Gwent Archives

Title deeds relating to the parish of Skenfrith.
Table of Contents
- Summary Information
- Biographical/Historical note
- Scope and Contents note
- Administrative Information
- Collection Inventory
- Advowson of Parish Church of Skenfrith
- Manor of Blackbrook
- Lower Dock
- Little Wern or Glory Hole
- Brook House or Nantthee Farm, and Tyr Mayre
- Nantareath or Oxbrook Farm
- Miscellaneous Properties
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- The parish of Skenfrith.
- Title
- Title deeds relating to the parish of Skenfrith.
- ID
- GB0218.D2833
- Date
- 1696-1906
- Extent
- 0.045 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
- Language of Materials note
- Eng
Biographical/Historical note
The parish of Skenfrith is situated in north west Monmouthshire, eight and a half miles from Monmouth. The advowson of the church was in the gift of the Bishop of Monmouth. Blackbrooke house was the residence of the lord of the manor.
Scope and Contents note
Title deeds relating to: the advowson of Skenfrith parish church, 1783-1854 (14); the manor of Blackbrook 1840 -1906 (6); Lower Dock ,1689-1706 (4); Little Wern or Glory Hole 1860 (1), 1876 (5); Brook House or Nantthe Farm, 1795-1873 (13); Nantreath or Oxbrook Farm (20); miscellaneous properties, 1693-1879 (24).
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
There are no retrictions on access.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
None expected
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
W.T. Jones, W. Sussex
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Collection Inventory
D2833/1-9 Advowson of Parish Church of Skenfrith 18th century-19th century |
D2833/1 Grant 1. William Cecil late of Duffrin, but now of Llanover, gent., eldest son and heir of Walwyn Cecil late of Llanover, clerk, dec'd., by Mary his wife (also dec'd., daughter of Samuel Walbcoffe, gent., dec'd). 2. Philip Hastings Cecil of Hillstone, co. Mon., clerk, younger brother of the said William Cecil. Consideration: £300 All the advowson of the rectory or parsonage church of Skenfrith. 24 Jun 1783 |
D2833/2 Grant 1. Philip Hastings Cecil, rector or vicar of par. Skenfrith, and his wife. 2. Thomas Stokes of Monmouth, gent. Consideration: £656 All the Advowson of the parish church of Skenfrith, and also all houses, buildings, glebe lands, tithes and hereditaments etc. 2 Feb 1790 |
D2833/3 Lease 1. The Rev. Phillip Hastings Cecil, clerk, rector or vicar of parish church of Skenfrith. 2. Thomas Stokes of town of Monmouth, gent. All those tithes of corn, grain, hay, clover etc. payable within par. Skenfrith or any of the fields, woods, territories belonging to Phillip Hastings Cecil as rector of par. church of Skenfrith. Term: 21 years from 25 Dec 1789 Rent: £60. p.a. 2 Feb 1790 |
D2833/4 Assignment 1. Thomas Stokes of town of Chepstow, gent., and Barbara his wife. 2. Alexander Jones of Usk, gent. Consideration: 10s. All the advowson of the parish church of Skenfrith, and all the tithes and glebe lands in par. Skenfrith. Term: residue of term of 21 years (starting from 5 Eecember 1790) 11 Jan 1810 |
D2833/5 Grant 1. Alexandra Jones of Usk, gent. 2. Thomas Stokes late of town of Chepstow, but now of Caerwent, gent., and Barbara his wife. 3. The Rev. Philip Hastings Cecil, clerk, rector of Skenfrith, and Mary his wife. 4. John Briggs of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, esq. Consideration: £1, 050. All the advowson of the parish church of Skenfrith, together with the parsonage house, outbuildings and appurtenances, and tithes and glebe lands. 8 Oct 1810 |
D2833/6 Final Agreement 1. Alexander Jones, plaintiff. 2. Thomas Stokes and Barbara his wife, deforciants. The advowson of the church of Skenfrith. £200. 2 May 1813 |
D2833/7 Grant and Assignment 1. John Brigges of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, esq. 2. George Buckles of town of Chepstow; Robert Thompson of par. Tintern, and James Proctor of town of Chepstow, bankers and co-partners. 3. Alexander Jones of town of Usk, gent. Consideration: £300, £200 (residue of a sum of £800) and 10s. The advowson of the parish church of Skenfrith, together with parsonage house and outbuildings. Term: 99 years. All tithes and glebe lands situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: residue of term of 21 years. 3 Jun 1813 |
D2833/8 Mortgage 1. Sir John Briggs of Blackbrook House, par. Skenfrith, baronet. 2. Benjamin Pugh of Russell Square, co. Mddx., gent. Consideration: £400 All the advowson of the parish church of Skenfrith together with parsonage house and outbuildings. Term: 1000 years All tithes. Term: residue of term of 21 years (created by indenture of 6 April 1810). Enclosed: marriage bond of 25 Feb 1819 between the above parties for £800. 25 Feb 1819 |
D2833/9 Agreement 1. Sir John Briggs of Blackbrook House. 2. Benjamin Pugh of Russell Square, gent. The rectory and tithes of Skenfrith are to remain and be a security for the sum of £200 and the further sum of £400. 29 Mar 1820 |
D2833/10 Covenant and Release 1. The Rev. Charles Cay of par. St. Pancra, co. Mddx., clerk. 2. Sir John Brigges late of Blackbrook, co. Mon., but now residing in island of Guernsey, baronet. Release from the contract or agreement for the purchase of the advowson, vicarage, livings and parish church of Skenfrith. 26 Jun 1827 |
D2833/11-12 Grant and Release 1. Sir John Brigges late of Blackbrook House, par. Skenfrith, but now if the island of Guernsey, baronet. 2. Sarah Pugh of Epsom, co. Surrey, widow. Consideration: £270. All the advowson or perpetual right of patronage of the parish church of Skenfrith, and all premises and appurtenances. (2 copies) 21 Aug 1830 |
