Gwent Archives

Brynmawr and Abertillery Methodist records
Table of Contents
- Summary Information
- Biographical/Historical note
- Scope and Contents note
- Arrangement note
- Administrative Information
- Related Materials
- Controlled Access Headings
- Other Finding Aids note
- Other Records
- Collection Inventory
- Circuit Records
- Papers re: Brynmawr Methodist Circuit ''transfered on the formation of the Abertillery Circuit Sep. 1963''
- Registers
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Brynmawr and Abertillery Methodists.
- Title
- Brynmawr and Abertillery Methodist Records
- ID
- GB0218.D2816
- Date
- 1871-1987
- Extent
- 1.0 not recorded
- General Physical Description note
- (Information to be supplied)
- Language
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Wesleyanism, or Wesleyan Methodism, is the doctrine of the Methodist Church established by John Wesley (1703-1790) who preached in Wales between 1739 and 1790. Wesleyan Methodism in Wales served both English- and Welsh-speaking communities, with parallel organisations (individual chapels linked to form Circuits, which were part of Districts). The Brynmawr and Abertillery circuits were part of the South Wales District. Wesleyan Methodists are known as Methodists in England and the common use of Methodist in Wales relates to the Calvinistic Methodists. Abertillery Circuit was created out of Brynmawr Circuit in 1963.
Scope and Contents note
Records of the Brynmawr and Abertillery Methodist circuits, 1872-1987, including minute books, 1890-1915; Abertillery Circuit records, 1965-1987; Brynmawr Circuit records, 1872-1962; Aberbeeg Methodist chapel records, 1943-1986; Abertillery Methodist chapel records, 1888-1987; Blaenau Gwent Methodist Church Trust account book. 1927-1965; Cwmtillery Methodist chapel records, 1903-1974; Garnfach Methodist Church, Nantyglo, minute books, 1926-1970; registers, 1871-1978.
Arrangement note
Arranged into the following: Minute books; Circuit records; Papers relating to Brynmawr Methodist Circuit; Chapel records; Registers.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright regulations apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are possible
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Source not recorded
Appraisal note
All records deposited at Gwent Record Office have been retained.
Related Materials
Related Archival Materials note
Further records of the Abertillery and Brynmawr Methodist Circuits are Gwent Record Office, D1995 and D3097.
Controlled Access Headings
Corporate Name(s)
- Methodist Records-Wales-Monmouthshire
Other Finding Aids note
Hard copies of the catalogue are available in Gwent Record Office and the National Register of Archives
Other Records
See also D3097 & D3110
Collection Inventory
D2816/1 Minute Book mainly Quarterly Meetings 1890-1907 |
D2816/2 Minute Book mainly Quarterly Meetings 1907-1915 |
Circuit Records |
D2816/3 Manse Committee Minute Book including (loose): invoices, estimates and correspondence. 1965-1983 |
D2816/4 Papers re: general Manse Trust Matters Including retirment of Trustees, sale of manses and the Registration of marriages. [1 file] 1962-1987 |
D2816/5 Circuit Schedules of Methodist Property 1. 1963-1975 2. 1967-1978 (including Reports of Inspections at High St. Six Bells Abertillery and Victoria St. Blaenau Gwent, Abertillery 6 Mar 1968) 3. 1974-1975 (including Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes Report for 1970) 4. 1975-1977 5. 1978 6. 1979 7. 1980 8. 1981-1982 [8 files] 1963-1982 |
D2816/6 Papers re: Repairs and Renovations at Manses (1 file) 1965-1971 |
D2816/7 Papers re: Renewal of Manse Trusts including correspondence and lists of trustees (1file) 1965-1972 |
