCCORGD/3 1856-1864 |
Q/MISCCORGD/4 Returns to Secretary of State 1857-1880 |
Q/MISCCORGD/5 Misc. returns by and to the Clerk of the Peace 1864-1870 |
Q/MISCCORGD/6 1865-1870 |
Q/MISCCORGD/7 Home Office correspondence, re: scale of allowances 1883 |
Q/MISCCORGD/8 Correspondence, Home Office re: an application by Magistrates Clerks for remuneration under Licensing Act 1907 1905-1906 |
Q/MISCCORGD/9 Copies etc. Communication Rural Sanitary Authorities appointments of Medical Officer and Health 1878-1890 |
Q/MISCCORGD/10 Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1875 and Appointment of Analysts 1877-1885 |
Q/MISCCORGD/11 1887-1893 |
Q/MISCCORGD/12 Misc. papers 1870-1980 |
Q/MISCCORGD/13 Correspondence to the Clerk of the Peace from Government Departments 17 Jan 1889-30 Apr 1889 |
Q/MISCCORGD/14 Correspondence to the Clerk of the Peace from Government Departments 12 Jan 1911-23 Dec 1912 |
Q/MISCCORGD/15 Misc. correspondence to the Clerk of the Peace Government Departments 3 Jan 1913-11 Nov 1915 |
Q/MISCCORGD/16 Communication from the Home Office re: appointment of Justices and Lunacy Act 1889-1890 |
Returns to Government DepartmentsBiographical/Historical noteRelating to building societies, county records, crops, friendly societies, highways, places of worship, poor, population, etc. |
Q/RGD/1 Return of the Clerk of the Peace to Select Committee on Public Records 1800 |
Q/RGD/2 Monmouthshire population 1801 |
Q/RGD/3 Papers re: Population Act 1801 |
Q/RGD/4 Returns re: Maintenance of Poor (A) & Highways (B) (Taken from Land Tax Assessments) 1815 |
Q/RGD/5 Return of Friendly Societies for 5 years ended 31 December 1840 (for three Societies) 1840 |
Q/RGD/6 Return of number of persons indicted for larceny year ended, 31 Dec 1849 31 Dec 1849 |
Q/RGD/7 Return of 1852 of all places of Religious Worship Certifies to Quarter Sessions 1771-1851 |
Q/RGD/8 Returns of acreage of crops 1866 |
Q/RGD/9 Bundle of returns of building societies 1859-1875 |
Q/RGD/10 Public Records Bill & reply of Clerk of the Peace to questionnaire 1877 |
Q/RGD/11 Return of Magistrates on Petty Sessional Division (to Local Government Board) 1878 |
Q/RGD/12 ... Account Return correspondence with Local Government Board 1880-1889 |
Q/RGD/13 ... accounts copies of returns sent to Local Government Board 1884-1886 |
Q/RGD/14 1850-1876 |
Q/RGD/15 Return to Secretary of State of the yearly number and result of appeals to Quarter Sessions 1890, 1893-1932 |
Q/RGD/16 Return to Home Secretary relating to Justices of the Peace and counts of summary jurisdiction 1900-1905, 1911 |
Clerk of Peace's Quarter Sessions Note Books |
Q/COFPNB/1 9 Oct 1946-27 Jul 1951 |
Q/COFPNB/2 3 Aug 1951-7 Jan 1954 |
Q/COFPNB/3 8 Jan 1954-27 May 1957 |
Q/COFPNB/4 25 Jun 1957-25 Mar 1960 |
Q/COFPNB/5 Apr 1960-Apr 1962 |
Q/COFPNB/6 1948-1952 |
Q/COFPNB/7 May 1962-Jan 1965 |
Q/COFPNB/8 Feb 1965-Oct 1966 |
Q/COFPNB/9 Oct 1969-Sep 1971 |
Q/COFPNB/10 (No.2 Court) Oct 1954-Apr 1965 |
Q/COFPNB/11 (No.2 Court) May 1965-Oct 1968 |
Q/COFPNB/12 (No.2 Court) Dec 1968-Dec 1970 |
Q/COFPNB/13 (No.3 Court) Apr 1961-Oct 1971 |
Q/COFPNB/14 (No. 1 Court) 2 Sep 1971-29 Dec 1971 |
Q/COFPNB/14 Dec 1966-Oct 1969 |
Q/COFPNB/15 Deputy Clerk of the Peace's notebook (No. 2 Court) 6 Jan 1971-16 Dec 1971 |
Cases for Counsel's OpinionBiographical/Historical noteRelating to bridges, election riots, highways, Monmouth and Usk County Halls, Monmouth borough and the county rate, etc. |
Q/CCO/1 Counsel's opinion on Monmouth Borough & County Rate Monmouth and Usk County Halls 1826-1840 |
Q/CCO/2 Counsel's opinion, including cash Monmouth Borough & County Rate 1830-1834 |
Q/CCO/3 Ric & process (unit of error) or judgement on indictment of burglary- with council opinion 1837 |
Q/CCO/4 Papers with cases on Tredegar Election Riots (on payment of dan 1868 |
Q/CCO/5 Case: High Court on appeal against rate, Borough of Monmouth 1877-1878 |
Q/CCO/6 Case for counsel's opinion re: Leaufort Bridge (as County Bridge) 1879 |
Q/CCO/7 Notice to inhabitatants of Mathern on a highway indictment 1881 |
Q/CCO/8 Case of counsel's opinion on ... of Westgage, Newport and the Licencing Act 1884 |
Q/CCO/9 County Treasurer & Clerk of the Peace 1873 |
Clerk of the Peace's Accounts |
Q/COFPACC/1 Mainly business done at the Q.S. 1796-1799 |
Q/COFPACC/2 Mainly business done at the Quarter Sessions 1800-1803 |
Clerk of the Peace's Account Books |
Q/COFACCB/1 24 Jul 1804-30 Sep 1827 |
Q/COFACCB/2 5 Oct 1827-17 Oct 1831 |
Q/COFACCB/3 17 Oct 1831-31 Jul 1833 |
Q/COFACCB/4 Octb 1833-Apr 1836 |
Q/COFACCB/5 17 Oct 1836-11 Oct 1842 |
Q/COFACCB/6 1 Sep 1842-13 Mar 1849 |
Q/COFACCB/7 5 Mar 1849-7 Oct 1856 |
Q/COFACCB/8 5 Oct 1856-7 Oct 1862 |
Q/COFACCB/9 10 Oct 1868-17 Dec 1874 |
Quarter Sessions Costs Books |
Q/CB/1 Oct 1827-Jul 1831 |
Q/CB/2 With some miscellaneous notes and papers Oct 1831-20 Oct 1840 |
Q/CB/3 4 Jan 1841-Jan 1846 |
Q/CB/4 6 Jun 1846-Oct 1850 |
Q/CB/5 Oct 1850-Mar 1855 |
Q/CB/6 Mar 1855-Jun 1862 |
Q/CB/7 Oct 1862-Mar 1871 |
Q/CB/8 Apr 1880-Jun 1899 |
Q/CB/9 18 Oct 1899-9 Apr 1919 |
Q/CB/10 1919-1942 |
Q/CB/11 1942-1949 |
Q/CB/12 1949-1957 |
Q/CB/13 Epiphany 1957-Epiphany 1962 |
Q/CB/14 Jan 1962-May 1965 |
Q/CB/15 Aug 1965-Feb 1968 |
Q/CB/16 Apr 1968-Oct 1969 |
Taxation of Costs |
Q/TOFC/1 1882-1911 |
Q/TOFC/2 1883 |
Q/TOFC/3 1883-1889 |
Q/TOFC/4 1884 |
Q/TOFC/5 1885 |
Q/TOFC/6 1886 |
Q/TOFC/7 1888 |
Q/TOFC/8 1888-1889 |
Q/TOFC/9 1889 |
Q/TOFC/10 1890 |
Q/TOFC/11 1890 |
Q/TOFC/12 1891 |
Q/TOFC/13 1895 |
Q/TOFC/14 1898 |
Q/TOFC/15 1900-1914 |
Q/TOFC/16 1900-1907 |
Q/TOFC/17 1903 |
Q/TOFC/18 1910-1911 |
Q/TOFC/19 1917 |
Q/TOFC/20 1918 |
Q/TOFC/21 1919-1922 |
Q/TOFC/22 1932 |
Q/TOFC/23 1931-1935 |
Q/TOFC/24 1913-1916 |
Q/TOFC/25 County Council opposition as to bills with correspondence, certificates etc 1891-1892 |
Magistrates Clerks FeesBiographical/Historical note(Correspondence relating to, etc.) |
Q/FMC/1 Bundle of papers relating to Clerks fees 1832 |
Q/FMC/2 Table of fees for allowances to Chief Constable 1833 |
Q/FMC/3 1842-1843 |
Q/FMC/4 Table of Justices Clerk fees (as approved by Justices of Assize) 1842-1843 |
Q/FMC/5 Bundle of correspondence regarding Criminal Justice Act 1855-1856 |
Q/FMC/6 1853-1893 |
Q/FMC/7 Correspondence, papers and reports on magistrates Clerk fees, coroners fees, main roads etc 1870-1891 |
Q/FMC/8 1877-1884 |
Q/FMC/9 1878-1887 |
Q/FMC/10 1880-1883 |
Q/FMC/11 Special correspondence, Magistrates Clerks on fees etc. 1880-1884 |
Q/FMC/12 Circulars and orders, re: Magistrates Clerks fees 1881-1901 |
Q/FMC/13 Correspondence & papers 1891-1901 |
Q/FMC/14 1892 |
Q/FMC/15 1902 |
County Treasurer |
Account Books |
Q/TACCB/1 9 May 1789-12 Jan 1803 |
Q/TACCB/2 Feb 1803-Sep 1814 |
Q/TACCB/3 16 Aug 1814-3 Sep 1824 |
16 Oct 1824-17 OCT 1831 |
Q/TACCB/5 Oct 1831-Jan 1840 |
Q/TACCB/6 Jan 1840-Jan 1847 |
Q/TACCB/7 Jan 1847-Dec 1850 |
Q/TACCB/8 Dec 1850-Oct 1856 |
Q/TACCB/9 Oct 1856-Mar 1862 |
Q/TACCB/10 Mar 1862-Mar 1867 |
Q/TACCB/11 Mar 1867-Mar 1873 |
Q/TACCB/12 Mar 1873-Sep 1874 |
Q/TACCB/13 Oct 1874-Sep 1880 |
Q/TACCB/14 Oct 1880-Mar 1889 |
Miscelllaneous Account Books |
Q/MISCACCB/4 Mar 1879-Jun 1883 |
Q/MISCACCB/5 Treasurer's Account-Compensation Fund Licensing Act 1904 2 Apr 1928-2 Feb 1953 |
Cash Books |
Q/TCB/1 Oct 1825-Dec 1838 |
Q/TCB/2 31 Dec 1838-31 Dec 1846 |
Q/TCB/3 1 Jan 1846-28 Dec 1850 |
Q/TCB/4 1 Jan 1851-17 Mar 1856 |
Q/TCB/5 Mar 1874-Sep 1880 |
Q/TCB/6 Oct 1880-Jun 1886 |
Q/TCB/7 Oct 1886-Jul 1889 |
Treasurer's VouchersBiographical/Historical noteThese bundles are divided into sub-bundles each separately made up and titled. At various times these titles include the following:-Militia and other Military expenses, Prosecution of felons, Conveying prisoners to gaol, Apprehending and conveying vagrants, Conveying vagrants to Ireland, Payment for Corn Return, Relief of prisoners in the King's Bench and Marshalsea, Accounts of the County gaol at Monmouth, House of Correction, Usk, Repairing and rebuilding bridges, Clerk of Assize, Clerk of the Peace, Under-sheriff, Coroner, County Halls, Repairs and ex-Purchase of land, Special constables, Compensation for riots, Superintending constables' expenditure, Expenses of prosecutions, Dismissed cases, Lunatics, Parliamentary returns, Contagious diseases of animals and Miscellaneous or sundry. |
Q/TV/1 Michaelmas 1814-Michaelmas 1815 |
Q/TV/2 1815-1873 |
Q/TV/3 Michaelmas 1815-Michaelmas 1816 |
Q/TV/4 Militia and other Military expenses Michaelmas 1816-1817 |
Q/TV/5 Michaelmas 1817-Michaelmas 1818 |
Q/TV/6 Michaelmas 1818-Michaelmas 1819 |
Q/TV/7 Michaelmas 1819-Michaelmas 1820 |
Q/TV/8 Michaelmas 1820-Michaelmas 1821 |
Q/TV/9 Michaelmas 1821-Michaelmas 1822 |
Q/TV/10 Michaelmas 1822-Michaelmas 1823 |
Q/TV/11 Michaelmas 1823-Michaelmas 1824 |
Q/TV/12 Michaelmas 1824-Michaelmas 1825 |
Q/TV/13 Militia and other Military expenses Michaelmas 1824-Michaelmas 1825 |
Q/TV/14 Michaelmas 1825-Michaelmas 1826 |
Q/TV/15 Michaelmas 1826-Michaelmas 1827 |
Q/TV/16 Michaelmas 1827-Michaelmas 1828 |
Q/TV/17 Michaelmas 1828-Michaelmas 1829 |
Q/TV/18 Incomplete Michaelmas 1829-Michaelmas 1830 |
Q/TV/19 Incomplete Michaelmas 1829-Michaelmas 1830 |
Q/TV/20 Oct 1829-Apr 1831 |
Q/TV/21 Incomplete Michaelmas 1830-Michaelmas 1831 |
Q/TV/22 Prosecution of felons only Oct 1830-Jun 1831 |
Q/TV/23 Incomplete Michaelmas 1831-Michaelmas 1832 |
Q/TV/24 Gaol etc. 1831-1832 |
Q/TV/25 1832-1833 |
Q/TV/26 Michaelmas 1833-Michaelmas 1834 |
Q/TV/27 Michaelmas 1834-Michaelmas 1835 |
Q/TV/28 Coroners only 1834-1837 |
Q/TV/29 Michaelmas 1835-Michaelmas 1836 |
Q/TV/30 Incomplete Michaelmas 1835-Michaelmas 1836 |
Q/TV/31 Incomplete (mainly Jan to Apr 1837) May 1836-Jun 1837 |
Q/TV/32 Jun 1837-Dec 1837 |
Q/TV/33 Incomplete 1837-1838 |
Q/TV/34 Jul 1838-Dec 1838 |
Incomplete MM 1838-1839 |
Q/TV/36 Incomplete Michaelmas 1839-Michaelmas 1840 |
Q/TV/37 Jun 1840-Dec 1840 |
Q/TV/38 Incomplete Jan 1841-Jun 1841 |
Q/TV/39 Incomplete Jun 1841-Dec 1841 |
Q/TV/40 Conveying prisoners to gaol only Jun 1841-Dec 1841 |
Q/TV/41 Jan 1842-Jun 1842 |
Q/TV/42 Jan 1842-May 1842 |
Q/TV/43 May 1842-Dec 1842 |
Q/TV/44 Jan 1843-Jun 1843 |
Q/TV/45 Jun 1843-Dec 1843 |
Q/TV/46 Incomplete Jan 1844-Dec 1844 |
Q/TV/47 Dec 1844-Apr 1845 |
Q/TV/48 Belonging to new House of Correction, commenced 1841 & finished Jan 1844 1844 |
Q/TV/49 Jun 1845-Dec 1845 |
Q/TV/50 Incomplete Jan 1846-Jun 1846 |
Q/TV/51 Jul 1846-Dec 1846 |
Q/TV/52 Incomplete 1835-1836 |
Q/TV/53 Incomplete 1835-1836 |
Q/TV/54 Jan 1847-Jun 1847 |
Q/TV/55 Prosecutions only Jun 1847-Oct 1847 |
Q/TV/56 Jul 1847-Dec 1847 |
Q/TV/57 Jan 1848-Jun 1848 |
Q/TV/58 Jul 1848-Dec 1848 |
Q/TV/59 Jan 1849-Jun 1849 |
Q/TV/60 Conveyance of prisoners only Jan 1849-Jun 1849 |
Q/TV/61 Prosecutions only Mar 1849 |
Q/TV/62 Jul 1849-Dec 1849 |
Q/TV/64 Jul 1850-Oct 1850 |
Q/TV/65 Monmouth Gaol re: prosecution of Barrett 1850-1853 |
Q/TV/66 Incomplete Dec 1850-Jun 1851 |
Q/TV/67 Jun 1851-Dec 1851 |
Q/TV/68 Jan 1852-Jun 1852 |
Q/TV/69 Incomplete Mar 1852-Oct 1852 |
Q/TV/70 Oct 1852-Mar 1853 |
Q/TV/71 Mar 1853-Sep 1853 |
Q/TV/72 Incomplete Jun 1853-Jan 1854 |
Q/TV/73 Mar 1854-Oct 1854 |
Q/TV/74 Oct 1854-Mar 1855 |
Q/TV/75 Incomplete Mar 1855-Oct 1855 |
Q/TV/76 Coroners accounts only 1855-1859 |
Q/TV/77 Oct 1855-Mar 1856 |
Q/TV/78 Mar 1856-Oct 1856 |
Q/TV/79 Oct 1856-Mar 1857 |
Q/TV/80 Mar 1857-Sep 1857 |
Q/TV/81 Apr 1857-Mar 1858 |
Q/TV/82 Mar 1858-Oct 1858 |
Q/TV/83 Oct 1858-Mar 1859 |
Q/TV/84 Mar 1859-Oct 1859 |
Q/TV/85 Oct 1859-Mar 1860 |
Q/TV/86 Mar 1860-Oct 1860 |
Q/TV/87 Oct 1860-Mar 1861 |
Q/TV/88 Mar 1861-Oct 1861 |
Oct 1861-Mar 1862 |
Q/TV/90 Mar 1862-Oct 1862 |
Q/TV/91 Oct 1862-Mar 1863 |
Q/TV/92 Mar 1863-Oct 1863 |
Q/TV/93 Oct 1863-Mar 1864 |
Q/TV/94 Mar 1864-Oct 1864 |
Q/TV/95 Oct 1864-Mar 1865 |
Q/TV/96 Mar 1865-Oct 1865 |
Q/TV/97 Oct 1865-Mar 1866 |
Q/TV/98 Mar 1866-Oct 1866 |
Q/TV/99 Oct 1866-Mar 1867 |
Q/TV/100 Additional bundle-House of Correction, March 1864 Mar 1867-Oct 1867 |
Q/TV/101 Oct 1867-Mar 1868 |
Q/TV/102 Mar 1868-Oct 1868 |
Q/TV/103 Oct 1868-Mar 1869 |
Q/TV/104 Incomplete Mar 1869-Oct 1869 |
Q/TV/105 Conveyance of prisoners Mar 1869-Oct 1869 |
Q/TV/106 Conveyance of prisoners Oct 1869-Feb 1870 |
Q/TV/107 Oct 1869-Mar 1870 |
Q/TV/108 Mar 1870-Oct 1870 |
Q/TV/109 Conveyance of prisoners Mar 1870-Oct 1870 |
Q/TV/110 Oct 1870-Mar 1871 |
Q/TV/111 Conveyance of prisoners Oct 1870-Feb 1871 |
Q/TV/112 Mar 1871-Oct 1871 |
Q/TV/113 Conveyance of prisoners Mar 1871-Oct 1871 |
Q/TV/114 Oct 1871-Mar 1872 |
Q/TV/115 Mar 1872-Oct 1872 |
Q/TV/116 Conveyance of prisoners Mar 1872-Sep 1872 |
Q/TV/117 Conveyance of prisoners Mar 1873-Oct 1873 |
Q/TV/118 Bridges only Michaelmas 1844 |
Q/TV/119 Riots only Midsummer 1852 |
Q/TV/120 From inset. Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum, new buildings account (miscelllaneous) 1885 |
Vouchers in Support of Treasurer's VouchersBiographical/Historical noteWhen the volume of Treasurer's Vouchers became inconveniently large to be included in the usual period bundle, various vouchers supporting the main Treasurer's Vouchers were detached into separate bundles. These at first included the minor vouchers of accounts of Monmouth Gaol, Usk House of Correction and Coroners Vouchers, etc. |
Q/TVV/1 Bridewell expenditure, Usk Oct 1834-Jun 1835 |
Q/TVV/2 Michaelmas 1838 |
Q/TVV/3 Dec 1838 |
Q/TVV/4 Coroners only Epiphany 1839 |
Q/TVV/5 Mar 1839 |
Q/TVV/6 1839 |
Q/TVV/7 Michaelmas 1839 |
Q/TVV/8 Easter 1840 |
Q/TVV/9 Midsummer 1840 |
Q/TVV/10 Michaelmas 1840 |
Q/TVV/11 Epiphany 1841 |
Q/TVV/12 Easter 1841 |
Q/TVV/13 Midsummer 1841 |
Q/TVV/14 Michaelmas 1841 |
Q/TVV/15 Dec 1841 |
Q/TVV/16 Mar 1842 |
Q/TVV/17 Mar 1842 |
Q/TVV/18 Easter 1842 |
Q/TVV/19 Midsummer 1842 |
Q/TVV/20 Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/TVV/21 Easter 1843 |
Q/TVV/22 Trinity 1843 |
Q/TVV/23 Michaelmas 1843 |
Q/TVV/24 Dec 1843 |
Q/TVV/25 Easter 1844 |
Q/TVV/26 Trinity 1844 |
Q/TVV/27 Michaelmas 1844 |
Q/TVV/28 Dec 1844 |
Q/TVV/29 Mar 1845 |
Q/TVV/30 Trinity 1845 |
Q/TVV/31 Michaelmas 1845 |
Q/TVV/32 Dec 1845 |
Q/TVV/33 Mar 1846 |
Q/TVV/34 Trinity 1846 |
Q/TVV/35 Michaelmas 1846 |
Q/TVV/36 Dec 1846 |
Q/TVV/37 Mar 1847 |
Q/TVV/38 Trinity 1847 |
Q/TVV/39 Michaelmas 1847 |
Q/TVV/40 Dec 1847-Epiphany 1848 |
Q/TVV/41 Mar 1848 |
Q/TVV/42 Midsummer 1848 |
Q/TVV/43 Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/TVV/44 Epiphany 1849 |
Q/TVV/45 Mar 1849 |
Q/TVV/46 Trinity 1849 |
Q/TVV/47 Michaelmas 1849 |
Q/TVV/48 Mar 1850 |
Q/TVV/49 Michaelmas 1850 |
Q/TVV/50 Monmouth & Usk Prisons 1850 |
Q/TVV/51 Epiphany 1851 |
Q/TVV/52 Epiphany 1851 |
Q/TVV/53 Midsummer 1851 |
Q/TVV/54 Michaelmas 1851 |
Q/TVV/55 Epiphany 1852 |
Q/TVV/56 Mar 1852 |
Q/TVV/57 Michaelmas 1852 |
Q/TVV/58 1854-1855 |
Q/TVV/59 Petty cash reciepts for Monmouth Gaol 1854-1860 |
Q/TVV/60 Petty cash receipts for Monmouth Gaol 1861-1870 |
Miscellaneous Papers and Returns on Treasurer's Accounts |
Q/MISCPTACC/1 Accounts re: Rebuilding of Chepstow Bridge 1813-1816 |
Q/MISCPTACC/2 Michaelmas 1833-Michaelmas 1834 |
Q/MISCPTACC/3 Bundle of papers relating to expenses of Chartist Riots 1839-1840 |
Q/MISCPTACC/4 Bundle of lists of bills ordered to be paid 14 Oct 1839-26 Dec 1848 |
Q/MISCPTACC/5 Bundle of disallowed County Accounts 1841-1844 |
Q/MISCPTACC/6 Accounts of Special Constables and damage done by riots of Chepstow 1847 |
Q/MISCPTACC/7 Monmouthshire & Glamorgan Bank, Newport- cheque vouchers 28 Jan 1848-1 Oct 1857 |
Q/MISCPTACC/8 Reports, estimates etc. 1848-1867 |
Q/MISCPTACC/9 Expenses of inquest on Risca explosion 1860-1861 |
Q/MISCPTACC/10 Return of magistrates, required by Lord Lieutenant of the County of Mon. 29 Sep 1861 |
Q/MISCPTACC/11 Cheques & bills, Mr. D.H. Brawel, Newport 1872-1873 |
Q/MISCPTACC/12 1858-1871 |
Costs of Criminal Prosecutions |
Q/COFCP/1 Papers on Treasury allowances & disallowances, costs of criminal prosecutions 1857-1879 |
Q/COFCP/2 Schedule, correspondence re: allowances 1858-1864 |
Q/COFCP/3 Return of criminal prosecution expenses 1858-1868 |
Q/COFCP/4 Treasurers disallowances 1864-1874 |
Q/COFCP/5 Correspondence from Treasury on criminal prosecution expenses 1868 |
Q/COFCP/6 1875-1876 |
Q/COFCP/7 1884-1928 |
Q/COFCP/8 Misc. letters from the Treasury & others, re: costs 1881-1889 |
Q/COFCP/9 1961-Apr 1964 |
Q/COFCP/10 May 1969-1970 |
County Bridges |
Papers on County Bridges |
Q/CB/1 Newport Bridge accounts 1791-1792 |
Q/CB/2 Papers re: the building of Newport Bridge 1791-1801 |
Q/CB/3 Newport Bridge accounts 1794 |
Q/CB/4 Correspondence, reports etc. on building of Newport Bridge 1794-1797 |
Q/CB/5 Newport Bridge sundry bill 1794-1799 |
Q/CB/6 Newport Bridge accounts 1795 |
Q/CB/7 Newport Bridge accounts 1795 |
Q/CB/8 Newport Bridge accounts 1797 |
Q/CB/9 Opinion & counsel on liability to repair Ponthir Bridge 1797 |
Q/CB/10 Papers on case, contract and board re: Ponthir Bridge 1797-1799 |
Q/CB/11 Newport Bridge accounts 1798 |
Q/CB/12 Newport Bridge accounts 1798 |
Q/CB/13 Newport Bridge accounts 1799 |
Q/CB/14 Newport Bridge accounts 1799 |
Q/CB/15 Newport Bridge accounts 1799 |
Q/CB/16 Detailed accounts & vouchers re: Newport Bridge 1800 |
Q/CB/17 Newport Bridge accounts 1800 |
Q/CB/18 Detailed accounts & vouchers re: Newport Bridge 1801 |
Q/CB/19 Newport Bridge sundry bill 1801 |
Q/CB/20 Llanfan Bridge, presentment of Grand Jury, affidavit, Act of Parliament etc. Parish of Llantillio Crossenny 1814-1817 |
Q/CB/21 Kentchurch Bridge 1817 |
Q/CB/22 Contract for repairing Caerleon Bridge 1830 |
Q/CB/23 Papers on dispute between Monmouth Borough on repair of and county rate of Trotty Bridge 1830-1845 |
Q/CB/24 Papers on widening of Usk Town Bridge 1836-1839 |
Q/CB/25 Papers on widening Newport Bridge 1856-1865 |
Q/CB/26 Papers re: Wyatt v Strat on land taken for enlargement of Newport Bridge 1865-1871 |
Q/CB/27 Minutes of evidence on Pwll Meyrick Bridge & other bridges [late 19th century] |
Q/CB/28 Newport Bridge & Newport St 1870-1872 |
Q/CB/29 Correspondence on footpath on Newport Bridge 1874-1875 |
Q/CB/30 Misc. papers on Trilley Bridge, Trothy Bridges, Howarth Bridges, Imgetion Bridge, Wye Bridge, Chepstow Bridge & Usk Bridge 1822-1889 |
Q/CB/31 Llanfoist Bridge, Abergavenny: Proposal to take over county bridges 1828-1876 |
Q/CB/32 Papers on widening Wye Bridge & alterations to Wye Bridge Inn 1877-1881 |
Q/CB/33 Liability to repair Tregate Bridge 1882-1889 |
Q/CB/34 Correspondence re: Newport Bridge 1884 |
Q/CB/35 Misc. papers on county bridges 1849-1882 |
Q/CB/36 Correspondence on Caerleon Bridge 1882 |
Plans and Specifications |
Q/CBPS/1 Plan, export & correspondence on proposed bridge at Caerleon 1803-1804 |
Q/CBPS/2 Petition, estimate & plan re: Ponthir Bridge 1804 |
Q/CBPS/3 Plans & estimate re Ponthir Bridge [1804] |
Q/CBPS/4 Three plans: Llanellen Bridge 1820-1823 |
Q/CBPS/5 Plan & specification re: Skenfrith Bridge 1823 |
Q/CBPS/6 2 Plans & specifications re: Llanfihangel Crucorny Bridge 1825 |
Q/CBPS/7 8 Plans, estimates & specifications re: Llanfihangel Crucorny Bridge 1826 |
Q/CBPS/8 2 Plans in respect of widening Newport Bridge 1874 |
Miscellaneous Books |
Q/MISCACCB/1 Account book, Newport & Caerleon Bridges Jan 1793-Jan 1803 |
Q/MISCACCB/3 Account of expenditure connected with the erection of the New Bridewell at Usk 18 Dec 1840-17 Jul 1843 |
Q/MISCB/20 Survey on the repair of bridges in the county by Thames Waters Surveyor Jul 1823 |
Q/MISCB/3 Minutes of Quarter Sessions liability to the erection of The New Bridewell, Usk Committee 29 Jun 1840-26 Sep 1842 |
County Buildings |
Papers on County Buildings |
Q/CBU/1 Monmouth Gaol: Extracts orders of Quarter Sessions re: erecting new gaol 1787-1791 |
Q/CBU/2 Accounts for repairs done at Town Hall, Usk 1804-1805 |
Q/CBU/3 Papers on building of House of Correction, Usk 1819-1821 |
Q/CBU/4 Papers on rights of borough from 1588 Town Hall & Jury Room, Monmouth 1821 |
Q/CBU/5 Aquisition, bill in parliament etc relating to the Town Hall, Monmouth 1826-1829 |
Q/CBU/6 Town Hall, Monmouth: papers, bills & correspondence 1827 |
Q/CBU/7 Town Hall, Monmouth: Opinion on alterations & repairs etc. 1827 |
Q/CBU/8 Papers on presentment, draft bills etc. re: Town Hall, Monmouth 1827-1829 |
Q/CBU/9 An Act for the repair & maintenance of the County Hall of the County of Monmouth 18 Apr 1829 |
Q/CBU/10 Papers on repair & alterations of County Hall, Monmouth 1829 |
Q/CBU/11 Accounts & receipts re: repair & alteration for County Hall, Monmouth 1829-1831 |
Q/CBU/12 Accounts etc. repairs, alterations & refurnishing of County Hall, Monmouth 1830-1831 |
Q/CBU/13 Papers re: proposal for new House of Correction, Usk 1837-1838 |
Q/CBU/14 Contracts, tenders, advertisments & correspondence on new House of Correction, Usk 1838-1844 |
Q/CBU/15 Papers on sale of Cae Putta Usk magistrates re: new House of Correction, Usk 1839-1840 |
Q/CBU/16 Papers & improvements at Town Hall, Usk 1858-1859 |
Q/CBU/17 Duke of Beaufort & Charles Prothero (?) 1879 |
Q/CBU/18 Papers, including copy lease, Castle House, Monmouth, dilapidation & duty of County to maintain militia store 1877-1879 |
Q/CBU/19 Papers on liability to of Sessions House, Usk County Police stations etc. 1877-1883 |
Q/CBU/20 Papers on liability to income tax of Sessions House, Usk & county Police stations etc 1859 |
Plans and Specifications |
Q/CBP&S/1 3 Plans: House of Correction, Usk [1812] |
Q/CBP&S/2 2 Plans: additions to Monmouth County Gaol 1819-1822 |
Q/CBP&S/3 3 Plans: proposed Courts of Justice at Shire Hall, Monmouth (one of Town Court & Jury Rook signed by Mayor of Monmouth & Clerk of the Peace) 1828 |
Q/CBP&S/4 4 Plans or designs: Shire Hall, Monmouth 1828 |
Q/CBP&S/5 13 Plans & the specifications of Shire Hall, Monmouth 1828 |
Q/CBP&S/6 Plans: proposed additions to Castle House, Monmouth for military 1848 |
Q/CBP&S/7 6 Plans for proposed Sessions Court, Usk adopted to site Usk Gaol 1858 |
Q/CBP&S/8 4 Plans for proposed Sessions Court, Usk adapted to site Court (Town Hall, Usk) 1858 |
Q/CBP&S/9 Copy of ground plan of Usk Gaol c. 1845 |
Miscellaneous Books |
Q/MISCMB/2 Minutes of Quarter Sessions Monmouth County Hall order book 11 Now 1828-9 Feb 1831 |
Q/MISCACCB/2 Cash book, Monmouth County Hall: 22 January 1829 to 17 October 1831 Mortgages of County Rate: 27 April 1829 to 12 July 1830 22 Jan 1829-17Oct 1831 |
Q/MISCACCB/5 Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum: new building account Jan 1882-Jun 1886 |
Q/MISCMB/6 Minutes of New Court House Committee 4 Nov 1874-20 Mar 1876 |
Constabulary |
Chief Constables Lists |
Q/CCL/1 Misc. papers 1802-1805, 1829 |
Q/CCL/2 1802-1809 |
Q/CCL/4 Reports of Superintending Constables & allowances 1856-1857 |
Q/CCL/5 Report of Police Committee on increase of force 1857 |
Q/CCL/6 Police reports & travelling accounts 1857 |
Q/CCL/7 Chief Constable reports and other papers 1857-1871 |
Q/CCL/8 Reports on police stations 1862-1863 |
Q/CCL/9 Reports on new Prisons Act 1865 |
Lists of Chief and Petty Constables |
Q/LCPC/1 1842-1847 |
Q/LCPC/2 1848-1855 |
Q/LCPC/3 Lists of Constables & lists of Freemasons 1857-1870 |
Police Committee Minute Book |
Q/MISCMB/4 2 Jul 1855-16 Jun 1876 |
Police Account Books |
Q/PACCB/1 Mar 1857-Oct 1867 |
Q/PACCB/2 Oct 1867-Jul 1873 |
Q/PACCB/3 Oct 1873-Oct 1874 |
Q/PACCB/4 Oct 1874-Dec 1879 |
Q/PACCB/5 Jan 1880-Mar 1886 |
Q/PACCB/6 Apr 1886-Sep 1889 |
Police Cash Books |
Q/PACCB/7 Oct 1874-Dec 1879 |
P/ACCB/8 Dec 1879-Mar 1886 |
Q/PACCB/9 Mar 1886-Sep 1889 |
Police Cash Book, Draft |
Q/PACCB/10 Mar 1881-Jun 1883 |
Constabulary ReportsBiographical/Historical noteConsisting mainly of reports of the Superintending Constables, 1855-1857, formation of the county Constabulary, 1857, and Chief Connstable's reports. |
Q/CONSR/1 Reports of Superintending Constables, allowances etc & reports of Police Committee 1855-1856 |
Q/CONSR/2 Police reports and other papers 1855-1856 |
Q/CONSR/3 Police Committee reports & appointment of Superintendent Constable 1855-1856 |
Constabulary Miscellaneous Papers |
Q/CONSMISCP/1 Appointment of Superintendent Constables, Chief Constables & of Police force 1856-1857 |
Q/CONSMISCP/2 Police estimates & miscellaneous 1856-1874 |
Q/CONSMISCP/3 Bundle of papers on appointment of Chief Constable 1857 |
Q/CONSMISCP/4 Apr 1857-Jun 1858 |
Q/CONSMISCP/5 Pay lists, boot & shoe allowance and vouchers 1857-1858 |
Q/CONSMISCP/6 Official communications from the Home Office & reports on Constabulary 1857-1879 |
Q/CONSMISCP/7 Proposal to increase number of constables in county [1856-1858] |
Q/CONSMISCP/9 Returns to Treasury of Police (years ending 29 September) 1858-1868 |
Q/CONSMISCP/10 Correspondence on building police station at Abergavenny 1859-1860 |
Q/CONSMISCP/11 Suggestion that stipendiary magistrates should be appointed for N.W. district of Monmouth (Bedwellty etc.) 1861-1862 |
Q/CONSMISCP/12 Bundle of surrender of leases for police stations 1862-1870 |
Q/CONSMISCP/13 Monthly statement of pay 1863-1864 |
Q/CONSMISCP/14 Monthly statement of pay 1865-1866 |
Q/CONSMISCP/15 Pay, contingent expenses & account and receipts of the Chief Constable 1865-1866, 1873-1874 |
Q/CONSMISCP/16 Amount of pay contingent expenses etc. (vouchers for treasurer) 1866-1869 |
Q/CONSMISCP/17 Correspondence between Chief Constable & Clerk of the Peace, and receipts 1866-1871 |
Q/CONSMISCP/18 Superannuation fund account 1869-1874 |
Q/CONSMISCP/19 Amount of pay contingent expenses etc. (vouchers for treasurer) 1870-1874 |
Q/CONSMISCP/20 Lease of Risca Police Station 1877 |
Q/CONSMISCP/21 Correspondence on proposed bill for appointment of Stipendiary Magistrate for the Bedwellty Union 1878 |
Q/CONSMISCP/22 Draft agreement and correspondence on consolidation of Monmouth Borough Police [Entrenchment] 1880-1881 |
Q/CONSMISCP/23 Applications for post of Chief Constable 1893 |
Q/CONSMISCP/24 1850-1875 |
Constabulary Daily States |
Q/CDS/1 Jul 1858-Sep 1859 |
Q/CDS/2 Nov 1859-Dec 1860 |
Q/CDS/3 Oct 1859, 1868, 1875 |
Q/CDS/4 Jan 1861-Dec 1861 |
Q/CDS/5 Jan 1862-Dec 1862 |
Q/CDS/6 Jan 1863-Dec 1863 |
Q/CDS/67 Jan 1864-Dec 1864 |
Q/CDS/8 Jan 1865-Dec 1865 |
Q/CDS/9 Jan 1866-Dec 1866 |
Q/CDS/10 Jan 1867-Dec 1867 |
Q/CDS/11 Jan 1868-Oct 1868 |
Q/CDS/12 Jan 1869-Dec 1869 |
Q/CDS/13 Jan 1870-Dec 1870 |
Q/CDS/14 Jan 1871-Dec 1871 |
Q/CDS/15 Jan 1872-Dec 1872 |
Q/CDS/16 Jan 1873-Dec 1873 |
Q/CDS/17 Jan 1874-Dec 1874 |
Q/CDS/18 Incomplete Jan 1875-Nov 1876 |
Q/CDS/19 Jul 1875-Aug 1876 |
Q/CDS/20 Dec 1876-Dec 1877 |
Q/CDS/21 Jan 1878-Dec 1878 |
Q/CDS/22 Jan 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/CDS/23 Jan 1880-Jun 1880 |
Q/CDS/24 Jul 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/CDS/25 Jan 1881-Aug 1881 |
Q/CDS/26 Sep 1881-Dec 1882 |
Q/CDS/27 Jan 1883-Dec 1883 |
Q/CDS/28 Jan 1884-Dec 1884 |
Q/CDS/29 Jan 1885-Dec 1885 |
Q/CDS/30 Jan 1886-Dec 1886 |
Q/CDS/31 Oct 1939-Dec 1939 |
Q/CDS/32 Jan 1940-Jun 1940 |
Q/CDS/33 Aug 1941-Dec 1941 |
Q/CDS/34 Jan 1942-Dec 1942 |
Q/CDS/35 Jan 1943-Dec 1943 |
Q/CDS/36 Jan 1944-Dec 1944 |
Q/CDS/37 Jan 1945-Dec 1945 |
Q/CDS/38 Jan 1946-Dec 1946 |
Q/CDS/39 Jan 1947-Aug 1947 |
Q/CDS/40 Jan 1948-Dec 1948 |
Q/CDS/41 Jan 1949-Dec 1949 |
Q/CDS/42 Jan 1950-Dec 1950 |
Q/CDS/43 Jan, Apr, May, Jun & Jul of 1951 1951 |
Q/CDS/44 1902-1905 |
Q/CDS/45 1906-1909 |
Q/CDS/46 1910-1914 |
Q/CDS/47 1915-1919 |
Q/CDS/48 1920-1922 |
Q/CDS/48/1-7 1: Jan 1923-Dec 1923 2. Jan 1924-Dec 1924 3. Jan 1925-Dec 1925 4. Jan 1926-Dec 1926 5. Jan 1927-Dec 1927 6. Jan 1928-Dec 1928 7. Jan 1929-Nov 1929 1923-1929 |
Q/CDS/49 Jan 1930-Sep 1933 |
Q/CDS/50 Mar 1934-Sep 1936 |
Q/CDS/8 Correspondence between Chief Constable and Clerk of the Peace, and reports of Police Committee 1858-1867 |
Constabulary Station Records |
Q/CONSSR/1 Charge book for Abergavenny Police Station 1858-1861 |
Q/CONSSR/2 Charge book for Abergavenny Police Station 1861-1865 |
Contagious Diseases of Animals |
Books |
Q/CDAB/1 Orders in council, minutes of Executive Committee of Local Authority, correspondence, orders of the Executive Committee, circulars etc. 13 Dec 1880-25 Oct 1887 |
Q/CDAB/2 Orders in council, correspondence and orders of the Executive Committee 31 Jan 1885-31 Dec 1887 |
Q/CDAB/3 Orders of the Executive Committee 6 Jan 1888-28 Dec 1889 |
Q/CDAB/4 Orders of Executive Committee, orders of Board of Agriculture 4 Jan 1890-7 Dec 1891 |
Miscellaneous Papers |
Q/CDA/1 Battle Plaque Enquiry & orders in council minutes 1865-1866 |
Q/CDA/2 Battle Plaque Papers, acts and orders in council 1866-1867 |
Q/CDA/3 Bundle of acts-orders in council correspondence and returns and reports on Battle Plaque 1866-1869 |
Q/CDA/4 Contagious diseases (animals) orders in council minutes, records and forms etc. 1869-1877 |
Q/CDA/5 Battle Plaque: bundle of returns, Contagious Diseases (animals) Act 1869-1875, returns of animals etc. 1872-1878 |
Q/CDA/6 Orders in council and correspondence re: Contagious Diseases (animals) Act 1878 1878-1879 |
Q/CDA/7 Misc. papers re: the Act of 1887 1887 |
Q/CDA/8 Misc. papers 1879-1889 |
Q/CDA/9 Misc. papers 1866-1879 |
Q/CDA/10 Orders in council etc. Jan 1866-Aug 1879 |
Q/CDA/11 Circulars, posters, forms Jan 1867-Aug 1873 |
Elections |
Register of Electors |
Q/ROFE/1 1 Nov 1832-1 Nov 1833 Controlled Access HeadingsSubject(s)
Q/ROFE/2 1832-1833 Controlled Access HeadingsSubject(s)
Q/ROFE/3 1834-1835 Controlled Access HeadingsSubject(s)
Q/ROFE/4 1 Nov 1835-1 Nov 1836 Controlled Access HeadingsSubject(s)
Q/ROFE/5 1 Dec 1836-1 Nov 1837 Controlled Access HeadingsSubject(s)
Q/ROFE/6 1 Nov 1837-1 Nov 1838 |
Q/ROFE/7 1 Nov 1837-1 Nov 1838 |
Q/ROFE/8 1838-1839 |
Q/ROFE/9 1 Nov 1838-1 Nov 1839 |
Q/ROFE/11 1 Nov 1839-1 Nov 1840 |
Q/ROFE/10 1839-1840 |
Q/ROFE/12 1 Nov 1840-1 Nov 1841 |
Q/ROFE/13 30 Nov 1843-1 Dec 1844 |
Q/ROFE/14 30 Nov 1844-1 Dec 1845 |
Q/ROFE/15 30 Nov 1846-1 Dec 1847 |
Q/ROFE/16 30 Nov 1847-1 Dec 1848 |
Q/ROFE/17 1848-1849 |
Q/ROFE/18 1849-1850 |
Q/ROFE/19 30 Nov 1849-1 Dec 1850 |
Q/ROFE/20 30 Nov 1852-1 Dec 1853 |
Q/ROFE/21 30 Nov 1853-1 Dec 1854 |
Q/ROFE/22 30 Nov 1854-1 Dec 1855 |
Q/ROFE/23 30 Nov 1855-1 Dec 1856 |
Q/ROFE/24 30 Nov 1856-1 Dec 1857 |
Q/ROFE/25 30 Nov 1858-1 Dec 1859 |
Q/ROFE/26 30 Nov 1859-1 Dec 1860 |
Q/ROFE/27 30 Nov 1860-1 Dec 1861 |
Q/ROFE/28 30 Nov 1861-1 Dec 1862 |
Q/ROFE/29 30 Nov 1862-1 Dec 1863 |
Q/ROFE/30 30 Nov 1863-1 Dec 1864 |
Q/ROFE/31 30 Nov 1865-1 Dec 1866 |
Q/ROFE/32 1 Nov 1868-1 Jan 1870 |
Q/ROFE/33 1870 |
Q/ROFE/34 1871 |
Q/ROFE/35 1872 |
Q/ROFE/36 1873 |
Q/ROFE/37 1874 |
Q/ROFE/38 1875 |
Q/ROFE/39 1876 |
Q/ROFE/40 1877 |
Q/ROFE/41 1 Jan 1877 |
Q/ROFE/42 1877 |
Q/ROFE/43 1878 |
Q/ROFE/44 1879 |
Q/ROFE/46 1881 |
Q/ROFE/45 1880 |
Q/ROFE/47 1882 |
Q/ROFE/48 1883 |
Q/ROFE/49 1884 |
Q/ROFE/50 1885 |
Q/ROFE/51 7 Nov 1885-1 Jan 1887 |
Q/ROFE/52 7 Nov 1885-1 Jan 1887 |
Q/ROFE/53 1887 |
Q/ROFE/54 1888 |
Q/ROFE/55 1889 |
Q/ROFE/56 1889 |
Q/ROFE/57 1889 |
Q/ROFE/58 1889 |
Q/ROFE/82 [1833-1834] |
Q/ROFE/83 7 Nov 1885-1 Jan 1887 |
Q/ROFE/84 Nov 1864-Dec 1865 |
Revising Barrister's Court Papers |
Q/RBC/1 Particulars of electors 1835-1847 |
Q/RBC/2 Notices relating to registration of voters 1864 |
Report |
Q/RFC/21 Report of Finance Committee (of Court of Quarter Sessions) on Electoral Divisions under the Local Government Act, 1888 Michaelmas 1888 |
County Gaols |
Miscellaneous Papers on County GaolsBiographical/Historical noteIncludes papers relating to accounts, annual returns, appointments of officers, dietaries, maintenance of prisoners, officers' reports, rules, treadmill and vouchers. Other reports will be found in teh class of Papers amd Reports. |
MISCMSS1297 Copy of ground plan of Usk Gaol c.1845 c.1845 |
Q/CG/1 Papers on Mill House, House of Correction, Usk & Monmouth Gaol, report for 1824 Correspondence with 1823-1825 |
Q/CG/2 Depositions, complaints and reports or drafts against the Keeper of the House of Correction, Usk and the Keeper of Monmouth Gaol 1829 |
Q/CG/3 Application for the Keepers of the House of Correction, Usk 1829 |
Q/CG/4 Papers on rules for Monmouth Gaol 1832 |
Q/CG/5 Reports and other papers relating to the House of Correction, Usk 1839-1856 |
Q/CG/6 Papers on conduct of governor and appointment of new governor of Monmouth Gaol (with list of candidates) 1841 |
Q/CG/7 Papers, applications & testimonials for appointment of chaplain for the House of Correction, Usk 1842-1843 |
Q/CG/8 Papers & accounts etc. relating to Monmouth Gaol 1842-1868 |
Q/CG/9 Papers, Committee on conduct and suitability of Keeper and Matron of the House of Correction, Usk (with report and minutes of evidence) 1845 |
Q/CG/10 Papers on dietary needs of prisoners 1845-1856 |
Q/CG/11 Reports on House of Correction, Usk and County Gaol, Monmouth 1848-1851 |
Q/CG/12 Copy testimonial to of House of Correction, Usk 1850 |
Q/CG/13 Depositions and accounts, correspondence and reports on prosecution of James Barrett, of Monmouth 1854 |
Q/CG/14 Papers and case on unpaid accounts for Monmouth Gaol (James Barrett) 1854-1855 |
Q/CG/15 Accounts of expenditure of House of Correction, Usk 1854-1868 |
Q/CG/16 Accounts of expenditure of County Gaol, Monmouth 1855-1857 |
Q/CG/17 Reciepts, Prisoner's Relief Fund for Monmouth Gaol 1856-1865 |
Q/CG/18 Vouchers and accounts, House of Correction, Usk 1856-1868 |
Q/CG/19 Accounts paid, maintenance of prisoners of Monmouth Gaol, selection under C.J.A and J.O.A. 1857-1867 |
Q/CG/20 Accounts paid, maintenance of prisoners, Usk, under C.J.A. and J.O.A. 1857-1867 |
Q/CG/21 Annual returns for Monmouth Gaol and the House of Corrrection, Usk 1857-1868 |
Q/CG/22 Reports for Monmouth Gaol and the House of Correction, Usk [mid 19th century] |
Q/CG/23 Accounts and reciepts of expenditure, Monmouth Gaol 1858-1868 |
Q/CG/24 Papers relating to Monmouth and Usk Prisons 1859-1889 |
Q/CG/25 Papers on the appointment of Chaplain at the House of Correction, Usk 1860 |
Q/CG/26 Papers relating to closing Monmouth Gaol and removing prisoners to House of Correction, Usk, including council's opinion and report of committee and other related papers 1861-1862 |
Q/CG/27 Report on Monmouth Gaol and House of Correction, Usk 1864-1868 |
Q/CG/28 Maintenance account for Monmouth Gaol (half year ending 30 September 1866) 1866 |
Q/CG/29 Papers on closing of Monmouth Gaol, transfer to alterations of Usk Prison 1867-1870 |
Q/CG/30 Return of amount paid maintaining prisoners at Assizes of Quarter Sessions under C.J.A and J.O.A. Usk Gaol 1868-1873 |
Q/CG/31 Papers on appointment of governor and matron at Usk Gaol 1872 |
Q/CG/32 Papers on appointment of governor and matron at Usk Gaol 1872 |
Q/CG/33 Return of amount paid for maintenance of prisoners at Assize Quarter Sessions under C.J.A. and J.O.A. 1873-1875 |
Q/CG/34 Papers on Usk and Monmouth Prisons 1878-1888 |
Q/CG/35 Correspondence on and ammended pensions 1881-1884 |
Q/CG/36 Papers on proposed closure of Usk Prison 1885-1888 |
Q/CG/37 Report of visiting Justices of Monmouth County Gaol and House of Correction, Usk 1852-1856 |
Q/CG/38-40 Books containing particulars (mostly with photographs) of persons convicted of offences specified in the List Schedule of Habitual Criminals Act 1869, to be liberated from the County Gaol, Usk, within seven days 38. April 1871-May 1872 39. May 1872-May 1873 40. July 1876-November 1876 Apr 1871-Nov 1876 |
Q/CG/41 House of Correction, Usk Keepers book giving details of prisoners admitted, also includes reports of visiting justices 1821-1834 |
Miscellaneous Books |
Monmouth Gaol Books |
Q/MG/1 Magistrates observations 23 Mar 1791-15 Oct 1828 |
Q/MG/1 23 Mar 1791-15 Oct 1828 |
Q/MG/2 28 Oct 1828-13 Nov 1841 |
Magistrates Minutes (of visits) Book |
Q/MG/3 20 Nov 1841-16 Oct 1853 |
Visiting Justices Minutes |
Q/MG/4 23 Oct 1852-8 Jan 1870 |
Governor's Journal |
Q/MG/5 17 Jul 1842-15 Oct 1843 |
Q/MG/6 28 Oct 1843-11 Aug 1848 |
Q/MG/7 12 Aug 1848-26 Jun 1853 |
Q/MG/8 29 Jun 1853-2 Mar 1858 |
Q/MG/9 2 Mar 1858-10 Jul 1863 |
Q/MG/10 11 Jul 1863-27 Apr 1869 |
Governor's General Daily Account Book |
Q/MG/11 16 Dec 1843-1 Jun 1861 |
Q/MG/12 15 Jun 1861-19 Feb 1870 |
Chaplain's and Surgeon's Journal |
Q/MG/14 3 Mar 1824-1 Jan 1837 |
Q/MG/15 2 Jan 1837-28 Jun 1840 |
Q/MG/16 29 Jun 1840-3 May 1843 |
Chaplain's Journal |
Q/MG/13 2 Jan 1822-14 Oct 1838 |
Q/MG/17 15 Oct 1838-2 Jan 1842 |
Q/MG/18 3 Jan 1841-6 Nov 1843 |
Q/MG/20 1 Aug 1849-17 Oct 1852 |
Q/MG/22 29 Oct 1854-18 Jul 1857 |
Q/MG/21 18 Oct 1852-28 Oct 1854 |
Q/MG/23 2 Nov 1864-30 Dec 1869 |
Surgeon's Book |
Q/MG/24 3 Nov 1790-31 Aug 1823 |
Q/MG/26 Surgeon's Journal 1 Nov 1842-3 Nov 1843 |
Q/MG/25 29 Jun 1840-31 Oct 1842 |
Q/MG/26 1 Nov 1842-3 Nov 1843 |
Q/MG/27 10 Nov 1843-16 Oct 1847 |
Q/MG/28 23 Oct 1847-14 Oct 1849 |
Q/MG/29 15 Oct 1849-25 Nov 1853 |
Q/MG/30 26 Nov 1853-31 Oct 1854 |
Q/MG/31 1 Nov 1854-1 Jul 1855 |
Q/MG/32 2 Jul 1855-9 May 1856 |
Q/MG/33 18 May 1856-24 Jan 1857 |
Q/MG/34 23 Jan 1857-5 Sep 1858 |
Q/MG/35 6 Sep 1858-15 Mar 1862 |
Q/MG/36 17 Mar 1862-31 Jul 1863 |
Q/MG/37 1 Aug 1863-17 Nov 1866 |
Q/MG/38 18 Nov 1866-8 Nov 1867 |
Q/MG/39 9 Dec 1868-30 Dec 1869 |
Matron's Journal |
Q/MG/40 26 Apr 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Labour Yard Officer's Journal |
Q/MG/41 29 May 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Schoolmaster's Journal |
Q/MG/42 12 Jun 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Female Officer's Journal |
Q/MG/43 30 Jun 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Untried Yard Officers Journal |
Q/MG/44 7 Aug 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Warder's Journal, Debtors and General Duties |
Q/MG/45 25 Sep 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Maintenance Accounts |
Q/MG/46 31 Mar 1849-30 Sep 1869 |
Quarterly Account Book |
Q/MG/47 11 Jun 1853-21 Mar 1870 |
Banking Account (In acc't with Messrs. Bailey, Gratex and Williams) |
Q/MG/48 22 May 1854-24 Aug 1867 |
Q/MG/49 31 Aug 1867-25 Jan 1868 |
Q/MG/50 1 Feb 1868-21 Feb 1870 |
Oakum and Cash Account |
Q/MG/51 17 Dec 1847-31 Dec 1869 |
Prisoners' Relief Fund |
Q/MG/52 1 Nov 1851-21 Feb 1870 |
Visitors' Book |
Q/MG/53 23 Mar 1844-25 Jul 1850 |
Letter Book |
Q/MG/54 21 Dec 1844-1 Jan 1870 |
Order Book |
Q/MG/55 31 Oct 1868-19 Feb 1870 |
Non-Resident Officers' Attendance Book |
Q/MG/56 1 Feb 1866-Dec 1869 |
Q/MG/57 8 Apr 1869-31 Dec 1869 |
Summary of Convictions |
Q/MG/58 19 Oct 1843-2 Jul 1869 |
Number Book of Prisoners |
Q/MG/59 20 Sep 1843-19 Jul 1857 |
Q/MG/60 20 Jul 1857-31 Dec 1869 |
Q/MG/61 Register of Prisoners Received from and Transferred to Other Prisons 14 Oct 1844-18 Oct 1869 |
Q/MG/61 14 Oct 1844-18 Oct 1869 |
Description of Prisoners Recieved |
Q/MG/62 4 Jul 1867-29 Dec 1869 |
Male Clothing Book |
Q/MG/63 25 Feb 1856-26 Jan 1870 |
Female Clothing Book |
Q/MG/64 23 Feb 1856-26 Jan 1870 |
Regulations for the Government of the County of Monmouth |
Q/MG/65 [late 19th century] |
Q/MG/65 Additional Regulations for the Government of the County of Monmouth [late 19th century] |
Prison Act 1865, with regualtions for the government of the County Gaol at Monmouth |
Q/MG/67 1865 |
Q/MG/68 Inventory of furniture and moveable property 2 Aug 1854-3 Mar 1870 |
Q/MG/68 2 Aug 1854-3 Mar 1870 |
Monmouthshire Reformatory Books |
Director's Minute Books |
Q/MR/1 7 Feb 1859-1 Dec 1874 |
Q/MR/2 1875-4 Dec 1905 |
Q/MR/3 Jan 1906-31 Jul 1923 |
Draft Minute Book |
Q/MR/4 3 Feb 1908-12 Jan 1923 |
Director's Visiting Books |
Q/MR/5 15 Apr 1859-18 Dec 1886 |
Q/MR/6 1 Jan 1887-30 Mar 1922 |
Visitor's Book (not being Director's) |
Q/MR/7 12 Apr 1859-21 Jan 1920 |
Q/MR/8 26 Mar 1920-29 Mar 1922 |
Register of Boys |
Q/MR/9 1 Apr 1859-3 Dec 1886 |
Q/MR/10 17 Dec 1886-2 Oct 1914 |
Register of Admissions and Discharges |
Q/MR/11 1872-1903 |
Q/MR/12 1903-1920 |
Q/MR/13 1914-1922 |
Q/MR/14 1914-1922 |
Incidental Returns |
Q/MR/15 Dec 1912-Apr 1921 |
Q/MR/16 Jun 1921-Jun 1922 |
Rules and Regulations for the Government of County Gaols |
Q/RRCG/1 1824 |
Q/RRCG/2 1832 |
Q/RRCG/3 Statutory Regulations 28 & 29, also additional regulations for the government of the County Gaol, Monmouth, with increase of dietaries of classes of labour approved by Secretary of State on 25 April 1867 1867 |
Q/RRCG/4 Rules for the government of Usk Prison 1867 |
Q/RRCG/5 Orders and certificates for the guidance of the Monmouthshire Constabulary, by order of the Chief Constable [1860] |
Justices of the Peace |
Commissions of the Peace |
Q/COFP/1 5 Mar 1795 |
Q/COFP/2 20 Jun 1820 |
Q/COFP/3 1 Oct 1830 |
Q/COFP/4 9 Mar 1837 |
Q/COFP/5 16 Nov 1854 |
Q/COFP/6 Borough of Monmouth, since joined with the Courts of Monmouth: Relative correspondence 1 Mar 1878 |
Q/COFP/7 14 May 1878 |
Q/COFP/7 14 May 1877 |
Q/COFP/8 1848-1854 |
Q/COFP/9 Correspondence relating to the Commission of the Peace for the Borough of Monmouth recieved from Sir. L. Javiston Davies 1939-1951 |
Q/COFP/10 1 Mar 1878 |
Writs of dedimus potestatem |
Q/DP/1 1841-1872 |
Lists of Magistrates |
Q/LOFM/1 Oct 1907 |
Q/LOFM/2 Oct 1907 |
Q/LOFM/3 Aug 1911 |
Q/LOFM/4 Aug 1911 |
Q/LOFM/5 Nov 1913 |
Q/LOFM/6 Nov 1913 |
Q/LOFM/7 Sep 1921 |
Q/LOFM/8 Sep 1921 |
Q/LOFM/9 Jun 1924 |
Q/LOFM/10 Jun 1924 |
Q/LOFM/11 Mar 1929 |
Q/LOFM/12 Mar 1929 |
Q/LOFM/13 1935-1938 |
Q/LOFM/14 1893 |
Q/LOFM/15 1895 |
Q/LOFM/16 Jan 1900 |
Q/LOFM/17 Mar 1902 |
Q/LOFM/18 Jul 1901 |
Q/LOFM/19 May 1906 |
Q/LOFM/20 Jul 1938 |
Q/LOFM/21 Sep 1943 |
Q/LOFM/22 Oct 1946 |
Q/LOFM/23 Jan 1951 |
Q/LOFM/24 Jan 1955 |
Q/LOFM/25 Nov 1958 |
Q/LOFM/26 Sep 1962 |
Q/LOFM/27 Aug 1966 |
Q/LOFM/28 Aug 1969 |
Licensing |
County Licensing Committee |
Q/MISCMB/5 Minute Book (with miscellaneous loose papers) 30 Sep 1873-5 Apr 1904 |
County Licensing, Confirming and Compensation Authority |
Q/MISCACCTB/6 Licensing Act 1904, Treasurer's Account Compensation Fund 12 May 1905-5 Nov 1927 |
Q/MISCMB/8 Minute Book Dec 1904-Nov 1951 |
Q/MISCMB/9 Minute Book 5 May 1914-12 Dec 1958 |
Q/MISCMB/10 Draft Minute Book 31 Mar 1937-7 Dec 1970 |
Q/MISCMB/11 Draft Minute Book 10 May 1930-25 Nov 1966 |
Q/MISCMB/12 Minutes 25 Mar 1959-21 May 1973 |
Minutes of the Licensing Committee |
Q/MINLICENS/1 Dec 1904-Mar 1929 |
Q/MINLICENS/2 30 Mar 1950-25 Apr 1952 |
Licensing Papers |
Q/LP/1 Papers on Licensing Acts 1872-1874 1872-1874 |
Q/LP/2 Licensing Acts 1872 and 1874: Applications, plans, and correspondence re: confirmation of (Licensing) Licences 1872-1879 |
Q/LP/3 Licencing Committee, application for a spirit licence, Ebbw Vale 1880 |
Q/LP/4 Ordanance map, Cwm 1881 |
Q/LP/5 County Licensing Committee, plans and papers 1882 |
Q/LP/6 Particulars of Licence Houses (in Petty Sessional Divisions) 1904-1905 |
Q/LP/6 Misc. papers and plans 1887-1908 |
Q/LP/7 Plan, 3 ordanance maps and 1 other map for Rogerstone Hotel, with petition, Association of Rogerstone House Deputy Company Limited. 1887 |
Q/LP/8 Plan and ordanance map; Severn Tunnel Hotel Company Limited- proposed hotel an tolls Sep 1888 |
Q/LP/9 4 Ordanance maps, Newport District (marked) 1888 |
Q/LP/10 5 Plans, ordanance map; Old Swan Inn, Abercarn 1889 |
Q/LP/11 8 Plans and map with relative papers, Abercarn Hotel, Cwm Road, Abercarn 1889 |
Q/LP/12 2 Plans, ordanance map, 1 other map and papers; New Hotel, Llanellen 1889 |
Q/LP/13 Petition re: proposed roads 1889 |
Q/LP/14 Book of plans, map: Prince Albert House, Maesycwmmer 1890 |
Q/LP/15 Application re: Prince Albert Inn, Trellyn 1890 |
Q/LP/16 Chepstow Division Summer Licensing Sessions, beer licence, 1 St Mary Street, Chepstow, 2 ordanance maps of Chepstow with Licence Houses, petitions, correspondence etc. 1891 |
Q/LP/17 3 Plans and papers, Union Foundry Inn, Llanhilleth 1891 |
Q/LP/18 2 Plans, ordanance maps and papers: Coach and Horses, Six Bells 1891 |
Q/LP/19 2 Plans, ordanance map and relative papers, Upper New Inn, Pontypool 1891 |
Q/LP/20 3 Plans, ordanance map and relative papers: Royal Oak House, Machen 1891 |
Q/LP/21 Book of plans, ordanance map and relative papers: Six Bells Hotel, Llanhilleth 1892 |
Q/LP/22 Plan, 2 ordanance maps and relative papers, spirit licence, pontypool 1893 |
Q/LP/23 Plan and ordanance map: Rhyd Y Blew Inn, Beaufort 1893 |
Q/LP/24 Plan and ordanance map with relative papers: Carpenters Arms, Penperlleni, Goytre 1894 |
Q/LP/25 Plan and ordanance map with relative papers: New Inn, Pontypool 1894 |
Q/LP/26 2 Ordanance maps: Stove Inn, Abertillery 1894 |
Q/LP/27 3 Plans and relative papers: Globe Inn, Abertillery 1894 |
Q/LP/28 8 Plans and 3 ordanance maps: Royal Hotel, Newbridge 1896 |
Q/LP/29 Relative papers relating to compensation: Royal Hotel, Newbridge 1896 |
Q/LP/30 2 Plans, 1 ordanance map, 1 other map and relative papers: Fox and Hounds, Pontyminster 1897 |
Q/LP/31 Plan, ordanance map and relative papers: Alehouse Licence, Portskewett 1897 |
Q/LP/32 4 Plans and 3 ordanance maps for a proposed new hotel, Waun-Llwyd 1898 |
Q/LP/33 Plan, 3 ordanance maps: Farmers Arms Inn, 34 Lion Street, Abergavenny 1898 |
Q/LP/34 Plan, ordanance map, petitions etc.: Portskewett Hotel 1898 |
Q/LP/35 2 Plans and relative papers: Railway Inn, Cwmbran 1898 |
Q/LP/36 2 Plans, ordanance map, 3 other maps, and papers: Mount Pleasant Hotel, Pen Y Bont, Abertillery 1898 |
Q/LP/37 2 Ordanance maps: Mount Pleasant Hotel, Pen Y Bont, Abertillery 1898 |
Q/LP/38 4 Plans, ordanance maps, other maps with relative papers for a proposed new hotel, Newbridge 1898 |
Q/LP/39 2 Plans, ordanance maps, and papers; [Bush Inn], Beaufort 1898 |
Q/LP/40 5 Plans, ordanance maps and papers [Old Inn, Tyddu] 1898 |
Q/LP/41 2 Plans, ordanance map, and relative papers: Woodland Inn, Cwmtillery 1898 |
Q/LP/42 Petition and papers for a proposed hotel, Waunllwyd, Ebbw Vale 1898 |
Q/LP/43 Book of plans, ordanance maps: Alexandra Hotel, New Tredegar 1899 |
Q/LP/44 3 Plans and 1 map: Junction Hall, New Tredegar 1899 |
Q/LP/45 2 Plans, ordanance maps and papers: Britania Beerhouse Beaufort 1899 |
Q/LP/46 Plan and ordanance map: Red Lion Inn, Rassau 1899 |
Q/LP/47 6 Plans, ordanance map, and papers: Travellers Rest, Bargoed 1899 |
Q/LP/48 2 Plans, ordanance maps and relative papers: Waun Tavern, High Street, Blaenavon 1899 |
Q/LP/49 Papers relating to compensation: Alexandra Hotel, New Tredegar 1899 |
Q/LP/50 Plans relating to compensation: Tredegar Junction Hotel 1899 |
Q/LP/51 Book of plans, ordanance map and papers: Alexandra Hotel, Elliots Town, New Tredegar 1900 |
Q/LP/52 Book of plans: Alexandra Hotel, Elliots Town, New Tredegar 1900 |
Q/LP/53 5 Plans, ordanance maps and relative papers: New Inn, Pontnewenydd 1900 |
Q/LP/54 2 Plans, 2 ordanance maps, 1 other map, and relative papers: Mount Pleasant Inn, Pen Y Bont, Abertillery 1900 |
Q/LP/55 2 Plans, ordanance map, 1 other map, and relative papers relating to a proposed bew hotel, Six Bells Road, Abertillery 1900 |
Q/LP/56 Plan: The Jockey, Llantillio Crossenny 1900 |
Q/LP/57 Papers re: The Hostry, Llantillio Crossenny 1900 |
Q/LP/58 Ordanance map and papers: Crown Inn, Blaenau Gwent 1901 |
Q/LP/59 Book of plans, ordanance maps and relative papers: Alexandra Hotel, Elliots Town, New Tredegar 1901 |
Q/LP/60 2 Plans, 2 ordanance maps, and relative papers: Mount Pleasant Hotel, Pen Y Bont, Abertillery 1901 |
Q/LP/61 Book of plans, ordanance maps, and papers: Queen Victoria Hall, Rhymney 1901 |
Q/LP/62 Ordanance map, Raglan 1901 |
Q/LP/63 Ordanance map, Monmouth (with Licence Houses marked) 1901 |
Q/LP/64 Ordanance map, Chepstow (with Licence Houses marked) re: Wye House, Chepstow 1902 |
Q/LP/65 Misc. papers 1902-1906 |
Q/LP/66 Book of plans, ordanance maps and papers: proposed McLaren, Abertwyssg 1903 |
Q/LP/67 Report by Lauren licensing Authority to Compensaition Authority re: cover cook, Llanfrechfa etc. 1903-1905 |
Q/LP/68 Plan and ordanance map, Abertillery 1904 |
Q/LP/69 2 Plans, ordanance map and papers: Argoed Arms, Argoed 1904 |
Q/LP/70 Papers relating to compensation, Caerwent Arms, Abertillery 1904 |
Q/LP/71 Papers on Licensing Act 1904 1904 |
Q/LP/72 Appeals to Quarter Sessions from Licensing Conviction, Billy James 1904 |
Q/LP/73 Appeal from Removal Authority to Quarter Sessions re: Lower Coch, Croesyceiliog 1904 |
Q/LP/74 Misc. papers on Licensing Act 1904 1904-1907 |
Q/LP/75 Correspondence and minutes etc. Licensing Committee, County Compensation Authority and Licensing Act 1904 1904-1910 |
Q/LP/76 Misc. papers 1904-1924 |
Q/LP/77 Correspondence and misc. papers (including minutes) on compensation, County Compensation Authority etc. 1904-1926 |
Q/LP/78 Licenses referred to Compensation Authority 1905 |
Q/LP/79 Licensing Act 1904, papers and compensation, and the Compensation Authority 1905-1907 |
Q/LP/80 Misc. papers and circulars 1905-1916 |
Q/LP/81 Licensing Authority, new "on" licenses and removals 1905-1929 |
Q/LP/82 County Compensation Authority financial statements (year ending 31 Dec) 1905-1935 |
Q/LP/83 County Licensing Committee, applications for compensation and grants of new licenses 1906 |
Q/LP/84 Case from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/85 Case from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/86 Cases etc. from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/87 Cases from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/88 Compensation Authority papers 1906 |
Q/LP/89 Compensation Authority, briefs for Removal Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/90 Appeal from Removal Authority to Quarter Sessions on refusal to renew 1906 |
Q/LP/91 Appeal to King's Bench, County appeal from County Confinery Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/92 Appeal to Kings Bench and county appeal from County Compensation Authority 1906 |
Q/LP/93 Appeal to Kings Bench of Courts of Appeal from County Confirming Authority 1906-1907 |
Q/LP/94 County Compensation Authority Orders 1906-1909 |
Q/LP/95 Clerk to County Compensation Authority bill of costs 1906-1913 |
Q/LP/96 Correspondence on compensation and retailer value 1906-1912 |
Q/LP/97 Misc. papers 1906-1928 |
Q/LP/98 4 Plans, and ordanance maps: Pioneer Hotel, Cwmfelinfach, Ynysddu 1906 |
Q/LP/99 Ordanance map: Bailey Arms, Cwm 1906 |
Q/LP/100 7 Plans, ordanance map and 2 other maps: New Trelyn Inn, Fleur de lys 1906 |
Q/LP/101 Reports from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1907 |
Q/LP/102 County Compensation Authority, papers on referred licenses 1907 |
Q/LP/103 Briefs for Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1908 |
Q/LP/104 Briefs for Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1908 |
Q/LP/105 County Compensation Authority notices of claims 1908 |
Q/LP/106 Sums to be submitted to County Compensation Authority 1908 |
Q/LP/107 8 Plans and an ordanance map: Trelyn Inn, Fleur De Lis 1908 |
Q/LP/108 3 Plans: Volunteer Arms, Beaufort 1908 |
Q/LP/109 Book of plans and 1 ordanance map: Dyffryn Hotel, Aberbargoed 1909 |
Q/LP/110 6 Plans and 2 ordanance maps: New Central Hotel, Llanhilleth 1909 |
Q/LP/111 Ordanance map (with Licence House marked): Aberbargoed 1909 |
Q/LP/112 6 Ordanance maps: area of Abergavenny Renewal Authority 1909 |
Q/LP/113 Tredegar Licensing Sessions, Aberbargoed: plan and 3 ordanance maps relating to the Nags Head, Blaenavon 1909 |
Q/LP/114 2 Ordanance maps (with Licence House marked): Nantyglo and Blaina 1909 |
Q/LP/115 Ordanance map (with Licence House marked): Blaenavon 1909 |
Q/LP/116 2 Ordanance maps (with Licence Houses marked): Monmouth 1909 |
Q/LP/117 2 Ordanance maps of Chepstow District (1902 edition), for principal marking 1909 |
Q/LP/118 Reports from Renewal Authorities to County Compensation Authority 1909 |
Q/LP/119 Orders on compensation to County Compensation Authority 1909 |
Q/LP/120 Notices of claims to County Compensation Authority 1909 |
Q/LP/121 County Compensation Authority, brief to Renewal Authority, maps, Blaenavon 1909 |
Q/LP/122 County Licensing Committee, application for new licence relating to Dyffryn Hotel, Aberbargoed 1909 |
Q/LP/123 County Compensation Authority Correspondence on liability to income tax 1909 |
Q/LP/124 County Compensation Authority Orders 1909-1927 |
Q/LP/125 Plan of papers for Confirming Authority 1910 |
Q/LP/126 Correspondence on costs claimed in Bedwellty Division 1910 |
Q/LP/127 County Compensation Authority Request from Renewal Authorites to compensation 1910 |
Q/LP/128 Particulars of Licence Houses (Petty Sessional Divisions) c. 1910 |
Q/LP/129 2 Ordanance maps Globe Inn, Chapel Hill 1910 |
Q/LP/130 2 Ordanance maps Abergavenny Renewal Authority 1910 |
Q/LP/131 Ordanance maps, Abergavenny 1911 |
Q/LP/133 Ordanance map London Inn and Bush Inn, Cwmbran 1911 |
Q/LP/134 Plans, papers of the Confirming Authority 1911 |
Q/LP/135 Cases referred by Renewal Authorites to County Compensation Authority 1911 |
Q/LP/136 Cases referred by Rural Authorites to County Compensation Authority 1911 |
Q/LP/137 County Compensation Authority Correspondence on accounts 1911-1936 |
Q/LP/138 Plans from Renewal Authorites to Compensation Authority 1912 |
Q/LP/139 Papers re compensation Chemists licences 1912 |
Q/LP/140 Plans and papers re: Confirmation of new off licences in respect of Llanfoist Brewery 1912 |
Q/LP/141 Cases referred from Renewal Authorites to County Compensation Authority 1912 |
Q/LP/142 Appeal to King's Bench from County Compensation Authority 1912 |
Q/LP/143 Appeal to King's Bench from County Compensation Authority 1912 |
Q/LP/144 Appeal to King's Bench from County Compensation Authority 1912 |
Q/LP/145 Appeal to king's Bench from County Compensation Authority 1912-1913 |
Q/LP/146 Plan of papers Confirming Authority 1913 |
Q/LP/147 Plans from Renewal Authorites to Compensation Authority 1913 |
Q/LP/148 Cases referred from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1913 |
Q/LP/149 Cases referred by Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1913-1914 |
Q/LP/150 Correspondence from renewals 1913-1920 |
Q/LP/151 Plans from licensing districts to Compensation Authority 1914 |
Q/LP/152 Plans and papers, Confirmation Authority Oakdale Hotel, parish of Mynyddislwyn 1914 |
Q/LP/153 Cases referred from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1914 |
Q/LP/154 Valuers Reports to County Compensation Authority 1914-1920 |