D2833/13 Conveyance 1. Sarah Pugh of Bernard Street, Russell Square, co. Mddx., widow. 2. The Rev. Peter Henry De Lom of Millington Vicarage, co. York, clerk. Consideration: £1500. All that rectory, advowson and perpetual right of patronage of, in and to the rectory of parish church of Skenfrith, together with parsonage house, outbuildings, glebe lands, tithes of corn, grain, hay and wood. Secondly, 2 parcels of land (12a. 2r. 12p. and 5a. 1r. 27p) now united into 1 parcel called Cae Graig: and also all that parcel of arable land called Ten Acres (7a. 3r.), and also all that parcel of arable land called Hill Field (8a. 2r. 30p.); and also all that parcel of woodland called Upper Wood (4a.) 20p.); and also all that parcel of pasture land adjoining the said wood (1a.) and also all that other parcel of pasture land (1a.). all which said parcels of land are situate in par. Skenfrith. 13 Oct 1852 |
D2833/14 Conveyance 1. The Rev. Henry De Lom of Skenfrith, clerk. 2. Sarah Pugh of Southborough, co. Kent, widow. 3. George Speke of city of Bath, esq. 4. George Frederick Speke of Middle Temple, London, esq., barrister-at-law. Consideration: £700. The advowson of the parish church at Skenfrith, together with the parsonage house and outbuildings; all tithes and rent charges; several parcels of land situated in par. Skenfrith. 25 Nov 1854 |
D2833/15-20 Manor of Blackbrook 19th century-20th century |
D2833/15 Lease 1. Rht. Rev. Charles Lord Bishop of Kildare; Sir John Brigges late of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, but now of the island of Guernsey, baronet; Joseph Smallwood of Dale End, Birmingham, co. Warwick, wine merchant; John Smallwood of the same place, winer merchant; Rev. Joseph Gedge of Humberstone, co. Lincoln, clerk; Charles Pugh of Kings Road, Grays Inn, co. Mddx., esq.; and Edward Barker late of Blackbrook, but now of the island of Guernsey, esq. 2. John Crawfurd of Wilton Crescent, co. Mddx., esq. Consideration: 5s. All the manor of Blackbrook; all the capital messuage called Blackbrook, and messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments etc. situate in par. Skenfrith. Term: 1 year together with: Conveyance and Assignment - 30 April 1840771. 1. Hon. and Rht. Rev. Charles Lord Bishop of Kildare. 2. Sir John Brigges late of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, but now of the island of Guernsey, baronet. 3. Joseph Smallwood of Dale End, Birmingham, co. Warwick, wine merchant, and John Smallwood of the same place, wine merchant. 4. George Augustus Scudamore of Tor, co. Devon, esq. 5. Rev. Joseph Gedge of Humberstone, co. Lincoln, clerk, and Charles Pugh of Kings Road, Grays Inn, co. Mddx., esq. 6. Edward Barker late of Blackbrook aforesaid, but now of island of Guernsey, esq. 7. John Crawfurd of Wilton Crescent, co. Mddx., esq. 8. Jonathan Brundrett of the Inner Temple, London, gent. 9. Thomas Cowper Brown of the Inner Temple, gent. Consideration: £10,000. Properties as in lease of 29 April 1840 (D2833/14) - Plan included. Terms: remainder of terms of 500, 1000 and 1000 years. 29 Apr 1840 |
D2833/16 Lease/Mortage 1. John Crawford of Wilton Crescent, co. Mddx., esq. 2. Thomas Bentley of the Great Hermitage, near Rochester, co. Kent, esq., and John Scott of New Board Street, city of London, surgeon. Consideration: 5s/£5, 857 13s. All the manor of Blackbrook; and also all that capital messuage called Blackbrook; and messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments etc. situated in the par. Skenfrith. Term: 1 year 1/2 May 1840 |
D2833/17 Mortgage 1. John Crawford of Blackbrook, esq. 2. Richard Leathese Baker of Walton Place, Chelsea, co. Mddx., gent. Consideration: £1000. All the manor of Blackbrook; and also all that capital mesuage called Blackbrook; and also messuages, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments etc. situated in par. Skenfrith. 29 Sep 1846 |
D2833/17 Release 1. Richard Crawfurd of Blackbrook, esq. 2. Richard Leathes Baker of Walton Place, Chelsea, co. Mddx., gent. Consideration: £1000. All the manor of Blackbrook; and also all that capital messuage called Blackbrook; and also messuages, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments etc. situated in par. Skenfrith. together with Release - 26 Sep 1857 1. Richard Leathes Baker. 2. John Crawfurd now a widower. Consideration: £100. Properties as above 26 Sep 1846, 29 Sep 1846 |
D2833/18 Conveyance 1. John Crawfurd of Wilton Crescent, co. Mddx., esq., widower. 2. Peter Rotherwell Jackson of Bowden, co. Chester, esq. 3. Arthur Bailey of Bolton le Moors, co. Lancaster, gent. Consideration: £10,000. All the manor of Blackbrook; and also all that capital messuage called Blackbrook; and messuages, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments etc. situated in the par. Skenfrith (plan included). 28 Sep 1857 |
D2833/19 Deed of Covenant 1. John Crawfurd of Wilton Crescent, co. Mddx., esq., widower. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Bowden, co. Chester, esq. For production of title deeds relating to the Blackbrook Estate (the manor of Blackbrook; all that capital messuage called Blackbrook; and messuages, tenements, farms, lands and hereditaments etc. situated in par. Skenfrith) conveyed to P.R. Jackson by deed of equal date. 28 Sep 1857 |
D2833/20 Agreement 1. Robert Newton Jackson of Blackbrook, esq. 2. Douglas William Graham of Hilston Park, co. Mon., esq. Rights of way and boundary walls in the area of Blackbrook (plans enclosed). 14 Jul 1906 |
D2833/21-24 Lower Dock 17th century-18th century |
D2833/21 Mortgage 1. John Prichard of Skenfrith, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife. 2. Walter Evans of Llangattock Vibon Avel, esq. Consideration: £20. All that messuage or tenement with appurtenances commonly called Lower Dock, and all houses, outhouses, gardens, buildings and orchards; and all those 3 parcels of land meadow and pasture (17a.); and also all those 2 parcels of wood and rough ground (6a.); and also that parcel of meadow; and also all those 2 other parcels of arable land (10a.) - all situated in par. Skenfrith. 17 Jul 1689 |
