Gwent Archives

Records of the Rickards Family of Usk Priory
Table of Contents
- Summary Information
- Administrative Information
- Collection Inventory
- Title Deeds
- Financial Records
- Correspondence
- Ordinations, Institutions and mandates etc
- Appointments
- Apprenticeship Records
- Papers concerning Lieutenant Colonel Edward Lynch Blosse of Milverton, County of Warwick
- Plans
- Papers concerning family history of the Rickards and various miscellaneous papers
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Title
- The Rickards Family of Usk Priory - Records
- ID
- GB0218.D2570
- Date
- 1538-1918
- Extent
- 1.0 not recorded
- Language
- English
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Collection Inventory
Title Deeds |
D2570/1 Title Deeds Mainly concerning properties in parishes of Llantrisant and Llantwit Vadre, County of Glamorgan 1698-1848 |
D2570/1/1 Release (1) Rht. Hon. John Lord Jeffreys, Baron of Wern, and Rht Hon. Lady Charlotte his wife (only daughter and heir of Rht. Hon. Phillips late Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, deceased) (2) Rht. Hon. William Herbert, esq., commonly called Lord Montgomery; and Rht. Hon. Sir John Trevor, Knight, Maker of the Rolls of the High Court of Chancery. (3) Charles Jevans of Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent. Consideration £168 13s 4d All that 1 parcel of land commonly called Keevyn Kane Kynlase with appurtances within par. Llantrissent, co Glam.; and other parcel of land called Gwayne Hoell within par. Aberdare, together with a parcel of mountain and heathy ground commonly called Tyr y Burbayes (14a) within par. Llantwit Vardre 15 Jul 1698 |
D2570/1/2 Lease (1) Henry Fane and John Hickes both of city of Bristol, gents. (2) Charles Ievans of Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 5s Properties as in release of 15 July 1698 (D2507/1/1) Term: 75 years 21 Jul 1698 |
D2570/1/3 Mortgage (1) Charles Jevans of Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent. (2) Thomas Edwards of city of Bristol, esq. Consideration: 5s. Properties as in release of 15 July 1598 (D2507/1/1) Term: 1000 years 20 Oct 1698 |
D2570/1/4 Feoffment (1) David Thomas Senior of par. Llanwonno, co. Glam., tailor; Robert Thomas of par. Longonoyd, co. Glam., miller; Thomas Thomas, eldest son and heir apparent of the said Robert Thomas; and David Thomas junior, eldest son of William David Thomas late of borough of Llantrissent, co. Glam., cordwainer, deceased. (2) Evan Lewelin of borough of Llantrissent, weaver, and Margaret his wife. (3) Edward ab Evan of borough of Llantrissent, yeoman. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or dwellinghouse and appurtenances situated in Llantrissent. 3 Aug 1710 |
D2570/1/5 Assignment of Lease (1) Morgan Rees of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) John Phillip of town of Llantrissent, mason. Consideration: £11 13s 2d All those 2 messuages or 2 rooms being built upon 2 burgages situated in borough of Llantrissent with garden, curtilages and appurtenances. Term: 99 years. 15 May 1718 |
D2570/1/6 Lease (1) Edward Jenkins of Llandough iuxta Cowbridge, co. Glam., gent.; Anne Morgan of Bridewenarth, par. Eglwysilan, col Glam. (widow, relict and executrix of last will and testament of Thomas Morgan senior of Bridewenarth, gent., deceased); Thomas Morgan of par. Bedwas, co. Mon., gent., eldest son and Heir of said Thomas Morgan senior; and Richard Watkins of Pantyvyd, par. Llandyfodwg, co. Glam., gent. (2) Thomas Evan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Consideration: 5s All that parcel of mountain or heathy ground commonly called Tyr y Burbais (14a) situated within par. Llantwit Vardre. Term: 1 year Rent: 1d p.a 15 Feb 1719 |
D2570/1/7 Release (1) Edward Jenkins of Llandough iuxta Cowbridge, co. Glam., gent.; Anne Morgan of Bridewenarth, par. Eglwysilan, co. Glam.; and Thomas Morgan of par. Bedwas, co. Mon., gent. (2) Richard Watkins of Pantyvyd, par. Llandyfodwg, co. Glam., gent. (3) Thomas Evan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Consideration: £85 Property as in lease of 15 Feb 1719 (D2507/1/6) 16 Feb 1719 |
D2570/1/8 Will and Probabte of William David of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., baker. His real and personal estate to his wife Catherine Thomas, and after her decease to his daughter, Catherine David. Executrix: his wife Witnesses: David Griffith, Roger Jones and Mark Jenkins. (Probate dated 20 April 1724) 15 Apr 1724 |
D2570/1/9 Feoffment (1) Philip Williams of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. (2) Evan Lewelin of town of Llantrissent, weaver. Consideration: £5 Parcels of ground situated in Llantrissent 23 May 1724 |
D2570/1/10 Feoffment (1) Florence Powell of par. Llanharan, co. Glam., spinster. (2) Lewelin Evan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., tailor. Consideration: £5 5s All that 1 messuage or dwellinghouse, 1 curtilage and 1 stable with appurtances in town of Llantrissent. 1 May 1733 |
D2570/1/11 Deed to declare the uses of a fine (1) Thomas Morgan of par. Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., clerk, and Barbara his wife; and Morgan Evan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., yeoman (son and heir apparent of the said Barbara by Thomas Evan late of par. Llantwit Vardre, her late husband, deceased) (2) Edmund William of Pentyrch, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: £85 Property as in lease of 15 Feb 1719 (D2507/1/6) 30 Jul 1734 |
D2507/1/12 Lease (1) Thomas David, Edward Thomas and Rees John, overseers of the poor in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. (2) Jenkin Lewis of town of Llantrissent, mason. All that small messuage or dwelling house with appurtenances commonly called Parish House situated in Llantrissent. Term: 99 years Rent: 15s p.a. 7 Jan 1743 |
D2570/1/13 Release (1) John David of par. Newton Nottage, co. Glam., tiler (2) Thomas John of borough of Llantrissent, tiler. Consideration: £5 All that messuages or 2 rooms being built upon 3 burgages with gardens, curtilages and appurtenances situated in borough of Llantrissent. 27 Jun 1745 |
D2570/1/14 Release (1) Nicholas William of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman, and Christian his wife. (2) Herbert Trueman of town of Llantrissent, tiler and Ann his wife. (3) John Bowen of town of Llantrissent, joiner. Consideration: £15 All that messuage or dwellinghouse and garden together with appurtenances situated within Llantrissent. 2 Jan 1746 |
D2570/1/15 Lease (1) Morgan Richard (otherwise David) of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., & his wife. (2) The Rev. Richard Harris of town of Llantrissent, clerk. Consideration: £10 All that messuage or dwellinghouse, smith forge and barn situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 99 years. 10 Jan 1747 |
D2570/1/16 Will and Probate of Anne David of par. Llancarvan, co. Glam., spinster. Various monetary bequests. Residue of her goods, chattels and personal estate to her niece Anne Morgan, spinster daughter of Morgan Rees late of Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Executrix: the said Anne Morgan Witnesses: Mary Jenkin and Thomas Morgan (Probate dated 29 November 1751) 17 Mar 1748 |
D2570/1/17 Probate of Will of Matthew Jenkins late of par. St. Fagans, co. Glam., yeoman, deceased All his goods to his wife, Elizabeth Jenkin. 3 Feb 1749 |
D2570/1/18 Lease/Release (1) Elizabeth Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., spinster; Evan Jenkins of par. Rudry, co. Glam., gent., and Catherine his wife; and Robert Llewelin of town of Llantrissent, innkeeper, and Blanch his wife. (2) John Bowen of town of Llantrissent, joiner. Consideration: 5s/£44 All that malthouse and kiln with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. 3 Feb 1752-4 Feb 1752 |
D2570/1/19 Release (1) Morgan Richard otherwise David of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., farmer, and Gwenllian his wife. (2) Morgan David of par. Coychurch, co. Glam., millwright. Consideration: £25 All that messuage or dwellinghouse, shop, garden, and bakehouse and all that messuage or dwellinghouse and smith forge; and also all that barn and stable - all which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. 19 Apr 1754 |
D2570/1/20 Lease/ Release (1) John Bowen of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent., eldest son and heir, and also executor of last will and testament of John Bowen of town of Llantrissent, joiner, deceased and Ann his wife. (2) Watkin Mangel of par. Wick, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 5s/£50 All that messuage or dwellinghouse and 1 garden together with outhouses, buildings, yards etc.; all that other messuage, malthouse, kiln, curtilage, garden and all outhouses, buildings etc.; and all that malthouse and kiln with outhouses, buildings etc - all of which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. Enclosed: Will & Probate 28 March 1763 of Zephania Jones of town of Llantrissent, mason and tiler. To her daughter Margaret, wife of John James of par. Welsh St. Donats, co. Glam., 1 shilling. To her daughter Gwenllian and Jenett Jones, a messuage with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent, and all the residue of her real and personal estate. Executices: Gwenllian and Jenett Jones. Witnesses: Anne Jenkins, David Evans, James Thomas (Probate dated 9 November 1763) 21 Nov 1763-22 Nov 1763 |
D2570/1/21 Will and Probate of David Richard of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., cordwainer. To his wife Barbara, all that messuage or dwelling house in town of Llantrissent, as well all his household stuff and an annuity of £15. To hsi son Richard David, all the said messuage (after the decease of Barbara). Executor: his son Richard David. Witnesses: James Thomas, James Thomas junior, and Edward Llewelyn. (Probate dated 13 December 1766) 23 Mar 1764 |
D2570/1/22 Final Agreement (2 copies) (1) Watkin Mangel, plaintiff (2) John Bowen and Ann his wife, deforciants. 3 messuages, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, and 3 curtilages with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. £140 16 Apr 1764 |
D2570/1/23 Lease (1) Morgan David of par. Llangan, co. Glam., millwright. (2) David Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. All that messuage or dwellinghouse, shop, bakehouse, barn and stable situated within town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. (Enclosed: letters of administration of David Morgan ND (damaged)) 21 Aug 1767 |
D2570/1/24 Assignment of Mortgage (1) Edward Morgan of par. Aberdate, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) John James of city of Bristol, skinner. Consideration: £226 13s 4d Several freehold messuages, tenements and premises situated in borough of Llantrissent 13 Sep 1768 |
D2570/1/25 Will (damaged) of David Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam. To his son-in-law William Howell, freehold house, barn and appurtenances in town of Llantrissent 18 Sep 1769 |
D2570/1/26 Lease/Release (1) Edward Mathew of Llandough, near Cowbridge, co. Glam., nephew and heir of James Mathew late of Aberdare, co. Glam., esq., deceased. (2) John James of par. St. Phillips and St. Jacob, co. Glos., gent. Consideration: 5s/£200 All that messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse with appurtenances called Tuy Howell Thomas; and all those 2 messuages, tenements and lands with appurtenances commonly called Tyr Bach alias David and Tyr Rees David - all which said premises are situated in par. Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. Enclosed Bond 2 May 1770 (1) Edward Mathew of Llandough, near Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq. (2) John James of par. St. Philip and St. Jacob, co. Glos., gent. £400 to peform the covenants comprised in indenture of release of 2 May 1770. 1 May 1770-2 May 1770 |
D2570/1/27 Release of equity of redemption (1) John Bowen late of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., but now of town of Neath, co. Glam., gent., and Ann his wife. (2) John James of par. St. Philip and Jacob, co. Glos., leather dresser. Consideration: £240 Messuage or dwellinghouse and 1 garden, together with outhouses and curtilages etc. and also a malthouse with kiln with appurtenances - all which said premises are situated in Llantrissent. 26 Nov 1771 |
D2570/1/28 Lease/ Release (1) John James of par. St. Philip and Jacob, co. Glos., leather dresser. (2) Thomas Evans of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., doctor in physic. Consideration: 5s/£120 All that messuage or dwellinghouse with appurtenances situated in borough of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. 28 Nov 1771-29 Nov 1771 |
D2570/1/29 Feoffment (1) Thomas John of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., innkeeper and Margaret his wife. (2) David Phillip, clockmaker, John Philip, clockmater and Thomas Philip cordwainer - all of par. Pentyrch. Consideration: £32 All those 2 messuages or 2 rooms being built upon 2 burgages situated in borough of Llantrissent. 20 Dec 1771 |
D2570/1/30 Lease (1) Rht. Hon. William Earl Talbot and Baron of Hensol, co. Glam., Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household. (2) Thomas Evans of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. All that ruinous cottage or buidling now converted into a stable, and also a croft or small parcel of land situated near a certain place called Plockin in town of Llantrissent. Term: lives of Thomas Evans, Margaret his wife, and Margaret (aged 2), daughter of Robert Richards, clerk. Rent: £1.5s p.a. 5 Jun 1772 |
D2570/1/31 Lease (1) John James of par. St. Philip and Jacob, co. Glos., skinner. (2) Edward Lewellin of Llantrissent, co. Glam., shopkeeper. All that malthouse and premises together with appurtenances situated at Llantrissent. Term: 21 years. Rent: £4 4s p.a. 15 Sep 1772 |
D2570/1/32 Lease (1) John Perkins of Saint y Nill, co. Glam., gent. (2) Llewellin John of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., tiler. All that parcel of ground (in length 38 ft and in breadth 3 ft) situated in borough of Llantrissent. Term: 99 years Rent: 2s 6d p.a. 23 Dec 1774 |
D2570/1/33 Lease/Release (1) John James of city of Bristol, gent. (2) Thomas Evans of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., doctor of physic. Consideration: 5s/£400 All that messuage, tenement or dwelling house called Tuy Howell Thomas with appurtenances; and also an old ruinous building, stable and garden; and also all that tenement, land and premises called Tyr Bach alias david or Tyr Reees David (4a) with appurtenances; and also all that malthouse, kiln and premises with appurtenances - all which said premises are situated in par. Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 1 Mar 1776-2 Mar 1776 |
D2570/1/34 Lease (counterpart) (1) Rht. Hon. William Earl Talbot and Baron of Hensol, co. Glam., Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household. (2) Joseph John of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. 2 messuages or dwelling houses with a small croft, 2 gardens and other outlets and appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 99 years determinable on the lives of his wife Anne and his 2 sons, Joseph (aged 9) and Phillip (aged 7) 5 Oct 1778 |
D2570/1/35 Lease (1) Rht. Hon. William Earl Talbot and Baron of Hensol, co. Glam., Lord Steward of His Majesty's Household. (2) Edward Morgan of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. All that messuage or dwelling house called the Rose and Crown, together with stable, garden, courts, yards, outhouses and appurtenances; and also 1 curtilage or croft (3/4a) - which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 99 years. Rent: £4 4s (Attached: receipt dated 18 May 1804 recording payment byThe Rev. Robert Rickards of 8 guineas - remainder due for consideration of surrender of lease of Rose and Crown) 22 Oct 1778 |
D2570/1/36 Lease/Release (1) James Jones of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., spinster. (2) Mary Prichard of town of Llantrissent, spinster. Consideration: 5s/£30 All that messuage or dwellinghouse with 1 garden and 2 courts situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year Enclosed Bond 4 April 1787 (1) Jenett Jones of town of Llantrissent, spinster. (2) Mary Prichard of town of Llantrissent, spinster. £60 To perform covenants comprised in indenture of release of 4 April 1787 3 Apr 1787-4 Apr 1787 |
D2570/1/37 Lease/Release (1) Edmund Griffith late of Kevenhilah, co. Mon., but now of city of Bristol, esq., and Mary his wife (which said Mary is niece, hier at law and devisee of Abraham Williams late of Cathays, co. Glam., esq., deceased) (2) Gervase Powell of Llanharren, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: 5s/£126 All that messuage, tenement and lands with appurtenances commonly called Gelly Vellan Vach, together with a parcel of lands called Mynith Kencoed (otherwise Kevanbach) (50a) - all which said premises are situated in par. Llantrissent. Term: 1 year (Enclosed: letter from Edmund Griffith; and particulars and conditions of sale of freehold estates in co. Glam., to be sold at Cardiff on 15 March 1783) 14 Aug 1788-15 Aug 1788 |
D2570/1/38 Feoffment (1) William Thomas of town of Llantrissent, baker. (2) Morgan William of town of Llantrissent, yeoman. Consideration: £12 All that messuage or dwellinghouse, stable and garden with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. 24 Apr 1789 |
D2570/1/39 Lease (1) Thomas Edmondes of Landough Castle, par. Landough, co. Glam., esq.; Mary Edmondes of par. St. Hilary, co. Glam., widow; and Thomas williams of par. Lanwonno, co. Glam., gent. (2) Mary Evan of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., widow. All those 3 parcels of land with appurtenances called Coed Cae y Quarvey, Y Mynidd Bach and Cae yr Lloe (15a), together with all that cottage and a croft called Pebille yr Pyge situated in par. Llantrissent. Term: 99 years (beginning from 2 February 1792) Rent: £15 16 Jan 1792 |
D2570/1/40 Lease (1) Thomas Rees of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., labourer, and Margaret his wife. (2) Traherne Traherne of town of Llantrissent, mason. Consideration: 5s All that messuage, tenement, barn, gardens with a parcel of land called Plockin Mawr situated in borough of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. 9 Mar 1792 |
D2570/1/41 Release (1) Thomas Rees of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., labourer and Margaret his wife. (2) Thomas James of town of Llantrissent, yeoman and Kate his wife. (3) Traherne Traherne of town of Llantrissent, mason. Consideration: £50 Property as in lease of 9 March 1792 (D2570/1/40) 9 Mar 1792 |
D2570/1/42 Lease (1) Hugh Bold of town of Brecon, co. Brecon esq.; and William Bassett of Neath, co. Glam., esq. (which said H. Bold and W. Bassett are devisees and sole executors named in last will and testament of Richard David (otherwise David) formerly of Llantrissent and late of par. Eglwysillan, co. Glam., gent., deceased) (2) Thomas Hopkins of Llantrissent, yeoman. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or dwellinghouse with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year. 28 Sep 1792 |
D2570/1/43 Release (1) Hugh Bold of town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq., and William Bassett of Neath, co. Glam., esq. (2) Jenkin Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. (3) Thomas Hopkin of Llantrissent, yeoman, a trustee named on the part and behalf of Jenkin Morgan. Consideration: £60 10s Property as in lease of 28 Sep 1792 (D2570/1/42) 29 Sep 1792 |
D52709/1/44 Lease (1) Thomas Hopkins of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) Mary Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., spinster. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or dwellinghouse with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 13 Dec 1792 |
D2570/1/45 Mortgage (1) Jenkin Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) Thomas Hopkins of town of Llantrissent, yeoman, a trustee named on the part of Jenkin Morgan. (3) Mary Evans of Llantwit Vardre, spinster. Consideration: £40 Property as in lease of 13 Dec 1792 (D2570/1/44) 14 Dec 1792 |
