Gwent Archives

Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- Gwent Archives
- Creator
- Graig Parish Council.
- Title
- Graig Parish Council
- ID
- GB0218.D420
- Date
- 1894-1960
- Extent
- 0.54 Cubic Metres
- Language
- English
Arrangement note
Arranged in to the following; Minute Books, Financial Records, Legal Documents, Correspondence, Circulars, Parish Elections, Miscellaneous, Parish Activities.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
Gwent Archives
Conditions Governing Access note
Usual conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use note
Usual copyright conditions apply.
Accruals note
Accruals are not expected.
Immediate Source of Acquisition note
Appraisal note
All records have been retained.
Controlled Access Headings
- Parish Council Records-Wales-Monmouthshire
Other Finding Aids note
A hard copy catalogue is available at Gwent Archives.
Collection Inventory
Minute Books |
D420/1 Graig Parish Meetings (mainly annual or biennual to 1901, triennual 1901-1950 and concerned with election of parish councillors) 1894-1950 |
D420/2 Graig Parish Council 13 Dec 1894-25 Jun 1940 |
D420/2 Graig Parish Council (with copy minutes dated 30 May 1956 and n.d. and agenda for meetings dated 30 March 1955) 6 Aug 1940-14 Jul 1954 |
D420/4 Graig Parish Council Allotment Committee 4 May 1925-26 Mar 1952 |
Financial Records |
D420/5 Graig Parish Council Receipt and Payment Book 31 Mar 1914-31 Mar 1947 |
D420/6 Graig Parish Council, Financial Statments 31 Mar 1944 - 31 Mar 1957 |
D420/7 Precept Book 1937-1954 |
D420/8 Bank Statements 1934-1954 |
D420/9-10 Registers of allotment rents 31 Mar 1917-31 Mar 1928 |
D420 Register of allotment rents (Glochwen & Sunnybank, with rough rent list, 1959 to 1960) 31 Mar 1929-31 Mar 1945 |
D420/12 Duplicate receipt books, allotment rents (2) 15 Mar 1957-31 Mar 1958 |
D420/13 1 bundle vouchers 1958-1960 |
D420/14 1 bundle cancelled Cheques 1958-1960 |
Legal Documents 1901-1954 |
D420/15 Graig Parish Council and lord Tredegar Agreement for lease of 2 pieces of land at Rhiwderin par. of bassaleg for allotments, annually at £7.10s. p.a. 1901-1954 |
D420/16 Graig Parish Council and Lord Tredegar Agreement for lease of a piece of land on the east side of the public road leading from Rhiwderin to Risca, par. of Bassaleg 10 Apr 1901 |
D420/17 Saint Mellons Rural District Council and the Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Co. Agreement as to the construction of the sewers at Rhiwderin and Garth Farm in par.of Graig, co.Mon Together with correspondence between the Divisional Engineers Office of the Great Weston Railway, St Mellons Rural District Council and Graig Parish Council re the liability of the Railway co. for maintainance of the road under the railway at Rhiwderin 11th November 1926-31st November 1928 17 Jun 1912-31 Nov 1928 |
D420/18 Graig parish Council and Lord Tredegar Agreement for lease of a piece of land at Rhiwderin, par. of Bassaleg, annually at £4 p.a. 17 Aug 1918 |
D420/19 Letter from J.C.Deakin, agent to the Tredegar estate, to Mr Leslie Jones, clerk to Graig Parish Council, agreeing to the termination of the tenancy. 7 Nov 1953 |
D420/20 Order of Monmouthshire County Council dividing par. of Graig into two wards and increasing the representation of Magor and St. Mellons Rural District Council to 2 Councillors 5 Jul 1951 |
D420/21 Magor and St. Mellons Rural District Council and Graig Parish Council Lease of a piece of land at Bassaleg for childrens recreation ground 3 May 1954 |
Correspondence |
D420/22 Recreation ground at Bassaleg, together with pamphlet ''How to obtain a playing field'', published by the National Playing Fields Association 1920-1959 |