Q/LP/155 Plans and papers, Compensation Authority Bedwas 1915 |
Q/LP/156 Cases referred from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1916 |
Q/LP/157 County Compensation Authority Kings Bench compensation awarded 1916-1917 |
Q/LP/158 Cases referred from Renewal Authority to County Compensation Authority 1918 |
Q/LP/132 Ordanance maps: Pontyminster Inn, Pontyminster 1911 |
Q/LP/159 County Compensation Authority, cases referred from Renewal Authority 1919 |
Q/LP/160 County Compensation Authority, cases from Renewal Authorites 1919 |
Q/LP/161 Extracts from Reporting Licences, various ommisions 1919 |
Q/LP/162 County Compensation Authority, cases referred from Renewal Authority 1920 |
Q/LP/163 County Compensation Authority, plans and cases from Renewal Authority 1920 |
Q/LP/164 County Compensation Authority, cases referred from Renewal Authorities 1921 |
Q/LP/165 County Compensation Authority, plans and cases referred from the Renewal Authorites 1921 |
Q/LP/166 County Confirming Authority, applications and confiscation of licenses 1921-1924 |
Q/LP/167 County Confirming Authority, maps, plans and applications for confiscation 1921-1931 |
Q/LP/168 County Confirming Authority, maps and applications for confirmation 1921-1937 |
Q/LP/169 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renewal Authority 1922 |
Q/LP/170 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renewal Authority 1922 |
Q/LP/171 County Confirming Authority, confirmation of licence at Risca 1922 |
Q/LP/172 County Confirming Authority, applications, plans etc. 1923-1928 |
Q/LP/173 County Compensation Authority, case referral to Renewal Authority 1924 |
Q/LP/174 County Compensation Authority, case referral to Renewal Authority 1926 |
Q/LP/175 County Compensation Authority, Butchers Arms, Govilon 1927 |
Q/LP/176 County Confirming Authority, application for off licence, Cwm 1927 |
Q/LP/177 County Compensation Authority orders 1927-1936 |
Q/LP/178 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renewal Authorities 1928 |
Q/LP/179 County Compensation Authority, plans on cases to Renewal Authorities 1928 |
Q/LP/180 County Compensation Authority, cases to Renewal Authorities 1929 |
Q/LP/181 Papers, statistics, returns and evidence for Royal Commission on Licensing 1929 |
Q/LP/182 County Compensation Authority correspondence on compensation 1929-1932 |
Q/LP/183 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renewal Authorities 1930 |
Q/LP/184 County Compensation Authority, plans and cases referred to Renewal Authorites 1930 |
Q/LP/185 County Compensation Authority, plans and cases referred to Renewal Authorities 1930-1935 |
Q/LP/186 County Compensation Authority, reports of valuer 1930-1936 |
Q/LP/187 County Compensation Authority, receipted orders 1930-1936 |
Q/LP/188 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renweal Authority, correspondence, reports etc. 1931 |
Q/LP/189 County Compensation Authority, planson cases referred to the Renewal Authorites 1931 |
Q/LP/190 County Compensation Authority, correspondence from cases referred to Inland Revenue Committee? 1931 |
Q/LP/191 Applications to County Confirming Authority 1931 |
Q/LP/192 County Confirming Authority, plans on applications 1931 |
Q/LP/193 County Compensation Authority, correspondence on mortgages 1932-1933 |
Q/LP/194 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renewal Authority, correspondence etc. 1933 |
Q/LP/195 County Confirming Authority applications 1933 |
Q/LP/196 County Compensation Authority cases referred to Renewal Authority, correspondence 1934 |
Q/LP/197 County Compensation Authority, plans on cases referred to Renewal Authorities 1934-1935 |
Q/LP/198 County Confirming Authority, plans on applications 1934 |
Q/LP/199 County Compensation Authority, cases referred to Renewal Authorites, correspondence 1935 |
Q/LP/200 County Compensation Authority, case referral to Renewal Authority, correspondence 1936 |
Q/LP/201 County Compensation Authority, plans on cases referred to Renewal Authority 1936 |
Q/LP/202 Severn Tunnel Market Hotel Co Ltd 1888 |
Q/LP/203 Misc. papers 1891, 1899 |
Q/LP/204 Draft Order of County Licensing Committee- defining towns and populus places with their respective boundaries, Licensing Act 1874 Aug 1874 |
Q/LP/205 Licensing Act 1904, rules under section 5 of the Act 1905-1906 |
Q/LP/206 Correspondence re: Compensation and Renewal Authorites May 1905-Mar 1907 |
Q/LP/207 Correspondence re: Compensation and Renewal Authorities Apr 1907-Dec 1909 |
Q/LP/208 Correspondence re: Compensation and Renewal Authorities 1 Jan 1910-31 Dec 1913 |
Q/LP/209 Rules made by the Court of Quarter Sessions under the Licensing Act 1904 14 Mar 1905-24 Nov 1905 |
Q/LP/210 1874 |
Q/LP/211 Ordanance survey maps showing: Mountain House Hotel, Pwllmeyric; Commercial Inn, Risca; Colliers, Lamb & Mitre, Abertillery; Bush Inn, Bassaleg; Finers Arms, Abersychan; Britannia Inn, Pontymister [20th century] |
Q/LP/212A Reports of Renewal Authority to Compensation Authority: Pontypool Division, 1939; Bedwellty Division, 1939; Chepstow Division, 1939; Abergavenny Division, 1939; Pontypool Division, 1940 1939-1940 |
Q/LP/212 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited in connection with report to Renewal Authority Mayberry Arms, Ebbw Vale; Tredegar Arms, Fleur De Lis; Finers Arms, Beaufort; Queen Victoria Inn, Dukestown; Globe Inn, Abersychan; Colliers Arms, Abersychan; Pineapple Inn, Chepstow; Plough Inn, Chepstow; Coach and Horses Inn, Abergavenny; Forresters Arms, Blaenavon; Royal Oak Inn, Blaenavon 1939 |
Q/LP/213 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910; Correspondence with County Compensation Authority Coach and Horses Inn, Abergavenny; Tredegar Arms, Fleur De Lis; Queen Victoria Inn, Dukestown; Mayberry Arms, Ebbw Vale; Finers Arms, Beaufort; Pineapple Inn, Chepstow; Plough Inn, Chepstow; Globe Inn, Abersychan; Colliers Arms, Abersychan; Forresters Arms, Blaenavon; Royal Oak Inn, Blaenavon 1939 |
Q/LP/214 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with Renewal Authority in connection with report Hollybush Inn, Briery Hill; Star Inn, Dukestown; Picton Arms, Dukestown; Bush Inn, Beaufort; Butchers Arms, Gardiffaith 1940 |
Q/LP/215 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, County Compensation Authority: correspondence Bush Inn; Beaufort; Picton Arms, Dukestown; Star Inn, Dukestown; Kings Arms, Blaenavon; Swan Inn, Blaenavon; Butchers Arms, Garndiffaith 1940 |
Q/LP/216 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence and plans deposited with the County Confirming Authority 3 Ventnor Road, Cwmbran; Duke of Wellington, Rhymney; Castle Inn, Argoed; Hanbury Arms, Pontypool; Greyhound Inn, Blaenavon; Three Cranes Inn, Blaenavon 1941 |
Q/LP/217 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence and plans relating to County Compensation Authority Greyhound Inn, Talywain; Duke of Wellington Inn, Rhymney; Castle Inn, Argoed; Greyhound Inn, Blaenavon; Hanbury Arms, Pontypool 1941 |
Q/LP/218 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910 Deposited plan relating to the Old Cross Keys Inn, Abergavenny (Confirming Authority) 1943 |
Q/LP/219 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with County Compensation Authority George Inn, Abertillery; Talbot, Tredegar; Ballers Arms, Blaina; Lamb Inn, Blaina; Viaduct Tavern, Crumlin 1944 |
Q/LP/220 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence relating to County Confirming Authority 3 High Street, Fleur De Lis; 165 Bloomfield Road, Blackwood; 79 Cefn Forest Avenue, Cefn Forest; 135 Commercial Street, Risca; Mountain House Hotel, Pwllmeyric 1947 |
Q/LP/221 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1940, correspondence and plans relating to County Compensation Authority Freemasons Arms, Tredegar; Oxford Inn, Blaenavon; Rising Sun Inn, Dukestown; Crown Inn, Blaenavon 1947 |
Q/LP/222 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910: correspondence relating to County Confirming Authority Albion inn, Pontypool, Colliers Arms, Pontypool; Masons Arms, Griffithstown; United Friends Inn, Pontnewynydd; Royal Oak Inn, Bedwas; Maesycwmmer Inn, Maesycwmmer; Cross Oak Inn, Penmain; Three Horse Shoes, Pentwynmawr; Herbert Arms, Llanfihangel Gobion; Cross Keys, Pontnewydd; Horse and Jockey Inn, Hardwick 1948 |
Q/LP/223 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with the County Confirming Authority Albion Inn, Pontypool; Cross Keys Inn, Pontnewydd; Three Horse Shoes, Pentwynmawr; Cross Oak, Penmain; Maeycwmmer Inn, Maesycwmmer; Royal Oak, Bedwas; United Friends, Pontnewynydd; Masons Arms, Griffithstown; Colliers Arms, Pontypool 1948 |
Q/LP/224 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with County Compensation Authority Castle Stores Inn, Abergavenny; Wellington Inn, Abergavenny 1948 |
Q/LP/225 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence etc. County Confirming Authority Waun Tavern, Blaenavon; The Little Crown, Wainfelin, Pontypool; Yew Tree Inn, Cwmbran; Rising Sun Inn, New Inn, Pontypool; Rose and Crown, Cwmbran; Masons Arms, Griffithstwon, Pretonia Inn, Pontnewynydd; Ruperra Arms, Bassaleg; 23 Commercial Street, Cwmbran; 3 Ventnor Road, Cwmbran (Free Trade Hall); Goose and Cuckoo, Llanover; Ye Olde Shoppe, Raglan; Lamb Inn, Abertillery; Colliers Arms, Abertillery; Royal Exchange Inn, Abertillery; Crown Inn, Abertillery; Mitre Inn, Abertillery; Kings Head Inn, Abertillery; Royal Oak Inn, Cwm; New Inn, Crumlin; White Hart Inn, Pontllanfraith 1949 |
Q/LP/226 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence etc relating to County Confirming Authority Goose and Cuckoo, Llanover; Lamb Inn, Abertillery; Colliers Arms, Abertillery; Royal Exchange, Abertillery; Crown Inn, Abertillery; Mitre In,, Abertillery; Kings Head Hotel, Abertillery; Royal oak Inn, Cwm; New Inn, Crumlin; White Hart Inn, Pontllanfraith 1949 |
Q/LP/227 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with County Confirming Authority Lamb Inn, Abertillery; Colliers Arms, Abertillery; Mitre Inn, Abertillery; Yew Tree Inn, Cwmbran; Rising Sun Inn, Panteg; Crown Inn, Abertillery; Royal Exchange, Abertillery; Kings Head Inn, Abertillery; Royal Oak Inn, Cwm; New Inn, Crumlin; White Hart Inn, Pontllanfraith 1949 |
Q/LP/228 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence relating to County Confirming Authority Mount Pleasant Inn, Abergavenny; Beaufort Arms, Abergavenny; Rolling Mill Inn, Abertillery; Castle Inn, Fleur De Lis; Carpenters Arms, Shirenewton; The Stores, Albion Square, Chepstow; Tan House Inn, Shirenewton; Commercial Inn, Risca; Myrtle Grove Inn, Rogerstone; Old Globe Inn, Rogerstone; Robin Hood Inn, Cwmffrnddes; Masons Arms, Pontnewynydd; Belle Vue Inn, Blaenavon; Prince of Wales Inn, Cwmynyscoy, Pontypool; Wheatsheaf Inn, Cwmynyscoy; Oddfellows Arms, pontnewydd; Old Post Office, Six Bells, Abertillery; Albion Square Stores, Chepstow; 26 Clarence St (Chalmers), Pontypool; 9 Kemys Street, Griffithstown; Gardners Arms, Govilon; White Hart Inn, Bedwas; Beaufort Hotel, Tintern; Britannia Inn, Usk; Lamb and Flag, Usk 1950 |
Q/LP/229 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, ordanance maps deposited with County Confirming Authority Wheatsheaf Inn, Cwmynyscoy; Robin Hood Inn, Pontnewynydd; Tan House Inn, Shirenewton; Lamb and Flag, Usk; Beaufort Arms, Tintern; 9 Kemeys Street, Griffithstown; 26 Clarence Street, Pontypool; Albion Square Stores, Chepstow; Old Post Office, Six Bells; Old Globe Hotel, Rogerstone; Myrtle Grove Inn, Rogerstone; Rolling Mill Inn, Abertillery; Carpenters Arms, Shirenewton; Beaufort Arms, Abergavenny; Gardners Arms, Govilon; Masons Arms, Pontnewynydd; Oddfellows Arms, Pontnewydd; Prince of Wales, Cwmynyscoy; White Hart Inn, Bedwas 1950 |
Q/LP/230 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with County Compensation Authority Sugar Loaf Inn, Risca; Vine Tree Inn, Llanvertherine 1950 |
Q/LP/231 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence relating to County Compensation Authority Griffin inn, Abergavenny; Vine Tree Inn, Llanvertherine; Sugar loaf Inn, Risca 1950 |
Q/LP/232 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence relating to County Confirming Authority Cantref Supply Stores, Abergavenny; Rising Sun Inn, Crucorney Fawr; Balaclava Inn, Marshfield; Rose Inn, Redwick; Forge Hammer, Abercarn; Kings Head Inn, Blaina; Miners Arms, Blaina; Bakers Arms, Cwmcarn; Waterloo Inn, Cwmbran; Newbridge Inn, Cwmbran; Moutn Pleasant Inn, Cwmbran; London Inn, Caerleon; Pill House Inn, Caldicot; Fox and Hounds Inn, Risca; Royal Oak, Rogerstone; Oak Tree Inn, Rogerstone; Globe Inn, Rogerstone; Buck Inn, Abersychan; Royal Exchange, Blaenavon; Railway Inn, Cwmavon; Pineapple Inn, Panteg; Royal Oak, Pontnewydd; Brigend Inn, Pontnewynydd; Railway Inn, Sebastopol; Greyhound, Talywain; Rising Sun, Pandy; Ivor Arms; Fleur De Lys; Forgehammer Inn, Abercarn; Star Inn, St. Mellons; Masons Arms, Pontnewynydd; Railway Tavern Inn, Chepstow; Avondale, St. Lukes Road, Pontnewynydd; White Lion, Victoria Village 1951 |
Q/LP/233 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, plans deposited with Couty Confirming Authority Royal Oak, Rogerstone; White Lion Inn, Victoria Village; Royal Exchange, Blaenavon; London Inn, Caerleon; Masons Arms, Pontnewynydd; Rose Inn, Redwick; Star Inn, St. Mellons; Railway Inn, Sebastopol; Brigend Inn, Pontnewynydd; Royal Oak, Pontnewydd; Pineapple Inn, Panteg; Railway Inn, Cwmavon; Globe Inn, Risca; Fox and Hounds; Pontyminster; Pill House, Caldicot; Waterloo Inn, Cwmbran; New Bridge Inn, Cwmbran; Bakers Arms, Cwmcarn; Miners Arms, Blaina; Kings Head, Blaina; Balaclava, Marshfield 1951 |
Q/LP/234 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence with County Compensation Authority re: Rising Sun Inn, Machen 1951 |
Q/LP/235 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, correspondence with County Confirming Authority Old Swan Inn, Abercarn; Bush Inn, Blaina; Drysiog Inn, Ebbw Vale; Bush Inn, Bassaleg; Forge Hammer Inn, Machen; Horse Shoe Inn, Mamhilad; Rifleman's Arms, Risca; Unicorn Inn, Abersychan; The New Kings Arms, Blaenavon; Bell Inn, Caerleon; Drovers Arms, Caerleon; Myrtle Grove Inn, Pontymister; Old Globe Inn, Rogerstone; Fox and Hounds Hotel, St. Mellons; Waterloo Inn, Sebastopol; 24 High Street, Chepstow; Burtons Stores, Chepstow; Station Road, Caerleon 1952 |
Q/LP/236 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, plans deposited with County Confirming Authority: Old Globe, Rogerstone; Waterloo Inn, Sebastopol; Glendower, Station road, Caerleon; Fox and Hounds, St. Mellons; Drysiog Inn, Ebbw Vale; Horse Shoe Inn, Mamhilad; New Kings Arms, Blaenavon; Rifleman's Arms, Risca; Forge Hammer Inn, Machen; Bush Inn, Blaina; Old Swan inn, Abercarn; Old Globe Inn, Rogerstone; Myrtle Grove, Pontymister; Drovers Arms, Caerleon; Bell inn, Caerleon; Bush Inn, Bassaleg; Burtons Stores, Chepstow 1952 |
Q/LP/237 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, correspondence relating to County Compensation Authority: Lamb Inn, Abergavenny; Bush Inn, Nantyglo; Kings Head, Redwick; Green Meadows Inn, Risca; White Hart, Blaenavon; Crown Inn, Upper Cwmbran; New Inn, Garndiffaith 1952 |
Q/LP/238 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, plans deposited with county Compensation Authority Crown Inn, Upper Cwmbran; New Inn, Garndiffaith; White Hart, Blaenavon; Green Meadow Inn, Risca; The Kings Head, Redwick 1952 |
Q/LP/239 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, correspondence relating to County Confirming Authority Millers Arms, Mathern; Golden Boot Inn, Blaenavon; Alma Inn, Blaenavon; Cambrian Inn, Blaenavon; Medical Hall, Caldicot; 2 New Street, Pont; Wine and Spirit Stores, Ebbw Vale; Rolling Mill Inn, Abertillery; Masons Arms, Trevethin, Pontypool; Bush Inn, Blaina; Crown Inn, Ponnewynydd; Runner Inn, Chepstow; Rose and Crown, Chepstow; The Six Bells, Shirenewton; 11/13 Overmonnow St, Monmouth/ 38 Monnow St; Olway Inn, Llangerview; Cyprus Inn, Risca 1953 |
Q/LP/240 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, plans deposited with the County Confirming Authority New Kings Arms, Blaenavon; Burtons Stores, Chepstow; Bush Inn, Blaina; Olway Inn, Llangerview; 2 New Street, Pontnewynydd; Cambrian Inn, Blaenavon; Masons Arms, Trevethin; Cyprus Inn, Risca; Rolling Mill, Abertillery; Millers Arms, Mathern; Golden Boot Inn, Blaenavon; Rose and Crown, Chepstow; Alma Inn, Blaenavon; Wine and Spirit Store, Ebbw Vale; Medical Hall, Caldicot; Tredegar Arms, Shirenewton; 38 Monnow St, Monmouth 1953 |
Q/LP/241 Licensing Acts 1910-1949 Correspondence relating to County Confirming Authority Hatterleigh Place, Abergavenny; 9 Cross Street, Abergavenny; Belle Vue Stores, North Street, Abergavenny; Penceffyl Inn, Blaenavon; Britannia Inn, Pontymister; White Horse Inn, Talywain; Maesycwmmer Inn, Maesycwmmer; Finers Arms, Old Furnace, Pontypool 1954 |
Q/LP/242 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, plans deposited with County Confirming Authority Maesycwmmer Inn, Maesycwmmer; Britannia Inn, Pontymister; Finers Arms, Pontypool; White Horse Inn, Talywain; Penceffyl Inn, Blaenavon; Belle Vue Stores, Abergavenny; Hatterleigh Stores, Abergavenny; Cross St, Abergavenny 1954 |
Q/LP/243 Licensing Acts 1910-1949, plans deposited with County Licensing Authority Royal Oak Inn, Pontnewynydd; Globe Inn, Talywain; Philanthropic Inn, Pontywain; Fountain Inn, Blaenavon; Market Tavern, Abercarn; Foresters Arms, Risca; Rock and Fountain, Blaenavon; Firemans, Nantyglo; 38 Monnow St, Monmouth; General Stores, Channel View, Penygarn; New Inn, Crumlin; White Hart Inn, Pontllanfraith; Mitre, Abertillery; 19 Llanover Road, Blaenavon; Oak House, Blaenavon; Brewery, Aberbeeg; Rhyd Hall, Tredegar; 16 High Street, Chepstow; New Inn, Porthywiddar; 35 High Street, Rhymney 1955 |
Q/LP/244 Licensing statistics, being Returns of Proceedings with regard to compensation 1908-1941, 1943-1951 |
Q/LP/245 File of extracts from minutes of County Compensation Authority, Licensing Committee, relating to fees of valuer etc. 1905-1922 |
Q/LP/246 Licensing statistics, returns of new on-licences for the sale of intoxicating liquors 1930-1936 |
Q/LP/247 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910, County and Confirming Authority plans and correspondence Fox and Hounds Inn, St. Mellons 1936 |
Q/LP/248 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910 County Confirming Authority Correspondence Llanfoist Brewery, Abergavenny; Northgate Inn, Caerwent 1937 |
Q/LP/249 Licensing (Consolidation) Act 1910 County Confirming Authority plans and correspondence Britannia Inn, Llanbraddoc; Masons Arms, Marshfield 1946 |
Q/LP/250 Plans deposited with County Compensation Authority King William IV, Ebbw Vale; Lamb Inn, Pwlldu 1951 |
Q/LP/251 Plans deposited with County Compensation Authority Queen Adelaide Inn, Abersychan; London Inn, Caerleon; Crown Inn, Machen; Vine Inn, Nantyglo; Waterloo Inn, Trosnant 1953 |
Q/LP/252 Plans deposited with County Compensation Authority Foresters Arms, Abergavenny; New Inn, Magor 1954 |
Q/LP/253 Plans deposited with County Compensation Authority The Horn Inn, Chepstow; Prince of Wales, Garnfach, Nantyglo 1955 |
Q/LP/254 Licensing Act 1953 Plans and correspondence deposited with County Confirming Authority The Fountain Inn, Blaenavon; The Philanthropic Inn, Pontywain; Railway Tavern, risca; Foresters Arms, Risca; Karihu Park Gardens, Penygarn; The Brewery, Aberbeeg; 38 Monnow Street, Monmouth; 25 High Street, Chepstow (Burtons Stores); Market Tavern, Abercarn; New Inn, Pontywithen; White Hart Inn, Pentwynmawr, Pontllanfraith; Rhyd Hall, Tredegar Plan and list of 34 licensed premises in Blaenavon area Plans and applications re: 19 Llanover Road, Blaenavon; Globe Inn, Talywain; Royal Oak, Pontnewynydd; New Inn, Crumlin; Mitre Inn, Abertillery; Ivor Castle Inn, Blaenavon; Herbert Arms Inn, Llanvihanhel Gobion, Abergavenny; Rock and Fountain Inn, Blaenavon; Fireman's Arms, Nantyglo; 12 Gladstone Street, Crosskeys 1955 |
Q/LP/256 Plans deposited with County Confirming Authority Greyhound Hotel, Aberbargoed; 63 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny; Red Castle Inn, High Street, Abersychan; Waun Tavern Inn, Blaenavon; Forge Hammer, Machen; Millers Arms, Mathern; Prince of Wales, Pontllanfraith; Myrtle Grove Inn, Rogerstone; Carro House and Shop, Rhymney; William Catton Co. Stores, Tintern 1956 |
Q/LP/257 Licensing Act 1953 County Confirming Authority correspondence Forge Hammer Inn, Machen 1956 |
Q/LP/258 Licensing Act 1953 County Confirming Committee correspondence Carro Shop, Rhymney; Prince of Wales Inn, Pontllanfraith; Greyhound Inn, Aberbargoed; 63 Frogmore Street, Abergavenny; Myrtle Grove Inn, Rogerstone; Waun Tavern, Blaenavon; Millers Arms, Mathern; Travellers Rest Inn, Aberbargoed; Colliers Friend Inn, Garndiffaith; 6 Commercial Street, Aberbargoed; 124 High Street, Blackwood; The Morning Star, Ebbw Vale; Railway Inn, Cwmavon; Pill House Inn, Caldicot; 24/25 High Street, Chepstow; 1 Brynheulog Terrace, Llanhilleth; 29 Hillcrest Road, Abergavenny Applications re: Castle Inn, Abersychan; Williams and Cotton LTD, Tintern 1956-1957 |
Q/LP/260 Plans deposited with county Confirming Authority Travellers Rest, Aberbargoed; 6 Commercial Street, Aberbargoed; 29 Hillcrest Road, Abergavenny; 124 High Street, Blackwood; Pill House, Caldicott; 24/25 High Street, Chepstow; Railway Inn, Cwmavon; Morning Star, Ebbw Vale; Hollybush Inn, Ebbw Vale; Colliers Friend Inn, Garndiffaith; 1 Brynheulog Terrace, Llanhilleth 1957 |
Q/LP/261 Licensing Act 1953 County Compensation Authority correspondence The Lamb Inn, Pwlldu, Blaenavon; King William IV Inn, Ebbw Vale; Globe Inn Beaufort Rise, Beaufort; Full Moon Inn, Dukestown, Tredegar 1958 |
Q/LP/262 Licensing Act 1953 County Confirming Authority plans and correspondence Glen Trothy Guest House, Mitchell Troy; Pontymister Hotel, Pontymister; Neuadd-Wen Farm, Aberbargoed; Royal Oak Hotel, Llanhilleth; Drysiog Inn, Ebbw Vale; Fox and Horse Inn, Risca Applications re: 99 Cefn Fforest Avenue, Cefn Fforest; 6 High Street, Llanhilleth; Jubilee House, Llanfoist, Abergavenny 1958 |
Q/LP/259 Licensing Act 1953 Plans deposited with County Confirming Authority, County Compensation Authority and Renewal Authority correspondence Plans re: 88 High Street, Blackwood; Bush Inn, Victoria, Ebbw Vale; White Lion Inn, Nantybwch; Queens Head Inn, Redbrook; Royal Oak Inn, Rogerstone Correspondence re: Royal Oak Inn, Tregwillyn Road, Rogerstone; Tump Tavern, Llanddewi Rhydderch; Masons Arms, Crumlin; Alma Inn, Broad Street, Blaenavon; Swan Inn, Swan Square, Abersychan; White Lion Inn, Garndiffaith; Golden Lion Inn, Ebbw Vale; Queen's Head Inn, Redbrook; Tump Tavern Inn, Llanddewi Rhydderch 1957 |
Q/LP/263 Licensing Act 1953 County Confirming and Compensation Authority correspondence 54 Cwmcelyn Road, Blaina; Croes Inn, Caldicot; Manor Grill, Chepstow; 35 Walter Street, Tredegar; Horse Shoe Inn, Mamhilad; Prince of Wales Inn, Risca; 36 Bethcar Street, Ebbw Vale; Old Swan Inn, Abercarn; Kings Head, Blaina; Three Horse Shoes Inn, Pentwynmawr; Belle Vue Inn, Blaenavon; Royal Oak Inn, Pontnewynydd; Greyhound Inn, Talywain; Railway Tavern Inn, Risca; Pontymister Inn, Risca; Marshfield Road, Castleton; 254 Tregwilyn Road, Rogerstone; 78 Monnow Street, Monmouth; Lamb Inn, Pwlldu; King William IV Inn, Ebbw Vale; Wentloog Castle Hotel 1959 |
Q/LP/264 Plans deposited with County Confirming Authority Old Swan Inn, Abercarn; 54 Cwmcelyn Road, Blaina; Kings Head, Blaina; Belle Vue Inn, Blaenavon; Cross Inn, Caldicot; Manor Gril, Chepstow; 36 Bethcar Street, Ebbw Vale; Horse Shoe Inn, Mamhilad; Three Horse Shoes, Pentwynmawr; Prince of Wales Inn, Risca; 35 Welder Street, Tredegar; Royal Exchange, Blaenavon; Shop and Flat at Caerleon; 78 Monnow Street, Monmouth; Pontymister Inn, Pontymister; Royal Oak, Pontnewynydd; Railway Tavern Inn, Risca; Premises at Tregwillyn Road, Rogerstone; Greyhound Inn, Talywain 1959 |
Q/LP/265 Licensing Act 1953 County Confirming Authority plans and correspondence United Friends Inn, Pontnewynydd; White Castle Inn, Fleur De Lis, Pengam; Colliers Friend Inn, Garndiffaith; Colliers Arms, Pontypool; Prince of Wales Inn, Risca; Cannop Stores, 5 School Road, Rassau; Railway Inn, Sebastopol; Carpenters Arms, Shirenewton; The Globe Inn, Talywain; 6,8,10 Commercial Street, Aberbargoed; George Inn, Aberbargoed; 2 High Street, Abercarn; Market Tavern, Abercarn; Aston House, Union Road, Abergavenny; The Colliers Arms Inn, Gwrhay, Argoed; The Castle Hotel, Abersychan; Bush Inn, Bassaleg; Royal Oak Inn, Bedwas; 124 High Street, Blackwood; Cross Oak Inn, Penmaen, Blackwood; Crown Inn, Blackwood; Cambrian Inn, Blaenavon; New Kings Arms, Blaenavon; Rock and Fountain, Blaenavon; Brigend Inn, Crumlin; 11 Maindee Road, Cwmfelinfach; Wheatsheaf Inn, Cwmynyscoy, Pontypool; Morning Star Inn, Ebbw Vale; 3 Shopping Centre, Tredegar Road, Ebbw Vale; Goose and Cukoo Inn, Llanover; 56 Abernant Road, Markham; Masons Arms, Marshfield; Fireman's Arms Inn, Nantyglo; 3 High Street, Newbridge; Masons Arms Inn, Newbridge; Britannia Inn, Pontymister, Risca 1960 |
Q/LP/266 Licensing Act 1953 Plans Victoria Inn, Beaufort; Pencefyll Inn, Blaenavon; Masons Arms, Cwmdrws, Newbridge; Black Prince Inn, Tredegar 1960 |
Q/LP/267 Licensing Act 1953 Confirming and Compensation Committee, correspondence and plans Travelllers Rest, Aberbargoed; Beaufort Arms, Abergavenny; Unicorn Inn, Abersychan; Miners Arms Inn, Blaina; Lodge Stores, Lodge Road, Caerleon; Stanley and Sons, Marshfield Road, Castleton; Berkeley Arms Inn, Chepstow; Kings Arms Inn, Chepstow; Bulwark Stores, Bulwark, Chepstow; 17 High Street, Chepstow; 19 Risca Road, Crosskeys; New Inn, Crumlin; Prince of Wales Inn, Cwmynyscoy; Eddis Cafe, Llandogo; The Glen, Trothy, Mitchell Troy; 13,15,17 Glendower Street, Monmouth; 3 High Street, Newbridge; Highcross Stores, Newport; White Hart Inn, Pontllanfraith; Philanthropic Inn, Pontywain; Tan House Inn, Shirenewton; 42 Commercial Street, Tredegar; Premises to be erected on corner of Green Lane and Sandy Lane, Caldicot 1961 |
Militia |
Miscellaneous Minute Books |
Q/MISCMB/1 Proceedings of a General Quarter Sessions for raising men for the Army Proceedings of a General Quarter Sessions for raising men for the Navy 2 Dec 1796, 23 Mar 1795 |
Miscellaneous |
Public General Statutes (unbound) |
Q/PGS/1 32 Geo III Cap. 55, 56 1792 |
Q/PGS/2 33 Geo III Cap. 54 21 Jun 1793 |
Q/PGS/3 35 Geo III Cap. 5, 19, 34 5 Mar 1795-28 Apr 1795 |
Q/PGS/4 35 Geo III Cap. 113 (Re: licences) 26 Jun 1795 |
Q/PGS/5 36 Geo III Cap. 85, 124 14 May 1796, 19 May 1796 |
Q/PGS/6 37 Geo III Caps. 2-4, 105-109, 111-112, 116, 126, 134, 136 2 Nov 1796, 20 Jul 1797 |
Q/PGS/7 37 Geo III Caps. 4, 19, 90, 112 11 Nov 1796-19 Jul 1797 |
Q/PGS/8 37 Geo III Caps. 6, 90, 105, 120, 122-123, 134-135, 139, 141 11 Nov 1796-20 Jul 1797 |
Q/PGS/9 37 Geo III Cap. 35 (Land Tax) 24 Mar 1797 |
Q/PGS/10 38 Geo III Caps. 1-8, 10, 24-30 30 Nov 1797-5 Apr 1798 |
Q/PGS/11 38 Geo III Caps. 1-2, 4-15, 17-18, 20-30 30 Nov 1797-5 Apr 1798 |
Q/PGS/12 38 Geo III Caps. 3, 5, 12, 38, 40, 55-59, 63-64, 66-67 30 Nov 1797-21 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/13 38 Geo III Caps. 5, 19, 36, 40-41, 60, 80-87, 93-94 30 Nov 1797-29 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/14 38 Geo III Caps. 11, 19, 25-26, 33, 38-39, 50-51, 61, 64, 65, 68, 71-75, 89, 91-94 30 Dec 1797-29 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/15 38 Geo III Caps. 13-15, 18, 23, 33, 42-51, 53-55, 57-58, 65-68, 70-75, 78-82, 85-86 30 Dec 1797-28 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/16 38 Geo III Caps. 16, 25, 26, 28, 35, 37-39, 41, 52, 59, 61-62, 70, 72, 78, 84, 92 12 Jan 1798-29 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/17 38 Geo III Caps. 24, 58, 77, 80-88 9 Mar 1798-28 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/18 38 Geo III Caps. 31-35, 40, 44, 48, 60, 62-63, 70-71, 74-77 5 Apr 1798-28 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/19 38 Geo III Caps. 41-42, 44-46, 52, 56-57, 59, 61-70, 76-83, 85-86, 89, 94 7 May 1798-29 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/20 38 Geo III Caps. 49, 86, 87 26 May 1798-28 Jun 1798 |
Q/PGS/21 Geo III Table of Statutes 38, 39, 40, 41 1798-1801 |
Q/PGS/22 39 Geo III Caps. 1-14 8 Oct 1799-12 Oct 1799 |
Q/PGS/23 39 Geo III Caps. 1-5, 7-30 17 Dec 1798-21 Mar 1799 |
Q/PGS/24 39 Geo III Caps. 1, 6, 13, 39, 60-62 8 Oct 1799-27 Jun 1799 |
Q/PGS/25 39 Geo III Caps. 31, 60 10 Apr 1799-21 Jun 1799 |
Q/PGS/26 39 Geo III Caps. 60-80, 83-90, 92 21 Jun 1799-12 Jul 1799 |
Q/PGS/27 39 Geo III Caps. 91-114 12 Jul 1799 |
Q/PGS/28 39-40 Geo III Caps. 25, 27-29, 31-32, 34-40, 42-49 25 Mar 1800-20 Jun 1800 |
Q/PGS/29 39-40 Geo III Cap. 43 30 May 1800 |
Q/PGS/30 39-40 Geo III Caps. 67-76, 78-109 2 Jul 1800-29 Jul 1800 |
Q/PGS/31 41 Geo III (2nd Session) Caps. 1-8, 10-20, 41-42, 62 9 Feb 1801-23 Jun 1801 |
Q/PGS/32 41 Geo III (1st Sessions) Caps. 1, 4-10, 12-33 24 Nov 1800-31 Dec 1800 |
Q/PGS/33 41 Geo III Caps. 27-102 30 Jun 1801-2 Jul 1801 |
Q/PGS/34 43 Geo III Caps. 1-20 17 Dec 1802-24 Mar 1803 |
Q/PGS/35 43 Geo III Caps. 1-20 17 Dec 1802-24 Mar 1803 |
Q/PGS/36 42 Geo III Caps. 2, 6-26, 29, 31-34 (with table) 21 Nov 1801-15 Apr 1802 |
Q/PGS/37 42 Geo III Caps. 36-71, 88-89 15 Apr 1802-22 Jun 1802 |
Q/PGS/38 42 Geo III Cap. 37 30 Apr 1802 |
Q/PGS/39 42 Geo III Caps. 72-89, 91 22 Jun 1802-26 Jun 1802 |
Q/PGS/40 42 Geo III Caps. 92, 95-116 26 Jun 1802-26 Jun 1802 |
Q/PGS/41 42 Geo III Caps. 92-107, 108-120 26 Jun 1802-28 Jun 1802 |
Q/PGS/42 42 Geo III Caps. 117-120 (with table) 28 Jun 1802-28 Jun 1802 |
Q/PGS/43 43 Geo III Table of Acts (2 copies) 1803 |
Q/PGS/44 43 Geo III Caps 21-35 24 Mar 1803-7 Apr 1803 |
Q/PGS/45 43 Geo III Caps. 21-35 24 Mar 1803-7 Apr 1803 |
Q/PGS/46 43 Geo III Caps. 36-75 22 Apr 1803-11 Jun 1803 |
Q/PGS/47 43 Geo III Caps. 36-43, 45-67 22 Apr 1803-24 Jun 1803 |
Q/PGS/48 43 Geo III Caps. 56-57, 69 24 Jun 1803-4 Jul 1803 |
Q/PGS/49 43 Geo III Cap. 68 (customs) 24 Jun 1803 |
Q/PGS/50 43 Geo III Caps. 69-95, 97-98 4 Jul 1803-27 Jul 1803 |
Q/PGS/51 43 Geo III Caps. 80-95, 97-99 4 Jul 1803-27 Jul 1803 |
Q/PGS/52 43 Geo III Caps. 100-121, 123-133 22 Jun 1803-11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/53 43 Geo III Caps. 100-104, 106-108, 110-119, 121, 123-133 27 Jun 1803-11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/54 43 Geo III Caps. 102-119, 123-129 27 Jul 1803-11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/55 43 Geo III Caps 121, 144-152, 154-157 11 Aug 1803-12 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/56 43 Geo III Cap. 122 (Duties)(2 copies) 11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/57 43 Geo III Caps. 130-139 11 Aug 1803-11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/58 43 Geo III Caps. 134-144 11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/59 43 Geo III Caps. 134, 141, 149 11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/60 43 Geo III Caps 150-152, 158-159 11 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/61 43 Geo III Caps. 153-156, 160 12 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/62 43 Geo III Caps. 153, 158-160 12 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/63 43 Geo III Caps. 161-162 (with table) 12 Aug 1803 |
Q/PGS/64 44 Geo III Table of Statutes (2 copies) 1804 |
Q/PGS/65 44 Geo III Caps. 1-15, 18 15 Dec 1803-20 Dec 1803 |
Q/PGS/66 44 Geo III Caps. 1-15, 18 15 Dec 1803-20 Dec 1803 |
Q/PGS/67 44 Geo III Caps. 2, 25-29, 37, 99-105 15 Dec 1803-28 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/68 44 Geo III Caps. 16, 44, 51-55, 57-61 20 Dec 1803-28 Jun 1804 |
Q/PGS/69 44 Geo III Caps. 19-24 9 Mar 1804-9 Mar 1804 |
Q/PGS/70 44 Geo III Caps. 26 (2 copies) 23 Mar 1804 |
Q/PGS/71 44 Geo III Caps. 40-46 3 May 1804 |
Q/PGS/72 44 Geo III Caps. 47-50 16 May 1804 |
Q/PGS/73 44 Geo III Caps. 65-69 3 Jul 1804-10 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/74 44 Geo III Caps. 70-75 10 Jul 1804-14 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/75 44 Geo III Caps. 76-83 14 Jul 1804-20 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/76 44 Geo III Caps. 84-92 20 Jul 1804-20 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/77 44 Geo III Caps. 92-96, 103-104 20 Jul 1804-28 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/78 44 Geo III Caps. 106-109 28 Jul 1804-30 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/79 44 Geo III Cap. 110 31 Jul 1804 |
Q/PGS/80 45 Geo III Caps. 1-10 7 Feb 1805-12 Mar 1805 |
Q/PGS/81 45 Geo III Caps. 11-17 12 Mar 1805-22 Mar 1805 |
Q/PGS/82 45 Geo III Caps. 18, 29-39, 49, 54 25 Mar 1805 |
Q/PGS/83 45 Geo III Caps. 29-39 5 Apr 1805-11 Apr 1805 |
Q/PGS/84 45 Geo III Caps. 32, 53, 77 10 Apr 1805-2 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/85 45 Geo III Caps. 40-47 17 May 1805-5 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/86 45 Geo III Caps. 40-47 17 May 1805-5 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/87 45 Geo III Cap. 45 (Land Tax) 5 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/88 45 Geo III Caps. 50-51, 53-57 5 Jun 1805-27 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/89 45 Geo III Caps. 58-62 27 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/90 45 Geo III Caps. 63-70, 79-90 27 Jun 1805-10 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/91 45 Geo III Cap. 72 (Navy)(2 copies) 27 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/92 45 Geo III Caps 73-78 27 Jun 1805-2 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/93 45 Geo III Caps. 91 & 101 10 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/94 45 Geo III Caps. 102-104 10 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/95 45 Geo III Caps. 102-104 10 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/96 45 Geo III Caps. 105-118 10 Jul 1805 |
Q/PGS/97 45 Geo III Caps. 119-129 10 Jun 1805-12 Jun 1805 |
Q/PGS/98 46 Geo III Caps. 1-6 7 Feb 1806-28 Feb 1806 |
Q/PGS/99 46 Geo III Caps. 1-6 7 Feb 1806-28 Feb 1806 |
Q/PGS/100 46 Geo III Caps. 8, 10-18, 68-69 22 Mar 1806 |
Q/PGS/101 46 Geo III Caps. 68-45 5 May 1806 |
Q/PGS/102 46 Geo III Caps. 46-54 23 May 1806 |
Q/PGS/103 46 Geo III Caps. 55-64 9Jun 1806-13 Jun 1806 |
Q/PGS/104 46 Geo III Cap. 65 (Land Tax) )(2 copies) 13 Jun 1806 |
Q/PGS/105 46 Geo III Caps. 66-69 20 Jun 1806 |
Q/PGS/106 46 Geo III Caps. 70-86 3 Jul 1806-12 Jul 1806 |
Q/PGS/107 46 Geo III Caps. 70-72, 74-86 3 Jul 1806-12 Jul 1806 |
Q/PGS/108 46 Geo III Caps. 72, 148, 150 3 Jul 1806-23 Jul 1806 |
Q/PGS/109 46 Geo III Caps. 107-120 16 Jul 1806-21 Jul 1806 |
Q/PGS/110 46 Geo III Caps. 121-132, 134-1447, 151-157 (with table) 21 Jul 1806-23 Jul 1806 |
Q/PGS/111 46 Geo III Caps. 121-147, 150-158 (with table) 2 Jul 1806-23 Jul 1806 |
Q/PGS/112 47 Geo III Caps. 1-4 6 Jan 1807-22 Jan 1807 |
Q/PGS/112 47 Geo III Caps. 1-4 6 Jan 1807-22 Jan 1807 |
Q/PGS/113 47 Geo III Caps. 5-15 19 Feb 1807 |
Q/PGS/114 47 Geo III Caps. 9-11, 13 25 Jul 1807-1 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/115 47 Geo Caps. 12, 14-17, 36-48, 57 25 Jul 1807-13 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/116 47 Geo III Caps. 29-35 1 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/117 47 Geo III Caps. 36, 47-48, 57, 63 8 Aug 1807-13 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/118 47 Geo III Caps. 49-56 8 Aug 1807-13 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/119 47 Geo III Caps. 51-56 (table) 25 Apr 1807 |
Q/PGS/120 47 Geo III Caps. 58-62, 64-67 13 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/121 47 Geo III Caps. 68-70, 72-77 13 Aug 1807-14 Aug 1807 |
Q/PGS/122 48 Geo III Table of Statutes (2 copies) 1808 |
Q/PGS/123 48 Geo III Caps. 15-16, 25, 109-111, 113-116, 150-152 21 Mar 1808-4 Jul 1808 |
Q/PGS/124 48 Geo III Caps. 18, 26, 55, 60, 79, 81-97, 98-99, 140 21 Mar 1808-30 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/125 48 Geo III Caps. 19-24, 26, 38, 139 (Cap. 38 has Midsummer notes & accounts) 21 Mar 1808-30 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/126 48 Geo III Caps. 41-45 27 May 1808 |
Q/PGS/127 48 Geo III Caps. 47-54, 56 27 May 1808 |
Q/PGS/128 48 Geo III Caps. 56-66 1 Jun 1808-18 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/129 48 Geo III Caps. 56, 65-66, 75-80 1 Jun 1808-23 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/130 48 Geo III Caps. 69-74, 78 18 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/131 48 Geo III Cap. 102 (Land Tax) 23 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/132 48 Geo III Cap. 102 (Land Tax) Duplicate 23 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/133 48 Geo III Caps. 103-108 25 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/134 48 Geo III Caps. 117, 128 30 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/135 48 Geo III Caps. 130-138 30 Jun 1808 |
Q/PGS/136 48 Geo III Caps. 141-142 2 Jul 1808 |
Q/PGS/137 48 Geo III Caps. 144-148 2 Jul 1808 |
Q/PGS/138 49 Geo III Table of Statutes (2 copies) 1809 |
Q/PGS/139 49 Geo III Caps. 1-9 22 Feb 1809-13 Mar 1809 |
Q/PGS/140 49 Geo III Caps. 1-9 22 Feb a809-13 Mar 1809 |
Q/PGS/141 49 Geo III Caps. 4, 122-128 13 Mar 1809-20 Jun 1809 |
Q/PGS/142 49 Geo III Caps. 53-54, 122 27 May 1809-20 Jun 1809 |
Q/PGS/143 49 Geo III Caps. 55-62 27 May 1809-3 Jun 1809 |
Q/PGS/144 49 Geo III Caps. 63-72 3 Jun 1809 |
Q/PGS/145 49 Geo III Caps. 87-92 10 Jun 1809 |
Q/PGS/146 52 Geo III Caps. 1-23, 37, 39-48 4 Feb 1812-5 May 1812 |
Q/PGS/147 52 Geo III Caps. 49-81, 83-90, 100-164 5 May 1812-29 Jul 1812 53 Geo III Caps. 1-16 16 dec 1812-22 Dec 1812 5 May 1812-22 Dec 1812 |
Q/PGS/148 53 Geo III Caps. 17-32, 38-43, 60-104, 106-152 (with tables) 23 Mar 1813-22 Jul 1813 |
Q/PGS/149 54 Geo III Cap. 187 30 Jul 1814 |
Q/PGS/150 54 Geo III Cap. 190 (Land Tax) 23 Jul 1814 |
Q/PGS/151 59 Geo III Caps. 1-84, 86-127, 126-137 (with tables) 12 Feb 1819-13 Jul 1819 |
Q/PGS/152 59 Geo III Cap. 138 (Land Tax)(Bound Volume) 2 Jul 1819 |
Q/PGS/153 59 Geo III Caps. 1-39 (Section missing, with table & index) [1819] |
Q/PGS/154 60 Geo III Caps. 1-3, 5-10 11 Dec 1819-28 Feb 1820 |
Q/PGS/155 1 Geo IV Caps. 1-36, 38, 57-72, 74-82, 84-118 (with tables) 6 Jun 1820-25 Jul 1820 |
Q/PGS/156 1 & 2 Geo IV Cap. 87 16 Jul 1821 |
Q/PGS/157 1 & 2 Geo IV Cap. 123 (Land Tax) 2 Jul 1821 |
Q/PGS/158 3 Geo IV Caps. 1-22, 25-32, 34-37, 39, 41-45, 48-49, 51-70, 72-74, 76, 78-122, 124-125, 127 11 Feb 1822-6 Aug 1822 |
Q/PGS/159 4 Geo IV Caps. 1-8, 13-33, 35-36, 38-52, 55-58, 60-63, 65-94, 96-100 (with tables) 27 Feb 1823-19 Jul 1823 |
Q/PGS/160 4 Geo IV Caps. 9, 10, 12 19 Mar 1823-24 Mar 1823 |
Q/PGS/161 4 Geo IV Caps. 1-100 (with tables & index) 27 Feb 1823-19 Jul 1823 |
Q/PGS/162 5 Geo IV Caps. 1-11, 13-17, 19-32, 34-43, 45-60, 63-73, 75-78, 80-82, 84, 86-94, 97-115 5 Mar 1824-25 Jun 1824 |
Q/PGS/163 5 Geo IV Cap. 1-115 (with table & index) [1824] |
Q/PGS/164 6 Geo IV Caps. 1-11, 13-39, 41-117, 118-134 (with tables) 4 Mar 1824-6 Jul 1825 |
Q/PGS/165 6 Geo IV Caps. 1-134 (part 2 missing)(table & index) [1824] |
Q/PGS/166 6 Geo IV (Section 2 only) 1825 |
Q/PGS/167 7-8 Geo IV Cap. 75 (Land Taxes)(Bound Volume) 23 Jun 1827 |
Q/PGS/168 38 Geo III Cap. 90 1798 |
Q/PGS/169 47 Geo III Cap. 71 1807 |
Q/PGS/170 48 Geo III Caps. 139-140 1808 |
Q/PGS/171 4 Geo IV Caps. 64 1823 |
Government Reports |
Q/GR/1 Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain and of the increase of diminuation thereof. (Census Report 1811) Enumeration and Parish Registers 1811 (pub. 1812) p. xxviii: Population 1700, 1750, 1801, 1811 p. xxix: Division of Petty Session meetings, numbers of magistrates, parishes, parts of parishes etc. pp 200/3: Numbers of houses inhabited, uninhabited and building, occupations-agriculture, trade manufacture or handicrafts, numbers of persons- male, female and total- by parishes. Abstracts of Parish Registers, by hundreds- baptisms, burials, marriages 1801-1810 1812 |
Q/GR/2 Standing Orders of the House of Commons relating to Private Bills, with a table of fees (3 pieces). 1814 |
Q/GR/3 Report from the Committee of London on General [Lasts] in England, 1815 1816 |
Q/GR/4 Abstract of Returns of charitable donations 1787-1788 so for as relate to the County of Monmouthshire (2 copies) 1816 |
Q/GR/5 Report from the Select Committee on the Poor Laws 1817 |
Q/GR/6 Report from the Select Committee on the Poor Laws 1818 |
Q/GR/7-8 Third Report from the Select Committee on the Poor Laws. A Bill (as recorded in Committee) for the establishment of Parochial Benefit Society. 1818 |
Q/GR/9 Abridgement of the Abstract of the answers and reports for procuring Returns to the expenses of maintenence of the poor in England. County of Monmouth (2 copies) 1822 |
Q/GR/10 Ninth Highland Roads & Bridges Report 1821 |
Q/GR/11 Enumeration and Parish Register abstracts, 1821 (Census Reports 1821) p.xx: Comparative statement of ages of persons, male and female pp. 198/202: Numbers of houses, occupations and persons, by parishes p.203: Ages of persons, by hundreds pp. 74/5 Parish Register Abstracts, by hundreds, baptisms, burials, marriages, 1811/1820 1821 |
Q/GR/12 Report on Poor Law Returns 1822 |
Q/GR/13 Census Report 1831 Vol I: Enumeration and Abstract, Bedfordshire-Somerset (including Monmouthshire) p. xx: Population- Diosese of Llandaff (Glam/Mon) pp. 384/91: Population in parishes (as in 1811 census). Numbers employed in agricultures-occupiers empolying labourers, occupiers not employing labourers, labourers employed in agriculture. Employed in manufacture, employed in retail trade or in handicrafts as Masters or Workmen, employed as capitalists, bankers, professional and other educated men; older males 20 years of age (except servants), male servants, 20 years plus, under 20, female servants. p. 392: Summary by hundreds p. 392: Males (20 years of age) employed in retail trade or in handicrafts as Masters or Workmen (by trades). 1831 |
Q/GR/14 Census Report 1831 Vol III: Enumeration and Abstracts: South-Wigton p. 1065: Irregularities of boundary of Co. Mon. Index vols. I & II 1831 |
Q/GR/15 Census Report 1831 Vol III: Parish Register Enumerations: England and Wales: maps p. 198: Abstracts of parish registers: Baptisms, burials and marriages by hundreds. Yearly 1821/1830 p. 201: Summary of parish registers, ages of persons buried in the Co. of Mon, 1813-1830 (totals). Tables of increases of population, 1801-1830 (county basis) p. 122: Map 1831 |
Q/GR/16 Census Return 1831 Comparative population of Great Britain: 1801-1831 pp. 167/170: Parishes, rateable value. Population 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831 1831 |
Q/GR/17 Poor Law Commission Report 1834 |
Q/GR/18 Local Taxation Returns, Poor Rate, County Rate, Highway Rate and Church Rates. 1839 |
Q/GR/19 Supplementary paper on bankruptcy and insolvency, by William Johnston Esq. Dissentient [Mid 19th Century] |
Q/GR/20 On the Construction of Station Houses & Strong Rooms, for the use of the Rural Constabulary Force 1841 |
Q/GR/21 Report of the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy (to the Lord Chancellor) 1844 |
Q/GR/22 Report on the construction, ventilation & details of Pentonville Prison 1844 |
Q/GR/23 Supplemental report by the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy-Wales 1844 |
Q/GR/24 Memorandum on the construction of Station Houses, adapted for the accomodation of the Rural Constabulary Force 1846 |
Q/GR/39 Report of the present state of discipline in Gaols and Houses of Correction 1863 |
Q/GR/25 Census of Great Britain 1851 Population tables I, Vol I: numbers of the inhabitants 1801-1851 divisions I and II 1852 |
Q/GR/26 Census Report 1851 Vol II: Population tables: Number of inhabitants Divisions VII to XI and Scotland. (Monmouthshire and Wales- Div. XI) p.2: By counties: 1841, 1851, houses inhabited, uninhabited building, poluation- 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 1841, 1851. Male and female p. 6: By unions (Poor Law) p. 8: By unions and sub districts pp. 14/20: By parishes p.82: Houses and populations in the County with no. of members returned to Parliament. p. 84: Houses and populations in the Borough with no. of members returned to Parliament. p. 87: Houses and populations in the Municipal Boroughs regulated by Municipal Corporations Act. p. 88: Houses and populations in towns of 2000 inhabitants not being corporate towns. p. 89: Houses and populations in the ecclesiastical districts and ew ecclesiastical parishes formed under authority of Acts of Parliament, Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Commissioners for building new churches and Bishops of the Dioseses. 1851 |
Q/GR/27 Census of Great Britain 1851 Population tables II Vol I: Ages, birth condition, occupations etc. Divisions I to VI 1854 |
Q/GR/28 Census Report 1851 Population tables II. Vol II: Ages, civil conditions, occupations etc. Divisions VII to XI, Scotland etc. p. 813: Ages of the people, 1851, by counties. p. 821: Civil condition of the people (unmarried, married, widowed) by Registration Counties. p. 823: Ages of husbands and wives p. 825: Civil condition of persons 20 years and upwards, by unions, Male and female. p. 828/33: Occupations-males and females. p. 884: Farmers with number of labourers employed and acreage. p. 886: Birthplace of inhabitants p. 893: Blind, deaf and dumb inmates of workhouse etc. Paupers in workhouses, Prisoners in prison, Lunatics in Asylums, Patients in hospital 1854 |
Q/GR/29 Census of Great Britain 1851 Index to the names of Parishes, Townships, and places in the population tables. 1851 |
Q/GR/30 Census of Great Britain 1851 Religious Worship, England and Wales: Report and tables 1853 |
Q/GR/31 Census of Great Britain, 1851 Population tables I, number of inhabitants, 1801-1851 Division XI- Welsh Division (Confidential) 14 Aug 1852 |
Q/GR/32 Census Report 1861 Population tables, numbers and distribution of the people. Summary tables etc. Part I. p. vii: County area: number of houses, population (male and female). p. viii: Population of counties, 1801-1861 (male and female). p. xii: Rate of increase in population in counties, 1801-1861. p. xv: Inhabited houses & population, 1851-1861 in cities, boroughs and principle towns, 2000+. p.xxi: Inhabited houses and populations, 1861, in Dioseses. p. 77: Area, houses and population by counties Comparative population of Monmouthshire, 1801-1861 (county basis). p. 78: Houses and population by hundreds, 1861 Houses and population, boroughs and principal towns, 1861. p. 79: Houses and population by parishes, 1861 p. vii: County area: number of houses, population (male and female) p. viii: Population of counties, 1801-1861 (male and female) 1861 |
Q/GR/33 Census of England and Wales 1861 Vol. I Population tables, number & distribution of the people pp. 700/709: Area, houses and population, 1851-1861 by County, Unions, Sub Districts, Parishes p. 737: Number of persons in public institutions by parishes. p. 743: Number of parishes, area and population of Poor Law Unions 1862 |
Q/GR/34 Census of England and Wales 1861 Tales of the area, houses and population Division XI- Monmouthshire, Wales 1862 |
Q/GR/35 Census of England and Wales 1861 Vol. II Population tables, ages, civil condition, occupation etc. P. 815: Ages of persons, male and female, 1861: by counties; ages of persons, male and female, 1861: by Registra's Districts and Sub Districts. p. 822: Number of children at each year of age under 5, by counties and Registra's Districts. p. 824: Number and ages of unmarried, married and widowed persons- registration counties. p. 826: Ages of husbands and wives p. 828: Civil condition of persons 15+ in Districts pp. 833/838: Occupations by ages: male and female p. 860: Occupations by Districts p. 885: Birthplaces by counties p. 888: Birthplaces by Registration Districts p. 898: Numbers of foreigners living in Monmouthshire p. 900: Blind, deaf and dumb, paupers in workhouses, prisons, lunatics in asylums, patients in hospital. 1863 |
Q/GR/36 Census of England and Wales 1861 Vol. III General Report 1863 |
Q/GR/37 Census of England and Wales 1861 General index of the names of parishes and places 1863 |
Q/GR/38 Census of England and Wales 1861 Table of the population in houses on 8 April 1861 1861 |
Q/GR/40 Local Taxation, Return to House of Commons 1870 |
Q/GR/40 Census of England and Wales 1871 Vol. I: Counties Population, Area, Houses and Inhabitants p. xi: Area, houses and population, 1871: in counties p. xviii: Area, houses and population, 1864-1871: Cities, boroughs, Local Board Districts, Improvement Committees, Lighting Committees, Paving Committees and Principal Towns. p. xxxiv: Houses and populations, provinces and Dioceses, 1871 p. 247: Area, houses and population, county, 1871 Area, houses and population, county, 1801-1871 p.248: Area, houses and population, Parliamentary Limits, 1871 Area, houses and population, hundreds, 1871 p.249: Area, houses and population, Petty Sessional Division, 1871 Area, houses and population, Lieutenancy Sub Division, 1871 p. 250: Area, houses and population, Municipal and Parliamentary Boroughs, 1871 Area, houses and population, Municipal Boroughs, 1871. Area, houses and population, Local Board Districts of towns with Improvement Commissioner and of other towns not being Boroughs, 1871. pp. 251-252: Inhabited houses, families or separate occupants, civil parishes and townships, 1871. 1872 |
Q/GR/42 Census of England and Wales 1871 Population, Area, Houses and Inhabitants Vol. II: Registration of Union Counties p. 527: Area, houses and populations, 1861-1871: Registration of Union Committees p. 529: Area, houses and populations, Superintendant Registras Districts p. 532: Area, houses and populations, 1861-1871: Parishes p. 560: Persons in public institutions, by parishes 1872 |
Q/GR/43 Supplement to the Thirty Fifth Report of the Registra General on Births, Deaths and Marriages 1875 |
Q/GR/44 Census of England and Wales 1881 Preliminary Report and tables of Population and Houses p. 2: Area, houses and population, 1871-1881: Counties p. 4: Area, houses and population, 1871-1881: Parliamentary Divisions in cities p. 9: Area, houses and population, 1871-1881: Parliamentary Boroughs p. 13: Area, houses and population, 1871-1881: Urban Sanitary Districts p. 42: Area, houses and population, 1871-18814: Superintendant Registra's Districts p. 98: Area, houses and population, 1871-1881: Registration Sub Districts 1881 |
Q/GR/45 Census of England and Wales 1881 Vol. I Counties Area, Houses and Population p.vi: Area, Houses and Population, by Counties p.vii: Area, Houses and Population, Parliamentary Counties or Parliamentary Divisions p.x: Area, Houses and Population, Parliamentary Boroughs: 1871-1881 p. xiii: Area, Houses and Population, Municipal Boroughs: 1871-1881 p.xvii: Ecclesiastical Provinces and Dioceses: 1881 p. 256: Area, Houses and Population, County: 1881 Area, Houses and Population, Parliamentary Counties and Boroughs: 1881. Area, Houses and Population, Parliamentary and Municipal Boroughs: 1881 p. 257: Area, Houses and Populations, Hundreds Area, Houses and Populations, Petty Sessional Divisions; Boroughs with separate Commission of the Peace. Area, Houses and Populations, Lieutenancy Sub Divisions. p. 258: Inhabited houses, families, separate occupiers and population of civil parishes and townships. p. 256: Inhabited houses and populations of such ecclesiastical Districts or parts as are not entire Mother Parishes or consist of more than one parish. 1883 |
Q/GR/46 Census of England and Wales 1881 Area, Houses and Population Vol II: Registration Counties p. 625: Area, houses and population, 1871-1881; Registration Counties. Area, Houses and Population, 1871-1881; Districts Area, Houses and Population, 1871-1881; Sub Districts p. 630: Area, Houses and Population, 1871-1881; Civil Parishes p. 652: Area, Houses and Population, 1871-1881: Sanitary Districts p. 659: Persons in Barracks, H.M. Ships; Workhouses, Hospitals, Lunatic Asylums; Prisons; Reformatories; Industrial Schools: By parishes. p. 671: Differences between Registration Counties and Counties. 1881 |
Q/GR/47 Coal Mines Reports of the Inspection of Coal Mines, to December 1856 1857 |
Q/GR/48 Local Boundaries Government Commission Report of Boundary Commission of England and Wales County of Monmouth 1888 |
Q/GR/49 Local Government Act Commission Minutes of evidence taken before the Commissioners under the Local Government Act 1888 with orders and appendices. 1888 |
Q/GR/50 48 Report of the Commissioner in Lunacy, to the Lord Chancellor. 1894 |
Q/GR/51 Licensing Statistics 1907 Statistics as to the operation of Administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. 1907 |
Q/GR/52 Licensing Statistics 1908 Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. 1908 |
Q/GR/53 The Authority for the proposed bridge across the Severn Report by James Walker Esq. R.S. with Commissioners of the with appendix 1846 |
Q/GR/54 Second report from the Select Committee on the Poor Law (with appendix) 1818 |
Q/GR/55 Session 1818 A Bill as ammended in Committee to amend the laws reflecting the settlement of the poor. 4 May 1818 |
Q/GR/56 1851 Population and Houses; A return of the population and Houses in accordance with the Census of 1851. p.2: Populations and Houses, Parliamentary Divisions p.5: Populations and Houses, Cities and Boroughs returning Members to Parliament. p.10: Populations and Houses, towns upward of 2000 and not sending a member to Parliament. 7 Jun 1852 |
Q/GR/57 1851 Census of Great Britain 1801 Education, England and Wales; Report and tables 1854 |
Q/GR/58 Maps to accompany Report on Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) 1861 |