D2833/22 Deed to Lead to the Uses of a Fine 1. John Prichard of par. Skenfrith, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife; Susan Prichard, spinster, sole daughter and heir apparent of the said John and Elizabeth. 2. Thomas Harries the younger, son and heir apparent of Thomas Harries the elder of par. Skenfrith, blacksmith. 3. William Warnell of par. Skenfrith, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife. 4. Thomas Rawlings the younger of par. Skenfrith, yeoman. All that messuage or tenement with appurtenances commonly called Lower Dock, and all houses, outhouses, gardens, buildings and orchards; and all of those 3 parcels of land, meadow and pasture (17a.); and also all those 2 other parcels of arable land (10a.) - all situated in par. Skenfrith. And all that other messuage or tenement with appurtenances, and barns, stables, buildings, gardens and orchards; together with 1 piece of meadow ground (6a.); and also one other piece of meadow called Gworloed (3a.); and also all those 8 parcels of arable land and pasture (48a.) - all situated in par. Grosmont. 20 Feb 1694 |
D2833/23 Quitclaim 1. John Prichard of par. Skenfrith, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, and Susan Prichard, sole daughter and heir apparent of the said John and Elizabeth. 2. Thomas Harries the younger, son and heir apparent of Thomas Harries the elder of par. Skenfrith, blacksmith. Consideration: £5 11s 9d. All that messuage or tenement with appurtenances commonly called Lower Dock; and all houses, outhouses, gardens, buildings and orchards; and all those 3 parcels of land, meadowe and pasture (17a.); and also all those 2 parcels of wood and rough ground (6a.); and also all that parcel of meadow; and also all those 2 other closes of arable land (10a.) - all situated in par. Skenfrith. 1 Feb 1695 |
D2833/24 Lease 1. Thomas Harries the younger, son and heir apparent of Thomas Harries the elder of par. Skenfrith, blacksmith; the said Thomas Harries the elder; and Thomas Evans of Llangattock Vibon Avel, esq., son and heir of Walter Evans, esq., dec'd. 2. John Thomas of par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, gent., and John Bayley of par. St. Weynards, co. Hereford, yeoman. Consideration: 5s. Properties as in quitclaim of 1 Feb 1695 (D2833//22) Term: 1 year. 31 May 1706 |
D2833/25-30 Little Wern or Glory Hole 19th century |
D2833/25 Conveyance 1. Cornelius Lloyd of Abergavenny, attorney-at-law. 2. George Lloyd of Aantyreath Farm, par. Skenfrith, farmer. Condiseration: £60. All that cottage and garden commonly called Little Wern otherwise Glory Hole, and situated near Nantyreath Farm in par. Skenfrith, together with outhouses and appurtenances. 22 May 1860 |
D2833/26 Requisitions on Title of George Lloyd to hereditaments called Little Wern, par. Skenfrith. 27 Jan 1876 |
D2833/27 Bond 1. George Lloyd of Gibralter Farm, par. Grosmont, farmer; and Henry Harris of Trevoneg, par. Skenfrith, farmer. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, esq. £160. Bond for enjoyment of hereditaments called Little Wern or Glory Hole in par. Skenfrith. 8 Feb 1876 |
D2833/28 Conveyance 1. George Lloyd Gibralter Farm, par. Grosmont, farmer. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, esq. Consideration: £80. All that cottage and garden commonly called Little Wern otherwise Glory Hole situated near Nantyreath Farm in par. Skenfrith. 8 Feb 1876 |
D2833/29 Statutory Declaration by George Lloyd of Gibralter Farm, par. Grosmont, farmer, and James Sayce of Lion Street, Abergavenny, gent., as to the title and possession of Little Wern or Glory Hole premises situated near Nantyreath in par. Skenfrith. 29 Feb 1876 |
D2833/30 Abstract of Title of George Lloyd to hereditaments called Little Wern in par. Skenfrith, 22 May 1860. 1876 |
D2833/31-43 Brook House or Nantthee Farm, and Tyr Mayre 19th century |
D2833/31 Lease/Release 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, yeoman (nephew and devisee named in the last will and testament of Thomas Gwillym late of town of Monmouth, innholder, dec'd., who was the eldest son and heir apparent, and also devisee named and appointed in and by the last will and testament of Thomas Gwillym late of par. Skenfrith, gent., dec'd., by Elizabeth his wife, also dec'd., which said last mentioned Thomas Gwillym was only son and heir at law of Thomas Gwillym formerly of Skefrith, gent., dec'd., by his wife [blank] also dec'd.), and Ann his wife. 2. Henry Phillips of par. Grosmont, gent. Consideration: 5s/£250. All that newly erected messuage or tenement commonly called Nantthee otherwise Brook House, with barns, beasthouses, stables, outhouses and buildings; and also all land arable, meadow, pasture and wood ground (67a.) situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: 1 year. Enclosed: Bond - 13 Dec 1800 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, yeoman, and John Carter of par. Skenfrith, yeoman. 2. Henry Phillips of par. Grosmont, gent. £500. 12/13 Dec 1800 |
D2833/32 Lease/Release 1. Henry Phillips of par. Grosmont, gent., and Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, gent. 2. Robert Williams of town of Monmouth, gent. Consideration: 5s./£298. All that newly erected messuage or tenement commonly called Nantthee otherwise Brook House with barns, beasthouses, stables, outhouses and buildings; and also all land arable, meadow, pasture and woodground (67a.) situated in par. Skenfrith; and also other hereditaments and premises comprised in indentures of lease and release dated 12-13 December 1800 (D2833/30). Term: 1 year. 19/20 Mar 1813 |