D420/23 Recreation ground at Rhiwderin 1948-1960 |
D420/24 Rowland Morgan Charity, together with particulars as to Charities in Monmouthshire (1898) ''Parocial Charities'', an article by Sir Robert Adcock C.B.E. D.L reprinted from Parish Council Reviews (1955) 1924-1953 |
D420/25 Water supply 1948-1960 |
D420/26 Bus Shelters 1945-1958 |
D420/27 Housing 1945-1958 |
D420/28 Rights of Way and Survey of footpaths, includes publications by the Commons,Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservation Society, (1932-1950) and an Order for stopping up Highways, (Monmouthshire), 1955 1945-1960 |
D420/29 Monmouthshire Assocciation of British Councils 1946-1960 |
D420/30 Local Government Boundary Commission, together with report of Local Government Boundary Commission (1947), and report and recommendations of Representatives of County Councils Association, Urban District Councils Association, Rural District Councils Association and National Association of Parish Councils 1947-1950 |
D420/31 Domestic Food Production Campaign 1948-1949 |
D420/32 Allotments, together with petition against letting of a piece of ground at the top of Tredegar Street for allotment purposes (N.D.) 1948-1960 |
D420/33 Making up of Graig Terrace, Bassaleg (with autographed letter from Aneurin Bevan) 1950 |
D420/34 Proposed generating station at Lower Machen 1951-1952 |
D420/35 War Memorial together with invitations to attend the unveiling and Order of Service (1924) 1953-1958 |
D420/36 Coronation celebration 1954 |
D420/37 Application for post of Clerk to the Parish Council 1954 |
D420/38 Almshouses at Bassaleg 1954 |
D420/39 Safety of Parish Records 1954 |
D420/41 Police coverage and Police Station, Bassaleg 1954-1958 |
D420/42 Insurance 1954-1959 |
D420/43 Closure of Rhiwdern Station 1955 |
D420/44 Extraction of small coal from River Ebbw 1956-1957 |
D420/45 Concern over road safety, Garth Hill 1956-1958 |
D420/46 Protest against the renaming and renumbering of houses and street in Graig 1957-1958 |
D420/47 Petition of inhabitants of New Estate, Bassaleg requesting a suitable football ground 1958 |
D420/48 Proposed private residential development, Bassaleg 1958 |
D420/49 Misc. items (Includes autographed letter from Wilfred Pickles) 1947-1954 |
Circulars |
D420/50 HM Government Street lighting; proxy voting at local elections; Local Government Conference Regulations; sale,lease or letting of land by Local Authorities; National Parks and access to the Countryside Act 1949; Local Government Act 1948; National Heath Service Act 1946; Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1945-1954 |
D420/51 County Council, Representation of the People Act 1949 12 Dec 1951 |
D420/52 Magor and St Mellons Rural District Council, Local Elections (Service Abroad) Act 1945; Representation of the People Act 1948; Parish Council Elections 1949; Lord Mayor of London's Thanksgiving Fund, District Road Safety Committee, National Health Service Act 1946, Rural Telephone Kiosks 1945-1955 |
Parish Elections |
D420/53 Nomination Papers (1946) Declaration of result of Poll Declaration of acceptance of office (1949) Notices to Poll, returns of persons elected (1952) Notice of election, blank consent to nomination form, blank nomination paper, notes for candidates, statement as to persons nominated, return of persons elected, declaration of acceptance of office, personal message from Charles King, Independant candidate, A/C expenses (1955) Notice of poll, return of persons elected, declarations of acceptance of office (1958) 1946-1958 |
Miscellaneous |
D420/54 Saints Mellons Rural District Council, bye-laws, new streets and buildings 1926 |
