Gwent Archives

The Sussex Archealogical Society
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- The Sussex Archaeological Society.
- Title
- The Sussex Archealogical Society
- ID
- GB0218.D320
- Date
- 1738-1901
- Extent
- 0.015 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
- Language of Materials note
- English
Biographical/Historical note
Information to be supplied.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Deposited 1961.
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
D320/1/1 Deed leading to the uses of a fine 1. William Addams of Monmouth Co. Mon., mercer, and Ann his wife. 2. Kingsmill Evans of Lincoln's Inn Co. Middlesex Esq. Ancient Messuage called by the name of The Priory formerly in tenure of Benjamin Williams gent, dec'd and now in occupation of William Addams, together with out houses etc. siuate in town of Monmouth, on the south side adjoining the Churchyard called St. Mary's Church and lying open to the Church Yard and running from the Church on the north side of the path or walk leading from the east end of the Church to the gate called the Seallions which opens out of the Church Yard to a street called Monks Street leading out of Monmouth towards Hereford and on the west side thereof adjoining to Monks Street. And also all that Messuage situate in Town of Monmouth adj. Monk's Street near to a place where a gate formerly stood called Monks Gate and also adj. to part of the premises before mentioned, now in the occupation of Thomas Emery, mason as tenant of William Addams. Also that Messuage situate in Monmouth facing the Town Hall or Market House which William Addams now inhabits. All 2 messuages adjoining under one roof facing the Market House and adj. to the last mentioned messuage in which William Addams now inhabits on the south west side and now or late in the several tenures of Mary Whoore widow and of Edward Leech, Tallow Chandler as tenant to William Addams. Also all that Messuage situate in Monmouth near to the Bull Ring now in the tenure of James Powell glazier as tenant to Willam Addams. Messuage situate in the same place to the last mentioned tenement, adjoining to the north side now in the tenure of Will Long. Also all that Messuage situate in Back Street in Monmouth leading from a place there called Barton Miskin to the Market House called by the name of signe of the Cross Keys with the stables thereto belonging, now in the tenure of Hopkin Davis otherwise David as tenant to William Addams. Also all that Messuage or dwelling house situate in Monmouth in Monow Street on the south east together with a shop, malthouse, stables and garden now in the tenure of Anthony Jones maltster as tenant to William Addams. Also all that Messuage together with malthouse, stable and garden now in the tenure of William Harrison, maltster as tenant to William Addams. Also tenement and Farm called the Ancre Hill alias Angryhill situate near the town of Monmouth, now is the tenure of James Gabriell as tenant. And also lands, tenemts etc. Also parcel of meadow cont. 3 acres, adjoining to Watery Lane near town of Monouth, at Burtins Elms and now in occupation of William Addams. Also parcel of ground cont. 2 acres in occupation of Thomas Mason as tenant, par. Monmouth. And all other messuages belonging to Ann Addams par. Monmouth. 21 Oct 1738 |
D320/1/2 Deed of Revocation 1. William Addams of town of Monmouth, mercer, and Anne his wife. 2. Kingsmill Evans of Lincoln's Inn Co. Middlesex Esq. and Mary his wife (one of the daughters of William Addams). Of the trusts relating to tenement and farm called by the name of Ancre Hill, otherwise Angry Hill situte in Monmouth as provided in deed 21 Oct 1738. (D320/1/1) 15 Jul 1754 |
D320/1/3 Final Concord (Common Pleas) In eight day of St Hilary 1. William Addams Esq. plt 2. Kingsmill Evans Esq. deforct. Messuage, two barns, two stables, two gardens etc. 67 acres of land, 18 acres of meadow, 9 acres of pasture and 4 acres of wood in par. Monmoth.£100 1760 |