D2833/33 Lease 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, gent., and Ann his wife. 2. Robert Williams of town of Monmouth, gent. Consideration: 5s. All that messuage or tenement, farm and lands commonly called Tyr Mayre situated in par. Skenfrith; and also all that messuage or tenement with barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, yards, gardens and orchards; and also the site of a cottage or dwelling house, together with several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture land, wood and rough ground (50a.) - all which said messuage, cottage and lands are situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: 1 year. 24 Mar 1814 |
D2833/34 Release and Declaration 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, gent., and Ann his wife. 2. Robert Williams of town of Monmouth, gent. Consideration: £1000. Release in fee of all that messuage or tenement, farm and lands commonly called Tyr Mayre, situated in par. Skenfrith; and also all that messuage or tenement with barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, yards, gardens, and orchards; and also the site of a cottage or dwelling house together with several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture land, wood and rough ground (50a.) - all which said premises are situated in par. Skenfrith. Declartion that the Brook House Estate already in mortgage to Mr Williams for securing £298 and interest shall stand charged with payment not only of that sum and its interest, but also with payment of the said sum of £1000 and interest. Enclosed: Bond 1. John Carter of par. Skenfrith, farmer, and Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, yeoman. 2. Ferdinand Meredith of par. Skenfrith, butcher. 100 guineas (Attached: notes stating that Thomas Carter promises to pay various sums of money to Robert Williams (approx. 10 items)). 1 May 1795 |
D2833/35 Release in fee of Tyr Mayre and other estates in Monmouthshire in trust to sell and pay off 3 sums of £1000, £298 and £224 (amounting together to £1,522 and the interest thereof respectively). 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, gent., and Ann his wife. 2. Robert Williams of town of Monmouth, gent. Consideration: £224. All that messuage or tenement called Nantthee otherwise Brookhouse with all barns, beasthouses, stables, outhouses, buildings, lands, arable, meadow, pasture, woodground and appurtenances; messuage or tenement, farm and lands called Tyr Mayre with appurtenances; other hereditaments and premises - all of which said premises are situated in parish of Skenfrith. 8 May 1815 |
D2833/36 Release 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, gent. 2. Robert Williams of town of Monmouth, gent. Consideration: £109. All that newly erected messuage or tenement and farm commonly called Nantthee otherwise Brookhouse, with barns, beasthouses, stables, outhouses and buildings; and also lands arable, meadow, pasture, and woodground (67a.); and also all that messuage or tenement, farm and lands commonly called Tyr Mayre; and also all that messuage or tenement with barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, yards, gardens and orchards, together with several parcels of arable, meadow, pasture land, wood and rough ground (50a.) - all which said premises are situated in par. Skenfrith. (Enclosed: 2 receipts dated 11 Nov 1819 and 17 Dec 1827). 18 Mar 1820 |
D2833/37 Lease/Release 1. Robert Williams of town of Monmouth, esq. 2. Annabella Williams and Anne Williams of town of Monmouth, spinsters, daughters of Robert Williams. Consideration: 5s./£2,400. All that newly erected messuage or tenement and farm commonly called Nantthee otherwise Brookhouse with barn, beasthouses, stables, outhouses, and outbuildings; and also land arable, meadow, pasture, and woodground (67a.); and also all that messuage or tenement, farm and lands commonly called Tyr Mayre; and also all that messuage or tenement with barn, stables, outhouses, buildings, yards, gardens and orchards, with several parcels of arable, meadow, and pasture land, wood and rough ground (50a.) - all of which said premises are situated in par. Skenfrith and are now called Brook House Farm (115a. 2r.). Term: 1 year. (Enclosed: valuation of timber on Brook House Farm). 1 Oct 1834 |
D2833/38 Lease 1. Rev. Thomas Williams, Rector of Llanvapley, clerk, and the said Thomas Williams, and James Powles of town of Monmouth, gent. 2. Annabella Williams of town of Monmouth, spinster. Consideration: 5s. All those 2 undivided third parts of 1 undivided moiety of all that newly erected messuage or tenement and farm commonly called Nantthee otherwise Brook House, with barn, beasthouse, stables, outhouses and buildings; and also all that land arable, pasture and wood ground (67a.); and also all that messuage or tenement, farm and lands commonly called Tyr Mayre; and also all that messuage or tenement with barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, yards, gardens and orchards, together with several parcels of arable, meadow, pasture land, wood and rough ground (50a.) - all of which said premises are situated in par. Skenfrith and known as the Brook House Farm (115a. 2r.). Term: 1 year Attached: Release - 1 May 1837 1. Rev. Thomas Williams, Rector of Llanvapley, clerk. 2. The said Thomas Williams and James Powles of town of Monmouth, gent. 3. Henry Bird of city of Hereford, surgeon, and Cassandra, his wife. 4. Annabella Williams of town of Monmouth, spinster. Consideration: £400. 2 undivided third parts of 1 undivided moiety of an estate called Brook House situated in par. Skenfrith. 30 Apr 1837 |