D2570/1/46 Lease/Mortgage (1) Thomas William of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman, grandson and heir at law of Edmund William late of par. Pentirch, co. Glam., yeoman, deceased. (2) Francis Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent. Consideration 5s/£100 All that parcel of mountain or heath ground called Tir y Burbais (14a) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre. Term: 1 year Enclosed: Bond 16 September 1796 (1) Thomas William of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. (2) Francis Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, gent, £200 To pay the sum of £100 with interest according to deed of release of 16 September 1796. 15 Sep 1796-16 Sep 1796 |
D2570/1/47 Quitclaim (1) Thomas Sanders the eldest of city of Bristol, seedsman; John Amorose of the same city, grocer, and their co-partners being creditors of Jenkin Morgan of Llantrissent, co. Glam., shopkeeper. (2) The said jenkin Morgan J. Morgan is discharged from all his debts to the said creditors. 26 Jan 1797 |
D2570/1/48 Bargain and Sale (1) Rht. Hon. George Talbot Baron Dynevor of Dynevor Castle, co. Carmarthen, eldest son and heir, and also devisee named in last will and testatment of Rht. Hon. Cecil Baroness Dynevor, late of Dynevor Castle, widow, deceased (which said Cecil Baroness Dynevor was the daughter and also devisee named in last will and testament of Rht. Hon. William Earl Talbto Baron of Hensol, co. Glam., her late father deceased) (2) John Goodorah of (?) Everglyn, co. Glam., esq., and Wyndham Lewis of Llanishen co. Glam., esq., 2 of His Majesty's Commissioners specially appointed for selling land tax arising within co. Glam. (3) Rev. Robert Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: £134 Messuages, burgages or dwelling houses and 2 gardens; and also a parcel of land,; ruinous cottage and building now converted into a stable and garden; and a parcel of land - all which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. 11 Jul 1799 |
D2570/1/49 Bargain and Sale (1) Rht. Hon. Chales Chetwynd Talbot Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, Viscount Ingestrie of Ingestrie in co. Stafford and Baron of Hensol, co. Glam., eldest son and heir, and also devisee named in last will and testament of Rht. Hon. John Chetwynd Talbot Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, his late father, deceased (which said John Chetwynd Earl Talbot was nephew and heir, and also devisee named in last will and testament of Rht. Hon. William Earl Talbot, Baron of Hensol, his late uncle deceased) (2) Wyndham Lewis of Lanishen House, co. Glam., esq., and John Wood of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., 2 of His Majesty's Commissioners specially appointed under and by virtue of an act of parliament made and passed on 25 March 1798 for sale of land tax arising within said co. (3) Rev. Robert Rickards of town of Llantrissent, clerk. (4) Hon. Charles Talbot of Hillingdon, co. Middx Consideration £88 10s All that messuage, stable, garden and yards with appurtenances commonly called the Rose and Crown, together with a parcel of land (1a) & also that other parcel of land with appurtenances - which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. 15 Jul 1799 |
D2570/1/50 Mortgage (1) Thomas William of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman, grandson and heir at law of Edmund William late of par. Pentyrch, co. Glam., yeoman, deceased, and Mary his wife. (2) Francis Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £130 9s 6d All that parcel of mountain or heath ground called Tir y Burbais (14a) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre. Enclosed: Bond 22 August 1800 (1) Thomas William of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. (2) Francis Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent. £500 To pay the sum of £250 with interest being the sum of money mentioned in a certain indenture of mortgage of 22 August 1800. 22 Aug 1800 |
D2570/1/51 Lease (1) The Rev. Roberts Rickards, vicar of Llantrissent co. Glam., sole executor named in and appointed by last will and testament of Margaret Evans late of Llantrissent, widow, deceased.; Thomas Leach of par. St. Mary Newington, co. Surrey, gent.; Matilda Ann Leach of par. Bromley, co. Kent, spinster; and Edwyn Evans Leach of par. East Greenwich, co. Kent, gent. (2) Margaret Rickards of town of Llantrissent, spinster. Consideration: 5s All those 2 parcels of land with a barn; and also 1 garden; and also all that messuage burgage or dwellinghouse, gardens and cottage; also 1 small garden belonging to the land mentioned premises; and also all that building formely a malthouse, but now converted into dwelling houses - all which said hereditaments and premises are situated in or near town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 29 Oct 1800 |
D2570/1/52 Conveyance and Release (1) The Rev. Roberts Rickards, vicar of Llantrissent, co. Glam., sole executor named in and appointed by last will and testament of Margaret Evans late of Llantrissent, widow, deceased. (2) Thomas Leach of par. St. Mary. Newington co. Surrey, gent.; Matilda Ann Leach of par. Bromley, co. Kent, spinster, and Edwyn Evans Leach of par. East Greenwich, co. Kent, gent. (3) Margaret Rickards of town of Llantrissent, spinster. Consideration: £410/5s Appointment that all the closes and other hereditaments devised by the will of Margaret Evans (namely, 3 fields and 2 strips of land, together with a barn situated on the outside of the south turnpike gate of Llantrissent: and also a house and garden situated in town of Llantrissent; also a small garden adjoinging the stable and chaisehouse in the croft; and also a certain matlhouse situated in town of Llantrissent) are to remain unto the use of Margaret Rickards. Release of 3 parcels of land with a barn; also 1 garden; also all that messuage, burgage or dwellinghouse, gardens and cottage; and also 1 small garden; and also all that building formerly a malthouse, but now converted into dwellinghouse - all which said hereditament and premises are situated in or near of Llantrissent. 30 Oct 1800 |
D2570/1/53 Final Agreement (1) Francis Evans, gent., plaintiff (2) Thomas William, yeoman, and Mary his wife, deforciants 1 messuage, 1 stable, 1 garden, land (8a), meadow (8a), pasture (8a), furze and heath (8a) with appurtenances in par. Lantwit Vardre £200. 23 Aug 1801 |
D2570/1/54 Lease (1) Mary Prichard of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., spinster. (2) Thomas David of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. Consideration: 5s Messuage or dwellinghouse with 1 garden and 2 courts situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 29 Apr 1802 |
D2570/1/55 Release (1) Mary Prichard of par. Llantrissant, co. Glam., spinster. (2) Thomas david of par. Llantrissant, yeoman. Consideration: £12 Property as in lease of 29 April 1802 (D2570/1/54) 30 Apr 1802 |
D2570/1/56 Lease (1) Jenkin Morgan and Thomas Hopkin both of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman; and Mary Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., spinster. (2) Robert Rickards, clerk, vicar of Llantrissent. Consideration: 53 All that messuage of dwellinghouse with appurtenances situated in town and par. Llantrissent Term: 1 year Enclosed: (i) Will of Thomas Evans of Llantrissent, gent., bequeathing all his real and personal estate to his wife Margaret 30 November 1780 (ii) Document authorising to Edward Morgan to recover all debts in any way belonging to the estate of Catherine Morgan (late of par. Ystradfodwg, co. Glam., his sister) and to pay all debts owed at time of her death. 5 April 1785 (iii) Will of Edward Morgan of par. Ystradyvodug, co. Glam., gent., bequeathing all his household stuff and furniture to Elizabeth Davies his kinswoman, daughter of Thomas Davies, clerk, late curate of Ystradyfodwg; and making various monetary bequests. (iv) Document certifying date and location of Thomas Evans' burial (at Fort St. George in the East Indies on 17 May 1782) 12 April 1787 (v) Case for the opinion of Dr. Harris re: Thomas Evans' will 28 Aug 1803 |
D2570/1/57 Feoffment (1) Traherne Traherne of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., mason. (2) William Edwards of par. Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., gent. (3) Thomas Edwards of par. Ystradyvocuck, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £150 Messuage, tenement, barn, gardens with a parcel of land commonly called Plockin Mawr situated in borough of Llantrissent. 16 Oct 1807 |
D2570/1/58 Feoffment to Uses (1) James Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., cordwainer (2) The Rev. Robert Rickards of town of Llantrissent. (3) James Jacob of town of Llantrissent, gent. Consideration £110 2 messuages or 2 rooms being built upon 2 burgages, now 5 messuages and 3 gardens situated in borough of Llantrissent. Enclosed: Bond of Indemnity 26 April 1808 against claim of dower of Jennet Morgan out of Llantrissent houses (1) James Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., cordwainer. (2) The Rev. Robert Rickards of town of Llantrissent, clerk. £100 26 Apr 1808 |
D2570/1/59 Feoffment of Uses (1) Evan Morgan the younger of par. Eglwysilan, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) Evan Morgan of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman (father of the said Evan Morgan the younger). (3) Thomas Morgan of Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., butcher. (4) Richard Fowler of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. (5) Robert Rickards of Stratford Place, co. Middx, esq. Consideration £35 All those 3 messuages or dwellinghouses, cottages, courts, garden and premises with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent; and also all that barn, court and premises with appurtenances sitauted in Llantrissent. Enclosed: Memorandum of Agreement 10 July 1816 (1) Thomas Morgan of Merthyr Tydvil, butcher. (2) Evan Morgan of Par. Eglwysilan, yeoman. Consideration £11 Conveyances of freehold house, barn and appurtenances in town of Llantrissent. 22 Jul 1816 |
D2570/1/60 Assignment of Lease (1) Isaac John of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., labourer. (2) William John of town of Llantrissent, brother of said Isaac John. (3) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, esq. Consideration £20 All that parcel of land (in lenght 38ft and in breadth 30ft) in town of Llantrissent, and all other premises comprised in an indenture of lease of 23 December 1774. Term: residue of a term of 999 years created by said lease (Enclosed: receipt recording payment of 2s 6d by Isaac John 30 May 1817) 4 Feb 1818 |
D2570/1/61 Lease and Release (1) William Robert of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman, and Howell Jones of town of Llantrissent, yeoman. (2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, esq. Consideration: 5s/£3 15s All that garden or strip of land situated in town of Llantrissent Term: 1 year. 22 Jun 1820-23 Jun 1820 |
D2570/1/62 Lease (1) Thomas Bates Bowen of town of Bridgend, co. Glam., watchmaker, and Richard Hoare Jenkins of Lanharan House, co. Glam., esq. (2) Richard Fowler Rickards of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or dwellinghouse with garden, croft, stable and chaisehouse; and also all that field, coach house and stable, woodhouse, poultry house, garden, lands and premises with appurtenances, and also several parcels of land with a barn called Pen y Gawse (5a); and also all that garden; and also all that messuage, tenement, barn and gardens with parcel of land called Plockin (3/4a); and also all that messuage, burgage or dwellinghouse, garden and cottage; and also 1 small garden; and also all that building formerly a malthouse since divided into dwellinghouses - all of which said premises are situated in or near town of Llantrissent; and also all that messuage or tenement with lands and hereditaments called Pant y Gint situated in par. Llandyfodwg, co. Glam., (102a 1r 35p) Term: 1 year 22 May 1822 |
D2570/1/63 Feoffment to Uses (1) Morgan William of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, esq. (3) Edward Priest Richards of Cardiff, esq. Consideration: £40 All that messuage or dwellinghouse, stable and garden situated in town of Llantrissent with appurtenances (Enclosed: memorandum of agreement between Morgan William and R.F. Rickards to give a certain house, stable and garden in town of Llantrissent 11 Jan 1827) 2 Feb 1827 |
D2570/1/64 Abstract of marriage Settlement of Whitlock Nicholl, esq., M.D. Margaret his late wife 9-10 July 1812 1832 |
D2570/1/65 Admission of Robert Hillier Rickards of Cilfton, co. Glos., esq.: Maria Theresa, wife of John Henry Armstrong of the same place, esq,: Elizabeth Margaret, wife of Morgan Popkin Traherne of Coytraherne, co. Glam., esq,; and The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Dynas Powys, co. Glam., clerk devisees under last will & testament of Richard Fowler Rickards late of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. - to customary hold hereditaments called Tir Issa within manor of Pentirch and Clunn. 19 Feb 1857 |
D2570/1/66 Abstract of Title to a tenement and land called Tyr Y Burbais, par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., 15 June 1690 -1800 damaged no date |
Title Deeds Mainly Concerning Properties in Parishes of Llantrisant and Llanharan and elsewhere in County of Glamorgan |
D2570/2/1 Marriage Settlement (attested copy) (1) Gervase Powell of Milton, par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent., and Katherine his wife. (2) Rees Powell of Crige, par. Cadoxton by Neath, co. Glam., gent. (eldest son and heir apparent of the said Gervase and Katherine) and Elizabeth his wife. (3) Evan Evans of Eglesbush, co. Glam., esq., and William Thomas of Cardiff, so. Glam., gent. (4) Anthony Powell of Gosten, co. Glam., Gent. All that manor or lordship of Milton also St. John of Jerusalem with appurtenances situated in pars. Llantrissent and Ystradyfodwg , co. Glam., messuage and tenements etc. situated in several pars. Aberdate, Llantrissent, Langeinor, Lanilid and Llanharan, co. Glam. Enclosed: Final Agreement 12 April 1697 (1) Gervas Powell, gent., claimant. (2) Thomas Evans, clerk, and Blanch his wife, deforciants. 2 messuage, 10 cottages, 4 gardens etc. with appurtenances situated in par. Llantrissent. £20 13 Aug 1703 |
D2570/2/2 Will and Probate of Richard Hawker of par. Randwicke, co. Glos., dyer. All that messuage, tenement or dwellinghouse with gardens, outlets and appurtenances in par. Stonehouse, co. Glos., to his wife Mary, and after her decease to his son Richard. His household goods, furniture and implements, to his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. Various monetary bequests. 20 Feb 1719 |
D2570/2/3 Marriage Settlement (attestesd copy) of Mary Roberts and Thomas Edwards (1) Mary Roberts of Llandaff, co. Glam., widow. (2) Thomas Edwards of Cardiff, co. Glam., gent. (3) Thomas Matthews of Llandaff, esq., and Edmund Lloyd of Cardiff, esq. Messuages and parcels of land etc. situated in pars. Llandaff, Llantrissent and (?) Llanblethian co. Glam. 1 Feb 1752 |
D2570/2/4 Lease (attested copy) (1) Rees Powell of par. Llanharan, co. Glam., gent., and william Powell of the same place, esq., his eldest son and heir apparent. (2) Edmund Lloyd of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq., and William Vaughan of Tregare, co. Brecon, esq. Consideration: 5s All those several messuages, tenements, lands and grounds with appurtenances situated in par. Llanllowell, co. Mon.; all that dwellinghouse, stables, yards, folds, gardens, outlets situated in town of Abergavenny; and also all that 1 field or parcel of ground situated near town of Abergavenny. Term: 1 year 2 Nov 1752 |
D2570/2/5 Marriage Settlement (attested copy) made previous to the marriage of Rev. Gervas Powell & Margaret Vaughan, spinster. (1) Rees Powell of par. Llanharan, co. Glam., gent.; Wiliam Powell of the same place, esq., his eldest son and heir apparent, and Gervas Powell, rector of (?) Llanigon, co. Brecon, clerk, youngest son of the said Rees Powell. (2) Charles Vaughan the elder late of Skethog but now of town of Brecon, co. Brecon., esq., and Margaret Vaughan of the same place, spinster (eldest daughter of the said Charles Vaughan by Rebecka his late wife). (3) Edmund Lloyd of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq., and William Vaughan of Tregare, co. Brecon, esq. (4) William Vaughan the younger of Tregare, gent. Consideration: £1500, £750 and 5s All that messuage, tenement or demesne lands with appurtenances called Chappel Farm, together with the moiety or half part of all that meadow part of a certain tenement called Gwaim Newydd - all which said premises are situated in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. 3 Nov 1752 |
D2570/2/6 Conveyance in Fee (1) Morgan David of par. Llangan, co. Glam., millwright. (2) David Morgan of town and borough of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: £27 10s All that messuage or dwelling house and shop, garden and bakehouse; and all that messuage or dwelling house and smith forge - all which said premises are situated in town and borough of Llantrissent. 22 Aug 1767 |
D2570/2/7 Abstract of Settlement (1) Edmund Griffith of Kevenhila, co. Mon., esq. and Mary his wife (which said Mary was neice of Abraham Williams late of Cathays, co. Glam., esq.) (2) John Cooke of Goytre, co. Mon., esq., and Charles Griffith of the Old Jewry Cheapside, co. Middx., surgeon. Messuage or tenements with appurtenances situated in towns of Cardiff and Caerphilly, and pars. Llandaff, Whitchurch, Edwysilan, Ystradyfodwg, Llantrissent and Llanwonno, co. Glam. 16 Feb 1776 |
D2570/2/8 Release and Conveyance (attested copy) (1) William Richards of city of Bristol, gent., and Martha his wife (formerly Martha Smith, widow, relict and residuary devisee and legatee, and also sole executrix named in last will and testament of William Smith, late of city of Bristol, haberdasher of small ware deceased, who was the only son and heir at law, and also sole executor named in last will and testament of Margaret Smith late of city of Bristol, widow, deceased); Rebecca Hale of city of Bristol, widow and Christian Thurston, widow and relict of John Thurston late of city of Bristol, gent., deceased - which said Martha Richards, Rebecca Hale and Christian Thurston are the sisters and coheirs at law of Sir Samuel Dukinfield late of Bloomsbury Square, co. Middx., baronet, deceased, who survived Francis Freeman and John Draper his co-trustees. (2) Nathan Windley of city of Bristol, gent., and Joseph Green of the same place, linen draper. (3) Charles Morgan of Rupera, co. Glam., esq. elder brother and heir at law of Thomas Morgan late of Rupera, esq. deceased, who was the eldest son and heir at law of the Hon. Thomas Morgan late of Rupera, esq., deceased who survived Henry Llewellin, Roger Godwyn and John Wade, his co-trustees. (4) Richard Morgan of the Argoed, co. Mon., esq., devisee and legatee in trust, and also the sole executor named in the last will and testament of Rachael Morgan. (5) William Morgan Clyfford of Great Green Street, co. Middx., esq., heretofore William Morgan and Jane Morgan of the Argoed, spinster, son and daughter of the said Richard Morgan. (6) John Thomas of Coed y Goras, co. Glam., gent. (7) William Thomas Morgan of Coed y Goras, son of the said John Thomas, and only child and heir at law of Ann Thomas, deceased, late wife of the said John Thomas (formerly Ann Morgan, spinster, 1 of the 3 daughters and co-heirs of William Morgan late of Coed y Goras, esq., deceased) - which said William Thomas Morgan is also nephew, and 1 of the 2 co-heirs of Rachael Morgan late of town of Monmouth, spinster, deceased (another of the 3 daughters and coheirs of the said William Morgan deceased) (8) Blanch Williams of Coed y Goras, spinster, daughter of John Williams of Coed y Goras, gent., and only child and heir at law of Elizabeth Williams, deceased (late wife of the said John Williams, formerly Elizabeth Morgan, spinster, the other of the 3 daughters and coheirs of the said William Morgan, deceased) - which said Blanch Williams is also neice and other coheir of the said Rachel Morgan. (9) John Williams who is the administrator of the goods and chattells, rights and credits of the said William Morgan. (10) Thomas Edwards of Llandaff, co. Glam., esq. (11) Gabriel Powell of Swansea, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £640, £560, £40, £1500, £3110 and 5s All that capital messuage or mansion house called Cod y Goras situated in par. Llanedeyrn, co. Glam.; free piscary and right of fishery in River Rumney, in pars. Llanedeyrn and Rumney; various messuages or tenements etc. situated in pars. Llanedeyrn, Rumney, Llantwit Vardre, Llantrissent, Whitchurch and St. Mellons, and in town of Cardiff. 29 May 1776 |