D320/1/4 Copy of Will of Kingsmill Evans of Boswell Court, Carey Street in par. of St Clement Danes Co. Middlesex Esq. Relating to various properties in Monmouthsire, parishes of Mitchel Troy, Treleck and Cwmcarvon, Monmouth and Hammersmith Co. Middlesex Administration granted London 9th June 1763 9 Feb 1760 |
D320/1/5 Copy Marriage Settlement 1. Kingsmill Evans of the Hill near Ross Co. Hereford Esq. 2. Ann Roosilia Elizabeth Thoroton, spinster, one of the daughters of Thomas Thoroton of Flintham House in par. of Flintham Co Notts. Esq. 3. Thomas Thoroton the younger of Flintham House Esq. and John Aldridge of Lincoln Inn Co. Middlesex Esq. (Trustees) Marriage between Kingsmill Evans and Ann Roosilia Elizabeth Thoroton. Messuage and farm house known as Horn Farm with several closes of land cont. 276 acres 2 roods and 13 perches pars. Ross and Walford Co. Hereford now is occupation of George Pye at yearly rent £740. In trust for Kingsmill Evans his heirs and assigns and after death of kingsmill Evans to be charged as annuity of £500 to his wife. 15 Sep 1810 |
D320/1/6 Abstract of the titles of Kingsmill Evans Esq. to an estate called The Anchor Hill situate in par. Monmoouth Co. Mon. Schedule of deeds 1766-1826. Pedigree of Kingsmill Evans and Mary Addams his wife and the opinion of I. Wright as to the validity of the title. 1832 |
D320/1/7 Agreement to sell 1. Kingsmill Evans of the Hill Co. Hereford Esq. 2. Sophia Hales of Hampton Green Co Hereford widow. £4,600 to be paid 2 Feb 1833 Messuage etc. and 72 acres of land The Anchor Hill Farm now in occupation of Mr Edward Lucas, situate par. and Co. Monmouth. 25 Aug 1832 |
D320/1/8 Additional Abstract of the title of Kingsmill Evans Esq. to an estate called The Anchor Hill situate par. and Co. Monmouth. 14th November Schedule of deeds 1738-1810 14 Nov 1832 |
D320/1/9-10 Lease for a year/Release 1. William Addams Williams of Llangibby Castle Co. Mon. Esq. 2. Kingsmill Evans of the Hill Co. Hereford Esq. Messuage and farm called Ancre Hill otherwise Angry Hill now the Anchor Hill Estate situate in par. Monmouth, cont. 72 acres in occupation of Edward Lucas. 16 Jan 1833-17 Jan 1833 |
D320/1/11-12 Copy lease for a year/Conveyance 1. Kingsmill Evans of the Hill Co. Hereford Esq. 2. Sophia Hales of Sweynes Hill Co. Hereford Widow £4,600 Messuage etc. and parcels of land cont. 72 acres situste par. Mon. and Co. Mon., known as Ancre Hill otherwise Angry Hill but since known as Anchor Hill, in occupation of Edward Lucas. Plans Attached 14 Mar 1833-15 Mar 1833 |
D320/1/13 Affidivit of Richard Willis of Rockfield House par. Rockfield Co. Mon. Esq. re: family of Kingsmill Evans of the Hill par. and Co. Mon. 5 Mar 1833 |
D320/1/14 Letter From A.G. Hales, 27 Cambridge Road, Hove, Brighton. to [Mr Wooley] relating to Achre Hill Estate. 14 Jun 1901 |
D320/1/15 Undertaking of Arthur Vizard Esq. of the Ancre Hill par. and Co. Mon. to The Rev. Richard Cox Hales of 27 Cambridge Road, Hove Co, Sussex. for safe custody and production of deeds relating to hereditaments at Ancre Hill, Monmouth. 25 Jul 1901 |
D320/1/16 Memorandum By deed dated 24th July 1901 the Ancre Hill with exception of Nos. 14 and 15 (on plan) was conveyed to Arthur Vizard of Anchor Hill, Monmouth who gave undertaking for safe custody and production of deeds. [Early 20th century] |
D320/1/17 Extract from Will of Mrs Matilda Jones reciting the gift of £2000 to her nephew Richard Cox Hales to errect and endow 5 cottages for the poor on the Ancre Hill Estate. [Early 20th century] |
D320/2/1 From the day of St Martin in fifteen days 1738 Final Agreement (Common Pleas) 1. Kingsmill Evans Esq. plt 2. William Addams and Ann his wife Deforcts. 12 Messuages, two barns, six stables etc. 67 acres of land, 18 acres of meadow and 9 acres of pasture in Monmouth, Co. Mon. £600 1738 |