Q/GR/59 First Annual Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) 1862 |
Q/GR/60 Second Annual Report of the Inspector of Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) 1863 |
Q/GR/61 Third Annual Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) 1864 |
Q/GR/62 Fourth Annual Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) 1865 |
Q/GR/63 Fifth Annual Report of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries (England and Wales) 1866 |
Q/GR/64 Return relating to live stock in the United Kingdom May 1866 |
Q/GR/65 Agricultural Return of Great Britain with Abstract Returns for the United Kingdom, British possessions and Assize Counties. 1870 |
Q/GR/66 Cattle Plague Copy of the Cattle Plague Orders, Returns of Markets etc. 1807 |
Q/GR/67 Licensing Statistics- as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 3644 1929 |
Q/GR/68 Criminal Statistics for England and Wales relating to Criminal Proceedings, Police, Licenses, Prisoners, Criminal Lunatics. H.M.S.O CMD 2265 1922 |
Q/GR/69 List of Counts of Summary Jurisdiction in England and Wales H.M.S.O 1904 |
Q/GR/70 List of Counts of Summary Jurisdiction in England and Wales H.M.S.O. 1913 |
Q/GR/71 Licensing Statistics as to the operation an administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. Col. 7040 1912 |
Q/GR/72 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 2913 1926 |
Q/GR/73 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CD 8340 1915 |
Q/GR/74 Criminal Statistics (part 1) relating to Criminal Proceedings, Police, Coroners, Prisons, Reformatory and Industrial Schools, and Criminal Lunatics. H.M.S.O. 1921 |
Q/GR/75 Criminal Statistics (Part 1) relating to Criminal Proceedings, Police, Coroners, Prisons, Reformatory and Industrial Schools and Criminal Lunatics. H.M.S.O. CD 2010 1902 |
Q/GR/76 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 3928 1930 |
Q/GR/77 Criminal Statistics relating to Crime, Criminal Proceedings, and Coroners' Investigations. H.M.S.O. CMD 4036 1930 |
Q/GR/78 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 4165 1931 |
Q/GR/79 Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 4457 1932 |
Q/GR/80 Criminal Statistics relating to Crime, Criminal Proceedings and Coroners' Investigations. H.M.S.O. CMD 4977 1933 |
Q/GR/81 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 5034 1934 |
Q/GR/82 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxixating liquor in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 4727 1933 |
Q/GR/83 Criminal Statistics relating to Crime, Criminal Proceedings,and Coroners' Investigations H.M.S.O. CMD 5960 1936 |
Q/GR/84 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquor in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 5585 1936 |
Q/GR/85 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 5689 1937 |
Q/GR/86 Licensing Statistics as to the operation and administration of the laws relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors in England and Wales. H.M.S.O. CMD 6145 1938 |
Q/GR/87 Criminal Statistics relating to Crime and Criminal Proceedings H.M.S.O. CMD 7428 1946 |
Q/GR/88 Judicial Statistics for England and Wales Part I. Criminal Statistics Statistics relating to Criminal Proceedings, Police, Coroners, Prisons, Reformatories and Industrial Schools and Criminal Lunatics for the year 1907. 1907 |
Q/GR/89 Government Reports Abstract of Returns of Charitable Donations etc. so far as relate to the County of Monmouth. 1787-1788 |
Q/GR/90 Government Reports Abridgement of the abstract of the answers and Returns made pursuant to an Act of 55 Geo III; So far as relate to the Poor. [3 Mar 1818] |
Q/GR/91 Census of England and Wales 1891 Vol. I & Vol. II Area, Houses and Population p. 237: Table: 1. Ancient County 2. Parliamentary Divisions and Boroughs 3. Relationship of the Administrative to the Ancient County. 4. Administrative and County Borough. 5. Municipal Boroughs and Wards. 6. Petty Sessional Divisions and Boroughs having separate Commissioners. 7. Civil Parishes 8. Ecclesiastical Parishes and Districts 1891 |
Q/GR/92 Analysis of Criminal Statistics (extracts only) 1894-1898 |
Acts of Parliament Misc. |
Q/AOFPMISC/1 2 & 3 Vict. 40 Act for procuring returns relative to Highways and turnpike roads in England and Wales. (2 copies) 17 Aug 1839 |
Q/AOFPMISC/2 2 & 3 Vist Cap. 93 Act for Establishment of County and District Constables by the Authority of Justices of the Peace. (2 copies) 27 Aug 1839 |
Q/AOFPMISC/3 3 & 4 Vict. Cap. 99 Act for Taking Account of the Population of Great Britain 10 Aug 1840 |
Q/AOFPMISC/4 VII Vict. Cap 177 Act to Enable the Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway and extend their railway from Pontypool to Taff Vale Railway. 9 Jul 1847 |
Q/AOFPMISC/5 19 & 20 Vict. Cap. 69 Act to render more effective the Police Force in Counties and Boroughs in England and Wales. 21 Jul 1856 |
Q/AOFPMISC/6 3 & 4 Vict. Cap. 87 Act to ammend the Act for Establishment of County and District Constables. (2 copies) 7 Aug 1840 |
Q/AOFPMISC/7 32 & 33 Vict. Cap 78 Act to consolidate, amend and make perpetual the Acts for presenting the Introductiopn of Spreading of Contagious, or Infectious Diseases among Cattle. (2 copies) 9 Aug 1869 |
Enrollled, Deposited, Registered or Returned Records |
Appointment of Officers |
Appointment of Sheriffs |
Q/APPOFS/1 Bundle of appointments of Sheriff and Undersheriff and oaths of Sheriff and Undersheriff 1834-1838 |
Q/APPOFS/2 Oaths of Office of Sheriffs and Undersheriffs (re. election), and appointments of Sheriffs and Undersheriffs 1840-1870 |
Q/APPOFS/3 Papers re. Appointment of Deputy Coroner Oct 1867 |
Q/APPOFS/4 Oaths and appointments of Sheriff and Undersheriff 1871-1880 |
Q/APPOFS/5 Bundle of warrants and oaths of Sheriffs and Undersheriff (incomplete) 1881-1890 |
Q/APPOFS/6 Warrants, appointments of Sheriffs and Undersheriffs 1891-1902 |
Q/APPOFS/7 Duplicates of Sheriff and Undersheriff, and appointment of Undersheriff 1893-1912 |
Q/APPOFS/8 Appointment of Sheriffs (duplicate, incomplete) 1893-1902 |
Q/APPOFS/9 Appointment of Sheriffs (duplicate, incomplete) 1909-1926 |
Q/APPOFS/10 Declarations of Sheriffs and Undersheriffs, and appointment of Undersheriffs (incomplete) 1909-1927 |
Q/APPOFS/11 Declarations of Sheriff and Undersheriff, and appointment of Undersheriff 1920 |
Q/APPOFS/12 Oaths by Mayor and Chairman, R.D.C. 1925-1929 |
Q/APPOFS/13 Duplicates of warrants appointing Sheriffs 1903-1908 |
Q/APPOFS/14 Appointment of Undersheriffs and declaration of Sheriffs and Undersheriffs 1903-1908 |
Q/APPOFS/15 Oaths as J.P. Mayor of Abergavenny (incomplete) 1927-1934 |
Q/APPOFS/16 Declaration of Sheriffs and Undersheriffs, and appointment of Undersheriffs 1928-1935 |
Q/APPOFS/17 Oaths as J.P. Chairman of Monmouth R.D.C. 1931 |
Q/APPOFS/18 Oaths as J.P. Chairman of Abergavenny R.D.C. 1931-1934 |
Q/APPOFS/19 Duplicates of warrants of Sheriffs 1933-1935 |
Q/APPOFS/20 Oaths and declarations, Mayor of Monmouth and Abergavenny, and Chairman of Abergavenny R.D.C. 1901-1903 |
Q/APPOFS/21 Copies of appointment of Sheriff, declarations of Sheriffs and appointments and declarations of Undersheriffs 1928-1952 |
Q/APPOFS/22 Duplicate appointments of Sheriffs and declarationsm and duplicate appointments of Undersheriffs and declarations 1953 Edward Connor Lysaght 1954 David Ronald Phillips 1955 Lt. Col. J. David Griffiths 1956 Col. Edward Roderick Hill. D.S.O. 1957 Arthur Smith 1958 Percy Charles Jones 1959 Rear Admiral St. John Aldich Luckethwait C.B., D.S.O. 1960 Bug. Gerald Birchwood Vaughan Hughes. M.C. 1961 John Wade Thomas 1953-1961 |
Q/APPOFS/23 Duplicate appointments of Sheriffs, and declarations, and duplicates of Undersheriffs and declarations 1962-1964 |
Q/APPOFS/24 Duplicate appointments of Sheriffs and declarations with duplicate appointments of Undersheriffs, and declarations. 1965-1966 |
Q/APPOFS/25 Duplicate appointments of Sheriffs and declarations with duplicate appointments of Undersheriffs and declarations 1967-1968 |
Q/APPOFS/26 Duplicate warrant, appointment of J.G. O'M. Meade as Sheriff of Monmouth. Declarations, appointments and declaration of Undersheriff 1969 |
Q/APPOFS/27 Duplicate warrants and declarations, and appointments and warrants of Undersheriff re. Shrievalty of K.R. Taylor Esq. and G. Rocyn Jones Esq. 1970-1971 |
Q/APPOFS/28 Duplicate warrants and declarations, and appointment and warrant of Undersheriff, Shrievalty of R.A.E. Herbert Esq. 1972 |
Certificates of Oaths of Office |
Q/COFOO/1 Certificates of oaths, declarations of Sherifss and other offices (re. election) (1 bundle) 1786-1807 |
Q/COFOO/2 1857-1868 |
Deputy Lieutenants |
Q/DL/1 Declarations of Qualification (As required by 2 Geo. III c. 20 (1761)) 1803-1808 |
Bastardy |
Returns |
Q/BR/1 Bastardy returns for various Divisions (1 bundle) 1845-1859 |
Charities |
Memorials and Accounts |
Q/CHM&ACCTS/1 Memorials of charitable donations (in reply to circular letter of 20 Nov. 1814 under 52 Geo. III Cap. 102) 1815 |
Q/CHM&ACCTS/2 Memorials, Roger Edwards' Charity (registered) 1825 |
Q/CHM&ACCTS/3 Bundle of papers relating to Trustees, Caerleon Charity 1826-1834 |
Q/CHM&ACCTS/4 Bundle of statements of accounts of charities under Charitable Trusts Act 1853 1853-1863 |
Q/CHM&ACCTS/1 Memorials of charities or charitable donations 3 Nov 1810-24 Apr 1848 |
Memorials of Charities or Charitable Donations |
Q/MCCD/1 1813 |
Court of Sewers |
Miscellaneous Papers |
Q/COFS/1 1722-1784 |
Q/COFS/2 1790-1797 |
Q/COFS/3 1800-1803 |
Q/COFS/4 Papers regarding Commissioners of Sewers Caldicot and Wenlouge Levels (papers taken from Land Tax Assessments) 1804-1815 |
Q/COFS/5 Papers on appointment of Commissioners of Sewers 1874-1875 |
Commission of Sewers. Certificates of Exoneration |
Q/COFSCOFE/1 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act Certificates of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 31 Jan 1887-10 Jan 1889 |
Q/COFSCOFE/2 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act Certificates of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 31 Jan 1887-30 Jun 1890 |
Q/COFSCOFE/3 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificates of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 13 Jun 1888-3 Jul 1890 |
Q/COFSCOFE/4 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 23 May 1887-16 Sep 1893 |
Q/COFSCOFE/5 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 23 May 1887-9 Oct 1890 |
Q/COFSCOFE/6 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 31 Jan 1893 |
Q/COFSCOFE/7 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) Wentloog Sea Walls 31 Jan 1893 |
Q/COFSCOFE/8 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 31 Jan 1893 |
Q/COFSCOFE/9 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificates of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 31 Jan 1893 |
Q/COFSCOFE/10 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) Wentloog Walls 8 Mar 1894 |
Q/COFSCOFE/11 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificates of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) 8 Mar 1894 |
Q/COFSCOFE/12 Commission of Sewers Caldicot and Wentloog Level Act 1884 Certificate of Exoneration (copies registered with Clerk of Peace) Caldicot Walls 8 Mar 1894 |
Parliamentary Elections |
Memorials of Grants of Annuities and Yearly Rent Charges |
Q/MOFG/1 1767-1790 |
Q/MOFG/2 1819-1825 |
Q/MOFG/3 18 Feb 1840 |
Register of Annuities |
Q/ROFA/1 Sessions Annuity Book 12 Jul 1819-8 Feb 1840 |
Land Tax Assessments |
Q/LT/1 Misc. land and property tax on rate papers 1793-1825 |
Q/LT/2 Raglan Upper & Lower, duplicate of assessions 1803-1804 |
Q/LT/3 Caldicot Upper 1804 |
Q/LT/4 Raglan Lower 1804 |
Q/LT/5 Raglan Upper 1804 |
Q/LT/6 Skenfrith Upper 1804 |
Q/LT/7 Wentloog Hundred 1804 |
Q/LT/8 Misc. parishes 1804 |
Q/LT/9 Misc. land tax assessments 1804-1809 |
Q/LT/10 Land, property and assessed taxes Paper duplicate etc. Hundreds, Raglan Upper & Lower, Skenfrith 1804-1825 |
Q/LT/11 Abergavenny Lower 1805 |
Q/LT/12 Abergavenny Upper 1805 |
Q/LT/13 Raglan Lower 1805 |
Q/LT/14 Caldicot Upper 1805 |
Q/LT/15 Raglan Upper 1805 |
Q/LT/16 Skenfrith Upper 1805 |
Q/LT/17 Various Hundreds & Parishes 1805 |
Q/LT/18 Misc. parishes 1805 |
Q/LT/19 Misc. parishes 1805 |
Q/LT/20 Misc. parishes 1805 |
Q/LT/21 Caldicot Hundred 1806 |
Q/LT/22 Usk Upper 1806 |
Q/LT/23 Various Hundreds & Parishes 1806 |
Q/LT/24 Various Hundreds & Parishes (part II) 1806 |
Q/LT/25 Various parishes 1806 |
Q/LT/26 Abergavenny Hundred Lower 1807 |
Q/LT/27 Caldicot Upper 1807 |
Q/LT/28 Misc. hundreds and parishes 1807 |
Q/LT/29 Various parishes 1807-1819 |
Q/LT/30 Caldicot Upper 1808 |
Q/LT/31 Monmouth Town 1808 |
Q/LT/32 Raglan Lower 1808 |
Q/LT/33 Raglan Upper 1808 |
Q/LT/34 Skenfrith Hundred 1808 |
Q/LT/35 Usk Lower 1808 |
Q/LT/36 Various Hundreds and parishes 1808 |
Q/LT/37 Misc. parishes 1808 |
Q/LT/38 Various Hundreds 1809 |
Q/LT/39 Misc. parishes 1809 |
Q/LT/40 Abergavenny Upper 1810 |
Q/LT/41 Caldicot Upper 1810 |
Q/LT/42 Raglan Lower 1810 |
Q/LT/43 Raglan Hundred Upper 1810 |
Q/LT/44 Skenfrith Hundred 1810 |
Q/LT/45 Misc. Hundreds and parishes 1810 |
Q/LT/46 Hundred of Abergavenny 1811 |
Q/LT/47 Abergavenny Upper 1811 |
Q/LT/48 Caldicot Upper 1811 |
Q/LT/49 Raglan Lower 1811 |
Q/LT/50 Raglan Upper 1811 |
Q/LT/51 Skenfrith Lower 1811 |
Q/LT/52 Wentloog Lower 1811 |
Q/LT/53 Wentloog 1811 |
Q/LT/54 Various Hundreds and parishes 1811-1812 |
Q/LT/55 Misc. parishes 1811 |
Q/LT/56 Abergavenny Upper 1812 |
Q/LT/57 Raglan Upper 1812 |
Q/LT/58 Various parishes (Wentloog) 1812 |
Q/LT/59 Abergavenny Upper 1813 |
Q/LT/60 Caldicot Upper 1813 |
Q/LT/61 Monmouth Town 1813-1815 |
Q/LT/62 Skenfrith Lower 1813 |
Q/LT/63 Wentloog 1813 |
Q/LT/64 Various parishes 1813 |
Q/LT/65 Various Hundreds and parishes 1813-1819 |
Q/LT/66 Usk Lower 1814 |
Q/LT/67 Various parishes 1814-1815 |
Q/LT/68 Raglan Lower 1815 |
Q/LT/69 Raglan Upper 1815 |
Q/LT/70 Various Hundreds and parishes 1815 |
Q/LT/71 Various Parishes 1815 |
Q/LT/72 Abergavenny Upper 1816 |
Q/LT/73 Various Hundreds and parishes 1816 |
Q/LT/74 Various Hundreds and parishes 1816 |
Q/LT/75 Various Hundreds and parishes 1816 |
Q/LT/76 Various parishes 1816 |
Q/LT/77 Abergavenny Lower 1817 |
Q/LT/78 Various Hundreds and parishes 1817 |
Q/LT/79 Wentloog 1818 |
Q/LT/80 Misc. parishes 1818 |
Q/LT/81 Various Hundreds and parishes 1819 |
Q/LT/82 Caldicot Upper 1820 |
Q/LT/83 Various Parishes in Raglan 1820 |
Q/LT/84 Misc. Hundreds and parishes 1820 |
Q/LT/85 Various Hundreds and parishes 1821 |
Q/LT/86 Various Hundreds and parishes 1822 |
Q/LT/87 Various Hundreds and parishes 1823 |
Q/LT/88 Monmouth Town 1824 |
Q/LT/89 Various Hundreds and parishes 1824-1825 |
Q/LT/90 Various Hundreds and parishes 1824-1826 |
Q/LT/91 Various Hundreds and parishes 1825 |
Q/LT/92 Assessions Certificates, warrants etc. Assessment Land Taxes etc. Misc. parishes 1825 |
Q/LT/93 Assessions, certificates, warrants assessments and land tax etc. Misc. parishes 1825 |
Q/LT/94 Assessions Certificates, collectors appointments and land tax assessments, various parishes 1825 |
Q/LT/95 Additional supplementary list of charges for supplementary assessments Hundreds-Raglan Upper and Lower, Skenfrith 1826 |
Q/LT/96 Hundreds of Raglan Upper and Lower, also Skenfrith 1826 |
Q/LT/97 Upper Caldicot Hundred 1827 |
Q/LT/98 Divisions of Raglan, Lower and Upper 1827 |
Q/LT/99 Misc. parishes (Raglan Upper) 1827 |
Q/LT/100 Hundred of Skenfrith Upper and Lower 1827 |
Q/LT/101 Hundred of Usk Upper 1827 |
Q/LT/102 Caldicot Upper 1828 |
Q/LT/103 Hundreds of Abergavenny Lower 1829 |
Q/LT/104 Hundred of Abergavenny Upper 1829 |
Q/LT/105 Hundred of Caldicot Lower 1829 |
Q/LT/106 Caldicot Upper 1829 |
Q/LT/107 Chepstow and Hardwick 1829 |
Q/LT/108 Hundred of Raglan Lower 1829 |
Q/LT/109 Hundred of Raglan Upper 1829 |
Q/LT/110 Usk Lower 1829 |
Q/LT/111 Hundred of Wentloog Lower 1829 |
Q/LT/112 Upper Wentloog Hundred 1829 |
Q/LT/113 Hundred of Caldicot Upper 1830 |
Q/LT/114 Hundred of Skenfrith Lower 1830 |
Q/LT/115 Hundred of Skenfrith Upper 1830 |
Q/LT/116 Usk Upper 1830 |
Q/LT/117 Hundred of Abergavenny 1831 |
Q/LT/118 Caldicot 1831 |
Q/LT/119 Usk Lower 1831 |
Q/LT/120 Caldicot Upper 1832 |
Returns of Persons Qualified to Vote |
Q/RPQV/1 Sep 1878 |
Q/RPQV/2 1879 |
Q/RPQV/3 Jun 1879-Jul 1879 |
Q/RPQV/4 Sep 1879 |
Q/RPQV/5 1879 |
Miscellaneous Books |
Q/MISCB/22 Monmouthshire County Election Nov 24 1868 |
Enclosure Awards and Maps |
Inclosure Awards |
Q/INCAW/1 An Act for inclosing lands in the Manor of Tregrug co.Mon. (waste ground and other lands). Roads concerned:- Pontypool Road, Usk Road, Craswen Road, Pentoppin Road, Forest Road, Footpath Pontypool Road to Llandegveth, Footpath North End of Forest and other roads. Together with Copy of Act for enclosing lands in the Manor of Tregrug in the Parish of Llangibby (Common Coed Y Paen and the Forest). Award dated 16 September 1809. Map attached 1807-1808 |
Q/INCAW/2 An Act for inclosing lands within parishes of Trelleck, Penalt, Mitcheltroy, Cwmcarven, Llandogo, Tintern and Llanishen co. Mon. Commons and Waste lands Manor of Trelleck. Award dated 9 March 1821. Inset Oath of Thomas Full James, Commissioner. Roads concerned:- Trelleck and Redbrook road (Ferry) Mitcheltroy- Penalt Road, Monmouth Whitebrook Road, Trelleck Penyvan Road, Trelleck Tintern Road, Trelleck Llandogo Road, Trelleck Pontsaison Road and Abbey Road, Trelleck, Cwmcarvan and other private roads. Together with index to roads and allotments, and 15 maps lettered A-P. 1809-1810 |
Q/INCAW/3 Provisional Order of the Inclosure Commisioners dated 7 January 1850 under the Act of 8-9 Vict. for the inclosure of Broad Mead, Ready Mead, Cocks Furlong and Barelands situate in the parish of Redwick co. Mon. Award dated 10 April 1852. Confirmed by Commissioners 29 April 1852 1844-1852 |
Q/INCAW/4 Map of the above award Certified by Inclosure Commissioners 29 Apr 1852 |
Q/INCAW/5 Provisional Order of the Inclosure Commissioners under the Annual Inclosure Act of 1850. For inclosing Caldicot Moor, Rogiet Moor, Ben Acre, Common Sea, Earleswood Common, Mynydd Bach and Cwm Wood. In parishes of Caldicot, Undy, Llanfihangel Iuxta Rogiet, Rogiet and Shirenewton. Together with Award dated 12 July 1853 and confirmed 18 August 1853. 1849-1853 |
Q/INCAW/6-7 Map of above award in two parts, confirmed by Commissioners on 18 August 1853 1851-1853 |
Q/INCAW/8 Enclosure Award concerning Undy Great Field, West Field, Benches, Little Benches and Gern Hill situate in the parish of co. mon. Confirmed by inclosure Commissioners on 29 June 1854. Together with map of the above award dated 1854. 27 June 1854 |
Q/INCAW/9 Provisional Order of Inclosure Commisioners for the inclosure of Magor Commonable Fields-Upper Field, Middle Field and Lower Field in the parish of Magor, co. Mon. Confirmed by Improvement Commisoners on 2 September 1854. With map of the above award attached confirmed 2 September 1854. 25 Aug 1854 |
Q/INCAW/10 Provisional Order of the Inclosyre Commisioners for the inclosyre of Rogiet and Minutes Common in the parishes of Rogiet and Llanfihangel Rogiet. Award attached dated 14 July 1855, together with map of the above award both confirmed by the Inclosure Commissioners on 2 August 1855. 14 Jul 1855 |
Q/INCAW/11 Enclosure Award by Provisional Order of teh Inclosure Commissioners. For inclosure of waste lands in the Manors of Magor, and Redwick, Duram and Ragland, Magor and Greenmoor, Salisbury, Magor le Greenmoor and Redwick, Undy and Bishton. In Parishes of Redwick, Wilcrick, Magor, Undy, Bishton and the Hamlet of St. Brides and extra parochial place called Greenmoor. Confirmed by inclosure Commissioners 12 June 1856. 5 Apr 1856 |
Q/INCAW/12-13 Map of Magor le Green Moor, co. Mon. under Inclosure dated 1854. Confirmed 12 June 1856. In two parts 1854 |
Q/INCAW/14 Inclosure by Provisional Order of Commonable Fields called Beesditch, Millfield, Great or West Field, Elm Field, Church Field, Little Field at White Hall situate in the Parish of Caldicot co. Mon. Award dated 30 June 1859. Confirmed by Inclosure Commissioners 28 July 1859. Inclosure Map of Caldicot Common Fields attached. 30 Jun 1859 |
Q/INCAW/15 Inclosure Award by Provisional Order of Whitson Common in the Parish of Whitson, co. Mon. Confirmed by Inclosure Commissioners 30 April 1870. Together with map of the above inclosure attached dated 1869. 6 Apr 1870 |
Q/INCAW/16 Cwmyoy and Llanthony Enclosure. 53 Geo III Award and plan (if any) shall after enclosment as directed by 41 Geo III (re: with one of teh Courts of Record at Westminster, of the Clerk of the Peace) deposited and kept with the parish registers in the church of Cwmyoy. (see Abergavenny 0193) 1812-1813 |
Q/INCAW/17 Recieved of John Morgan of Tredegar esq. his share of the soicitors Bill in inclosing Ifton Common Fields. 1790 |
Fisheries |
Fisheries Papers |
Q/FP/1 Accounts, correspondence etc. Usk, Ebbw & Wye Conservators (Salmon Fisheries Act 1865) 1865-1873 |
Q/FP/2 Certificates and maps, (Fishing district of Usk and Ebbw, Salmon Fisheries Act 1865) (certified copy 29 Sept 1880) 18 Jan 1866 |
Q/FP/3 English Fisheries; Acts 1861+1865 Convictions, Orders for Privilage Enquiries etc. 1866-1871 |
Q/FP/4 Rumney Board of Conservation 1871-1872 |
Q/FP/5 Papers, correspondence etc. Usk, Ebbw and Wye Fisheries Provisional Orders 1908-1909 |
Q/FP/6 Draft Usk Fisheries Provisional Order 1908 Bill to confirm 1908 1908 |
Q/FP/7 Usk & Ebbw Board of Conservation, appointments 1884-1887 Accounts 1900 1884-1900 |
Q/FP/8 Correspondence from Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries 1871 |
Q/FP/9 Accounts, Usk Board of Conservators 1906-1918, 1929-1931 |
Q/FP/10 Misc. Fishery Papers (approx. 35 items) [early 20th century] |
Game Preservation |
Deputations to Gamekeepers |
Q/GD/1 1796-1804 |
Q/GD/2 1798-1803 |
Q/GD/3 1803-1807 |
Q/GD/4 Bundle of Deputations Game Keepers & Duke of Beaufort 1804 (with conviction) 1804, 1823 |
Q/GD/5 Appointment of Gamekeepers re: Kemys Common 6 Dec 1922 |
Q/GD/6 Appointment of Gamekeepers in Monmouthshire 13 Dec 1924 |
Q/GD/7 9 Jan 1862 |
Highways |
Highway Diversions |
Q/HD/1 Plan & order for directors 1816 |
Q/HD/2 Plan of extended of road in Parish of Christchurch 29 Sep 1820 |
Q/HD/3 Map and order, diversion and road in the Parish of Llantillio Crossenny 1821 |
Q/HD/4 Vouchers, Gloucester Herald and Gloucester Journal (mainly stepping up of highways) 1823-1828 |
Q/HD/5 Map, order notice of extension, stopping up of road in Parishes of Penrhos and Llanfihangel 1823-1828 |
Q/HD/6 Plan, Magistrates Certificate and diversion footpaths in the Parish of Raglan 1825 |
Q/HD/7 Order for diverting: 1. Langston Road 2. Christchurch Road with newspaper vouchers 1825 |
Q/HD/8 Map of alteration and relative papers, roads: Hamlet of Clytha 1826 |
Q/HD/9 Map, notices and orders etc. roads to be mapped up: Parish of 1826 |
Q/HD/10 Plan, Magistrates Orders Parish of [Llanarth] and Hamlet of Llananwenarth Citra 1826 |
Q/HD/11 Plan, Magistrates Order and Consent Certificates. Mapping of new leading to Newport-Cardiff road. Parishes of Marshfield, Bassaleg and [Coedkemeur] 1827 |
Q/HD/12 Closure of Pen Y Graig Road on Parish of Llanarth 1823 |
Q/HD/13 Plan, notice etc. stopping up of roads in the parish of Llanthwey Rhytherch 1828 |
Q/HD/14 Plan and relative papers, stopping up of footpath as unnecessary, Parish of Llanover 1828 |
Q/HD/15 Map, Consent Certificates and notices of diversions of roads in the Parishes of Llangibby, Llanhennock, [Tredelerch] 1838 |
Q/HD/16 Map, order, closure of Darren Lane, Pontypool Turnpike and Trosnat: Parish of [Trevethin] 1840 |
Q/HD/17 Map and Magistrates Certificates, clsing of parish road: Llangattock, Caerleon 1841 |
Q/HD/18 Plan and order, notices, diversion of footpath leading from St Woolas Church to Bassaleg 1843 |
Q/HD/19 Plan, Certificate and orders for stepping up road: Parish of Llantillio Crossenny 1844 |
Q/HD/20 Plan and relative papers, closing of unnecessary highways, in the Parish of Penrhos 1846 |
Q/HD/21 Plan of sections, orders, notes on diversion of parish roads from Twyn Cross tp Nant Melyn, Rhymney 1851 |
Q/HD/22 Map and all relative papers, diversion of footpaths, Baneswell to New Barracks: Parish of St Woolas 1855-1856 |
Q/HD/23 Plan and certificate, new road and stopping up Parish of Caldicot 1857 |
Q/HD/24 Diversion, Cwm Station Road Parish of Aberystruth 1857 |
Q/HD/25 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths Malpas 1859 |
Q/HD/26 Map, certificates of view of widening roads Parish of Llanarth 1860 |
Q/HD/27 Plan, notices, consent, reports, orders, diversions for Cefn Tilla footpaths 1861 |
Q/HD/28 Plan, notices, reporst and depositions etc. closing of Leasbrook footpaths Parish of [Dipton] 1862 |
Q/HD/29 Relative papers on closing of footpaths (Sir Thomas Phillips) Parish of Llanfoist 1865 |
Q/HD/30 Plan, relative papers, stepping up as useless Llanwenarth Ultra highway, Govilon to Gilwern, Abergavenny Highway Board Parish of Llanwenarth 1866 |
Q/HD/31 Plan, notices, meeting of depositions, closing of footpaths commencing Brook Dane Parish of Abergavenny 1866 |
Q/HD/32 Plan etc. stepping up as unnecessary, Pucka Road, Chepstow Highway Board Parish of Shirenewton 1868 |
Q/HD/33 Plan, certificate etc. Six Bells Llanhilleth 1868 |
Q/HD/34 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths, Clytha Estate Parish of St Woolas 1868 |
Q/HD/35 Plan and relative papers Llanthony Highway Division & Raglan & Trelleck Highway Board Parish of [Llandewi] 1870 |
Q/HD/36 Plan and relative papers Stow Park diversion of footpath in Newport, Risca Road Newport Highway Board Parish of St Woolas 1870 |
Q/HD/37 Plan and relative papers, Stow Park footpath division Newport-Caerphilly Parish of St Woolas 1871 |
Q/HD/38 Plan and relative papers, Huntfield footpaths Chepstow Local Board, Duke of Beaufort & Raglan fundraiser Parish of Chepstow 1871 |
Q/HD/39 Plan and papers, (Ross-Abergavenny road) Parish of Llantillio Pertholey 1873 |
Q/HD/40 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths Pandy Abergavenny exit Parish of Llanfihangel Crucorney 1873 |
Q/HD/41 Plan and relative papers, diversion and stopping up new road from Abersychan to Twyn Fford Parish of Trevethin 1875 |
Q/HD/42 Plan and relative papers, stopping up, Goytre Road (application refused) Parishes of Newchurch West and Llanyavon Ephiphany 1875 |
Q/HD/43 Plan and papers stopping up Pant Place Road Parish of Llanvertherin Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/HD/44 Plans and relative papers, footpaths proposed to be stopped up Llanfedderch (application) 1875 |
Q/HD/45 Plan and relative papers, stopping up Church Road and footpath Parish of Llantillio Pertholey 1875 |
Q/HD/46 Plan and relative papers, stopping up and diversion of Gellylan footpath Parish of Llantarnam Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/HD/47 Plan and relative papers, stopping up of footpaths etc. Llangattock, Usk Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/HD/48 Plan and relative papers , diversion of footpath Blaenavon to Cwmavon Parish of Llanover 1887 |
Q/HD/49 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway Rockfield Pitch Parish of Rockfield Epiphany 1889 |
Q/HD/50 Application by Rural Sanitary Authority, Bedwellty Union to borrow £6500 New Road Tredegar to Argoed 1889-1890 |
Q/HD/51 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpath Pontyminster Parish of Risca Easter 1890 |
Q/HD/52 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths Eastern Bank of River Usk Parish of Christchurch Midsummer 1892 |
Q/HD/53 Plans and relative papers, stopping up of footpath Waterloo Road to Cardiff Road Parish of St Woolas County Borough of Newport Michaelmas 1892 |
Q/HD/54 Plan and relative papers, footpath running from road from Chepstow to Mathern and Fairfield Parish of Chepstow Ephiphany 1893 |
Q/HD/55 Plan and realtive paper, division of footpath Goldcliff Common to main road, Caerleon, to Pontypool Parish of Llangattock Justa, Caerleon Midsummer 1893 |
Q/HD/56 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath, south side of Roger School Parish of Llanfihangel Midsummer 1893 |
Q/HD/57 Plan and relative papers, division footpath leading from Pontypool to Pontnewynydd Pontypool Michaelmas 1893 |
Q/HD/58 Plan and relative papers. Wye Side Street Division Borough of Monmouth Midsummer 1894 |
Q/HD/59 Plan and realtive papers, division of the footpath near highway from [Pontgore] to [Treowen] leading to Newbridge Parish of Tredunnock Midsummer 1896 |
Q/HD/60 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpath Parish of Bassaleg Midsummer 1896 |
Q/HD/61 Plan and relative papers, stopping up of Speadwell Street, Newport Midsummer 1898 |
Q/HD/62 Plan and relative papers, diversion of highway, Itton Church to Itton Court Stables Parish of Itton Michaelmas 1886 |
Q/HD/63 Misc. papers, diversions Ebbw Vale, Bedwas, Tredegar 1901-1921 |
Q/HD/64 Plan and relative papers, stopping up of road off Church Square, Tredegar (through the Tredegar Iron & Coal Co. LTD.) Tredegar Epiphany 1902 |
Q/HD/65 Plan and relative papers, diversion of provisional highway at Cwm Parish of Ebbw Vale Michaelmas 1901 |
Q/HD/66 Plan and relative papers, diversion of 2 highways Cwmbran Parish of Llanfihangel Lantarnam Easter 1902 |
Q/HD/67 Plans and relative papers, stopping up of footpaths Maesrhuddud near Blackwood Parish of Bedwellty Midsummer 1903 |
Q/HD/68 Application by Magor Rural District Council to borrow £650 Llanwern Parish Road Llanmarti Parish Road Easter 1903 |
Q/HD/69 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths Pillgwenlly County Borough of Newport Midsummer 1904 |
Q/HD/70 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths Trinant Parish of Abercarn Michaelmas 1904 |
Q/HD/71 Plan and relative papers, diversion of road at Wattsville (Cross Keys to Tredegar Junction) Wattsville Easter 1904 |
Q/HD/72 Plans and relative papers, diversion of Coed Y Canddo on main road, Pontyppol to Newport Parish of Llanfihangel Pontymoil Michaelmas 1905 |
Q/HD/73 Plans and relative papers, diversions of highways Parishes of Itton and Hardwick Michaelmas 1905 |
Q/HD/74 Plans and realtive papers, diversion of highway Parish of Christchurch Epiphany 1906 |
Q/HD/75 Plan and relative papers, stopping up of footpath Christchurch to Caerlwon Parish of Christchurch Midsummer 1906 |
Q/HD/76 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpath ffrom Llanfrechfa Lower to Llantarnam Parishes of Llanfrechfa Lower and Llanfihangel Llantarnam Midsummer 1906 |
Q/HD/77 Plans and relative papers, diversion of parish road Cwm Parish of Ebbw Vale Easter 1906 |
Q/HD/78 Plan and relative papers, diversion fo highway leading from Newport to Risca Parishes of St Woolas and Rogerstone Michaelmas 1907 |
Q/HD/79 Plan and relative papers, diversion of road leading from Abercarn to Cwmcarn Parish of Abercarn Michaelmas 1908 |
Q/HD/80 Plan and relative papers, diversion from [Fidds] Road to Barrck Lane County Borough of Newport Michaelmas 1909 |
Q/HD/81 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths, direction of Raglan to village of Tregare Parish of Tregare Michaelmas 1909 |
Q/HD/82 Plan and relative papers, diversion of highway leading from Bedwas to Newport Parish of Machen Lower Michaelmas 1909 |
Q/HD/83 Plan and realtie papers, diversion of highway, Castle Street etc. County Borough of Newport Michaelmas 1909 |
Q/HD/84 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footway at Rhoswen Wharf County Borough of Newport Midsummer 1910 |
Q/HD/85 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footway from Bedwas Church to Glyngwym Parish of Bedwas Easter 1910 |
Q/HD/86 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath from Crumlin Parish of Mynyddislwyn Easter 1910 |
Q/HD/87 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway from Bedwas to Newport Parish of Bedwas Midsummer 1910 |
Q/HD/88 Correspondence, diversion of footpath leading from Caerleon to Ponthir Parish of Caerleon in Urban District of Caerleon Epiphany 1911 |
Q/HD/89 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpath from Caerleon to Ponthir Parish of Caerleon Easter 1911 |
Q/HD/90 Plan and relative papers, diversion of road Alma Street and adjoining Mendalgief Road County Borough of Newport Michaelmas 1911 |
Q/HD/91 Plan and relative papers, diversion road Mendalgeif Road County Borough of Newport Michaelmas 1911 |
Q/HD/92 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath from Fields Road to [Preston Avenue] County Borough of Newport Michaelmas 1911 |
Q/HD/93 Plan and relative papers, diversion of roadway Cwmcarn Parish Church Parish of Abercarn Easter 1912 |
Q/HD/94 Plan and relative papers, to inclosure Westland at Newbridge to recreation ground Parish of Abercarn Michaelmas 1912 |
Q/HD/95 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway from Nantyderry Railway Station to highway from Pontypool Llanfair Kilgeddin Parish of Llanfair Kilggeddin Midsummer 1912 |
Q/HD/96 Plan and relative papers, diversion of public highway from Almhouse Street to Wyende etc. Parish of Monmouth Midsummer 1912 |
Q/HD/97 Plans and papers, stopping up footpath, St Peter's Church, Goytre, (Pontypool to Llanfair Cilgedin) Parish of Goytre Midsummer 1912 |
Q/HD/98 Plans and relative papers, diversion footpath, Abernant Colliery, Farm House Parish of Bedwellty Midsummer 1913 |
Q/HD/99 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway and footpath Pen Y Bont Parish of Abertillery Midsummer 1913 |
Q/HD/100 Plan and relative papers, diversion footway Limekiln Road Parish of Pontypool Michaelmas 1913 |
Q/HD/101 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway Malpas, Henllys and Bettws Parish of Bettws Midsummer 1914 |
Q/HD/102 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath Crumlin to Pontypool (tow paths) Parish of Abersychan Easter 1913 |
Q/HD/103 Plan and relative papers, diversion footway Thurston Road to Spytty Lane, and Nash Road to Spytty Lane County Borough of Newport Easter 1914 |
Q/HD/104 Plan and relative papers, diversion footways Pontypool Road Railway Station to main Pontypool-Newport Road-New Inn Parish of Llanvihangel Pontymoil Midsummer 1915 |
Q/HD/105 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath, Bedwas Parish Church to Twynwaun Road Parish of Bedwas Michaelmas 1915 |
Q/HD/106 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath from main road Pontypool ro Newport, towards Griffithstown and Lower New Innn Parish of Llanvihangel Pontymoil Midsummer 1916 |
Q/HD/107 Plan and relative papers, stopping up of footpaths of staandard superciliary to Parish of River Wye Parish of Llanfod Midsummer 1916 |
Q/HD/108 Plan and relative papers, diversion of footpaths-Bank Avenue Parish of Llanyarvon in Urban District of Chepstow Easter 1920 |
Q/HD/109 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpaths at Wye Parish of Dixton Borough of Monmouthshire Easter 1921 |
Q/HD/110 Plan and relative papers, stopping up Highway Commercial Street and Monk Street, Tredegar Parish of Tredegar Easter 1921 |
Q/HD/111 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath at Wysham Wye and Monmouth Railbrook Road Parish of Borough of Monmouth Midsummer 1921 |
Q/HD/112 Plan and relative papers, diversion Parish Road, Newbridge East side of Newport-Crumlin Canal Michaelmas 1921 |
Q/HD/113 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpaths Pontypool to [Cwmbran] main road Parish of Llanfrechfa Lower Michaelmas 1922 |
Q/HD/114 Plan and relative papers, diversion footway between Prescoch Road and Mount Pleasant Road, Cwmynyscoy Parish of Panteg Michaelmas 1922 |
Q/HD/115 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway, Newbridge From Cwmbran to Croespenmaen Parish of Abercarn Michaelmas 1922 |
Q/HD/116 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway near Cwmcarn Mission Church, Cwmcarn Parish of Abercarn Easter 1923 |
Q/HD/117 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath, New Dixton Road towards Leasbrook Parish of Dixton Borough of Monmouth Midsummer 1924 |
Q/HD/118 Plan and relative papers, diversion of highways Parishes of Mathern, St Pierre, Caerwent Easter 1924 |
Q/HD/119 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath, Parish of Aberystruth Michaelmas 1925 |
Q/HD/120 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath, from Garn Farm, Risca to Tir Y Cwm, Risca Parish of Risca Easter 1925 |
Q/HD/121 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway from Hendre to Newcastle to the church of St Cadoc Parish of Llangattock Vibon Avel Midsummer 1925 |
Q/HD/122 Plan and relative papers, diversion highways Newport to Caldicot Parish of Caldicot Michaelmas 1926 |
Q/HD/123 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath at Argoed, acccess to LMTP Railway Parish of Bedwellty Epiphany 1926 |
Q/HD/124 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath, Newpor Cardiff Road, Rumney Bridge etc. Parish of Rumney Michaelmas 1927 |
Q/HD/125 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath Newport-Cardiff road Parish of Duffryn Easter 1928 |
Q/HD/126 Plan and relative papers, diversion of highway Crick to Shirenewton Parish of Shirenewton Easter 1928 |
Q/HD/127 Plan and relative papers, diversions, highways and proposals Parish of Hellys Epiphany 1930 |
Q/HD/128 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway Downton Road and York Lane Parish of Rumney Epiphany 1930 |
Q/HD/129 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway Downton Road and part of highway, Crumlin Parish of Rumney Epiphany 1930 |
Q/HD/130 Plan and relative papers, diversion footway from Cardiff-Newport roads to Rompney Terrace, Rumney Parish of Rumney Epiphany 1930 |
Q/HD/131 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway, Milk Farm Parish of St Mellons Midsummer 1930 |
Q/HD/132 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpaths near Bassaleg Parish of [Bassaleg] Easter 1931 |
Q/HD/133 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath near Ty Y Maes (Wern Fawr Lane) Parish of St Mellons Michaelmas 1932 |
Q/HD/134 Plan and relative papers, diversion footpath leading across thye public recreation ground (Cwm Y Nant Villas, Cocker Avenue, Cwmbran) Parish of Llanvihangel Llantarnam Epiphany 1932 |
Q/HD/135 Plan and relative papers, diversion highway Caerphilly-Newport Road Parish of Graig Easter 1933 |
Q/HD/136 Certificates, Great Western Railway Acts, 1891, 1895, 1903 Closing of roads from Risca Footpath operator Diversion of road, Rogerstone Wentloog 1893-1913 |
Q/HD/137 Justices certificates as to operations of new highways re: diversion of Ponthir [Road], Newport 19 Jan 1910 |
Q/HD/138 Plans and papers, diversion of footpath leading from Caerleon to Ponthir Epiphany 1911 |
Q/HD/139 Certificates of Justices properly constructed British 24 Sep 1914 |
Q/HD/140 Application to Quarter Sessions for stopping up of highway in Parish of Abercarn 1921 |
Q/HD/141 Plan of two roads proposed to be stopped up (by order of ) in parishes of Marshfield, Michaelstone Y Fedw and Bassaleg 1828 |
Q/HD/142 Highway diversions 1856-1878 |
Q/HD/155-168 155. Runmey 1934 156. Panteg 1937 157. Newport 1937 158. Tredegar 1937 159. Bedwas 1938 160. Monmouth 1938 161. Llanfihangel Llantarnam 1938 162. Llanbadoc 1939 163. Mynyddislwyn 1941 164. Mynyddislwyn 1943 164A. Risca 1944 165. Monmouth 1945 166. Panteg 1945 167. Llanfihangel Llantarnam 1946-1947 168. Newport 1947 1934-1947 |
Q/HD/169-180 169. Abersychan and Pontypool 1947 170. Panteg 1947 171. Dixton 1950 172. Undy and Magor 1951 173. Tredegar 1952 174. Aberystruth 1952 175. Aberystruth 1953 176. Tredegar 1955 177. Tredegar 1955 178. Aberystruth 1957 179. Tredegar 1957 180. Monmouth 1957 1947-1957 |
Q/HD/181 Order of Justices of Newport Borough Magistrates for stopping up part of Liswerry Road which forms a level crossing over the Newport to Severn Tunnel Railway and the diversion of the same along a new highway to be constructed between Baffle Road and Nash Road. Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 26 August 1960 (sec. 108 of Highways Act 1958) Magistrates Certificate of satisfactory completion of new highway 8 December 1960 26 Aug 1960 |
Q/HD/182 Order of Justices of Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division for stopping up part of Neath to Abergavenny road at its junction with North Avenue and Sycamore Avenue, Tredegar, subject to the reservation of a footpath. Plan 20 February 1961. Letter of consent of South Wales Electricity Board 22 February 1961. Letter of consent of Lion cc. Enrolled with Quarter Sessions 29 June 1961 28 Mar 1961 |
Q/HD/183 Order of Justices of Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division for stopping up and diverting part of the Usk-Treharris Road at Maesycwmmer. Plan 5 letters of consent Enrolled with Quarter Sessions 29 June 1961 Entitlement No.3 26 May 1961 |
Q/HD/184 Order of the Justices of Newport (County) Petty Sessional Division for stopping up a portion of the County Class III road as Llanwern Road between the Northern and Southern boundaries of the railway at Llanwern Station. Length 35 yards Plan Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 29 December 1961 Enrolment No.4 1 Dec 1961 |
Q/HD/185 Order of Justices of Newport (County) Petty Sessional Divison for stopping up a portion of the uncalssified county highway known as Decoy Pool Road in the Parish of Llanwern, between the Northern and Southern boundaries of the railway. Length 33 yards Plan Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 29 December 1961 Enrolment no.5 1 Dec 1961 |
Q/HD/186 Order of the Justices of Caerleon Petty Sessional Division for stopping up a portion of the Southern end of Grange Road, Cwmbran and diverting vehicular traffic along the new length of Llantarnam Road. Plan Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 20 June 1962 Enrolment no.6 4 Jun 1962 |
Q/HD/187 Order of the Justices of the Newport County Borough for the stopping up and diversion of the highway at the south west corner of Wheeler's Yard, Cromwell Road. Plan Forms of consent of Florence Beatrice Wheeler and Richard Austen Wheeler Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 2 August 1962 Highway Certificate. Newport Justices 14 February 1963 Enrolment no.7 27 Jul 1962 |
Q/HD/188 Order of the Justices of Abergavenny Petty Sessional Division for stopping up part of a former class I county road west of Pontrhiwgoch Inn, Llanwenarth in the parish of Llanfoist Fawr Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 25 September 1962 Enrolment no.8 15 Aug 1962 |
Q/HD/189 Order of the Magistrates of the Pontypool Petty Sessional Division diverting a part of the uncalssified county road known as Trostra Lane. Consent of application by Monmouthshire County Council, Raymond Gwyn Price, John Evans, Llanbadoc Fawr Parish Council, Pontypool R.D. Council, Pontypool U.D. Council Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 26 September 1962 Enrolment no.9 14 Sep 1962 |
Q/HD/190 Order of the Magistrates of the Chepstow Petty Sessional Division for the stopping up and diverting High Beech Lane, Chepstow (Wye Valley Link Road) Consent of Monmouthshire County Council, J.O. Phelps, B.J. Thomas, A. Hardie Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 29 October 1962 Enrolment no.10 Together with 2 June 1964, Magistrates Certificate of satisfactory completion of the road 11 Sep 1962 |
Q/HD/191 Order of the Magistrates of the Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division for stopping up a length of unnamed highway leading from the junction of Victoria Row and Ebenezer Street and terminating 200ft from its junction with Picton Road. Notice of Tredegar U.D.C. Plan Enrolled at Quarter Sessions 18 March 1964 Enrolment no.11 10 Mar 1964 |
Q/HD/192 Order of Magistrates fo Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division for stopping up part of the highway known as Duncan's Lane, Blackwood from its junction with High Street to the eastern extremity of the railway overbridge. Plan Enrolled 18 November 1964 Enrolment no.12 6 Nov 1964 |
Q/HD/193 Order of the Magistrates of Abergavenny Petty Sessional Division, stopping up for the purpose of all traffic, the unclassified county highway at Nant-Oer, Abergavenny, formerly part of the Newport to Shrewsbury truck road, of a length of 13 miles Plan and consents Enrolled 2 September 1966 Enrolment no.13 Aug 10 1966 |
Q/HD/194 Order of the Magistrates of the Newport (County) Petty Sessional Division for stopping up and diverting 200ft of the county Class III road 27-12 formerly part of High Cross Lane, Rogerstone Plan Consents Enrolled 8 September 1966 Enrolment no. 14 12 Aug 1966 |
Q/HD/195 Highways Act 1959, Section 108. Order for the stopping up of a highway in particular the Chippenhamgate Street, Monmouth for a distance of 84yds in N.W. direction from its junction with the proposed new trunk road to be provided in pursuance of the Newport-Monmouth-Ross on Wye-Wocester Trunk Road (Monmouth, Gibralter and Mitchel Troy Diversion) Order, 1963, subject to reservation of a footpath. With plan, 2 letters, and a copy/letters Enrolled: 3 October 1966, No. 15 14 Sep 1966 |
Q/HD/196 Section 108 Highways Act, 1959 Section 45 Magistrates Courts Act, 1952 Order to stop up or divert highway beings a public footpath leading from a point at the eastern end of the subway under the railway line opposite Pengam Primary School in Commercial Street, to a point immediately north of Woodland Place, Pengam, and to stop up that part of the former highway between said points. With 2 plans and correspondence Enrolled 1 August 1967 No.16 14 Jul 1967 |
Q/HD/197 Section 108 Highways Act 1959 Section 45 Magistrates Courts Act 1952 Order to stop up or divert highway, being 2 public footpaths leading from Route A4049 to a point some 50 yards west of the ropute where they converge and lead as a single footpath to a point immediately to the east of the entrance to Pengam Colliery in High Street, Pengam, to be stopped up since they are considered unnecessary. With 2 plans and correspondence Enrolled 1 August 1967 No. 17 14 Jul 1967 |
Q/HD/198 Tredegar Order of the Magistrates of Bedwellty Petty Sessional Division for stopping up the footway fronting Nos. 5 to 35 inclusive, Park Hill, Tredegar (Route B4256) Plan Consents Enrolled 23 November 1967 Enrolment No. 18 17 Oct 1967 |
Q/HD/199 Ifton Order of teh Magistrates of Chepstow Petty Sessional Division for stopping up part of route B4245-Langstone/Magor/St. Pierre at the junction with Dewston Road, Ifton, Rogiet Consents, plans, correspondence Enrolled 4 December 1967 Enrolment No. 19 7 Nov 1967 |
Q/HD/200 Malpas Order of the Magistrates of Newport County Borough, stopping up and diverting part of Yewberry Lane etc. at the junction with Pillmoor Road Consent, plan, correspondence Enrolled 1 April 1968 Enrolment No.20 Certificate of 2 Justices of satisfactory completion of new highway. Dated 3 April 1968, enrolled 4 April 1968 15 Mar 1968 |
Q/HD/201 Order of Justices of Peace, Petty Sessional Division of Bedwellty, stopping up part of Shop Row, Blaina Consent, plan, correspondence Enrolled: 24 May 1968 Enrolment No. 21 26 Apr 1968 |
Q/HD/202 Order of the Magistrates of Newport County Borough, stopping up and diverting part of Lawrence Hill in the Borough of Newport 3 consents, plan (attached to Order), correspondence Enrolled: 19 September 1968 Enrolment No. 22 9 Sep 1968 |
Q/HD/203 Order of the Abergavenny Magistrates for stopping up part of the former course of Tudor Street, Abergavenny containing 390 sq. yds Consents (4), plan, correspondence Enrolled : 31 December 1968 Enrolment No. 23 4 Dec 1968 |
Q/HD/204 Order of Bedwellty Magistrates for stopping up Well Road, Cwmcarn, for a distance of 200 yards Plan Enrolled: 18 March 1969 Enrolment No.24 27 Feb 1969 |
Q/HD/205 Order of Abergavenny Magistrates stopping up 274 yards of the highway at Llanfoist known as Llanfoist Village Road at the Cutting, from its junction with the A4143 Plan, consents Enrolled: 11 June 1969 Enrolment No.25 23 Apr 1969 |
Q/HD/206 Order of Bedwelly Magistrates for stopping up the public footpath leading from land adjoining 51 Warne St., Fleur De Lis, to the county highway leading from A4049 to Bryn Road, Blackwood Plan Enrolled: 17 June 1969 Enrolment No.26 16 May 1969 |
Q/HD/207 Order of Bedwellty Magistrates for stopping up the public footpath (F.P. 372) leading from a point on the county hyighway known as Trelyn Lane approximately opposite Darren House to the boundary of the U.D.C. (Fleur De Lis) Plan Consent (also for H.D. 206) Enrolled: 17 June 1969 Enrolment No. 27 16 May 1969 |
Q/HD/208 Order of Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up the footpath near the Battery Hatch Abbatoir at Gellihaf Plan Enrolled: 24 July 1969 No. 28 18 Jul 1969 |
Q/HD/209 Order of Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up and diverting Public Footpath No.91 at "The Common" at Pontllanfraith Plan, consent Enrolled: 18 August 1969 Enrolment No.69 1 Aug 1969 |
Q/HD/210 Order of Bedwellty Magistrates stopping uip three footpaths, nos 46, 45 and 44 at Aberbargoed Plan, consent Enrolled 2 March 1970 Enrolment No. 30 11 Feb 1970 |
Q/HD/211 Order of Bedwellty Magistrates stopping uo parts of Collier Row, Ebbw Vale Plan, consent, correspondence Enrolled 17 March 1970 Enrolment No.31 12 Mar 1970 |
Q/HD/212 Order of the Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up the highway surrounding Colliers Row, Blaina, to a distance of 450ft Plan Enrolled: 1 May 1970 Enrolment No.32 10 Apr 1970 |
Q/HD/213 Order of the Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up part of the River Row, Blaina, for a distance of 122ft Plan Enrolled: 16 July 1970 Enrolment No.33 8 May 1970 |
Q/HD/214 Order of the Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up and diverting parts of the road known as Factory Approach Road, Cwmcarn, and the substitution of a new road Plan, consent Enrolled: 21 September 1970 Enrolment No.34 13 Aug 1970 |
Q/HD/215 Order of the Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up the highway at Fair View Bungalows, Ashvale, Tredegar Plan Enrolled: 7 Jan 1971 Enrolment No.35 15 Dec 1970 |
Q/HD/216 Order of the Bedwellty Magistrates stopping up and diverting part of the highway leading from Tredegar to Newport (A4048) near Pochin Colliery Consent, plan Enrolled: 7 January 1971 Enrolment No.36 15 Dec 1970 |
Q/HD/217 Order of the Abergavenny Magistrates stopping up part of the highway formerly known as Tudor Street, Abergavenny Plan, consents (4) Enrolled: 15 June 1971 Enrolment No.37 26 May 1971 |
Magistrates Highway Certificates |
Q/MHC/1 File of proceedings in diverting a road Transferred to highway diversion class 1789-1792 |
Q/MHC/2 Highway certificates 1792-1796 |
Q/MHC/3 Highway presentments and certificates 1796-1807 |
Q/MHC/4 Highway certificates, release etc. 1800-1801 |
Q/MHC/5 Magistrates Highway Certificates 1802 |
Q/MHC/6 Certificates etc. on turning the road in the Parishes of Monmouth and Wonastow Transferred to highwahy diversion class Midsummer 1806 |
Q/MHC/7 Magistrates Certificates, that 7 roads, Trelleck area are properly made under trelleck Re-inclosure Acts, 50 Geo III 1816 |
Q/MHC/8 Closing public highways (transferred to Highway Diversion Class) 1828 |
Q/MHC/9 Stopping of unnecessary highway, Usk, Bark Lane (transferred to Highway Diversion Class) 1829 |
Q/MHC/10 Misc. Highway Certificates 1841-1873 |
Q/MHC/11 Magistrates Certificates of Roads, Magor and Great Moor Inclosure May 1856 |
Q/MHC/12 Magistrates Order for diversion of Highway in the Parish of Aberystruth (undated), and ordered to pay 6d rate, for conpensation (transferred to Highway Diversion Class) [19th century] |
Q/MHC/13 Magistrates Highway Certificates and other papers relative to highways and footpaths (approx. 4 items) [19th century] |
Turnpike Trust Returns |
Q/TTR/1 Bundle of Turnpike Trust Returns (made 1834) 1825-1833 |
Q/TTR/2 Bundle of correspondence and returns 1832-1833 |
Q/TTR/3 Correspondence re: Returns of Turnpike Trusts 1832-1833 |
Q/TTR/4 Bundle of general statements, income and expenditure, Turnpike Trusts, and estimated expense 1832-1839 |
Q/TTR/5 Bundle of annual statements, Turnpike Trusts (including Abergavenny Improvement Committee) 1839-1862 |
Q/TTR/6 Reports, Turnpike Trusts, correspondence etc. 1840-1855 |
Q/TTR/7 Annual Returns Various Turnpike Trusts 1841-1870 |
Q/TTR/8 General Statements, Turnpike Trusts, Water Works 1849-1867 |
Q/TTR/9 General Statements of income and expenditure: Newport (Mon.) Turnpike Trust (incomplete) 1855-1879 |
Q/TTR/10 (approx. 23 items) 1870-1875 |
Highway Act Returns |
Q/HAR/1 Returns, orders, correspondence, and petitions on Application of Highway Act 1862 (1 bundle) 1861-1868 |
Q/HAR/2 Returns, applications, memorials on Highway Act 1878 1878-1880 |
Q/HAR/3 Returns to circular from Clerk fo Peace, Monmouthsire from English and Welsh Counties on inspection of main roads 1880 |
Accounts of Local Authorities |
Q/ACCLA/1 Stetements: Abergavenny Improvement Commissoners (incomplete) 1854-1864 |
Q/ACCLA/2 Various Local Authorites etc (roads) 1878-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/3 Local Authorites (Roads) 1879-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/4 Various Local Authorities (Roads) 1879-1883 |
Q/ACCLA/5 Newport Highway Board 1879-1884 |
Q/ACCLA/6 Various Urban Authorties (Roads) 1880 |