D2570/2/9 Marriage Settlement (attested copy) (1) Richard Tuberville Picton of Ewenny, co. Glam., esq. (2) Rev. Gervas Powell of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, and Elizabeth Powell daughter of the said Gervas Powell. (3) Thomas Picton of Poyson, co. Pembroke, esq., and Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. Gervas Powell agrees to become bound to Thomas Picton and Robert Rickards in 1 bond of 14 April 1785 in the penalty of £10,000 conditioned for payment of the sum of £5,000 (which is agreed to be the marriage portion of the said Elizabeth Powell, and is to be left in the hands of the said Gervas Powell for several trusts). 14 Apr 1785 |
D2570/2/10 Assignment (2 attested copies) (1) Thomas Rigge of city of Bristol, doctor of physic, sole executor named and appointed in and by last will and testament of Joseph Riggs, late of the same place, esq., his late uncle, deceased. (2) Thomas Edwards of Llandaff, co. Glam., esq. (3) John Peter Boileau of Jackville Street, Piccadilly, co. Middx., esq. (4) Augustus Pechell and Lincolns Inn, co. Middx., esq. Consideration: £3000 and 10s Messuages, tenements, lands, hereditaments and premises situated in pars. Llantrissent, Llantwit Vardre, Whitchurch, Llanedeyrn, St. Mellons and Rumney (mentioned in 2 indentures of mortgage 15 June 1726 and 15 December 1780) Term: residue of term of 1000 years and 1000 years granted by the said 2 indentures of mortgage 1 Dec 1786 |
D2570/2/11 Declaration of Trust (attested copy) (1) Augustus Pechell late of Lincolns Inn, but now of Portman Square, co. Middx., esq. (2) John Peter Boileau of Hereford Street, near Mayfair, co. Middx., esq. (3) Thomas Edwards of Llandaff, co. Glam., esq. (4) Rht. Hon. John Chetwynd Earl Talbot; Rht. Hon. George Parker commonly called Lord Viscount Parker, eldest son and heir apparent of Rht. Hon. Thomas Earl of Macclesfield; and Thomas Dorrien of Portman Square, co. Middx., esq. Consideration: £15,000 and £1,000 Hereditaments and premises situated in pars. Llantrissent, Llantwit Vardre, Whitchurch, Llanedeyrn, St. Mellons and Rumney, for the remainder of 2 terms of 1000 years and 1000 years. 1 Dec 1792 |
D2570/2/12 Marriage Settlement (copy) (1) Sir George Glyn of Ewell, co. Surrey baronet. (2) Catherine Powell of Camden Place, par. Walcot, co. Somerset, spinster (1 of 4 daughters and coheiresses at law, and also 1 of the executrices named in last will and testament of Rev. Gervas Powell late of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, deceased). (3) William Gibbon of Newton, near Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq.; and John Price of Wenvoe Castle, co. Glam., esq. (4) David Lloyd of [ ], co. Cardigan, and George Griffis Williams of Llwyny Wormwood, co. Carmarthen, esq. Consideration: 10s All that undivided fourth part or share of all that capital messuage or mansion house, and the demesne and other lands, tenements and other hereditaments situated in par. Llanharan, co. Glam. and also of all those several other freehold messuages, cottages, farms, lands, rents, tithes and other tenements and hereditaments situated in par. Llanharan and elsewhere in co. Glam. and also of several freehold messuages, farms, cottages, lands, tenements and hereditaments in pars. (not specified) in co. Monmouth and Brecon, and any other county in Wales or England. 10 Jun 1796 |
D2570/2/13 Marriage Settlement (attested copy) 1) John Harvey Ollney, esq., Capt of the South Gloucester Regiment of Militia 2) Joanna Powell of city of Bath, co. Somerset, spinster (1 of the 4 daughters and coheiresses at law, and also 1 of the executrices named of and in last will and testament of Rev. Gervas Powell late of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, deceased) 3) Sir George Glynn of Ewell, co Surrey, baronet: John Price of Llandaff Court, co. Glam., esq., and Thomas Weaver of city of Gloucester, esq. Consideration: 10s All that undivided equal forth part or share, and all other shares of the said Joanna Powell of all that capital messuage or mansion house, and all of those demesne and other lands, tenements and hereditaments situated in par. Llanharan, co Glam.; and also of freehold messuages, cottages, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments situated in cos. Glam., Mon., (incl. par. Llanloyan), Brec., and Soms., (incl. par. Walcot) or any other country in Wales or England. 15 May 1798 |
D2570/2/14 Lease (attested copy) (1) Richard Tuberville Tuberville (late Richard Turberville Picton) of Ewenny House, co. Glam., esq., and Elizabeth his wife (late Elizabeth Powell, spinster 1 of the daughters of the late Gervas Powell of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, deceased) John Harvey Ollney, esq., Capt. of the South Gloucester Regiment of Militia and Joanna his wife (late Joanna Powell, spinster, another of the daughters of the said Gervas Powell, deceased) Sir George Glynn of Ewell, co. Surrey, baronet (in his capacity as trustee with John Price and Thomas Weaver by virtue of a deed of settlement made previous to the marriage of the said John Harvey Ollney with the said Joanna Powell dated 19 Jan 1795) John Price of Wenvoe Castle, co. Glam., esq. (in his capacity as joint trustee with the said Sir George Glyn and Thomas Weaver) Thomas Weaver of city of Gloucester, esq. Margaret Powell of Canterbury, co. Kent, spinster, 1 other the daughters of the said Gervas Powell, deceased. The said Sir George Glyn in his own right, and Dame Catherine his wife (late Catherine Powell, spinster, another of the daughters of the said Gervas Powell, deceased). William Gibbon of Newton, near Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq. The said John Price (in his capacity as joint trustee with the said William Gibbon by virtue of the settlement made previous to the marriage of the said Sir George Glyn with Catherine his wife). (2) Edmund Traherne of Castella, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s All that capital messuage or mansion house, and the demesne and other lands, tenements and hereditaments situated in par. Llanharan, co. Glam.; and also several freehold manors or lordships, capital and other messuages, cottages, farms, lands etc with appurtenances situated in several pars., towns or places of Llanharan, Gelligaer, Llysworney, Llantwit Vardre, Michaelston, Marcross, Newcastle, Llantrissent, St Brides Minor, St. Fagans, Ystradyfodwg, Llangeinor, Whitchurch, Llangonoyd, Llanilid, Penmark, Aberdare, Cadoxton iuxta Neath, Cardiff, Coychurch, Llanguick, Leckwith, Llanblethian, Welsh St. Donats, Ystradowen and elsewhere in co. Glam. and also several freehold capital and other messuages, tenements and hereditaments situated in several pars. Abergavenny, Llanelen and Llanllowel or elsewhere in co. Mon. and also several freehold messuages, cottages, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments situated in town of Brecon or elsewhere in co. Brecon. and also all other freehold manors or lordships capital and other messuages, farms, land, tenements etc. situated in cos. Glam., Mon., and Brec., (except for all mines, minerals and quarries found in the said premises. Term: 1 year 6 Apr 1802 |
D2570/2/15 Deed of Partition (attested copy) (1) Richard Turberville Turberville (late of Richard Tuberville Picton) of Ewenny house, co. Glam., esq., and Elizabeth his wife (late Elizabeth Powell, spinster, 1 of the daughters of the late Rev. Gervas Powell of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, deceased) (2) The Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk (surviving trustee named and appointed by virtue of deed of settlement made in contemplation of the marriage of the said Richard Turberville Tuberville and the said Elizabeth his wife (dated 14 April 1785) (3) John Harvey Ollney, esq., Capt of the South Gloucester Regiment of Militia and Joanna his wife (late Joanna Powell, spinster, another of the daughters of the said Gervas Powell, deceased) (4) Sir George Glyn of Ewell, co. Surrey, baronet (in his capacity as trustee with John Price and Thomas Weaver by virtue of deed of settlement made previous to the marriage of the said Richard Turberville Tuberville with Elizabeth); John Price of Wenvoe Castle, co. Glam., esq., (in his capacity as joint trustee with the said Sir George Glyn and Thomas Weaver); and Thomas Weaver of city of Gloucester, esq. (5) Margaret Powell of Cantebury, co. Kent., spinster ( 1 other of the daughters of the said Gervas Powell, deceased) (6) The said Sir George Glyn in his own right and Dame Catherine his wife (late Catherine Powell, spinster, another of the daughters of the said Gervas Powell, deceased) (7) William Gibbon of Newton, near Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq., and the said John Price (in his capacity as joint trustee with the said William Gibbon). (8) Edmund Traherne of Castella, co. Glam., esq. The said Sir George Glyn, John Price and Thomas Weaver revoke and annul the uses, trusts and powers etc. which were expressed and contained in an indenture of release and settlement (made on the marriages of the said John Harvey Ollney with Joanna, and dated 15 May 1798) concerning the undivided part or share and interests conveyed in estates, lands and tenements in cos. Glam., Mon., Brec., and Soms. 7 Apr 1802 |
D2570/2/16 Lease (1) Rht. Hon. George Parker, Earl of Macclesfield; Thomas Dorrien of Harefoot, co. Hertford, esq., (who survives Rht. Hon. John Chetwynd Earl Talbot, Viscount Ingestrie and Baron of Hensol); Thomas Harcourt Powell of town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq., and Lewis Richards of Troyhouse, co. Mon., gent. (2) Richard Fowler Rickards of par. Kings Stanley, co. Glos., esq. Consideration: 5s. Messuages and tenements of land etc. with appurtenances situated in pars. Llantwit Vardre and Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 6 Jun 1803 |
D2570/2/17 Release (1) Rht. Hon. George Parker, Earl of Macclesfield; and Thomas Dorrien of Haresfoot, co. Hertford, esq. (who survived Rht. Hon. John Chetwynd Earl Talbot Viscount Ingestrie and Baron of Hensol). (2) Thomas Harcourt Powell of town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq., and Lewis Richards of Troyhouse in co. Mon., gent. (trustees and executors named in and appointed by last will and testament of Thomas Edwards, late of Llandaff, co. Glam., esq., deceased) (3) Rev. Powell Edwards of Berry Narber, co. Devon, clerk and Sarah his wife (only son and heir at law of the said Thomas Edwards, deceased and a devisee named in his will). (4) Jane Richards of town of Cardiff, widow of William Richards late of town of Cardiff, esq., only daughter of the said Thomas Edwards, deceased, and devisee named in his will. (5) The Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. (6) George Whitehead and John Whitehead, both of Basinghall Street, city of London, bankers; John Hanker of Dudbridge, par. King Stanley, co. Glos., esq., and Francis Knight of Clifford Street, city of Westminster, esq., surgeon to the Coldstream Regiment of Guards (trustees named and appointed in and by the settlement made prior to the marriage of Richard Fowler Richards of Dudbridge, esq., with Charlotte his present wife. (7) The said Richard Fowler Rickards and Charlotte his wife (late Charlotte Hillier, spinster). Consideration: £4,616 and 10s Properties as in lease of 6 June 1803 (D2570/2/16) Attached: Lease and Release 9 May 1838-10 May 1838 (1) The above mentioned Richard Fowler Rickards (2) John Bruce Pryce of Duffryn, near St. Nicholas, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Llandaff House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s All messuages, lands, tenements and other hereditaments comprised in the above mentioned release of 7 June 1803. Term: 1 year 7 Jun 1803 |
D2570/2/18 Release (1) Jenkin Morgan of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman; and Thomas Hopkins of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. (2) Mary Evans of Duffryndowlais, par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., spinster, and Robert Rickards, clerk, vicar of Llantrissent. Consideration: £110 and 10s All that messuage or dwellinghouse with appurtenances situated in town and par. Llantrissent. 29 Aug 1803 |
D2570/2/19 Bargain and Sale (attested copy) (1) John Harvey Ollney and Joanna his wife; Sir George Glyn, John Price and Thomas Weaver (as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of John Harvey Ollney with Joanna Powell, and dated 15 May 1798); Margaret Powell, spinster; Sir George Glyn in his own right and Dame Catherine his wife; William Gibbon and John Price as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of Sir George Glyn and Dame Catherine, and dated 10 June 1796); Richard Turberville Turberville and Elizabeth his wife. (2) William Vaughan of Swansea, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 5s The manors of lordships of Milton (otherwise St. John the Baptist and St. John of Jerusalem) situated in co. Glam., as well as capital and other messuages, tenements, lands and hereditaments. Term: 1 year 27 Jul 1804 |
D2570/2/20 Release (attested copy) (1) John Harvey Ollney and Joanna his wife; Sir George Glyn, John Price and Thomas Weaver (as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of John Harvey Olleny with Joanna Powell, and dated 15 May 1798). (2) Margaret Powell, spinster. (3) Sir George Glyn in his own right and Dame Catherine his wife (late Catherine Powell, spinster); William Gibbon and John Price (as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marraige of Sir George Glyn and Dame Catherine, and dated 10 June 1796). (4) Richard Turbervill Turberville and Elizabeth his wife. (5) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Pantynarwell, co. Glam., esq. (6) William Vaughan of Swansea, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 10s Properties as in bargain and sale of 27 July 1804 (D2570/2/19) 28 Jul 1804 |
D2570/2/21 Common Recovery (copy) (1) Richard Hoare Jenkins. (2) William Vaughan. The manors of Milton (otherwise St. John the Baptist Milton, otherwise St. John of Jerusalem) with appurtenances and also 100 messuages, 100 cottages, 30 tofts, 5 mills, 5 dovehouses, 200 barns, 200 gardens, 200 orchards, 4,000 acres of land, 1,000 acres of meadow, 1,000 acres of pasture, 1,000 acres of wood, 1,000 acres of marsh, 1,000 acres of furze and heath, 1,000 acres of moor etc with appurtenances in Llanharan, Llantrissent, Llangeinor, Whitchurch, Llangonoyd, Llanilid and Penmark, co. Glam. Aug 1804 |
D2570/2/22 Lease (attested copy) (1) Richard Turberville Turberville and Elizabeth his wife; John Harvey Ollney and Joanna his wife; Sir George Glyn, John Price and Thomas Weaver (as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of John Harvey Ollney with Joanna Powell, and dated 15 May 1798); Margaret Powell, spinster; Sir George Glyn in his own right and Dame Catherine his wife (late Catherine Powell, spinster); William Gibbon and John Price (as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of Sir George Glyn and Dame Catherine, and dated 10 June 1796). (2) John Wood of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s All that manor or lordship of Marcross, co. Glam., with appurtenances, and capital and other messuages, farms, lands, tenements etc., and all mines, minerals and quarries on the said lands etc. Term: 1 year 8 Mar 1805 |
D2570/2/23 Release (attested copy) to make a tenant to the precipe for suffering recoveries. 1) Richard Turberville Tuberville and Elizabeth his wife. 2) John Harvey Ollney and Joanna his wife; Sir George Glyn, John Price and Thomas Weaver (as trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of John Harvey Ollney with Joanna Powell, and dated 15 May 1798). 3) Margaret Powell, spinster. 4) Sir George Glyn in his own right and Dame Catherine his wife (late Catherine Powell, spinster); William Gibbon and John Price (as Trustees in the settlement made previous to the marriage of Sir George Glyn and Dame Catherine, and dated 10 June 1796). 5) William Rees of Court Colman, co. Glam., esq. 6) John Wood of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq. Properties as in lease of 8 March 1805 (D2570/2/22) 9 Mar 1805 |
D2570/2/24 Appointment (1) John Harvey Ollney, esq., late a Captain and now Major of South Gloucester Regiment of Militia, and Joanna his wife. (2) Sir George Glyn of Ewell, co. Surrey, baronet; John Price late of Llandaff Court and now of Llandough Castle, co. Glam., esq., and Thomas Weaver of city of Gloucester, esq. (trustees named and appointed in and by the settlement made previous to the marriage of John Harvey Ollney with Joanna). (3) John Henry Bates, esq., Capt. in His Majesty's Second Regiment of Life Guards; James Walwyn of Longworth, co. Hereford, esq., and William Vaughan of Seansea, co. Glam., esq. Appointment of J.H. Bates, J. Walwyn and W. Vaughan to be trustees in the place of Sir G. Glyn, J. Price and T. Weaver under the marriage settlement of Mr and Mrs Ollney. Consideration: 10s Release and assignment of all that manor or lordship of Milton (otherwise St. John the Baptist, co. Glam.); and capital and other messuages, farms, lands tenements, rents, tithes and hereditaments situates in cos. Glam., Mon., Brec., and elsewhere in the principality of Wales 11 Oct 1805 |
D2570/2/25 Deed of Exchange (attested copy) (1) Margaret Powell of Brighthelmstone, co. Sussex, spinster. (2) John Harvey Ollney, esq., late a Capt. and now Major of the South Gloucester Regiment of Miitia and Joanna his wife. (3) John Henry Bates, esq., Capt, in his Majesty's Second Regiment of Life Guards; James Walwyn of Longworth, co. Hereford, esq.; and William Vaughan of Swansea, co. Glam., esq. (trustees of the settlement made previous to the marriage of J.H. Ollney with Joanna his wife). Undivided fourth part of the mines, minerals and quarries in and under the manor or lordship of Milton, and all lands, tenements and hereditaments which were conveyed by a deed of partition, and indentures of lease and release of 27/28 July 1804. 20 Dec 1805 |
D2570/2/26 Lease (1) The Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk; and Thomas Llewellin of the same place, victualler. (2) James Jacob of Llantrissent, gent. Consideration: £20 All that messuage or dwellinghouse, 3 stables, brewhouse, shop, garden, court, fold with draw well and curtilage situated within town and borough of Llantrissent. Term: natural lives of Thomas Llewellin, Mary his wife, and Jenkin their son. Rent: £18 10s 1 May 1808 |
D2570/2/27 Feoffment (1) William Edwards of par. Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., gent. (2) Margaret Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., spinster. Consideration: £195 All that messuage, tenement, barn, gardens with parcel of land commonly called Plockin Mawr situated in borough of Llantrissent, and all buildings, yards, gardens, common of pasture, wood etc. 13 May 1811 |
D2570/2/28 Lease (1) Margaret Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glan., spinster. (2) William Nicholl of Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq., one of the Benchers of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple; and John Hawker of Dudbridge, co. Glos., esq. All that messuage or dwellinghouse with garden, croft, stable and chaisehouse; and also all that field, coach house and stable, woodhouse, poultryhouse, garden, shubbery and premises with appurtenances; and also all that messuage, tenement, barn, garden with piece of land commonly called Plockin Mawr; and also all that messuage, burgage or dwelling house, garden and cottage; and also 1 small garden; and other messuages, lands tenements and hereditaments - all of which said premises are situated in the town of Llantrissent. 9 July 1812 |