D2816/8 Papers re: Church membership in the Cardiff and Swansea District including statistical returns, correspondence and reports (1file) 1966-1974 |
D2816/9 Papers re: Surplus Manses including letter to Mr Furber concerning surplus manse in the Abertillary Circuit 29 Mar 1978 and The Bulletin, newsletter containing feature on surplus manses Mar 1978. (1file) 1978 |
Papers re: Brynmawr Methodist Circuit ''transfered on the formation of the Abertillery Circuit Sep. 1963'' |
D2816/10 Papers re: Cwmtillery (Methodist) Chapel including Schedule of trust Property (withnames of Trustees) 20 Feb 1872 and 31 Mar 1908 and declaration by William Younger, President of the Methodist Conference, of consent to sale of land at Cwmtillery together with Methodist (formerly Wesleyan Methodist) Chapel and dwelling house theron (prems. no longer required for Methodist Trust purposes) 26 Sep 1934. (1 file) 1872-1934 |
D2816/11 Plan (on linen) of Brynmawr showing streets and chapels. 1872 |
D2816/12 Papers re: closure of Orchard St. Chapel and sale to Blaenau Gwent Borough Council Including Order in Privy Council re: Cessation of Burials in the P.M. Methodist Chapelyard Brynmawr 1880, Copy Lease Beaufort Estate to Trustees of PM Chapel in Orchard St. re: a chapel and school and prems. in Orchard St. 1901, plan of PM Sunday School; lists of Trustees; memoranda of choice and Appointment of New Trustees and Correspondence with Blaenau Gwent B.C. (1 file) 1880-1976 |
D2816/13 Memoranda and Choice of Appointment of New Trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel at Alma St. Brynmawr. (3 items) 1884-1938 |
D2816/14 Deed of Covenant 1. Thomas Thomas of Ivy Cottage, Brynmawr co. Brec., retired miner 2. William Dyer, coalminer, John Lewis, coalminer, John Protheroe, coal miner and Thomas Dangerfield, hawker all of Brynmawr (Trustees of P.M. Chapel, Orchard St. Brynmawr) Erection and use of new party wall 20 May 1892 |
D2816/15 Papers re: installation of electric lighting at Alma Church, Brynmawr, including Reports of inspection of boiler. (1 file ) 1932-1937 |
D2816/16 Papers re: Trustees of the Brynmawr Circuit (Abertillery section), including Schedule of names (Trustees in various chapels); papers re: refusal to act as trustees and Schedule of Lay Mambers of the Synod. [1file]. 1947-1962 |
D2816/17 Architect's plans of P.M. Sunday School, Brynmawr (2 items) Undated |
Chapel Records |
Aberbeeg |
D2816/18 Aberbeeg Methodist Church income and expenditure Account Book 1943-1985 |
D2816/19 Aberbeeg Methodist Church re: road construction and damage to church property. (1file) 1982-1986 |
D2816/20 Typescript account given by Mrs Alice Williams (in November 1946) of her forebearers' connected with the Methodist Church (in Aberbeeg) including copy pf obituary tribute to Robert Joseph Williams Mar 1928. Undated |
D2816/21 Architect's drawings of proposed new Primitive Methodist Chapel, at Aberbeeg. Undated |
Abertillery |
D2816/22 Six Bells Methodist Church, Abertillery Trustees' Treasurer's Account Book. 1963-1979 |
D2816/23 Six Bells Methodist Church, High St., Abertillery - Report on Inspection of Church and School property. 6 Mar 1968 |
D2816/24 Somerset St. P.M. Church, Abertillery Trustees' Minute Book (some Leaders' Meetings) 1920-1938 |
D2816/25 Somerset St. P.M. Church, Abertillery Trustees' Minute Book (some Leaders' Meetings) 1939-1947 |
D2816/26 Somerset St. Methodist Church, Abertillery Trustees' Minute Book. 1947-1954 |
D2816/27 Somerset St. Methodist Church, Abertillery Trustees' Minute Book. 1954-1970 |
D2816/28 Somerset St. Methodist Church, Abertillery Leadrs' Minute Book. 1922-1942 |