Q/ACCLA/7 Abersychan Urban District (Roads) 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/8 Caerleon Urban Board 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/9 Chepstow Urban Authority 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/10 Accounts, Llanhilleth Highway Board 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/11 Monmouth Urban Authority (Roads) 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/12 Monmouth and Skenfrith Highway Board 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/13 Mynyddyslwyn Highway Board 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/14 Pontypool-Usk Highway Board 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/15 Various Urban Authorities (Roads) 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/16 Various Urban Authorities etc. (Roads) 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/17 Caerleon Highway Board 1880-1883 |
Q/ACCLA/18 Christchurch Highway Board 1880-1883 |
Q/ACCLA/19 Newport Urban Authority (Roads) 1880-1883 |
Q/ACCLA/20 Usk Urban Board 1881-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/21 Newport Urban Sanitary Authority 1883-1887 |
Q/ACCLA/22 Abergavenny Highway Board 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/23 Abersychan Local Board 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/24 Caerleon Urban Sanitary Authority 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/25 Christchurch Highway Board County Authorities 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/26 Monmouth Urban Sanitary Authority 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/27 Newport Highway Board County Authority's Account 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/28 Pontypool Local Board 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/29 Usk Local Board 1883-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/30 Llanhilleth Highway Board 1884-1885 |
Q/ACCLA/31 Mynyddysllwyn Highway Board 1884-1887 |
Q/ACCLA/32 Chepstow Highway Board 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/33 Caerleon Highway Authority 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/34 Chepstow Urban Authority 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/35 Christchurch Urban Sanitary Authority 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/36 Monmouth and Skenfrith Highway Board 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/37 Panteg Urban Sanitary Authority 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/38 Pontypool and Usk Highway Board 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/39 Raglan-Trelleck Highway Board 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/40 Risca Local Board 1884-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/41 Llamtarnam Local Board 1885-1888 |
Q/ACCLA/42 Accounts of Local Authorities Abertillery Urban District Council 1909 |
Q/ACCLA/43 Main Road and expenses of maintenance (Severn Highway Districts) Oct 1878-Sep 1879 |
Q/ACCLA/44 Statement of receipts and expenditure for Parishes and Hamlets in Highway District of Pontypool and Usk 31 Dec 1866 |
Q/ACCLA/45 Quarterly Accounts: Raglan and Trelleck Highway Board 1880-1882 |
Q/ACCLA/46 Christchurch Urban Authority 25 Dec 1882 |
Q/ACCLA/47 Pontypool and Usk Highway District 1875 |
Q/ACCLA/48 Auditors Certificates for various Local Authorities 1882 |
Q/ACCLA/49 Accounts of Local Authorities Auditors Certificates for various Local Authorities 1883 |
Q/ACCLA/50 Auditors Certificates for various Local Authorities 1884 |
Q/ACCLA/51 Accounts of Local Authorities Auditors Certificates for various Local Authorities 1885 |
Q/ACCLA/52 Accounts of Local Authorities Auditors Certificates for various Local Authorities 1886 |
Q/ACCLA/53 Accounts of Local Authorities Auditors Certificates for various Local Authorities 1887 |
Q/ACCLA/54 Accounts of Local Authorities Auditors Certificates of various Local Authorities 1888 |
Q/ACCLA/55 Accounts of Local Authorities 1874-1883 |
Q/ACCLA/56 Accounts of Local Authorities Caerleon Local Board (transferred from Q..S.P&R-116) 1881-1883 |
Jurors |
Jury Lists |
Q/JL/1 Petty Sessional Division of Abergavenny 1893 |
Q/JL/2 Petty Sessional Division of Bedwellty 1893 |
Q/JL/3 Petty Sessional Division of Caerleon 1893 |
Q/JL/4 Petty Sessional Division of Chepstow 1893 |
Q/JL/5 Petty Sessional Division of Monmouth 1893 |
Q/JL/6 Petty Sessional Division of Newport 1893 |
Q/JL/7 Petty Sessional Division of Pontypool 1893 |
Q/JL/8 Petty Sessional Division of Raglan 1893 |
Q/JL/9 Petty Sessional Division of Skenfrith 1893 |
Q/JL/10 Petty Sessional Division of Trelleck 1893 |
Q/JL/11 Petty Sessional Division of Usk 1893 |
Grand Jury Lists |
Q/GJL/1 Lists of Grand Jury with those marked who have served the Office of Sheriff (with letter from Council Office, Whitehall, dated 26 July 1824) for Assize Judges 1824-1847 |
Licensing |
Alehouse Recognizances |
Q/AR/1 Abergavenny Upper Division 1810 |
Q/AR/2 Various Hundreds 1811 |
Q/AR/3 Abergavenny Upper and Usk Lower (taken from bundle of Land Tax Assessments) 1812 |
Q/AR/4 Various Hundreds 1813 |
Q/AR/5 Various Hundreds 1815 |
Q/AR/6 Abergavenny Sep 1815 |
Q/AR/7 Usk Upper 8 Sep 1815 |
Q/AR/8 Wentloog Lower and Upper, Skenfrith, Raglan Lower and Upper (taken from bundle of Land Tax Assessments) 1815 |
Q/AR/9 Hundreds of Skenfrith, Raglan Lower and Upper (taken from bundles of Land Tax Assessments) 1824-1825 |
Registers |
Q/MISCB/5 Register of Licences (Beer Houses and Wine Certificates) Bedwellty Division 3 Sep 1875-30 Aug 1878 |
Q/MISCB/6 Particulars of Licensed Houses This vol. contains details post 1901 with notations concerning licences 'not renewed' down to c.1914. Includes Petty Sessional Divisions of Abergavenny, Bedwellty, Caerleon, Chepstow, Monmouth, Newport, Pontypool, Raglan, Skenfrith, Trelleck, Usk [Early 20th century] |
Q/MISCB/7 Register of Habitual Drunkeness 6 Jan 1903-27 Apr 1910 |
Q/MISCB/8 Licensing Act 1904 Register of Licences Referred 25 Mar 1905-27 Mar 1909 |
Q/MISCB/9 Licensing Act 1904 Registers of Licences Referred 12 Mar 1910-29 Mar 1912 |
Lunacy |
Lunatic Returns |
Q/LR/1 List of all lunatics (9 Geo IV Cap 40) Returns of Overseers 1829 9 Geo IV repealed by 8 & 9 Vict. c.126 8 & 9 V. c.126 Sec. XLVII List of Pauper Lunatics in asylums to be made half yearly and copy to cap. Sec. XLVII guardians to make Annual Returns of lunatics 8 & 9 Vic. c.126 repealed 16 & 17 Vict. c.97 (1853) and secs. re-enacted by secs. LXIII and LXIV repealed 53-54 Vict. c.5 s.342 (1890) 1829 |
Q/LR/2 Lunatic Returns with summary for County 1829 |
Q/LR/3 From parishes with no Lunatics 1829 |
Q/LR/4 Lunatic Returns 1831 |
Q/LR/5 Lunatic Returns 1837 |
Q/LR/6 Lunatic Returns 1837 |
Q/LR/7 Lunatic Returns 1837 |
Q/LR/8 Lunatic Returns 1838 |
Q/LR/9 Mainly Parishes-Hundred of Abergavenny 1838 |
Q/LR/10 1839 |
Q/LR/11 Caerleon DW 1839 |
Q/LR/12 Lunatic Returns 1840 |
Q/LR/13 Lunatic Returns 1841 |
Q/LR/14 Lunatic Returns 1841 |
Q/LR/15 Monmouth Returns 1841 |
Q/LR/16 Unopened 1841 |
Q/LR/17 Returns from various Unions 1842-1846 |
Q/LR/18 Various districts 1847 |
Q/LR/19 Lunacy Quarterly Returns Sessions 1848 |
Q/LR/20 Papers relating to Lunatic Returns and correspondence thereon Includes: Report of Committee as to Militia Store expenditure 1853; Joint Counties Asylum-Reports and Accounts; Papers re: Mortages of the County Rates to fund the erection of a Lunatic Asylum; Joint Counties Asylum-Architects Reports 1848-1855 |
Q/LR/21 Lunatic Returns for various Unions 1849 |
Q/LR/22 Quarterly Lunatic Returns for various districts 1850 |
Q/LR/23 Various unions 1851 |
Q/LR/24 Returns of Lunatics for various Unions also: January 1856 Return pf Lunatics in County Asylum 1856-1856-Lunatic Asylum Reports 1855-1856-Certificates of Death 1851-1859 |
Q/LR/25 Various Unions 1852 |
Q/LR/26 Various Unions 1852-1870 |
Q/LR/27 Various Unions 1853 |
Q/LR/28 Various Unions 1854 |
Q/LR/29 Various Unions Returns 1857-1865 |
Q/LR/30 Various Unions 1858 |
Q/LR/31 Various Unions Returns of Lunatics 1864 |
Q/LR/32 Returns of Lunatics-Various Unions 1866 |
Q/LR/33 Returns: Various Unions 1867-1868 |
Q/LR/34 Returns: Various Unions 1869 |
Q/LR/35 Monmouth Union 1870 |
Q/LR/36 Abergavenny Union Jan 1871 |
Q/LR/37 Various Unions 1871 |
Q/LR/38 Lunatic Returns (also one for 1870) Also-General Statement of Receipts & Expenditure on Account of Highways in Monmouth and Skenfrith district-year ending 31 Dec 1875 1876 |
Q/LR/39 Returns pf Lunatics: Various Union 1877 |
Q/LR/40 Various Unions (also 1874 Bedwellty) 1877-1878 |
Q/LR/41 Various Unions 1878-1880 |
Q/LR/42 Various Unions 1880 |
Q/LR/43 Various Unions (also three for 1850) Dec 1881 |
Q/LR/44 Returns of Lunatics for various Unions Jan 1883 |
Q/LR/45 Returns of Lunatics Jan 1884 |
Q/LR/46 Various Unions Returns Jan 1885 |
Q/LR/47 Various Unions Jan 1886 |
Q/LR/48 Various Unions Jan 1887 |
Q/LR/49 Lunatic Returns 1888 |
Q/LR/50 Newport Union 1888 |
Q/LR/51 Various Unions 1889 |
Q/LR/52 Lunatic Returns 1890 |
Q/LR/53 Various Unions 1 Jan 1892 |
Q/LR/54 Various Unions 1 Jan 1894 |
Q/LR/55 Crickhowell and Dore Unions 1895 |
Q/LR/56 Various Unions 1 Jan 1895 |
Q/LR/57 Various Unions 1 Jan 1896 |
Q/LR/58 Various Unions 1 Jan 1897 |
Q/LR/59 Various Unions 1 Jan 1898 |
Q/LR/60 Various Unions 1 Jan 1899 |
Q/LR/61 Various Unions 1 Jan 1900 |
Q/LR/62 Various Unions 1 Jan 1901 |
Q/LR/63 Various Unions 1902 |
Q/LR/64 Various Unions 1903 |
Q/LR/65 Various Unions 1 Jan 1904 |
Q/LR/66 Various Unions 1 Jan 1905 |
Q/LR/67 Various Unions 1 Jan 1906 |
Q/LR/68 Various Unions 1 Jan 1907 |
Q/LR/69 Various Unions 1908 |
Q/LR/70 Various Unions 1909 |
Q/LR/71 Various Unions 1 Jan 1910 |
Q/LR/72 Chepstow Union and Newport Union 1899 |
Q/LR/73 Lunatics Returns, includes Asylum Returns 1872, 1875 and misc. papers re: asylum (approx. 35 items) 1850-1875 |
Lunatic Returns-Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum, Abergavenny |
Q/LRA/1 1853-1855 |
Q/LRA/2 1853-1863 |
Q/LRA/3 1865-1866 |
Q/LRA/4 1870-1871 |
Q/LRA/5 1876-1878 |
Q/LRA/6 1880-1886 |
Q/LRA/7 1884-1885 |
Q/LRA/8 1886-1889 |
Annual Reports of the Committee of Visitors |
Q/PRE/12 Joint Lunatic Asylum, Abergavenny Annual Reports of the Committee of Visitors (Printed Volume) 1871-1879 |
Q/PRE/13 Joint Lunatic Asylum, Abergavenny Annual Reports of the Committee of Visitors (Printed volume) 1880-1890 |
Q/PRE/14 Joint Lunatic Asylum, Abergavenny Annual Reports of the Committee of Visitors (Printed volume) 1891-1903 |
Public Undertakings |
Highways 1771 |
Canals 1791 |
Tramroads 1801 |
River Improvements 1805 |
Water Supply |
Docks 1835 |
Railways 1837 |
Local Government 1854 |
Gas 1855 |
Street Tramways 1871 |
Electricity 1883 |
Markets 1891 |
Sewerage 1903 |
Railless Electric Traction 1913 |
Omnibus Services 1926 |
Severn Bridge 1935 |
Acts of Parliament Deposited 1797-1926 |
Q/AOFPD/1 Railway and Canals 1797-1873 |
Q/AOFPD/2 Pontypool and Usk Turnpike Act 59 Geo III 1819 |
Q/AOFPD/3 Railway 1845-1877 |
Q/AOFPD/4 Orders and Acts deposited and filed (mainly Railway) 1852-1876 |
Q/AOFPD/5 Highways Act 1878 |
Q/AOFPD/6 Great Western Railway Act 1881 |
Q/AOFPD/7 Abergavenny Improvement Acts 1854-1880 |
Q/AOFPD/8 Acts of Parliament deposited 1880-1895 |
Q/AOFPD/9 Great Western Railway 1894-1926 |
Q/AOFPD/10 1898-1899 |
Q/AOFPD/11 Penllwyn Railway Act 1906 |
Q/AOFPD/12 1910-1915 |
Q/AOFPD/13 Act to continue Abergavenny Turnpike Trust 1863 |
Q/AOFPD/14 Acts of Parliament (Railway) 1863-1866 |
Q/AOFPD/15 Acts of Parliament London and North Western Railway Act 1906 |
Q/AOFPD/16 Acts of Parliament deposited Great Western Railway Act 1926 8 Dec 1926 |
Q/AOFPD/18 1852-1854 |
Q/AOFPD/19 British Transport Docks Act 1967 Chapter XXXI 1967 |
Inquisitions and Warrants |
Q/I&W/1 South Wales Railway and Canal Co. rights re: Ben Acre in the Parish of Caldicot 1848 |
Q/I&W/2 Inquisitions and Sheriffs Warrants (with plans) 1848-1857 |
Q/I&W/3 Inquisition (Order of Sirhowy Railway Act 1868) Sirhowy Railway Co. Rev. Thomas, Rev. George and Charles Prothero Apr 13 1866 |
Q/I&W/4 Monmouthsire Railway and Canal, Fhos-Anthony 1867 |
Q/I&W/5 Newport Corporation (as Local Board of Health) 1871 |
Q/I&W/6 Monmouthshire Railway & Canal Co. (Blaina Inn) 1878 |
Book of Proceedings |
Q/MISCB/1 Book of Proceedings under the Monmouthsire Canal Act 23 Jun 1795-6 Aug 1795 |
Q/MISCB/3 Book of Proceedings under the Monmouthshire Canal Act Meeting held 30 May 1798 30 May 1798 |
Enrolment Books |
Q/ENRB/3 Deeds relating to Buikwick & Abergavenny Navigation 30 Jan 1803-4 Jul 1804 |
Accounts of Statutory or Public Companies |
Q/ACCPC/1 Statement of Accounts Newport Gas Light Co. 31 Dec 1843-31 Dec 1861 |
Q/ACCPC/2 Balance sheets and statements of accounts for various Gas, Water and Dock Companies 1848-1879 |
Q/ACCPC/3 Misc. accounts Statutory Co. Gas & Docks 1854-1880 |
Q/ACCPC/4 Reports of Accounts Newport & Pillgwenlly Water Works Co. 1864-1878 |
Q/ACCPC/5 Bundle of repots Gas & Water Companies 1878-1888 |
Q/ACCPC/6 Gas & Water Co. 1890-1901 |
Q/ACCPC/7 Misc. papers 1891-1935 |
Q/ACCPC/8 Pontypool Gas & Water Co. 1902-1904 |
Q/ACCPC/9 Newport (Mon) Gas Co. 1902-1908 |
Q/ACCPC/10 Pontypool Gas & Water Co. 1907-1915 |
Q/ACCPC/11 Usk Waterworks 1908-1913 |
Q/ACCPC/12 Newport (Mon) Gas Company 31 Dec 1908-1 Dec 1928 |
Q/ACCPC/13 Chepstow Water Co. 1908-1928 |
Q/ACCPC/14 1908-1928 |
Q/ACCPC/15 Blaenavon Gas & Water Co. LTD 1909-1928 |
Q/ACCPC/16 Various 1910-1928 |
Q/ACCPC/17 Cardiff Gas Light & Coke Co. 1922-1928 |
Q/ACCPC/18 Chepstow Gas Co. Report of Directors & Statement of Accounts 1928-1930 |
Q/ACCPC/19 Newport (Mon) Gas Company Report of Directors & Statement of Accounts 1929-1935 |
Q/ACCPC/20 Rhymney Aber Gas Company Directors Report & Statement of Accounts 1929-1935 |
Q/ACCPC/21 Cardiff Gas Light & Coke Co. Report of Directors & Statement of Accounts 1929-1935 |
Q/ACCPC/22 Gloucester Justices Statement of Income and Expenditure 1930-1936 |
Q/ACCPC/23 Newport (Mon) Gas Company 1879 |
Q/ACCPC/24 Accounts of Statutory or Public Companies Statement of Accounts Chepstow Water Company 1939, 1942-1943, 1945-1947, 1948, 1949-1950, 1950 |
Q/ACCPC/25 Accounts of Statutory or Public Companies Statement of Accounts Gloucester Harbour Justices 1941-1949, 1951-1952 |
Q/ACCPC/26 Accounts of Statutory and Public Companies Statement of Accounts Rhymney and Aber Gas Company 1939, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1948 |
Q/ACCPC/27 Accounts of Statutory and Public Companies Statement of Accounts Pontypool Gas and Water Company also Pontypool Gas and Water Company Act: 8-9 Geo IV secs 1944-1945, Bill 4-5 ELIY II Sesc 1955-1956 1937, 1943-1948, 1951-1952 |
Q/ACCPC/28 Statement of Accounts Cardiff Gas Light and Coke Company 1940-1948 |
Q/ACCPC/29 Statement of Accounts Newport (Mon) Gas Company 1940-1948 |
Q/ACCPC/30 Statement of Accounts Monmouth Gas and Water Works Company Ltd 1940, 1949 |
Q/ACCPC/31 Usk Board of Conservators, Comparative Statement 1940, 1941, 1942 South Wales Electric Power Special Order 1944 Caldicot & Districts Gas Light and Coke Company Ltd 1938 1938-1944 |
Q/ACCPC/32 Reports, statements of accounts and balance sheets of various Public Companies, Gas and Water Works 1900-1908 |
Q/ACCPC/33 1871-1879 |
Q/ACCPC/34 Report of Directors and accounts of the Pontypool Gas and Water Company 1953-1958 |
Q/ACCPC/35 Report of Directors and Statement of Accounts of the Chepstow Water Company 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957 |
Q/ACCPC/36 Annual Report and statement of accounts of the Newport, Chepstow and Ebbw Vale Building Society 1952-1953 |
Q/ACCPC/37 Annual statement of accounts of Gloucester Harbour Justices 1953, 1955 |
Religion |
Sacrament Certificates |
Q/SC/1 1795-1800 |
Q/SC/2 1798-1803 |
Q/SC/3 1800-1806 |
Certificates of Oaths etc. Dissenters, Catholics and Meeting Places |
Q/COFOD/1 1789-1794 |
Q/COFOD/2 Petition of Oath resided Michaelmas 1837 |
Q/COFOD/3 Certificates of Oaths of Ministers, inverting places of worth 1839-1849 |
Q/COFOD/4 1863 |
Oaths and Declarations |
Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration (by virtue of 1 Geo. I st.2 c.13 (1714) ) 1763-1804 |
Declaration against Transubstantiation (by virtue of 25 Chas. II c. 25 (1673) ) 1763-1811 |
Papists Oath of Allegiance by virtue of 18 Geo III c. 60 (1778) 1778-1803 |
Roll of Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration 1764 |
Oaths and Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration and Declartion against Transubstantiation 1812-1829 |
Oaths and Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration and Declaration against Transubstantiation, together with the Declaration required by the Act 9 Geo. IV c 17 (1828) (for repealing the necessity of recieving the Sacrement as a qualification for certain offices and employments) 1829-1855 |
Declaration under 9 Geo. IV c.17 1828-1848 |
Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration under 9 Geo. IV C.7 (Act for the Relief of Roman Catholics) 1848 |
Declarations under 9 Geo. IV c.17 1855-1866 |
Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration anf Declaration under 9 Geo. IV c.17 1855-1858 |
Oaths of Allegiance pursuant to 21 & 22 Vict. c.48 (1858) and Declaration under 9 Geo. IV c.17 1859-1867 |
Oaths of Allegiance pursuant to 30 & 31 Vict. c.75 (1867) and Declarations under 9 Geo. IV c.17 1867-1869 |
Oaths of Allegiance pursuant to 31 & 32 Vict. c.72 (1868) 1869-1881 |
Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy and Abjuration pursuant to 18 & 19 Vict. c.86 (1855)-An Act for the Releif of Roman Catholics (2 oaths only) n.d. (1 vol) |
Q/OD/1 1763-1810 |
Q/OD/2 1764 |
Q/OD/3 Qualifications of Deputy Lieutenants, 13 July 1803-27 April 1808 Qualifications of Justices, 13 July 1803-3 October 1810 13 Jul 1803-3 Oct 1810 |
Q/OD/4 "Book of Oaths", oath taken 15 January 1812-19 March 1856 Qualification Oaths of Justices, 17 August 1812 to (undated) 15 Jan 1812-19 Mar 1856 |
Q/OD/5 Oaths under 9 Geo IV cap. 17 of Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Clergy, Lord Lieutenant from Trinity Sessions 1828-1853 (some undated) Oaths under Act for Relief of Roman Catholic (some undated) 1828-1853 |
Q/OD/6 Oath Book for Justices of Peace, Clergy etc. (9 Geo III. Cap. 17) 2 Jul 1855 |
Q/OD/7 Oath Book, Clergy, Sheriff etc. 2 Jul 1855-28 Jun 1881 |
Q/OD/8 Oaths under Act for Relief of Roman Catholic May 1855 |
Q/OD/9 Qualification Oaths, Guardians of Peace Jun 1880 |
Q/OD/10 Magistrates Qualifications Oath 2 Jan 1901 |
Q/OD/11 Magistrates Qualifications Oath 3 Jul 1901-4 Jul 1906 |
Q/OD/12 1849-1872 |
Societies |
Friendly Society Rules |
Q/FSR/1 Rules and regulations 9 Jun 1794 |
Q/FSR/2 1794-1799 |
Q/FSR/3/1-12 1794 |
Q/FSR/4/1-10 1795-1798 |
Q/FSR/5/1-13 1800-1812 |
Q/FSR/6/1-14 1806-1809 |
Q/FSR/7/1-15 1808-1809 |
Q/FSR/8 Female Society, Monmouthsire (concerning 1802) Taken from Land Tax Assessments 1809 |
Q/FSR/9/1-14 1810-1811 |
Q/FSR/10 1811-1812 |
Q/FSR/11 1813-1814 |
Q/FSR/12 1815-1816 |
Q/FSR/13 1817 |
Q/FSR/14 1818-1819 |
Q/FSR/15 1804-1806 |
Q/FSR/16 1820-1822 |
Q/FSR/17 1822-1830 |
Q/FSR/18 1823-1824 |
Q/FSR/19 Memorials 1823-1829 |
Q/FSR/20 1825 |
Q/FSR/21 Court Orders and calculations of Friendly Societies 1825-1828 |
Q/FSR/22 1826 |
Q/FSR/23 1827 |
Q/FSR/24 1828 |
Q/FSR/25 1829-1830 |
Q/FSR/26 Returns of Friendly & Building Societies 1850-1869 |
Friendly Society Bonds |
Q/FSB/1 1794-1799 |
Q/FSB/2 1800-1809 |
Q/FSB/3 1810-1819 |
Q/FSB/4 1819-1847 |
Q/FSB/5 1820-1829 |
Q/FSB/6 1830-1839 |
Q/FSB/7 1840-1849 |
Q/FSB/8 1858-1859 |
Q/FSB/9 1865 |
Q/FSB/10 Llantarnam Benefit Society 27 Sep 1850 |
Savings Bank Rules |
Q/SBR/1 1817-1819 |
Q/SBR/2 Chepstow Savings Bank 1819 |
Q/SBR/3 Caerleon, Monmouth & Pontypool 1829-1832 |
Benefit Building Society Rules |
Q/BBSR/1 Usk Benefit Building Society 1860 |
Masonic Lodges Returns |
Q/MLR/1 1881-1891 |
Q/MLR/2 1894-1897 |
Q/MLR/3 1898-1901 |
Q/MLR/4 1909-1929 |
Q/MLR/5 1902-1908 |
Q/MLR/6 1929-1935 |
Q/MLR/7 Tredegar 1894 |
Q/MLR/9 1960 |
Q/MLR/10 1961 |
Q/MLR/11 1962 |
Q/MLR/12 1963 |
Q/MLR/13 1964 |
Q/MLR/14 1965 |
Q/MLR/15 1966 |
Q/MLR/16 1967 |
Q/MLR/17 The enrolment of returns of all members of lodges was waived by the Clerk of the Peace in 1957. Returns of ammendments and additions were enrolled in lieu. See Clerk of Peace letter 13 Aug 1957 |
Printing Press Notices |
Q/PPN/1 1843-1849 |
Q/PPN/2 1856-1869 |
Summary Jurisdiction Returns |
Convictions |
Q/CONV/1 Parchment Roll Salvage per Home Office instructions and P.R.O. Schedule 832.538/11. 15.12.41 and approved by the Clerk of the Peace 1780-1799 |
Q/CONV/2 Misc. convictions (roll) 1780-1806 |
Q/CONV/3 Parchment roll 1746-1800 |
Q/CONV/4 Parchment bundle 1798-1799 |
Q/CONV/5 Parchment roll 1801 |
Q/CONV/6 Parchment roll Easter 1806 |
Q/CONV/7 Parchment roll Easter 1807 |
Q/CONV/8 Parchment roll Michaelmas 1822 |
Q/CONV/9 Epiphany 1823 |
Q/CONV/10 Epiphany 1824 |
Q/CONV/12 Misc. convictions 1824-1827 |
Q/CONV/23 Convictions, sacrament certs: Chief Constables lists, person license gunpoweder Easter 1825 |
Q/CONV/14 Convictions and sacrament certificates (parchment roll) Michaelmas 1825 |
Q/CONV/15 Epiphany 1827 |
Q/CONV/16 Parchment roll Trinity 1827 |
Q/CONV/17 Easter 1828 |
Q/CONV/18 Trinity 1828 |
Q/CONV/19 Parchment roll 1829 |
Q/CONV/20 Epiphany 1830 |
Q/CONV/21 No. 1-18 Easter 1830 |
Q/CONV/22 Midsummer 1820 |
Q/CONV/23 Michaelmas 1830 |
Q/CONV/24 Epiphany 1831 |
Q/CONV/25 Easter 1831 |
Q/CONV/26 Midsummer 1831 |
Q/CONV/27 Michaelmas 1831 |
Q/CONV/28 Epiphany 1832 |
Q/CONV/29 Parchment roll Easter 1832 |
Q/CONV/30 Oct 1832 |
Q/CONV/31 31 Dec 1832 |
Q/CONV/32 Easter 1833 |
Q/CONV/33 Midsummer 1833 |
Q/CONV/34 Michaelmas 1833 |
Q/CONV/35 Dec 1833 |
Q/CONV/36 1834 |
Q/CONV/37 Sundry convictions sent by the Wc of the rate H Mathews 1834 |
Q/CONV/38 Easter 1835 |
Q/CONV/39 Midsummer 1835 |
Q/CONV/40 Michaelmas 1835 |
Q/CONV/41 Easter 1836 |
Q/CONV/42 Midsummer 1836 |
Q/CONV/43 Midsummer 1836 |
Q/CONV/44 Midsummer 1836 |
Q/CONV/45 Michaelmas 1836 |
Q/CONV/46 Epiphany 1837 |
Q/CONV/47 Easter 1837 |
Q/CONV/48 Midsummer 1837 |
Q/CONV/49 Michaelmas 1837 |
Q/CONV/50 Epiphany 1838 |
Q/CONV/51 Epiphany 1838 |
Q/CONV/52 Easter 1838 |
Q/CONV/53 Midsummer 1838 |
Q/CONV/54 Midsummer 1838 |
Q/CONV/55 Michaelmas 1838 |
Q/CONV/56 Easter 1839 |
Q/CONV/57 Midsummer 1839 |
Q/CONV/58 Midsummer 1839 |
Q/CONV/59 Michaelmas 1839 |
Q/CONV/60 Michaelmas 1839 |
Q/CONV/61 1839 |
Q/CONV/62 Epiphany 1840 |
Q/CONV/63 Easter 1840 |
Q/CONV/64 Midsummer 1840 |
Q/CONV/65 Michaelmas 1840 |
Q/CONV/66 Epiphany 1841 |
Q/CONV/67 Easter 1841 |
Q/CONV/68 Midsummer 1841 |
Q/CONV/69 Michaelmas 1841 |
Q/CONV/70 Epiphany 1842 |
Q/CONV/71 Easter 1842 |
Q/CONV/72 Midsummer 1842 |
Q/CONV/73 Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/CONV/74 Epiphany 1843 |
Q/CONV/75 Easter 1843 |
Q/CONV/76 Midsummer 1843 |
Q/CONV/77 Epiphany 1844 |
Q/CONV/78 Easter 1844 |
Q/CONV/79 Midsummer 1844 |
Q/CONV/80 Michaelmas 1844 |
Q/CONV/81 Epiphany 1844-Epiphany 1845 |
Q/CONV/82 Easter 1845 |
Q/CONV/83 Midsummer 1845 |
Q/CONV/84 Michaelmas 1845 |
Q/CONV/85 Epiphany 1846 |
Q/CONV/86 Easter 1846 |
Q/CONV/87 Midsummer 1846 |
Q/CONV/88 Michaelmas 1846 |
Q/CONV/89 Epiphany 1847 |
Q/CONV/90 Easter 1847 |
Q/CONV/91 Midsummer 1847 |
Q/CONV/92 Michaelmas 1847 |
Q/CONV/93 Epiphany 1848 |
Q/CONV/94 Easter 1848 |
Q/CONV/95 Midsummer 1848 |
Q/CONV/96 Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/CONV/97 Aberystruth only Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/CONV/98 Michaelmas 1848-Michaelmas 1863 |
Q/CONV/99 Epiphany 1849 |
Q/CONV/100 In Petty Sessional Divisions Easter 1849 |
Q/CONV/101 In Petty Sessional Divisions Midsummer 1849 |
Q/CONV/102 In Petty Sessional Divisions Michaelmas 1849 |
Q/CONV/103 1849-1875 |
Q/CONV/104 In Petty Sessional Divisions ePIPHANY 1850 |
Q/CONV/105 Easter 1850 |
Q/CONV/106 In Petty Sessional Divisions Midsummer 1850 |
Q/CONV/107 In Petty Sessional Divisions Michaelmas 1850 |
Q/CONV/108 Epiphany 1851 |
Q/CONV/109 Easter 1851 |
Q/CONV/110 1851 |
Q/CONV/111 Michaelmas 1851 |
Q/CONV/112 Epiphany 1852 |
Q/CONV/113 Easter 1852 |
Q/CONV/114 Midsummer 1852 |
Q/CONV/115 Michaelmas 1852 |
Q/CONV/116 Epiphany 1853 |
Q/CONV/117 Easter 1853 |
Q/CONV/118 Midsummer 1853 |
Q/CONV/119 Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/CONV/120 Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/CONV/121 Epiphany 1854 |
Q/CONV/122 Easter 1854 |
Q/CONV/123 Midsummer 1854 |
Q/CONV/124 Michaelmas 1854 |
Q/CONV/125 Epiphany 1855 |
Q/CONV/126 Easter 1855 |
Q/CONV/127 Midsummer 1855 |
Q/CONV/128 Michaelmas 1855 |
Q/CONV/129 Epiphany 1856 |
Q/CONV/130 Easter 1856 |
Q/CONV/131 Easter 1856 |
Q/CONV/132 Midsummer 1856 |
Q/CONV/133 Michaelmas 1856 |
Q/CONV/134 Epiphany 1857 |
Q/CONV/135 Mar 1857 |
Q/CONV/136 Midsummer 1857 |
Q/CONV/137 Michaelmas 1857 |
Q/CONV/138 Epiphany 1858 |
Q/CONV/139 Abergavenny, Monmouth Boroughs, Skenfrith, Usk Easter 1858 |
Q/CONV/140 Midsummer 1858 |
Q/CONV/141 Michaelmas 1858 |
Q/CONV/142 Epiphany 1859 |
Q/CONV/143 Easter 1859 |
Q/CONV/144 Midsummer 1859 |
Q/CONV/145 Michaelmas 1859 |
Q/CONV/146 Usk only Michaelmas 1859 |
Q/CONV/147 Epiphany 1860 |
Q/CONV/148 Easter 1860 |
Q/CONV/149 Midsummer 1860 |
Q/CONV/150 Michaelmas 1860 |
Q/CONV/151 Abergavenny only Michaelmas 1860-1861 |
Q/CONV/152 Chepstow, Pontypool, Usk Epiphany 1861 |
Q/CONV/153 Easter 1861 |
Q/CONV/154 Raglan, Usk Easter 1861 |
Q/CONV/155 Midsummer 1861 |
Q/CONV/156 Usk, Pontypool |
Q/CONV/157 Pontypool, Trelleck, Usk Easter 1862 |
Q/CONV/158 Abergavenny, Pontypool, Usk Midsummer 1862 |
Q/CONV/159 Usk, Pontypool, Abergavenny Michaelmas 1862 |
Q/CONV/160 Abergavenny, Pontypool, Usk Epiphany 1863 |
Q/CONV/161 Abergavenny, Pontypool, Usk Easter 1863 |
Q/CONV/162 Midsummer 1863 |
Q/CONV/163 Michaelmas 1863 |
Q/CONV/164 Abergavenny, Usk Epipghany 1864 |
Q/CONV/165 Usk, Bedwellty Abergavenny Division Easter 1864 |
Q/CONV/166 Abergavenny, Monmouth, Bedwellty Midsummer 1864 |
Q/CONV/167 Usk only Midsummer 1864 |
Q/CONV/168 Usk, Abergavenny Michaelmas 1864 |
Q/CONV/169 Epiphany 1865 |
Q/CONV/170 Easter 1865 |
Q/CONV/171 Abergavenny, Chepstow Midsummer 1865 |
Q/CONV/172 Abergavenny, Usk, Monmouth 1865 |
Q/CONV/173 Pontypool, Usk Michaelmas 1861 |
Q/CONV/174 Pontypool, Usk Epiphany 1866 |
Q/CONV/175 Usk only Easter 1866 |
Q/CONV/176 Usk only Midsummer 1866 |
Q/CONV/177 Usk, Bedwellty Michaelmas 1866 |
Q/CONV/178 Usk only Epiphany 1867 |
Q/CONV/179 Chepstow, Usk Easter 1867 |
Q/CONV/180 Usk, Trelleck Michaelmas 1867 |
Q/CONV/181 Abergavenny Michaelmas 1867 |
Q/CONV/182 Usk Epiphany 1868 |
Q/CONV/183 Midsummer 1868 |
Q/CONV/184 Abergavenny Division 1867-1875 |
Q/CONV/185 Usk only (incomplete) Michaelmas 1868-Michaelmas 1878 |
Q/CONV/186 Michaelmas 1868-Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/CONV/187 Abergavenny Easter 1869 |
Q/CONV/188 Chepstow, Usk Midsummer 1869 |
Q/CONV/189 Bedwellty only (incomplete) Epiphany 1870-Epiphany 1875 |
Q/CONV/190 Chepstow only Easter 1870-Midsummer 1874 |
Q/CONV/191 Pontypool Michaelmas 1871 |
Q/CONV/192 Abergavenny only 1871-1874 |
Q/CONV/193 Epiphany 1872 |
Q/CONV/194 Epiphany 1874 |
Q/CONV/195 Epiphany 1876 |
Q/CONV/196 County of Monmouth Easter 1876 |
Q/CONV/197 Midsummer 1876 |
Q/CONV/198 Abergavenny only Michaelmas 1876 |
Q/CONV/199 Usk only Michaelmas 1876 |
Q/CONV/200 Epiphany 1877 |
Q/CONV/201 Easter 1877 |
Q/CONV/202 Michaelmas 1877 |
Q/CONV/203 Epiphany 1878 |
Q/CONV/204 Easter 1878 |
Q/CONV/205 Midsummer 1878 |
Q/CONV/206 Epiphany 1879 |
Q/CONV/207 Summary convictions Michaelmas 1879 |
Q/CONV/208 Usk Division Michaelmas 1879 |
Q/CONV/209 Easter 1880 |
Q/CONV/210 Midsummer 1880 |
Q/CONV/211 [1880] |
Q/CONV/212 Easter 1807 |
Q/CONV/213 Midsummer 1807 |
Q/CONV/214 Easter 1808 |
Q/CONV/215 Epiphany 1809 |
Q/CONV/216 Easter 1809 |
Q/CONV/217 Abergavenny, Raglan and Usk Midsummer 1867 |
Q/CONV/218 1843-1857 |
List of Convictions |
Q/LSCR/1 List of Corrections returned (from Petty Sessions) Midsummer 1848-Epiphany 1870 |
Q/LSCR/2 List of Summary Convictions returned Easter 1849-Epiphany 1851 |
Convictions Records Books |
Q/CRB/1 No. 1 (Criminal Justice Act 18 & 19 Victoria cap. 126) 15 Oct 1855-7 Apr 1860 |
Q/CRB/2 No. 2 1860-1893 |
Q/CRB/3 No. 3 Jan 1894-31 Dec 1912 |
Q/CRB/4 No. 4 1 Jan 1913-Mar 1915 |
Magistrates Certificates |
Q/MC/1 1839 |
Q/MC/2 Oct 1839-Jan 1840 |
Q/MC/3 Easter 1840 |
Q/MC/4 1840 |
Q/MC/5 Michaelmas 1840 |
Q/MC/6 Oct 1840-Jan 1841 |
Q/MC/7 Easter 1841 |
Q/MC/8 Midsummer 1841 |
Q/MC/9 Midsummer 1841 |
Q/MC/10 Michaelmas 1841 |
Q/MC/11 Epiphany 1842 |
Q/MC/12 Easter 1842 |
Q/MC/13 Midsummer 1842 |
Q/MC/14 Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/MC/15 Epiphany 1843 |
Q/MC/16 Midsummer 1843 |
Q/MC/17 Michaelmas 1843 |
Q/MC/18 Epiphany 1844 |
Q/MC/19 Easter 1844 |
Q/MC/20 Midsummer 1844 |
Q/MC/20 Midsummer 1844 |
Q/MC/21 Michaelmas 1844 |
Q/MC/22 Epiphany 1845 |
Q/MC/23 Easter 1845 |
Q/MC/24 Certificate of Expenses Midsummer 1845 |
Q/MC/25 Certificate of Expenses Michaelmas 1845 |
Q/MC/26 Certificate of Expenses Epiphany 1846 |
Q/MC/27 Easter 1846 |
Q/MC/28 Midsummer 1846 |
Q/MC/29 Michaelmas 1846 |
Q/MC/30 Epiphany 1847 |
Q/MC/31 Easter 1847 |
Q/MC/32 Certificate of Expenses before Committee Magistrate Midsummer 1847 |
Q/MC/33 Michaelmas 1847 |
Q/MC/34 Epiphany 1848 |
Q/MC/35 Easter 1848 |
Q/MC/36 Midsummer 1848 |
Q/MC/37 Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/MC/38 Epiphany 1849 |
Q/MC/39 Easter 1849 |
Q/MC/40 Midsummer 1849 |
Q/MC/41 Michaelmas 1849 |
Q/MC/42 Epiphany 1850 |
Q/MC/43 Easter 1850 |
Q/MC/44 Midsummer 1850 |
Q/MC/45 Michaelmas 1850 |
Q/MC/46 Dec 1850 |
Q/MC/47 Easter 1851 |
Q/MC/48 Midsummer 1851 |
Q/MC/49 Michaelmas 1851 |
Q/MC/50 Epiphany 1852 |
Q/MC/51 Epiphany 1852 |
Q/MC/52 Easter 1852 |
Q/MC/53 Adjourned Sessions May 1852 |
Q/MC/54 Midsummer 1852 |
Q/MC/55 Michaelmas 1852 |
Q/MC/56 Adjourned Sessions Nov 1852 |
Q/MC/37 Epiphany 1853 |
Q/MC/58 Easter 1853 |
Q/MC/59 Adjourned Sessions May |
Q/MC/60 Midsummer 1853 |
Q/MC/61 Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/MC/62 Adjourned Nov 1853 |
Q/MC/63 Epiphany 1854 |
Q/MC/64 Easter 1854 |
Q/MC/65 Adjourned May 1854 |
Q/MC/66 Midsummer 1854 |
Q/MC/66 Midsummer 1854 |
Q/MC/67 Michaelmas 1854 |
Q/MC/68 Adjourned Sessions Nov 1854 |
Q/MC/69 Epiphany 1855 |
Q/MC/70 Easter 1855 |
Q/MC/71 Adjourned May 1855 |
Q/MC/72 Midsummer 1855 |
Q/MC/73 Michaelmas 1855 |
Q/MC/74 Adjourned Sessions Nov 1855 |
Q/MC/75 Epiphany 1856 |
Q/MC/76 Easter 1856 |
Q/MC/77 Midsummer 1856 |
Q/MC/78 Michaelmas 1856 |
Q/MC/79 Epiphany 1857 |
Q/MC/80 Easter 1857 |
Q/MC/81 1857 |
Returns of Fines and Fees |
Q/F&F/1 Schedule of prices: Various Divisions Michaelmas 1837-Epiphany 1838 |
Q/F&F/2 Misc. Easter 1838-Midsummer 1881 |
Q/F&F/3 Various Divisions Easter 1840-Midsummer 1840 |
Q/F&F/4 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1840 |
Q/F&F/5 Schedule of Fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1841 |
Q/F&F/6 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Easter 1841 |
Q/F&F/7 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Midsummer 1841 |
Q/F&F/8 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1841 |
Q/F&F/9 Various Divisions Midsummer 1841-Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/F&F/10 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1842 |
Q/F&F/11 Various Divisions Easter 1842 |
Q/F&F/12 Various Divisions Easter 1842-Epiphany 1843 |
Q/F&F/13 Various Divisions Easter 1842-Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/F&F/14 Various Divisions Midsummer 1842 |
Q/F&F/15 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Michaelmas 1842 |
Q/F&F/16 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1842-Easter 1843 |
Q/F&F/17 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Michaelmas 1842-Easter 1843 |
Q/F&F/18 Various Divisions Epiphany 1843 |
Q/F&F/19 Various Divisions Epiphany 1843-Easter 1843 |
Q/F&F/20 Various Divisions Epiphany 1843-Midsummer 1843 |
Q/F&F/21 Various Divisions Easter 1843 |
Q/F&F/22 Various Divisions Midsummer 1843 |
Q/F&F/23 Various Divisions Midsummer 1843-Michaelmas 1843 |
Q/F&F/24 Various Divisions Midsummer 1843-Michaelmas 1843 |
Q/F&F/25 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1843 |
Q/F&F/26 Various Divisions Epiphany 1844 |
Q/F&F/27 Various Divisions Easter 1844 |
Q/F&F/28 Various Divisions Midsummer 1844 |
Q/F&F/29 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1844 |
Q/F&F/30 Various Divisions Dec 1844 |
Q/F&F/31 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1845 |
Q/F&F/32 Various Divisions Easter 1845 |
Q/F&F/33 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Easter 1845 |
Q/F&F/34 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Midsummer 1845 |
Q/F&F/35 Various Divisions Midsummer 1845 |
Q/F&F/36 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1845 |
Q/F&F/37 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1845 |
Q/F&F/38 Various Divisions Epiphany 1846 |
Q/F&F/39 Various Divisions Epiphany 1846 |
Q/F&F/40 Various Divisions Easter 1846 |
Q/F&F/41 Various Divisions Easter 1846 |
Q/F&F/42 Various Divisions Midsummer 1846 |
Q/F&F/43 Various Divisions Midsummer 1846 |
Q/F&F/44 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1846 |
Q/F&F/45 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1846 |
Q/F&F/46 Various Divisions Epiphany 1847 |
Q/F&F/47 Various Divisions Epiphany 1847 |
Q/F&F/48 Various Divisions Easter 1847 |
Q/F&F/49 Various Divisions Easter 1847 |
Q/F&F/50 Schedule of fines: Division of Monmouth Midsummer 1847 |
Q/F&F/51 Various Divisions Midsummer 1847 |
Q/F&F/52 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Michaelmas 1847 |
Q/F&F/53 Schedule of fines: Division of Monmouth Oct 1847 |
Q/F&F/54 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1848 |
Q/F&F/55 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1848 |
Q/F&F/56 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Easter 1848 |
Q/F&F/57 Schedule of Fines: Various Divisions Easter 1848 |
Q/F&F/58 Lists of fines Midsummer 1848 |
Q/F&F/59 Various Divisions Midsummer 1848 |
Q/F&F/60 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/F&F/61 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1848 |
Q/F&F/62 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1849 |
Q/F&F/63 Various Divisions Epiphany 1849 |
Q/F&F/64 Various Divisions Easter 1849 |
Q/F&F/65 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Easter 1849 |
Q/F&F/66 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Midsummer 1849 |
Q/F&F/67 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Midsummer 1849 |
Q/F&F/68 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Oct 1849 |
Q/F&F/69 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions |
Q/F&F/70 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Dec 1849 |
Q/F&F/71 Schedule of fine: Various Divisions Epiphany 1850 |
Q/F&F/72 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Easter 1850 |
Q/F&F/73 Various Divisions Easter 1850 |
Q/F&F/74 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Midsummer 1850 |
Q/F&F/75 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Midsummer 1850 |
Q/F&F/76 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Michaelmas 1850 |
Q/F&F/77 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Michaelmas 1858 |
Q/F&F/78 Schedule of fines: Various Divisions Epiphany 1857 |
Q/F&F/79 Various Divisions Epiphany 1851 |
Q/F&F/82 Various Divisions Midsummer 1851 |
Q/F&F/83 Fines advertised Midsummer 1851 |
Q/F&F/84 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1851 |
Q/F&F/85 Advertised after Michaelmas 1851 |
Q/F&F/86 Various Divisions Epiphany 1852 |
Q/F&F/87 Various Divisions Epiphany 1852 |
Q/F&F/88 Various Divisions Easter 1852 |
Q/F&F/89 Various Divisions Easter 1852 |
Q/F&F/90 Various Divisions Midsummer 1852 |
Q/F&F/91 Various Divisions Midsummer 1852 |
Q/F&F/93 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1852 |
Q/F&F/94 Various Divisions Epiphany 1853 |
Q/F&F/95 Various Divisions Epiphany 1853 |
Q/F&F/96 Various Divisions Easter 1853 |
Q/F&F/97 Various Divisions Easter 1853 |
Q/F&F/98 Various Divisions Midsummer 1853 |
Q/F&F/99 Various Divisions Midsummer 1853 |
Q/F&F/100 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/F&F/101 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/F&F/102 Various Divisions Epiphany 1854 |
Q/F&F/103 Various Divisions Epiphany 1854 |
Q/F&F/104 Various Divisions Easter 1854 |
Q/F&F/105 Various Divisions Easter 1854 |
Q/F&F/106 Various Divisions Midsummer 1854 |
Q/F&F/107 Various Divisions Midsummer 1854 |
Q/F&F/108 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1854 |
Q/F&F/109 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1854 |
Q/F&F/110 Various Divisions Epiphany 1855 |
Q/F&F/111 Various Divisions Epiphany 1855 |
Q/F&F/112 Various Divisions Easter 1855 |
Q/F&F/113 Various Divisions Easter 1855 |
Q/F&F/114 Various Divisions Midsummer 1855 |
Q/F&F/115 Various Divisions Midsummer 1855 |
Q/F&F/116 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1855 |
Q/F&F/117 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1855 |
Q/F&F/118 Various Divisions Epiphany 1856 |
Q/F&F/119 Various Divisions Epiphany 1856 |
Q/F&F/120 Various Divisions Easter 1856 |
Q/F&F/121 Various Divisions Easter 1856 |
Q/F&F/122 Various Divisions Midsummer 1856 |
Q/F&F/123 Various Divisions Midsummer 1856 |
Q/F&F/124 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1856 |
Q/F&F/125 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1856 |
Q/F&F/126 Various Divisions Epiphany 1857 |
Q/F&F/127 Various Divisions Epiphany 1857 |
Q/F&F/128 Various Divisions Easter 1857 |
Q/F&F/129 Various Divisions Easter 1857 |
Q/F&F/130 Various Divisions Midsummer 1857 |
Q/F&F/131 Various Divisions Midsummer 1857 |
Q/F&F/132 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1857 |
Q/F&F/133 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1857 |
Q/F&F/134 Various Divisions Epiphany 1858 |
Q/F&F/135 Various Divisions Epiphany 1858 |
Q/F&F/136 Various Divisions Easter 1858 |
Q/F&F/137 Various Divisions Easter 1858 |
Q/F&F/138 Various Divisions Midsummer 1858 |
Q/F&F/139 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1858 |
Q/F&F/140 Various Divisions Epiphany 1859 |
Q/F&F/141 Various Divisions Easter 1859 |
Q/F&F/142 Various Divisions Midsummer 1859 |
Q/F&F/143 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1859 |
Q/F&F/144 Various Divisions Epiphany 1860 |
Q/F&F/145 Various Divisions Easter 1860 |
Q/F&F/146 Various Divisions Midsummer 1860 |
Q/F&F/147 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1860 |
Q/F&F/148 Various Divisions Epiphany 1861 |
Q/F&F/149 Various Divisions Easter 1861 |
Q/F&F/150 Various Divisions Midsummer 1861 |
Q/F&F/152 Various Divisions Epiphany 1862 |
Q/F&F/153 Various Divisions Easter 1862 |
Q/F&F/154 Various Divisions Midsummer 1862 |
Q/F&F/155 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1862 |
Q/F&F/156 Various Divisions Epiphany 1863 |
Q/F&F/157 Various Divisions Easter 1863 |
Q/F&F/158 Various Divisions Midsummer 1863 |
Q/F&F/159 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1863 |
Q/F&F/160 Various Divisions Epiphany 1864 |
Q/F&F/161 Various Divisions Easter 1864 |
Q/F&F/162 Various Divisions Midsummer 1864 |
Q/F&F/163 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1864 |
Q/F&F/164 Various Divisions Epiphany 1865 |
Q/F&F/165 Various Divisions Easter 1865 |
Q/F&F/166 Various Divisions Midsummer 1865 |
Q/F&F/167 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1865 |
Q/F&F/168 Various Divisions Epiphany 1866 |
Q/F&F/169 Various Divisions Easter 1866 |
Q/F&F/170 Various Divisions Midsummer 1866 |
Q/F&F/171 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1866 |
Q/F&F/172 Various Divisions Epiphany 1867 |
Q/F&F/173 Various Divisions Easter 1867 |
Q/F&F/174 Various Divisions Midsummer 1867 |
Q/F&F/175 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1867 |
Q/F&F/176 Various Divisions Midsummer 1867 |
Q/F&F/177 Various Divisions Epiphany 1868 |
Q/F&F/178 Various Divisions Epiphany 1868 |
Q/F&F/179 Various Divisions Easter 1868 |
Q/F&F/181 Various Divisions Midsummer 1868 |
Q/F&F/182 Various Divisions Midsummer 1868 |
Q/F&F/183 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1868 |
Q/F&F/184 Various Divisions Epiphany 1869 |
Q/F&F/185 Various Divisions Epiphany 1869 |
Q/F&F/186 Various Divisions Easter 1869 |
Q/F&F/187 Various Divisions Midsummer 1869 |
Q/F&F/188 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1869 |
Q/F&F/189 Various Divisions Epiphany 1870 |
Q/F&F/190 Various Divisions Epiphany 1870-Epiphany 1871 |
Q/F&F/191 Various Divisions Easter 1870 |
Q/F&F/192 Various Divisions Midsummer 1870 |
Q/F&F/193 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1870 |
Q/F&F/194 Various Divisions Epiphany 1871 |
Q/F&F/195 Various Divisions Easter 1871 |
Q/F&F/196 Various Divisions Midsummer 1871 |
Q/F&F/197 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1871 |
Q/F&F/198 Various Divisions Epiphany 1872 |
Q/F&F/199 Various Divisions Easter 1872 |
Q/F&F/200 Various Divisions Midsummer 1872 |
Q/F&F/201 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1872 |
Q/F&F/202 Various Divisions Epiphany 1873 |
Q/F&F/203 Various Divisions Easter 1873 |
Q/F&F/204 Various Divisions Midsummer 1873 |
Q/F&F/205 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1873 |
Q/F&F/206 Various Divisions Epiphany 1874 |
Q/F&F/207 Various Divisions Easter 1874 |
Q/F&F/208 Various Divisions Midsummer 1874 |
Q/F&F/209 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1874 |
Q/F&F/210 Various Divisions Epiphany 1875 |
Q/F&F/211 Various Divisions Easter 1875 |
Q/F&F/212 Various Divisions Midsummer 1875 |
Q/F&F/213 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1875 |
Q/F&F/214 Monmouth and Newport (with papers relative to Mr. Browns accusations against Mr. Fox, 1871-1875) 1875 |
Q/F&F/215 Various Divisions Epiphany 1876 |
Q/F&F/216 Various Divisions Easter 1876 |
Q/F&F/217 Various Divisions Midsummer 1876 |
Q/F&F/218 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1876 |
Q/F&F/219 Bedwellty Division Epiphany 1877 |
Q/F&F/220 Pontypool Division Epiphany 1877-Epiphany 1882 |
Q/F&F/221 Various Divisions Easter 1877 |
Q/F&F/222 Various Divisions Midsummer 1877 |
Q/F&F/223 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1877 |
Q/F&F/224 Various Divisions Epiphany 1878 |
Q/F&F/225 Pontypool Division Epiphany 1878-Mar 1882 |
Q/F&F/226 Various Divisions Feb 1878-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/227 Abergavenny Division Feb 1878-Jan 1879 |
Q/F&F/228 Bedwellty Division Feb 1878-Dec 1878 |
Q/F&F/229 Caerleon Division Feb 1878-Jan 1879 |
Q/F&F/230 Chepstow Division Feb 1878-Jan 1879 |
Q/F&F/231 Christchurch Division Feb 1878-Mar 1879 |
Q/F&F/232 Monmouth Division Feb 1878-Jan 1879 |
Q/F&F/233 Newport Division Feb 1878-Mar 1879 |
Q/F&F/234 Pontypool Division Feb 1878-Jan 1880 |
Q/F&F/235 Raglan Division Feb 1878-Jan 1879 |
Q/F&F/236 Usk Division Feb 1878-Mar 1879 |
Q/F&F/237 Various Divisions Easter 1878 |
Q/F&F/238 Trelleck Division Easter 1878-Jan 1879 |
Q/F&F/239 Various Divisions Midsummer 1878 |
Q/F&F/240 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1878 |
Q/F&F/241 Various Divisions Epiphany 1879 |
Q/F&F/242 Abergavenny Division Feb 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/243 Bedwellty Division Jan 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/244 Caerleon Division Feb 1879-Jan 1880 |
Q/F&F/245 Chepstow Division Feb 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/246 Christchurch Division Feb 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/247 Monmouth Division Feb 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/248 Newport Division feb 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/249 Various Divisions Easter 1879 |
Q/F&F/250 Various Divisions Midsummer 1879 |
Q/F&F/251 Usk Division Jul 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/F&F/252 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1879 |
Q/F&F/253 Caerleon Division Oct 1879-Jun 1881 |
Q/F&F/254 Chepstow Division Oct 1879-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/255 Abergavenny Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/256 Bedwellty Division Oct 1879-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/257 Bedwellty Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/258 Chepstow Division Jan 1880-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/259 Christchurch Division Jan 1880-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/260 Monmouth Division Jan 1880-Oct 1881 |
Q/F&F/261 Newport Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/262 Pontypool Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/263 Raglan Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/264 Skenfrith Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/265 Trelleck Division Jan 1880-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/266 Usk Division Jan 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/267 Various Divisions Easter 1880 |
Q/F&F/268 Monmouth Borough Mar 1880-Sep 1881 |
Q/F&F/269 Skenfrith Division Sep 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/F&F/270 Bedwellty Division Jan 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/271 Bedwellty Division Jan 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/272 Caerleon Division Jan 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/273 Newport Division Jan 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/274 Pontypool Division Jan 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/275 Raglan Division Jan 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/F&F/276 Various Divisions Jan 1882-Dec 1882 |
Q/F&F/277 Pontypool Division Jan 1882-Dec 1882 |
Q/F&F/278 Various Divisions Easter 1882 |
Q/F&F/279 Various Divisions Midsummer 1882 |
Q/F&F/280 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1882 |
Q/F&F/281 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1882 |
Q/F&F/282 Various Divisions Oct 1882-Epiphany 1883 |
Q/F&F/283 Various Divisions (with Auditors Tables and Reports) Easter 1883 |
Q/F&F/284 Various Divisions (Account of fees and fines, and arrears of fees and fines) Easter 1883 |
Q/F&F/285 Various Divisions Midsummer 1883 |
Q/F&F/286 Various Divisions Midsummer 1883 |
Q/F&F/287 Various Divisions (with Auditors tables and reports) Michaelmas 1883 |
Q/F&F/288 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1883 |
Q/F&F/289 Various Divisions (with Auditors tables and reports) Michaelmas 1883 |
Q/F&F/290 Various Divisions Dec 1883 |
Q/F&F/291 Various Divisions Easter 1884 |
Q/F&F/292 Various Divisions Easter 1884 |
Q/F&F/293 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and reports) Midsummer 1884 |
Q/F&F/294 Various Divisions Midsummer 1884 |
Q/F&F/295 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Michaelmas 1884 |
Q/F&F/296 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1884 |
Q/F&F/297 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and reports) Dec 1884 |
Q/F&F/298 Various Divisions Dec 1884 |
Q/F&F/299 Various Divisions Easter 1885 |
Q/F&F/300 Various Divisions Easter 1885 |
Q/F&F/301 Various Divisions Midsummer 1885 |
Q/F&F/302 Various Divisions Midsummer 1885 |
Q/F&F/303 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Michaelmas 1885 |
Q/F&F/304 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1885 |
Q/F&F/305 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Dec 1885 |
Q/F&F/306 Various Divisions Dec 1885 |
Q/F&F/307 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Easter 1886 |
Q/F&F/308 Various Divisions Easter 1886 |
Q/F&F/309 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Midsummer 1886 |
Q/F&F/310 Various Divisions Midsummer 1883 |
Q/F&F/311 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1886 |
Q/F&F/312 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1886 |
Q/F&F/313 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Dec 1886 |
Q/F&F/314 Various Divisions Dec 1886 |
Q/F&F/315 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Easter 1887 |
Q/F&F/316 Various Divisions Easter 1887 |
Q/F&F/317 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Midsummer 1887 |
Q/F&F/318 Various Divisions Midsummer 1887 |
Q/F&F/319 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and reports) Michaelmas 1887 |
Q/F&F/320 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1887 |
Q/F&F/321 Various Divisions Dec 1887 |
Q/F&F/322 Various Divisions Dec 1887 |
Q/F&F/323 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Easter 1858 |
Q/F&F/324 Various Divisions Easter 1888 |
Q/F&F/325 Various Divisions Midsummer 1888 |
Q/F&F/326 Various Divisions Midsummer 1888 |
Q/F&F/327 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Michaelmas 1888 |
Q/F&F/328 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1888 |
Q/F&F/329 Various Divions (with Auditors report and table) Dec 1888 |
Q/F&F/330 Various Divisions Dec 1888 |
Q/F&F/331 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and reports) Easter 1889 |
Q/F&F/332 Various Divisions Easter 1889 |
Q/F&F/333 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Midsummer 1889 |
Q/F&F/334 Various Divisions Midsummer 1889 |
Q/F&F/335 Various Divisons (with Auditors table and report) Michaelmas 1889 |
Q/F&F/336 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1889 |
Q/F&F/337 Various Divisions Dec 1889 |
Q/F&F/338 Various Divisions Dec 1889 |
Q/F&F/339 Various Divisions Easter 1890 |
Q/F&F/340 Various Divisions Easter 1889 |
Q/F&F/341 Various Divisions (with Auditors table and report) Michaelmas 1890 |
Q/F&F/342 Various Divisions Michaelmas 1890 |
Q/F&F/343 Various Divisions Mar 1917, Mar 1918, Jun 1918, Sep 1918, Dec 1918 |
Q/F&F/344 Various Divisions Sep 1929 |
Q/F&F/345 Various Divisions Mar 1919 |
Q/F&F/346 Various Divisions Jun 1919 |
Q/F&F/347 Various Divisions Sep 1919 |
Q/F&F/348 Various Divisions Dec 1919 |
Q/F&F/349 Various Divisions Mar 1929 |
Q/F&F/350 Various Divisions Jun 1929 |
Q/F&F/351 Various Divisions Dec 1929 |
Juvenile Offenders Acts, Convictions and Papers |
Q/JOAC/1 Correspondence of convictions 1848-1853 |
Q/JOAC/2 Report of Juvenile Offenders Committee 1880-1881 |
Depositions and Convictions Under Juvenile Offenders Act |
Q/DCCJA/1 1853-1863 |
Q/DCCJA/2 1855 |
Q/DCCJA/3 Jan 1856-Dec 1856 |
Q/DCCJA/4 Jan 1857-Dec 1857 |
Q/DCCJA/5 Jan 1858-Dec 1858 |
Q/DCCJA/6 Jan 1859-Dec 1859 |
Q/DCCJA/7 Jan 1860-Jun 1860 |
Q/DCCJA/8 Jan 1860-Dec 1860 |
Q/DCCJA/9 Jan 1861-Jun 1861 |
Q/DCCJA/10 Jul 1861-Dec 1861 |
Q/DCCJA/11 Jan 1862-Jun 1862 |
Q/DCCJA/12 Jul 1862-Dec 1862 |
Q/DCCJA/13 Jan 1863-Jun 1863 |
Q/DCCJA/14 Jul 1863-Dec 1863 |
Q/DCCJA/15 Jan 1864-Jun 1864 |
Q/DCCJA/16 Jul 1864-Dec 1864 |
Q/DCCJA/17 Jan 1865-Jun 1865 |
Q/DCCJA/18 Jul 1865-Dec 1865 |
Q/DCCJA/19 Jan 1866-Jun 1866 |
Q/DCCJA/20 Jul 1866-Dec 1866 |
Q/DCCJA/21 Jan 1867-Jun 1867 |
Q/DCCJA/22 Jul 1867-Dec 1867 |
Q/DCCJA/23 Jan 1868-Jun 1868 |
Q/DCCJA/24 Jul 1868-Dec 1868 |
Q/DCCJA/25 Jan 1869-Jun 1869 |
Q/DCCJA/26 Jul 1869-Dec 1869 |
Q/DCCJA/27 Jan 1870-Dec 1870 |
Q/DCCJA/28 1870-1878 |
Q/DCCJA/29 1870-1881 |
Q/DCCJA/30 Jan 1871-Jun 1871 |
Q/DCCJA/31 Jul 1871-Dec 1871 |
Q/DCCJA/32 Jan 1872-Jun 1872 |
Q/DCCJA/33 Jul 1872-Dec 1872 |
Q/DCCJA/34 Jan 1873-Jun 1873 |
Q/DCCJA/35 Jun 1873-Dec 1873 |
Q/DCCJA/36 Jan 1874-May 1874 |
Q/DCCJA/37 Jun 1874-Dec 1874 |
Q/DCCJA/38 Jan 1875-Jun 1875 |
Q/DCCJA/39 Jun 1875-Dec 1875 |
Q/DCCJA/40 Jan 1876-Jun 1876 |
Q/DCCJA/41 Jul 1876-Dec 1876 |
Q/DCCJA/42 Jan 1877-Jun 1877 |
Q/DCCJA/43 Jul 1877-Dec 1877 |
Q/DCCJA/44 Jan 1878-Jun 1878 |
Q/DCCJA/45 Jul 1878-Dec 1878 |
Q/DCCJA/46 Jan 1879-Jun 1879 |
Q/DCCJA/47 Jul 1879-Dec 1879 |
Q/DCCJA/48 Jan 1880-Jun 1880 |
Q/DCCJA/49 Jul 1880-Dec 1880 |
Q/DCCJA/50 Jan 1881-Jun 1881 |
Q/DCCJA/51 Jul 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/DCCJA/52 Jan 1882-Jun 1882 |
Q/DCCJA/53 Jan 1882-Dec 1882 |
Q/DCCJA/54 Jan 1883-Jul 1883 |
Q/DCCJA/55 Jul 1883-Dec 1883 |
Q/DCCJA/56 Jan 1884-Jun 1884 |
Q/DCCJA/57 Jul 1884-Dec 1884 |
Q/DCCJA/58 Jan 1885-Jun 1885 |
Q/DCCJA/59 Jul 1885-Dec 1885 |
Q/DCCJA/60 Jan 1886-Jun 1886 |
Q/DCCJA/61 Jul 1886-Dec 1886 |
Q/DCCJA/62 Jan 1887-Jun 1887 |
Q/DCCJA/63 Jul 1887-Dec 1887 |
Q/DCCJA/64 Jan 1888-Jun 1888 |
Q/DCCJA/65 Jul 1888-Dec 1888 |
Q/DCCJA/66 Jan 1889-Jun 1889 |
Q/DCCJA/67 Jul 1889-Dec 1889 |
Q/DCCJA/68 Jan 1890-Jun 1890 |
Q/DCCJA/69 Jul 1890-Dec 1890 |
Q/DCCJA/70 Jan 1891-Jun 1891 |
Q/DCCJA/71 Jul 1891-Dec 1891 |
Q/DCCJA/72 Jan 1892-Jun 1892 |
Q/DCCJA/73 Jul 1892-Dec 1892 |
Q/DCCJA/74 Jan 1893-Jun 1893 |
Q/DCCJA/75 Jul 1893-Dec 1893 |
Q/DCCJA/76 Jan 1894-Jun 1894 |
Q/DCCJA/77 Jul 1894-Dec 1894 |
Q/DCCJA/78 Jan 1895-Jun 1895 |
Q/DCCJA/79 Jul 1895-Dec 1895 |
Q/DCCJA/80 Jan 1896-Jun 1896 |
Q/DCCJA/81 Jul 1896-Dec 1896 |
Q/DCCJA/82 Jan 1897-Jun 1897 |
Q/DCCJA/82 Jan 1897-Jun 1897 |
Q/DCCJA/83 Jul 1897-Dec 1897 |
Q/DCCJA/84 Jan 1898-Jun 1898 |
Q/DCCJA/85 Jul 1898-Dec 1898 |
Q/DCCJA/86 Jan 1899-Jun 1899 |
Q/DCCJA/87 Jul 1899-Dec 1899 |
Q/DCCJA/88 Jan 1900-Jun 1900 |
Q/DCCJA/89 Jul 1900-Dec 1900 |
Q/DCCJA/90 Jan 1901-Jun 1901 |
Q/DCCJA/91 Jul 1901-Dec 1901 |
Q/DCCJA/92 Jan 1902-Jun 1902 |
Q/DCCJA/93 Jul 1902-Dec 1902 |
Q/DCCJA/94 Jan 1903-Jun 1903 |
Q/DCCJA/95 Jul 1903-Dec 1903 |
Q/DCCJA/96 Jan 1904-Jun 1904 |
Q/DCCJA/97 July 1904-Dec 1904 |
Q/DCCJA/98 Jan 1905-Jun 1905 |
Q/DCCJA/99 Jul 1905-Dec 1905 |
Q/DCCJA/100 Jan 1906-Jun 1906 |
Q/DCCJA/101 Jul 1906-Dec 1906 |
Q/DCCJA/102 Jan 1907-Jun 1907 |
Q/DCCJA/103 Jul 1907-Dec 1907 |
Q/DCCJA/104 Jan 1908-Jun 1908 |
Q/DCCJA/105 Jul 1908-Dec 1908 |
Q/DCCJA/106 Jan 1909-Jun 1909 |
Q/DCCJA/107 Julk 1909-Dec 1909 |
Q/DCCJA/108 Jan 1910-Jun 1910 |
Q/DCCJA/109 Jul 1910-Dec 1910 |
Q/DCCJA/110 Jan 1911-Jun 1911 |
Q/DCCJA/111 Jul 1911-Dec 1911 |
Q/DCCJA/112 Jan 1912-Jun 1912 |
Q/DCCJA/113 Jul 1912-Dec 1912 |
Q/DCCJA/114 Jan 1913-Jun 1913 |
Q/DCCJA/115 Jul 1913-Dec 1913 |
Q/DCCJA/116 Jan 1914-Jun 1914 |
Q/DCCJA/117 Jul 1914-Dec 1914 |
Q/DCCJA/118 Jan 1915-Mar 1915 |
Q/DCCJA/119 1866-1871 |
Q/DCCJA/120 May 1868 |
Q/DCCJA/121 Jan 1870-Jun 1870 |
Q/DCCJA/122 Nov 1870-Dec 1870 |
Q/DCCJA/123 1875 |
Q/DCCJA/124 1915-1916 |
Vagrancy and Settlement |
Orders of Removal |
Q/OOFR/1 1789-1793, 1796 |