D2570/2/29 Conveyance (1) Margaret Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., spinster. (2) Whitlock Nicholl of Cowbridge, co Glam., esq. (3) William Nicholl of Cowbridge, esq., 1 of the Benchers of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple; and John Hawker of Dudbridge, co. Glos., esq. Consideration: 10s All that messuage of dwelling house with garden, croft, stable and chaisehouse; and also all that field, coach house and stable, woodhouse, poultry house, garden, shrubbery, and premises with appurtenances; and also several pieces of land with a barn known as Penygarose (5a); also all that garden; and also all that messuage, tenement, barn, garden with parcel of land commonly called Plockin Mawr (3/4a); and also all that messuage, burgage or dwellinghouse, garden and cottage; and a small garden; and a building; and other messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments - all of which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. 10 Jul 1812 |
D2570/2/30 Schedule of Deeds and papers - the property of Richard Fowler Rickards, esq., delivered by him to Miss Elizabeth Bates as mortgagee which she undertakes to preserve and redeliver when properly called upon by the said R.F. Rickards 22 February 1719 - 12 March 1816 (together with a "list of contents of Box No. 2" - comprising a schedule of deeds re Rickards estate 1737 - 1879) Apr 1817 |
D2570/2/31 Abstract of Title of lands and hereditaments in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. 8/9 November 1756-30 March 1815 1827 |
D2570/2/32 Surrender Surrender by Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq., John Henry Armstrong of the same place, esq., and Maria Theresa his wife; Morgan Popkin Traherne of Coytraherne, co. Glam., esq., and Elizabeth Margaret his wife; and The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Dynas Powis, co. Glam., clerk of all that customary messuage or tenement, farm and lands with appurtenances called Tir Issa (50a 3r 31p) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre with appurtenances (except 3 undivided fourth parts of all the mines, minerals and quarries in the same premises). 19 Feb 1857 |
D2570/2/33 Epitome of Will and Codicil of The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards To his wife, apparel, jewels, furniture, place, linen etc. To his wife and brother, all monies coming from the Newbridge Estate, and all his other real and personal property. Various monetary bequests. (Attached: summary of the valuation of the household furniture and other effects at Llandough Rectory being part of the personal estate of Rev. Hely Hutchinson Rickards who died on 5 December 1881; and analysis of the will & codicil of Mrs Louisa Mary Methuen 1869) 11 Aug 1869 |
D2570/2/34 Will (copy) of Katharine Diana Rickards of Belta Vista Penarth, co. Glam., widow. Various household goods and monetary bequests to members of her family 27 Jul 1887 |
D2570/2/35 List of Deeds and documents re: Rickards Estate 1 December 1786- 12 September 1825 1888 |
D2570/2/36 Abstract of Title of John Harvey Ollney, esq., and Joanna his wife to certain messuages, cottages and hereditaments in borough of Llantrissent, co. Glam., - sold be auction to Rev. Rickards, Mr. Traherne Traherne and Mr. James Morgan 13 August 1703 - 10/11 October 1805. no date |
D2570/2/37 Abstract of Title of Richard Turbervill Tubervill, esq., and Elizabeth his wife to customary hold premises in Manor of Pentirch and Clunn, co. Glam., 5 January 1749 - 8/9 March 1805. no date |
D2570/2/38 Schedule of Deeds and writings belonging to Richard Fowler Rickards, esq. 30 June 1654 and 26 July 1833 no date |
Title Deeds Mainly Concerning Properties in Parishes of Llantrisant and Llantwit Vardre, County of Glamorgan |
D2570/3/1 Lease (1) William Bassett of Miskin, co. Glam., esq. (2) Edward Morgan of par. Ystradyfodwg, co .Glam., gent. Consideration: £30 All that messuage and tenement of lands called Leoistry, together with all houses, buildings and appurtenances situated in par. Ystradyfodwg. Term: 99 years Rent: £1 10s 8d and 6d 3 Jun 1733 |
D2570/3/2 Lease (1) William Bassett of Miskin, co. Glam., esq. (2) Edward Morgan of par. Ystradyfodwg co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £20 All that tenement of land with appurtenances commonly called Tir Will Bach situated in par. Ystradyfodwg Term: 99 years Rent £2 17s 4d p.a. and 6d p.a. 3 Jan 1735 |
D2570/3/3 Mortgage (1) John Wood of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., miner, and Martha his wife. (2) Howell David of par, Llantrissent, yeoman. (3) Jane Jenkin of par. Llangdyfodwg, co. Glam., widow. Consideration: £10 All that messuage or burgage containing 1 mansion house, 1 curtilage and 1 garden situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: residue of term of 500 years granted by indenutre of 4 March 1739 27 Mar 1739 |
D2570/3/4 Will and Probate of Mary John of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam. To her daughter Anne Morgan, all her lands and houses with appurtenances, and the rest of her goods, cattles and chattels; and after Anne Morgan's decease, all her said lands and houses with appurtenances to her son-in -law William Morgan. To her granddaughter Anne Morgan £50 To her grandson William Morgan £50 Executor: her daughter. 1739 |
D2570/3/5 Morgage (1) Jane Jenkin of par. Llandyfodwg, co. Glam., widow. (2) John Wood of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., miner. (3) Evan Griffiths of par. Llanwonno, co, Glam., gent. Consideration: £11 and £9 All that messuage and burgage with 1 curtilage and garden thereto adjoining situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 500 years. 27 Mar 1742 |
D2570/3/6 Surrender Manor of Pentirch and Clunn: surrender from Morgan Evan to Thomas John Edmond of premises situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, namely all that customary hold messuage and tenement of land with appurtenances called Tyr or Rae Odyn Vilwr (9a); and also the moiety or half part of all that other customary hold messuage and tenemen of lands with appurtenaces called Tyr Rae Shon (10 1/4a); and also the moeity or half part of all that other customary hold messuage and tenement of land with appurtenances called Tyr Dyo Der (16a); and also 10a of craggy ground. 5 Jan 1749 |
D2570/3/7 Schedule of Surrenders of Tir Dio ddu now commonly called Tir Issa, par. Llantwit Vardre 5 January 1749-31 March 1788 1749-1788 |
D2570/3/8 Lease 1) Edward Morgan of par. Ystradyfodwg, co. Glam., gent. 2) Thomas Jenkin of par. Ystradyfodwg, yeoman. Consideration: 5s All that messuage and tenement of land commonly called Leostry, together with all houses, buildings and appurtenances situated in par. Ystradyfodwg; and also all that cottage, oxhouse and parcel of land called Ka Glas situated in par. Ystradyfodwg (except for all timber, timber trees and wood, and all mines and minerals etc.). Term: 60 years Rent: £12 8 Aug 1751 |
D2570/3/9 Surrender Manor of Pentirch and Clunn, surrender from Thomas John Edward to Frysith Evan and Morgan Evan of premises situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, namely all that customary hold messuage and tenement with appurtenances called Tyr Rae Shon (101/4a); also that other customary hold messuage and tenement of land with appurtenances called Tyr Dyo Dee (16a); and also about 10a of craggy ground. 8 Feb 1752 |
D2570/3/10 Exemplification of a common recover (1) Thomas Edmondes, gent. (2) John Llewellin, gent. 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 cowhouse, 1 garden, lands (20a), pasture (10a), meadow (10a), furze and heath and wood (5a) with appurtenances in the several pars. Llantrissent, Pentirch and chapelry of Llaniltern with par. St. Fagans, co. Glam. 23 Mar 1754 |
D2570/3/11 Lease and Mortgage (1) William Morgan of borough of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. (2) John Thomas of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 5s/£50 All that messuage and tenement of lands with appurtenances called Tirey Meibon (8a) situated within borough of Llantrissent Term: 1 year 8 Nov 1756-9 Nov 1756 |
D2570/3/12 Lease (1) John Thomas of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., gent., and William borough of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. (2) Rees Jenkins of par. Pendoylan, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 5s All that messuage and tenenment of lands with appurtenances in borough of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 3 Jul 1758 |
D2570/3/13 Mortgage (1) John Thomas of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., gent. (2) William Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent., and Mary his wife. (3) Rees Jenkins of par. Pendoylan, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £51 12s and £48 8s Properties as in lease of 3 July 1758 (D2570/3/6) 4 Jul 1758 |
D2570/3/14 Final Agreement (2 copies) (1) Rees Jenkins, gent,, plaintiff. (2) William Morgan and Mary his wife, defociants. 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 stable and arable land (8a) with appurtenances situated within borough of Llantrissent. £120 2 Aug 1758 |
D2570/3/15 Lease (1) Owen Jenkins of Jesus College, Oxon, Clerk, executor and residuary legatee of last will and testament of Rees Jenkins late of par. Pendoylan, co. Glam., gent., deceased, and William Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. (2) William David of par. Pentyrch, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: 5s All that messuage and tenement of lands with appurtenances called Tir y Meibon (8a) situated in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 3 Sep 1759 |
D2570/3/16 Mortgage (1) Owen Jenkins of Jesus College, Oxon, clerk, executor and residuary legatee of last will and testament of Rees Jenkins late of par. Pendoylan, co. Glam. (2) William Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent and Mary his wife (3) William David of par. Pentyrch, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: £147 10s Property as in lease of 3 September 1759 (D2570/3/15) 4 Sep 1759 |
D2570/3/17 Will (copy) Of William David of par. Pentyrch co. Glam., yeoman. To his eldest daughter Barbara David, the sum of £150 , and all that messuage or tenement of lands called Mairdy situated in par. Radir, co. Glam. To his daughter Alice David, the sum of £150. To his youngest daughter Anne David, the sum of £150. Executors: his wife Anne David and his son Thomas David. Witnesses: Thomas Joseph, Thomas David and William Davi (Date of probate 6 April 1762) 8 Oct 1761 |
D2570/3/18 Lease (1) Watkin Mangel of par. Wick, co. Glam., gent. (2) Edward Morgan of par. Aberdare, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideartion: 5s All that messuage or dwelling house, and 1 garden with outhouses, edifices, buildings etc.; all that 1 other messuage or dwelling house, malthouse, kiln, curilage & garden, and all outhouses, edifices, buildings etc.; and also all that malthouse and kiln together with all houses, edifices and buildings etc - all which said premises are situated in borough of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 14 Jan 1765 |
D2570/3/19 Release (1) William Mangel of par. Wick, co. Glam., gent. (2) John Bowen of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent., son & heir, and also executor of last will and testament of John Bowen of town of Llantrissent, joiner, deceased and Ann his wife. (3) Edward Morgan of Par. Aberdare, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: £52 17s Properties as in lease of 14 January 1765 (D2570/3/18) 15 Jan 1765 |
D2570/3/20 Conveyance (1) Barbarah Richard of town of Llantrissent , co. Glam., widow. (2) Richard David of town of Llantrissent, shoemaker. Consideration: 8s All that messuage, stable and court situated in the said town of Llantrissent. 6 May 1767 |
D2570/3/21 Lease (1) Edward Morgan of par. Aberdare, co. Glam., yeoman. (2) John James of city of Bristol, skinner. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or dwelling house and 1 garden, together with outhouses, edifices, buildings etc., situated in borough of Llantrissent; and also all that malthouses and kiln situated in town of Llantrissent, together with appurtenances. Term: 1 year 12 Sep 1768 |
D2570/3/22 Surrender Manor of Pentirch and Clunn, co. Glam.: surrender from William John Edmond, son and customary heir of Thomas John Edmond, deceased to William Jones and Catherine his wife of all that customary hold messuage and tenement of land with appurtenances called Tyr Dio Dee (16a) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre. 16 Jan 1769 |
D2570/3/23 Will and Probate of David Morgan of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam. To his son-in-law Howell William, his freehold house and barn, and all appurtenances in town of Llantrissent, together iwth all his goods and chattells. Witnesses: Thomas Rees, David Evan and Howell Thomas. 18 Sep 1769 |
D2570/3/24 Surrender Manor of Pentyrch and Clunn, co. Glam.: surrender from John Robotham to William Jones and Catherine his wife of all that customary hold messuage and tenement of lands called Tir Dio ddes (16a) in par. Llantwit Vardre. 5 May 1778 |
D2570/3/25 Surrender Manor of Pentyrch and Clunn, co. Glam.: surrenders from William Jones and Catherine his wife to Edward Jones; from Edward Jones to Oliver Robotham; from Oliver Robotham to William Jones and Catherine his wife of all that customary hold messuage and tenement of lands with appurtenances called Tyr Dio Dee (16a) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre (3 items). 15 Oct 1781 |
D2570/3/26 Lease/Assignment and Release 1) Thomas Davies of Maesmawr, par. Pentyrch, co. Glam., gent., only son and heir at law, and also surviving executor named in last will and testament of William David late of par. Pentyrch, yeoman deceased. 2) William Morgan of Neath, co. Glam., gent., only son and heir -at-law of William Morgan of town of Llantrissent by Mary his first wife, gent., deceased. 3) John Jenkin of Treverygg, par. Llantrissent, gent. Consideration 5s/£252 13s and £157 7s All that messuage and tenement of lands with appurtenances called Tyrymeibon (8a) situated in Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 13 Feb 1783-14 Feb 1873 |
D2570/3/27 Limited Probate of Thomas Evans, surgeon of Merchant Ship Essex in the service of Honourable English East India Co. All his estate and effects to his wife, Margaret Evans of Llantrissent, co. Glam. 12 Sep 1786 |
D2570/3/28 Surrender Manor of Pentirch and Clunn, co. Glam.: surrender from Oliver Robotham to Gervase Powell of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, of all that customary hold messuage and tenement of lands with appurtenances called Tyr dio ddee (16a) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre. 31 Mar 1788 |
D2570/3/29 Will (2 copies) of John Jenkins of Treveryg, par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. To his wife Gwenllian Jenkins, livestock, half of his farming utensils, and household goods. To Anne Glascote, spinster, daughter of William Glascote, late of town of Cardiff, deceased the sum of £400. To his nephew Jenkin Jenkins, son of his late brother William Jenkins, deceased, the sum of £200; and moiety of all that leasehold premises situated in par. Llangyfelach, co. Glam., called Pentwyn, and moiety of all that leasehold premises situated in par. Llansamlet, co. Glam., called Tyrymidd. To the six children of his sister Rachel Lewis, the sum of £50 each. To his sister Rachel Lewis, all those leasehold premises called Ynis Allen situated in par. Llansamlte, co. Glam. To his nephew Howell Harry, son of Howell Harry of Langavelach, co, Glam., all his real estate situated in co. Glam., and all that tenement and lands with appurtenances called Treveryg Ycha situated in par. Llantrissent. 3 Apr 1792 |
D2570/3/30 Assignment 1) David Jones of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. 2) James Hopkin of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. All that messuage, tenement, farm and lands with appurtenances called Craig Y Llann sitatued in par. Llantrissent. Term: residue of term of 99 years granted by lease of 2 October 1778 Rent: £35 p.a. 1794 |
D2570/3/31 Feoffment 1) Mary Lewellin of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam. 2) David Jenkin of town of Llantrissent, mercer. Consideration: £19 All that barn and also a certain piece of wasteground adjoining (60 or 70 yards in length and breadth), and also another spot of ground situated in Llantrissent. 17 Nov 1795 |
D2570/3/32 Lease 1) Robert Rickards of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. 2) Thomas Llewelyn of town and borough of Llantrissent, victualler. All that messuage or tenement and dwelling house, together with 3 stables and brewhouse and shop, 1 garden and court, and a large fold and curtilage with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: lives of Thomas Llewelyn, Mary his wife & Jenkin their son. Rent: £10 10s 27 Jun 1804 |
D2570/3/34 Letters of Administration granted to William Williams, grandson by the mother's side of John Wood late of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., to administer goods left unadministered so far as relates to a house and premises in town of Llantrissent (mortgaged by John Wood to Evan Griffiths late of par. Llanwonno, co. Glam., deceased). 2 Dec 1805 |
D2570/3/34 Feoffment 1) Willaim Williams of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman, eldest son and heir of Margaret, late wife of William Williams now both deceased, (which said Margaret Williams was only daughter and heir-at-law of John Wood late of town of Llantrissent, miner, deceased and which said William Williams in also administrator of the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Evan Griffiths late of par. Llanwonno, gent., deceased, unadministered by William Griffiths, gent., this late son, deceased) (2) William John of par. Llanharan, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: £25 All that messuage or tenement, burgage, mansion house, garden, curtilage and hereditaments situated in town of Llantrissent. 24 Dec 1805 |
D2570/3/35 Lease 1) John Henry Bates, esq., a Captain in his Majesty's Second Regiment of Life Guards; James Walwyn of Longworth, co. Hereford, esq.; William Vaughan of Swansea, co. Glam., esq.; John Harvey Ollney of Brighton, co. Sussex, esq., a Major in the Royal South Gloucester Regiment of Militia, and Joanna his wife. 2) Rev. Robert Rickards of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or dwelling house, stable and garden with appurtenances; and also another small garden with appurtenances; and also all that other messuage or dwelling house, cowhouse, court and garden with appurtenances; and also all that messuage or dwelling house; and also all that messuage or dwelling house with appurtenances; and also all those 8 messuages or cottages with garden, and also all that close, field or parcel of land with appurtenances; and also all that garden or plot of ground with appurtenances situated in the Craig; and also all those 3 messuages, cottages, gardens, fields & premises with appurtenances are situated in town of Llantrissent. 1 Jan 1806 |
D2570/3/36 Appointment & Release 1) John Harvey Ollney of Brighton, co. Sussex, esq., a Major in the Royal South Gloucester Regiment of Militia, and Joanna his wife; Joanna Powell spinster, one of the daughters and coheirs of The Rev. Gerves Powell late of Llanharan, co. Glam., clerk, deceased. 2) John Henry Bates, esq., a Captain in his Majesty's Second Regiment of Life Guards; James Walwyn of Longworth, co. Hereford, esq., and William Vaughan of Swansea, co. Glam., trustees of the uses and estates created in and by the settlement made previous to the marriage of the said John Harvey Ollney and Joanna his wife. 3) Rev. Robert Rickards of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., and James Capper of Cathays, co. Glam., esq., a trustee for the said Robert Rickards of the hereditaments granted and released. Consideration £440 Premises as in lease of 1 January 1806 (D2570/3/35) 2 Jan 1806 |
D2570/3/37 Lease 1) Thomas Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., gent., nephew and heir at law of Francis Evans, late of par. Llantwit Vardre; David Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, yeoman, and David John of par. Llantwit Vardre, yeoman and Thomas William of Llantrissent, yeoman. 2) Rev. Robert Rickards of par. Llantrissent, clerk. Consideration: 5s All that parcel of mountain or heath ground called Tyr y burbais (14a), together with houses and buildings situated in par. Llantwit Vardre; and also all that road through Lleast leading to the same tenement. Term: 1 year. 11 May 1806 |