D2816/29 Somerset St. Methodist Church, Abertillery Church Treasurer's Account Book. 1946-1963 |
D2816/30 Somerset St. Methodist Church, Abertillery, (in the Brynmawr Circuit) Church Register of members' names and Addresses. With [loose] statement of Accounts as at 31 Aug 1976 Undated |
D2816/31 Abertillery Wesleyan Methodist Church Trustees' Minute Book. 1881-1899 |
D2816/32 Abertillery Wesleyan Methodist Church Trustees' Minute Book. 1907-1953 |
D2816/33 Abertillery Wesleyan Methodist Church Leaders Minute Book. 1918-1962 |
D2816/34 Abertillery Primitive Methodist Band of Hope Commetee Minute Book. 1892-1900 |
D2816/35 Abertillery Primitive Methodist P.S.A. Society Receipts and Expenditure Book. 1913-1931 |
D2816/36 Abertillery Methodist Church Pulpit Notices Books (4 Vols) 1984-1987 |
Blaenau Gwent |
D2816/37 Blaenau Gwent Methodist Church Trust Account Book, with (loose) Promissory note (cancelled) to the value of £80 payable to the Treasurers of the Methodist Chapel Loan Fund (list of names appended). 1927-1965 |
Cwmtillery |
D2816/38 Building Lease with Plan 1. The South Wales Colliery Co. Ltd., and Lancasters Steam Coal Collieries Ltd. 2. Mr Joseph Short and others [names given] Trustees for the time being of the Cwmtillery Primitive Methodists Chapel, (lessees) Land at Cwmtillery (580 sq. yds.) and also the chapel and outbuildings erected or in course of erection by 2 (as per plan). Reserving unto 1 all mines and veins of iron ore and coal quarries of stone and all other mines and minerals whatsoever. Term: 99 years Annual Rent: 10s. 14 Oct 1914 |
D2816/39 Cwmtillery West Bank Methodist Church Treasurers' Minute Book. Including [loose] Statements of Account and correspondence re: closure of Church 1974. 1939-1974 |
D2816/40 Cwmtillery West Bank Methodist Church Treasurer's Account Book. 1913-1942 |
D2816/41 Cwmtillery West bank Methodist Church Trustees' Treasurer's Account Book. 1939-1958 |
D2816/42 Cwmtillery East Bank Methodist Church Trustees' Minute Book. 1935-1962 |
D2816/43 Cwmtillery East Bank Methodist Church Account Book. 1903-1951 |
D2816/44 Cwmtillery East Bank Methodist Church Account Book. 1903-1962 |
D2816/45 Cwmtillery East Bank Methodist Church Collections, Income and Expenditure Book. 1942-1960 |
Nantyglo |
D2816/46 Garnfach Methodist Church, Queen St., Nantyglo Trustees' Minute Book. 1926-1964 |
D2816/47 Garnfach Methodist Church, Queen St., Nantyglo Trustees' Minute Book. 1966-1970 |
Registers |
D2816/48 Abertillery, Cwmtillery and Tillery St. Weslyen Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1871-1952 |
D2816/49 Abertillery, Cwmtillery and Tillery St. W.M. Church Register of Baptisms 1895-1975 |
D2816/50 Abertillery, Six Bells Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1940-1978 |
D2816/51 Blaenau Gwent (Abertillery) Methodist Church Register of Baptistms. 1938-1956 |
D2816/52 Blaina, High St. W.M. Church Register of Baptisms. 1883-1958 |
D2816/53 Mainly Brynmawr Primitive Methodist Circuit Register of Baptisms. 1923-1938, 1948-1954 |
D2816/54 Blaina, Garnfach (Nantyglo) Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1938-1965 |
D2816/55 Blaina, Gladstone St. Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1939-1968 |
D2816/56 Blaina, Cwmcelyn Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1940-1971 |
D2816/57 Brynmawr, Alma St. W.M. Church Register of Baptisms. 1912-1969 |
D2816/58 Brynmawr, Orchard St. Methodists Church Register of Baptisms. 1940- 1970 |
D2816/59 Cwmtillery, West Bank Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1942-1958 |
D2816/60 Cwmtillery, West Bank Methodist Church Register of Baptisms. 1958-1971 |