D2833/39 Agreement 1. Annabella Williams of town of Monmouth, spinster. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, esq. Agreement to sell all that messuage or tenement, farm lands and hereditaments situated in par. Skenfrith, and called Brookhouse Farm (104a. 2r.) with appurtenances for the sum of £3000 (Enclosed: 2 letters addressed to P.R. Jackson concerning Brook House Farm, 17, 19 Mar 1873). 2 Apr 1873 |
D2833/40 Conveyance 1. Annabella Williams of Monk Street, town of Monmouth, spinster. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook House, par. Skenfrith, esq. Consideration: £3000. All that messuage or tenement and farm with cottages, barns, stables, outhouses, parcels of land arable, meadow, pasture, orchard, and wood ground (formerly called Nantthee or Brook House, and Tyr Mayre) - all of which said premises are commonly called by the general name of Brook House Farm and are situated in par. Skenfrith (plan included). 5 May 1873 |
D2833/41 Deed of Covenant 1. John Endell Powles of town of Monmouth, gent., and George Griffin Tyler of same town, banker. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook House, par. Skenfrith, esq. Consideration: 10s. Production of deeds (dated 8/9 Jul 1834, 2/3 Oct 1836, and 2 Mar 1868) relating to the title to the Brook House Farm situated in par. Skenfrith. 5 May 1873 |
D2833/42 Abstract of Title of Miss Annabella Williams to the Brookhouse Farm in par. Skenfrith, contracted to be sold to P.R. Jackson, esq., 1 Oct 1834-12 Apr 1873. 1873 |
D2833/43 Schedule of Deeds and writings relating to the Brook House Farm in par. Skenfrith, 13 Dec 1800-5 May 1873. 1873 |
D2833/44-63 Nantareath or Oxbrook Farm 19th century |
D2833/44 Appointment and Release in fee by way of mortgage 1. John Brigges of Blackbrook House, par. Skenfrith, esq. 2. Hugh Powell of par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, esq.: Richard Lewis of par. Llantillio Crossenny, esq., and Edward Harris the younger of the same parish, yeoman. Consideration: £2000. All that messuage or dwelling house, farm and premises commonly called the Old Ox's Brook or Nant Yr Hearn Ych Farm in par. Skenfrith, with all houses, outhouses, edifices, barns, buildings, gardens, orchards and several parcels of land arable, meadow and pasture (200a.). 10 Jan 1812 |
D2833/45 Conveyance of the share and interest of Mr and Mrs Davies in right of the latter in an estate called Nantareath or Oxbrook in par. Skenfrith, in consideration of an annuity of £25 for the life of John Davies and for the life of Ann Davies his wife in case she should survive him. 1. John Davies of the Red House, par. Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, yeoman, and Ann his wife; and Ann Harris, spinster. 2. John Lloyd of Brynderi House, par. Llantillio Crossenny, gent. Consideration: annuity of £25 and 10s. All that one undivided third part or share and all other shares or parts to which the said John Davies and Ann his wife are entitled of and in - all that messuaage or dwelling house, farm and hereditaments heretofore called Old Oxes Brook or Nantyrhearn Ych Farm and now called Nantareath or Oxbrook situated in par. Skenfrith, together with several parcels of land arable, meadow and pasture (approx. 200a.) and outhouses, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, yards, gardens, orchards etc. Enclosed: certificate recording that Ann Davies appeared before 2 Commissioners (for taking the acknowlegements of deeds by married women) and produced an indenture of release dated 12 Mar 1844 made between John Davies and Ann his wife on the one part and John Lloyd of the other part (see above). 12 Mar 1844 |
D2833/46 Mortgage of one equal undivided sixth part or share of and in all that messuage and farm called Oxbrook or Nantareath Farm situated in par. Skenfrith, to secure £400 and interest. 1. William Lloyd of the White House in par. Llantillio Crossenny, farmer. 2. Edward Lloyd Powell of town of Abergavenny, gent. Consideration: £400. All that one equal undivided sixth part of share of and in all that messuage or tenement and farm, parcels of land and hereditaments called Oxbrook or Nantareath Farm situated in par. Skenfrith. 9 Jul 1851 |
D2833/47 Mortgage 1. John Lloyd of Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, co. Mon., gent. 2. Edith Eliza King of town of Monmouth, spinster. Consideration: £539.15s. All that one undivided third part of all that messuage, farm and hereditaments called Nantareath or Oxbrook situated in par. Skenfrith, together with several parcels of land arable, meadow and pasture (200a.) and appurtenances. Term: 1000 years Together with: Assignment of Mortgage - 2 Jun 1866 1. David Thomas Morgan of Leytonstone, co. Essex., esq., James Pearce King of town of Monmouth, esq., and George Stonestreet Trower of Hyde Park Square, co. Mddx., esq. 2. John Lloyd formerly of Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, but now of Hill Grove, near Abergavenny, gent. 3. Henry Morgan Clifford of Llantilio, co. Mon., esq. Consideration: £385.3s.4d. Transfer and assignment of all the estate and interest of the said David Thomas Morgan, James Pearce King and George Stonestreet Trower by virtue of the above indenture on 5 Mar 1856 and an indenture of 9 Aug 1856 of and in the sum of £1000, and of and in the term of 500 years, and in the hereditaments and premises upon which the said sum was secured. 5 Mar 1856, 2 Jun 1866 |
D2833/48 Assignment of Mortgage 1. Edith Eliza King og town of Monmouth, spinster. 2. George Delmar of Park Crescent, Portland Place, co. Mddx., esq.; James Pearce King of town of Monmouth, gent., and George Stonestreet Trower of Hyde Park Square, co. Mddx., esq. All that principal sum of £539 15s. and interest; and also the indenture of mortgage (dated 5 Mar 1856 between John lloyd of par. Llanvihangel Ystern Llewern, gent., and Eliza Edith King concerning all that one undivided third part of all that messuage or dwelling house, farm and hereditaments called Nantareath or Oxbrook in par. Skenfrith, together with several parcels of land arable, meadow and pasture (approx. 200a. and appurtenances) and all other deeds, securities, writings and conditions of title belonging to the said Edith Eliza King relating to the said hereditaments. 9 Aug 1856 |