Q/OOFR/2 1790-1803 |
Q/OOFR/3 1796-1798 Orders of Removal 1797 Overseers Warrant 1794 Record of Committee of Vagrants 1796-1798 |
Q/OOFR/4 1799-1800 |
Q/OOFR/5 1800 |
Q/OOFR/6 1801 |
Q/OOFR/7 Midsummer 1801 |
Q/OOFR/8 Midsummer 1801 |
Q/OOFR/9 1801-1804 |
Q/OOFR/10 Easter 1802 |
Q/OOFR/11 Midsummer 1802 |
Q/OOFR/12 Epiphany 1803 |
Q/OOFR/13 Easter 1803 |
Q/OOFR/14 Easter 1804 |
Q/OOFR/15 1806 |
Q/OOFR/16 Epiphany 1807-Michaelmas 1807 |
Q/OOFR/17 Easter 1808 |
Q/OOFR/18 1808 |
Q/OOFR/19 Midsummer 1809 |
Q/OOFR/20 1810 |
Q/OOFR/21 Epiphany 1811 |
Q/OOFR/22 Easter 1811 |
Q/OOFR/23 Midsummer 1811 |
Q/OOFR/24 Michaelmas 1811 |
Q/OOFR/25 Epiphany 1812-Michaelmas 1812 |
Q/OOFR/26 Easter 1812 |
Q/OOFR/27 Epiphany 1813-Michaelmas 1813 |
Q/OOFR/28 Epiphany 1814-Michaelmas 1814 |
Q/OOFR/29 Epiphany 1815-Michaelmas 1815 |
Q/OOFR/30 Epiphany 1816-Michaelmas 1816 |
Q/OOFR/31 Epiphany 1817 |
Q/OOFR/32 Easter 1817 |
Q/OOFR/33 Midsummer 1817 |
Q/OOFR/34 Michaelmas 1817 |
Q/OOFR/35 Epiphany 1818-Michaelmas 1818 |
Q/OOFR/36 Epiphany 1819-Michaelmas 1819 |
Q/OOFR/37 Easter 1820-Michaelmas 1820 |
Q/OOFR/38 Easter 1821-Michaelmas 1821 |
Q/OOFR/39 1821-1822 |
Q/OOFR/40 Michaelmas 1822-Michaelmas 1825 |
Q/OOFR/41 Epiphany 1826 |
Q/OOFR/42 Easter 1826-Midsummer 1826 |
Q/OOFR/43 Michaelmas 1826 |
Q/OOFR/44 1827 |
Q/OOFR/45 1827 |
Q/OOFR/46 Epiphany 1828 |
Q/OOFR/47 Easter 1828 |
Q/OOFR/48 Trinity 1828 |
Q/OOFR/49 Michaelmas 1828 |
Q/OOFR/50 Epiphany 1829 |
Q/OOFR/51 Midsummer 1829 |
Q/OOFR/52 Michaelmas 1829 |
Q/OOFR/53 1829-1831 |
Q/OOFR/54 Easter 1830 |
Q/OOFR/55 Midsummer 1830 |
Q/OOFR/56 1830 |
Q/OOFR/57 Epiphany 1831 |
Q/OOFR/58 Midsummer 1831 |
Q/OOFR/59 Michaelmas 1831 |
Q/OOFR/60 Epiphany 1832-Midsummer 1832 |
Q/OOFR/61 Easter 1832 |
Q/OOFR/62 Michaelmas 1832 |
Q/OOFR/63 Easter 1833-Michaelmas 1833 |
Q/OOFR/64 Easter 1834 |
Q/OOFR/65 Midsummer 1834-Epiphany 1835 |
Q/OOFR/66 1834-1860 |
Q/OOFR/67 Midsummer 1835 |
Q/OOFR/68 Oct 1835 |
Q/OOFR/69 Epiphany 1837-Epiphany 1839 |
Q/OOFR/70 1838-1839 |
Q/OOFR/71 Epiphany 1839-Michaelmas 1839 |
Q/OOFR/72 1839-1840 |
Q/OOFR/73 15 Jul 1808 |
Vagrants Passes and Examinations |
Q/VP/1 Taken from Land Tax Assessments 1807, 1817 |
Papers Relating to Pauper Lunatics |
Q/PPL/1 Settlement of Francis [Gunnious] a pauper lunatic (Usk, co. Monmouth and Winkleigh, Devon) 1842-1843 |
Q/PPL/2 Papers of parish of settlement of a Pauper Lunatic, Town of Monmouth, County Borough of Monmouth 1845-1846 |
Q/PPL/3 Papers on settlement of Mary Mears, a pauper lunatic (asylum of Whitchurch Lane, Great Botham, Surrey) 1846 |
Q/PPL/4 Paupers on settlement of John Fletcher a pauper lunatic (Bedwellty, Riversley or Wellington) 1846-1847 |
Q/PPL/5 Paupers and notices-certificates 1846-1860 |
Q/PPL/6 Bundle on Order of Maintenance of Thomas Criminal conviction, Monmouthshire, returned to asylum 1847 |
Q/PPL/7 Correspondence re: settlement of G. Warwick, pauper lunatic whose mother at Sunderland wishes him sent there if quiet- Sunderland his place of settlement 1847-1848 |
Q/PPL/8 1852-1857 |
Q/PPL/9 Papers including base and Counsels opinion, pauper lunatic (Bedwellty) 1860 |
Q/PPL/10 1876-1877 |
Miscellaneous |
Q/MISCB/2 Register book of Boats, barges etc. used on Nairfoljk Rivers etc. Act 35 Geo. III 9 Jul 1795-31 Mar 1797 |
Q/MISCB/13 Explosives Act 1875 Register of Registered Premises Division of Usk 18 Feb 1876-29 Oct 1888 |
Q/MISCB/14 Expolosives Act 1875 Register of Registered Premises Division of Pontypool 4 May 1885-15 Dec 1888 |
Q/MISCB/15 Explosives Act 1875 Register of Registered Premises Division of Caerleon 8 Oct 1885-2 Nov 1888 |
Q/MISCB/16 Explosives Act 1875 Store Licenses Division of Bedwellty 9 Nov 1877-19 Jun 1889 |
Q/MISCB/17 Explosives Act 1875 Store Licenses Division of Pontypool 21 Jan 1882-19 Jan 1889 |
Lieutenancy |
Militia |
Navy Papers |
Q/LLPN/1 1795 |
Q/LLPN/2 1795-1796 |
Q/LLPN/3 1795-1797 |
Q/LLPN/4 1796-1797 |
Militia Lists |
Q/LLML/1 1791-1800 |
Q/LLML/2 1826 |
Q/LLML/3 1826 |
Miscellaneous Papers |
Q/LLMISCP/1 Acts and correspondence 1796-1797 |
Q/LLMISCP/2 Arrangements re: allowance to Militia Ireland 1799 |
Q/LLMISCP/3 Militia Acts 1802-1858 Application of Notices Act 1852, 1852-1853 1802-1858 |
Q/LLMISCP/4 Inspector Generals Return on deficiencies in Quota and Militia under 44 Geo III cap. 56 1804 |
Q/LLMISCP/5 Order in Council, enrolment, regulations of militia 1852-1853 |
Q/LLMISCP/6 Misc. correspondence mainly on, with printed copies of the "Lytton Case" 1859-1865 |
Q/LLMISCP/7 Misc. papers 1860-1872 |
Q/LLMISCP/8 Personal, acceptance and failure upon Mon. Light Horse 1861 |
Q/LLMISCP/9 Correspondence etc. on contemporary William Jones or Jenkins of Clytha and Lord Lieutenant on charge of , Commission of Peace and Gas 1861-1862 |
Q/LLMISCP/10 Formation of Monmouthsire Volunteer Rifle Association 1861-1862 |
Q/LLMISCP/11 Misc. correspondence with the Lieutenant 1861-1889 |
Q/LLMISCP/12 Papers, pamphlets etc. relating to Monmouthsire Rifle Association 1862-1864 |
Q/LLMISCP/13 Reserve, Auxiliary and Army Circulars etc. 1868-1882 |
Q/LLMISCP/14 On meeting 15 February 1872 to comparative etc. Queen on recovery of Prince of Wales 1872 |
Q/LLMISCP/15 Clerk of Lieutenancy Accounts etc. 1884 |
Q/LLMISCP/16 London Societies 1892-1902 Assurnace of appointment 1880 1880-1902 |
Q/LLMISCP/17 General meeting of the Lieutenancy of the County at the Three Salmons, Usk, 24 April 1803 1803 |
Q/LLMISCP/18 Distinction on execution of 43 Geo III cap. 82 (Defence of the Realm) 1803 |
Q/LLMISCP/19 Misc. papers 1915-1942 |
Correspondence, Militia and Volunteers |
Q/LLCMTV/1 Militia, general correspondence, commissions etc. 1848-1854 |
Q/LLCMTV/2 Letters from Lord Lieutenant on commissions etc. Nov 1848-Jan 1856 |
Q/LLCMTV/3 General correspondence 1852-1859 |
Q/LLCMTV/4 Return of Officers 1852-1861 |
Q/LLCMTV/5 Commission returns etc. 1st Mon. Rifles (Chepstow) 1859-1869 |
Q/LLCMTV/6 Correspondence on commissions etc. 4th Mon. Rifles 1859-1869 |
Q/LLCMTV/7 Commissions etc. 6th Mon. Rifles (Monmouth Corps) 1859-1870 |
Q/LLCMTV/8 Commission etc. 7th Mon. Rifles (Newport Bow Corps) 1859-1870 |
Q/LLCMTV/9 Commission etc. 3rd Mon. Rifles (Newport Corps) 1859-1870 |
Q/LLCMTV/10 Commissions etc. 2nd Mon. Rifls (Pontypool Corps) 1859-1871 |
Q/LLCMTV/11 General correspondence on Rifle Corps 1859-1871 |
Q/LLCMTV/12 5th Mon. Rifles (Hanbury Corps, Pontypool) 1859-1871 |
Q/LLCMTV/13 General correspondence, commissions etc. 1860-1861 |
Q/LLCMTV/14 Commissions etc. 10th Mon. Rifles (Risca Corps) 1860-1866 |
Q/LLCMTV/15 Commissions etc. 9th Mon. Rifles (Abergavenny Corps) 1860-1870 |
Q/LLCMTV/16 Commissions etc. 1st Mon. Artillery Corps (Newport, Abertillery) 1860-1870 |
Q/LLCMTV/17 Commissions etc. 8th Mon. Rifles (Mon. and Raglan Corps) 1860-1869 |
Q/LLCMTV/18 Correspondence re: Battalions, Mon. Rifles 1860-1871 |
Q/LLCMTV/19 Replies from Officers, Mon. Artillery and Rifles on military concerned before Lieutenant on military completion 1861 |
Q/LLCMTV/20 Lord Lieutenant and Super Lieutenant 1861-1862 |
Q/LLCMTV/21 Militia Commissions etc. 1861-1869 |
Q/LLCMTV/22 Correspondence on uniformity of uniform in battalions and corps of volunteers Dec 1863-Jan 1866 |
Q/LLCMTV/23 Proposals to form a company of Rifle Volunteers at Victoria attende to 2nd Mon. Rifles at Pontypool 1865 |
Q/LLCMTV/24 Commissions etc. on Mon. Rifles 1866-1879 |
Q/LLCMTV/25 Papers relating to Monmouthshire Militia 1867-1869 |
Q/LLCMTV/26 Misc. papers on Militia 1867-1888 |
Q/LLCMTV/27 Military Commissions 1869-1879 |
Q/LLCMTV/28 Commissions R.V. Corps and Militia 1879-1882 |
Q/LLCMTV/29 Correspondence re: Militia 1848-1854 |
Q/LLCMTV/30 Correspondence etc. re: Militia Homes at Monmouth 1860-1864 |
Q/LLCMTV/31 Correspondence re: Militia and Volunteers 1853-1861 |
Nominal Rolls |
Q/LLNR/1 1st Mon. Artillery 1st to 9th Mon. Rifles (incomplete) 1864 |
Q/LLNR/2 1st Mon. Artillery 1st to 11th Mon. Rifles (incomplete) 1865-1879 |
Q/LLNR/3 Mon. Artillery Mon. Rifles 1880-1892 |
Royal Monmouth Militia |
Q/MISCB/4 25 Sep 1862-25 Apr 1853 |
Deputy Lieutenancy |
Deputy Lieutenants' Papers |
Q/LLCDL/1 Declarations of qualifications Deputy Lieutenancy and Commissions in Militia 1771-1799 |
Q/LLCDL/2 Qualifications in Monmouthshire Militia 1778-1793 |
Q/LLCDL/3 Qualifications certificates of Deputy Lieutenant 1778-1798 |
Q/LLCDL/4 Deputy Lieutenant Commissions, declarations of qualifications 1848-1878 |
Q/LLCDL/5 Correspondence, qualifications, Commission of Deputy Lieutenants and Militia 1849-1869 |
Q/LLCDL/6 Appointment of Deputy Lieutenants 1883-1887 |
Q/LLCDL/7 Lists, Commissions, Justices of Deputy Lieutenants and Commissions of Peace 1881-1892 |
Q/LLCDL/8 Correspondence re: Commissionsetc. Feb 1910-31 Dec 1933 |
Q/LLCDL/9 Correspondence re: Commissioners Jan 1934-Dec 1949 |
Q/LLCDL/10 Letter book 15 Aug 1929-4 Feb 1937 |
Commission of Peace |
Q/LLCCOFP/1 List of names 1820 |
Q/LLCCOFP/2 Correspondence, petitions, mainly on Commission of Peace 1842-1870 |
Q/LLCCOFP/3 Correspondence from Lord Lieutenant on Commission of Peace and Rifle Corps 1850-1860 |
Q/LLCCOFP/4 Letters relating to appointments 1854-1860 |
Q/LLCCOFP/5 Correspondence on new appointments to Commission of Peace 1863-1865 |
Q/LLCCOFP/6 Correspondence on Commission of Peace 1872 |
Q/LLCCOFP/7 Correspondence on Commission of Peace 1875-1882 |
Q/LLCCOFP/8 Correspondence on Commission of Peace 1886 |
Q/LLCCOFP/9 Correspondence on Commission of Peace, History Committee and local tribunals 1911-1919 |
Q/LLCCOFP/10 Lists of recomendations, names approved, minutes of Advisory Committee 1916-1921 |
Q/LLCCOFP/11 Correspondence on Commission of Peace and Advisory Committee 1920-1921 |
Q/LLCCOFP/12 Correspondence on Commission of Peace and Advisory Committee 1921-1923 |
Q/LLCCOFP/13 Correspondence on Commission of Peace and Advisory Committee Mar 1923-Oct 1924 |
Q/LLCCOFP/14 Correspondence on Commission of Peace and Advisory Committee Oct 1924-Jul 1925 |
Q/LLCCOFP/15 Correspondence on Commission of Peace and Advisory Committee Jul 1925-Jun 1928 |
Coroners Courts |
Coroners Inquisitions |
Q/CI/1-27 1866-1883 |
Q/CI/28 Jun 1881-Dec 1881 |
Q/CI/29 Oct 1882 |
Q/CI/30 Sep 1883 |
Q/LLCCOFP/31 Sep 1883-Nov 1883 |
Coroners Accounts |
Q/CACC/1 Jan 1861-Jun 1865 |
Q/CACC/2 Jan 1866-Dec 1870 |
Q/CACC/3 1877-1883 |
Q/CACC/4 1877-1884 |
Q/CACC/5 1877-1884 |
Q/CACC/6 1884 |
Q/CACC/7 1861 |
Coroners Vouchers |
Q/CV/1 Coroners' bills and extracts from rolls 1795-1832 |
Q/CV/2 Vouchers of William Brewer Easter 1838 |
Q/CV/3 Michaelmas 1837 |
Q/CV/4 Vouchers supporting Treasurer's vouchers Midsummer 1850 |
Q/CV/5 Vouchers for bills ordered Easter 1852 |
Q/CV/6 Vouchers for bills passed Michaelmas 1852 |
Q/CV/7 Epiphany 1853 |
Q/CV/8 Easter 1853 |
Q/CV/9 Vouchers for bills passed by Finance Committee Midsummer 1853 |
Q/CV/10 Michaelmas 1853 |
Q/CV/11 Epiphany 1854 |
Q/CV/12 Vouchers to support bills passed by Finance Committee Easter 1854 |
Q/CV/13 Vouchers supporting bills for these sessions Midsummer 1854 |
Q/CV/14 Michaelmas 1854 |
Q/CV/15 Epiphany 1855 |
Q/CV/16 Easter 1855 |
Q/CV/17 Midsummer 1855 |
Q/CV/18 Michaelmas 1855 |
Q/CV/19 Epiphany 1856 |
Q/CV/20 Easter 1856 |
Q/CV/21 Midsummer 1856 |
Q/CV/22 Michaelmas 1856 |
Q/CV/23 Epiphany 1857 |
Q/CV/24 Easter 1857 |
Q/CV/25 Michaelmas 1857 |
Q/CV/26 Epiphany 1859 |
Q/CV/27 Michaelmas 1869, Michaelmas 1871 |
Q/CV/28 W.H. Brewer, Coroner Michaelmas 1880-Michaelmas 1881 |
Q/CV/29 Mr. Batt, Coroner Michaelmas 1880-Michaelmas 1881 |
Q/CV/30 Epiphany 1882 |
Q/CV/31 Chepstow Court 1881-1889 |
Q/CV/32 Michaelmas 1882 |
Q/CV/33 Easter 1883-Epiphany 1884 |
Q/CV/34 Epiphany 1884-Easter 1885 |
Q/CV/35 Easter 1885-Easter 1886 |
Q/CV/36 Easter 1886-Easter 1887 |
Q/CV/37 Easter 1887-Easter 1888 |
Q/CV/38 Easter 1888-Easter 1889 |
Q/CV/39 Easter 1889-Epiphany 1890 |
Constables Notices to Coroners |
Q/CNC/1 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1857 |
Q/CNC/2 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1858 |
Q/CNC/3 Coroners vouchers Easter 1858 |
Q/CNC/4 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1858 |
Q/CNC/5 Vouchers Michaelmas 1858 |
Q/CNC/6 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1859 |
Q/CNC/7 Vouchers Easter 1859 |
Q/CNC/8 Coroners Vouchers Midsummer 1859 |
Q/CNC/9 Coroners Vouchers (W. Brewer) Oct 1859 |
Q/CNC/10 1859 |
Q/CNC/11 Epiphany 1860 |
Q/CNC/12 Coroners vouchers Easter 1860 |
Q/CNC/13 Vouchers Midsummer 1860 |
Q/CNC/14 Coroners vouchers Oct 1860 |
Q/CNC/15 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1861 |
Q/CNC/16 Brewer Easter 1861 |
Q/CNC/17 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1861 |
Q/CNC/18 Brewer, vouchers Michaelmas 1861 |
Q/CNC/19 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1862 |
Q/CNC/20 Coroners vouchers Easter 1862 |
Q/CNC/21 Vouchers Midsummer 1862 |
Q/CNC/22 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1862 |
Q/CNC/23 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1863 |
Q/CNC/24 Coroners vouchers Mar 1863 |
Q/CNC/25 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1863 |
Q/CNC/26 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1863 |
Q/CNC/27 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1864 |
Q/CNC/28 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1864 |
Q/CNC/29 Vouchers Easter 1864 |
Q/CNC/30 Vouchers Midsummer 1864 |
Q/CNC/31 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1864 |
Q/CNC/32 Coroners vouchers Easter 1865 |
Q/CNC/33 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1865 |
Q/CNC/34 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1865 |
Q/CNC/35 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1866 |
Q/CNC/36 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1866 |
Q/CNC/37 Coroners vouchers Easter 1866 |
Q/CNC/38 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1866 |
Q/CNC/39 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1866 |
Q/CNC/40 Coroners vouchers Easter 1867 |
Q/CNC/41 Vouchers Midsummer 1867 |
Q/CNC/42 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1867 |
Q/CNC/43 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1868 |
Q/CNC/44 Coroners vouchers Easter 1868 |
Q/CNC/45 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1868 |
Q/CNC/46 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1868 |
Q/CNC/47 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1869 |
Q/CNC/48 Coroners vouchers Easter 1869 |
Q/CNC/49 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1869 |
Q/CNC/50 Coroners vouchers Michaelmas 1869 |
Q/CNC/51 Vouchers Epiphany 1870 |
Q/CNC/52 Coroners vouchers Easter 1870 |
Q/CNC/53 Vouchers Midsummer 1870 |
Q/CNC/54 Coroners vouchers and Constables notices Midsummer 1870 |
Q/CNC/55 Notice to Coroner and vouchers Michaelmas 1870 |
Q/CNC/56 Vouchers Epiphany 1871 |
Q/CNC/57 Vouchers Easter 1871 |
Q/CNC/58 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1871 |
Q/CNC/59 Vouchers Michaelmas 1871 |
Q/CNC/60 Vouchers Epiphany 1872 |
Q/CNC/61 Coroners vouchers Easter 1872 |
Q/CNC/62 Coroners vouchers Midsummer 1872 |
Q/CNC/63 Vouchers Michaelmas 1872 |
Q/CNC/64 Vouchers Epiphany 1873 |
Q/CNC/65 Vouchers Easter 1873 |
Q/CNC/66 Vouchers Midsummer 1873 |
Q/CNC/67 Vouchers Michaelmas 1873 |
Q/CNC/68 Coroners vouchers Epiphany 1874 |
Q/CNC/69 Vouchers Easter 1874 |
Q/CNC/70 Vouchers Midsummer 1874 |
Q/CNC/71 Vouchers Midsummer 1875 |
Q/CNC/72 Vouchers Midsummer 1876 |
Q/CNC/73 Vouchers Michaelmas 1876 |
Q/CNC/74 Vouchers Epiphany 1877 |
Q/CNC/75 Vouchers Easter 1877 |
Q/CNC/76 Vouchers Midsummer 1877 |
Q/CNC/77 Vouchers Michaelmas 1877 |
Q/CNC/78 Vouchers Epiphany 1878 |
Q/CNC/79 Midsummer 1878 |
Q/CNC/80 Michaelmas 1878 |
Q/CNC/81 Jan 1878-Dec 1878 |
Q/CNC/82 Epiphany 1879 |
Q/CNC/83 Easter 1879 |
Q/CNC/84 Vouchers Midsummer 1879 |
Q/CNC/85 Vouchers Michaelmas 1879 |
Q/CNC/86 Vouchers Epiphany 1880 |
Q/CNC/87 Vouchers Easter 1880 |
Q/CNC/88 Vouchers Midsummer 1880 |
Q/CNC/89 Michaelmas 1880 |
Q/CNC/90 Epiphany 1881 |
Q/CNC/91 Epiphany 1881 |
Q/CNC/92 Easter 1881 |
Q/CNC/93 Midsummer 1881 |
Q/CNC/94 Michaelmas 1881 |
Q/CNC/95 Epiphany 1882 |
Q/CNC/96 Vouchers Easter 1882 |
Q/CNC/97 Vouchers Midsummer 1882 |
Q/CNC/98 Michaelmas 1882 |
Q/CNC/99 Vouchers Epiphany 1883 |
Q/CNC/100 Easter 1883 |
Q/CNC/101 Midsummer 1883 |
Q/CNC/102 Midsummer 1883 |
Q/CNC/103 Michaelmas 1883 |
Q/CNC/104 Sep 1883-Nov 1883 |
Plans and Books of Reference |
Chronological Sequence |
1771-1820 |
Q/PANDBR/1 Road leading from Caerleon to Court Bleddyn (by W. Foord) Plan 28 Jan 1771 1771 |
Q/PANDBR/2 Monmouthshire Canal Estimate of the expense of making a canal from Newport to Pontnewydd with a branch to Crumlin Bridge and Railroads to Blaenavon, Nantyglo, Sirhowy and Trosnant Iron Works. Thomas Dadford Junior List of subscribers to the Monmouthshire Canal List of Landowners and Occupiers of land See D38/41 for Dadford's plan of the Newport-Pontnewynydd/Crumlin line of the Monmouthshire Canal, 1792 1 Dec 1791 |
Q/PANDBR/3 Intended extension of the Monmouthshire Canal below the town of Newport (T. Dadford, Junior, Engineer) Plan and book of reference Deposited 30 Sep 1796 1796 |
Q/PANDBR/4 Intended railway or tramroad from Sirhowy Furnaces to communicate with the Monmouthshire Canal and River Usk at Newport and C. Session 1801 Deposited 29 Sep 1801 Plan and book of reference 1801 |
Q/PANDBR/5 Plan of intended railway from the River Wye opposite Ledbrook to near the bridge at Hereford (surveyed in 1802 by Henry Price), and reference to plan. Deposited 30 Sep 1802 Plan 1802 |
Q/PANDBR/6 Monmouthshire Canal Plan of extension below the town of Newport (by John Hodgkinson, Engineer) from Pill Gwently to Newport. Deposited 27 Sep 1805 and certified by Clerk of Peace Sep 1805 |
Q/PANDBR/7 River Wye surveyed from Hereford to Tintern in order to apply to Parliament for powers to improve the said river. Deposited Oct 1805 Plan and book of reference 1805 |
Q/PANDBR/8 Plan of the River Wye and a proposed Towing Path along the bank of the same, from Hereford to Lidbrook. Deposited 28 Sep 1808 and certified by Deputy Clerk of Peace. Plan and book of reference 1808 |
Q/PANDBR/9 Branch of road out of Turnpike Road from Abergavenny to Govilon to join Turnpike Road from Abergavenny to Llanellen. Deposited 23 Sep 1808 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and book of reference 1809 |
Q/PANDBR/10 Proposed railway from the Forest of Dean through Coleford New Land and Redbrook to Monmouth with its Branches. Deposited 30 Sep 1809 Plan and book of reference 1809 |
Q/PANDBR/11 Intended deviation of Turnpike Road from Govilon to Abergavenny Deposited 23 Sep 1809 Plan and book of reference 1810 |
Q/PANDBR/12 Tramroad from Brecon and Abergavenny Canal (near Abergavenny Wharf) to Llanvihangel Crucorney. Deposited 28 Sep 1811 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and book of reference 1810 |
Q/PANDBR/13 Proposed alteration Turnpike Roads from Trothy Bridge at Troy, to Dingestow, Raglan and Trelleck, Monmouth Turnpike. Deposited 29 Sep 1909 Plan and bookmof reference 1810 |
Q/PANDBR/14 Road from Ystrad Parish of Llanfabon co. Glamorgab to Pontymoil with branch from Newbridge to Risca. Session 1810 Deposited 30 Sep 1809 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and book of reference 1810 |
Q/PANDBR/15 Proposed tramroad from the Brecon and Abergavenny Canal (near the Abergavenny Wharf) to Llanvihangel Crucorney. Deposited 28 Apr 1811 Plan and book of reference Drawn by William Crossley 1810, copied by David Davies, Surveyor, 1811. 1811 |
Q/PANDBR/16 Intended line of Road from Newport Bridge through Christchurch Llanwern to Magor Road to meet Turnpike Road leading to the passage and Chepstow. Scheme surveyed and planned by John Aram 1810 Deposited 29 Sep 1810 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. 1811 |
Q/PANDBR/17 Intended line of Tramroad from Llanvihangel Crucorney to Llangua Bridge in the co. of Hereford. (John Hodgkinson, Engineer) Deposited 30 Sep 1811 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and book of reference 1811 |
Q/PANDBR/18 Tramroad from Llanvihangel Crucorney to city of Hereford Book of reference 1811 |
Q/PANDBR/19 Plan and section of an intended line of Tramroad from Llanvihangel Crucorney to city of Hereford (John Hodgkinson) Deposited 30 Sep 1811 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace 1811 |
Q/PANDBR/20 Intended line of Railway or Tramroad from Mayhill, parish of Dixton to Turnpike Gate Crossway, parishes of Maughan and Skenfrith (John Hodgkinson, Engineer and David Davies, surveyor) Deposited 30 Sep 1813 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the peace. Plan and book of reference 1813 |
Q/PANDBR/21 Plan and section of intended line of Tramway from near Cross-Y-Pant in parish of Mamhilad to near Usk Bridge in the parish of Llanbaddock (by William Llewellin) Deposited 30 Sep 1813 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. 1813 |
Q/PANDBR/22 Plan of intended piece of railway from or near Abergavenny to Llanvihangel Crucorney (John Hodgkinson) Deposited 24 Sep 1814 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1814 |
Q/PANDBR/23 New road from Trelleck village to Tintern Abbey and Piercefield to the village of St. Arvans (Surveyed for D. Davies by Thos. Andrew) Deposited 30 Sep 1815 (certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace) Plan and book of reference 1815 |
Q/PANDBR/24 Intended line of road from Rhyd-Y-Blew co. Brecon to Crown Inn, co. Monmouth Deposited 30 Jun 1817 Plan and book of reference 1817 |
Q/PANDBR/25 Intended turnpike from Rockfield and Newcastle to Llantillio Crossenny Recieved 27 Sep 1817 Plan and book of reference 1817 |
Q/PANDBR/26 Intended Aqueduct pipes and reservoirs for supplying the inhabitants of the town of Monmouth with water Deposited 30 Sep 1817 Plan and book of reference 1817 |
Q/PANDBR/27 New road from Chepstow to Monmouth, Tintern Abbey to Piercefield. Deposited 30 Sep 1817 Plan and book of reference 1817 |
Q/PANDBR/28 Proposed water pipes in the streets of Monmouth Deposited 24 Mar 1818 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1818 |
Q/PANDBR/29 Additions, deviations, widenings and alterations, intended to be made to roads within the Monmouth Turnpike District Received 30 Mar 1818 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1818 |
Q/PANDBR/30 Proposed deviation of Turnpike Road in Monmouth District, from New Inn to Dingestow and to Crofty Cloie. Deposited 27 Apr 1818 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1818 |
Q/PANDBR/31 Intended diversion of road between the town of Usk and village of Raglan (Thomas Andrew, Surveyor, Monmouth) Deposited 30 Sep 1818 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1818 |
Q/PANDBR/32 Road from Abergavenny to Llantillio Crossenny (John Hoodgkinson, Engineer, David Davies, Surveyor) Plan and book of reference Deposited 30 Sep 1820 and certified by Clerk of the Peace 1820 |
1821-1840 |
Q/PANDBR/33 Intended diversions of roads in the district of Caerleon (Evan Jones) Deposited 28 Sep 1821 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1821 |
Q/PANDBR/34 Intended line of Turnpike Road from St. Arvans to Trelleck (David Davies, Surveyor) Deposited 29 Sep 1821 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1821 |
Q/PANDBR/35 Intended line of Turnpike Road from Chepstow to Usk, with intended Branch from Gwernesney to Treworgan Common. Deposited 29 Sep 1821, certified by the Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1821 |
Q/PANDBR/36 Plan of roads between Old Forge to the sea, with proposed line of roads from Old Forge to Hoonall, crossing the River Wye at Goodrich. (By Evan Jones, Engineer, Monmouth) Roads in County of Hereford Plan 1822 |
Q/PANDBR/37 Intended tramroad or railway in Bedwellty, Monythusloyne and Machen from Cwm Gelly to Nine Mile Point (Sirhowy Valley) Deposited 26 Sep 1823 See Q/PANDBR/38 for book of reference Plan 1823 |
Q/PANDBR/38 Intended railway or tram road in Bedwellty, Monythusloyne and Machen Deposited 26 Sep 1823 Book of reference only See Q/PANDBR/37 for plan 1823 |
Q/PANDBR/39 Present roads intended deviations and improvements between Rockfield, Nantygarn, Smith Shop and Llantillio Crossenney Deposited 30 Sep 1823 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Map and book of reference 1823 |
Q/PANDBR/40 Proposed Monmouth to Gloucester Variation, between 5th Mile Stone near Churcham and Town of Monmouth Deposited 30 Sep 1823, certified by Clerk of the Peace Map and table of reference 1823 |
Q/PANDBR/41 Intended Turnpike Road from Redbrook to St. Arvans in Counties of Monmouth and Gloucester and other Branch Roads Deposited 30 Sep 1823, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference Pars of Lansoy , Trelleck, Redbrook, Whitebrook, St Briavels, Llandogo, Tintern, St. Arvans, Howick, Pwllmeyrick 1823 |
Q/PANDBR/43 Intended new line of road from Crick to Old Passage Deposited 29 Nov 1825, certified by Clerk of teh Peace Map and book of reference 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/44 Proposed tram road and railway Monmouth Cap to City of Hereford (John Hodkinson, Engineer, David Davies, Surveyor) Deposited 29 Nov 1825, certified by Clerk of the Peace Estimate, book of reference, plan and section 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/46 Railway or tram road from Rumney Iron Works, parish of Bedwellty to River Usk and Pillgwenlly, Parish of St. Woollos Deposited 30 Nov 1824, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and sections only 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/77 Newport and Pontypool Railway Deposited 25 Sep 1845 Book of reference only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/42 Rumney Iron Works Railway and Tramway Deposited 30 Nov 1824, certified by Clerk of teh Peace Booom of reference only (see Q/PANDBR/48) 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/45 Rumney Iron Works Railway and Tramway Parish of Bedwellty Deposited 30 Nov 1824, certified by the Clerk of Peace Book of reference only 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/47 Rumney Ironworks and Tramroad Deposited 30 Nov 1824 Book of reference only 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/48 Railway or Tramway, Rumney Iron Works, Parish of Bedwellty to join Sirhowy Railway, Pye Corner, Parish of Bassalge (Near Pye Corner) (G. Overyon, Engineer) Deposited 30 Nov 1824 Book of reference only 1825 |
Q/PANDBR/49 Projected railway to communicate between the Trosnat Railway and the railway leading from pnynewydd to Blaenavon, (William Wells). Deposited 28 Nov 1825, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference Also card inpass Trevethin and Ponteague, which it is intended to stop up and road between Pontynewynydd and the junction of B&A with the Pontypool line of canal. 1826 |
Q/PANDBR/50 New roads (under proposed Act) leading to and from the town of Abergavenny Deposited 27 Nov 1829, certified by Clerk of Peace. Plan section and book of reference 1829 |
Q/PANDBR/51 Intended line of Turnpike Road leading from Abergavenny and Hereford Road, near Sychor-Wen-Llanvihangel Crucorney. Deposited 30 Sep 1830, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1830 |
Q/PANDBR/52 Plan and new roads intended etc. Abergavenny District (under Act 50 Geo. III) Deposited 30 Nov 1830, certified by the Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1830 |
Q/PANDBR/53 Intended new lines in Monmouth Districty of Turnpike Roads in Counties of Monmouth and Gloucester. Monmouth, Rockfield, Skenfrith, Newcastle, The Owen, Dingestow, Mitchel Troy, Dixton. Deposited 30 Nov 1830, certified by Clerk of Peace Map 1830 |
Q/PANDBR/54 Proposed road from Newport towards Pontypool Deposited 26 Nov 1831, certified by the Clerk of the Peace Plan and book of reference 1831 |
Q/PANDBR/55 Intended line of Turnpike Road from Chepstow through Usk to Abergavenny Deposited 30 Nov 1832, certified by the Clerk of the Peace Map and book of reference 1832 |
Q/PANDBR/56 Intended lines of roads leading from Skenfrith Bridge Road to Madley co. Hereford Deposited 30 Nov 1832 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Map and book of reference 1832 |
Q/PANDBR/57 Intended tramroad and railway leading from Sirhowry Tramroad at or near the Big Quarry to form a junction with the Rumney Railway or Tramroad at a point opposite or near the house of Wm. Thomas, Inn Keeper, in the Parish of Machen (John Beaven) Deposited 30 Nov 1832 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan, section and book of reference 1833 |
Q/PANDBR/58 Ebbw Vale Railway from Mineral Lands near Ebbw Vale Iron Works to the River Usk opposite Town of Newport together with Branches therefrom in several Counties of Monmouth and Brecon. Deposited 30 Nov 1833, certified by Clerk of the Peace Book of reference only 1834 |
Q/PANDBR/59 Intended railway or Tramroad from a certain Mineral Property called Tyn-Y-Llwyn and Knaffwy situate in parish of Aberystruth to Liswerry Pill Par. of Christchurch together with several branches of the railway and Tramroad to communicate therewith. Via Abergavenny and Usk Deposited 30 Nov 1833 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan and section 1834 |
Q/PANDBR/60 Newport Docks, floating dock etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1834, certified by Clerk of the Peace 2 Plans and book of reference 1835 |
Q/PANDBR/61 Newport Dock For plan see Q/PANDBR/60 Book of reference only Deposited 29 Nov 1834 and certified by Clerk of the Peace 1835 |
Q/PANDBR/62 Turnpike Road near Rhyd-Y-Bleu co. Brecon to the directing post near Aberdare co. Glamorgan, through Blaen Rumney instad of old road from Rhyd-Y-Blew co. Brecon to Post near Aberdare co. Glamorgan via Sirhowy, Rumney and Dowlais. Deposited 30 Nov 1835 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan, section and book of reference 1835 |
Q/PANDBR/63 Turnpike Road from Rhy-Y-Blew co. Brecon to Aberdare co. Glamorgan (Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/62) (Bedwellty) Deposited 30 Nov 1836 Plan, section and book of reference 1836 |
Q/PANDBR/64 England and Ireland Union Railway from Gloucester to Fishguard. Deposited (no date Plans and sections only (for book of reference see Q/PANDBR/65) 1837 |
Q/PANDBR/65 England and Ireland Union Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1836, certified by Clerk of Peace Book of reference only (for plans see Q/PANDBR/64) 1837 |
Q/PANDBR/66 England, Ireland Union Railway, Gloucester to Fishguard (Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/64) Deposited 30 Nov 1836, certified by Clerk of the Peace Maps 1837 |
Q/PANDBR/67 Bristol and South Wales and Southhampton Union Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1836 Plan and Sections, books of reference 1837 |
Q/PANDBR/68 Newport, Abergavenny and Pontypool Railway 1. Main line-Newport, Usk, Abergavenny and 1 Branch Line:-Newport, Caerleon, Panteg, Pontypool, British (Talywain), Varteg, Cwmavon, Blaenavon Deposited 1 Mar 1837, certified by the Clerk of the Peace Plans, section and book of reference 1837 |
Q/PANDBR/69 Intended Turnpike Road from near the George Inn, Pontypool co. Mon to Brynmawr, co. Brecon (with printed copy of relative Standing Orders of House of Lords) (via Abersychan, Cwmavon, Blaenavon) Deposited 30 Nov 1838, certified by the Clerk of the Peace Plan, section and book of reference 1838 |
Q/PANDBR/70 Intended Turnpike Road from near the George Inn, Pontypool co. Mon to co. Brecon etc. (Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/69) Deposited 30 Nov 1838, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plan, section and book of reference 1838 |
Q/PANDBR/71 Llanfabon Roads Proposed alteration Turnpike Road from Ystrad. Parish of Llanfabon co. Glamorgan to Pontymoile. Proposed alteration in Parish of Trevethin, plan shows section of road near Cwm-Y-Glyn Reservoir in Parish of Trevethin, co. Mon. Deposited 30 Nov 1840, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans, section and book of reference 1841 |
Q/PANDBR/72 Llanfabon Roads Proposed alteration Turnpike Road from Ystrad Parish of Llanfabon co. Glamorgan to Pontymoile Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/71 Deposited 30 Nov 1840, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans, sections and books of reference 1841 |
Q/PANDBR/157 Map of proposed new lines (of road) Old Forge to Huntley (Surveyed under direction of Thomas Telford, esq., F.R.S.E. by Henry Welsh) 1824 |
1842-1845 |
Q/PANDBR/73 Chepstow Water (R.N. Purchas, Engineer) Deposited 30 Nov 1841, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans and sections (2 copies) and books of reference 1842 |
Q/PANDBR/74 Newport and Nantyglo Railway Newport to Nantyglo and Branch line from Newport to Abersychan, Golonos and Varteg Iron Works. Deposited 30 Nov 1842, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans, sections (2 copies) and book of reference 1843 |
Q/PANDBR/75 Newport to Nantyglo Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1842 Reference books (3) 1843 |
Q/PANDBR/76 Chepstow Water Deposited 29 Nov 1842 Plans, sections (2 copies) and book of reference 1843 |
MISCMSS2061 Monmouth and Hereford Deviation (Plan and section) 1844 |
Q/PANDBR/78 Newport to Pontypool Railway Pontymoile deviations to Nantyglo from Newport to Golonos and Varteg Iron Works Deposited 27 May 1845 Plans and sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/79 Newport to Pontypool Railway deviation in Parish of Panteague Deposited 27 May 1845 Plan and sections and book of reference 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/80 Newport and Pontypool Railway, Pontymoile deviations Deposited 11 Aug 1845 Plans, sections and certificate 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/81 Newport and Pontypool Railway Through Parishes of St Woollos, Malpas, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llanfrechfa, Panteague, Trevethin. Deposited 30 Nov 1844 Book of reference only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/82 Newport to Pontypool Railway (Newport to Abersychan) through Parishes of Malpas, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llanvrechfa Upper, Panteague and Trevethin. Deposited 30 Nov 1844 and certified by Deputy Clerk of Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/83 Newport to Pontypool Railway (Newport to Abersychan) Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plans, sections and books of reference 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/84 Newport and Pontypool Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844 Book of reference only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/85 Monmoutshire Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plans and sections and book of reference Line from Newport to Blaenavon via. Bettws, Llantarnam, Pontypool, British Talywain and Branch Line from pontnewynydd to Nantyglo. 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/86 Monmouthshire Railway Line from Newport to Blaenavon via. Bettus, Llantarnam, Pontypool and British Talywain and Branch Line from Pontnewynydd to Nantyglo. Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/87 Monmouthshire Railway from Newport through Pontypool to Nantyglo and Blaenavon with branches. Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of Peace Book of reference only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/88 Monmouth and Hereford Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of Peace Books of reference (2) 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/89 Monmouth and Hereford Railway (Railway passes through towns in co. Hereford via Ross) Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Maps and Sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/90 Monmouth and Hereford Railway (mainly passes through towns etc. in co. Hereford) Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans and sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/91 Monmouth and Hereford Railway Deposited 21 Dec 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plan and sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/92 Monmouth and Hereford Railway, related mainly to the County of Hereford Deposited 31 Dec 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plan and sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/93 Monmouth and Hereford Railway Deposited 31 Dec 1844, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Amended book of reference 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/94 Monmouth and Hereford Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844, certifed by the Clerk of the Peace Plan of the cut or canal. Proposed canal or cut extending from Hock in Par. Fretherne to Familode Passage in Pars. of Saul and Eastington in County of Gloucester (see Q/PANDBR/96) 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/96 Monmouth and Hereford Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844 Plan of cut or canal only This plan relates to proposed canal extending from Hock in Par. Fretherne to Framilode Passage in the Parishes if Saul and Eastington co. Gloucester and does not appear to relate to Monmouth and Hereford Railway although endorsed by Deputy Clerk of the Peace for County of Monmouth. 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/97 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Raglan Branch, etc. Plans and sections only 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/98 South Wales Railway, through Pars. of St. Mellons, Peterstone, St. Brides, Bassaleg, Newport, Chrictchurch, Bishpool, Magor, Undy, Ifton, Caldicot, Portskewett, Mathern and Chepstow, Tredunnock, Llantrisant, Usk, Raglan and Monmouth. Deposited 13 Jun 1845 Plans and sections only. For book of reference see Q/PANDBR/99 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/99 South Wales Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Book of reference only, for plan see Q/PANDBR/98 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/100 South Wales Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1844 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Books of reference Part 1; Part 2; and Part3 only. Note: D3079/4 is a better copy (in parts) and has been an index of places 1845 |
Q/PANDBR/101 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845, certified by Deputy Clerk of Peace. Plans and sections only, appears to relate to Counties of Brecon and Glamorgan and no Monmouthshire. 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/102 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway in connection with the Welsh Midland. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections and book of reference. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/101 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/103 Brecon and Merthyr Railway, in connection with Welsh Midland Deposited 30 Nov 1845 for plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/101-102 Book of reference only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/104 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 31 Dec 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Relates to Counties of Brecon and Glamorgan Plans and sections only, for book of reference see Q/PANDBR/105 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/105 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 31 Dec 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Book of reference only, for plans see Q/PANDBR/104 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/106 Chepstow and Pontypool Railway (Engineer, Wm Garatt) via Pars. of St. Arvans, Llangwm, Usk, Llanbaddock and Llanvihangel Pontymoyle. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans and sections, book of reference (2 copies) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/107 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/107 Chepstow and Pontypool Railway (Engineer, Wm. Graratt) via Pars. of St. Arvans, Newchurch, Llangwm, Usk, Llanbaddock and Llanvihangel Pontymoyle. Deposited 30 Nov 1845, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/106 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/108 Chepstow, Forest of Dean and Gloucester Junction Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plan, sections and book of reference Railway in County of Gloucester 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/109 Chepstow, Forest of Dean and Gloucester Junction Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace Plans and sections and book of reference Deuplicate of Q/PANDBR/108 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/110 Bristol and South Wales Junction Railway Par. of Portskewett only in Monmouthshire, other part in City of Bristol and County of Gloucester. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/111 Bristol and South Wales Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/110 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certifoed by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/112 Great Eastern and Western Railway through Pars. of Monmouth, Abergavenny and Cwmyoy. Deposited 29 Dec 1845 Plan and sections (2 copies) 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/113 Great Eastern and Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only. For book of reference see Q/PANDBR/114 Through pars. of Bedwellty, Aberystruth, Llanwenarth, Abergavenny, Llandillo Pertholey and Cwmyoy. 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/114 Great Eastern and Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. For plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/113 Book of reference only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/115 Great Eastern and Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only (Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/114). For plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/113 1846 |
1846 |
Q/PANDBR/117 Hereford and Merthyr Tydfil Railway Parish of Bedwellty in co. Mon Deposited 30 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only (For plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/117) 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/117 Hereford and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Parish of Bedwellty in co. Mon. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 Plan and sections only (For book of reference see Q/PANDBR/116) 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/118 Hereford and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway. Junction at Pipton near Glasbury and Tredegar. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/117 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/119 London, Bristol and South Wales Direct Railway. Line of Railway in England to join intended South Wales Railway and Chepstow co. Mon. No part of this railway is in Monmouthshire. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/120 London, Bristol and South Wales Direct Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/119, no part of railway in Monmouthshire. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/121 Monmouthshire Railway, from Snatchwood House in Par. Trevethin to Blaenavon Old and Blaenavon New Furnaces co. Mon. Deposited 29 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only, for plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/131 and Q/PANDBR/132 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/122 Monmouth and Welsh Midland Junction Railway In Pars. of Dixton, Monmouth, Wonastow, Mtchel Troy, Raglan, Abergavenny and Llanfoist. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/123 Monmouth and Welsh Midland Junction Railway Line of Railway from Monmouth to Llanfoist via. Raglan Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/124 Monmouth and Welsh Midland Junction Railway Line of Railway from Monmouth to Llanfoist via Raglan Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/125 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Branches. Deposited 29 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only (for plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/126) 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/126 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway. pontymoile to Hereford etc. via Abergavenny and Branch Lines to Usk and Raglan. Deposited 29 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and section only (For book of reference see Q/PANDBR/125) 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/127 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/126 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and section only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/128 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Works Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/129 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/128 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/130 Town of Newport Pillgwentlly and adjacent lands showing line of proposed water works, 1845 Copy of Q/PANDBR/128 and Q/PANDBR/129 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/121 Newport and Pontypool Railway, Snatchwood House etc. From Snatchwood House in Par. Trevethin to Blaenavon Old and Blaenavon New Furnaces co. Mon. and brances of Newport to Pontypool Line. Deposited 29 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only. For book of reference see Q/PANDBR/121 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/132 Newport and pontypool Railway Snatchwood House to Blaenavon etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/131 Deposited 29 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only, for book of reference see Q/PANDBR/121. 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/133 Pontypool and Merthyr Railway, via. Hafodyrynys, Crumlin, Pentwynmawr and remainder of Railway in County of Glamorgan. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference. 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/134 Pontypool and Merthyr Tydfil Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/133 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/135 South Wales Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/136 South Wales Railway Line of Railway only touches town of Chepstow in co. Monmouth Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and sections only. For book of reference see Q/PANDBR/135 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/137 South Wales Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/136 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/138 Welsh Midland Railway Main Line, Pars. of Bedwellty and Aberystruth Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/140 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/139 Welsh Midland Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/140 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/140 Welsh Midland Railway Part 1. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/141 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 Book of reference only. For plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/138 and Q/PANDBR/139 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/141 Welsh Midland Railway Part 1. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/138 and Q/PANDBR/139 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/142 Welsh Midland Railway Nantyglo Branch through pars. of Bedwellty and Aberystruth Deposited 31 Dec 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and sections only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/143 Worcester and Merthyr Tydfil Railway Through Pars. of Rockfield, Skenfrith, Llantillio Crosseney, Llanvetherine, Llanthewy, Skirrid, Llantilio Pertholey and Abergavenny. Deposited 30 nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of reference only. For plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/144 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/144 Worcester and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway. Through Pars. of Rockfield, Skenfrith, Llantilio Crossenney, Llanvetherine, Llanthewy, Skirrid, Llantillio Pertholey and Abergavenny. Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/145 Worcester and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/144 Deposited 30 Nov 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/146 Welsh, South, Midland and Chepstow, Forest of Dean and Gloucester Junction Extension Railway. Chepstow to Nelson via. Usk and Pontymoile Deposited 30 Nov 18475 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and sections only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/147 Welsh, South, Midland and Chepstow, Forest of Dean and Gloucester Junction Extension Railway. Chepstow to Nelson via. Usk and Pontymoile (Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/146) Deposited 30 Nov 18475 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and sections only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/148 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Extension to Taff Vale Railway. Pars. of Trevethin, Panteague, Mynyddisllwyn and Bedwas Deposited 30 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, sections and book of reference 1847 |
1847-1852 |
Q/PANDBR/149 Newport and Abergavenny and Hereford Railway extension (to Taff Vale Railway). Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/148 Deposited 30 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/150 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway deviations abandoning etc. in pars. of Abergavenny and Llantillio Pertholey. Deposited 30 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/151 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railways, deviations. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/150 Deposited 30 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/152 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway, deviations. Deposited 30 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/150 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/153 Welsh Midland Railway-Main Lines Deposited 31 Dec 1845 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only 1846 |
Q/PANDBR/154 South Wales Railway, deviations etc. Undy to near Newport Deposited 28 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/156 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/155 South Wales Railway deviations etc. Undy to near Newport Deposited 28 Nov 1841 Plan and Sections only 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/156 South Wales Railway-Branches, deviations and amendment: Undy to near Newport Deposited 28 Nov 1846 and certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Reference Book see Q/PANDBR/154 1847 |
Q/PANDBR/159 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Co. Deviations of Sirhowy, Crumlin and Beaufort Tram Roads Deposited 29 Nov 1849 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1850 |
Q/PANDBR/160 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company Deviations of Sirhowy etc. Tram Roads Deposited 29 Nov 1849 Plans and Sections only Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/159 1850 |
Q/PANDBR/161 South Wales Railway No.2 New Branches etc. Par. of Chepstow, line of railway mainly in County of Gloucester: Undy, Magor, Caldicot, Portskewett Deposited 30 Nov 1849 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference etc. 1850 |
Q/PANDBR/162 South Wales Railway No.2 New Branch etc. Magor to Undy, Caldicot, Portskewett and Chepstow Deposited 30 nov 1849 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1850 |
Q/PANDBR/163 South Wales Railway New Branches etc. in pars. of Portskewett, Caldicot, Magor, Undy Deposited 30 Nov 1850, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1851 |
Q/PANDBR/164 South Wales Railway New Branch etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/163 Deposited 30 Nov 1850 and certified by deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections etc. 1851 |
Q/PANDBR/165 Forest of Dean, Monmouth, Usk and Pontypool Railway (James Abernethyr, Engineer) Mamhilad to Monmouth, via. Usk, Raglan and Dingestow Deposited (no date) Plan and Sections only 1852 |
Q/PANDBR/166 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal: Proposed railways or tram road alterations. Newport to Blaenavon via. Pontypool. And branch lines. And in Pars. of St. Woolos, Bassaleg, risca, Machen, Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth, Aberystruth on the Newpory to Blaina line of railway and Aberbeeg to Beufort Iron Works. Deposited 29 Nov 1851, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference. 1852 |
Q/PANDBR/167 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/166 Deposited 29 Nov 1851, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1852 |
Q/PANDBR/168 South Wales Railway Par. of St. Woollos Deposited 29 Nov 1851 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference etc. 1852 |
Q/PANDBR/169 South Wales Railway Par. of St Woollos Deposited 29 Nov 1851, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections etc. 1852 |
1853 |