D2570/3/38 Release 1) Mary Evans of Duffrin Dowlais, par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., spinster (sister & administratrix of goods and chattels which were of Francis Evans late of par. Llantwit Vardre, gent., deceased) 2) Thomas Evans of par. Llantwit Vardre, nephew and heir at law of the said Francis Evans. 3) Thomas William of par. Llantwit Vardre, yeoman. 4) David Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, yeoman. 5) David John of par. Llantwit Vardre, yeoman. 6) The Rev. Robert Rickards of par. Llantrissent, clerk. 7) James Capper of Cathays, co. Glam., esq., a trustee of the said Robert Rickards of the hereditaments hereinafter mentioned. Consideration: £321 3s 4d and £88 16s 8d Properties as in lease of 11 May 1806 (D2570/3/37) 12 May 1806 |
D2570/3/39 Deed of Appointment and of Covenants 1) Richard Turbervill Turbervill (heretofore Richard Turberville Picton) of Ewenny Abbey, co. Glam., esq., and Elizabeth his wife. 2) John Harvey Ollney of Brighton, co. Sussex, esq., a Major in the Royal South Gloucester Regiment of Militia, and Joanna his wife. 3) Margaret Powell of Brighton, spinster. 4) Sir George Glyn of Ewell, co. Surrey, baronet, and Dame Catherine his wife. 5) Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. 6) Oliver Robotham of Maes y llech, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £750 Surrender of customaryhold, namely a farm called Tyr Dio du and Tyr Issa in par. Llantwit Vardre (51a 1r 71p) (except for 3/4 of mines, minerals and quarries) 1 Nov 1806 |
D2570/3/40 Lease 1) Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissetn, co. Glam., clerk, and Thomas Llewellin of the same place, victualler. (2) James Jacob of Llantrissent, gent,. Consideration: £20 All that messuage or dwelling house, 3 stables, brewhouse, shop, garden, court, fold situated within town and borough of Llantrissent and also all that close or field situated in town and borough of Llantrissent (except for all mines and minerals, and all trees and woods, and also full and free liberty of the same exceptional premises doing as little injury in the use and occupation thereof and making reasonable compensation to the tenant. Term: lives of Thomas Llewellin, his wife Mary and his son Jenkin Rent: £18 10s 1 May 1808 |
D2570/3/41 Deed of Feoffment 1) Thomas Phillip late of par. Pentyrch, co. Glam., but now of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., cordwainer. 2) James Morgan of town of Llantrissent, cordwainer. Consideration: £100 All those 2 messuages or 2 rooms being built upon 2 burgages (which have been converted to 5 messuages) situated in Llantrissent. 1808 |
D2570/3/42 Feoffment 1) William John of hamlet of Peterstone super Montem, par. Coychurch late of Llanharan, co. Glam., yeoman; and Anne his wife. 2) The Rev. Robert Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: £35 All that messuage or tenement, burgage, mansion house, garden and curtilage situated in town of Llantrissent. 11 Sep 1809 |
D2570/3/43 Lease and Release 1) William Meyrick of town of Swansea, co. Glam., tailor and Hannah his wife (only son and heir of William Meyrick late of par. Newcastle, co. Glam., tailor, deceased). 2) Mary Meyrick of par. Newcastle, widow of the said William Meyrick. 3) David Jenkins of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., mercer. Consideration: 5s/£15 5s & £5 5s All that messuage, tenement or dwelling house together with a garden situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 10 Jul 1810-11 Jul 1810 |
D2570/3/44 Lease and Conveyance 1) Whitlock Nicholl of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq., and Margaret Nicholl of the same place, wife of the said Whitlock Nicholl. 2) William Nicholl of Cowbridge, esq., one of the Benchers of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, and John Hawker of Dudbridge, co. Glos., esq. 3) Richard Fowler Rickards of Farmhill, co. Glos., esq. 4) Robert Rickards of Curzon Street, city of Westminster, a trustee named and appointed by the said Rickard Fowler Rickards Consideration: 5s/£2,000 All that messuage or dwelling house situated in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., with garden, croft, stable and chaisehouse and also all that field, coachhouse and stable, woodhouse, poultry house, garden, shubbery and premises with appurtenances situated in Llantrissent. And also all those several parcels of land with a barn called Peny-Ganse (5a) and also all that garden; and also all that messuage, tenement, barn, gardens with parcel of land commonly called Plock in Mawr (3/4a); and also all that messuage, burgage or dwelling house, garden and cottage; and also 1 small garden; and also all that building formerly a malthouse and since divided into dwelling houses - all which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. 11 Oct 1813-12 Oct 1813 |
D2570/3/45 Lease (counterpart) 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Thomas Franklen of par. Baglan, co. Glam., esq., and Ann his wife, trustees for Richard their son. All that angle or small part of a field whereon passes the new road lately made from Pontlydan to Dwyhewidd House in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Term: 500 years. 14 Feb 1814 |
D2570/3/46 Will (copy) of Howell Harries of Trevergy, co. Glam., gent. To his daughter anne Harris, all those parcels of land and premises with appurtenances known by the several names of Caia Gwycucon, Cae Cloder, Garth y ffa and orchard and croft below the Bridgend road and also all those messuages, tenements and premises with appurtenances called the Cross Keys, Wheat Sheaf. all which said premises are situated in town of Llantrissent. 30 Mar 1815 |
D2570/3/47 Lease 1) David Jenkins of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., shopkeeper. 2) Richard Fowler RIckards of town of Llantrissent, esq. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or tenement and stable with appurtenances situated in town of Llantrissent, and also all that messuage or tenement together with a garden situated in town of Llantrissent. Term: 1 year 9 Apr 1816 |
D2570/3/48 Release 1) David Jenkins of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., shopkeeper. 2) Robert Rickards of Stratford Place, co. Middx., esq. 3) Richard Fowler RIckards of town of Llantrissent, esq. Consideration: £105 Properties as in lease of 9 April 1816 (D2570/3/47) 10 Apr 1816 |
D2570/3/49 Agreement 1) Evan Morgan of par. Eglwysilan, co. Glam., yeoman. 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £11 and £25 Agreement to convey all those freehold messuages or dwelling houses with gardens and premises: and also all that barn and stable thereto adjoining; and also all that messuage or dwelling house and premises; and also all other hereditaments and premises - all which said property is situated in Llantrissent. 11 Jul 1816 |
D2570/3/50 Lease and Mortgage 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Robert Rickards of Stratford Place, London, co. Middx., esq. 3) Elizabeth Bates of Cardiff, co. Glam., spinster. Consideration: £1,000/5s Properties as in lease and conveyance of 11/12 October 1813 (D2570/3/44); and also all that messuage or tenement with lands and hereditaments thereunto belonging commonly called Pant-y-Gint situated in par. Landyfodwg, co. Glam. (102a 1r 35p) Term: 1 year 29 Apr 1817-30 Apr 1817 |
D2570/3/51 Agreement 1) Issac John 2) R.F. Rickards. Agreement to sell all that lease and property (38ft in length and 30ft in breadth) in town of Llantrissent for £20) 18 Jul 1817 |
D2580/3/52 Letters of Administration granted to Issac John, lawful son and one of the next of kin of Llewellyn John late of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., and diocese of Llandaff, deceased. 22 Nov 1817 |
D2570/3/53 Lease 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of borough of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Thomas John of the same place, gardener. All that messuage or dwelling house, garden and premises with appurtenances called Plockyn situated in par. Llantrissent. Term: lives of Thomas John and Anne his wife. Rent:£15 1 Dec 1821 |
D2570/3/54 Lease 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) David Jones of the same place, yeoman. All that messuage or dwelling house called White Hart, buildings, erections and premises situated near the Bull Ring in town of Llantrissent. Term: lives of David Jones his wife Catherine and their son William. Rent: £10 10s 25 Feb 1822 |
D2570/3/55 Release and Reconveyance 1) Thomas Bates Bowen of town of Bridgend, co. Glam., watchmaker. 2) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharran House, co. Glam., esq. 3) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £1,040 7s 8d Properties as in lease and mortgage of 29/30 April 1817 (D2570/3/50) Reconveyance 1) Thomas Bates Bowen of town of Bridgend, co. Glam., watchmaker. 2) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharran House, co. Glam., esq. 3) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £1,040 7s 8d Properties as in lease and mortgage of 29/30 April 1817 (D2570/3/50) 23 May 1822 |
D2570/3/56 Lease 1) John Bassett of Bonvilstone House, co. Glam., esq., and John Rees of Maeslech, co. Glam., farmer. 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of par. Llangrissent, co. Glam., esq. All tithes, profits, commodities, emoluments and advantages whatsoever belonging to the rectory or parish church of Pentyrch, co. Glam., with appurtenances. Term: 5 years Rent: £160 12 Sep 1825 |
D2570/3/57 Lease 1) Edward Morgan Williams of par. Aberdare, co. Glam., esq., and Anne his wife, and Gwenllian Jenkin of Llantrissent, co. Glam., widow. 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, esq. 6 fieldes or parcels of land and premises known by the names of Caia Gwinon (otherwise Caia Gwycucon), Cae Cloder and Garth y ffa situated in Llantrissent with appurtenances. Term: 1 year 19 Sep 1827 |
D2570/3/58 Release 1) Edward Morgan William of par. Aberdare, co. Glam., esq. and Anne his wife (formerly Anne Harris, spinster, daughter of Howel Harris formerly of Trevergy in co. Glam., gent., deceased. 2) Gwenllian Jenkin of Llantrissent, co. Glam., widow. 3) Edward Morgan of Cowbridge, co. Glam., clerk. 4) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, esq. 5) Rev. William Mitchell of Llantrissent, clerk. Consideration: £1050 Properties as in lease of 19 September 1827 (D2570/3/57) Enclosed: Bond of Indemnity: Edward Morgan Williams of par. Aberdare, esq., is bound to Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq., in respect of the sum of £1,000 20 September 1827 Attornment from Mary Morgan, widow, and her tenants to pay their rents to Anne David of Pentyrch, co. Glam. 13 April 1762 Abstract of settlement of Theophiklus Richards of Aberdare, gent., and Jennet his wife 29 Mar 1774 Conditions of sale of land at Llantrissent purchards by R.F. Rickards 27 April 1827 Extracts from parish registers of Llantrissent recording baptisms and burials of members of the Morgan family 9 August 1827 Evidence re pedigree of William Morgan of Llantrissent Aug 1827 20 Sep 1827 |
D2570/3/59 Mortgage by demise 1) Thomas Morgan of Newbridge, par. Llanwono, co. Glam., quarryman. 2) Thomas Dalton of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £40 All those 3 messuages or cottages and garden formerly a messuage or dwelling house, garden and 2 courts situated in town of Llantrissent, co. Glam. Term: 500 years. 12 Jan 1828 |
D2570/3/60 Mortgage by appointment and demise. 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Charles Croft WIlliams of town of Cardiff, esq. Consideration: £700 All those several fields or closes and parcels of land and premises now called Caid Gwinon (otherwise Caia Gwycucon), Cae Cloder and Garth y ffa situated in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. Term: 500 years 9 Dec 1830 |
D2570/3/61 Abstract of Title of Richard Fowler Rickards, esq., to land and hereditaments in par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. (19-20 Sept 1827) 1830 |
D2570/3/62 Mortgage by demise 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Charles Crofts Williams of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £300 All that messuage or tenement of lands, hereditaments and premises with appurtenances commonly called Lleast Owen situated in par. Llantrissent (20a). and also all that parcel of land of mountain or heath groun commonly called Tyr y Burbais (14a) situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. and also all that road or way, parcel of land in, through or over a certain parcel of land called Wayn Dan y Fair Erw. Term: 500 years 28 May 1831 |
D2570/3/63 Lease (counterpart) 1) Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq., and Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Dynaspowis, co. Glam., clerk. 2) Thomas Powell of the Gaer, co. Mon., esq. A free and uninterrupted passage and wayleave to and from the several collieries and works of Thomas Powell by a way or road not exceeding 30ft in width along and upon the surface of the farm and lands called Cwm and Bryn Burbish (according to the line AB marked on the plan), and also to make and maintain a railway or tramroad within the limits of the said way or road - for the purpose of conveying to and from the said collieries and works all the coal, iron ore, iron stone or other mines or minerals (plan included). Term: 45 years 30 Dec 1853 |
D2570/3/64 Admission Manor of Pentirch & Clunn, co. Glam., admission of Francis Crawshay of the Forest Newbridge, co. Glam., esq., as a tenant to all that customary messuage or tenement, farm and lands with appurtenances formerly called Tir Dio Du but now Tir Issa (50a 3r 41p) in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. 26 March 1857 |
D2570/3/65 Conveyance 1) Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq., and Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Landough Rectory, co. Glam., clerk. 2) Robert Cooke of Bryn Tegar, near Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: £2,010 All that messuage or tenement called the Excisemans House, garden and land (3r) in town of Llantrissent. and all that messuage or tenement and public house called the Butchers Arms and garden situated in town of Llantrissent (except for all mines and minerals in or under the said several hereditaments to enter into and upon the same premises to search for, dig and carry away the same mines and minerals, paying compensation for any damage). 1 Mar 1865 |
Title Deeds mainly concerning properties in parish of Llantwit Vardre and elsewhere in County of Glamorgan |
D2570/4/1 Marriage Settlement 1) Wenllian Lloyd of Cardiff, co. Glam., widow. 2) Edmond Lloyd of Cardiff, gent., eldest son of the said Wenllian Lloyd. 3) Rees Powell of par. Llanharan, co. Glam., gent. 4) Florence Powell of par. Llanharan, spinster, eldest daughter of the said Rees Powell. 5) John Williams of Park, co. Glam., esq., and John Perkins of St. Nill, co. Glam., gent. Lands, tenements and hereditaments situated in co. Glam., in the following parishes: Egwysilan; Llaniltern; Llantwit Vardre; St. Brides Major; St Brides Super Ely; St Fagans; St. Georges; St. Johns, Cardiff; St. Maries, Cardiff; Whitchurch. 30 Jun 1737 |
D2570/4/2 Marriage Settlement 1) Joanna Lloyd of Cardiff, co. Glam., spinster. 2) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq. 3) Hon. George Venables Vernon of Britton Ferry, co. Glam., and Rev. Jervis Powell of Llanharan, co. Glam., Clerk. 4) John Aubry of Borstall, co. Bucks., esq., and William Thomas of Llanbradach, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 10s Messuage, lands, hereditaments etc., situated in town of Cardiff and pars. St. Brides Major, Wick, St. Georges, St. Fagans, Llaniltern, Llantrissent, Llantwit Vardre and Whitchurch, co. Glam.. 21 Apr 1770 |
D2570/4/3 Marriage Settlement 1) The Rev. Powell Edwards, rector of Neath, co. Glam., clerk. 2) Sarah Beal of Kew, co. Surrey, spinster. 3) James Bonnell of Pall Mall, par. St. James, co. Middx., esq., brother of the said Sarah Beal, and Rev. Daniel Bellamy of Kew, clerk. Messuages, tenements, lands etc., situated in pars. Endfield, Hundson and Midford, co. Middx., and in par. St. Andrew Undershaft, city of London. 30 Sep 1774 |
D2570/4/4 Lease 1) Joanna Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., widow of Robert Jones late of the same place, esq., deceased, Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, esq., eldest son and heir at law of the said Robert Jones, deceased by the said Joanna. 2) John Wood of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., gent. Consideration: 5s Messuages, tenements, lands etc., situated in town of Cardiff and in pars. Whitchurch, Roath, Llantwit Vardre, Llantrissent, St. George, St. Fagans, St Brides Major and Wick, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 13 Aug 1795 |
D2570/4/5 Release 1) Joanna Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., widow, and relict of Robert Jones late of the same place, esq., deceased. 2) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, esq., eldest son and heir at law of the said Robert Jones, deceased by the said Joanna. 3) John Wood of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., gent. 4) John Franklen of par. Llanmihangel, near Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq. Premises as in lease of 13 August 1794 (D2570/4/4) 13 Aug 1795-14 Aug 1795 |
D2570/4/6 Common Recovery (1) John Franklen, esq., demandent. (2) John Wood, gent., tenant. (3) Joanna Jones, widow, and Robert Jones, esq., vouchees. Messuages, gardens, orchards, land etc., situated in pars. St. Jones and St. Mary's, town of Cardiff; pars. Whitchurch, Roath, Llantwit Vardre, Llantrissent, Llaniltern, St. Georges, St. Fagans, St. Brides Major and Wick. 22 August 1795 |
D2570/4/7 Lease 1) Anne Gibbon of Newton House, co. Glam., widow and Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq., eldest son of Robert Jones late of Fonmon Castle, esq., by Joanna his wife both deceased. 2) Thomas Williams of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s All that messuage or tenement, farm and lands with appurtenances commonly called Pen y Twyn situated in par. Whitchurch, near Cardiff, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 4 Apr 1812 |
D2570/4/8 Deed to make a tenant to the precipe and lead the uses of a recovery. 1) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq., eldest son of Robert Jones late of Fonmon Castle, esq., by Joanna his wife, both deceased. 2) Anne Gibbon of Newton House, par. Llanblethian, co. Glam., widow. 3) Samuel Church of town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq. 4) Thomas Williams of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq. Messuage, farm and lands with appurtenances called Pen y Twyn, and all other hereditaments and premises in co. Glam., granted and released by recited indentures of 5 and 6 January 1812. 5 Apr 1812 |
D2570/4/9 Release 1) John Richards of city of Llandaff, co. Glam., esq. 2) Rev. John Thomas Casberd of Penmark, co. Glam., doctor of laws and Mary Charlotte his wife. 3) Thomas Wyndham of Dunraven Castle, co. Glam., esq.; Robert Matthew Casberd of the Middle Temple, city of London, esq. 4) Frederick Read Orme Villebois of Landleford, co. Berks., esq., and Anna Maria his wife. 5) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq., and John Truman Villebois late of Preston Candover, but now of co. Southampton, esq. 6) Charlotte Jones of Fonmon Castle, spinster. 7) The said Robert Jones 8) Ann Gibbon of par. Llanblethian, co. Glam., widow. 9) Sir John Aubrey of Llantrithyd, co. Glam., and also of Dorton House, co. Bucks, baronet. 10) Bigoe Charles Williams of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middx., gent. Consideration: £250, £250, £250 & £250 Capital messuage, messuages, farms, lands, hereditaments and all other premises comprised in the term of 400 years created by indenture of settlement (dated 20/21 April 1770 made on the marriage of Robert Jones with Joanna Lloyd), and all real estates late of Joanna Jones deceased, and now of the said Robert Jones - situated in town of Cardiff, co. Glam. All that messuage or tenement, farm and lands with appurtenances commonly called Pen y Twyn situated in par. Whitchurch, near Cardiff, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 30 Oct 1812 |
D2570/4/8 Deed to make a tenant to the precipe and lead the uses of a recovery. 1) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq., eldest son of Robert Jones late of Fonmon Castle, esq., by Joanna his wife, both deceased. 2) Anne Gibbon of Newton House, par. Llanblethian, co. Glam., widow. 3) Samuel Church of town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq. 4) Thomas Williams of town of Cowbridge, co. Glam., esq. Messuage, farm and lands with appurtenances called Pen y Twyn, and all other hereditaments and premises in co. Glam., granted & released of 5 and 6 January 1812. 5 Apr 1812 |