D420/55 Magor and St Mellons Rural District Council, byelaws, tents, vans, sheds and similar structures 1936 |
D420/56 Printed articles by Eddie Williams, Chairman of the Childrens Nutritional Council for Wales and Headmaster of Rogerstone County Council, Mon. 1946-1947 |
D420/57 Printed book, 'Between Mountain and march', by Antoney Pickford, illustrated by Michael Edmonds 1948 |
D420/58 Monmouthshire Rural Community Council Annual Report 1952-1953 |
D420/59 Monmouthshire County Council Fire Brigade, Annual Report of the Chief Fire Officer (2) and printed information (N.D.) 1954-1957 |
D420/60 Printed notice of Annual General Meeting 1947 |
D420/61 Newspaper cutting recording meeting of Graig Parish Council to consider the possibility of a new road connecting Rhiwderin with Tydu [Mid 20th century] |
D420/62 Print 'Duffryn Ebbw' signed by Nicholas Edmunds (see Between Mountain and Marsh) [Mid 20th century] |
D420/63 Printed book 'The Election of Parish Councils' 1894 |
D420/64 Corn Production Act 1917 |
D420/65 Standing Orders and extracts from Local Government Act 1933 1935 |
D420/66 Local Government Act 1948 |
D420/67 Journals of the Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservatiion Society (2) 1946, 1949 |
D420/68 'The Village' Quarterly Journal of the National Council of Social Services (3) 1947-1952 |
D420/69 'The Parliament of the Village', an Address by the Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Scott to the Berkshire Associations of Parish Councils 1948 |
D420/70 'Choosing Council Tennants', a report by the Scottish Housing Advisory Commitee 1950 |
D470/71 Parish Councils Reviews (incomplete) 1950-1960 |
D470/72 Draft standing orders of a Parish Council 1951 |
D470/73 'Flowers Welcome the Festival of Britain', publication of the National Gardens Guilds 1951 |
D420/74 Report on Local Government Administration in Civil Parishes 1952 |
D420/75 Annual Report of the National Associations of Parish Councils 1954-1955 |
D420/76 Model rules as to allotment gardens [Mid 20th century] |
D420/77 "Chance for the Chancellor" [Mid 20th century] |
D420/78 "The Tax on your Bus Service" Printed propaganda against the fuel tax [Mid 20th century] |
Parish Activities |
Jubilee Celerbration Commitee 25 Mar-20 May 1935 |
D420/79 Minutes of meeting held in connection with the Jubilee Celebration of King George V and Queen Mary 25 Mar 1935-20 May 1935 |
Coronation Celebrations Committee |
D420/79 Minutes 26 Mar 1937-26 May 1937 |
D420/80 Minute Book 17 Sep 1952-25 Nov 1953 |
D420/81 A/C Book Oct 1952-Feb 1953 |
D420/82 Vouchers and cancelled cheques 1952-1953 |
Commitee to raise funds for O.A.P. Outing 1951 |
D420/83 Minutes, balance sheet etc. 1951 |
Bassaleg Playing Grounds Association 1954-1955 |
D420/84 & 85 31st January 1954 - 31st January 1955 Income and expenditure A/C 7 Feb 1954 - 22nd Dec 1955 Register of Income and Expenditure 31 Jan 1954 - 22 Dec 1955 |
Plans and Drawings Aug 1918 - Jul 1955 |
D420/86 Sketch Plans of allotment lands at Rhiwderin (2) Aug 1918 -No date |
D420/86 Sketch Plans of Glochwen allotments Rhiwderin (2) Aug 1953 -July 1959 |
D420/86 Plan of site of proposed electricity power station for British Electricity Authority May 1951 |
D420/86 Preliminary plan of propsed site of childrens play ground at Bassaleg 1954 |
D420/86 Plan of path of intended sewer through allotments at Bassaleg. Tog. with notice of intention of Magor and St Mellons R.D.C. to construct such a sewer May 1959 |
D420/86 Drawings of hall proposed to be errected at Rhiwderin for the Assemblies of God No Date |
D420/86 Plan of bus shelter No Date |
D420/86 Plans of bus shelter locations No Date |