Q/PANDBR/170 Forest of Dean, Monmouth, Usk, Pontypool Railway Through pars.of Mamhilad, Monkswood, Usk, Llandenny, Raglan, Dingestow, Wonastow and Monmouth. Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/171 Forest of Dean, Monmouth, Usk and Pontypool Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/170 Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/170 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/172 Forest of Dean, Monmouth, Usk and Pontypool Railway Deposited (no date) Book of Reference only. Possibly relates to Plans and Sections of Q/PANDBR/170 and Q/PANDBR/171. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/173 Hereford, Ross and Gloucester Railway Monmouth and Forest of Dean Lines (I.K. Brunel, Engineer), Par.of Dixton Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/174 Hereford, Ross and Gloucester Railway Monmouth and Forest of Dean Lines, Par. of Dixton. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/173 Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections etc. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/175 Monmouthshire Railway Canal Co. Deposited 29 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference. Pars. of St Woollos, Bassaleg, Risca, Mynyddislwyn, Newport to Abercarn. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/176 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company Proposed railway and tram road alterations etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of Bassaleg, Risca, Mynyddislwyn, Newport to Abercarn. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/177 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Bill No.2, deviations etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Line of railway from Panteg to Pontypool, Crumlin, Pontllanfraith, Maesycwmmer and Branch Line from Crumlin to Llanhilleth and from near Maesycwmmer to River Ebbw. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/178 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Bill No.2 Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Line of railway from Panteg to Pontypool, Crumlin, Pontllanfraith, Maesycwmmer and Branch Line from Crumlin to Llanhilleth and from near Maesycwmmer to River Ebbw. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/179 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Brecon extension: Abergavenny to Brecon Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/180 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Brecon extension: Abergavenny to Brecon Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/179 Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/181 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Extension to Brecon Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/179 and Q/PANDBR/180. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/182 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Extension to Brecon Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/181 Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/179 and Q/PANDBR/180. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/183 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Brecon extension Deposited 2 Dec 1852 Plan only Line of railways does not appear to relate to County of Monmouth. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/184 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Deviations and branches, from near Hafodyrynys to near Cem Down Colliery in Par. Mynyddislwyn. Deposited 26 Apr 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/185 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Deviations and Branches etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans see Q/PANDBR/184. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/186 Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway Deviations etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/185 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/187 South Wales Railway-New lines etc. Line of railway from Pontypool to Usk Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan, Sections and Book of Reference 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/188 South Wales Railway-New Lines etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/187 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/189 South Wales Railway Parish of St Woollos Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/191. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/190 South Wales Railway-Pembroke Line etc. Parish of St. Woollos Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/191. 1853 |
Q/PANDBR/191 South Wales Railway-Pembroke Line etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1852, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/189 and Q/PANDBR/190. 1853 |
1854-1855 |
Q/PANDBR/192 Abergavenny Improvement Reservoir Aqueduct Deposited 30 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference, and Plan of Town. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/193 Abergavenny Improvement Abergavenny Improvement Act 1854 Deposited 1 Jul 1854, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference. Plans and Section of Aqueduct 30 Nov 1853 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/194 Newport Dock Company, proposed alterations etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/195 Newport Dock Company-Proposed alterations Deposited 29 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/196 and Q/PANDBR/197. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/196-197 Newport Dock Company Deposited 29 Nov 1853 Book of Reference etc. (2 copies). For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/195. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/198 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Works Extension Deposited 28 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/199 Newport and Pillgwentlly Water Works Extension Deposited 28 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/200. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/200 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Works Co. Deposited 28 Nov 1853 Book of Reference only. For Plan see Q/PANDBR/199. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/201 South Wales Railway Branches etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/203. Proposed footways in Baneswell and Pentonville district of Newport. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/202 South Wales Railway Branches etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/201 Deposited 30 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/203. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/203 South Wales Railway Branches etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1853, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference etc. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/201 and Q/PANDBR/202. 1854 |
Q/PANDBR/204 South Wales Railway-New railways etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1854, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference. Additional land at Newport. 1854-1855 |
Q/PANDBR/205 South Wales Railway-New railways etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/204 Deposited 30 Nov 1854, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1854-1855 |
Q/PANDBR/206 Newport Gas Company-Additional lands Deposited 27 Nov 1854 Plan only 1855 |
Q/PANDBR/207 Newport Gas Works-Additional land Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/206 Deposited 27 Nov 1854, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Additional lands 1855 |
Q/PANDBR/208 Bristol, South Wales and Southhampton Union Railway Parish of Portskewett Deposited 30 Nov 1854, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/210. 1855 |
Q/PANDBR/209 Bristol, South Wales and Southhampton Union Railway Duplicates of Q/PANDBR/208 Deposited 30 Nov 1854 Plans ans Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/210. 1855 |
Q/PANDBR/210 Bristol, South Wales and Southampton Union Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1854, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/208 and Q/PANDBR/209. 1855 |
1856-1860 |
Q/PANDBR/211 Monmouth Roads Staunton Village ro Cherry Orchard. Monk Gate in Par. Monmouth to Lower Langunville Farm House Par. Dixton, Town of Monmouth. Parish of Rockfield. Deposited 30 Nov 1855, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1856 |
Q/PANDBR/212 Monmouth Roads From Monk Gate in Par. Monmouth to Lower Langunville Farm House in Par. Dixton. Town of Monmouth and Par. Rockfield. Road from Box Bush in Par. Llangattock Vibon Avel to Dingestow. Deposited 30 Nov 1855, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1856 |
Q/PANDBR/212 Monmouth Roads From Monkgate in Par. Monmouth to Lowre Langunville Farm House in Par. Dixton. Town of Monmouth and Par. Rockfield Road from Box Bush in Par. Llangattock Vibon Avel to Dingestow. Deposited 30 Nov 1855, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1856 |
Q/PANDBR/213 Bristol, South Wales and Southampton Union Railway Parish of Portskewett Deposited 29 Nov 1856, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1857 |
Q/PANDBR/214 South Wales Railway (Further powers) Parish of St Woollos, Newport Station Deposited 30 Nov 1857, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/215. 1857-1858 |
Q/PANDBR/215 South Wales Railway (Further powers) Deposited 30 Nov 1857, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans see Q/PANDBR/214. 1857-1858 |
Q/PANDBR/216 South Wales Railway Parish of St Woollos, Newport Station Deposited 20 Nov 1857, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1857-1858 |
Q/PANDBR/217 South Wales Railway-New railway to Pembroke Dock, Parish of St Woollos, Newport Station. Deposited 30 Nov 1857, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1857-1858 |
Q/PANDBR/218 Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway Abergavenny to Brynmawr via Pars. of Llanfoist, Llanwenarth Ultra and Aberystruth. Brynmawe to Tredegar and Merthyr via. Pars. of Beufort, Bedwellty and Branch Line to Wildon Iron Works in Par. Llanwenarth Ultra. Deposited 27 Nov 1858, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference. 1858-1859 |
Q/PANDBR/219 Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway Duplication of Q/PANDBR/218 Deposited 29 Nov 1858, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1858-1859 |
Q/PANDBR/220 Bristol, South Wales and Southampton Union Railway Parish of Portskewett Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1857 |
Q/PANDBR/221 Sirhowy Tramroad Company, deviations Nine Mile Point to Sirhowy via Blackwood, Hollybush and Tredegar Deposited 30 Nov 1858, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1858-1859 |
Q/PANDBR/222 Sirhowy Tramroad Company, deviations Duplication of Q/PANDBR/221 Deposited 30 Nov 1858, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1858-1859 |
Q/PANDBR/223 South Wales Railway- Further Powers Bill Parish of St Woollos (Newport Station) Deposited 30 Nov 1857, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference etc. 1858 |
Q/PANDBR/224 Breconshire Railway and Canal Brecon to Abergavenny and Branch Line to Brynmawr. In Pars. of Llanwenarth, Llanfoist and Abergavenny. Deposited 30 Nov 1859, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1859 |
Q/PANDBR/225 Breconshire Railway and Canal In Pars. of Llanwenarth, Llanfoist and Abergavenny Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/224 Deposited 30 Nov 1858, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1859 |
Q/PANDBR/226 Sirhowy Tramroad Compnay, deviations etc. Nine Mile Point to Sirhowy Iron Works via. Gelly Groes, Penllwyn, Blackwood, The Rock, Argoed, Hollybush Inn and Tredegar. Deposited 30 Nov 1859, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Extension to Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway in Par. Bedwellty and proposed carriage road from Bird in Hand B.H. in Par. Mynyddislwyn to the Argoed via Blackwood and Rock Inn. 1859-1860 |
Q/PANDBR/227 Sirhowy Tramroad deviations Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/226 Deposited 30 Nov 1859, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Nine Mile Point to Sirhowy Iron Works. Extension to Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway in Par. Bedwellty. Proposed carriage road from Bird in Hand B.H. to The Argoed. 1859-1860 |
Q/PANDBR/228 Abergavenny Improvement Parish of Abergavenny Deposited 30 Nov 1859, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1860 |
Q/PANDBR/229 Abergavenny Improvement Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/228 Deposited 30 Nov 1859 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1860 |
1861-1863 |
Q/PANDBR/230 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Co. Branch Lines in Pars. of St Woollos, Bassaleg, Risca, Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth and Aberystruth. Deposited 29 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/231 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Co. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/230 Deposited 28 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/232 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Book of Reference (Incomplete) 1860-1861 |
Q/PANDBR/233 East Usk Railway and Docks Line of railway, Pontypool Road to Newport Docks via. Llantarnam and Caerleon and Branch Line from Llantarnam to Cwmbran. Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/234 East Usk Railway and Docks Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/233 Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/235 Forest of Dean and Monmouth Junction Railway Parish of Dixton Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/236 Forest of Dean and Monmouth Junction Railway Parish of Dixton Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/235 Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/237 Ross and Monmouth Railway Monmouth to Ross Railway in Pars. of Monmouth and Dixton Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/238 Ross and Monmouth Railway Monmouth to Ross Railway in Pars. of Monmouth and Dixton Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/237 Deposited 29 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/239 Rumney Railway Co. Improvement of existing lines etc. Rogerstone to Abertysswg via. Machen, Bedwas, Maesycwmmer and a branch line to Caerphilly. Deposited 30 Nov 1860 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Note: D3079/3 is a more legible copy 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/240 Rumney Railway Company Improvement of existing line etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/239 Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/241 Rhymney Railway, Rhymney, Bargoed and New Tredegar Branches. Only New Tredegar Branch in Co. Mon. Deposited 29 Nov 1860, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/242 Rhymney Railway Bardgoed, Rhymney and New Tredegar Branches Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/241 Deposited 29 nOV 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/243 West Midland Railway Branches to Cwm-Nant Nau Proposed Railway from Glyn Valley to Cwmnantddu and Cwmbwrcwm in Pars. of Trevethin. Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/244 West Midland Railway-Branches to Cwm-Nant Nau Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/243 Deposited 30 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1861 |
Q/PANDBR/245 West Midland Railway- Additional works Par. of St Woollos and Pars. of Bedwas and Mynyddislwyn Deposited 28 Nov 1860, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1862 |
Q/PANDBR/246 West Midland Railway- Additional Powers Pars. of St Woollos, Bedwas and Mynyddislwyn Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/245 Deposited 30 Nov 1861, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1862 |
Q/PANDBR/247 West Midland Railway Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Lease etc. Parish of Bedwellty Deposited 30 Nov 1861, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1862 |
Q/PANDBR/248 West Midland Railway Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Leases etc. Extension Parish of Bedwellty Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/247 Deposited 30 Nov 1861, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1862 |
Q/PANDBR/249 Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway Extension to join the Rhymney Railway, Rhymney Bridge Deposited 28 Nov 1862, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1863 |
Q/PANDBR/250 Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway Extension of line-Par. of Bedwellty Deposited 28 Nov 1861, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1863 |
Q/PANDBR/251 Rhymney Railway and Brecon, Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway, near town of Rhymney and in hamlets of Uchlaw Yr Coed and Ishlawr Coed in Par. of Bedwellty. Deposited 29 Nov 1862 Plan and Section, and Book of Reference duplicate of Q/PANDBR/252 1863 |
Q/PANDBR/252 Rhymney Railway and Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Companies Line of railway Rumney Railway to Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction. Railway in hamlet of Uwchlaw Yr Coed in Par. Bedwellty and Rhymney Town Railway from Rumney Railway to Rhymney Railway in hamlet of Ishlawr Coed in Par. of Bedwellty. Rhymney Railway to Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway in hamlet of Ishlawr Coed in Par. of Bedwellty. Deposited 29 Nov 1862, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1863 |
Q/PANDBR/253 Worcester, Forest of Dean and Monmouth Railway Parish of Dixton co. Mon. Deposited 29 Nov 1862, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1863 |
Q/PANDBR/254 Worcester, Forest of Dean and Monmouth Railway Parish of Dixton co. Mon. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/253 Deposited 28 Nov 1862, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1863 |
1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/255 Abergavenny and Monmouth Railway Pars. of Llantillio Pertholey, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llantillio Crossenny, Llanvihangel Uptern Llewerne, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Wonastown, Dingestow, Park Grace Dieu and Penrose. Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/256 Abergavenny and Monmouth Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/255 Deposited Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/257 Alexandra Newport Docks and Railway Pars. of St Woollos, Bassaleg Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/258 Alexandra Docks and Railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/257 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of Peace. Plans and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/259 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway No.1 Rising Sun deviation in Pars. of Machen and Bedwas, Co. Mon. Deposited 30 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Section only 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/260 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Bill No.1 Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/259 Deposited 30 nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections, and Book of Reference 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/261 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Bill No.2 Pars. of Bedwas and Bedwellty Deposited 30 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/262 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Bill No.2 Duplicate pf Q/PANDBR/261 Deposited 30 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/263 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Railway Bill No.3 Rhymney in Par. of Bedwellty, Par. of Bedwas, Rhiwderyn Junction in Par. of Bassaleg. Deposited 5 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/264 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Bill No.3 Pars. of Bedwas and Bassaleg Deposited 30 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/265 East Usk Railways and Docks Panteg to Newport Docks via. Pars. of Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarna, Caerleon and Christchurch. Branch Line from Llantarnam to Cwmbran. Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference (2 copies) 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/266 East Usk Railways and Docks Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/265 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/267 Newport and Usk Railways From Par. of St Woollos to Newport via. Pars. of Malpas, Caerleon, christchurch, Kemeys Inferior, Llantrisant. Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference (2 copies) 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/268 Newport and Usk Railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/267 Plans and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/269 Ross and Monmouth Railway Parishes of Dixton and Monmouth Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/271. 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/270 Ross and Monmouth Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/269 Deposited 30 Nov 1864 Plans and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/271 Ross and Monmouth Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1864 Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/269. 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/272 Rhymney Railway Parishes of Bedwellty and Mynyddislwyn Deposited 28 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/273 Rhymney Railway. Railway to connect Deposited 28 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. Pars. of Bedwellty and Mynyddislwyn 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/274 Sirhowy Railway- deviations etc. The Argoed in Parish of Bedwellty Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/275 Sirhowy Railway- Deviations and Extensions Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/274 Deposited 30 Nov 1864 Plans and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/276 South Wales Junction Railway Pars. of Caldicot, Portskewett, Ifton Rogiett Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/277 South Wales Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/276 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/278 Vale of Crickhowell Railway- Eastern extensions, in Pars. of Llanfoist, Llanellen, Llanover, Llangattock-Juxta-Usk, Llanvihangel-Juxta-Usk, Llanarth, Hamlet of Clytha, Par. of Penpergwym, Brangwyn and Raglan. Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/279 Vale of Crickhowell Railway- Eastern extension Duplication of Q/PANDBR/279 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of Peace. Plans and Sections only 1864-1865 |
Q/PANDBR/280 Vale of Crickhowell Railway, in Pars. of Llanfoist, Llanwenarth Ultra. Line of railway from Llanfoist to Crickhowell. Deposited 30 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/281 Vale of Crickhowell Railway Line of railway from Llanfoist to Crickhowell via. Pars. of Llanwenarth Ultra. Remainder of line of railway in co. Brecon. Deposited 30 Nov 1863, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1864 |
Q/PANDBR/282 Abergavenny and Raglan Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/283 Deposited 29 Nov 1865, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/283 Abergavenny and Raglan Railway Pars. of Llangattock-Juxta-Usk, Llanfihangel-Juxta-Usk, Llansaitffraed, Llanarth, Bryngwyn and Hamlet of Clytha and Par. of Raglan. Deposited 29 Nov 1865, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/284 Brymawr and Blaenavon Railway Line of railway, Brynmawr to Blaenavon in Pars. of Aberystruth, Llanfoist, Trevethin, Llanover, Branch Line from Blaenavon-Brynmawr. Line to Gilwern Quarries in Pars. of Llanwenarth. Branch Line from Brynmawr-Blaenavon Railway to Varteg Incline in Par. of Trevethin. Branch Line is called Blaenavon Incline. Deposited 30 Nov 1865, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/285 Brynmawr and Blaenavon Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/284 Deposited 30 Nov 1865, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/286 Brynmawr, Blaina and Pontypool Railway In Pars. of Panteague, Trevethin and town of Blaenavon, in Par. of Llanfoist and Par. of Aberystruth. Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and 2 Books of Reference 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/287 Brynmawr, Blaenavon and Pontypool Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/286 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/288 East Usk Railway and Docks Line of railway-Usk to Newport and Branch Lines in Pars. of Usk, Llangeview, Llanllowel, Llantrissant, Tredunnock, Kemeys Inferior, Christchurch, Nash, St Woollos, Bassaleg. Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/289 East Usk Railway and Docks Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/288 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/290 Ebbw Vale, Sirhowy and Tredegar Water Works Deposited 29 Nov 1864, and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections, Book of Reference Dukestown, Sirhowy, Tredegar and Ebbw Vale in Par. of Bedwellty 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/291 Ebbw Vale, Tredegar and Sirhowy Water Works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/291 Deposited 29 Nov 1864 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Section 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/292 Ebbw Valley and Cardiff Junction Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference In Parishes of Mynyddislwyn and Machen 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/293 Ebbw Valley and Cardiff Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/292 Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace Plans and Sections only 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/294 Great Western Railway- Additional Powers Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/296. In Pars. of Panteague, Llanvrechfa Upper, Llanvihangel Pontymoile 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/295 Great Western Railway- Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/294 Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/296. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/296 Great Western Railway- Additional powers Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/294 and Q/PANDBR/295. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/297 London and North Western Railway- New Works etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1864 Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/299, Q/PANDBR/300, Q/PANDBR/301. Branch Line from Merthyr, Tredegar and Abergavenny Railway to Ebbw Vale Iron Works in Par. Bedwellty, in town of Abergavenny in Par. of Abergavenny. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/298 London and North Western Railway- New Works etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/297 Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/299-301. In Par. of Bedwellty. Town of Abergavenny in Par. of Abergavenny. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/299-301 London and North Western Railway- New works etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Books of Reference (3). For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/297-298. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/302 Monnow Valley Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections with Published Map, Book of Reference. Line of Railway from near Pontrilas Station co. Hereford (on Newport, Abergavenny, Hereford Railway) to Monmouth in Pars. of Llangua, Grosmont, Skenfrith, Rockfiedl, St Maughans, Dixton, Monmouth and Mitchel Troy. 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/303 Monnow Valley Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/302 Deposited 29 Nov 1865 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/304 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, proposed railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/305 Deposited 29 Nov 1864 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/305 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company, proposed railway Deposited 30 Nov 1864, and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Newport to Nantyglo Line of Railway in Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth, Aberystruth. Branch Line from near Pontnewynydd Iron Works on Newport/Blaenavon Line of Railway to Blaensychan Incline in par. of Trevethin co. Mon. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/306 Pontypool, Caerleon and Newport Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1864 abd certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference In Pars. of Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Panteague, Llanvrechva, Llanfihangel Llantarnam, Llangattock Juxta Caerleon, Christchurch, Malpas. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/307 Pontypool, Caerleon and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/306 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Panteague, Llanvihangel pontymoile, Llanvrechva, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llangattock Juxta Caerleon, Chrictchurch, Malpas. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/308 Vale of Crickhowell Railway Par. of Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/309 Deposited 30 Nov 1865 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/309 Vale of Crickhowell Railway Deviation Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections In Pars. of Abergavenny, Llanwenarth Citra 1865-1866 |
Q/PANDBR/310 Tredegar, Sirhowy, Ebbw Vale Iron Works and Beaufort Water Works. Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Dukestown, town of Tredegar in Par. Bedwellty and Ebbw Vale in Par. of Aberystruth co. Mon. 1865 |
Q/PANDBR/311 Tredegar, Sirhwoy, Ebbw Vale, Victorai Iron Works and Beufort Water Works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/310 Deposited 30 Nov 1864, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1865 |
1866-1867 |
Q/PANDBR/313 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway- Southern Lines Deposited 30 Nov 1864 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections In Pars. of St Woollos, Bassaleg, Malpas, Michaelstone-Y-Vedw, St Mellons, Rumney, Rhymney, Machen, Mynyddislwyn. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/314 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway- Southern Lines Deposited 30 Nov 1865 Plans and Sections only 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/315-316 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Northern Lines Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference (2 copies) In Pars. of Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/317 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway- Northern Lines Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/315-316 Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Par. of Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/318 Cardiff and Newport Railway and Pier Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/319 Deposited 30 Nov 1865 Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rumney, Peterstone, St. Brides, Bassaleg, St. Woollos. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/319 Cardiff and Newport Railway and Pier Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by Clerk of the Peace, (Sealed Copy). Plan and Sections only Pars. of Rumney, Peterstone, St. Brides, Bassaleg and St. Woollos. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/320 Ebbw Vale, Beaufort and Sirhowy and Victoria District Water Works Deposited 29 Nov 1865, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Ebbw Vale, Sirhowy in Par. of Bedwellty. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/321 Ebbw Vale, Beaufort, Sirhowy and Victoria District Water Works Deposited 29 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Ebbw Vale, Beaufort, Sirhowy in Par. of Bedwellty. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/322 Great Western Railway- Further powers Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections Parishes of Panteague, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Trevethin 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/323 Great Western Railway- Further powers, new railways and additional lands Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/322 Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/324 London and North Western Railway- New works etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Parish of Abergavenny, Llantillio Pertholey. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/325 London and North Western Railway- New works etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/324 Deposited 30 Nov 1865, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Abergavenny, Llantillio Pertholey 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/326 Newport (Monmouth) Borough New Street Deposited 30 Nov 1865, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/327 Newport (Monmouth) Borough new street or roads Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/326 Deposited 30 Nov 1865, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/328 Pontypool, Caerleon and Newport Railway extensions to River Usk Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Christchurch and Nash 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/329 Pontypool, Caerleon and Newport Railway extension to River Usk Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/328 Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Christchurch and Nash 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/330 Rhymney Railway- Cardiff Loop Line etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/331 Rhymney Railway- Cardiff Loop Line etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwellty 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/332 Sirhowy Extension Railway Engineers: Ordish and Le Feuvre, S. Yockney Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Bassaleg, Bettws, St. Woollos, Malpas, Llangattock Juxta Caerleon. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/333 Sirhowy Extension Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/332 Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Machen, Risca, Bassaleg, Bettws, St. Woollos, Malpas, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llangattock Juxta Caerleon. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/334 Wye Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Chepstow, Chapel Hill, Tintern, Llandogo, Penallt, Dixton and Hadnock. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/335 Wye Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1865 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Chapel Hill, Tintern, Llandogo, Penalt, Dixton and Hadnock. 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/336 Worcester, Forest of Dean and Monmouth deviation Deposited 15 Jun 1866 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Dixton 1866 |
Q/PANDBR/312 Abertillery Gas and Water Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only 1866-1867 |
Q/PANDBR/337 Abertillery Gas and Water Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Aberystruth 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/338 Abertillery Gas and Water Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/337 Par. of Aberystruth 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/339 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway- Rumney West fork deviation etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwas 1866-1867 |
Q/PANDBR/340 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway- Rumney West fork deviation etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/339 Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwas 1866-1867 |
Q/PANDBR/341 London and North Western Railway- New lines co. Monmouth Deposited 30 Nov 1866, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Abergavenny, Llantillio Pertholey, Llanfoist 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/342 London and North Western Railway- New lines co. Monmouth Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/341 Deposited 30 Nov 1866, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Abergavenny, Llantillio Pertholey, Llanfoist 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/343 London and North Western Railway- New works etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1866, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and 5 Books of Reference Pars. of Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny, Llanfoist, Bedwellty near Sirhowy Iron Works. 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/344 London and North Western Railway- New works and additional powers in co. Monmouth and co. Brecon. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/343 Deposited 30 Nov 1866, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and 5 Books of Reference Pars. of Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny, Llanfoist, Bedwellty near Sirhowy Iron Works. 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/345 Ross and Monmouth Railway (Parish of Dixton and Monmouth) Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference (2 copies) 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/346 Ross and Monmouth Railway (Parish of Dixton and Monmouth) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/345 Deposited 30 Nov 1866 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/347 Sirhowy Railway- Extension lines Deposited 30 Nov 1866, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen, Bassaleg, St. Woollos 1867 |
Q/PANDBR/348 Sirhowy Railway- Extension lines Deposited 30 Nov 1866, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Bassaleg, Bettws, Malpas, St. Woollos, Christchurch. 1867 |
1868-1872 |
Q/PANDBR/349 Monmouthsire and Great Western Junction Railways Deposited 30 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of St. Woollos 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/350 Monmouthshire and Great Western Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/349 Deposited 30 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/351. 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/352 Great Western Railway- Branch Railway etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference. Pars. of Panteague, Llanfihangel Pontymoile and Llanhilleth. 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/353 Great Western Railway- Branch Railways etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/352 Deposited 29 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of Panteague, Llanfihangel Pontymoile, Llanhilleth. 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/354 Sirhowy Railway extension of lines and deviation of Lord Tredegar's Park Mile Deposited 30 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Bassaleg, Bettws, St. Woollos, Christchurch. 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/356 Newport Harbour Commissioners Bill Deposited 30 Nov 1868, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Christchurch. 1868-1869 |
Q/PANDBR/357 Newport Harbour Commissioners Bill Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/356 Deposited 30 Nov 1868, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of St. Woollos, Christchurch. 1868-1869 |
Q/PANDBR/355 Sirhowy Railway- Extension lines and deviation of Lord Tredegar's Park Mile Deposited 30 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of Machen, Bassaleg, St. Woollos. 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/351 Monmouthshire and Great Western Junction Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1867, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/350. 1868 |
Q/PANDBR/358 Severn Tunnel Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1869, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference. Pars. of Portskewett, Caldicot, Ifton, Rogiet. 1869-1870 |
Q/PANDBR/359 Severn Tunnel Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1869, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Portskewett, Rogiet, Caldicot. 1869-1870 |
Q/PANDBR/360 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway- Cardiff Branch Deposited 30 Nov 1870, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and a Book of Reference. Par. of Bedwas. 1870-1871 |
Q/PANDBR/361 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/360 Deposited 30 Nov 1870, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwas 1870-1871 |
Q/PANDBR/362 Abergavenny Improvement Deposited 30 Nov 1870, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan only Par. of Abergavenny 1871 |
Q/PANDBR/363 Abergavenny Improvement J.G. James (Surveyor) Deposited 30 Nov 1870, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Book of Reference 1871 |
Q/PANDBR/364 London and North Western Railway- Additional powers Deposited 29 Nov 1870, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Aberystruth 1871 |
Q/PANDBR/366 Newport (Mon.) Street Tramways Deposited 30 Nov 1870 Plans and Sections etc. Tramway No.1 Newport (G.W.R) Station to Pillgwenlly via. Station Street, Tredegar Place, Commercial Street and Commercial Road. Tramway No.2 Llanarth Street, Dock Street, Dock Road and Bolt Street. Tramway No.3 From Commercial Road to Dock Road via. Rupperra Street. 1871 |
Q/PANDBR/367 Newport (Mon.) Street Tramways Deposited 30 Nov 1870, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan etc. 1871 |
Q/PANDBR/368 Severn Tunnel Railway Deposited 30 Dec 1871, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Sections and Book of Reference etc. Pars. of Portskewett, Ifton, Roggiett, Caldicot. 1871-1872 |
Q/PANDBR/369 Severn Tunnel Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/368 Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1871-1872 |
Q/PANDBR/370 Severn Bridge Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Portskewett and Caldicot 1871-1872 |
Q/PANDBR/371 Severn Bridge Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/370 Deposited 21 Nov 181, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1871-1872 |
Q/PANDBR/372-373 Worcester, Dean Forest and Monmouth Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1870 Plans and Sections and Books of Reference (2) Par. of Dixton 1871 |
Q/PANDBR/374 Worcester, Dean Forest and Monmouth Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/372-373 Deposited 30 Nov 1870, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Dixton 1871 |
1872-1873 |
Q/PANDBR/375 Abergavenny and Raglan Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llangattock Juxta Usk, Llansaintffraed, Llanthewyrytherch, Llanarth, Penrhos, Bryngwyn, Tregare, Raglan. 1872-1873 |
Q/PANDBR/376 Abergavennt and Raglan Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace (Sealed Copy). Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llangattock Juxta Usk, Llansaintffraed, Llanthewyrytherch, Llanarth, Penrhos, Bryngwyn, Tregare and Raglan. 1872-1873 |
Q/PANDBR/377 Blaenavon and Abersychan Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1871, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Books of Reference (2) Pars. of Trevethin, Blaenavon to Abersychan via Ash Tree, Varteg, Gardeffith, Talywain. 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/378 Blaenavon and Abersychan Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/377 Deposited 29 Nov 1871, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/379 Blaenavon Gas Works Deposited 29 Nov 1871 Plans and Sections, Order etc. 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/380 Coleford Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Dixton 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/381 Coleford Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/380 Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Dixton 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/382 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Panteague 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/383 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/382 Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Panteague 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/384 Newport and Pillgwentlly Water Works- Extension etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Henllis, Bettws and St. Woollos. 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/385 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Works- Extension Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/384 Deposited 30 Nov 1871, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections only Pars. of Henllis, Bassaleg, Bettws and St. Woollos. 1872 |
Q/PANDBR/386 Pontypool Gas and Water Works Deposited 28 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Pars. of Trevethin, Llanover Upper and Abersychan. 1872-1873 |
Q/PANDBR/387 Pontypool Gas and Water Works Deposited 28 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Abersychan in Par. of Trevethin 1872-1873 |
Q/PANDBR/388 Abersychan Gas Works Deposited 26 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan etc. Plan of Gas Works at Abersychan in Par. of Trevethin in co. Mon. 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/389 London and North Western Railway (Abersychan Extension Lines) Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference etc. Par. of Trevethin 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/390 London and North Western Railways (Abersychan Extension Lines) Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections etc. Par. of Trevethin 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/391 London and North Western Railway- New Works etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Aberystruth 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/392 London and North Western Railway- New Works and Additions Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Aberystruth 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/393 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company- Proposed Railway, Abandonment of Canal Deposited 30 Nov 1872, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections etc. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/394. Pars. of St. Woollos, Trevethin, Aberystruth, Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth, Bassaleg, Risca. 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/394 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company Deposited 30 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/393. 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/395 Newport (Mon) Street Tramways Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections etc. Clarence Place, Chepstow Raod, High Street, Station Street, Commercial Street, Commercial Road, Bolt Street, Dock Street, Ruperra Street. 1873 |
Q/PANDBR/396 Newport (Mon) Street Tramways Deposited 29 Nov 1872, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections High Street, Station Street, Bridge Street, Clarence Place, Chepstow Raod, Commercial Street, Commercial Raod, Ruperra Street, Dock Street, Bolt Street. 1873 |
1874-1876 |
Q/PANDBR/397 London and North Western Railway (Wales) Abersychan Extension Railways Deposited 29 Nov 18736, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and sections and Books of Reference Pars. of Trevethin, Varteg, Garndeffaith, Talywain. 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/398 London and North Western Railway (Wales)- Abersychan Extension Railways Deposited 29 Nov 1873, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Pars. of Trevethin, Varteg, Garndeffith, Talywain. 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/399 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company (Proposed Railway) Deposited 30 Nov 1873, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Trevethin, Aberystruth, Mynyddisllwyn, Llanhilleth, Bassaleg, Risca. 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/400 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company Deposited (no date) Plan and Book of Reference Land at Nantyglo Station in Par. of Aberystruth 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/401 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal- Additional Powers Deposited 29 Nov 1873, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Trevethin (Pontnewynydd, Abersychan, Talywain), St. Woollos, Aberystruth, Mynyddisllwyn, Llanhilleth, Risca, Bassaleg, Malpas. 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/402 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company- Additional Powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/401 Deposited 29 Nov 1873, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/403 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Works Extension Deposited 28 Nov 1874, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections, Book of Reference. Mill Street, Newport, site of existing gas works and site of proposed works at Mendelgyf Road. 1874-1875 |
Q/PANDBR/404 Newport (Monmouthsire) Gas Works Extension Deposited 28 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of St. Woollos, site of gas works at Mill Stree, Newport. 1874-1875 |
Q/PANDBR/405 Pontypool and Blaenavon Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1873, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/QANDBR/407. Pars. of Panteague, Trevethin 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/406 Pontypool and Blaenavon Railway Duplicate of Q/QANDBR/405 Deposited 29 Nov 1873, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/407. 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/407 Pontypool and Blaenavon Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1873, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/405-406. 1874 |
Q/PANDBR/408 Ebbw Vale Local Board- Plans and Sections of Ebbw Vale District Waterworks Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections and Provisional Order Newtown in Par. of Aberystruth, Ebbw Vale, Victoria in Par. of Bedwellty. 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/409 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llangattock Juxta Caerleon, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Bettws, Malpas, Bassaleg, Henllis, Risca, Mynyddislwyn, Machen, and amended Plan for Par. of Bassaleg and Risca. 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/410 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/409 Deposited 30 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/411 London and North Western Railway- New Lines Deposited 28 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Property to be purchased near Abergavenny Station and near Gas Works, Abergavenny. 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/412 London and North Western Railway- New Lines and Huts and Powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/411 Deposited 28 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Abergavenny 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/413-416 Newport (Monmouthshire) Improvement Deposited 30 Nov 1875, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and three magistrates certificates of correction Proposed improvement in Newport co. Mon. also showing proposed Municipal Borough Boundary. 1875-1876 |
Q/PANDBR/417 Newport (Monmouthshire) Improvement Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/413-416 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only 1875-1876 |
Q/PANDBR/418 Newport (Monmouthsire) Improvement Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/413-416 and Q/PANDBR/417 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only 1875-1876 |
Q/PANDBR/419 Wye Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Tintern Parva, Llandogo, Penallt, Dixton, Hadnock. 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/420 Wye Valley Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/419 Deposited 30 Nov 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/421 Wye Valley Railway- Proposed bridge over River Wye at Tintern Parva Deposited 13 Jun 1874, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans 1875 |
Q/PANDBR/422 Wye Valley Railway Deposited (no date) Plan of Par. of Bedwellty 1875-1876 |
Q/PANDBR/423 Alexandra (Newport) Docks- Proposed road Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/425 Alexandra (Newport) Works- Proposed road Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/423 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/426 Great Western Railway- Further powers Deposited 30 Nov 1875 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Christchurch, St. Woollos, Mynyddislwyn, Dixton. 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/968 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1875, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Christchurch, Mynyddislwyn, Dixton. 1876 |
1877-1879 |
Q/PANDBR/427 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Christchurch and Llantarnam 1877 |
Q/PANDBR/428 Monmouthsire Railway and Canal- Waterloo Junction Deposuted 30 Nov 1875, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Bassaleg, Risca (Town of Pontymister) 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/429 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal- Waterloo Junction Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/428 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/430 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Company- Site of proposed works in Par. of St. Woollos. Deposited 30 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference 1876-1877 |
Q/PANDBR/431 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/430 Deposited 30 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1876-1877 |