D2570/4/9 Release 1) John Richards of city of Llandaff, co. Glam., esq. 2) Rev. John Thomas Casberd of Penmark, co. Glam., doctor of laws and Mary Charlotte his wife. 3) Thomas Wyndham of Dunraven Castle, co. Glam., esq.; Robert Matthew Casberd of the Middle Temple, city of London, esq. 4) Frederick Read Orme Villebois of Landleford, co. Berks., esq., and Anna Maria his wife. 5) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq., John Truman Villebois late of Preston Candover, but now of co. Southampton, esq. 6) Charlotte Jones of Fonmon Castle, spinster. 7) The said Robert Jones. 8) Ann Gibbon of par. Llanblethian, co. Glam., widow. 9) Sir John Aubrey of Llantrithyd, co. Glam., and also of Dorton House, co Bucks, baronet. 10) Bigoe Charles Williams of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middx., gent. Consideration: £250, £250, £250 & £250 Capital messuage, messuages, farms, lands, hereditaments and all other premises comprised in the term of 400 years created by indenture of settlement (dated 20/21 April 1770 made on the marriage of Robert Jones with Joanna Lloyd), and all real estates late of Joanna Jones deceased, and now of the said Robert Jones - situated in town of Cardiff, co. Glam. 30 Oct 1812 |
D2570/4/10 Release in fee 1) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq. 2) Elizabeth Bates of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., spinster. 3) Bigoe Charles Williams of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middx., gent. Consideration: £100 Release in fee by way of mortgage of messuage, tenements, farms and lands situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., and an assignment of a term for better securing the mortgage, money and interest. 20 Mar 1814 |
D2570/4/11 Lease 1) Elizabeth Bates of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., spinster, and Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq. 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s Messuage, tenement and lands etc., situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 1 May 1818 |
D2570/4/12 Release 1) Elizabeth Bates of town of Cardiff, co. Glam., spinster. 2) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq. 3) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 4) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharan House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s & £1000 Messuages, lands and premises etc., situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Attached: memorandum (dated 27 February 1847) recording that the above mentioned premises (with other hereditaments in town and parish of Llantrissent) were conveyed to John Jenkins of Caerleon, co. Mon., esq., Lewis Morgan of Havod, co. Glam., esq., and Alexander Jones of Usk, co. Mon., esq., by way of mortgage for securing the payment of £2,000 and interest (subject to 3 prior mortgages thereon for securing £4,600, £1,095 and £1,000). 2 May 1818 |
D2570/4/13 Assignment 1) Charles Brown of town of Cardiff, gent. 2) Elizabeth Bates of town of Cardiff, spinster. 3) Robert Jones of Fonmon Castle, co. Glam., esq. 4) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 5) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharan House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £1,000 and £3,230 All such part or parts of the messuage, lands, tenements and other hereditaments in par. Llantwit Vardre, comprised in the term of 400 years as conveyed in indenture of lease & release dated 20 and 21 April 1770. Term: residue of term of 400 years 2 May 1818 |
D2570/4/14 Lease 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Harriet Hillier of city of Bath, spinster. Consideration: 5s Messsuages, cottages, lands, hereditaments and premises situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 4 May 1818 |
D2570/4/15 Mortgage in fee 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Harriet Hillier of city of Bath, spinster. Consideration: £2,000 Premises as in lease of 4 May 1818 (D2570/4/14) 5 May 1818 |
D2570/4/16 Lease 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Lanharan House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s Messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 18 May 1822 |
D2570/4/17 Release and Appointment 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Lanharan House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £1,000 Premises as in lease of 18 May 1822 (D2570/4/16) Attached: Bond 20 August 1822 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, esq. 2) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharan House, esq. Bond as a collateral security for the payment of £1,000 by a mortgage of even date. £2,000 20 May 1822 |
D2570/4/18 Lease 1) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharan House, co. Glam., esq., and Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Edmund Harman of Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., publican. Consideration: 5s Messuages, lands, hereditaments and premises in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. Term: 1 year 13 Jul 1822 |
D2570/4/19 Release 1) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharan House, co. Glam., esq. 2) Richard Fowler Rickard of llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 3) Edmund Harman of Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glam., publican. Consideration: £1,000 Messuages, lands, hereditaments in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., specified in lease & release of 18 & 20 May 1822 (D2570/4/16-17) Enclosed: Bond 15 November 1827 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, esq. 2) Francis Knight of Saville Row, co. Middx., esq. £9,200 15 Jul 1822 |
D2570/4/20 Lease 1) Edmund Harman of Merthyr Tydil, co. Glam., publican. 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. Messuages, gardens, cowhouses, parcels of land, arable, meadow & rough ground etc situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., (approx 725a) 4 Jan 1826 |
D2570/4/21 Reconveyance 1) Edmund Harman of Merthyr Tydvil ,co. Glam., publican. 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 3) Richard Hoare Jenkins of Llanharan House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: £1,000 Messuages, gardens, cowhouses, parcels of land, arable, meadow and rough ground etc., situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., (approx 725a). Attached: memorandum (dated 27 February 1847) recording that the above mentioned premises were conveyed to John Jenkins of Caerleon, co. Mon., esq: Lewis Morgan of Havod, co. Glam., esq., and Alexander Jones of Usk, co. Mon., esq., for ever by way of mortgage for securing the payment of £2000 & interest (subject to 3 prior mortgages thereon for securing £4,600, £1095 and £1,000). 5 Jan 1826 |
D2570/4/22 Mortgage by demise 1) Richard Fowler Rickard late of Farmhill, par. Stroud, co. Glos., but now of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq., eldest son and heir at law, and also devisee in fee named and appointed in and by the last will and testament of The Rev. Robert Rickards late of Llantrissent, clerk, his late father, deceased. (2) Francis Knight of Saville Road, co. Middx., esq. Consideration: £4,600 Messuages, lands, tenements etc., situated in pars. Llantrissent, Llandyfodwg and Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. 15 Nov 1827 |
D2570/4/23 Further Charge 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Richard Hawker of Dudbridge, co. Glos., esq., and Joseph Hawker of Alfred Place. co. Middx., esq. (executors named in the last will of Francis Knight, esq. deceased.) Consideration: £1095 Several capital and other messuages, dwelling houses, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments in recited indentures of 25 May 1813 and 15 November 1827 situated in pars. Llantrissent, Llandyfodwg and Llantwit Vardre (subject to several annuities of £200 and £300, and to term of 1500 years) - to be a security for payment of £4,600 and £1,095. Attached: Assignment 31 July 1833 1) Richard Hawker esq., and Joseph Hawker, esq. 2) John Bruce Bruce of Duffryn, Aberdare, co. Glam., esq., and Rev. George Thomas of Ystrad, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: 5s All capital and other messuages, farms, lands, tenements, hereditaments and other premises comprised in the within recited indenture of 25 May 1813 for the term of 1000 years. and also all those several messuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments & other premises comprised in the within recited indenture of 15 Nov 1827 for the term of 1000 years. Term: residue of the said term of 1000 years and 1000 years. Attached: Assignment 5 December 1835 1) John Bruce Bruce, esq. and the Rev. George Thomas, clerk (respectively named and parties to the above written indenture of 31 July 1833). 2) John Bruce Bruce and John Homfray of Llandaff House, co. Glam., esq. Consideration: 5s All the capital and other messuages, farms, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and all other premises comprised in the within recited indenture of 25 May 1813, and demised for the term of 1000 years. and also all those several messuages or tenements, farms, lands, hereditaments and other premises comprised in the within recited indenture of 15 Nov 1827, and demised for the term of 1000 years. Term: residue of terms of 1000 years and 1000 years. 26 Jul 1833 |
D2570/4/24 Appointment 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq., and Charlotte his wife. 2) Robert Hillier Rickards of Brompton, co. Middx., esq.; Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Woodcroft, co. Essex, clerk; and Margaret Popkin Traherne Coytraherne, co. Glam., esq.; and Elizabeth Margaret his wife (the said Robert Hillier Rickards and Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards being the 2 surviving sons of the said Elizabeth Margaret Traherne being 1 of the 2 surviving daughters of the Richard Fowler Rickards and Charlotte his wife). 3) John Bruche Pryce of Duffryn, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Llandaff co. Glam., esq. R. F. Rickards and Charlotte his wife appoint that immediately after the deceased survivor of them and in the meantime subject to their life interests, the freehold land, hereditaments situated in pars. Llantwit Vardre and Llantrissent (conveyed by indenture lease and release of 6-7 June 1803, and indentures of lease and release 9-10 May shall be held in trust for the said Robert Hillier Rickards, and so that neither the present and future wife of the said R. H. Rickards shall be entitled to dower out of the same further that immediately after the decease of the survivor of them, the sum of £1,800 (being the 1 moeity of the sum of £3,695) shall be held in trust for the said H. H. Rickards; and the sum of £1,847 10s (being the other moiety of the sum of £3,695) held in trust for the said E.M. Traherne. 1838 |
D2570/4/25 Release 1) John Popkin Traherne of Coytrahen, co. Glam., esq. 2) The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Llandough Rectory, near Cardiff, co. Glam. All accounts, claims and demands whatsoever for and in respect of the Coytrahen Estate, Glam, and all other real and personal estate comprised in or subject to the trust and marriage settlement (dated 2 June 1852) of John Popkin Traherne and Arabella Richards. 23 Sep 1879 |
Title Deeds mainly concerning properties in Parish of Llantwit Vardre and elsewhere in County of Glamorgan |
D2570/5/1 Mortgage in fee 1) Powell Edwards late of Cardiff, co. Glam., but now of Berry Narberm, co. Devon, clerk and Sarah his wife. 2) Thomas James of town of Monmouth, gent., and Thomas Prothero of town of Usk, gent. Consideration: £1500 All that capital messuage or mansion house commonly called Coed y Goras, par. Llanederne, co. Glam., and all demesne lands thereunto belonging being in par. Llanederne, co. Glam., and in par. Rumney, co. Mon., (75a);' and all that piscary or free fishery and right of fishing in the River Rumney; and also all that messuage and tenement of lands called Heady (otherwise Hondy Farm) situated in par. Llanederne (20a); and all that messuage or tenement, smith's forge, garden and close situated in par. Rumney. 28 Jun 1788 |
D2570/5/2 Will (2 copies) of Robert Rickards, clerk, vicar of Llantrissent, co. Glam. All that field, coach house, stable, house, garden and premises etc., with appurtenances situated in Llantrissent, to his daughter Margaret Rickards. All that messuage and premises with appurtenances called Cainscross situated in co. Glos., to his son Richard Fowler Rickard. All his manors, hereditaments, real estate, to his wife and daughter as tenants in common and after his wife's death to his son. Various monetary bequests. Witnesses: Edward Jacob, cattle dealer; Henry Jenkin, innkeeper; and James Jacob, portreeve of Llantrissent. 30 Oct 1810 |
D2570/5/3 Lease 1) Rev. Powell Edwards, clerk, rector of Neath, co. Glam., and John Wood of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq., eldest son and heir-at-law of John Wood late of the same place, esq., decased. 2) Rev. William Berkin Meackham Lisle, doctor of laws, rector of St. Fagans, co. Glam., and Thomas Harcourt Powell of Peterstone Court, par. Llanhamlach, co. Brecon., esq. Consideration: 5s Messuages, tenements, gardens, fields etc situated in pars. Llanederne, Llandaff, Rumney, and town of Cardiff, co. Glam. Term: 1 year. 29 Sep 1817 |
D2570/5/4 Marriage Settlement 1) The Rev. Powell Edwards, clerk, rector of Neath, co. Glam. 2) John Wood of Cardiff, co. Glam., esq., eldest son and heir at law of John Wood late of the same place, esq., deceased. 3) Mary Pearson of par. St. Fagan, co. Glam., spinster. 4) Rev. William Berkin Meackham Lisle, doctor of law, rector of St. Fagans, and Thomas Harcourt Powell of Peterstone Court, par. Llanhamlach, co. Brecon, esq. 5) Rev. Henry Berkin of Weston, co. Hereford, clerk and Rev. Henry Charles Morgan, co. Glos., clerk. Consideration: 10s Messuages, tenements, parcels of land, farms etc situated in pars. Llandaff, Llanederne, Rumney and town of Cardiff, co. Glam. 30 Sep 1817 |
D2570/5/5 Counterpart Building Lease 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of town of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Evan John of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., mason. All that parcel of land being part of a field called Cae Cefn situated at Newbridge, par. Llantwit Vardre (48 ft 4 inches in length, and 50 ft 6 inches in breadth). Term: 99 years Rent: £1 11s 6d 16 Jan 1823 |
D2570/5/6 Deed of Security 1) George Hillier, a Brevet Lieutenant Colonel in His Majesty's Army. 2) John Wilson, quarter master of the 70th Regiment of Foot now in Ireland. Consideration: £500 All the reversion of George Hillier of and in the sum of £400 expectant upon the decease of Andrew Carrick Andall of Clifton, co. Glos., docto of medicine. 13 May 1833 |
D2570/5/7 Settlement 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq., and Charlotte Rickards his wife. 2) John Bruce Bruce of Duffryn, Aberdare, co. Glam., esq., and Rev. George Thoams of Ystrad, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: 5s Settlement of the principal sum of £4,473 (being the residue of the principal sum of £5,973) and all interest to become due in respect thereof, and also securities for the same and all right, title, claim and at law and in equity of the said Richard Fowler Rickards and Charlotte his wife of, in, to and upon the premises with full power and authority - subject to the life interest of Andrew Carrick, M.D. (Attached: 2 receipts recording payment by J. B. Bruce and The Rev. George Thomas of the sums of £498 and £3,173 dated 20 April and 30 Mar 1841 respectively). and also: - Appointment 9 November 1840 Charlotte Rickards (wife of the above mentioned Richard Fowler Rickards) appoints that after her decease the above mentioned John Bruce Bruce (now called John Bruce Pryce) and George Thomas, or the trustees acting in execution of the trusts of the above mentioned indenture shall be possessed of the trust monies, stocks, funds and securities comprised in the said indenture, and of the dividends, interests and annual produce thereof. and also:- Discharge 19 July 1857 1) Robert Hillier Rickards. 2) Morgan Popkin Traherne and Elizabeth Margaret his wife. 3) John Homfray formerly of Llandaff House, but now of Penlline Castle, co. Glam., esq.; and Rev. Henry Lynch Blosse formerly of Newcastle Vicarage, but now of Newcastle House, Bridgend. co. Glam., clerk. 4) Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards. 5) John Bruce Bruce (now called Pryce) and George Thomas. Discharge of the said J.B. Pryce and G. Thomas from the sum of £3,178 11s 11d which under the trusts and provisions of the above written indenture became subject to the trusts thereby declared in favour of the said Charlotte Rickards during her life, and the stocks or funds which have at any time represented the same; and all the dividends and income thereof, and all monies which have arisen from the sale of the sum of £3, 254 16s 6d. (Attached: successsion duty account re death of Charlotte Rickards 13 July 1857). 31 Jul 1833 |
D2570/5/8 Lease 1) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 2) Daniel Thomas of par. Eglwysilan, co. Glam., lock keeper; William Morgans of same par., gent.; John Lewis of par. Llanwonno, co. Glam., chainmaker; David Jones of same par., miller; John Williams of same par., farmer; Evan Walters of same par., farmer; Morgan Jones Walters of same par., farmer; Evan Morgan of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., farmer, and John Williams of same par., farmer. All that parcel of land or ground whereon a meeting house or chapel hath lately been erected and built for the use of the Independents and called Sardis Chapel situated in par. Llantwit Vardre (294 sq yards). Term: 99 years from 29 September 1833 Rent: £1 13s 3d 15 Aug 1834 |
D2570/4/9 Lease (counterpart) 1) John Bruce Bruce of Duffryn, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Llandaff House, co. Glam., esq. (mortgages for the term of 1000 years of lands and hereditaments intended to be hereby demised). 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 3) Thomas Thomas of Penkerrig, co. Radnor., esq., and Rev. George Thomas of Llandaff Court, co. Glam., clerk. All that parcel of land (1r 10p) which is part of a certain farm called Tyr Meibon situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, and is intended to be used for shortening a tramroad extending from Pwllgwain Brook to the River Taff. All that parcel of land (1a) situated on the south side of the said tramroad - being part of a farm called Cryth y Gwass in par Llantwit Vardre (plan included). Term: 1000 years to be completed from 31 May 1823 ( re first parcel of land) and 99 years to be completed from 29 September 1830 (re second part of land) 16 Jun 1836 |
D2570/4/10 Will (copy) of Whittock Nicholl of East Cowen, Isle of Wight, doctor of physic. If his only surviving child shall not reach the age of 21, equal shares of a third of the sum settled by his marriage settlement with Charlotte are to be bequeathed to his 2 sisters-in-law Mirella Hume and Caroline Dodges. If his son shall not reach the age of 21, he gives the freehold and copyhold property (conveyed to the trustees of the said marriage settlement) or the money arising from the sale of the said property to his sister-in-law, M. Hume. If his son shall not reach the age of 21, the interest arising from these properties shall be paid to his mother during the term of her life, and after her death to his sister-in-law M. Hume; and after her death to be divivded in equal shares between the 4 surviving children of Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam. He appoints Hely Hutchinson Richards and M. Hume to be joing guardians of this son during his minority. He gives an annuity of £100 to M. Hume. Various monetary bequests. Witnesses: Matilda Chapman, William Veale Hinnah, clerk and Nathaniel Roberts. 14 Dec 1836 |