D2833/49 Mortage 1. Margaret Lloyd of Abergavenny, spinster. 2. Ann Phillips of the Horse Shoe in par. Llangattock Crickhowell, co. Brecon, widow. Consideration: £100. All that one undivided twelfth part of all that messuage or tenement, farm, lands and hereditaments called Nantyreath situated in par. Skenfrith (approx. 170a.); and also all that one undivided ninth part of the said messuage and hereditaments called Nantyreath with appurtenances. 5 Oct 1858 |
D2833/50 Mortgage 1. Ann Phillips of par. Llangattock Crickhowell, co. Brecon, widow. 2. Margaret Lloyd of Abergavenny, spinster. 3. Jane Farr of the Slough Farm, near Usk, widow. Consideration: £100. All those seven thirty-sixth equal parts of all that messuage or tenement, farm, lands and hereditaments called Nantyreath situated in par. Skenfrith (approx. 170a.), together with all houses and appurtenances, and all deeds and writings relating to the said hereditaments. 13 Nov 1860 |
D2833/51 Mortgage 1. Edward Lloyd Powell of Abergavenny, gent. 2. William Lloyd of par. Raglan, gent. 3. Crawshay Bailey the younger of Nantyglo Iron Works esq., and Philip Williams of par. Llanwenarth, esq. Consideration: £400. All that one undivided sixth part of all that messuage or tenement and farm, parcels of land and hereditaments called Oxbrook or Nantareath Farm situated in par. Skenfrith with appurtenances. 16 Jun 1863 |
D2833/52 Transfer of Mortgage 1. Crawshay Bailey the younger formerly of Nantyglo Iron Works, but now of Maindiff Court, co. Mon., esq.; and Philip Williams of par. Llanelly, co. Brecon, esq. 2. William Lloyd of par. Raglan, gent. 3. John Bell of Manor House, Paddington, co. Mddx., gent., and John Lloyd of Llantilio Pertholey, co. Mon.,m gent. Consideration: £400. All that one undivided sixth part of all that messuage, tenement and farm, parcels of land and hereditaments called Oxbrook or Nantareath Farm situated in par. Skenfrith. 5 Sep 1866 |
D2833/53 Mortgage 1. John Lloyd formerly of par. Llanvihangel Ystern Llewerm, but now of Hill Grove, near Abergavenny, gent. 2. Gordon Wyatt Clark of Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, Mddx., esq., and James Pearce King of town of Monmouth, esq. Consideration: £500. All that one undivided third part or share of and in all that messuage or dwelling house, farm and hereditaments now called Nantareath or Oxbrook situated in par. Skenfrith, together with several parcels of land arable, meadow and pasture (200a.) and appurtenances. Attached: Reconveyance - 24 April 1872 1. Gordon Wyatt Clarke of Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, Mddx., gent., and James Pearce King of town of Monmouth, esq. 2. John Farquhar Lloyd of Hyrle Cottage in par. Bridston, co. Hereford, gent. Consideration: £500. All the hereditaments and premises comprised in and granted and conveyed by the above mortgage deed of 5 Dec. 1866, freed and absolutely discharged from the principal sum of £500 and interest. 5 Dec 1866, 24 Apr 1872 |
D2833/54 Mortgage in fee 1. Mary Watkins of town of Carmarthen, widow. 2. William Gwillim of Abergavenny, carpenter. Consideratio: £100 All that undivided one ninth of all that messuage or tenement, farm, lands and hereditaments called Nantareath situated in par. Skenfrith (approx. 170a.), together with and equal ninth part, and all houses, outhouses, buildings and appurtenances. 25 Mar 1870 |
D2833/55 Transfer of Mortgage 1. William Gwillim of Abergavenny, carpenter. 2. John Watkins of Whitecastle, par. Llantilio Crossenny, shoemaker. Consideration: £100. The sum of £100 and interest owed to William Gwillim; and the full benefit of the covenants entered into by the said Mary Watkins in an indenture of mortgage of 25 Mar 1870 (concerning 2 ninths parts of a messuage, farm, lands and hereditaments called Nantareath in par. Skenfrith, and all house, outhouses, buildings and appurtenances), and of all other securities for the same premises; and all the said hereditaments and premises. 27 Mar 1871 |
D2833/56 Requisitions on Title (Copy) of John Farquhar Lloyd to a third share of and in a farm and lands called Nant Y Reech in par. Skenfrith. (Enclosed: schedule of deeds to be delivered by J. Farquhar Lloyd 1872). 15 Feb 1872 |
D2833/57 Requisitions of Title (copy) to a freehold estate called Nant-yr-yrch in par. Skenfrith. 19 Feb 1872 |
D2833/58 Reconveyance 1. John Bell of Manor House, Paddington, co. Mddx., gent. 2. William Lloyd of Cefn Coch, par. Raglan. Consideration: £454 1s 8d. All that undivided sixth part of all that messuage or tenement and farm, parcels of land and hereditaments called Oxbrook or Nantareath Farm situated in par. Skenfrith. 21 Feb 1872 |
D2833/59 Statutory Declaration as to the title to Nant-Yr-Ych or Nantyreath Farm in par. Skenfrith, by James Sayce of Abergavenny, gent., William Lloyd of par. Raglan, gent., Mary Watkins of town of Carmarthen, widow, Margaret Morris wife of Richard Morris of Swansea, gent., and Anne Hodgens of Abergavenny, widow (Attached: vopy of marriage entry in par. registers of Llantilio Crossenny, 1869). 15 Jul 1872 |