Q/PANDBR/432 Newport (Monmouthshire) Street Tramways- Alexandra Dock Extension Deposited 29 Nov 1875, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Par. of St. Woollos 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/433 Newport (Monmouthshire) Improvement Deposited 30 Nov 1875, certified by the Clerk of Peace. Book of Reference only 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/434 Newport (Monmouthshire) Improvement Deposited (no date) Book of Reference 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/435 Wye Valley Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1875 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Chepstow, Dixton, Monmouth 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/436 Wye Valley Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/435 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only 1876 |
Q/PANDBR/437 Abergavenny and Monmouth Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llantillio Pertholey, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrose, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Dingestow, Wonastow. 1877 |
Q/PANDBR/438 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans, Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1877 |
Q/PANDBR/439-441 London and North Western Railway (New Works etc.) Deposited 30 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference (3 copies) Proposed extension of Bridge over Chapel Road, Abergavenny, Par. of Aberystruth at Waenavon and Par. of Llanfoist. 1877 |
Q/PANDBR/442 London and North Western Railway (New works and Additional Lands) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/439-441 Deposited 30 Nov 1876, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1877 |
Q/PANDBR/443-444 South Wales and Forest of Dean Junction Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1877 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference (2 copies) Pars. of Abergavenny, Llantillion Pertholey, Llanthewy Skerrid, Llanvetherine, Llantillio Crossenny, Skenfrith. 1877-1878 |
Q/PANDBR/445 South Wales and Forest of Dean Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/443-444 Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1877-1878 |
Q/PANDBR/446 Abergavenny and Monmouth Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1876, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llantillio Pertholey, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrose, Llanvihangel Ystern, Llewerne, Parc Grace Dieu, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Treworgan, Dingestow, Wonastow. 1877 |
Q/PANDBR/424 Alexandra (Newport) Dock Company Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bassaleg, St. Woollos 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/447 Alexandra (Newport) Dock Company- Proposed railway Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of St. Woollos 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/448 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference Pars. of Llantarnam and Christchurch 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/449 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan only Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/450 New Tredegar Gas and Water Company Deposited 29 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/451 Plan showing the New Tredegar Gas Works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/450 Deposited 29 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan only 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/452 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Machen 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/453 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/452 Deposited 29 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Par. of Machen 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/454 Tredegar Water and Gas Company Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Sirhowy, Tredegar, Dukestown, Georgetown, Hollybush 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/455 Tredegar Water and Gas Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/454 Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/456 Tredegar Water and Gas- Limits of Supply Deposited 25 June 1878 and certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan only. For Book of Reference see 457. 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/457 Tredegar Water and Gas Deposited 30 Nov 1877, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Referenve. For plan see Q/PANDBR/456. 1878 |
Q/PANDBR/458 London and North Western Railway- Additional powers Deposited 30 Nov 1878, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Referenece Par. of Trevethin 1879 |
Q/PANDBR/459 London and North Western Railway- Additional Powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/459 Deposited 30 Nov 1878, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1879 |
Q/PANDBR/460 London and North Western Railways- New Railways Deposited 30 Nov 1878, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Brynmawr to Blaina via Nantyglo in Par. of Aberystruth and Tir Waen Llwyd Branch in Par. of Aberystruth. 1879 |
Q/PANDBR/462 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company- Closing of portion Deposited 30 Nov 1878, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos. Closing of a portion of the Monmouthshire Canal from near Canal Parade to near Canal Terrace in Borough of Newport co. Mon. 1879 |
Q/PANDBR/463 Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/462 Deposited 30 Nov 1878, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Closing of a portion of Monmouthsire Canal in Borough of Newport co. Mon. From near Canal Parade to near Canal Terrace. 1879 |
1880-1882 |
Q/PANDBR/464 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1879, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn (Abercarn, Pentwynmawr) and Par. of Caldicot. 1880 |
Q/PANDBR/465 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/464 Deposited 29 Nov 1879, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Caldicot 1880 |
Q/PANDBR/466 Great Western Railway- Alterations of Level of Severn Tunnel Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1880, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Portskewett, Caldicot, Roggiet, Ifton, St. Woollos, Dixton 1881 |
Q/PANDBR/467 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/466 Deposited 30 Nov 1880, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1881 |
Q/PANDBR/468 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Works Session 1881 Board of Trade Recieved 27 Nov 1880, certified by Clerk of the Peace/ Order of Board of Trade and Notice Intended Application 1881 |
Q/PANDBR/469 Alexandra (Newport) Dock Company- Nerw Dock etc. Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos and Bassaleg 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/470 Alexandra (Newport) Dock Company- New Dock etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/469 Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/471 Great Western Railway No.1 Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certifed by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Dixton 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/472 Great Western Railway No.1 Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/471 Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Dixton 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/473 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Machen, Bedwas, Bassaleg 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/474 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/474 Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen, Bedwas, Bassaleg 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/475 South Wales and Severn Bridge Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Penallt, Mitchel Troy, Monmouth, Rockfield, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewerne, Llantillio Crossenny, Llanvapley, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llangattock juxta Usk, Abergavenny and Llanwenarth Citra 1882 |
Q/PANDBR/476 South Wales and Severn Bridge Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1881, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Pars. of Penallt, Mitchel Troy, Monmouth, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewerne, Rockfield, Llangattock vibon Avel, Penrose, Llantillio Crossenny, Llanvapley, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llangattock juxta Usk, Abergavenny and Llanwenarth Citra 1882 |
1883-1884 |
Q/PANDBR/477 Abergavenny and Monmouth Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Abergavenny, Llantillio Pertholey, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llantillio Crossenny, Pehrhos, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewerne, Llangattock vibon Avel. Rockfield and Monmouth 1883-1884 |
Q/PANDBR/478 Abergavenny and Monmouth Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/477 Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Abergavenny, Llantillio Pertholey, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrhos, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, Llangattock vibon Avel, Rockfield and Monmouth 1883-1884 |
Q/PANDBR/479 Cardiff to Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1882, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelstone Fedw, Machen, Risca, Bassaleg and Mynyddislwyn 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/480 Cardiff and Monmouthshire Valley Railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/479 Deposited 29 Nov 1882, certifed by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/481 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Ifton, Roggiet, Llanvihangel near Roggiet, Caldicot, St. Woollos, Mynyddislwyn, Bedwellty and Aberystruth 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/482 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/481 Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Ifton, Roggiett, Llanvihangel near Roggiett, Caldicot, St. Woollos, Mynyddislwyn, Aberystruth, Bedwellty 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/483 Great Western Electric Light and Power Co. LTD Newport Order Deposited 29 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/484 Golden Valley Railway- Monnow Valley Extension Deposiy=ted 30 nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Grosmont, Skenfrith, St. Maughans, Rockfield, Monmouth 1883-1884 |
Q/PANDBR/485 Golden Valley Railway- Monnow Valley Extension Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/484 Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Pars. of Skenfrith, grosmont, St. Maughans, Rockfield, Monmouth 1883-1884 |
Q/PANDBR/486 Newport Dock Compnay- New dock and entrance Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/487 The Newport Dock Company- New dock etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/486 Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/488 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bassaleg and St. Woollos 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/489 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/488 Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bassaleg and St. Woollos 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/490 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway- New railways Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/491 West of England and South Wales Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Tintern Parva, Chapel Hill, Trelleck, Newchurch, Wolvesnewton, Llanvihangel Tory Mynydd, Llangum, Gwernesney, Llangeview, Usk, Llanbaddock, Llangibby, Tredunnock, Llanhennock, Caerleon, Llangattock Juxta Caerleon, Christchurch, St. Woollos and Bassaleg. 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/492 West of England and South Wales Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/491 Deposited 30 Nov 1882, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/493-494 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Board of Trade Order extending line of supply Received 19 Mar 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 2 Copies and Notice 1883 |
Q/PANDBR/495 Abercarn and Newbridge Gas and Water (Worgan Phillips, Surveyor, T. Thomas, Engineer) Deposited 28 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddisllwyn 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/496 Abercarn and Newbridge Gas and Water (Worgan Phillips, Surveyor and T. Thomas, Engineer) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/495 Deposited 28 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Mynyddisllwyn 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/497 Bute Docks, Cardiff- Water supply Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and two Books of Reference Par. of St. Mellons 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/498 Bute Dock, Cardiff- Water supply Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/497 Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of St. Mellons 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/499 Cardiff to Monmouthshire Valley Railways Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen, Mynyddisllwyn, Bedwas 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/500 Cardiif and Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/499 Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen, Mynyddislwyn and Bedwas 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/501 Great Western Railway No.1 Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of St. Woollos, Aberystruth (at Abertillery), Christchurch, Nash, Roggiet, Llanhilleth and Mynyddislwyn. 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/502 Great Western Railway No.1 Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/501 Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Aberystruth (at Abertillery), Christchurch, Nash, Roggiet, Llanhilleth and Mynyddislwyn. 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/503 Llanfrechfa Upper Local Board- Intended water works Deposited 30 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfihangel Llantarnam 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/504 Llanfrechfa Local Board (Water Supply) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/503 Deposited 30 Nov 1833, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfihangel Llantarnam 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/505 Rhondda and Bristol Channel Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Bassaleg and St. Brides 1884 |
Q/PANDBR/506 Rhondda and Bristol Channel Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/505 Deposited 29 Nov 1883, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of St. Woollos, Bassaleg and St. Brides 1884 |
1885-1888 |
Q/PANDBR/507 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Dock and Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/508 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Dock and Railway Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/507 Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos in Borough of Newport 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/509 Cardiff and Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelstone Fedwy, Machen, Risca. Mynyddislwyn and Henllys 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/510 Cardiff and Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/509 Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelston Fedwy, Machen, Risca, Mynyddislwyn, Henllys 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/511 East Usk Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Christchurch and Nash 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/512 East Usk Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/511 Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Christchurch and Nash 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/513 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Risca (at Pontymister), Trevethin and Panteg (at Pontypool), Llanhilleth (at Crumlin), Bedwellty and Aberystruth 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/514 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1884, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Risca, Trevethin, Panteg, Llanhilleth, Bedwellty and Aberystruth 1885 |
Q/PANDBR/515 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Risca, Aberystruth and Llanhilleth 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/516 Great Western Railway- Railways in the County of Glamorgan Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/515 Deposited 30 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/517 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Machen 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/518 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/517 Deposited 30 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Machen 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/519 Rhymney Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwas, Machen, Mynyddislwyn and Risca 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/520 Rhymney Railway- Monmouthshire extension Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/519 Deposited 28 Nov 1885, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen, Bedwas, Mynyddislwyn and Risca 1886 |
Q/PANDBR/521 Bristol Consumers Water (Joseph Quick and Son, Engineers) Deposited 30 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Portskewett 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/522 Bristol Consumers Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/521 Deposited 30 Nov 1886 Plans and Sections only Par. of Portskewett 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/523 Cardiff and Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelstone Fedwy, Bassaleg, Machen, Risca and Mynyddislwyn 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/524 Cardiff and Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/523 Deposited 30 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/525. Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelstone Fedwy, Bassaleg, Machen, Risca, Mynyddislwyn 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/525 Cardiff and Monmouthshire Valleys Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only. For Plans see Q/PANDBR/524 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/526 Newport Pillgwenlly Water Deposited 30 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Shirenewton, Newchurch, Llanvair Discoed, Llanvaches, St. Brides, Netherwent, penhow, Llanmartin and Llandevaud, Kemeys Inferior, Llangstone, Christvhurch, Caerwent 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/527 Newport and Pillgwenlly Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/526 Deposited 30 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of Shirenewton, Newchurch, Llanvair Discoed, Llanvaches, St. Brides Netherwent, Penhow, Llanmartin, Llandevaud, Kemeys Inferior, Langstone, Christchurch, Caerwent 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/528 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1886, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Machen 1887 |
Q/PANDBR/529 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/528 Deposited 29 Nov 1886, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Machen 1887 |
1888-1889 |
Q/PANDBR/530 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Bassaleg 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/531 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of St. Woollos, Bassaleg 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/532 Brecon and Merthyr Railway- Additional lands Deposited 29 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen and Bedwas 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/533 Brecon and Merthyr Railway- Additional lands Deposited 29 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen and Bedwas 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/534 Golden Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Skenfrith, St. Maughans, Rockfield, Monmouth and Dixton 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/535 Golden Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Skenfrith, St. Maughans, Rockfield, Monmouth and Dixton 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/536 Golden Valley Railway- Alteration of plans Deposited 29 Mar 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Monmouth 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/537 Golden Valley Railway Bill- Alteration of plan of proposed new railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/536 Deposited 29 Mar 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Par. of Monmouth 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/538 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bassaleg (near Tydu Station), Mynyddislwyn (near Crumlin (High Level) Station) 1888 |
Q/PANBR/539 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bassaleg, Mynyddislwyn, St. Woollos, Llanhilleth 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/540 Newport (Monmouthshire) Corporation Water Deposited 29 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Henllys 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/1005 Newport Corporation Water Scheme Plans and Sections and Book of Reference (retrieved from Surveyors Department, No. 245L) Very dilapidated: should not be produced without repair 1887-1888 |
Q/PANDBR/541 Rhymney Railway- Monmouthshire extensions Deposited 29 Nov 1887 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwas, Machen, Mynyddislwyn, Risca 1888 |
Q/PANDBR.542 Rhymney Railway- Monmouthshire extensions Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/541 Deposited 29 Nov 1887, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwas, Machen, Mynyddislwyn, Risca 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/543 Taff Vale Railway- Monmouthshire Lines Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelstone Fedw, Bassaleg, Machen, Risca 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/544 Taff Vale Railway- Monmouthshire Lines Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/543 Deposited 30 Nov 1887, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1888 |
Q/PANDBR/545 Great Western Railway No.1 Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/546 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/545 Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/547 Golden Valley Extension Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Grosmont, Skenfrith, St. Maughans, Monmouth, Dixton Newton 1889 |
Q/OANDBR/548 Golden Valley Extension Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/547 Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Pars. of Grosmont, Skenfrith, St. Maughans, Monmouth, Dixton Newton 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/549 London and North Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by Clerk of the Peace Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty (Purchase of additional lands and buildings near Argoed) 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/550 London and North Western Railway- Bedwellty Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/549 Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwellty 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/551 Newport (Monmouthshire) Corporation Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Christchurch 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/552 Newport (Monmouthshire) Corporation Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/551 Deposited 30 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Christchurch 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/553 Port of Gloucester Deposited 27 Nov 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1889 |
Q/PANDBR/554 Sharpness Light Houses Order Deposited 13 Apr 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Order 1889 |
1890-1891 |
Q/PANDBR/555 Alexandra (Newport South Wales) Docks amd Railway-New railways Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Bassaleg, Risca, Machen, Bedwellty 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/556 Alexandra (Newport South Wales) Docks amd Railway-New railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/555 Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Bassaleg, Risca, Machen, Bedwellty 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/557 Newport Harbour Commissioners Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Christchurch 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/558 Newport Harbour Commissioners Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Christchurch 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/559 Newport (Mon) Electric Lighting Deposited 30 Nov 1889 Provisional Order, Plan 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/560 Newport (Mon) Electric Lighting Deposited 29 Nov 1889, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Orders, Plan etc. 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/561 Port of Gloucester Deposited 29 Nov 1889, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/562 Gloucester Harbour Order Deposited 25 Apr 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Order 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/563 Pontypool Gas and Water Company-Intended waterworks Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanover Upper, Trevethin, Llanvihangel Pontymoil, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Upper 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/564 Pontypool Gas and Water Company-Intended Water works Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llanover Upper, Trevethin, Llanvihangel Pontymoil, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Upper 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/565 Usk Water Works Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Kemeys Commander, Monkswood, Llanbadock, Usk 1889-1890 |
Q/PANDBR/566 Usk Water Works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/565 Deposited 30 Nov 1889, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order, Plans and Sections etc. Pars. of Kemeys Commander, Monkswood, Llanbadock, Usk 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/567 Usk Water Deposited 23 Apr 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Order 1890 |
Q/PANDBR/568 Great Western Railway, Railways and Works Deposited 28 Nov 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Cwmcarvan, Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/569 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/568 Deposited 28 Nov 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Cwmcarvan, Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/570 London and North Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 30 Nov 1890, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty (at Hollybush and at Tredegar Station) 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/571 London and North Western Railway- Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/570 Deposited 28 Nov 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/572-573 Pontypool Local Board-Markets Act 1891 Deposited 20 Aug 1891, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Act and Plan 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/574 Pontypool Markets Deposited 28 Nov 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Book of Reference 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/575 Pontypool Markets Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/574 Deposited 28 Nov 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/576 Western Valleys (Mon.) Water Deposited 29 Nov 1890, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn, Risca 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/577 Western Valleys (Mon.) Water Deposited 11 Apr 1891 Plan only Pars. of Risca, Mynyddislwyn (part of) Bedwellty (part of) 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/578 Western Valleys (Mon.) Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/576 Deposited 29 Nov 1890, certified by Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections etc. Pars. of Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn, Risca 1891 |
1892 |
Q/PANDBR/579 Blackwood Gas Co. Ltd.-Lighting area claimed Deposited 23 Jul 1892, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan only Pars. of Bedwellty (part), Mynyddislwyn (part) 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/580 Brynmawr and Abertillery Gas and Water Company-Proposed additional waterworks Deposited 28 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Aberystruth 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/581 Brynmawr and Abertillery Gas and Water Company-Proposed additional works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/580 Deposited 28 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Aberystruth 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/582 Brynmawr and Abertillery Gas and Water Deposited 28 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/583 London and North Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty (Proposed extension of Bridge between Nantybwch and Tredegar) (Additional lands at Bedwellty Pits Station) Par. of Mynyddislwyn at Nine Mile Point 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/584 London and North Western Railway-Additional Powers Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwellty (at Tredegar and Ebbw Vale), Mynyddislwyn (at Nine Mile Point) 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/585 London and North Western Railway-Additiona powers Depsoited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Books of Reference (3) 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/586 Llanbradach District and Aber Valley (Eqlwysilan) Water Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty (Pengam, Fleur-de-lis), Mynyddislwyn, Bedwas (Maesycwmmer) 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/587 Llanbradach District and Aber Valley (Eqlwysilan) Water Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/588 Newport Corporation Proposed Tramways Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/589 Newport Corporation-Proposed tramways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/588 Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/590 Pontypool Gas and Water Company-Additional water works Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Trevethin 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/591 Pontypool Gas and Water Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/590 Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Par. of Trevethin 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/592 Pontypool Gas and Water Company-Additional water works Deposited 30 Nov 1891, and certifed by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/590-591 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/593 Rhymney Valley Gas and Water Company-Proposed water works Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty, Bedwas, Mynyddislwyn 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/594 Rhymney Valley Gas and Water Company-Proposed water works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/593 Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty, Bedwas, Mynyddislwyn 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/595 Rhymney Valley Gas and Water Deposited 30 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/596 Tredegar Local Board-Proposed additional water works Deposited 28 Nov 1891, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/597 Tredegar Local Board-Proposed additional water works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/596 Deposited 28 Nov 1891 and certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwellty 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/598 Tredegar Local Board Water Deposited 28 Nov 1891, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/599 Usk Water Works Deposited 3 Dec 1892 and certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plan only 1892 |
Q/PANDBR/600 Plan of Usk Water Works Deposited 3 Dec 1892, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. 1892 |
1893-1896 |
Q/PANDBR/601 London and North Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1892, certifed by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty at Sirhowy, Hollybush and Abernant (Ancient Druid) 1893 |
Q/PANDBR/602 London and North Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1892, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty at Sirhowy, Hollybush and Abernant (Ancient Druid) 1893 |
Q/PANDBR/603 Pontypool Local Board District Filled 21 Jul 1892, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Map 1893 |
Q/PANDBR/604 Pontypool Electric Light and Power Co. LTD Deposited 26 Jan 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. License under Electric Lighting Act 1882-1883 1893 |
Q/PANDBR/605 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1892, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bassaleg, St. Woollos 1893 |
Q/PANDBR/606 Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/605 Deposited 30 Nov 1892, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bassaleg and St. Woollos 1893 |
Q/PANDBR/607 Abertillery Local Board Waterworks Deposited 30 Nov 1893 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Aberystruth 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/608 Abertillery Local Board Water Works Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/607 Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Aberystruth 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/609 East Glamorgan Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/610 East Glamorgan Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/609 Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections with Book of Reference 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/611 Great Western Railway No.1 Deposited 30 Nov 1893 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty, Llanhilleth, Aberystruth, Nash and Christchurch 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/612 Great Western Railway No.1 Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty, Llanhilleth, Aberystruth, Nash and Christchurch 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/613 London and North Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty (at Tredegar and Ebbw Vale), Mynyddislwyn (at Nine Mile Point) 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/614 London and North Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty and Mynyddislwyn 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/615-616 Monmouth Electric Lighting Deposited 30 Nov 1893, certified by the Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order Plan etc. (2 copies) 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/617 Monmouth Electric Lighting Depsoited 29 Mar 1894, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Oredr. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/615-616 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/618 Monmouth Electric Lighting Filed 29 Mar 1894, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/615-616 1894 |
Q/PANDBR/619 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1894, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty 1895 |
Q/PANDBR/620 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/619 Deposited 30 Nov 1894, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwellty 1895 |
Q/PANDBR/621 Great Western Railway No.1 Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/622 Deposited 30 Nov 1894, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen, Risca, Bassaleg, St. Woollos, St. Brides, Wentlooge, Peterstone Wentlooge, St. Mellons, Mynyddislwyn, Llanhilleth 1895 |
Q/PANDBR/622 Great Western Railway No.1 Deposited 30 Nov 1894, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen, Risca, Bassaleg, St. Woollos, St. Brides, Wentlooge, Peterstone Wentlooge, St. Mellons, Mynyddyslwyn, Llanhilleth 1895 |
Q/PANDBR/623 Pontypool Electric Lighting Deposited 4 Apr 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1895 |
Q/PANDBR/624 Pontypool Electric Lighting Deposited 26 Nov 1894, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order and Maps 1895 |
Q/PANDBR/625 Bute Docks Cardiff Deposited 30 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/627-628. Pars. of Rumney, St. Mellons, Peterstone, Marshfield, Coedkernew, Bassaleg 1896 |
Q/PANDBR/626 Bute Docks, Cardiff-Glamorganshire Lines Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/625 Deposited 30 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/627-628 Pars. of Rumney, St. Mellons, Peterstone, Marshfield, Coedkernew, Bassaleg 1896 |
Q/PANDBR/627-628 Bute Docks, Cardiff Deposited 30 Nov 1895, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/625 and Q/PANDBR/626 (2 copies of Book of Reference) 1895-1896 |
Q/PANDBR/629 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 29 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Rumney 1896 |
Q/PANDBR/630 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/629 Deposited 29 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Rumney 1896 |
Q/PANDBR/631 London and South Wales Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/633 Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelstone Fedwy, Bassaleg, St. Woollos, Christchurch, Langstone, Llanmartin, Penhow, St. Brides Netherwent, Llanvaches, Llanvair Discoed, Caerwent, St. Pierre, Mathern, Chepstow, Machen 1896 |
Q/PANDBR/632 London and South Wales Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/631 Deposited 30 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/633 Pars. of St. Mellons, Michaelston Fedwy, Bassaleg, St. Woollos, Christchurch, Langstone, Llanmartin, Penhow, St. Bridse, Netherwent, Llanvaches, Llanvair Discoed, Caerwent, St. Pierre, Mathern, Chepstow, Machen 1896 |
Q/PANDBR/633 London and South Wales Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1895, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference. For Plans etc. see Q/PANDBR/631-632 1896 |
1897-1898 |
Q/PANDBR/634 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 28 Nov 1896, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Aberystruth, Llanhilleth, Bassaleg, Abergavenny Rural, St. Woollos 1897 |
Q/PANDBR/635 Great Western Railway-Additiona powers Deposited 28 Nov 1896, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Aberystruth, Llanhilleth, Bassaleg, Abergavenny Rural 1897 |
Q/PANDBR/636 Newport Corporation-Water works, tramways etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1896, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Tramways in town of Newport Waterworks in Pars. of Shirenewton, Llanvair Discoed, Newchurch, Llanvaches, Caerwent 1897 |
Q/PANDBR/637 Newport Corporation Waterworks, Tramways etc. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/636 Deposited 27 Nov 1896, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Waterworks in Pars. of Shirenewton, Newchurch, Llanvair Discoed, Llanvaches, Caerwent Tramways within town of Newport 1897 |
Q/PANDBR/638 Abergavenny and Monmouth Light Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections (Draft), Order of Light Railway Commission, Estimate and Book of Reference. Pars. of Dingestow, Cwmcarvon, Mitchell Troy, Wonastow, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Parc Grace Dieu, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, Penrhos, Llantillio Crossenny, Llanarth, Llansaintfraid, Llanvihangel-nigh-Usk, Llangattock-nigh-Usk 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/639 Abergavenny and Monmouth Light Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/638 Deposited 29 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Order of Light Railway Commissioners Pars. of Dingestow, Cwmcarvon, Mitchell Troy, Wonastow, Parc Grace Dieu, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, Penrhos, Llantillio Crossenny, Llanarth, Llansantfraid, Llanvihangel-nigh-Usk, Llangattock-nigh-Usk 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/640 Monmouth and Abergavenny Light Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections (Draft) Order of Light Railway Commissioners Estimate and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanvihangel-Ystern-Llewern, Llangattock-Vibon-Avel, Parc-Grace-Dieu, Wonastow, Dingestow, Llanvapley, Llanarth, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrhos, Llangattock-nigh-Usk, Llanthewy Rytherch 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/641 Monmouth and Abergavenny Light Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/640 Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections, Book of Reference, Order of Light Railway Commissioners Pars. of Llanvihangel-Ystern-Llewern, Parc-Grace-Dieu, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Wonastow, Dingestow, Llanarth, Llanvapley, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrhos, Llangattock-nigh-Usk, Llanthewy Rytherch 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/642-643 Monmouth and Abergavenny Light Railway Deposited 10 May 1898, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference, Estimate (Draft), Order of Light Railway Commissioners (2 Copies) Pars. of Llanvihangel-Ystern-Llewern, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Parc-Grace-Dieu, Wonastow, Dingestow, Llanvapley, Llanath, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrhos, Llangattock-nigh-Usk, Llanthewy Rytherch 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/644 Monmouth and Abergavenny Light Railway Deposited 10 May 1898, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Order of Light Railway Commissioners (Draft), Estimate and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanvihangel-Ystern-Llewern, Parc-Grace-Dieu, Llangattock Vibon Avel, Dingestow, Wonastow, Llanvapley, Llanarth, Llantillio Crossenny, Penrhos, Llangattock-nigh-Usk, Llanthewy Rytherch 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/645 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwas, Bedwellty (Additional Lands) 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/646 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Cardiff Branch Caerphilly Curve Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/645 Deposited 29 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwas, Bedwellty (Additional lands) 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/647 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwas 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/648 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/647 Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwas 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/649 Great Western Railway-General powers Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn-Lands in Urban District of Nantyglo and Blaina, Abertillery (near Rose Heyworth Colliery and near Coach and Horses Inn). Pars. of Nash, Roggiet, Llanvihangel Roggiett, Mynyddislwyn. 1891 |
Q/PANDBR/650 Great Western Railway-General powers Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/651 Rhymney and Aber Valley Gas and Water Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty in Urban District of Rhymney 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/652 The Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/651 Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty in Urban District of Rhymney 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/653 Taff Vale Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference County Borough of Newport 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/654 Taff Vale Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/653 Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only County Borough of Newport 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/655 Usk Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny Rural, Abergavenny Urban, Llantillio Pertholey 1898 |
Q/PANDBR/656 Usk Valley Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/655 Deposited 30 Nov 1897, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanwenarth Citra, Abergavenny Rural, Abergavenny Urban, Llantillio Pertholey 1898 |
1899-1900 |
Q/PANDBR/657 Brynmawr and Western Valleys Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1898, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Aberystruth 1899 |
Q/PANDBR/658 Brynmawr and Western Valley Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1898, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Aberystruth 1899 |
Q/PANDBR/659 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1898, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn (Pennar Branch Railway), Aberystruth (Lands at Aberbeeg Junction) Mynyddislwyn (Lands near Celynen Colliery) Lands in the Urban District of Nantyglo and Blaina 1899 |
Q/PANDBR/660 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/659 Deposited 28 Nov 1898, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Aberystruth, and lands in Urban District of Nantyglo and Blaina 1899 |
Q/PANDBR/661 Rhymney and Aber Valley and Gas and Water Deposited 20 Jul 1888, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map of districts to be supplied with gas and water 1899 |
Q/PANDBR/662 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Diversion of River Ebbw in Urban District of Abercarn, lengthening of bridges in par. of Undy and diversion of road. Land of pars. of Llanvihangel Roggiet, Magor, County Borough of Newport. 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/663 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/662 Deposited 30 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/664 Newport Corporation-Transport Bridge etc. Deposited 29 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Plan of Newport Transporter Bridge and plan of tramways in Newport 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/665 Newport Corporation Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/664 Deposited 29 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/666 Rhymney Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty, Rhymney 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/667 Rhymney Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty, Rhymney 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/668 South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Company Deposited 28 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map and Book of Reference Par. of Panteg 1900 |
Q/PANDBR/669 South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Company Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/668 Deposited 28 Nov 1899, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans showing lands to be aquired etc. Par. of Panteg 1900 |
1901-1902 |
Q/PANDBR/670 Abertillery Electric Lighting Deposited 28 Nov 1900 Map, Provisional Order Abertillery Urban District 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/671-672 Abertillery Electric Lighting Provisional Order 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 2 Copies 27 Mar 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/673 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Co. Docks extension and railways Deposited 30 Nov 1900, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of St. Woollos 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/674 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Co. Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/673 Deposited 30 Nov 1900, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/675 Ebbw Vale Electric Lighting Deposited 24 Nov 1900, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order and Map Ebbw Vale Urban District 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/676-677 Ebbw Vale Electric Lighting Deposited 22 Mar 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order (2 Copies) 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/678 Great Western Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1900, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Magor, Undy, Rogerstone, Llanvihangel Rogiet, Borough of Newport, lands in Urban Districts of Abersychan, Abertillery, Risca (near Risca Station) 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/679 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/678 Deposited 28 Nov 1900, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Magor, Undy, Rogerstone, Llanvihangel Rogiett, Borough of Newport, lands in the Urban Districts of Abersychan, Abertillery, Risca (near Risca Station) 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/680 Tredegar Electric Lighting Deposited 28 Nov 1900, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map and Provisional Order Tredegar Urban District 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/681-682 Tredegar Electric Lighting Deposited 27 Mar 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1901 (2 Copies) 1901 |
Q/PANDBR/683 Abertillery Urban District Council-Waterworks Deposited 30 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Cwmtillery Reservoir in par. of Abertillery 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/684 Abertillery Urban District Council-Waterworks Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/683 Deposited 30 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/685 Chepstow Electric Lighting Deposited 29 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order and Plan etc. 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/686 Chepstow Electric Lighting Board of Trade Session 1902 Deposited 28 Apr 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1902 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/687 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Raod and footpaths at Risca 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/688 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/687 Deposited 29 Nov 1901, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Road and footpaths at Risca 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/689 Great Western Railway-Crumlin Viaduct Deposited 29 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/690 Great Western Railway-Crumlin Viaduct Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/689 Deposited 29 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/691 Newport Corporation-Tramways and improvements Deposited 30 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/692 Newport Corporation-Tramways and improvements Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/691 Deposited 30 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/693 Rhymney Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty and Rhymney 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/694 Rhymney Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/693 Deposited 30 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwellty and Rhymney 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/695 South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Co.-Additional land Deposited 28 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Llanvihangel Llantarnam (Land to be acquired near Cwmbran Station) 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/696 South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Company-Additional lands Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/695 Deposited 28 Nov 1901, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Llanvihangel Llantarnam 1902 |
Q/PANDBR/697 Abersychan Electric Lighting Deposited 28 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map and Provisional Order For areasL: Varteg, Garndiffaith, Talywain, Abersychan, Pontnewynydd, Tranch 1903 |
1903-1904 |
Q/PANDBR/698-699 Abersychan Electric Lighting Deposited 16 Apr 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1903 (2 Copies) 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/700 Bedwellty Electric Lighting Deposited 29 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map and Provisional Order Bedwellty, Urban District (Hollybush, New Tredegar, Aberbargoed, Argoed, Pengam, Blackwood, Fleur-de-lis) 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/701 Ebbw Vale Water and Improvement Deposited 29 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Beaufort, Ebbw Vale 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/702 Ebbw Vale Water-Improvement Deposited 29 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Beaufort, Ebbw Vale 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/703 Great Western Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Christchurch, Llanwern, Bishton, Wilcrick, Llandevenny, Magor, Undy, Risca, lands near Blaina Station and Nantyglo Station 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/704 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/703 Deposited 28 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/705 Nantyglo and Blaina Urban District Council-Waterworks Deposited 29 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Beaufort, Aberystruth 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/706 Nantyglo and Blaina Urban District Council-Waterworks Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/705 Deposited 29 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/707 Western Valleys (Mon.) Sewerage Deposited 29 nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Aberystruth, Abertilley, Llanhilleth, Beaufort, Ebbw Vale, Abercarn, Risca, Rogerstone, Graig, Duffryn 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/708 Western Valleys (Mon.) Sewerage Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/707 Deposited 259 Nov 1902, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1903 |