D2570/5/11 Lease 1) John Bruce Pryce of Duffryn, Aberdare, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Llandaff House, co. Glam., esq., (mortgages for the term of 1000 years of land and hereditaments intended to be hereby demised). 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq., (owner of the reversion and equity of redemption of the said land & hereditaments subject to the said mortgage). 3) Edward Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., labourer. All that parcel of land or ground whereon the said Edward Morgan hath lately ereceted and built one messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings situated in par. Llantwit Vardre (329 sq yards) - except for all mines and minerals in or under the said hereditaments and premises, with liberty to search for and take away the same, paying to the said Edward Morgan compensation for any damage. Term: 99 years from 1 May 1837 Rent: £2 14s 10d and also Surrender 20 April 1866 1) John Leyshon of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam. 2) Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Landough Rectory, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: 5s Hereditaments and premises leased by the above mentioned indenture. 5 Dec 1838 |
D5270/5/12 Power of Attorney 1) Walter Rose of city of Torento in Upper Canada, esq. 2) Daniel Stoddart of 17 Charles Street, St. James' Square, co. Middx., army agent. Power of attorney to demand, accept, and receive from any person liable or entrusted to pay the sum of £400 assigned to John Wilson, and to represent him in all courts and before all ministers, judges and magistrates. (Attached: document in which Robert Buckham, public notary, certifies that Walter Rose duly delivered the said power of attorney for the purposes mentioned). 10 Feb 1840 |
D2570/5/13 Deed of Appointment Charlotte Rickards (wife of Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam.,) directs and appoints that after her decease the executors and trustees named in and appointed by the will (dated 10 March 1837) of Andrew Carrick (formerly of Clifton and late of Markwood House co. Glos.,) shall stand possessed of the several legacies of £6,000 and £1,500 in trust for her and her children. 9 Nov 1840 |
D2570/5/14 Discharge from the assignees and administrators of Col. George Hilllier deceased, in respect of the sum of £400 and interest secured to him by deed of 31 July 1833. Walter Rose of city of Torento, province of Canada,, esq., (by Daniel Studdart of Charles Street, St. James' Square, army agent his attorney) and Caroline Anne Hillier of South Crescent, Bedford Square, co. Middx., widow, acquit and discharge John Bruce Pryce, esq., and Rev. George Thomas, clerk, Richard Fowler Rickards, esq., and Charlotte his wife from the sum of £400 (comprised in an indenture of 31 July 1833) and interest, and also from all trusts contained in the said indenture. (Attached: 3 receipts recording payments by John Bruce Pryce and George Thomas 20-22 May 1841). 30 Jul 1841 |
D2570/5/15 Assignment of Lease 1) Edward Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., labourer. 2) William Morgan of same place, quarryman, and son of Edward Morgan. Consideration: £120 Parcel of land with messuage or dwelling house and buildings thereon erected, and all other premises demised by indenture of lease of 5 December 1838 situated near Taff Vale Railway Station at Newbridge. Term: residue of term of 99 years which began on 1 May 1813. 29 Dec 1841 |
D2570/5/16 Lease 1) John Bruce Pryce of Duffryn, near St. Nicholls, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Llandaff House, co.. Glam., esq., (mortgages for the term of 1000 years of lands and hereditaments intended to be hereby demised). 2) Richard Fowler Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq., (owner of the reversion and equity of redemption of the said lands and hereditaments subject to the said mortgage). 3) John Wood of Cwm, co., Camarthen. esq., clerk of the peace for co. Glam. All that parcel of land situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., (411 square yards) with full liberty to erect and build on the said parcel one or more buildings for the purposes of a station house for the accomodation and use of the County Constabulary Force of co. Glam., and the safe custody of premises (plan included). Term: 99 years. Rent: £3 8s 6d 5 Dec 1843 |
D5270/5/17 Assignment of Lease 1) William Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., quarryman. 2) Evan Thomas of Ton yr evil, par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., shopkeeper. 4 messuages or dwelling houses and premises situated near the Taff Vale railway station at Newbridge, par. Llantwit Vardre; and all other lands and premises comprised in an indenture of lease of 5 December 1838. Term: residue of term of 99 years which began on 1 May 1837. Rent: £2 14s 10d 21 Aug 1844 |
D5270/5/18 Lease (2 copies) 1) John Bruce Pryce of Duffryn Saint Nicholas, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Penlline Castle, co. Glam., esq (mortgages for the term of 1000 years of land and hereditaments intended to be hereby demised). 2) Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq., and Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Dynaspowis, co. Glam., clerk. 3) Jacob Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., stone cutter. All that parcel of land whereon the said Jacob Morgan hath lately built one messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings situated at Newbridge, par. Llantwit Vardre (1449 square yards) - except all mines, quarries and minerals in, upon or under the said hereditaments with liberty to search for and take away the same paying compensation for any damage. Term: 99 years from 1 May 1850. Rent: £9 4s 11d Enclosed: Memorandum of Agreement 22 November 1853 1) John Stuart Corbett of Cagan Pill, co. Glam., agent for Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, esq., and Rev. Hely Hutchinson Rickards of Dynas Powis, co. Glam., clerk. 2) Jacob Morgan of Pencoed, par. Llantrissent, co. Glam. Agreement to lease 2 pieces of ground situated at Penycoedcae, and to build on them. Term: 99 years from 1 May 1853. Rent: 2d per square yard. 16 Oct 1850 |
D2570/5/19 Mortage 1) Jacob Morgan of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., stonecutter. 2) Harriet Watkins of Liverpool Terrace, London, co. Middx., widow. Consideration: £100 All that parcel of land, messuage or dwelling house, and outbuildings situated at Newbridge, par. Llantwit Vardre (1449 square yards). Term: residue of term of 99 years from 1 May 1851. 6 Apr 1851 |
D2570/5/20 Lease 1) John Bruce Pryce of Duffryn St. Nicholas, co. Glam., esq., and John Homfray of Penlline Castle, col Glam., esq (mortgages for the term of 1000 years of the land and hereditaments intended to be hereby demised). 2) Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq., and Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Dynaspowis, co. Glam., clerk. 3) John Leyshon of par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., collier. All that parcel of land whereon John Leyshon hath lately built one messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings situated in Newbridge, par. Llantwit Vardre (101 square yards) - except for all mines, quarries and minerals in or under the said hereditaments with liberty to search for and take away the same paying to John Leyshon compensation for any damage (plan included). Term: 99 years from 1 May 1852 Rent: 162 10d and also: - Surrender 20 April 1866 1) John Leyshon 2) Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards Consideration: 5s Hereditaments and premises leased by the above indenture of 20 October 1852. 20 Oct 1852 |
D2570/5/21 Lease 1) Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq. 2) William Williams of Newbridge, co. Glam., tiler and plasterer. All that parcel of land situated at Newbridge, par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., together with 3 dwelling houses and premises thereon erected and built by William Williams (316 square yards) - except for all mines, quarries and minerals in and under the said parcel of land with liberty to search for and take away the same paying compensation for any damage (plan included). Term: 99 years from 1 November 1857 Rent: £2 12s 8d and also: - Surrender 20 April 1866 1) William Williams 2) Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Llandough Rectory, co. Glam., clerk. Consideration: 5s Hereditaments and premises leased by the above indenture of 19 January 1861. 29 Jan 1861 |
D2570/5/22 Assignment of Lease 1) Friswith Thomas of Tynbryn, par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., widow. (2) Evan Thomas of the same place, son of the said Friswith Thomas. (3) Thomas Thomas of Tonyreori, co. Glam., labourer. (4) John Leyshon of Pontypridd, co. Glam., shopkeeper. Consideration: £55 All that parcel of land, hereditaments and premises, and the 4 messuages or dwellings erected thereon - situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, co. Glam., (329 square yards) and demised in an indenture of lease of 5 December 1838. Term: residue of term of 99 years granted by indenture of 5 December 1838 10 Aug 1864 |
D2570/5/23 Marriage Settlement 1) Robert Hillier Rickards of Clifton, co. Glos., esq. 2) Robert Rickards of Clifton, esq. 3) Caroline Susan Richards of Clifton, widow. (4) Isabella Richards of Clifton, spinster. (5) Rev. John Thomas Cyril Stacey of Whitchurch, co. Glam., clerk, and Marcus Samuel Cam Rickards of Clifton, esq. I. Richards assigns unto J.T.C. Stacey and M.S.C. Rickards one equal fourth part or share to which the said I. Richards is entitled in reversion of and in the said sum of £4,000; and one equal fifth share in the net monies to arise from the sale of certain hereditaments (specified in an indenture dated 28 August 1864) in cos. Mon and Glam. and also:- Appointment 3 September 1872 1) Robert Rickards and Isabella his wife (formerly the above mentioned Isabella Richards, spinster. 2) John Thomas Cyril Stacey and Marcus Samuel Cam Rickards. 3) Andrew Knox Rickards surgeon to H.M. 7th Regiment of Dragon Guards, at present stationed in city of Norwich. Appointment of A.K. Rickards as a trustee in the place of the said J.T.C. Stacey for the purposes of the marriage settlement of 11 August 1865. 11 Aug 1865 |
D2570/5/24 Lease 1) Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Llandough Rectory, co. Glam., clerk. 2) John Leyshon of Pontypridd, co. Glam., grocer. All that parcel of land at Pontypridd (62 square yards) - except for all mines, minerals, quarries, stone and sand in and under the said parcel of land with liberty to search for and take away the same paying compensation for any damage. Term: 99 years from 1 May 1860 Rent: 10s 4d and also: surrender 20 April 1866 1) John Leyshon. 2) Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards. Consideration: 5s Hereditaments and premises leased by the above indenture of 1 October 1865 1 Oct 1865 |
D2570/5/25 Lease 1) The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Llandough Rectory, co. Glam., clerk. 2) James West of Pontypridd, co. Glam., railway pointsman. All that parcel of land situated at Pontypridd (766 square yards) - except for all mines, minerals, quarries, stone and sand in and under the said parcel of land with liberty to search for and take away the same, paying compensation for any damage (plan included). Term: 99 years form 1 November 1865 Rent: £4 15s 9d 6 Nov 1865 |
D2570/5/26 Conveyance 1) The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Llandough Rectory, co. Glam., clerk. 2) Ebenezer Williams of Pontypridd, co. Glam., brewer. Consideration: £14 All that parcel of land situated at Pontypridd (plan included) 1867 |
D2570/5/27 Release 1) Elizabeth Margaret Traherne of York House, Banham, co. Soms., widow. 2) John Popkin Traherne of Coytrahene, co. Glam., esq. 3) Rev, Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards of Llandough Rectory, near Cardiff, co. Glam., clerk. Hely Hutchinson is released from all accounts, claims and demands whatsoever in respect of the several hereditaments devised by the will (25 June 1853) of Morgan Popkin Traherne, and all other real and personal estate at any time comprised in or subject to the trusts of the said will and the income thereof. 23 Sep 1879 |
D2570/5/28 Conveyance 1) Robert Windsor Rickards of the Priory, Usk, esq. 2) Robert Rickards of the same place, esq. Consideration: £2,062 8d All that one equal moiety of and in the trust funds comprised in and subject to the trusts of the indenture of settlement dated 11 August 1865 (made on the marriage between Robert and Isabella Rickards) and the securities for the time being representing the same - to hold the said moiety and premises subject nevertheless to the respective life interests of Robert and Isabella Ricakrds. (Attached: copy of letters 5 september 1892 from Robert Rickards to his brothers Marcus and Andrew, and certificate of posting a registered postal packet). 29 Jul 1892 |
Title Deeds mainly concerning properties in Parish of Llantrisant, County of Glamorgan and various parishes in County Radnor |
D2570/6/1 Quitclaim 1) Rhys ap Rikards ap Morgan 2) Rethergh ap Gwillym Thomas Tenement of land situated in par. Merthyr Cynog, co. Brecon. 5 Oct 1538 |
D2570/6/2 Final Agreement 1) William Meiricke, plaintiff. 2) David Richard and Mary his wife, deforciants. 4 messuages, 3 curtiliages, 2 stables, 4 barns, 6 cowhouses, 4 gardens, 3 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture, 10 acres of wood, and 100 acres of furze and heath with appurtenances situated in Llantrissent. 30 Jul 1654 |
D2570/6/3 Articles of Agreement upon marriage of John Rickards with Elizabeth Price 1) John Rickards of Presteigne, co. Radnor, gent. 2) Elizabeth Price the elder late of Pilleth, co. Radnor. 3) Elizabeth Price late of Pilleth, spinster, daughter of the said Elizabeth Price the elder. Messuages, lands and tenements in pars. Old and New Radnor, Llanbister and Llanvihangel Rydithon, co. Radnor and in pas. Willey and Stapleton, co. Hereford. 12 Jan 1655 |
D2570/6/4 Feoffment to uses 1) David Richard of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent., and Marie his wife. 2) Meirick William of par. Llantrissent, gent. 3) Evan Morgan of par. Llantrissent, gent. Property as in Final Agreement of 30 July 1654 (D5270/6/2) Also a parcel of mountain, furze and heath ground with appurtenances situated in par. Ystradyfodwg, co. Glam., (approx 300a). 10 Aug 1655 |
D2570/6/5 Conveyance 1) David Richard of Llantrissent, co. Glam., gent. 2) William Thomas of Llantrissent, yeoman. Consideration: £135 All that tenement of land with appurtenances called Lleast Owen, and all messuages, houses, barns, buildings etc, situated in Llantrissent (20a). 17 November 1656 |
D2570/6/6 Will of William Thomas of Llantrissent, co. Glam. All his tenement of lands with appurtenances called Llest Owen situated in Llantrissent, to his brother Griffith Thomas, and his sister Jonnett Thomas. Various monetary bequests. Executors: G Thomas and J Thomas Witnesses: Richard Jenkins, Evan Richard, James Richard and Thomas Prichard. 15 May 1660 |
D2570/6/7 Discharge 1) Juan Lewis of Llantrissent, co. Glam., spinster. 2) Griffith Thomas and Jenett Thomas of Llantrissent, joint executors of last will and testament of William Thomas, their brother, late deceased. Juan Lewis has received from the said executors the sum of 20s and all other legacies bequeathed unto her by William Thomas, and therefore discharges them thereof. 12 Jun 1660 |
D2570/6/8 Marriage Settlement 1) John Rickards of the Batch, co. Radnor, gent. 2) Francis Rickards of Prestige, co. Radnor, gent.; Phillip Gough of the same place, gent.; Henry Harper of Gnebb, co. Hereford, gent.; and Phillip Tayler of Burchopp, co. Radnor, gent. Consideration: marriage to be solemnized between John Rickards and Bridgett Taylor (spinster, daughter and heir apparent of Peter Taylor of Evengeobb, co. Radnor, esq.). Capital messuages, tenements and lands etc. sitauted in pars. Old and New Radnor, Llanbister, Llanvihangel Rhydithon, and Presteigne, co. Radnor. 26 May 1662 |
D2570/6/9 Bond 1) John ap John of Llanbister, co. Radnor, yeoman. 2) Ricahrd Evans of Beguildy, co. Radnor, yeoman. £40 6 Nov 1666 |
D2570/6/10 Will of Peter Taylor of Evengeobb. co. Radnor, esq. To his grand-child Peter Rickards, son and heir apparent of John Rickards of Evengeobb, gent., and Bridgett his wife, all his lands and tenements with appurtenances in Burchopp, co. Radnor. various monetary bequests. Executor: John Rickards. 30 May 1668 |
D2570/6/11 Appointment 1) John Rickards of Evengeobb, co. Radnor, esq. 2) Thomas Harper of Almerley, co. Hereford, gent. Thomas Harper is granted the whole use and exercise of the office of undersheriff of co. Radnor, together with all fees, forfeitures of bonds, profits etc. during all that time that J. Rickards remains high sheriff of the said county. 25 Dec 1671 |
D2570/6/12 Will of Jennett Thomas of Llantrissent, widow. Various monetary bequests. Executors: her brother, Griffith Thomas Witnesses: Watkin Richard & Evan Richard 9 Aug 1673 |
D2570/6/13 Discharge 1) Thomas Richard of Lwyn-iwrch 2) Griffith Thomas of Llantrissent, executor of last will and testament of Jenett Thomas. T. Richard acknowledges receipt of £8 bequeathed to him and his children by the last will and testament of J. Thomas and discharges G. Thomas from the said sum. 1 Nov 1673 |
D2570/6/14 Discharge 1) Jenkin Evan of Ystradyvodwg, co. Glam., yeoman. 2) Hopkin Lewis of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman, executor of last will and testament of Griffith Thomas. J. Evan acknowledges reciept of 20s bequeathed to his wife Mary by last will and testament of G. Thomas, and discharges H. Lewis from the said sum. 11 Jan 1678 |
D2570/6/15 Bond 1) Evan Anthony of St. Brides Minor, co. Glam., tailor, and John Anthony of Coity, co. Glam., yeoman. 2) Hopkin Lewis of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. £4 20 Jan 1678 |
D2570/6/16 Quitclaim 1) Evan Thomas of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. 2) Morgan Lewis and Hopkin Lewis, both of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. Consideration: £40 All that tenement of lands with appurtenances called Lleast Owen situated in par. Llantrissent (20a). 15 Apr 1681 |
D2570/6/17 Bond 1) Morgan Lewis and Hopkin Lewis, both of par. Llantrissent, yeoman. 2) Evan Edward of the same place. £200 16 Apr 1681 |
D2570/6/18 Marriage Settlement 1) Bridget Rickards of Evenjobb, par. Old Radnor, co. Radnor, widow, relict and executrix of John Rickards, esq., deceased, (sole daughter and heir of Peter Taylor, esq. deceased, who was son and heir of Phillip Taylor, gent., deceased); and Peter Rickards of evengobb, esq. (son & heir apparent of the said Bridget). 2) Francis Bridges of city of Hereford, esq.; Thomas Church of the same city, dyer; and George Green of city of Hereford, apothecary, Henry Vaughan of Old Kington, co. Hereford, gent.; and Henry Harper of the Quebb, co. Hereford, gent. 3) Theodosia Boulcot, spinster, eldest daughter of Roger Boulcot late of city of Hereford, deceased. Messuages, tenements, farms with appurtenances situated in parishes of Old and New Radnor, co. Radnor. 8 Jul 1698 |
D2570/6/19 Bond 1) Lewis William of Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman and William Thomas of the same place, yeoman, and Evan William of the same place, yeoman. 2) Jenett Hopkin of Ystradyvoduck, co. Glam., spinster. £20 8 May 1701 |
D2570/6/20 Quitclaim 1) John Williams of par. St. Fagans, co. Glam., yeoman. 2) Lewis Hopkins of par. Llantrissent, co. Glam., yeoman. Consideration: £18 All manner of actions, causes of actions & suits, bills, bonds, writings, accounts, debts etc which the said John Williams ever had or may have to, for or against the said Lewis Hopkins. 22 Aug 1701 |
D2570/6/21 Lease 1) John Rickards of Cliffords Inn, London, gent. 2) William Price of Ludlow, co. Salop., gent. Consideration: 5s All that messuage and tenement called the Bryn Cough with lands and appurtenances in par. Llanvihangel Nant Mellan, co. Radnor; and also all that other messuage and tenement with buildings, lands, hereditaments and appurtenances situated in par. Pembridge, co. Hereford. Term: 1 year 1 Sep 1710 |
D2570/6/22 Will (draft) of Margaret Nicholl, wife of Whitlock Nicholl, M.D., of par. St. James, Westminster. various monetary bequests. Residue of her estate, property and effects, to her husband Whitlock Nicholl Executor: her husband Witnesses: Francis Knight of Saville Row, London and Thomas Estcott, servant to the said F. Knight. 21 Jan 1828 |