D2833/60 Conveyance 1. Henry Morgan Clifford of Llantilio, co. Mon., and of par. Torquay, co. Devon, eq. 2. John Watkins of White Castle, par. Llantilio Crossenny, shoemaker. 3. Mary Watkins of town of Carmarthen, widow. 4. Jane Farr formerly of Slough Farm, near Usk, but now of Penbiddle, par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, widow. 5. James Sayce of Abergavenny, gent. 6. Margaret Morris, wife of Richard Morris of Swansea, co. Glam., gent. 7. Cornelius Lloyd formerly of Abergavenny, but now of Bath, co. Soms., gent., and William Lloyd of par. Raglan, gent. 8. Anne Hodgens of Abergavenny, widow. 9. The said William Lloyd. 10. John Farquhar Lloyd late of par. Brampton Abbotts, co. Hereford, but now of par. Bridstow, esq. 11. Peter Rothwell Jackson of par. Skenfrith, esq. Consideration: £2,800. All that farm with messuage or dwelling house, barns, stables, outhouses, parcels of arable meadow, pasture, orchard and woodland called Nantyreath situated in par. Skenfrith (168a. 3r. 38p.) (plan enclosed). 16 Jul 1872 |
D2833/61 Statutory Declaration as to the title to Nantyreath Farm, par. Skenfrith, by John Farquhar Lloyd of par. Bridstow and George Lloyd of par. Grosmont. 8 Aug 1872 |
D2833/62 Statutory Declaration as to the title to Nantyreath Farm, par. Skenfrith, by Henry Morgan Clifford of par. Llantilio Crossenny, co. Mon., and par. Torquay, co. Devon. 23 Oct 1872 |
D2833/63 List of Deeds etc. handed over to Mr Jackson on completion of conveyance dated 16 July 1872 re. Nantyreath 1706-1872. 1872 |
D2833/64-87 Miscellaneous Properties 19th century |
D2833/64 Marriage Settlement (2 copies) 1. William Powell of Skenfrith, yeoman, and Margaret his wife. 2. Robert Needham of Hilstone, co. Mon., gent., and Phillips Morgan of Skenfrith, gent. 3. Margaret Mason of town of Monmouth, widow. Consideration: £120 and 5s. All that messuage or tenement with appurtenances commonly called Llade, and all house, outhouses, bakehouses, barns, stables, gardens, orchards etc. situated in par. Skenfrith. 20 Dec 1693 |
D2833/65 Mortgage 1. Thomas Walker of par. Rockfield, gent., and Mary his wife. 2. Elizabeth Betham of town of Monmouth, widow. Consideration: £30. All that cottage or dwelling house with appurtenances; all that garden and close of land (1a.), and also all those 2 closes of land with appurtenances (16a.) - all which said premises are situated in par. Skenfrith. And also all those 2 messuages, tenements or dwelling houses; and also all house, outhouses, barns, buildings, gardens, orchards etc. - situated in par. Rockfield. And also all that other messuage or tenement with appurtenances and houses, outhouses, barns, buildings, gardens, orchards etc. - situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: remainder of term of 500 years. 18 Oct 1730 |
D2833/66 Common Recovery 1. Samuel Bullock. 2. John Berrow, esq. 3 mesuages, 8 gardens, land (320a.), pasture (40a.), wood (8a.), furze and heath (7a.) with appurtenances situated in par. Skenfrith. Hilary Term 1734 |
D2833/67 Final Agreement (2 copies) 1. Henry Phillips, gent., plaintiff. 2. Thomas Carter and Ann his wife, deforciants. 1 cottage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 beasthouse, 1 cider mill, land (30a.), meadow (20a.), pasture (20a.), wood (7a.) with appurtenances in par. Skenfrith. £100. Apr 1801 |
D2833/68 Lease 1. William Jones the elder to town of Monmouth, yeoman, and William Jones of par. Wolterstone, co. Hereford, yeoman. 2. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, yeoman, and William Carter of par. Skenfrith, farmer. Consideration: 5s. All that messuage or tenement with barn, stable, outhouses, buildings, yards, gardens, and orchards; and also the site of a cottage or dwelling house, together with several parcels of arable, meadow and pasture ground, wood and rough ground (50a.) situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: 1 year. 13 Jan 1803 |
D2833/69 Conveyance 1. William Jones the elder of town of Monmouth, yeoman, and William Jones the younger of par. Wolterstone, co. Hereford, yeoman (eldest sons and heir apparent of the said William Jones the elder). 2. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, yeoman, and William Carter of par. Skenfrith, farmer. Consideration: £517 10s. Conveyance in fee to the mortgage of the equity of redmeption of premises in par. Skenfrith (specified in lease of 13 Jan 1803 D2833/68) which were mortgaged in fee. 14 Jan 1803 |
D2833/70 Declaration of Trust 1. Hugh Powell of par. Llanvihangel Crucorney, esq.; Richard Lewis of Llantilio Crossenny, esq.; and Edward Harris the younger of the same parish, yeoman. 2. Edward Harris the elder of par. Llantilio Crossenny, yeoman; Mary Harris and Ann Harris of the same place, spinsters; and John Lloyd of Skenfrith, gent., and Margaret his wife (which said Mary and Ann Harris, and Margaret Lloyd are the daughters of the said Edward Harris the elder). Declaration of trust of the sum of £3,000. 11 Jan 1812 |
D2833/71 Common Recovery 1. William Phillpotts. 2. Henry [] Comyus Berkeley. 2 messuages, 1 beasthouse, 4 gardens, land (60a.), meadow (30a.), pasture (20a.), wood (20a.), furze and heath, and common of pasture (10a.) with appurtenances in par. Skenfrith. Trinity Term 1814 |
D2833/72 Final Agreement 1. Robert Williams, gent., plaintiff. 2. Thomas Carter and Ann his wife, deforciants. 4 messuages, 2 cottages, 4 barns, 4 stables, 3 cowhouses, 2 cider mills, 5 gardens, 5 orchards, land (80a.), meadow (60a.), pasture (40a.), wood (20a.), furze, heath and common pasture (10a.) with appurtenances in par. Skenfrith. [Jun 1815] |
D2833/73 Mortgage 1. Thomas Carter of par. Skenfrith, gent. 2. Joseph Pomphrey Austin of Partyseal, co. Mon., esq. Consideration: £140. Sums of money (namely, £398, £1000 and £224) which by virtue of an indenture of release (8 May 1815) will become payable or due to Thomas Carter, after the trusts of the said indenture have been performed; and messuages, tenements, lands and hereditaments situated in par. Skenfrith and comprised in the said indenture. 26 Jul 1817 |