Q/PANDBR/709 Abercarn Electric Lighting Deposited 27 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map and Provisional Order Abercarn Urban District: Abercarn, Newbridge, Crumlin, Croes Penmaen, Trinant 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/710 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Dock and Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/711 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/710 Deposited 28 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/712 Ebbw Vale Water Deposited 28 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Beaufort, Rassau 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/713 Ebbw Vale Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/712 Deposited 28 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Beaufort, Rassau 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/714 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Widening of bridges at Newport. Bridge footpaths and land at Pontypool Road Station. Lands in par. of St. Woollos. Lands near Crumlin Junction and Aberbeeg Junction Station. 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/715 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/714 Deposited 30 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/716 London and North Western Railway Deposited 26 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Additional lands in Ebbw Vale Urban District 1904 |
Q/PANDBR/717 London and North Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/716 Deposited 26 Nov 1903, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1904 |
1905-1906 |
Q/PANDBR/718 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwas, Mynyddislwyn, Machen Upper 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/719 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Bedwas, Mynyddislwyn, Machen Upper 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/720 Great Western Railway-Additional Powers Deposited 28 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, Undy, lands near Abergavenny Station, land near Newport (High Street) Station 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/721 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/720 Deposited 28 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/722 Nine Mile Point Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1904 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Risca, Mynyddislwyn, Machen Upper 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/723 Nine Milem Point Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/722 Deposited 29 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/724 South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Compnay Bill Deposited 28 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan etc. Location of power stations in Monmouthshire, Glamorganshire and Carmarthenshire 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/725 South Wales Electrical Power Distribuion Company's Bill Area of Supply Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/724] Deposited 28 Nov 1904, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Map 1905 |
Q/PANDBR/726 Abercarn Electric Lighting Deposited 30 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order and Map Abercarn, Newbridge, Crumlin, Croes Penmaen, Trinant 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/727-728 Abercarn Electric Lighting Deposited 18 Apr 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1906 (2 Copies) 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/984-985 Abercarn Electric Lighting Board of Trade 1906 Deposited 21 Dec 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order (2 Copies) Area of Supply: Urban District of Abercarn 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/729 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Dock and Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/730 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railways Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/731 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwas, Mynyddislwyn, Machen Upper 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/732 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/731 Deposited 30 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/733 Great Western and Rhymney Railway Companies Deposited 30 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen Upper, Mynyddislwyn, Urban District of Risca 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/734 Great Western and Rhymney Railway Companies Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/733 Deposited 30 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen Upper, Mynyddislwyn, Risca Urban District 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/735 London and North Western Railway (Sirhowy Loop) Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference In Urban Districts of Mynyddislwyn, Bedwellty, via. Blackwood, Pontllanfraith, Ynysddu, Cwm-Felin-Fach, Caerphilly Railways in pars. of Machen Upper and Bedwas. 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/736 London and North Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/735 Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/737 Newport Harbour Commissioners Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. and County Borough of Newport 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/738 Newport Harbour Commissioners Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/737 Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/739 Penllwyn Railway and Road Deposited 29 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Mynyddislwyn (Ynysddu to Pontllanfraith) 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/740 Western Valleys (Mon) Sewerage Board Deposited 28 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Machen Upper, Risca, Bedwellty 1906 |
Q/PANDBR/741 Western Valleys (Mon) Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/740 Deposited 28 Nov 1905, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Machen Upper, Risca, Bedwellty 1906 |
1907-1909 |
Q/PANDBR/742 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway-General powers Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rogerstone, Graig, Machen Lower, Risca and County Borough of Newport 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/743 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/742 Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections Pars. of Rogerstone, Graig, Machen Lower, Risca and County Borough of Newport 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/744 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference, for Plans see Q/PANDBR/745-746 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/745 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only (For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/744). Pars. of Machen Upper, Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Bedwellty 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/746 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/745 Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/744. Pars. of Machen Upper, Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Bedwellty 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/747 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/749. Pars. of Graig, Machen Lower, Bedwas and Urban Districts of Risca and Mynyddislwyn 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/748 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/747 Deposited 29 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only. For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/749. Pars. of Graig, Machen Lower, Machen Upper, and through part of Urban Districts of Risca and Mynyddislwyn, and par. of Bedwas. 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/749 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference. For Plans see Q/PANDBR/747-748 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/750 Great Western, London and North Western and Rhymney Railway Companies Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen Upper, Bedwas, Urban Districts of Mynyddislwyn, Risca 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/751 Great Western, London and North Western, Rhymney Railway Companies Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/750 Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen Upper, Bedwas, Urban Districts of Mynyddislwyn, Risca. 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/752 New Tredegar Gas and Water Deposited 23 Apr 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Order 1907 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/753 Rhymney Valley and General Electric Supply Company Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Maps and Provisional Order 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/754-755 Rhymmey Valley and General Electric Supply Co. LTD Deposited 6 May 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order (2 Copies) 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/756 Western Valleys (Mon) Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Dukestown, Tredegar, Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/757 Western Valleys (Mon) Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/756 Deposited 30 Nov 1906, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Dukestown, Tredegar, Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn 1907 |
Q/PANDBR/758 Barry Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty 1908 |
Q/PANDBR/759 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/758 Deposited 29 Nov 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Bedwellty 1908 |
Q/PANDBR/760 Caldicot and District Gas Deposited 29 Nov 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order and Plan Pars. of Llanvihangel Rogiett, Rogiett, Ifton, Caldicot, Portskewett 1908 |
Q/PANDBR/761 Caldicot and District Gas Co.-Provisional Order Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/760 Deposited 29 Nov 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Map only 1908 |
Q/PANDBR/762 Caldicot and District Gas Deposited 25 Apr 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Order 1908 For Plans see Q/PANDBR/760-761 1908 |
Q/PANDBR/763 Monmouthshire County Council (Gwynne Reservoir) Deposited 30 nov 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Line of pipes in pars. of Fwthog, Lower Cwmyoy, Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny Rural, Llanwenarth Citra, Llanwenarth Ultra, Aberystruth, Beaufort, Ebbw Vale, Tredegar, Dukestown, Llechryd, Blaenavon, Abersychan, Abertillery. 1908 |
Q/PANDBR/764 Monmouthshire County Council (Gwynne Reservoir) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/763 Deposited 30 Nov 1907, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1908 |
1909-1911 |
Q/PANDBR/765 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. and County Borough of Newport 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/766 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/765 Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. and County Borough of Newport 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/767 Barry Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Machen Upper 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/768 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/767 Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Machen Upper 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/769 Blackwood Gas Deposited 18 Dec 1908, not certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Bill 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/770 Great Western Railway-General powers Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Risca, Abercarn, Mynyddislwyn, Bedwellty, Par. and County Borough of Newport, Pontypool, Abersychan (at Pontnewynydd), Rogerstone, Llanhilleth, Rogiet, Ifton, Caldicot 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/771 Great Western Railway-General powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/770 Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/772 London and North Western Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwellty (near Blackwood Station) 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/773 London and North Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/772 Deposited 28 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/774 Pontypool Gas and Water Deposited 30 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Panteg (Cwm Lickey Upper Reservoir), Llanfrechfa Upper, Abersychan, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Blaenavon 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/775 Pontypool Gas and Water Company-Water works and lands Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/774 Deposited 30 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/776 Risca Urban District Council Deposited 30 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Abercarn, Henllys 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/777 Risca Urban District Council Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/776 Deposited 30 Nov 1908, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1909 |
Q/PANDBR/778 Abertillery and District Water Board Deposited 30 Nov 1909, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Fwthog, Lower Cwmyoy, Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny Rural, Llanwenarth Citra, Llanwenarth Ultra, Blaenavon, Abertillery, Abercarn, Llanvihangel Crucorney 1910 |
Q/PANDBR/779 Abertillery and District Water Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/778 Deposited 30 Nov 1909, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1910 |
Q/PANDBR/780 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1909, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Risca 1910 |
Q/PANDBR/781 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1909, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Risca, Abercarn 1910 |
Q/PANDBR/782 Great Western Railway-General powers Deposited 29 Nov 1909, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Panteg, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanhilleth (near Llanhilleth Station), Abersychan (near Pontnewynydd Station), Mynyddislwyn (near Pontllanfraith Station) 1910 |
Q/PANDBR/783 Great Western Railway-General powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/782 Deposited 29 Nov 1909, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1910 |
Q/PANDBR/784 Afon Llwyd Valley Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1910, not certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference For Plans see Q/PANDBR/787 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/785 Afon Llwyd Valley Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1910, not certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only For Plans see Q/PANDBR/786-787 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/786 Afon Llwyd Valley Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1910, date on Plan but not certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/784-785 Pars. of Blaenavon, Abersychan, Pontypool, Panteg, Llanvihangel Lower, Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llangattock-juxta-Caerleon 1911 |
Afon Llwyd Valley Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/786 Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections only For Book of Reference Q/PANDBR/784-785 |
Q/PANDBR/788 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rogerstone, Graig, Machen Lower, Risca, Machen Upper 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/789 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/788 Deposited 30 nov 1910 Plans and Sections only 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/790 Barry Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Risca 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/791 Barry Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/790 Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections only 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/792 Eastern Valley of Monmouthshire Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Blaenavon, Abersychan, Pontypool, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Griffithstown, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/793 Easter Valleys of Monmouthshire Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/792 Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections only Pars. of Blaenavon, Abersychan, Pontypool, Panteg, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/794 Penllwyn Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/795 Penllwyn Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/794 Deposited 12 Apr 1911 Plans and Sections only 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/796 Western Valleys (Mon.) Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1910 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Bedwellty, Risca, Abertillery, St. Brides Wentlooge 1911 |
Q/PANDBR/797 Western Valleys (Mon.) Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/796 Deposited 30 Nov 1911 Plans and Book of Reference 1911 |
1912-1913 |
Q/PANDBR/798 Bedwas and Machen Upper Electric Lighting Deposited 29 Nov 1911 Provisional Order, Map and Order Urban District of Bedwas and Machen 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/800 Bedwas and Machen Upper Electric Lighting (South Wales Electrical Power Distrivution Co.) Board of Trade 1912 Application for Provisional Order 1912 Ordanance Map Area of supply: Bedwas and Machen Urban Districts 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/801 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1911 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of St. Woollos, St. Brides Wentlooge, Duffryn, Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn, Panteg (at Griffithstown), Risca, Abersychan, Abertillery, Llanhilleth, Undy, Llanvihangel Rogiettm Roggiett, Rogerstone, Abercarn 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/802 Great Western Railway Deposited 30 Nov 1911 Plans and Sections only Pars. of St. Woollos, St. Brides Wentlooge, Duffryn, Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn, Panteg, Risca, Abersychan, Llanhilleth Llanover, Undy, Llanvihangel Roggiett, St. Woollos, Rogerstone, Abercarn 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/803 London and North Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1911 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Additional lands at Nine Mile Point 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/804 London and North Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/803 Deposited 29 Nov 1911 Plans and Sections only Additional lands at Nine Mile Point 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/805 Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Deposited 29 Nov 1911 Book of Reference For Plans see Q/PANDBR/806-807 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/806 Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Deposited 29 Nov 911 Plans and Sections For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/805 Pars. of Rhymney, Bedwellty, Mynyddislwyn, Bedwas, Machen Upper, Machen Lower, Michaelstone-y-Vedw, Graig, St. Mellons, Peterstone Wentloog 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/807 Rhymney Valley Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/806 Deposited 29 Nov 1911 Plans and Sections only For Book of Reference see Q/PANDBR/805 1912 |
Q/PANDBR/808 Ebbw Vale Water Deposited 27 Nov 1912 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Line of pipes in pars. of Beaufort, Rassau and in Co. Brecon 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/809 Ebbw Vale Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/808 Deposited 27 Nov 1912 Plans and Sections only 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/810 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1912 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Mynyddislwyn, Risca, Llanvihangel Llantarnam 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/811 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/810 Deposited 29 Nov 1912 Plans and Sections only 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/812 Mynyddislwyn Urban District Council Deposited 29 Nov 1912 Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/813 Mynyddislwyn Urban District Council Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/812 Deposited 29 Nov 1912 Plans only 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/814 Western Valleys (Monmouthshire) Railless Electric Traction Deposited 29 Nov 1912 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Abertillery, Abercarn, Rogerstone, Llanhilleth 1913 |
Q/PANDBR/815 Western (Monmouthshire) Railless Electric Traction Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/814 Deposited 29 Nov 1912 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Abertillery (near Rose Heyworth Colliery), Abercarn, Rogerstone, Llanhilleth 1913 |
1914-1916 |
Q/PANDBR/816 Abercarn Electric Lighting Deposited 26 Nov 1913 Provisional Order and Plans Abercarn Urban District Council: Trinant, Croes Penmaen, Crumlin, Newbridge, Pentwynmawr, Abercarn 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/817 Abercarn Electric Lighting Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/816 Deposited 26 Nov 1913 Provisional Order and Plans 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/818-819 Abercarn (Electricity) Electric Lighting Deposited 24 Apr 1914, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Provisional Order 1914 For Plans see Q/PANDBR/816 (2 Copies) 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/820 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rogerstone, Graig, Risca, Machen Upper 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/821 Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/820 Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rogerstone, Graig, Machen Upper, Risca 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/822 Bedwas and Machen Urban District Councils Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Machen Upper (land to be acquired) 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/823 Bedwas and Machen Urban District Council Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/822 Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plan and Book of Reference 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/824 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Deposited 25 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Machen Upper, Mynyddislwyn, Bedwas, Bedwellty 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/825 Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway-Additional lands Deposited 25 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections only Pars. of Machen Upper, Mynyddislwyn, Bedwas, Bedwellty 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/826 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rogerstone, Risca (Pontywaun, Crosskeys), Abercarn, Newport, Llandevney, Magor, Undy, St. Woollos, Peterstone Wentlooge (Marshfied Station) 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/827 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/826 Deposited 29 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections only 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/828 Newport Corporation Deposited 29 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Newport (Bridge works over River Usk, New Street from Shaftesbury Street to High Street, widening of Chepstow Road) 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/829 Newport Corporation Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/828 Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plans and Sections only Pars. of Newport (Bridge works, New Street, from Shaftesbury Street to High Street, widening of Chepstow Road) 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/830 Rhymney and Aber Valleys Gas and Water Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwas 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/831 Rhymney and Aber Valley Gas and Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/830 Deposited 28 Nov 1913 Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Bedwas 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/832 Western Valleys (Monmouthshire) Railless Electric Traction Recieved 18 Jul 1914, not certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Extension Order, 1914 1914 |
Q/PANDBR/986 Eastern Valleys (Monmouthshire) Joint Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1914 Book of Reference and Notice Pars. of Blaenavon, Abersychan, Pontypool, Griffithstown, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Malpas, Llangattock 1915 |
Q/PANDBR/833 Eastern Valleys (Monmouthshire) Joint Sewerage Board Deposited 30 Nov 1914 Plans and Sections only Pars. of Blaenavon, Abersychan, Pontypool, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Upper, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llantarnam, Malpas, Llangattock 1915 |
Q/PANDBR/834 Eastern Valleys (Monmouthshire) Joint Sewerage Board Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/833 Deposited 30 nov 1914 Plans and Sections 1915 |
Q/PANDBR/835 Gellygroes Light Railway Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn (Ynysddu, Pontllanfraith) 1916 |
1917-1920 |
Q/PANDBR/836 Chepstow Water Deposited 29 Nov 1916, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Kilgwrrwg, Newchurch East, Itton, St. Arvans Grange, St. Arvans See also D2427/34 1917 |
Q/PANDBR/837 Chepstow Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/836 Deposited 29 Nov 1916, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only See also D2427/34 1917 |
Q/PANDBR/838 Newport Light Railway Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections and Book of Reference, Estimate and Draft Order dated Apr 1917 From Alexandra Docks to Commercial Road 1917 |
Q/PANDBR/839 Pontypool Gas and Water Compnay Deposited 30 Nov 1917, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Abersychan, Blaenavon, Pontypool 1918 |
Q/PANDBR/840 Pontypool Gas and Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/839 Deposited 30 Nov 1917, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Abersychan, Blaenavon, Pontypool 1918 |
Q/PANDBR/987 Pontypool Gas and Water Company Deposited 30 Nov 1917, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Book of Reference only 1918 |
Q/PANDBR/841 Chepstow Water-Intended new works Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only Pars. of Itton, Shirenewton, Howick, St. Arvans, Mounton, St. Kingsmark, Chepstow 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/842 Chesptow Water Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/841 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only Pars. of Itton, Shirenewton, Howick, Mounton, St. Arvans, St. Kingsmark, Chepstow 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/988 Chepstow Water Company No date of deposit, Nov 1918 Book of Reference and Notic Pars. of Itton, Shirenewon, St. Arvans, Howick, Mounton, Chepstow, and Tidenham in the Co. Gloucester 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/843 Chepstow Electric Lighting (Extension) Board of Trade Session 1919 Draft Provisional Order 1919 Par. of Tidenham in the Co. of Gloucester 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/989 Newport Corporation No date of deposit, Nov 1918 Book of Reference and Notice Pars. of Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist, Llanellen, Llanover, Goytre, Mamhilad, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Malpas Remainder in County of Brecon 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/844 Newport Corporation Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only Pars. of Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist, Llanellen, Llanover, Goytre, Mamhilad, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Malpas Remainder of works in the County of Brecon 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/845 Newport Corporation Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/844 Deposited (no date) Plans and Sections only 1919 |
Q/PANDBR/846 Abersychan Electric Lighting Deposited 27 Nov 1919 Provisional Order and Plan Abersychan Urban District: Varteg, Garndiffaith, Talywain, Abersychan, Pontnewynydd, Penygarn 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/847 Abersychan Electric Lighting Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/846 Deposited 27 Nov 1919 Provisional Order and Plan Abersychan Urban District: Varteg, Garndiffaith, Talywain, Abersychan, Pontnewynydd, Penygarn 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/848 Abersychan Electric Lighting Board of Trade Session 1920 Draft Provisional Order 1920 For Plans see Q/PANDBR/846-847 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/849 Bedwas and Machen Electric Lighting Deposited 26 Aug 1920 Map, Draft Special Order Area of supply: Bedwas and Machen Urban District 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/850 Bedwas and Machen Electric Lighting Deposited 28 Nov 1919 Map and Provisional Order 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/851 Bedwas and Machen Electricity Supply Electricity Commission, August 1920 Draft Special Order 1920 Bedwas and Machen Urban District 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/852 Mynyddislwyn Electric Lighting Deposited 27 Nov 1919 Provisional Order and Plan Area of Supply: Oakdale, Fleur-de-Lis, Pontllanfraith, Ynysddu, Cwmfelinfach, Brynavel 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/853 Mynyddislwyn Electric Lighting Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/852 Deposited 25 Aug 1920 Draft Special Order and Plan 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/854 Mynyddislwyn Electric Lighting Electricty Commission 1920 Draft Special Order 1920 For Plans see Q/PANDBR/852-853 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/855 Newport Corporation Deposited 28 Nov 1919 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist, Llanellen, Llanover, Goytre, Mamhilad, Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Panteg, Llanfrechfa Lower, Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Malpas Remainder in County of Brecon 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/856 Newport Corporation Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/855 Deposited 29 Nov 1919 Plans and Sections only 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/857-858 Panteg Electric Lighting Deposited 27 Nov 1919 Provisional Order and Plan (2 Copies) Proposed area of supply: Llanvihangel Pontymoile, Pontymoile, Upper New Inn, Cwmyniscoy, Griffithstown, Sebastopol, Panteg 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/859 Panteg Electricity Draft Special Order 1920 For Plans see Q/PANDBR/857-858 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/860 Risca Electricity Supply Deposited 14 Sep 1920 Map, Provisional Order and Draft Special Order Areas supplied: Cwmcarn, Wattsville, Pontywaun, Crosskeys, Risca, Pontymister 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/861 Risca Electric Lighting Deposited 29 Nov 1919 Provisional Order and Map 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/862 Risca Electricity Supply Electricity Commission 1920 Draft Special Order Risca Urban District Council 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/863-864 St Mellons Electric Lighting Deposited 27 Nov 1919 Provisional Order and Plan Proposed areas of supply to include Pars. of Henllys, Rogerstone, Bettws, Malpas, Machen Lower, Graig, St. Woollos, Duffry, Michaelstone-y-Vedw, Coedkernew, St. Brides Wentlooge, Marshfield, St. Mellons, Peterstone Wentlooge, Rumney 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/865-866 St. Mellons Rural District Council Electricity Draft Special Order, 1920 and Ordanance Map Pars. of Rogerstone, Machen Lower, Graig, Rumney, St. Mellons, Peterstone Wentlooge, St. Brides, Malpas, St. Woollos, Duffryn, Michaelstone-y-Vedw, Henllys, Marshfield, and Coedkernew 1920 |
Q/PANDBR/867 Tredegar Urban District Council-Water Supply Deposited 29 Nov 1919 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Dukestown (Blaen-y-Cwm) 1920 |
1921-1925 |
Q/PANDBR/869 Abersychan Electricity Supply Deposited (no date) Map only Areas supplied: Varteg Hill, Garndiffaith, Victoria Village, Talywain, Abersychan, Pentrepiod, Penygarn, Tranch 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/871 Abersychan Electricity Deposited 10 Apr 1921, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1921 Abersychan Urban District 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/872 Bedwas and Machen Electricity Deposited 10 May 1921, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1921 (2 Copies) Bedwas and Machen Urban District 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/873 Mynyddislwyn Electricity Deposited 6 Apr 1921, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1921 Approved by Parliament 1921 Mynyddislwyn Urban District 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/874 Newport Electric Lighting Extension Deposited 13 Jan 1921 Electricity Commission 1921 Map Areas to be supplied: Newport Borough, Caerleon Urban District, Christchurch, Nash, Duffryn, St. Woollos, Bettws, Malpas 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/875 Newport Electric Lighting (Extension) Deposited 13 Jan 1921 Draft Special Order Added areas: Urban District of Caerleon, Pars. of Bettws, Duffryn, Malpas, St. Woollos, Christchurch, Nash 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/876 Newport Electricity (Extension) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/875 Draft Special Order 1921 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/877 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Co. Deposited 3 Jul 1921 Draft Special Order, Plan and Order Proposed extension area: Bettws 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/878-879 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Deposited 5 Jul 1921, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order 1921 and Ordinance Map Par. of Bettws 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/880 Panteg Electricity Deposited 6 Jan 1921 Special Order Urban District of Panteg 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/881-882 Pontypool Gas (Abersychan Gas Transfer) Deposited 27 Jan 1921 Special Order, Plan of Abersychan Gas Works 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/883 Risca Electricity Deposited 9 Apr 1921, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order Approved by Parliament Urban District of Risca 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/884 St. Mellons Electricity Deposited 21 Jan 1921 Special Order In respect of Pars. of Rogerstone, Machen Lower, Graig, Rumney, St. Mellons, Peterstone, Wentlooge, St. Brides, Malpas, St. Woollos, Duffryn, Michaelstone-y-Vedw, Henllys, Marshfield and Coedkernew 1921 |
Q/PANDBR/885 Newport (Monmouthshire) Electricity (extension) Deposited 26 Apr 1922, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1922 In respection of Caerleon Urban District and Pars. of Christchurch, Nah, St. Woollos and parts of Bettws, Duffryn, Malpas 1922 |
Q/PANDBR/886 Ebbw Vale Urban District Council-Purchase of lands Deposited 29 Nov 1922, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Book of Reference Pars. of Beaufort, Rassau (Carne Reservoir) 1923 |
Q/PANDBR/887 Ebbw Vale Urban District Council-Purchase of lands Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/886 Deposited 29 Nov 1922, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Maps and Book of Reference Pars. of Beaufort and Rassau (Carne Reservoir) 1923 |
Q/PANDBR/888 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 9 Apr 1923, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Newport (Land near High Street Station) 1923 |
Q/PANDBR/889 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/888 Deposited 29 Apr 1923, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only Par. of Newport (Lands near High Street Station) 1923 |
Q/PANDBR/890 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 30 Nov 1923, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Rogiet, Undy, St. Woollos 1924 |
Q/PANDBR/891 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/890 Deposited 30 nov 1923, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1924 |
Q/PANDBR/892-893 Llantarnam and Llanfrechfa Upper Electricity Deposited 16 Dec 1924, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order, 1924, Ordanance Map Area of Supply: Upper Cwmbran, Pontnewydd, Cwmbran, Llanvihangel Llantarnam 1924-1925 |
Q/PANDBR/894 Monmouth Gas and Water Board of Trade, Jun 1924 Deposited 5 Jun 1924, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order, 1924 1924 |
Q/PANDBR/895 Taff Fechan Water Supply Deposited 29 Dec 1923, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Bill 1924 |
Q/PANDBR/896-897 Llantarnam Electricity Electricity Commission Jun 1925 Deposited 5 Jun 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order 1925, and Ordanance Map 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/898 Monmouth Gas Order 1925 Deposited 12 Jan 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Statutory Rules and Order 1925, No. 437-Gas 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/899 Newport Corporation Deposited 28 Nov 1924, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Proposed widening of High Street, Market Street, Griffin Street, Shaftesbury Street, Malpas Road, Stow Hill, Clifton Road, Devon Place, and Pentonville. Improvement or corner between Godfrey Road and Devon Place, Cardiff Road. Proposed new road: Malpas Road to Queen's Hill, new road:High Street to Emlyn Street and Cardiff road. Land acquired for market Land acquired for educational purposes at Stow Hill and Hatherleigh and land acquired for St. Julians Recreation Ground. 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/900 Newport Corporation Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/899 Deposited 28 Nov 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/901 Pontypool Electricity Deposited 13 Aug 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/902 Proposed Electricity (Amendment) Special Order Deposited 29 Oct 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/903 West Gloucestershire Electricty (Extension) Order Deposited 22 Jan 1925 Map Proposed area of supply to include: Chepstow Urban District, Chepstow Rural District, Monmouth Borough, Monmouth Rural District and Usk Urban District 1925 |
Q/PANDBR/904 West Gloucester Electricity (Extension) Electricity Commission 1925 Draft Special Order-22 Jan 1925 Certified by the Clerk of the Peace 1925 |
1926-1930 |
Q/PANDBR/905 Llanfrechfa Upper Electricity Deposited 11 Oct 1926, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1926 1926 |
Q/PANDBR/906 Mynyddislwyn Urban District Council Deposited 30 Nov 1925, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Book of Reference Par. of Mynyddislwyn 1926 |
Q/PANDBR/907 Mynyddislwyn Urban District Council Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/906 Deposited 30 Nov 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans only 1926 |
Q/PANDBR/908 Great Western Railways Deposited 27 Nov 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Bedwellty, Abergavenny Urban, Abergavenny Rural, Rumney, Bedwas 1926 |
Q/PANDBR/909 Great Western Railway Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/908 Deposited 27 Nov 1925, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1926 |
Q/PANDBR/910 Pontypool Urban District Council Deposited 29 Nov 1926, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Street works in Pontypool (Park Road, Lower Crane Street, George Street, New Street from Park Road to Osborne Road) 1927 |
Q/PANDBR/911 Western Valleys (Monmouthshire) Omnibus Board Deposited 20 Dec 1926, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Bill 1927 |
Q/PANDBR/912-913 West Gloucestershire Electricity (Extension) Deposited 10 Feb 1928, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1928 (2 Copies) 1928 |
Q/PANDBR/914 Llanfrechfa Upper and Llantarnam Water Board Deposited 26 Nov 1928, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Books of Reference (2) Pars. of Llanfrechfa Lower (Enlargement of Blaenfran Reservoir) Llanvihangel Llantarnam, Llanfrechfa Upper 1928-1929 |
Q/PANDBR/915 Great Western Railway Deposited 29 Nov 1928, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Sections (2 copies) Pars. of Portskewett, Chepstow, Bedwas 1929 |
Q/PANDBR/916 Abergavenny and District Electricity Special Order 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Maps only Abergavenny Borough and Abergavenny Rural District 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/917 Abergavenny and District Electricity Electricity Commissioners 1930 Deposited 23 Jun 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order, 1930 Proposed area of supply: Abergavenny Borough and part of Abergavenny Rural District 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/918 Abergavenny and District Electricity Deposited 29 Oct 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1930 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/919 Abersychan Electricity Special Order Electricity Commission 1930 Deposited 18 Jun 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/920 Abetrsychan Electricity Special Order Deposited 5 Nov 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/921-922 Llanfrechfa Upper Electricity (Extension) Electricity Commission 1930 Deposited 21 Jan 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order, 1930, Ordanance Map Area of supply: Par. of Llanfrechfa Lower (Croesyceiliog, Llanfrechfa, Ponthir) 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/923 Llanfrechfa Upper Electricity (Extension) Deposited 16 Jun 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1930 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/924 Nantyglo and Blaina Electricity Electricity Commission 1930 Deposited 22 Jul 1930, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order, Ordinanace Map Area of supply: Nantyglo and Blaina Urban District 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/925 Newport Corporation Deposited 29 Nov 1929, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Par. of Newport: Chepstow Road (widening); rounding of corner junction of Chepstow Road with Caerleon Road; new road-High Street to Emlyn Street and Cardiff Road, widening of Cardiff Road (near Belle Vue Park);land acquired for bus terminus (Mill Street) 1930 |
Q/PANDBR/926-927 West Usk Electricity-Electricity Commisssion 1930 Deposited 21 Oct 1930, certified by Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order, Plans and Orders Areas of supply: Blaenavon Urban District, Pars. of Govilon, Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist, Llanellen, Llanover, Llanvair Kelgeddin, Mamhilad, Goytre, Glascoed, Monkswood, Llanbadoc, Llanthewy Vach, Tredunnock 1930 |
1931-1937 |
Q/PANDBR/928-929 Abergavenny Gas Board of Trade, Jan 1931 Deposited 2 Feb 1931, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order 1931 (2 Copies), Ordanance Map Area of supply extended to include pars. of Abergavenny Rural, Llanfoistm Llantillio Pertholey, Llanwenarth Citra 1931 |
Q/PANDBR/930 Nantyglo and Blaina Electricity Deposited 23 Mar 1931, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1931 Area of supply: Urban District of Nantyglo and Blaina 1931 |
Q/PANDBR/931 Newport (Monmouthshire) Electricity (Extension) Draft Special Order (only) Deposited 17 Jul 1931, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Area of supply: Caerleon Urban District, Pars. of Kemeys Inferior, Penhow, Llanmartin, Wilcrick, Llanwern, Whitson, Llandevenny, Llanvaches, Llangstone, Magor, Redwick, Bishton and Goldcliff 1931 |
Q/PANDBR/932 Newport (Monmouthshire) Electricity (Extension) Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/931 Draft Special Order only Deposited 10 Nov 1931, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 1931 |
Q/PANDBR/933-934 Shropshire and Worcestershire and Staffordshire Electric Power Deposited 31 Mar 1931, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order and Draft Special Order 1931 |
Q/PANDBR/935 West Usk Electricity Deposited 28 Oct 1931, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1931 Areas of supply: Blaenavon Urban District, Pars. of Llanwenarth Ultra, Llanfoist, Llanellen, Llanover Lower and Higher, Llanvair Kilgedin, Llanwenarth Citra, Llanvihangel-nigh-Usk, Llangattock-nigh-Usk, Goytre, Mamhilad, Monkswood, Glascoed, Llanbadock, Llandegveth, Llanthewy Vach, and parts of pars. of Llangibby, Llanllowell, Llantrissent, Llanhennock, Llangattock (juxta Caerleon), Tredunnock 1931 |
Q/PANDBR/936 South Wales Electric Power Company Filed 2 Dec 1932, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Bill 1931-1932 |
Q/PANDBR/937 Great Western Railway Deposited 17 Nov 1932, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plan and Book of Reference Pars. of Risca, Abercarn 1933 |
Q/PANDBR/938 Great Western Railways Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/937 Deposited 17 Nov 1932, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections 1932-1933 |
Q/PANDBR/939 Shropshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire Electric Power Deposited 11 Apr 1933, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order 1933 1933 |
Q/PANDBR/940 Shropshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire Electric Power Filed 26 Sep 1933, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1933 |
Q/PANDBR/941 Newport Corporation (General Powers) Deposited 4 Dec 1933, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Bill 1933-1934 |
Q/PANDBR/942-943 Pontypool Gas Deposited 1 Aug 1934, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order (2 Copies) 1934 |
Q/PANDBR/944-945 South Wales Electric Power Company West Usk Electricity (Extension) Special Order Electricity Commission 1934 Filed 14 Jan 1934, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order and Ordinance Map Area of supply: Usk Urban District 1934 |
Q/PANDBR/946 South Wales Electric Power Company West Usk Electricity (Extension) Filed 15 Jun 1934, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Special Order 1934 Area of supply: Usk Urban District 1934 |
Q/PANDBR/947 Bedwellty Urban District Council Deposited 27 Nov 1935, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Bill 1935-1936 |
Q/PANDBR/948 Gloucester Harbour Ministry of Transport Provisional Order Filed 24 Apr 1936, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 1936 |
Q/PANDBR/949 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Deposited 19 Nov 1935, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Llanfihangel Rogiet, Rogiet, Undy 1935-1936 |
Q/PANDBR/950 Great Western Railway-Additional powers Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/949 Deposited 19 Nov 1935, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections only 1936 |
Q/PANDBR/951 Severn Bridge Deposited 20 Nov 1935, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Caerwent, Portskewett, Redwick 1935-1936 |
Q/PANDBR/952 Severn Bridge Duplicate of Q/PANDBR/951 Deposited 20 Nov 1935, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1935-1936 |
Q/PANDBR/953-955 Abergavenny Gas Board of Trade 1936 Filed 29 Jun 1936, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order (2 Copies), Ordinance Map 1936 |
Q/PANDBR/956-958 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Board of Trade 1936 Deposited 3 May 1936, certified by the Clerk of the Council. Draft Special Order (2 Copies), Ordinance Maps 1936 1936 |
Q/PANDBR/959-962 Pontypool Gas Board of Trade 1936 Deposited 6 Mar 1936, certified by the Clerk of the Council. Draft Special Order (2 Copies), Ordinance Map 1936 Proposed area of supply to include Cwmbran Urban District 1936 |
Q/PANDBR/963 Pontypool Gas and Water Deposited 20 Nov 1936, certified by the Clerk of the Council. Plans and Sections (2) and Book of Reference 1939-1937 |
1936-1940 |
Q/PANDBR/971 Taf Fechan Water Supply Filed 1 Oct 1936, certified by the Acting Clerk of the Council Bill 1936-1937 |
Q/PANDBR/972-973 Pontypool Gas Deposited 7 May 1937, certified by the Clerk of the Council. Draft Special Order Draft Order, Ordinance Map New limits of gas supply, part of Pontypool Rural District 1937 |
Q/PANDBR/974 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Deposited 25 Jun 1937, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft No.2 Special Orders 1937 |
Q/PANDBR/975 Newport (Monmouthshire) Gas Order Statutory Rules and Orders, 1938 No. 224 Deposited 6 Apr 1938, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. 1938 |
Q/PANDBR/976-977 Cardiff Gas (Proposed extension of area of supply) Deposited 17 Jun 1938, certified by the Clerk of the Peace. Draft Special Order Draft and Special Order and Ordinance Map 1938 |
Q/PANDBR/978-979 Chepwto Gas Deposited 11 Nov 1938, certified by the Clerk of the Council. Draft Special Order Draft Special Order and Ordinance Map 1938 |
Q/PANDBR/980-982 Cardiff Gas Order 1939 Statutory Rules and Orders 1939 No.250 Deposited 15 Apr 1940, certified by the Clerk of the Council. 3 Copies 1939 |
Q/PANDBR/983 South Wales Electric Power-Special Order 1940 Draft Special Order 1940 Filed 8 Jul 1940, certified by the Clerk of the Council 1940 |
1943-1946 |
Q/PANDBR/991 Pontypool Gas Deposited 20 Aug 1943, certified by the Clerk of the Council. In Parliament Pontypool Gas (Draft) Special Order, 1943, and Plans Par. of Blaenavon 1943 |
Q/PANDBR/992 Pontypool Gas Deposited 4 Apr 1945 Two copies of Plans and Book of Reference 1945 |
Q/PANDBR/993 Pontypool Gas (Draft) Special Order made by Ministry of Fuel and Power, 1946 Deposited 22 Feb 1946 Plans 1946 |
Q/PANDBR/994 Draft Special Order The South Wales Electric Power-Usk Generating Station Plan and Book of Reference Deposited 14 Mar 1946 Par. of Llanover 1946 |
1954-1962 |
Q/PANDBR/995 Bill of proposed Newport extension 2 Copies Part of Caerleon Urban District and part of Par. of Llanwern 1953-1954 |
Q/PANDBR/996 Newport Corporation Act 1954 Newport County Borough Extension Map Deposited 30 Aug 1954 Added land to Newport Borough (Part of Caerleon Urban District and Par. of Llanwern) 1954 |
Q/PANDBR/997 Cardiff Corporation Bill To amend the provisions of certain enactments relating to the discharge of compensation water by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Cardiff and for other purposes. 3 and 4 Eliz. 2 1955-1956 |
Q/PANDBR/998 British Transport Commission Bill To empower the British Transport Commission to construct works and to acquire lands to authorize closing for navigation portions of inland waterways; to extend the time for compulsory purchase of certain lands and the completion of certain works plus further powers. 3 and 4 Eliz. 2 Deposited 9 Dec 1954 1954 |
Q/PANDBR/999 Gloucester Council Council Bill Empowering the said council to demolish the Concert Hall, part of Shire Hall and build thereon together with further powers in relation to lands, highways, local government, hairdressers and barbers premises, public entertainment and superannuation. 3 and 4 Eliz. II Deposited May 1955 1955-1956 |
Q/PANDBR/1000 British Transport Commission Lengthening Elms Road Bridge, Undy, additional lands and stopping up of road at Severn Tunnel Junction Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Deposited 7 Nov 1956, certified by the Clerk of the Council. 2 Copies 1956-1957 |
Q/PANDBR/1001 British Transport Commission Deviation of railway line in pars of Bishton and Llandevenny Plans, Sections and Book of Reference Deposited 13 Nov 1959 1 Copy 1959-1960 |
Q/PANDBR/1002 British Transport Commission Alteration to bridge over River Wye at Chepstow Plans, Sections and Book of Reference (with copy) 1960-1961 |
Q/PANDBR/1003 Welsh Shipping Agency Bill Deposited Nov 1962 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. Goldcliff and Nash 1962-1963 |
Q/PANDBR/1004 Welsh Shipping Agency-Additional provision Deposited Feb 1964 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference Pars. of Nash, Goldcliff and Whitson 1963-1964 |
Q/PANDBR/1004 Welsh Shipping Agency Bill Deposited Nov 1963 Plans and Sections and Book of Reference 1963-1964 |
Undated |
Q/PANDBR/158 New road from Ross to town of Monmouth Map [20th century] |
Q/PANDBR/964 Plan of Abercarn Turnpike Road from Newbridge to Risca Sheets numbered 1-4 Not to be produced until repaired [20th century] |
Q/PANDBR/965 Plan of Abercarn Turnpike Road from Pontypool to Ystrad Bridge Sheets numbered 1-2 [20th century] |
Q/PANDBR/966 Gloucester, Aberystwyth and Central South Wales Railway Cross Section [20th century] |
Q/PANDBR/967 Pontypool Gas and Water Company Session 1909-1918 Map and Special Order Proposed area of supply: Varteg, Garndiffaith, Talywain, Abersychan, Pontnewynydd [1909-1918] |
Q/PANDBR/969 Map of proposed new road in to the town of Monmouth W. Metcalf, Surveyor, Monmouth [20th century] |
Q/PANDBR/970 Pars. of Rumney, Llantrissent, Llangibby, Llanllowel, Llanveview, Usk and Gwehelog Book of Referene [20th century] |
Q/PANDBR/990 Railway (Great Western) Book of Reference including diversion of footpath at Pontypool Road Station (No. 1 and No. 2), Par. of Panteague, Glyn Ponds and agreement for conveying water therefrom to Pontypool Road Station, Pars. of Panteague and Trevethin. Additional lands in Par. of St. Woollos [20th century] |