D2570/6/23 Marriage Settlement (draft) 1) Andrew Knox of Prehen, city of Londonderry, esq. 2) Caroline Knox of Prehen, spinster (a daughter of the said A. Knox) 3) Robert Hillier Rickards of Llantrissent, co. Glam., esq. 4) Rev. Charles Galway of Moville, co. Donegal, clerk and William Knox of Prehen, gent. Consideration: 10s, and intended marriage of Robert H. Rickards and Caroline Knox. Sum of £410 5s 1d (part of a sum of £4,000, charged on certain lands mentioned in deed of settlement of 12 June 1790 made on marriage of Andrew Knox with Mary McCausland) is assigned to Rev. C. Galway and W. Knox upon trust. no date |
D2570/6/24 Abstracts of Deeds in the possession of Robert Rickards, esq., F.S.A., of the Priory, Usk, relating to the Rickards of Evenjobb, and elsewhere (20 April 1618 - 17 December 1772). no date |
D2570/6/25 Will (2 draft copies) of Dr Carrick. Sum of £6,000 in trust for Mrs. Charlotte Rickards (wife of Richard Fowler Rickards, esq., only surviving sister of his late wife Elizabeth), and the books which belonged to his wife.), To his niece Maria Theresa Rickards (now Mrs. Armstrong), plate. Various monetary bequests. no date |
Financial Records |
D2570/7/1 Receipt of Bridget Rickards, widow, and Peter Rickards, her son, for the marriage portion of Peter's wife Theodosia 7 Nov 1698 |
D2570/7/2 Sale particulars of estates of the late Thomas Edwards, situated in cos. Glam., Mon., Soms., and Dev.; and reports concerning purchase of part of the estates by Richard Fowler Rickards. 1802 |
D2570/7/3 Receipt recording payment of £10.00 by Miss Rickards, executrix to the late The Rev. Robert Rickards. 15 Feb 1811 |
D2570/7/4 National Provincial Bank account book of J. Pryce, The Rev. George Thomas and Edward Rickard 1839-1841 |
D2570/7/5 Booklet recording details of lands and houses in par. Llantrissent for sale in lots. 1850 |
D2570/7/6 Financial accounts and receipts etc. mainly of Robert Hillier Rickards (together with plan of ground purchased from the representatives of the late Richard Fowler Rickards) (approx 29 items) 1851-1870 |
D2570/7/7 Account book of sale of property held under lease of Newbridge, and deposit money paid thereon. 1852-1853 |
D2570/7/8 Miscellaneous accounts 1862-1882 |
D2570/7/9 Financial accounts of The Rev. Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards and E.C. Spickett. 1866 |
D2570/7/10 Financial account of Messrs. Thomas with Rev. H.H. Keating Rickards. 1868 |
D2570/7/11 Financial account: Messrs. O' Donoghue Rickards' charges with reference to a transfer of a mortgage of property, belonging to Thomas Lougher, to the trustees of Mr and Mrs Douglas' marriage settlement. 1868 |
D2570/7/12 Financial account re: transfer of Thomas Lougher's mortgage of property in par. Wenvoe from Rev. H.H. Keating Rickards' trustees to Mr and Mrs Douglas' trustees. 1868 |
D2570/7/13 Residuary account of Robert H. Rickards (attached: copy of valuation of household furniture, wines and liquors). 1875 |
D2570/7/14 Executorship account of Miss Selena Catherine Frances Bennet 1881-1882 |
D2570/7/15 Orders by Bishop of Llandaff re: sum of money due for repairs to benefice of Michaelstone-le-pit and Llandough with Leckwith (together with reports concerning dilapidations of the 2 benefices, and accompanying correspondence). 1882 |
D2570/7/16 Valuation of specific legacies under will of the late Mrs. Caroline Rickards of Clifton (together with list of various articles, plate, pictures etc. belonging to the estate of Mrs. C. Rickards which are likely to be retained by members of the family). 17 Jun 1885 |
D2570/7/17 Issue of 4 1/2% perpetual debenture stock of the Gordon Hotels Ltd. 1900 |
D2570/7/18 List of investments comprising trust funds, to which Mr. A. Knox Rickards is entitled, subject only to life interests of Mrs. Hilary Jenkinson; and a list of investments standing in the name of the trustees at March 1943. Mar 1943 |
D2570/7/19 Statement showing net amount payable to the legatees under will of Rev. H.H. Keating Rickards, after allowing interest and deducting duty. no date |
D2570/7/20 Valuation of the Tydraw, Gellydraws, Cwmfrwd, Rhydllech and Brynburbish Farms, belonging to Robert H. Rickards and Rev. H.H. Keating Rickards. no date |
Correspondence |
D2570/8/1 Letters mainly sent to E.P. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. Andrew Carrick of Clifton, Martha Hillier of Devizes, Harriet Hillier of Bath, Thomas Wyatt of Melksham, and Reginal Stewart Boddington of Pall Mall) re financial matters, family history, family affairs etc. (approx. 24 hours). 1765-1886 |
D2570/8/2 Letters sent to Robert Rickards mainly by his nephew John P. Traherne of Mandal, Norway, Morgan Jones of Neath and James Kempthorne of Neath, largely concerning Pwllcarn Farm and a boundary dispute which is to be referred to arbitration (approx. 40 items). 1848-1873 |
D2570/8/3 Letters sent to Robert Rickards mainly by his nephew Marcus Rickards, Robert Mease of Dublin, and Charles Luards of Cardiff re trust, mortgage and other financial matters (approx. 40 items) (incl. some misc. items suchs as extracts from the registry of the Consistory Court of Llandaff c.. 1864; statement of purport of deeds intended to be executed by Mr. and Mrs. Rickards 1869). 1857-1881 |
D2570/8/4 Correspondence of R. Drane of Cardiff with R. Rickards re: literary, antiquarian, cultural matters etc. (26 items) 1884-1913 |
D2570/8/5 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. John Lawrence of Caerleon; Arthur Waldron of Cardiff; Wyndham Fitzherbert of Chepstow; Llewellyn Saunderson of Kingstown, co. Dublin; Lilan Jones of Guildford) re: family matters, health, finance, letter of thanks etc. (approx 23 items) 1886-1917 |
D2570/8/6 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. Blosse and A. Waldron, solicitors of Cardiff; L.P. Traherne of Romsey, Hants and London; Field & Sons, solicitors of Leamington; H.Evans and Co., stock and shareholders of London; Edwards & le Brasseur, solicitors of Pontypool and Newport; C.H. Galway of Merrion, his sister, and C.Douglas of Edinburgh, his cousin) re: payment of legacies, purchase of shares and other financial matters etc. (approx. 80 items). 1889-1890 |
D2570/8/7 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. Blosse and A. Waldron, solicitors of Cardiff, Iltyd Nicholl of London; J.B.Churchill, solicitor of the Strand; Mr. Mitchell of Llanfrechfa Grange; J.A. Bradney of Talycoed, Monmouth) re: genealogical and historical matters, and financial affairs etc. (approx. 50 items). 1891-1923 |
D2570/8/8 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. J.W. Rickards of Dixton Vicarage; Arthur C. Jenings of Kings Stanley Rectory, co. Glos.; Marcus Rickards of Twigworth Vicarage, co. Glos., brother of R. Rickards; Evan John of Llantrissent, co. Glam.; A.B. Dickinson of Old Radnor Vicarage, Kingston, Herefordshire; J.A. Bradney of Talycoed, Monmouth; C. Grey of Kingston; H.L. Kewley of the Rectory, Presteigne,, Radnorshire; Arthur Rickards of Old Broad Street, London, cousin of R. Rickards; and James W. Lloyd of Kingston) re: family history of the Rickards (54 items). 1899-1903 |
D2570/8/9 Correspondence of George M. Parsons of St. Crantock Vicarage, Newquay, Cornwall, with R. Rickards mainly re: history and architecture of his church (7 items). 1902-1912 |
D2570/8/10 Correspondence of J.A. Bradney of Talycoed, Monmouth, with R. Rickards re: historical and genealogical matters (15 items). 1902-1914 |
D2570/8/11 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. James W. Lloyd of Kingston, Herefordshire; Arthur Rickards of Old Broad Street, London, cousin of R. Rickards; Marcus Rickards of Twigworth Vicarage, co. Glos., brother of R. Rickards; J.A. Bradney of Talycoed, Monmouth; H.L.Kewley of the Rectory, Presteigne, Radnorshire; T.M. Joseph Watkins of H.M. COllege of Arms; A. Baskerville Mynors of the Rectory, Langley Burrell, Chippenham; C.H. Mayo of Long Burton Vicarage, Sherbourne) re family history of the Rickards (59 items) 1904 |
D2570/8/12 Correspondence mainly of J. Rees of Ealing with R. Rickards re: the Rickards family (6 items). 1904 |
D2570/8/13 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. C.H. Mayo; Arthur Ricakrds; J.A. Bradney; C. Arnold of Hereford; Evan John of Llantrissent; James W. Lloyd; Mary P. Carew of the Callow, Monmouth) re: family history of the Rickards (48 items). 1905-1907 |
D2570/8/14 Correspondence between R. Rickards, James Inskip and Son, solicitors of Bristol, and Rickards and Blosse, land and mining agents, surveyors of Cardiff, re: sale of wayleave by R. Rickards to the Great Western Colliery Co. (incl. accompanying papers such as accounts and plans) (approx. 28 items). 1906 |
D2570/8/15 Correspondence of Edward Rickards of Brighton with R. Rickards mainly re family history of the Rickards (21 items). 1908 - 1916 |
D2570/8/16 Letters sent to R. Rickards by various correspondents (incl. C.H. Mayo; T. Rees of West Ealing; A. Baskerville Mynors; M.P. Carew; Edward Rickards; J.A. Bradney; Charles Hobhouse of Bradford on Avon, co. Wilts.) re: family history of the Rickards (approx. 50 items) 1908-1927 |
D2570/8/17 Correspondence of Arthur Rickards of Acton re: family history (16 items) 1909-1914 |
D2570/8/18 Correspondence of Mr. Kane of Monaghan, co. Kent, with R. Rickards re: arrangements to meet, health matters, death duties etc. (5 items) 1911-1913 |
D2570/8/19 Correspondence of W. Conybeare Bruce of Rogiet Rectory, Newport, with R. Rickards re: arrangements to meet, family history etc. (13 items). 1913-1918 |
Ordinations, Institutions and mandates etc |
D2570/9/1 Institution of Edward Windsor Richards to the rectory of the parish church of St. Andrews, co. Glam. 1828 |
D2570/9/2 Ordination of Hely Hutchinson Keating Rickards as a deacon 10 Apr 1836 |
D2570/9/3 Ordination of H.H. Keating Rickards as a priest 8 Oct 1837 |
D2570/9/4 Institution of H.H. Keating Rickards to the rectory of Michaelston-le-pit, co. Glam. 2 May 1839 |
D2570/9/5 Mandate by The Rev. Thomas Stacey, clerk, vicar of Kelligare and curate of Cardiff, to induct H.H. Keating Rickards to the rectory and parish church of Michaelston-le-pit, co. Glam. 2 May 1839 |
D2570/9/6 Declaration by H.H. Keating Rickards that he will conform to the liturgy of the United Church of England and Ireland 2 May 1839 |
D2570/9/7 Subscription: H.H. Keating Rickards has subscribed to the 39 Articles fo the Church of England, and sworn to be faithful to Queen Victoria etc. 2 May 1839 |
D2570/9/8 Memorandum recording that H.H. Keating Rickards has assented to the 39 Articles and to the Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments 2 May 1839 |
D2570/9/9 Dispendation to enable H.H. Keating Rickards to hold the rectory of Michaelston-le-pit with the rectory of Llandough with Cogan and Leckwith 6 Mar 1863 |
D2570/9/10 Institution of H.H. Keating Rickards to the rectory of Llandough with Cogan and Leckwith 16 Mar 1863 |
D2570/9/11 Mandate for induction: Alfred Lord Bishop of Llandaff instructs that H.H. Keating Rickards is inducted to the rectory and parish chuch of Llandough with Cogan and Leckwith 16 Mar 1863 |
D2570/9/12 Declaration by H.H. Keating Rickards that he will conform to the liturgy of the United Church of England and Ireland 16 Mar 1863 |
D2570/9/13 Certificate of subscription: H.H. Keating Rickards subscribes to the 39 Articles etc. 16 Mar 1863 |
D2570/9/14 Memorandum recording that H.H. Keating Rickards has consented to the 39 Articles and will conform to the liturgy of the United Church of England and Ireland 22 Mar 1863 |
Appointments |
D2570/10/1 Appointment of William Richards as Adjutant to the Eleventh Regiment of Dragoons 28 Jul 1779 |
D2570/10/2 Appointment of Thomas William Richards as Consul at Nantes, and all other ports and places in the department of the Lower Loire (and an accompanying document issued in French 1 October 1816) 2 Sep 1816 |
D2570/10/3 Appointment of Thomas Congreve Robe as Captain in the Royal Regiment of Artillery 4 Apr 1843 |
D2570/10/4 Appointment of William Powell Richards as Second Lieutenant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery 1 Oct 1847 |
D2570/10/5 Appointment of W.P. Richards as First Lieutenant in the Royal Regiment of Artillery 30 Jun 1848 |
D2570/10/6 Appointment of W.P. Richards as Second Captain in the Royal Regiment of Artillery 6 Jan 1855 |
D2570/10/7 Appointment of W.P. Richards as Major in the Army 10 Jun 1856 |
D2570/10/8 Appointment of W.P. Richards as Captain of a Battery in the Royal Regiment of Artillery 8 Jun 1862 |
D2570/10/9 Appointment of W.P. Bennet as Lieutenant Colonel in the Army 4 Mar 1868 |
D2570/10/10 Fragments of commissions and appointments Commission of Richard Smith, gent, as Ensign in Volunteer Artillery October 1803 Commission of Richard Fowler Rickards as Captain of a Company in the Infantry 25 October 1803 Appointment of Robert Rickards as Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Glamorgan 23 November 1803 Commission of Richard Fowler Rickards as Major Commandant in the Eastern Glamorgan Corps of Yeomantry Cavalry 19 March 1828 Commission of Thomas in Royal Regiment of Artillery 1803-1828 |
D2570/11 Apprenticeship Records |
Indentures |
D2570/11/1 Indenture of Apprenticeship 1) A.K. Richards, son of Robert H. Rickards of Belle Vue, par. Clifton, co. Bristol, esq. 2) The said Robert H. Rickards. 3) John Cach Nield, co. Bristol, surgeon & apothecary. Consideration: £99 10s To train as a surgeon and apothecary for a term of 5 years. 13 Aug 1850 |
D2570/11/2 Indenture of Apprenticeship 1) Richard Rickards, son of Robert Hillier Rickards of Belle Vue, par. Clifton, co. Bristol, esq. 2) The said Robert Hillier Rickards. 3) Edward Horatio Walker Swete of 1 Dowry Parade, Clifton, surgeon & apothecary. Consideration: £99 10s To train as a surgeon and apothecary for a term of 5 years (Attached: a letter from Augustin Prichard to R.H. Rickards in which he agrees to take on R. H. Rickard's son as an apprentice 19 June 1854) 8 Nov 1852 |
D2570/11/3 Assignment of Apprenticeship (2 copies) 1) Edward Horatio Walker Swete of 1 Dowry Parade, par. Clifton, co. Bristol, surgeon and apothecary. 2) Robert Hillier Rickards of Belle Vue, par. Clifton, esq., and Richard Rickards, son of the said Robert Hillier Rickards. 3) Augustin Prichard of Chesterfield Place, par. Clifton, surgeon and apothecary. Assignment of apprenticeship of Richard Rickards (who has been apprenticesd to E.H.W. Swete by an indenture of 8 November 1852) for residue of 5 years from 5 November 1852. (Attached: letter from E.H.W. Swete to R.H. Rickards explaining that has has to leave Bristol and will be unable to continue to train his son as a surgeon 6 June 1853). 26 Jun 1854 |
D2570/11/4 Indenture of Apprenticeship (copy) 1) Robert Rickards, son of Robert Hillier Rickards of city of Bristol, gent. 2) Charles Hill of city of Bristol, shipbuilder, and Anne his wife. To train as a shipbuilder for a term of 7 years. £499 25 Apr 1857 |
D2570/11/5 Application by Richard Rickards to be a surgeon in the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. no date |
D2570/11/6 Letter from Charles Hill to Robert Rickard re whether he wishes to continue his apprenticeship as a shipbuilder or pursue an alternative career (including a list of his duteies as an apprentice) 24 September 1858 |
D2570/11/7 Document authorising Robert Hillier Rickards to sell certain farms and property. 25 Aug 1859 |
D2570/12 Papers concerning Lieutenant Colonel Edward Lynch Blosse of Milverton, County of Warwick |
D2570/12/1 Will of Lt. Col. E. Lynch Blosse To his wife Eularia, all jewellery, trinklets and ornaments; wines, spirits and consumable stores; and a legacy of £1,000. To his wife and his friend, Robert Rickards of Cardiff, all plate and plated articles upon trust; his freehold house called Gabalva situated in Milverton in which he now resides, and all other real estate; and also all his furniture, linen, household effects, monies, securities and other personal estate. To his nephew and godson, Edward Lynch Blosse, a legacy of £50. To his wife's niece, Mrs JAmes Hunter Rodwell, a legacy of £10. Witnesses: J. Field, solicitor of Leamington, and Joseph Wilcox, clerk to Messrs. Field and Son, solicitors of Leamington 15 Nov 1881 |
D2570/12/2 Financial account: Sir Charles McGregor and Sons in account with trustees of Lt. Col. E. Lynch Blosse 1890 |
D2570/12/3 Correspondence addressed to Robert Rickards from Field and Sons, solicitors of Leamington, mainly concerning settlement of the estate of Lt. Col. Lynch Blosse (27 items). 1890-1908 |
D2570/12/4 Correspondence addressed to Robert Rickards from eularia Lunch Blosse mainly concerning settlement of the estate of her husband (31 items). 1891-1899 |
D2570/12/5 Copy opinion re: Rickards 29 Jul 1892 |
D2570/12/6 Copy counsels opinion re: Lt. Col. Lunch Blosse 28 Feb 1898 |
D2570/12/7 Notice to trustees of will of Lt. Col. Lynch Blosse of an assignment of one moiety of the tesator's residuary estate (trustees: Eularia Lynch Blosse and Robert Rickards) 1898 |
D2570/12/8 Originating summons (copy): case in the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division) between Robert Rickards, plaintiff, and Eularia Lunch Blosse, widow, the Norwich Union Life Insurance Co. and Louis Fedman, defendants, re: estate of Lt. Col. Lynch Blosse. 1908 |
D2570/12/9 Accounts of sales and re-investments of the trust estate of Lt. Col. Lynch Blosse July - August and July - October (2 items) 1899 |
D2570/12/10 Copy judgement re: Copy judgement re: case in High Court of Justice (Chancery Division) Lynch Blosse Rickards v Lynch Blosse. case in High Court of Justice (Chancery Division) Lynch Blosse Rickards v Lynch Blosse. 1899 |
D2570/12/11 Executors account 1913-1914 |
D2570/12/12 Correspondence addressed to Robert Rickards from Field and Sons, solicitors of Leamington, mainly re: settlement of the estate of Lt. Col. Lynch Blosse (48 items). 1913-1914 |
D2570/12/13 Particulars of the estate of Lt. Col. Lynch Blosse no date |
Plans |
D2570/13/1 Plan of land situated in par. Llantwit Vardre, taken upon lease by Michael Longridge of R.F. Rickards c.1830 |
D2570/13/2 Plan of lands called Coed Cae Chwarrel and Coed Cae du in par. Llantrissent - property of R.F. Rickards no date |
D2570/13/3 Part of plan concerning conveyance involving Ebenezer Williams no date |
D2570/13/4 Plan showing location of Cryg y storehouse of The Rev. H.H. Keating Rickards etc. no date |
D2570/13/5 Plan of plots of lands in [?par. Llantrissent] no date |
D2570/14 Papers concerning family history of the Rickards and various miscellaneous papers |
D2570/14/1 Minute book of Llantrissent turnpike trust 1812-1815 |
D2570/14/2 Extract from confirmed tithe apportionment of par. Llantrissent, referring to property Richard Fowler Rickards. 1852 |
D2570/14/3 Booklet: "Treago and the Large Tumulus at St. Weonards" by T. Wright. 1855 |
D2570/14/4 List of rules to be observed in the reading-room of the British Museum 1899 |
D2570/14/5 Booklet: "Rickards of Evenjobb and his descendants - A Family History" (printed for private circulation) 1905 |
D2570/14/6 Booklet: "In Memoriam - Capt. A.T. Rickards, RGA, RFC" 1917 |
D2570/14/7 Book of handwritten notes concerning family history of the Rickards no date |
D2570/14/8 Booklets of typed and handwritten notes concerning family history of the Rickards (2 items) no date |
D2570/14/9 Collection of pedigrees of the Rickards, and notes about their family history no date |
D2570/14/10 Collection of papers concerning family history of the Rickards, including dates of births, copies of burial entries etc. no date |
D2570/14/11 Inventory: "A true and exact inventory of the goods, cattle and chattels of William Thomas of Llantrissent, late deceased." no date |
D2570/14/12 Tithe apportionment of par. Llantwit Vardre no date |
D2570/14/13 Tithe apportionment of par. Llantrissent recording property owned by Richard Fowler Rickards (together with some correspondence, and schedule of plots of land). no date |
D2570/14/14 Miscellaneous envelopes, labels and seals, and book plates with the coat of arms of Robert Rickards of Usk, Priory, 1904 1904 |
D2570/14/15 Fragment of an indenture (Assignment of Lease) re land at Groes Wen in the parish of Eglwysilan in the county of Glamorgan, with a Society or Meeting House for the public worship of God, or for use as a School. Parties include Thomas Evan, Thomas Price, Evan Thomas, Edmund Lloyd, Evan William, William Lewis, Evan Thomas, Henry Harris and William Edward. |