D2833/74 Lease/Appointment and Release 1. John Ralph Norton Norton of town of Monmouth, gent. 2. Sarah Pugh of 33 Bernard Street, Russell Square, city of Westminster, co. Mddx., widow. Consideration: 5s/£855. Two parcels of land (12a. 2r. 12p. and 5a. 1r. 27p.) now united into one parcel called Crae Graig; and also all that parcel of arable land called Ten Acres (7a. 3r.); and also all that parcel of arable land called Hill Field (8a. 2r. 30p.); and also all that parcel of woodland called Upper Wood (4a. 20p.); and also all that parcel of pasture land adjoining the said wood (1a.); and also all that other parcel of pasture land (1a.)- all which said parcels of land are situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: 1 year. 24/25 Mar 1841 |
D2833/75 Conveyance 1. John Hinton of par. Skenfrith, yeoman. 2. William Hinton of the same place, labourer, a nephew of the said John Hinton. Consideration: £10 All that messuage, tenement or cottafe with garden, outhouses, buildings and appurtenances situated in par. Skenfrith. 4 Aug 1843 |
D2833/76 Mortgage by demise 1. William Hinton of par. Skenfrith, labourer. 2. Walter James of par. Grosmont, yeoman. Consideration: £23. All that messuage, tenement or cottage with garden, outhouses, buildings and appurtenances situated in par. Skenfrith. Term: 500 years. 19 Jun 1844 |
D2833/77 Appointment and Grant 1. William Richard Baker Sellon of Partyseal, co. Mon., esq., a Capt. in the Royal Navy. 2. Rev. Stephen Cattley Baker, clerk, vicar of par. church of Skenfrith. 3. Hon. John James Robert Manners commonly called Lord John Manners; Rev. Harcourt Skrine of Littleton, co. Mddx., clerk, and Rev. William Wyndham Malet of Ardeley, co. Hertford, clerk. Consideration: £600. Yearly rent charge of £34 0s. 5d. in lieu of tithes arising out of lands in par. Skenfrith (numbered on tithe map). 30 Apr 1850 |
D2833/78 Deed of Covenant 1. John Lake of Lade Farm in par. Skenfrith, yeoman. 2. George Speke of city of Bath, esq. Consideration: 10s. for production of title deeds conveyed to G. Speke by deed of 25 Nov 1854 relating to: all that parcel of arable land called Ten Acres (7a. 3r.); also all that parcel of land called Hillfield (8a. 2r. 3p.); also all that parcel of woodland called Upper Wood (4a. 7p.); also 2 parcels of pasture land (1a. each) which were formerly part of a certain parcel of land called Rough Field - all which said parcels of land were situated in par. Skenfrith and were formerly part of a farm and lands called the Lade. 27 Nov 1854 |
D2833/79 Mortgage 1. Rev. William Speke, clerk, vicar of par. church of Skenfrith, and diocese of the bishop of Llanadff. 2. The Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the augmentation of the maintenance of the Poor Clergy. Consideration: 5s. and £300. All the glebe lands, tithes, rents, rent charges of parish of Skenfrith. Term: 35 years. (Attached: various papers, including: appointment of George Speke to receive money raised for 'promoting the residence of parochial clergy' (1856); consent by vicar of Skenfrith to the construction of buildings upon the Glebe of Skenfrith, and the borrowing of £300 by William Speke (1856); statement of account of the vicarage of Skenfrith (1856); declaration by George Speke that he is solely and absolutely possessed of the advowson of the vicarage of Skenfrith (1856)). 7 May 1856 |
D2833/80 Statutory Declaration of William Lloyd of Cefn Coch, par. Raglan, gent., in verification of the heirship of John Farquhar Lloyd to his deceased father, John Lloyd. 20 Feb 1872 |
D2833/81 Probate of Will (attested copy) of Anne Williams late of borough of Monmouth, dec'd. All her real and personal estate to her brother Thomas Williams and her two sisters Annabella Williams and Cassandra Bird. Executor: her brother, Thomas Williams. Witnessess: Jane Williams, Margaret Rosser, and Eliza Steel. 16 Apr 1873 |
D2833/82 Declaration of John Endell Powles of town of Monmouth, solicitor, concerning Robert William and his family, and in particular an indenture of settlement (30/31 Dedc 1827) relating to Mansion House Farm and lands called Aberbraine-Vawr, par. Llanspythid, co. BRECON. 2 May 1873 |
D2833/83 Transfer of Mortgage 1. Sarah James of 16 High Street, Abergavenny, spinster. 2. Edward James Price of 16 Hiugh Street, draper. Consideration: £46 4s. Several sums of £23, £7 and £4 now owed to Sarah James affecting a cottage and garden situated in par. Skenfrith. 19 Jun 1878 |
D2833/84 Contract for Sale and Purchase 1. Thomas Hinton of Crawshaw Booth Rawteenstall, near Manchester, wheelwright. 2. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook, par. Llantilio Crossenny, esq. All that cottage and garden with appurtenances situated in par. Skenfrith. Purchase money £62. 28 Feb 1879 |
D2833/85 Conveyance 1. Thomas Hinton of 4 Buckingham Place, Clifton, near Bristol. 2. Edward James Price of 16 High Street, town of Abergavenny, draper. 3. Peter Rothwell Jackson of Blackbrook, par. Skenfrith, esq. Consideration: £46 4s. All that messuage, tenement or cottage with garden, outhouses, buildings and appurtenances situated in par. Skenfrith. 28 Apr 1879 |
D2833/86 Abstract of Title of Thomas Hinton and his mortgages to a cottage and garden with appurtenances situated in par. Skenfrith. 1879 |
D2833/87 Collection of miscellaneous papers including: Agreement to relinquish all claim under will of John Lloyd 1843, 1843-1879 Succession duty accounts of John Farquhar Lloyd of par. Brampton Abbotts, and of J. Sayce, solicitor of Abergavenny, 1871, 1879. Copy certificates of burials of: Mary Edward of Llantilio Pertholey (12 Feb 1847); Benjamin Hodgens of par. Kilmally, co. Wexford, Ireland (15 Nov 1848); Thomas Hodgens of par. Clifton, city of Bristol (10 Mar 1865); and Rev. Benjamin Hodgens of par. Abergavenny (20 April 1859). Copy certificate of marriage of Richard Morris and Margaret Lloyd, par. St Ishmael, co. Carmarthen (24 Mar 1868). 1879 |